Persimmon knits your mouth what. How to choose a persimmon so as not to wonder “why the persimmon knits again”

When the time for summer seasonal fruits and berries passes, autumn-winter fruits appear on the shelves of stalls and shops, which include persimmon. It attracts attention with its bright, sunny orange color and the glossy shine of its skin. The article will talk about why persimmons make your mouth stick and how to make them sweeter.

For what reasons does persimmon stick in your mouth?

Persimmon is a favorite delicacy of most people, who value it for its juicy pulp and wonderful taste. But, probably, everyone at least once made a mistake with their choice and brought home a fruit that turned out to be unsuitable for eating due to the tart taste in the mouth. They usually say about such persimmons that they “knit your mouth” or “set your teeth on edge.”

The first reason why unpleasant taste sensations occur is the unripeness of the berry. Fully ripe persimmons will not set. The variety also affects the quality of taste; for example, the Korolek variety does not knit at any stage of ripening.

Persimmons contain a substance called tannin (tannic acid), which is responsible for the viscosity of this berry. Tannin is destroyed only after the persimmon is completely ripened. And it is he who contains healing properties and brings invaluable benefits to humans:

  • has a strong antibacterial effect;
  • contains antioxidants;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • tones the body.

When choosing persimmons, it is better to choose the Sharon variety - the fruits are large in size and have a sweet, dense pulp. But it is better not to consume Caucasian “sunny” berries until the end of December - beginning of January. And even in the midst of winter, it doesn’t hurt to carefully and closely examine each berry before purchasing and pay attention to:

  • ripeness;
  • the thickness of the peel (the thinner it is, the tastier the persimmon will be) and its color, which ideally will be a rich orange hue;
  • type of stalk (dry and without leaves, dark in color).

What to do? We transform persimmons from astringent to sweet!

Yes, persimmon is like a lottery, until you take a bite you won’t know the taste. And this can be done no earlier than it gets from the store to the kitchen table. If it turns out that persimmons are very mouth-watering, you need to help the fruits acquire sweetness. There are already proven methods What necessary do in such cases:

1. Cold test. Persimmons are placed in the freezer overnight. In the morning you can take it out and let it melt. The persimmon will become sweet (they always do this themselves, and it really works).
2. The second method, on the contrary, is thermal. The persimmon needs to be pierced in several places and lowered into sufficient hot water(but not boiling water!). This will take 24 hours, but the viscosity will mostly (or even completely) disappear.
3. You can put persimmon with apples or bananas in one tightly closed bag in equal quantities. Leave to ripen at room temperature for a day and then enjoy the sweet berry.

There is no need to be afraid that the persimmon will become overripe; even in an overripe state, it is suitable for eating and completely harmless.

Persimmons are consumed not only in fresh, so to speak, raw form. Cooks often use it in their dishes, because the berry has a very sweet taste and a beautiful, appetizing color. Cooking has its own secrets on how to deprive persimmons of their astringency:

1. Dry the fruits in any convenient way. Persimmons, which have been dried, are no longer sticky in the mouth and taste just as good as dates.
2. Berries can be dried; this method of processing makes them taste more pleasant than fresh ones; they do not knit at all.
3. If you peel the persimmon, remove the seeds and use it as an addition to the dough, the baked goods will be perfect beautiful color, more aromatic and sweet. At the same time, under the influence high temperature, the viscosity of the berry will disappear.

So, lovers of persimmon can now safely buy any type of this berry, because all the tricks for getting rid of its astringent taste have been revealed.

Persimmon is a seasonal fruit. Its appearance on sale means the onset of cold weather, since it usually hits store shelves in late autumn and early winter. Thanks to its juicy pulp and unique taste, persimmons are very popular. But among the huge variety of varieties of this fruit, there are tart fruits. It even happens that persimmons aggravate your mouth too much. How to successfully choose the juiciest and most delicious specimens?

Why persimmons make your mouth stick: omain reasons

It turns out that choosing the right variety is of great importance. Knowing this, you can determine which persimmon makes your mouth stick. Each type is characterized by special properties and taste:

3. Eastern. The fruits are usually medium in size and bright orange in color. Slightly inferior in taste to king. It often leaves an unpleasant aftertaste for a long time. Why does this variety of persimmon knit? The fact is that it is almost always sold a little unripe, which makes the fruit too tart.

The fruits of any of the listed varieties contain a substance called tannin, which gives the fruit a specific astringent taste. Its greatest concentration is in the peel. The content in the pulp depends on ripeness. If the fruits were collected on time and not significantly ahead of schedule, then their taste will be much better.

What to do if persimmon makes your mouth stick? Ways to eliminate astringency

Choose your processing option and enjoy vitamin-rich fruits with attractive orange pulp!

Tell me, when you buy persimmons at the market or in a store, the first thing that pops into your head is how to choose them so that they don’t have astringent properties when eaten, am I right? And if you come across a persimmon like this, what should you do if the persimmon is very astringent? This is the question we will find answers to. And without any problems you can make the astringent persimmon fruit sweet and tasty in a short period of time.

Let's first figure out why some persimmon fruits have such unpleasant taste properties. The fact is that persimmons are harvested while they are still green, and it is the green (unripe) fruits that contain a component called TANIN. It is tannin that gives the fruits viscosity, which disappears when the persimmon ripens. And, there are several options for making unripe persimmons.

I almost forgot, there are varieties of persimmon that, even in their unripe form, practically do not contain tannin. And, this means that they have no viscosity at all, and if there is, it is insignificant. These varieties include “KOROLYOK”, “SHOCOLATE”, “SHARON”. But, this variety is much more expensive in terms of price than ordinary persimmon varieties.

1. Place persimmons in the freezer for 6-8 hours. After the persimmon is defrosted, it will lose its astringency. This is the most popular option.

2. You can place unripe persimmons in paper bag with ripe bananas, apples (yellow and red) and close it tightly. In a day, your persimmon will get rid of the astringent taste.

3. If persimmon is cut into slices and dried in the oven, then it will also lose its astringent properties in the mouth. Dried persimmon has excellent taste qualities. It seems to me that it is impossible not to love her.

4. Well, and of course, the longest way is to keep the persimmons at room temperature until they ripen in a natural way. Almost no one does this, since it is impossible to wait a long time for persimmons to ripen, since you want to eat them right away.

How to choose ripe persimmons:

1. The appearance of a ripe persimmon has, as it were, translucent properties of the skin.

2. When you press on the persimmon, it should be pliable, soft, and not hard.

3. The pulp of ripe persimmon has the appearance of jelly.

4. The stalk of a ripe persimmon is almost always dry, and the color of the leaves is brown.

5. Ripe persimmons can be made from unripe fruits in just 6-8 hours by freezing them in the freezer.

People who love persimmons know that when eating them, there is an astringent taste in the mouth. Why does persimmon knit and how to fix it?

Before finding out why persimmons knit, it is worth noting that such properties appear only in unripe fruits. In adults they disappear. This is why the “Korolek” variety of persimmon is highly valued. It is initially sweeter.

Why does persimmon knit? The fact is that unripe fruits contain special substances - tannins. It is they, or in other words, tannic acid, that are responsible for the specific taste of unripe fruits.

It begins to appear when tannins act on our taste organs (mucous membranes and everything that contains a protein structure), when protein coagulation occurs. It is their coagulation that gives that unpleasant astringent feeling in the mouth.

Tannins also affect blood vessels, causing them to narrow. The glands begin to reduce the secretion of substances. There is a slight numbness, which is considered a kind of natural anesthesia.

Persimmon knits: what to do?

Fruit ripening can be accelerated by several artificial methods.

  1. If you bought unripe, astringent persimmons, let them sit for about a week. During this time, it will ripen and lose a significant part of its harmful properties.
  2. Place the astringent persimmon in the freezer for about 12 hours. After you defrost it, the pulp will lose its specific taste. Unfortunately, frozen fruit becomes soft and not as tasty.
  3. If you pierce a persimmon with a knife in several places at once and then pour hot water(but not with boiling water!) for 12 hours, this will sharply reduce the presence of tannins. In addition, it will not be as soft as after freezing it.
  4. Place the persimmons in a plastic bag along with the yellow bananas for about a day. As many persimmons as you have, add as many bananas. The fruits will ripen quickly and lose their astringent taste, but will retain all their beneficial properties.

Persimmon dishes: recipes

Persimmon and banana soft ice cream


  1. Fresh lemon juice - 1 tsp.
  2. Mint leaves (for garnish)
  3. Ground cinnamon
  4. Bananas - 1 pc.
  5. Persimmon - 4 pcs.


  • Peel the banana and cut into small pieces. Place in the freezer for 3 hours. Wash the persimmons and dry with a paper towel.
  • Cut off the top of the persimmon along with the stalk, then carefully scrape out the pulp with a teaspoon. Place the persimmon pulp and frozen banana into a container and add lemon juice. Beat everything with a blender until smooth. Fill persimmon cups with ice cream, lightly sprinkle with cinnamon and garnish with fresh mint leaves.

Persimmon Pie


  1. Persimmon - 4 pcs.
  2. Sour cream - 6 tbsp. l.
  3. Granulated sugar - 125 g
  4. Eggs - 3 pcs.
  5. Flour - 175 g
  6. Baking soda or baking powder - 1 tsp.
  7. Ground cinnamon - 1/2 tsp.
  8. Soft butter - 2 tbsp. l.
  9. Nuts (any) - 100 g


  • Wash the persimmon, separate the stalk, select the seeds (if any) and blend with a blender until smooth.
  • To the puree, add sour cream, sugar, eggs, baking powder, cinnamon, soft butter, crushed nuts and flour. Whisk everything.
  • Grease the pan with butter or vegetable oil odorless, pour the dough into it and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40 minutes.
  • Cool the finished pie, cut into pieces, and sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.

Why can't you eat a lot of persimmons?

The harm from persimmon is precisely due to its astringent properties.

Despite the fact that tannins—tannins—contained in unripe fruits have anti-inflammatory properties, they can also cause harm to the body. This is expressed in the fact that persimmon makes the tongue slightly numb, the glands of the gastrointestinal tract begin to work worse, and peristalsis weakens.

People suffering from chronic gastritis with high acidity should not eat persimmon.

It is also contraindicated for those who have an imbalance of bacteria in the intestines. Due to the consumption of persimmons in large quantities Constipation may occur.

Persimmon is contraindicated for children because their gastrointestinal tract is too weak, and when tannin and tannins end up in the stomach, indigestion and severe abdominal pain appear.

Children can be given one sweet persimmon fruit per day.

Many people love persimmon: both adults and children. This fruit is healthy, but its use has some peculiarities. Due to the high tannin content in the fruit pulp, it sometimes becomes astringent. You can get rid of this by using methods for quickly ripening persimmons. Please note that this fruit is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract!

Persimmon is a very tasty fruit, but it often disappoints customers with its tartness instead of sweetness. The secret of this “astringent” property is quite understandable, because persimmon berries are full of tannic acid.

The tannic acid in persimmons is called "tannin." It is she who begins to coagulate at the slightest contact with the mucous membrane in the mouth. As a result, there appear discomfort and the persimmon loses all sweetness.

In addition, the same tannin “blocks” the secretion of saliva, narrowing the capillaries. Because of this, some (especially tart) fruits are simply impossible to eat. You need to know that if the persimmon is too sticky, it means you simply chose the wrong fruit (underripe).

Why are persimmons tart? Why can persimmons “knit” your mouth?

The sweetness and pleasant taste of persimmon is always yours right choice fruits

Four “secrets” for choosing delicious persimmons:

  • Good view. A ripe berry will always be bright, orange, without dark spots and dents. It will have a soft “side” (if you choose Sharon, this rule does not work).
  • Dry petiole. The stalk of each berry should be dry and in no case green. A brown and hard stalk is a sign of a ripe and sweet fruit.
  • Popular variety. You can ask the seller himself about what kind of persimmon you are buying. Agree, it is not profitable for anyone to carry bitter and tart persimmons that no one will buy. The most popular varieties are kinglet and sharon.
  • Thin peel. It should be without any damage, scratches or cracks. If there are any, it means your fruit is overripe. “Good” persimmons have thin and glossy skin.

How to choose and buy the “right” persimmon?

How and what to do to prevent persimmon from gagging: tips

Even if you bought an unripe fruit or an unsuccessful variety of persimmon, there are always ways to “improve” their taste.

Some tips:

  • Freezing. This is the easiest way to remove the astringency from the pulp and restore the sweetness of the fruit. To do this, put the berries in the freezer and leave for several hours. Eat the fruit cold, so that it tastes like sherbet.
  • Warm water. This is also another “express” way to bring persimmons to maturity. Heat the water to 30-40 degrees and keep the fruits in it. You should regularly bring the water to the desired temperature. After a while, the astringency will go away and you will be able to taste the sweetness.
  • Ripening. Some vegetables and fruits have a special substance in their stalks that is released and allows the fruits to ripen. Simply place persimmons in the same box or bag with tomatoes, bananas or apples. In this state, the persimmon should lie for up to 10 hours.
  • Prepare the persimmons. During heat treatment, it will lose its tart qualities. You can cook jelly or compote, make soufflé or jam, preserves, marmalade.

Ways to “ripen” persimmons

How to eat persimmons without making your mouth gag?

There is no way you can remove tannin from persimmons, but you can completely hide it. To do this, you need to somehow use persimmons in cooking. Most The best way– make jam by adding sugar. If you are not used to bothering, the following methods can help you:

  • Pour lemon juice over the sliced ​​persimmons. This will not take away the astringency, but will hide it with “sourness”.
  • Sprinkle the persimmons with sugar. This is not a radical way to hide the unpleasant taste of persimmon, but it is an opportunity to hide them a little.
  • Dry or wilt. However, it should only be eaten in a dry state, since the “viscosity” will return when soaked.

How to freeze persimmons so they don't gag?


  • Take a persimmon
  • Wash it thoroughly under the tap
  • Dry
  • Place the fruit in a plastic bag
  • Place in the freezer
  • Keep for 4-5 hours
  • Eat immediately, without waiting for the persimmon to begin to melt

How to make persimmon non-astringent quickly?

There is another way to quickly return persimmon to maturity. To do this, pierce it several times with a needle (disinfect it with alcohol in advance) on all sides and leave it at room temperature for several hours.

Which persimmon is healthier, which is astringent or not?

Of course, sweet persimmons, which do not “knit”, have greater benefits. It will not cause constipation, since it contains less pectin. Despite its taste, persimmon of any variety is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Persimmon wren: knitting or not?

Korolek is a variety of persimmon that does not have astringent properties at all. The king has an orange jelly pulp, which, as it ripens, can darken, reaching Brown. The darker the flesh of the king, the sweeter it is.

What to do with astringent persimmon?

You can also make tasty and sweet jam from tart, “astringent” persimmons. To do this, add sugar to the berry mass to taste and a little lemon juice. You don’t need to cook persimmon jam or marmalade for a long time; a five-minute recipe is quite suitable.

Video: “What are the benefits of persimmon?”