What should a 1 year old child eat? Eggs, dairy products and fats in the diet. Fish day: what fish to choose for the children's menu

The baby, who is one year old, already eats quite a varied diet. Its menu includes many different fruits, dairy products, meat, vegetables, and fish. Dishes for the baby become more complex, but his diet is still very different from that of an adult. Let's look at what is important for parents to remember about nutrition for the proper development of a child at 1 year old and how best to build a daily menu for a baby of this age.

Features of the diet of a one-year-old baby

Can remain in the diet of a baby older than one year breast milk or a mixture. Pediatricians consider such food to be beneficial for the child’s body and encourage breastfeeding until at least 1.5-2.5 years.

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Indicate the child's date of birth and method of feeding

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Create a calendar

  • At the same time, many mothers choose 1 year as the time to say goodbye to breastfeeding. If you also decide to complete this process, try to organize everything with a minimum of psychological discomfort for the baby. More preferable for both the baby and the mother’s breast would be gradual weaning with the abolition of one feeding at a time. Read more about this in our article about how to get rid of breast milk.
  • Food for a one-year-old baby can already be varied with the help of herbs and spices. Add chopped fresh herbs (dill, parsley, celery) to children's soups, purees, and omelettes. Bay leaves, garlic and onions can be used to make vegetable stews or soups. Raw garlic and onions should not be given to your child yet, as should exotic seasonings.
  • From the age of one, you can start adding salt to your child’s food, but the total daily amount of salt added to children’s dishes should not be more than 0.5 grams (the dish will still seem unsalted to you).

As for sugar, it can be added to dishes for a child over one year old, but it is better to try to do without it. Let your child learn to eat unsweetened foods. Among sweets, a one-year-old child’s diet can include not only baby cookies, but also marshmallows and marshmallows, but in small quantities.

What should a child not eat?

Feeding schedule

A child who is 12 months old continues to eat five times a day at intervals of approximately 3.5-4 hours. It is recommended that the nutritional value of lunch and dinner be greater than that of breakfast. For example, a child can have breakfast at 8 o’clock, next feeding will be at 11-12 o'clock, then at 14-15 o'clock and at 18-19 o'clock, and the last one at 22 o'clock.

The diet, as well as the amount of food eaten, greatly depends on the baby’s temperament

How much should a 12 month old baby eat?

To determine the total volume of food for a one-year-old child, his body weight should be divided by 8 or 9. On average, one-year-old children weigh about 10-11 kg, so an approximate calculation of the daily volume of food will show the figure 1100-1300 grams. Dividing it into 5 feedings, we get the average amount of food per meal – 220-260 g.

As for individual complementary feeding products, the following maximum quantities per day are recommended for a one-year-old child:

Sample menu

For a child who continues to be breastfed or an adapted formula, the menu at 1 year will look like this:

For a baby whose mother decided to wean him at 1 year of age, the approximate daily menu will be as follows:

Several useful recipes

Potato and cauliflower soup

Peel and wash two or three cauliflower florets and half a potato, cut, pour boiling water so that it just covers the vegetables, cook under the lid until tender. Grind the vegetables with a blender or pass through a sieve, add a teaspoon of mashed cooked rice to them. Pour a mixture of cabbage, potatoes and rice with half a glass of vegetable or meat broth, bring to a boil and add salt. Before serving, add sour cream (10 g) to the soup.

Steamed rabbit cutlets

Grind 100 grams of rabbit meat in a meat grinder. Separately, soak wheat bread (20 g) in water (30 ml). Combine minced rabbit meat with soaked bread and grind again using a meat grinder. Beat the mixture by adding cold water. Make cutlets from the minced meat and steam them.

Potato and carrot puree

Boil 150 g of potatoes and 40 g of carrots separately, cutting the vegetables into small pieces. While still hot, pass them through a sieve, add butter(5 g) and a pinch of salt, as well as hot milk (50 ml). Beat the puree until fluffy.

Rice porridge with apples

Peel an apple (100 g), place the peel in a saucepan, add 50 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes. After straining the resulting apple broth, pour 100 ml of milk into it, add washed rice cereal (25 g) and boil until the rice is ready. Add a teaspoon of sugar and grated apple to the porridge, bring to a boil, and add butter (5 g) before serving.

Steamed fish pudding

Boil 40 g of fish fillet and cool. Grind another 40 g of fish fillet using a meat grinder, adding 15 g of wheat bread, which should be soaked in a tablespoon of milk. Combine raw minced fish with boiled fish, mix, add half a chicken egg yolk and 5 g of butter, mix again. Next, carefully add half of the beaten egg white into the fish mixture. Place in a mold and steam.

Potato zrazy with cabbage

Boil 150 g of potatoes in their skins, remove the skins, grind them while still hot through a meat grinder, add 5 g of flour and one egg, mix. Separately, chop the cabbage (80 g) and finely chop the onion (10 g), simmer until tender. Form small cakes from the potato mixture and place a little cabbage filling inside each one. After making the zrazy, bake them in the oven until done.

On your baby's first birthday, you will want to please your baby with festive dishes, but you still shouldn't give your child food that he has never tried before, especially if the baby has a tendency to allergies. You can totally cook festive table from products that are already familiar to the little one. And instead of a cake with cream, treat your little one to a cottage cheese casserole, which don’t forget to decorate with a lit candle.

  • Continue to teach your child to eat pieces. Puree smaller and smaller amounts of your baby's food. Give your baby meatballs, steamed cutlets, casseroles, steamed omelettes, boiled vegetables in pieces, cottage cheese with pieces of fruit, vegetable salads and other dishes that will encourage your baby to actively chew.
  • Continue to prepare your child's food without frying it. Foods for a one-year-old child need to be boiled, stewed or steamed.

Should I give vitamins to a child over 1 year old? Read about this in another article.

A 1 year old child's diet should be varied and balanced. In addition to ground food, soft lump food is included in the diet, bringing baby food closer to adult food. The basis of the diet - natural products, the balance of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins must be taken into account for the normal development of the baby.

By the first year of life, babies already have 6-8 front teeth, and the back chewing teeth appear a little later. Based on this, it is a mistake to continue to feed the child pureed and ground food or to suddenly switch to solids.

The reason is that chewing functions at this age are not fully developed. According to experts, the formation of the ability to speak depends on their timely and correct development.

Vegetables are not ground, but cut into small pieces that are convenient for chewing, and boiled or steamed. Fruits, such as apples or pears, are peeled and seeded and cut into small slices.

The daily nutrition of a 1-year-old child per 1 kg of weight should contain:

  • 3 gr. protein, of which 70% is of animal origin and 30% is of plant origin. The substance guarantees timely growth of the child and muscle development.
  • 5 gr. fat When entering the body, they promote energy production and also transport vitamins and minerals for proper brain function.
  • 12-15 gr. carbohydrates. They are responsible for the metabolic processes of proteins and fats. You should be wary of sweets that negatively affect tooth enamel and metabolism.
  • Vitamins contained in vegetables and fruits. When choosing, it is recommended to avoid buying red apples, which can cause allergies. It is preferable to prepare products grown in the region of residence.
  • Minerals found in plant and animal products. In addition to participating in metabolism, they are responsible for the formation of tissues at the cellular level.
  • At least 90 ml of water, which makes up up to 85% of the body. Except clean water The consumption of compotes, herbal tea and cocoa is allowed.

The diet should be varied in order to avoid the formation of taste preferences for the same foods.


Children under one year old who are breastfed often feed on demand, unlike formula-fed babies. Complementary foods are introduced gradually for them. The child's meals during the day are divided into 5-6 meals. At 1 year old, mothers usually bring the routine closer to that of kindergarten to avoid additional stress for the baby.

The first meal - breakfast should be taken at 8-9 am. By this time, it is necessary to brush the child’s teeth, wash him and wash his hands thoroughly.

For infants, it is allowed to feed on mother's milk with complementary foods, for artificial infants - porridge with milk or mixture.

After breakfast, it is necessary for the baby to use up the calories received. Active educational games and walks are recommended. To fully comply with kindergarten, it is advisable to visit the playground to develop the child’s communication skills. After this, by noon there should be lunch consisting of first courses. After it, according to the schedule, the child begins a daytime nap.

When waking up, the child does not feel hungry. Experts recommend a snack - an afternoon snack from 15.30 to 16.30 in the afternoon. It could be fruit, cottage cheese. After it, the child should not get hungry until dinner.

The evening meal is at 18.30 -19.30 pm, an hour before water treatments. It is possible to introduce a second dinner if one evening meal is not enough for the child and he cannot sleep on an empty stomach.

Nutritional standards for a 1 year old baby

The nutrition of a 1 year old child consists of 1-1.2 liters per day. The value is given in liters, since the volume of solid food before reaching 1.5 years should be minimal.

  • breakfast - 25% of the total volume or 0.25-0.3 l;
  • lunch -35% or 0.35-0.42 l;
  • afternoon snack - 15% or 0.15-0.18 l;
  • dinner (main and second) - 25% or 0.25-0.3 l, with the second accounting for 5-10%.

Diet products

Daily norm

Dairy and fermented milk products, including breast milk and formula0.5-0.6 l
Cottage cheese2 tbsp. l.
Sour cream1 tsp.
Cheese5 g
Porridge0.2 l
Meat puree3 heaped tbsp
Steamed vegetables0.25-0.3 kg
Quail/chicken eggs1-2 pcs/ ½-1 pcs
Puree fish fillet1½-2 tbsp. l.
Bakery0.04 kg
Fresh fruits, fruit purees and juices0.2 kg
Olive or sunflower oil1 tsp.
Butter5 g
Granulated sugar and substitutes1-1.5 tbsp. l.
Salt½ tsp.

Diet preparation

A 1 year old child's diet should be healthy and balanced. Excess fats and carbohydrates for sedentary children are fraught with weight gain. excess weight, which negatively affects most organs. The ratio of animal and vegetable protein, according to experts, should be 3:1.

For the proper development of children, it is necessary to know the norms and organize a diet.

When compiling a diet, take into account the need for:

  • Minimum 0.1 kg meat. Complementary feeding begins with hypoallergenic rabbit and turkey meat. Gradually other types of meat and poultry are introduced: beef, pork, chicken. Pieces of meat can be marketable and finely ground; steamed meatballs and meatballs are allowed.
  • Chicken or quail eggs no more than 3 times a week. In addition to the yolk, the child can already be given protein.
  • Up to 0.05 kg fish fillet. Experts do not recommend eating fish dishes more than once every 4 days, while meat products are excluded on these days. Low-fat varieties of cod with minimal bone content are introduced into the diet.
  • Vegetable fats. Vegetable oil or butter is added to food just before serving so that it retains its beneficial properties.
  • Vegetables, pureed or cut into small pieces. Begin the introduction with broccoli, cauliflower, turnips. Potatoes are introduced with caution, since they are difficult to process, and pumpkin, which can cause allergies. Vegetable side dishes are added to meat dishes.
  • Fruit. The introduction should begin with species grown in the area of ​​residence. Each product is administered in a small amount, after which it is necessary to observe the reaction for at least 3 days. Fruits must be peeled from thick skins that a child cannot chew.
  • Croup. Usually a variety of cereals are offered to children for breakfast in the morning. Frequently eating such a dish (more than once a day) reduces the child’s body’s ability to absorb calcium.
  • Dairy and fermented milk products. They should be at least half of the daily norm.
  • No more than 40 g Sahara. Children over 1 year of age are not recommended to consume sweets and other sweets; only marmalade, homemade jam or honey are allowed. The introduction of such products is not recommended for children with allergies.
  • Pasta no more than 1-2 times a week.
  • Unlimited quantity water, better than bottled. It can be replaced with age-appropriate juices and herbal teas.
  • Bakery products. Until the age of 1.5 years, no more than 0.1 kg of wheat flour products is recommended.


Breakfast for a child's body is a source of energy until lunch. At this time, porridge, dishes made from cottage cheese, eggs, and vegetables are recommended. Cereals must be ground before cooking or soaked in the evening so that the dish turns out boiled. Add butter to the porridge and no more than 1 tsp. granulated sugar.

Breakfast can consist of an omelet with vegetables or just a boiled egg. A small portion of cottage cheese is added to it. These foods are rich in fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Boiled water, herbal tea, and unsweetened dried fruit compote are used as drinks.


A 1 year old child's diet consists of 4-5 meals. Active children often snack after breakfast. For lunch or second breakfast, yoghurts and fruits are usually used. in kind or pureed. Meals using children's cookies are also allowed. A light snack will help you avoid hunger pangs before lunch and will not ruin your appetite before lunch.


The daily meal consists of the first course - soup and the second - vegetables and meat products. To prepare soups, boneless meat pulp is used. This will avoid constipation and increased gas formation. In addition, use a second low-fat broth.

Vegetables and meat are finely chopped so that the child does not choke and can chew them. Ideal option is to prepare puree soup. It is not recommended to use salt during cooking or add it in small quantities.

As a second course, vegetable puree and meat puddings, cutlets, and meatballs are served. At this meal, children prefer offal, among which liver is highlighted. It is also prepared as a puree or pudding.

Afternoon snack

Afternoon snack is the time to eat after a nap. If the child is breastfed, then there are no questions about the afternoon snack. After weaning, children are offered a glass of milk or juice with cookies, cottage cheese casseroles with fruit. A light snack will relieve hunger before dinner and give you energy for an evening walk.


A 1-year-old child's evening meal should be taken well before bathing and bedtime. Among the dishes, they often offer the same thing that was the second course of lunch - vegetable puree, cereals, stew with meat products.

Second dinner

The second dinner is typical for children who continue to breastfeed or bottle-feed. During weaning, formula or breast milk is replaced with kefir, yogurt or water. The main feature is ease, so that the body can rest during sleep and not work on processing food.

Dairy and fermented milk products

A 1-year-old child’s diet must contain dairy and dairy products. The exception is children with an allergy to cow protein. Goat milk and products made from it are also not always suitable for them.

Porridge is cooked with milk or given in its pure form. Private milk must be boiled, as a result of which it loses important vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, pediatricians recommend the use of pasteurized milk specifically for baby food.

If the child is still breastfed, then pasteurized milk is used only for porridge. At the age of 1 year, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding. It can be used before bedtime, and in case of sleep disturbances, avoid night feedings.

They are replaced with fermented milk products:

  • baby yogurt, preferably without sugar and fruit fillers. You can add a small amount of fresh pureed fruit before eating;
  • baby kefir with bifidobacteria.

Milk contains the necessary dose of calcium and other beneficial substances. Calcium is important for proper development of teeth, bones and maintenance bone mass. Also, its properties are useful for the functioning of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. At the same time, the baked version of the product is absolutely useless, despite the taste that many children love.

At 1 year of life, the total share of dairy and fermented milk products is 500-600 ml. Moreover, the latter make up about 30% of the daily diet.

Cereal dishes

Cereals in a child’s diet are included in porridge; less often they are served as a boiled side dish. When choosing, pediatricians recommend paying attention to gluten-free products - gluten. Its ability to swell in water negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and is especially dangerous for children prone to allergies.

Cereals, due to their high content of proteins, fiber and microelements, are often served for breakfast. The starch content in them helps maintain the required level of sugar in the child’s blood.

Classification of cereals according to beneficial properties:

  1. Buckwheat.
  2. Oatmeal.
  3. Rice.
  4. Corn.

Brand - shredded wheat containing gluten. This is a heavy product for children's intestines, endowed with a minimal amount of useful substances. In addition, phytin included in the composition impairs the absorption of vitamin D.

Pearl barley, similar to semolina, contains small amounts of vitamins and minerals. It takes a long time to cook, but remains tough and difficult to chew and digest.

Vegetables and fruits

After the first year, you can add new fruits and berries to your favorite apples, pears and purees. The introduction of each type should begin with a small piece and monitor the reaction from the skin and intestines. The fruits are peeled and cut into thin slices.

It is allowed to introduce exotic citrus fruits and kiwi for children who are not prone to allergies. However, there is no need to abuse them. Plant acids can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. During the day it is allowed to consume 100-200 grams. fruits or berries in pure form or added to porridges and fermented milk products.

The first vegetables are introduced into a child’s diet at the age of 6 months. By year, potatoes, turnips, tomatoes and legumes are added to those already tried. They are steamed or boiled. It is still recommended to grind them into puree or cut them into very small pieces.

The main share of vegetables comes from preparing soups, but you can diversify your child’s menu by preparing stews. The daily norm is 200-250 g. vegetables

Fish and meat

The diet of a 1 year old child should contain at least 0.1 kg of meat daily. It is steamed in the form of cutlets, meatballs or pureed. 1-2 times a week, a third of meat products are replaced with fish fillet. Use low-fat varieties with a small amount of bones.


The diet of a child under 1 year of age must include eggs. Complementary feeding starts with yolks. At 1 year you can give proteins. The daily norm is no more than 1 chicken or 2 quail eggs. At the same time, the last quail eggs are considered less allergenic. Eggs are included in the diet no more than 3 times a week.


At 1 year of age, the baby’s diet should include butter, olive or vegetable oil.

It is added no more than 1 tsp:

  • butter for porridge;
  • olive or vegetable into vegetables.

Sweets and flour

Small children under 3 years of age are not recommended to eat sweets: sweets, chocolate, baked goods. They contain fast carbohydrates that negatively affect health, as well as tooth enamel.

To please your baby, you can give him natural marmalade without dyes, dried fruits, but not more than 50-100 grams. in a day. If you want to sweeten porridge or kefir, you need to take into account that the daily dose of sugar should not exceed 40 grams.

From bakery products A 1-year-old child can be given pasta occasionally, no more than 1-2 times a week. White bread is preferable; unlike varieties made from rye flour, it does not cause fermentation processes. Daily norm: up to 0.1 kg.


The water balance in the body of a one-year-old child is no less important than sleep patterns and diet. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the daily norm is calculated based on 0.1 liters per 1 kg of child weight. An imbalance leads to lethargy, excessive tearfulness of the baby and decreased appetite.

At 1 year of age, children are allowed to be given:

  • clean bottled water;
  • multi-component juices;
  • berry fruit drinks and compotes;
  • herbal and berry teas for baby food.

New drinks should be given little by little, no more than 2 tsp, and the reaction should be observed for 3 days. In case of allergic reactions, it is worth switching to hypoallergenic clarified monocomponent juices.

Foods you should avoid for up to three years

Among them:

  • nuts, which are difficult to digest. They are easy to choke on and some types are strong allergens;
  • mushrooms, which are difficult for a child’s fragile intestines to digest;
  • chocolate, because of large quantity containing fats, artificial ingredients and palm oil;
  • sausages and sausages, due to the large number of spices and preservatives;
  • curd cheeses in glaze due to the low content of cottage cheese and high amount of fat;
  • ice cream due to the high percentage of preservatives;
  • Exotic fruits such as mango, papaya, feijoa due to the ability to lead to digestive system disorders and poisoning;
  • canned vegetables due to the large amount of salt and spices;
  • canned fruits due to the high sugar content in the syrup;
  • seafood, which are difficult to digest even for adults;
  • snacks, chips and other non-natural products, filled with many preservatives and dyes;
  • carbonated drinks, which have a harmful effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and esophagus.

With caution, children are given foods that can cause allergies or increased gas production:

  • melon;
  • grape;
  • citrus;
  • strawberry;
  • red varieties of fish.

Sample menu for a 1 year old baby per day

Eating Dish Quantity
BreakfastOatmeal with milk


Quail egg

Apple juice

250 ml

½ cup

LunchApple/Pear100 gr
DinnerCreamy zucchini soup

Vegetable puree: cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots

Chicken liver soufflé

Herb tea

200 gr

½ cup

Afternoon snackCottage cheese with fresh fruit70-100 gr
Dinnerboiled rice

Boiled cod fillet

Dried fruits compote

200 gr

½ cup

Second dinnerKefir for baby food1 glass

Depending on the child’s needs, you can exclude lunch and the second dinner, while distributing food for other meal times.

Sample menu for the week

Day of the week Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner Before bedtime
MondayRice porridge with milk and pumpkin

Quail egg-

new - 1 piece;


puree - 0.1 kg

Broccoli soup with rice - 0.15 l;

Zucchini and potato puree - 0.1 kg;

Beef meatballs - 0.05 kg;

Milk - 0.05 l;

Cookies - 0.02 kg

Beef meatballs - 0.05 kg;

Puree from zucchini, potatoes and carrots - 0.2 kg

Herbal tea - 0.1 l

Kefir for baby food with bifido-

riyami - 0.2 l

TuesdayOatmeal with milk - 0.2 l;

Butter - 5 g;

Cheese - 10 gr;

Herbal tea - 50 ml.

Pear puree - 0.1 kgZucchini puree soup - 0.15 l;

Vegetable puree - 0.1 kg;

Apple juice - 0.1 l

Cottage cheese pancakes with raisins - 0.1 kgVegetable puree - 0.2 kg;

Chicken soufflé - 0.05 kg;

Herbal tea - 0.1 l

Yogurt - 0.2 l
WednesdayOmelet with vegetables - 250 gr;

Juice with pulp - 50 ml.

Cottage cheese - 0.07 kgMilk soup with vermi-shell - 0.2 l;

Mashed potatoes, carrots and green peas - 0.15 kg;

Turkey meatballs - 0.05 kg;

Water - 50 ml


curd kanka with dried apricots - 0.1 kg

Mashed potatoes, carrots and green peas - 0.2 kg;

Turkey meatballs - 0.05 kg;

Herbal tea - 0.1 l

Kefir with fresh berries - 0.2 l
ThursdayBuckwheat porridge - 100 gr;

Pasteurized milk - 0.1 l;

Cottage cheese - 0.05 kg;

Juice with pulp - 50 ml.

Fruit puree from apple and peach - 0.1 kgFish soup with cod and vegetables - 0.25 ml;

Zucchini and pumpkin puree - 0.1 kg;

Compote of dried fruits - 0.1 l

Cottage cheese - 0.05 kg;

Milk - 0.05 l

Zucchini and pumpkin puree - 0.2 kg;

Hake fillet pudding - 0.03 kg;

Herbal tea - 0.1 l

Drinking yogurt - 0.2 l
FridayChicken egg - 1 piece;

Cottage cheese - 100 gr;

Dried fruit compote - 0.1 l.

Pear puree with cream - 0.1 kgVegetable puree soup - 0.2 l;

Boiled rice - 0.05 kg;

Pork pudding - 0.05 kg;

Juice with pulp - 0.1 l

Juice with pulp - 0.07 l;

White bread - 1 piece

Pork pudding - 0.05 kg;

Herbal tea - 0.1 l

Kefir - 0.2 l

ruznaya with milk - 200 g;

Cottage cheese - 50 gr;

Herbal tea - 0.05 l.

Sandwich made of white bread with butter - 1 piece;

Herbal tea - 0.1 l

Vegetable puree soup with turkey - 0.2 l;

Stewed vegetables - 0.1 kg;

Cottage cheese - 0.05 kg;

Juice with pulp - 0.05 l

Mashed potatoes with green peas - 0.2 kg;

Meatballs from rabbit-chatina - 0.1 kg;

Compote of dried fruits - 0.05 l

Kefir - 0.2 l
ResurrectionOmelette with zucchini - 200 g;

Cheese - 10 gr;

Herbal tea - 0.1 l.

Cottage cheese with fresh fruit - 0.07 kgChicken soup with vermicelli and potatoes - 0.2 l;

Vegetable stew with rice - 0.1 kg;

Fruit juice - 0.1 l


kanka yours -

corn with black plums, dried apricots and raisins - 0.1 kg

Vegetable stew with rice - 0.2 kg;

Steamed turkey cutlets - 0.1 kg;

Compote of dried fruits - 0.1 l

Drinking yogurt - 0.2 l

Should I give up breastfeeding?

According to WHO breast-feeding necessarily for at least 6 months, ideally up to 1 year. Often, babies themselves refuse to breastfeed during active teething. Breastfeeding for up to 1.5 years allows a woman to avoid malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands.

Until this time, mother's milk contains useful protective substances, vitamins and amino acids. After this, it is useless in the child’s diet. At 1 year of age, pediatricians recommend reducing the number of attachments. Usually a one-year-old child is given breast milk before nap and at night.

Therefore, the diet of a 1-year-old child who is breastfed is adjusted by removing some dairy dishes.

Pedagogical complementary feeding

Pedagogical complementary feeding is a way to accustom a child to adult food. It precedes the introduction of complementary foods and is suitable for breastfed children. From the age of 4-6 months, a baby may show interest in food on the plate of the mother and other family members.

During pedagogical complementary feeding, the baby is given tiny portions. It is not recommended for a child to eat from a common plate if the parents have signs of ARVI and teeth affected by caries. Pedagogical complementary feeding implies that family members have only healthy food that is safe for the child.

Baby at the table

When a child transitions to adult food, it is necessary that at least 1 meal be taken at the table with the family. The baby usually has his own high chair, but it is allowed to hold him in his arms.

If while eating the baby wants to take a spoon, then you can give it to him and continue feeding with another spoon. This is how the baby gets acquainted with the basics of eating food.

When a child refuses a dish, there is no need to force him. Let him play, maybe he's not hungry or doesn't like the taste. Playing with food should not be allowed, but the child copies his parents’ behavior patterns and begins to show his abilities closer to the age of 2.

Nutritional features of a child with allergies or atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is an allergic reaction to food or other substances that come into direct contact with the skin. It usually appears in children whose parents are also susceptible to the disease. In addition to manifestations in the form of a rash in the skin folds, behind the ears and above the eyebrows, which become wet and then crust over, it is necessary to identify the cause. To do this, you need to take allergy tests.

Children at any age follow a diet that excludes any allergenic foods:

  • dairy;
  • fresh red vegetables and fruits;
  • spices;
  • sauces;
  • sweet;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • smoked products.

A 1-year-old child’s diet differs from adult food, but should consist of a variety of dishes. Wrongly chosen dishes, feeding semi-finished products and fast food leads to digestive problems. For proper development, you must follow the advice of your pediatrician.

Video about baby nutrition at 1 year old

A varied diet for a child – Dr. Komarovsky’s School:

A one-year-old child knows the taste of many dishes and products, such as fish, meat, soups, cereals, vegetables and dairy products. But for some children, breast milk still comes first. Together with mother's milk, the baby not only receives all the necessary micro- and macroelements for growth and development, but also communicates with his mother. Therefore, you should not wean him from the breast too early. It is recommended to continue breastfeeding until approximately 2.5–3 years of age. At this time, the child is already completely accustomed to adult nutrition.

Let's consider the questions of what the baby's menu should be, how to create a diet for every day. Let's find out which foods are healthy and which are harmful.

Principles of feeding a one-year-old child

The baby's food every day should be healthy and varied. The diet should include all the necessary substances for the growth and development of the baby. When preparing dishes, you need to take into account the physiological characteristics of the child’s digestive system, since he cannot chew food until he is 1.5–2 years old. During this period, to feed your child mom should grind food through a strainer or grind it using a blender. Stewed vegetables should be given in chopped form, meat should be ground. Porridges should be made rare.

Dishes for feeding the baby should be made from special food grade plastic. The main advantage of such dishes is low thermal conductivity, so they do not heat up and the baby will not get burned. And also, such dishes do not break and do not make a crash when falling, which can frighten the baby.

It is very important to follow the diet of a one-year-old baby: 4–5 times a day. At the same time, you need to feed your baby at the same time. If you follow this rule, your appetite will be much better, and your digestive system will have time to prepare for food processing. If the regime is not followed, then the baby does not develop a reflex that promotes the secretion of gastric juice and food processing enzymes. A baby accustomed to the routine will not be capricious before eating.

Before feeding, you should not feed your baby cookies, buns and fruit. This will kill his appetite. He will begin to refuse food, which can lead to various pathologies.

It is better to breastfeed your child in the morning and before bed. In the intervals before feeding, you should not give him sweet tea or juice, so as not to spoil his appetite. The baby needs to cook food with minimal sugar, since children quickly get accustomed to sweets and it becomes difficult, and sometimes impossible, to feed the baby a normal, healthy and substantial dish.

For children under three years of age, it is better not to salt their food and under no circumstances add spices to it.. Onions or garlic can be added. However, do not forget that new products are introduced gradually and in the first half of the day, since the baby may develop allergies or diarrhea.

A one-year-old baby needs to prepare food for one meal at a time. And you need to do this every day. After feeding, all leftover food should be thrown away. You should not leave them for the next feeding and then warm them up, since the baby’s digestive system is not yet fully formed and cannot digest food that is not fresh.

Diet for a 1 year old child

The diet of a one-year-old child should include the following products:

The baby needs to be given dairy products, specially designed for children. Such products are carefully checked, unlike adult ones. Therefore, it is recommended to buy children's cottage cheese, yogurt or kefir.

Giving whole milk to a child under one year of age is strictly prohibited.. The baby's digestive system is not sufficiently developed and cannot digest whole milk. For this reason, milk should be diluted with boiled water. First, dilute in a 1:1 ratio (1 part water, 1 part milk). Then the amount of water is gradually reduced, and the amount of milk is increased. Thus, as the baby approaches one year of age, he is gradually switched to whole cow’s milk. From the age of one year, the baby should drink about half a liter. In this case, the fat content of milk should be at least 4 percent.

There are children who have an unpleasant pathology - congenital milk intolerance. This occurs due to a lack of milk enzymes in the baby’s body. In this case, special milk that does not contain lactose should be included in the child’s diet.

The main dish for a one-year-old child is porridge.. At first, the baby can be given instant cereals, and then gradually the child is transferred to regular boiled porridge. Useful for the baby rice, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge. It is not recommended to give semolina porridge to a child under three years of age. It contains vegetable protein, which is poorly absorbed by the baby's digestive system.

So that the child gets everything necessary elements, his diet should be varied. That is, you cannot feed your child the same food for a long time. This is not only harmful for the baby, but also dangerous, since such nutrition can lead to the development of various pathologies.

A one-year-old child’s daily menu can be compiled as follows:

  • in the morning, milk porridge (150 g) with the addition of 5 g of butter, half an yolk, fruit puree (50 g) is suitable as food;
  • can be given at lunch vegetable stew, (150 g), 2 steamed meat cutlets (fish cutlets 2 times a week), bread, fruit juice;
  • in the middle of the day it is better to give cottage cheese (30 g), fruit puree with cookies (70 g), yogurt;
  • For dinner, boiled vegetables or porridge without milk with vegetable oil (150 g), mashed meat (50 g), compote are suitable;
  • Before going to bed, it is recommended to feed the child yogurt, kefir (1 glass) or other light food.

If you adhere to this feeding scheme, a 1-year-old child’s menu will consist of healthy foods. At the same time, he will receive all the necessary elements and a sufficient amount of calories.

How much food should a 1 year old child eat?

Today, mothers often ask pediatricians what to feed their 1-year-old child so that he gets all the necessary elements and his food has enough calories?

The calorie content of food (including drinks and water) should be 1300 calories per day. In order for a child to receive so many calories, you need to follow some rules, because feeding him is not always easy. In order for the baby to eat the food offered by his mother well and with appetite, he should not be forced to eat and be entertained at the table. And also do not stretch out feeding for a long time. Meals should last 15–30 minutes. If the child is healthy but refuses to eat, it is better to postpone feeding until the baby is hungry. Over time, he will get used to the diet and will no longer refuse.

In order for a child who has reached the age of one to develop correctly, he needs (per 1 kg of body weight) 4 g of protein and 16 g of carbohydrates per day. Most fats and proteins should be of animal origin, such as lean meat, chicken, beef, chicken or beef liver. To feed a child, you need to add butter to dishes. At the same time, you must always remember that fresh oil, if it has not undergone heat treatment, must be given to the child very carefully so as not to cause stomach upset.

What not to give to children

Today, moms and dads are wondering what should be the menu for a 1-year-old child, if he can’t be given almost anything, judging by what pediatricians say? Pediatricians say that many foods are dangerous and harmful for babies. You cannot feed a child many foods, but at the same time his body must receive all the necessary elements. What then should you feed a one-year-old baby and how to create a diet for a 1-year-old child?

Yes, the question of what a child’s nutrition should be at 1 year of age must be approached carefully, carefully and with a due degree of responsibility. After all, improper feeding can lead to the development of various diseases, the treatment of which will take many years and effort.

When accustoming your baby to adult food, it is worth considering that foods such as fried foods, mushrooms, various smoked meats, sausages, and sausages are very harmful for a one-year-old baby. These foods should be excluded from the baby’s diet.

It is very good when your diet includes vegetables and fruits. But you also need to feed the baby with them carefully. Fruits should be given in crushed form, otherwise the baby may choke. It is better to grind them in a blender.

What foods are included in the baby’s menu during the period of development of his body determines whether his health will be good for the rest of his life. Therefore, you need to feed your baby an exclusively balanced diet every day.

The first and most significant year after the birth of your baby is behind us. Now he is a completely independent little man, scurrying around the apartment in search of interesting activity. How cheerful and cheerful a baby is during the day depends on how much energy he acquires by eating certain foods. It is important that a child’s nutrition at 1 year is correct.


What can you feed your baby? First of all, mother's breast milk. Breastfeeding can continue after the child reaches 1 year. Most often it occurs in the morning and before bed. You can also feed your baby at night.

There is no reason to worry about long-term breastfeeding: mother's milk allows you to save your baby's teeth from caries, form a correct bite, replenish the body with useful microelements and strengthen the immune system, especially in winter period when the risk of contracting an infection is high.

Breast milk is a very important source of:

  • squirrel;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • chlorine;
  • phosphorus and other trace elements.

All these substances are necessary for the normal development of bone tissue and the healthy functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

If breastfeeding had to be stopped for some reason, and the baby uses a special formula adapted for age, then after 1 year you need to switch to formulas designed for children 1–3 years old.

They will ensure that the body receives the necessary nutrients. The daily amount of milk or special mixtures can be 550–600 ml per day.

What products does a one-year-old baby need?

What can a baby eat? What foods are acceptable at his age? From the age of 1 year, a child’s routine and nutrition must undergo changes. The baby's diet should be varied and balanced, especially during active growth. Therefore, the question of what to feed a child after a year needs to be approached very seriously. Food and products offered to the baby must be healthy and meet the needs of the body.

Fruits and vegetables

It is already possible and even necessary to feed a one-year-old child fruits, berries and vegetables. All these products must be fresh and of high quality. It is best if you grow them yourself in your garden plot in summer period. In any case, try to purchase vegetables and fruits from a supplier or farmer you know.

It is best to give your baby berries, fruits and vegetables in season, giving preference to those grown in the area where you live. From 1 year you can eat greens.

Fresh fruits and vegetables should be present in the child’s diet in the form of purees or cut into small slices. The baby can eat them raw if the fruit or vegetables are soft enough.

You can also use them in processed form, for example, boiled or baked. It is best that half the norm of fruit is eaten fresh by the baby. As for vegetables, the proportion here may be less.

You need to be careful when your child consumes citrus fruits, since children are most often allergic to them. To avoid problems, it is better to postpone their introduction into complementary foods until a later time. Or try giving your baby a very small piece first and carefully observe the body’s reaction.

Cereal dishes

Porridge is an important element of a child's diet. Buckwheat and oatmeal are considered the most useful. A one-year-old child can also eat semolina, rice, millet, and corn porridge.

At the age of one year, it is better to give preference to special cereals made for babies in compliance with all standards. They are usually consumed for breakfast, half an hour or an hour after the baby wakes up.


You can also feed your child one year with soups and broths. First courses made with vegetable broth are very good and healthy. They are easy and simple to prepare, and the benefits are incredible. In addition, try to diversify your diet with puree soups. This type of soup is most loved by kids who are not yet familiar with chunky food.


The child can drink juices, compotes, herbal teas after meals. Don't forget about clean drinking water, it cannot be replaced by any other drinks. The water can be boiled or thoroughly purified. Boiled water can be given to your baby as needed in unlimited quantities.

Other products

It is not recommended for your child to eat any industrially made sweets. The most acceptable option from the sweet menu is considered to be honey, molasses, natural syrups and dried fruits. It is better to replace sugar with fructose. It is better to use sweet fruits to sweeten porridge.

Adding salt to dishes is also undesirable. The permissible norm for a one-year-old toddler is 1 gram per day.

From the age of one year, a child can be introduced to bread products. You should give preference to wheat bread, but wait with rye bread for now, as it can cause fermentation processes in the intestines.

Foods you should avoid for up to three years

What to feed a 1 year old child? Despite the fact that the toddler is no longer so small, you should not rush to introduce certain foods into your child’s diet. Moreover, it is better to abandon them completely until the baby is three years old. Well, some are harmful to absolutely everyone, regardless of age.

  • mushrooms;
  • nuts;
  • any semi-finished products;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fast food;
  • pickled and salted foods;
  • canned food;
  • smoked and fried foods;
  • store-bought desserts;
  • seasonings and spices;
  • coffee and cocoa.

It is also necessary to mention products that need to be approached with caution.

In addition to the citrus fruits that we have already talked about, these are:

  • grapes, which enhances fermentation processes and produces excess carbohydrates;
  • raw cabbage, which can cause bloating and colic;
  • honey, pineapples, strawberries, kiwi can cause allergies;
  • dried fruits;
  • any vitamin and mineral complexes (if the child has not been prescribed them by the pediatrician).

Daily food intake

The volume of a one-year-old child's stomach is approximately 250 milliliters. This needs to be factored into the serving size. One meal cannot exceed this volume.

The optimal diet for a 1 year old child is eating 4 times a day. Breaks between feedings should be at least 3.5 hours.

The daily amount of food for children under one and a half years old is 1000–1200 ml. It is recommended to distribute it throughout the day as follows:

  • a quarter is eaten at breakfast;
  • 35% is excreted at lunchtime;
  • The child eats 15% during the afternoon snack;
  • dinner makes up 25% of the total volume.

Pedagogical complementary feeding

Today, many people have become familiar with the concept of pedagogical complementary feeding. This is not at all the introduction of complementary foods according to strict standards.

Pedagogical complementary feeding is a technique in which children are allowed to try food from their parents’ plate. At the same time, it is important that dad and mom eat healthy food. A child, little by little trying “adult food”, gradually gets used to it, and translation into common table happens smoothly and harmoniously.

Let's start chewing

By the age of one year, the baby has already acquired 6-8 teeth, which means that he is now able to chew small pieces of food on his own. No one is rushing you to give up vegetable and fruit purees; they can also be consumed. However, you should not delay eating solid food. The chewing process allows the jaw apparatus to form correctly, affects the development of a correct bite and prepares the baby for “adult life.”

Eating process a one-year-old child- an entertaining spectacle. The little discoverer keeps trying to take the spoon from his mother and wants to continue to act independently. Children as young as one year old can feed themselves with their hands, learn to drink from a mug, and “feed” their parents or a toy.

Often feeding a child turns into pampering. To prevent this from happening, you can use some tips:

  • Forcing a child to eat if he doesn’t want it at all is not very good good idea. Let him go play. When he gets hungry, he will run to the kitchen and eat with pleasure.
  • There is no need to rush when feeding; let the baby eat at a pace that is convenient for him.
  • Joint dinners, lunches and breakfasts will serve not only in a good way family unity, but can also become a good tradition. Moreover, the child will follow the example of adults and try to behave correctly at the table.
  • A beautifully decorated dish is eaten more readily by the baby. Therefore, you can use your imagination and present familiar dishes to your baby in an unusual form.

To keep your baby healthy, cheerful and cheerful, you need to listen to several useful recommendations on organizing nutrition for a 1 year old baby:

  • Meals should be eaten at the same time every day. A stable feeding regimen for a 1-year-old child will ensure smooth functioning of the entire digestive system. It is permissible to deviate from the established schedule within half an hour.
  • Nutrition for a child’s year should be organized taking into account individual needs, then you will not have to make an effort to feed a stubborn little one and “push” a spoon with unloved porridge into your child’s mouth.
  • The introduction of any new foods into a child’s diet at 1 year of age should begin gradually, starting with a small dose. It is important to monitor the reaction of the child’s body.
  • Products intended for children must be fresh. It is also not advisable to reheat baby food.
  • Proper nutrition for the whole family will allow the baby to feast directly from your plate. Result: healthy family and no need to cook for the child separately from the rest of the household.

Seeing your children happy is the dream of all parents. Remember that their health is in your hands. It may be worth pampering children, but definitely not through catering. The key to good health is correct and balanced diet children and parents.

The menu of a baby who has reached the age of one is significantly different from what the baby is used to. If earlier his mother had to cook according to all the rules - cook vegetables, cereals and soups in separate dishes without salt, then from the age of 1 year the picture changes. Many parents try to make their life easier and transfer their child to a family diet. According to Evgeniy Komarovsky, this is the right strategy, however, it is important not to forget that a baby’s diet should still be slightly different from dishes for adults. So, let's take a closer look at what the nutrition of children over 1 year should be.

You can create a menu for a 1-year-old child taking into account the nutrition of adult family members.


After one year, it is advisable to feed your baby strictly according to the clock. This is necessary so that the child develops a conditioned reflex, and the food is absorbed as completely as possible. Permissible deviations in meal hours are around 15-20 minutes. The number of feedings per day should be at least 4, maximum - 5. If you plan to attend kindergarten, it is advisable to form correct mode, as close as possible to kindergarten. Breakfast is served there around 8-30, lunch - at 12-12.30. Approximate baby feeding schedule:

  • Breakfast – 8-30. It is advisable that by this time the child has time to brush his teeth, wash his face, and do gymnastics.
  • Lunch – 12.30. In order for the baby to spend energy and want to eat, you need to give him a walk before lunch. It’s great if the mother goes with him to the playground, where the son or daughter can communicate with other kids.
  • Afternoon snack – 16.30. This is the time after sleep, as a rule, the baby does not yet feel hungry, but he needs to hold out until dinner. For an afternoon snack, you can offer your baby cottage cheese or casserole.
  • Dinner – 19-00. This may be the last meal, after which the offspring performs nightly procedures - washes, brushes teeth, plays a little and goes to bed. However, for some babies, eating two hours before bed is not enough. At night, the child can drink milk or formula.

One year old baby It is enough to give formula milk 1-2 times a day

Experts note that breast milk or formula is an important product for a one-year-old baby. However, it should be understood that breastfeeding is equivalent to eating; therefore, it is not advisable to breastfeed the baby between main meals. It is better to feed him milk early in the morning or at night to make it easier for him to go to bed. Dr. Komarovsky generally believes that it is enough to give milk or formula to the baby once a day.

Nutritional standards for a 1 year old baby

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It should be remembered that dishes for feeding a small eater should have a puree-like consistency or contain lumps. Despite the presence of a certain number of teeth, chewing is not yet easy for the baby. According to the standards, a child from one to 1.5 years old should eat from 1100 to 1200 ml per day.

The total amount of food should be distributed as follows: for breakfast and dinner, the baby can eat one quarter of the diet (275-300 ml), for lunch 35% (385-420 ml), for an afternoon snack - only 15% (165-180 ml). Of course, these calculations are conditional and are needed only so that parents can be guided by them.

In the table below we have given the approximate volumes of products that a baby can consume per day. These standards meet the recommendations of children's nutritionists.

The product's nameWeight per day, g
Breast milk/formula and kefir500-600
Cottage cheese50
Sour cream10
Fruits (these include juices, purees, compotes)200
Sunflower and other vegetable oils5
Sugar (or fructose)20-40
  • breakfast: milk porridge or cooked vegetables - 150 g, protein dish (egg, meat or fish) - 50 g, juice or compote - 70 ml;
  • lunch: soup - 50 g, fish or meat - 50 g, potatoes, cabbage, zucchini - 100 g, juice - 70 g;
  • afternoon snack: kefir - 100 ml, cookies or bun - 15 g, banana, apple or pear - 100 g;
  • dinner: porridge, vegetables or cottage cheese – 150 g, compote – 50 g;
  • at night: formula / breast milk or kefir - up to 200 g.

Diet preparation

If you feed your child according to the rules, he will inevitably get tired of getting the same thing for lunch. In this regard, parents should try to diversify the baby's table.

Despite the limited list of allowed dishes, the menu can be quite interesting if you use different recipes. Next, we will list the main elements in a baby’s diet and tell you how best to plan your child’s menu.

Dairy and fermented milk products

Dairy products are one of the most important nutritional elements for a one-year-old child. They contain proteins that are most fully and comfortably absorbed by the child’s body, fats, and carbohydrates. Fermented milk drinks - kefir, narine, yogurt, contain live bacteria necessary for efficient work intestines. Cheese and cottage cheese are a source of calcium. However, due to the increased fat content, cheese and sour cream should be placed on the baby’s table once every two to three days.

Cheese is both a tasty and healthy product, but due to its high fat content, it can be given once every 3-3 days.

At the same time, if a child is underweight, the dairy products placed on his table should be of normal fat content, and in no case low-fat. We are talking about milk and kefir with a fat content of 2.5-3.2%, yogurt 3.2%, sour cream and cottage cheese - 10% fat. Milk and dairy dishes included in a child’s diet should be 500-600 ml per day. It is also necessary to take into account the dishes in which they are included.

Let's talk separately about children who have been diagnosed with cow protein intolerance. It is better not to give such babies whole milk until they are 2-2.5 years old. Milk will be replaced by concentrates for children from one to 1.5 years old, which contain milk powder and do not add whey.

Children can be given yogurt, specially designed for babies over one year old, in a volume of up to 100 ml per day. It contains fats and carbohydrates in moderate quantities, and there is no sugar.

It is also allowed to offer children's cottage cheese up to 50 g. Sour cream is sometimes used as a dressing for salads or meat dishes (meatballs), but its volume is limited to 10 ml per day. In some cases, sour cream is replaced with yogurt.

Cereal dishes

Cereals are used to prepare porridges, which can be quite varied. Cereals are best source carbohydrates, and they also contain vegetable proteins, minerals and vitamins. Buckwheat and oatmeal are considered the most beneficial for baby nutrition, while semolina is more often recommended to be offered to underweight children. It doesn't have many vitamins, and it also contains gluten, which can cause allergies.

The healthiest porridges for a child aged 1 year are oatmeal and buckwheat.

Rice porridge is excellent for feeding infants who have gastrointestinal problems. It is well absorbed and helps regulate digestion. Rice porridge does not contain many vitamins, so it should not be given to your child every day.

Corn porridge helps replenish the lack of selenium in the body, but it contains a lot of starch. This substance causes fermentation in the intestines, so porridge should not be given to children who have stomach problems. Corn porridge is easily digestible, but requires long cooking (we recommend reading:).

Vegetables and fruits

By the age of one year, a child, as a rule, is already familiar with many vegetables. They are a source of fiber, contain vitamins, and many boast protein. In the second year of life, fruits and vegetables are combined with cereals. For example, they add baked apples and pumpkin to rice and oatmeal. Also, apricots, plums, and strawberries may already appear in the baby’s diet. Some of the fruits are given to the baby in the form of juices and smoothies, others - raw and baked.

Strawberries are just as beneficial for children as they are for adults, but you need to be very careful when introducing them into your baby’s diet.

It is also advisable to gradually expand the vegetable menu. In addition to cabbage, potatoes, zucchini, carrots, boiled turnips and beets can be used as food for children over one year old.

Separately, we note legumes - lentils, green peas and beans. These foods contain rough fiber, which often causes bloating and sometimes diarrhea. In this regard, it is recommended to boil them well and chop them. You should not offer your child legumes more than once a week.

Fish and meat

Meat and fish dishes are necessary for the full development of a child. A one-year-old baby and older should be offered meatballs, steamed cutlets, and meatball soup. Taking into account the fact that animal protein is more difficult for the body to digest, it is better to feed the child it in the first half of the day.

In addition to the already familiar rabbit meat and beef, the child is prepared with lean pork and offal (tongue, liver). Fatty pork, lamb, and waterfowl meat (ducks, goose) are poorly digestible, so you shouldn’t offer them to your baby just yet. It is not recommended to give children sausages, sausages, and smoked meat.

One-year-old babies love meatball soup

It is advisable to limit fish products to low-fat varieties - hake, pollock. You should give fish no more than twice a week, making sure that the baby is not allergic to it. It contains a lot of vitamins and fatty acids.

To diversify the baby’s menu, it makes sense not only to boil the fish, but also to stew it, and prepare cutlets, meatballs, and soufflés from the fillet. It is better to give caviar in small portions, making sure that the baby does not have an allergic reaction.


Very often eggs cause allergic reaction in children. If at 7-8 months your baby's cheeks turn red after eating yolk, now is the time to try offering him this product again. Eggs contain valuable substances, primarily easily digestible protein and microelements. If the baby responds well, you should strive to ensure that eggs appear in his diet every day in certain dishes. Note that Dr. Komarovsky claims that it is enough for a one-year-old baby to eat only 1.5 eggs per week.

One-year-old children should only be offered boiled eggs or prepare an omelet.

In addition to boiled eggs, an omelet is prepared for the baby, and they are also added to cheesecakes, casseroles, and other dishes. You should not give your baby raw eggs.

Chicken eggs can be replaced with quail eggs. However, it is worth remembering that they have a higher content of protein, fat and cholesterol. At the same time, they can become an alternative to chicken, to which the child may be allergic. Instead of one chicken, it is enough to give 2-3 quail eggs.


Butter is a valuable source of fat and must be included in a child’s diet. The main condition for it to be well absorbed and harmless is to give the oil in its natural form, without heat treatment. This applies to both creamy and vegetable oils. Creamy milk can be added to porridge, spread on bread, vegetable oil can be used to dress salads, or added to soup.

Sweets and flour

All children love bread: having tried it for the first time, the child never refuses it afterwards

It is better to offer white bread to children, as it is easily digestible. Wherein confectionery– chocolate, caramel, cakes – it is advisable not to give small child. From sweets, you can choose what the baby eats with pleasure - jams, marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows.

Honey is quite acceptable as a sweet substitute. However, it is worth remembering that this sweetness is highly allergenic. Regular sugar can be replaced with fructose.


The child must receive enough fluids. However, young children still cannot tell their mother that they are thirsty, and parents often forget to offer the baby water between feedings, wondering why the child is capricious. In this regard, you need to ensure that the baby always has access to water - he can take his own bottle or sippy cup. You can offer your offspring boiled or baby bottled water or weak tea. Don't rely on sugary drinks - they don't do the job well, and they also contain a lot of sugar.

Sample menu for a 1 year old baby per day

We will only give sample menu for a child, compiled taking into account our recommendations. Parents can change various points in it, focusing on the child’s tastes and their capabilities.

When planning a menu for your baby, you should strive to ensure that he learns to eat himself - drink from a cup, use a spoon. It is advisable that the child has his own cutlery, plastic dishes, intended for children, as well as a place at the table.