Karl Lagerfeld before and after losing weight. Karl Lagerfeld has lost weight. Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

The world of fashion designers and models perhaps knows better than anyone that beauty requires sacrifice. The strict parameters that the models are forced to follow force them to almost constantly go on starvation diets. However, not only models have to follow a diet - the couturiers themselves also want to look beautiful. For example, one of the most famous designers, Karl Lagerfeld, wanted to change his appearance and went on a diet.

Karl Lagerfeld Diet: Men Do It Too

Perhaps the famous designer’s decision was influenced by the fact that he belongs to the House of Chanel, one of the most elegant fashion houses. Maybe there was some other serious reason. Be that as it may, Karl Lagerfeld lost 42 kilograms within a year. Yes, you heard right: exactly 42 kilograms. This man brilliantly demonstrated that with a serious approach combined with a strong will, excellent results can be achieved.

In this he was helped by his personal nutritionist Jean-Claude Udret, who developed a personal program for the couturier. Interestingly, Lagerfeld's nutritionist combines his specialization as a nutritionist with psychiatry. This is very useful, because during weight loss a person experiences not only physical exercise, but also psychological. And, in this case, the help of a psychologist is very important - it will help relieve general stress and avoid breakdowns.

After Lagerfeld brilliantly demonstrated the remarkable result, Dr. Udre's diet became very popular. And you, if you want, can also use it.

Karl Lagerfeld's diet: principles

So to speak, Karl Lagerfeld’s diet is based on “three pillars”. This: balanced diet, use of nutritional supplements, intake of proteins.

Dr. Udre's nutritional system is called Spoon-light. The list of permitted foods is very wide, so the process of losing weight will be quite easy. According to the doctor, the main rule in any diet is balance. There is no need to strictly limit yourself to the food menu; the main thing is to make your diet varied, balanced and healthy.

Karl Lagerfeld's diet: menu

Dr. Udre advises to include cereals, salads, fish and meat in your diet. Such a varied menu allows you to lose weight without stress, in a relaxed mode, and for a long time.

It's nice that Dr. Udre's diet allows you to eat any vegetables, including potatoes, which are usually excluded from other diets. But there is a ban on fried potatoes - they contain a lot of calories.

The preferred meats are poultry, rabbit, veal and horse meat. It is better to avoid pork and beef. Meat can be stewed, boiled, or steamed.

Fish and seafood are a must, eat them as often as possible.

Karl Lagerfeld's diet allows for whole grain bread. White bread, loaves and buns cannot be eaten. Pasta (even durum varieties) and rice are also prohibited.

Low-fat dairy products and cottage cheese are very healthy.

Karl Lagerfeld's diet allows fats to be obtained from plant foods. It is best to consume light vegetable oils no more than three tablespoons per day.

Almost all fruits are allowed, with the exception of bananas, grapes, cherries and figs.

Karl Lagerfeld's diet allows you to sometimes drink a little wine, preferably dry red, occasionally you can indulge in white. Non-alcoholic drinks that do not contain sugar are also acceptable.

Regarding water, Dr. Udre has a different opinion from the majority - no more than a liter per day.

As an addition to the diet, Dr. Udre advises using phyto-nutritional supplements. They stimulate intestinal function and improve metabolism. One of the ingredients of phyto-supplements is Lapuntia Ficus Indica cactus powder. When interacting with water, the powder dissolves and gives a feeling of saturation. In addition, phyto-supplements supply the body with vitamins and minerals.

Dr. Udre also recommends consuming proteins during the diet, for example, in the form of cocktails. They can replace a regular breakfast or drink them before dinner, for example, at 17-18 hours. Drinking protein shakes can keep you away from unhealthy snacks.

Karl Lagerfeld's diet allowed him to lose 42 kilograms in a year, and this is an outstanding result. However, once again I draw your attention to the fact that he had his own nutritionist and psychiatrist in one person, that is, the couturier lost weight under close medical supervision. When choosing a diet, do it also based on your medical indications. Be not only beautiful, but also healthy.

A few years ago, the name of Karl Lagerfeld appeared in the press, not because of the show new collection, which meant recognition of the willpower of the famous maestro.

At 64, Karl Lagerfeld was able to lose 40 kg. At tall at 180 cm, he began to weigh 60.

The couturier jokingly explains his goal this way: “I really wanted to wear new clothes from a colleague’s collection.”

But in fact, doctors gave Lagerfeld diagnoses familiar to every fat person: rapid heartbeat, obesity, high cholesterol. And as a sentence - one year until the end of life.

The maestro decided to start new life under the guidance of the doctor Jean-Claude Houdret, who suggested him a diet called Spoon-light or “light spoon”.

Rules: we can eat much less food while still getting the elements necessary for life. You just need to add vitamin complexes And biological supplements. Protein starvation is easily compensated by taking proteins. You can eat a lot of seafood and vegetables. The diet is essentially low fat and similar to. Dietary supplements and protein shakes are purchased at pharmacies or sports nutrition stores.

Diet of Karl Lagerfeld. Menu

Breakfast should include plenty of protein. Experts have long found out that a person who stores up protein in the morning (cottage cheese, white chicken, boiled squid) calmly waits for lunch without feeling the need for snacks. If breakfast is based on carbohydrate products (bun, porridge, sandwich), then between the morning meal and lunch it is rare that anyone can resist taking an extra bite.

You can have almost anything for lunch, but without soup. Meat - veal or rabbit, poultry - not limited to. All vegetables are allowed, including potatoes. Boiled or baked meat. Vegetables are preferably raw, but boiled are also allowed. The restriction is strict only for fats and fried foods.

Without protein and fat, you need to have dinner, that is, fruits and vegetables.

Before going to bed, if desired, a glass of low-fat kefir.

The effectiveness of the diet: you can lose up to 6 kg per month.

Karl Lagerfeld decided to lose weight and walked the straight road towards his goal. As they later said in an interview, it was more difficult to create a diet than to follow it.

“Eat as few carbohydrates as possible, avoid bakeries and pastry shops. Never eat pizza or sweets"

“The only thing I dream about in life is to fit into size 28 jeans”

“It’s good that there are no people who knew me as a child. I myself have already forgotten how I was a little boy.”

“I wasn’t looking for a reason to lose weight. I have never had any problems with my personal life or health. I decided to challenge myself."

“Decide for yourself once and for all what you want more - Tasty food or a beautiful figure"

“I don’t eat sweets or fatty foods. I can't stand the smell of cooking. I like fish and don't eat meat. My doctor says that you need to eat meat at least twice a week, but we’re not cannibals?”

"Who wants to watch the catwalk at overweight women? Nobody! These are fat mommies sitting on the couch, eating chips, watching TV and discussing our models, considering them ugly. But the world of fashion is a world of illusions.”

“I admit that the new Russian girls are too thin, but what is there to discuss? In France, for example, there are a lot of young girls with overweight, and very few are truly skinny. Let's discuss the majority, not those less than two percent. There is no anorexia in fashion. Yes, many people take drugs in the fashion world, but not only models. Why discuss this? Let's talk about fat people, about excess weight."

Fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld, with the help 3D diets, lost 42 kg in 13 months. But experts do not recommend 3D diet, and we'll try to figure out "Why?"
Doctor Jean-Claude Houdret developed a three-dimensional diet, with the help of which Karl Lagerfeld radically lost weight. The diet is divided into 3 stages. Those who want to lose weight must choose, under the supervision of doctors, one of the stages of the diet.

Three-dimensional diet. Stage 1: Calorie intake is limited to 800 - 900 calories daily. I only have protein powder and certain vegetables: asparagus, Brussels sprouts, bell peppers and tomatoes. And at least 1 liter of water. When using this stage of the three-dimensional diet, regular examination by a doctor is recommended. The first stage lasts about 2 - 3 weeks

Three-dimensional diet. Stage 2: For breakfast and dinner only protein powder. There are restrictions for other dishes. In general, calorie intake is limited to 1000 - 1200 calories. per day. It is recommended to eat fish, chicken, lots of vegetables and low-fat cottage cheese. So

Three-dimensional diet. Stage 3: At the third stage, the required amount of calories is 1200 - 1600 cal. Certain fruits and vegetables, wholemeal bread, low-fat dairy products, fish, seafood and chicken are allowed. You can eat this menu, if necessary, for several months.

Use 3D diet must be under medical supervision.

Benefits of the 3D Diet:

the recipes are more reminiscent of expensive restaurant menus than a weight loss diet.

Jean Claude Houdret (France) is a famous doctor, therapist, specialist in nutrition, herbal medicine and homeopathy. He gained particular fame thanks to his famous patient, Karl Lagerfeld. Some time ago, a world-famous couturier turned to Dr. Udra for advice on nutrition. The celebrity, who decided to change her image, obeyed the diet recommended by Udre, and was able to lose 42 kilograms of weight in a year, turning into an athletic, fit man.

We present to your attention a lecture by Jean-Claude Oudret.

A new approach to prescribing protein diets in combination with herbal medicine

The problem of weight loss can be called quite urgent. Although, undoubtedly, its sharpness is largely connected with fashion. Less than a century ago, women's only concern was to have round, feminine shapes. And now in some corners globe these traditional views of female attractiveness remain unchanged. However, globalization processes are gradually reducing these oases of calm women, confident that their femininity, some plumpness and roundness are those features that attract the attention of the opposite sex. Of course, we are not talking about those cases when the weight is really excessive, and a person’s health requires its correction.

Interestingly, weight loss attracts a huge number of people who want to make money from it. Until recently, losing weight under the supervision of doctors was carried out exclusively through medications - amphetamines and diuretics. However, this approach was fraught with serious side effects. Nature abhors a vacuum. Doctors were replaced by charlatans who were not at all concerned about the future fate and health of the patient. Naturally, the medical community continued to develop various techniques weight loss. One of the most popular some time ago was the so-called protein diet. Initially, it was a rather tough, “strict” diet. It involved taking protein, artificial nutrition (6 sachets of protein per day) and an insignificant, minimal consumption of vegetables and fruits. However, as practice has shown, the long-term forecast turned out to be far from cloudless. Usually there was a gradual and sometimes quite rapid weight gain as soon as the patient stopped following the artificial diet and switched to normal nutrition.

A serious problem with such approaches to weight loss is precisely the artificiality of the proposed diet. A person cannot live on such a diet for the rest of his life. At the same time, in the process of losing weight, he does not develop new persistent eating habits. The optimal weight is reached, the diet is stopped, and the patient returns to his far from balanced diet. Where is the way out of this situation? Of course, he takes a realistic approach to the problem. No need to invent artificial method weight loss. It must be understood that weight gain, which is not associated with hormonal imbalances or certain diseases, is always associated with an unbalanced diet, excess calories and the amount of food consumed. There is no escape from this. A person who is not aware of this simple fact will be doomed to constant weight gain.

The result of this particular approach to the problem was the development of Jean-Claude Oudret, called Spoon-light, which can be translated as “light spoon”.

This method is based on three principles:
Balanced nutrition
Taking herbal supplements
Protein intake

From the practice of life we ​​know that the same reasons lead to the same, definite consequences. If you put your hand into the fire, you will get burned. And no matter how many times you repeat the attempt, each time the result will be burns on your hands of varying severity. In nutrition we see the same picture. If a person adheres to a certain type of nutrition, this will lead him to a clear result. If you eat too much and have too many calories, you will definitely gain weight, unless you change your office to a coal mine. It happens that with age, nutrition, which was previously quite acceptable, ceases to be so, and it is necessary to make certain adjustments. Just don’t think that you need to eat more. Do you want to change your weight and appearance– change the structure of your diet.

Humans are omnivores

Our body must receive lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, etc. This means that we must eat fish, meat, vegetables... However, in each class of foods it is necessary to do right choice. Don't forget about drinking. First of all, you need to drink clean water. Nowadays it is a very popular opinion that you should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Mr. Udre does not adhere to such criteria. He believes that the minimum amount of water he should consume is normal person during the day – 1 liter. Mr. Udre allows his patients to drink light soft drinks (no sugar) and, of course, dry wine. Red wine is preferable, because it contains valuable flavone compounds, which in their antioxidant properties are 5 or more times superior to vitamin E.

Among cereals, Dr. Udre advises his patients to eat grain bread. Not white rolls, not rice or pasta, even from durum wheat. Fats – in the form of light oils good quality. TO vegetable oil must be treated with caution, as it has a very high calorie content. You should not exceed the limit of 3 tablespoons per day. Low-fat cottage cheese, milk or lactic acid products are good. Fish and seafood – very good! Mr. Udre suggests limiting the consumption of tuna and sardines and, of course, never fry the fish, but steam it or cook it covered. From meat you should choose poultry, rabbit, veal and horse meat. Beef, pork and lamb are excluded. Vegetables - everything, including potatoes. But of course, again, not fried, but boiled.

You should not eat dry beans, fatty cheeses and some fruits - figs, cherries, bananas and grapes. Instead of sugar, you can include sweeteners such as aspartame in your menu. For big sweet lovers, there are candies and chocolate with sugar substitutes.

However, a correct, balanced menu is not everything. It is necessary to help the body from the outside. For this purpose, Dr. Udre has developed a number of formulations that can be called phyto-nutritive supplements. They contain natural substances such as Lapuntia Ficus Indica cactus powder, native to Mexico. This ingredient eliminates fats and sugars in the intestines. Tejava, which grows in the Far East, stimulates the active functioning of the liver, powder from the eastern plant Guar expands upon contact with water, giving a feeling of fullness in the stomach. All these substances have different effects on the body, stimulating accelerated metabolism and reducing hunger. Plants with a high content of insoluble fiber must be added to the composition of phyto-complexes. This is very effective remedy against constipation, which occurs quite often during initial stage therapy.

The body must receive the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals. Their deficiency seriously affects the development of excess appetite. That's why Dr. Udre includes plants rich in vitamins and minerals in her phyto-supplements, such as Lithotam, a red algae. They contain a lot of Calcium, Magnesium, and Chromium, which is involved in insulin metabolism. Spirulina, containing up to 50% proteins, if used in sufficient quantities, significantly reduces the feeling of hunger. Dr. Udre speaks about hunger rather conditionally, warning that this is a problem rather psychological nature. When following a balanced menu, a person does not need to cut down on food. Portions should be normal, sufficient so that you don’t go hungry all the time.

The final component of Dr. Udre's method is proteins. A typical protein packet typically contains 70 calories. At the same time, a high-quality protein preparation includes all possible amino acid complexes. Proteins are available in various flavors - fruit, vegetable, soup. Dr. Udre usually recommends that his patients replace breakfast with a 1-2 shake shake. And one more thing - at 5-6 o'clock in the afternoon, also take 1-2 sachets to relieve increased appetite before dinner and refrain from snacking. There should be normal meals during the day and evening. Thus, Jean-Claude Houdret quite successfully avoids the pitfall of creating a completely artificial diet, gradually accustoming the patient to healthy food. In the future, his students practice just such a balanced diet for many years, no longer resorting to help. special drugs and proteins.

Dr. Udre is convinced that a person should be at his optimal weight. This is neither excess nor deficiency. It is at this weight that a person feels most comfortable, and his body is more protected from disease.

How individual is this approach? It is suitable for almost everyone except pregnant women, small children and the sick. If you want to lose more than 10 kilograms, it is better to consult a doctor and get tested for basic health parameters.

Dr. Udre's patient, Karl Lagerfeld, lost 42 kilograms in a year. Now about 20 months have passed since the end of therapy, but no weight gain has been observed. It is especially important that this method involves gradual weight loss. Karl Lagerfeld lost about 1 kilogram per week. This allowed him to stay healthy and avoid cosmetic problems that can arise with sudden weight loss.