Diet tables: therapeutic dietary tables for medical diseases. Diet food tables: therapeutic dietary tables for medical diseases Allowed diet products

Diet No. 16 reduces inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper gastrointestinal tract, creates favorable conditions for the healing of ulcers and erosions, and therefore is prescribed for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

Diet No. 16 normalizes restoration processes in the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, reduces irritation of local sensory nerve endings, regulates the secretory, excretory and motor functions of the stomach.

Diet No. 16 is prescribed for bed rest.

The diet provides physiological norms of proteins and fats. The amount of carbohydrates and table salt is limited . In addition, they are limited food products, which have a chemical and mechanical irritant effect on the mucous membrane and sensitive nerve endings of the upper gastrointestinal tract, strong stimulants of gastric secretion, as well as foods that linger in the stomach for a long time. Dishes are prepared by boiling in water or steaming and served pureed.

IN daily ration contains :

  • proteins - 100-110g,
  • fat - 110g,
  • carbohydrates - 300g,
  • table salt - 8-10g per day.

Its weight ranges from 2.5 to 3kg, calorie content - from 2600 to 3000 kcal.
Meals are fractional - 6-7 times a day.

From bakery products Crackers made from premium white bread are allowed.

Soups are prepared using a mucous broth with the addition of pureed cereals and an egg-milk mixture.

Allowed lean meats, poultry and fish. Dishes from them are prepared by boiling in water or steaming after first removing fascia, tendons and skin. Meat, poultry and fish are served chopped: meatballs, cutlets, quenelles, soufflé, etc.

Excluded vegetable side dishes and pasta. Mashed milk porridges made from semolina, buckwheat, rice or oatmeal are allowed.

Eggs are served soft-boiled, in the form of steamed omelettes and dishes made from whipped whites (snowballs, meringues).

Allowed jelly, sweet berry and fruit juices(half with water), sugar, honey, jelly from sweet varieties of berries and fruits.

Dairy products are given in the form of whole, condensed milk, cream, fresh non-acidic mashed cottage cheese, and curd soufflé.

Drinks: tea with milk or cream and unsweetened rosehip infusion.

Approximate one-day diet menu No. 1b
8:00 steamed meat cutlets -
rice milk porridge -
butter -
rosehip decoction -
11:00 milk -
with crackers -
14:00 slimy pearl barley soup
(in light meat broth) -
steamed cottage cheese soufflé with cherry sauce -
compote -



17:00 milk -
white stale bread -
1 piece
19:00 milky buckwheat slimy porridge -
soft-boiled egg -
sea ​​buckthorn juice -
1 PC.
21:00 milk -
with crackers
Sample one-day menu of lipotropic diet No. 1b
(calorie content 2432 kcal)
8:00 curd soufflé -
oatmeal porridge with milk -
milk -
11:00 fruit jelly - 180ml
14:00 rice milk soup -
steamed fish soufflé with vegetable oil -
fruit jelly -


17:00 rosehip decoction -
crackers -
19:00 white omelette -
fruit jelly -
21:00 milk - 200ml

Treatment tables (diets) according to Pevzner- this diet system created by Professor M.I. Pevzner, one of the founders of dietetics and gastroenterology in the USSR. The system is widely used in the complex treatment of diseases of patients in hospitals and sanatoriums. The tables are also of a recommendatory nature for patients when they are outside medical institutions.

The Pevzner diet system includes 15 treatment tables corresponding to certain groups of diseases. Some of the tables are divided into categories with letter designations. Categories of therapeutic diets correspond to the stage or period of the pathological process: exacerbation (height) of the disease → fading exacerbation → recovery.

Indications for the appointment of treatment tables:

  • Diet No. 1, 1a, 1b– stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • Diet No. 2– atrophic gastritis, colitis;
  • Diet No. 3– constipation;
  • Diet No. 4, 4a, 4b, 4c– intestinal diseases with diarrhea;
  • Diet No. 5, 5a– diseases of the biliary tract and liver;
  • Diet No. 6– urolithiasis, gout;
  • Diet No. 7, 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d– chronic and acute nephritis, chronic renal failure;
  • Diet No. 8– obesity;
  • Diet No. 9- diabetes;
  • Diet No. 10– diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Diet No. 11– tuberculosis;
  • Diet No. 12– diseases of the nervous system;
  • Diet No. 13– spicy infectious diseases;
  • Diet No. 14– kidney disease with passage of phosphate stones;
  • Diet No. 15– diseases that do not require special diets.


  • in the acute stage and unstable remission;
  • acute gastritis;
  • chronic gastritis with normal and high acidity in the stage of mild exacerbation;

Diet: 4-5 times a day

Appointment date: at least 2-3 months


Recommended Exclude
Bread and pastries White wheat bread, yesterday's bread, dried

Dry biscuit

Dry unsweetened cookies

Black bread

Butter flour products

First meal Soups made from pureed cereals, potatoes and vegetables (except cabbage)

Milk soups with vermicelli, noodles, rice, semolina

Meat and fish broths

Vegetable and mushroom broths

Meat Lean meats (beef, veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit) without tendons and fat, boiled, steamed, pureed

Lean and tender meat in pieces

Weak jelly


Low-fat fish (pike perch, cod, silver hake, navaga, ice fish, etc.) boiled or in pieces

Jellied fish

Cereals and porridges Various cereals in the form of porridge, puree, soufflé, pudding, boiled in water and steamed.

Boiled vermicelli, homemade noodles, finely chopped pasta


Legumes (peas, beans, beans, lentils)

Dairy Whole and condensed milk

Sour cream (limited)

One-day sour milk

Non-acidic pureed cottage cheese

Curd soufflé


Vegetables and greens Any vegetables (except forbidden ones) in boiled pureed form White and red cabbage

Turnip, rutabaga

Spinach, sorrel

Radish, radish

Garlic, onion

Fruits Ripe fruits and sweet berries (fresh and cooked)

Kissels, jellies, mousses, compotes from fresh and dried fruits

Sour varieties of berries and fruits
Sweets Honey, sugar, jam
Beverages Rose hip decoction

Weak coffee

Cocoa with milk

Tea with milk or cream

Milk jelly

Sweet fruit and berry juices

Carbonated drinks


Eggs Scrambled eggs

Steam omelettes

Eggs in dishes

Eggs raw
Sauces and spices Milk sauces, sour cream (with cereal broth and milk) without sautéing flour, fruit sauces Spicy seasonings


Fats and oils Unsalted butter

Sunflower and olive oil

Refractory fats


Snacks Mild grated cheese

Lean ham, finely chopped

Fried foods

Smoked meats

Canned foods

Nutrition Features:

Food is served warm in a semi-liquid or jelly-like form, meat dishes and potatoes without frying. Limit the content of table salt.

Table No. 1a

Modification of the main table with strict sparing of the gastric mucosa, which involves eating food in liquid, mushy and jelly-like form.


  • stomach and duodenal ulcers (severe exacerbation);
  • exacerbation of chronic gastritis with severe pain;
  • state after (after a strict gentle diet).

Diet: 5-6 times a day

Appointment date: a few days

Recommended: milk, slimy cereal milk soups with butter; liquid, pureed, milk porridges; soft-boiled eggs or steam omelettes; steam soufflés from lean varieties of fish and meat; unsalted butter or olive oil, cream; berry, fruit (non-acidic) and milk jelly, carrot, fruit juices, rosehip decoction, weak tea with milk.

Salt is limited to 5-8 g, liquid - to 1.5 liters. Additionally, vitamins A, C, and group B are prescribed.

Table No. 1b

Prescribed to ensure a smooth transition from a strict gentle diet to a basic diet.


  • subacute phase of peptic ulcer and exacerbation of gastritis.

Diet: 4-5 times a day

Appointment date: a few days

Nutritional features and products:

The food is prepared in a puree form, 75-100 g of premium white bread crackers, meat and fish in the form of cutlets, quenelles, and meatballs are added. More often they give pureed milk porridges. Milk and cereal soups.

Table No. 2


  • chronic gastritis with low acidity;
  • atrophic gastritis;
  • chronic colitis without exacerbation.

Diet: 4-5 times a day

Appointment date: for a long time


Recommended Exclude
Bread and pastries Yesterday's white and gray wheat bread

Dry unsweetened cookies

Savory bakery products

Fresh wheat bread
First meal Soups based on low-fat meat and fish broths with pureed cereals, noodles, and vegetables Milk soups
Meat dishes Lean meats (beef, veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit), minced, baked and fried without breading, boiled

Boiled chicken without skin

Fatty and stringy meat

Bird skin

Fish Low-fat fish: pike perch, cod, silver hake, navaga, ice fish

Boiled or fried fish

Jellied fish

Lightly salted herring (once a week)

Canned fish

Cereals and porridges Porridges from various cereals (except prohibited ones)

Pasta, casseroles

Finely chopped pasta, vermicelli

Millet, pearl barley, corn, barley porridge
Dairy Milk with tea or as part of dishes

Curdled milk

Whole milk
Vegetables and greens Vegetable purees

Boiled cauliflower

Stewed zucchini and pumpkin

Tomato salads

Early finely chopped dill, parsley


bell pepper



Fruits Kissels, compotes, jellies, mousses from sweet berries and fruits Raw fruits, especially those with hard skins and seeds (red currants, raspberries, gooseberries, grapes)

Dried fruits (dates)

Sweets Sugar, honey
Beverages Tea

Cocoa with milk

Decoction of rosehip and wheat bran

Sweet fruit and berry juices mixed with water

Carbonated drinks


Eggs Soft-boiled eggs, omelettes Hard-boiled eggs
Sauces and spices Meat, fish, sour cream sauces Hot seasonings and spices, marinades
Fats and oils Butter

Melted butter

Snacks Soaked herring

Doctor's sausage

Mild grated cheese

Lean ham

Nutrition Features:

Boiled, stewed, baked dishes, with varying degrees of grinding, are allowed. It is allowed to fry dishes without forming a rough crust (do not bread them in breadcrumbs). Products high in fiber and dietary fiber are served pureed. Difficult to digest foods are excluded, as well as dishes that irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, excessively cold and hot dishes.

Table No. 3


  • chronic diseases and functional bowel disorders accompanied by constipation.

Diet: 4-5 times a day

Appointment date: unlimited


Recommended Exclude
Bread and pastries Wheat bread, yesterday's grain bread

Dry unsweetened cookies

Fresh wheat bread

Fresh baked goods

Baking from butter and puff pastry

First meal Soups with low-fat meat and fish broths, vegetable soups Slimy soups
Meat Lean meats: beef, veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit,

Milk sausages

Duck, goose, fatty meat

Smoked meats

Fish Low-fat fish: pike perch, cod, perch


Salted, smoked, fatty fish

Canned fish

Cereals and porridges Buckwheat, millet, wheat, barley cereals Rice cereals, semolina


Dairy Whole milk

Fermented milk drinks (kefir, yogurt)

Cottage cheese, curd puddings, casseroles, lazy dumplings,

Mild cheese, sour cream large quantities

Vegetables and greens Potatoes – limited




Leaf salad



Fruits Fresh ripe varieties of fruits and berries,

Dried fruits (figs, prunes)

Sweets Marmalade, pastille, marshmallows, jam, honey, jam, marshmallow, caramel Pastries with cream and whipped cream
Beverages Green tea

coffee drink

Rose hip decoction,

Sweet fruit and vegetable juices

Sparkling mineral water


Strong black tea

Eggs Soft-boiled eggs, steamed egg white omelettes Hard boiled eggs
Sauces and spices Spicy seasonings, marinades,

Spicy and fatty sauces

Fats and oils Butter

Vegetable oil

Other Mushrooms

Nutrition Features:

Food is prepared mostly unchopped, boiled in water or steamed, or baked. Vegetables and fruits are consumed raw or boiled. The diet includes cold first and sweet dishes and drinks.

Table No. 4


  • acute and exacerbation of chronic intestinal diseases, accompanied by diarrhea (diarrhea)

Diet: 5 times a day

Appointment date: a few days


Recommended Exclude
Bread and pastries Top quality crackers made from white wheat bread, not toasted, thinly sliced Pastry products


Black bread

First meal Slimy soups in low-fat meat or fish broth, or in vegetable broth with well-cooked cereals, vermicelli, noodles, finely chopped vegetables with the addition of steamed or boiled meat or fish dumplings, meatballs, egg flakes, boiled and pureed meat. Meat and fish broths

Vegetable infusions

Meat and fish Beef, veal, poultry or fresh low-fat fish in the form of steamed cutlets, quenelles, meatballs, soufflés Fatty meats and fish

Meat in a piece

Salty fish

Canned food

Cereals and porridges Puree porridge in water or in low-fat meat broth made from rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina and other cereals Wheat porridge, pearl barley


Dairy Fresh calcined cottage cheese in pureed form Milk
Vegetables and greens Fresh vegetables, herbs
Fruits Peeled apple puree

Jelly, jelly from blueberries, dogwoods, bird cherry, quince, pears

Any raw fruits and berries
Sweets Sugar limited Any
Beverages Strong tea with lemon and sugar

Juices of black currants, blueberries half and half with water

Rose hip decoction

Decoction of dried black currants, blueberries, bird cherry

Carbonated drinks


Eggs Up to 1-2 per day. Soft-boiled, steamed omelet and in dishes
Sauces and spices Salt is limited Any
Fats and oils Butter
Snacks Any

Nutrition Features:

Mechanical, chemical and thermal irritants of the gastrointestinal tract are sharply limited. Products and dishes that stimulate the secretion of the digestive organs, the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines are excluded. Dishes are liquid, semi-liquid, pureed, boiled in water or steamed. Very hot and cold dishes are excluded.

Table No. 4a


  • colitis with a predominance of fermentation processes.

Diet: 5 times a day

Appointment date: a few days

The composition is the same as in diet No. 4, but carbohydrate-rich foods (porridge, bread, sugar) are sharply limited and the protein content is increased due to meat dishes and pureed cottage cheese.

Table No. 4b


  • chronic colitis in the attenuation stage of the disease.

Diet: 4-6 times a day

Appointment date: from 1-2 months to several years

Diet features:

In contrast to the main diet, snacks are allowed (mild cheese, doctor's sausage, pate, veal, soaked herring, jellied meat, jellied tongue) and sauces (meat, vegetable and fish weak broth with dill, parsley leaves, milk bechamel sauce with the addition of a small amount of sour cream, fruit sauces, cinnamon can be used).

All dishes are boiled or steamed, pureed, slimy, and served warm.

Table No. 4b


  • acute intestinal diseases during the recovery period as a transition to a balanced diet;
  • chronic intestinal diseases during the period of exacerbation;
  • chronic intestinal diseases without exacerbation with concomitant lesions of other digestive organs.

Diet: 5 times a day

Appointment date: a few months

Nutrition Features:

This diet is prescribed to provide adequate nutrition in case of intestinal dysfunction to restore the function of other digestive organs. The diet is physiologically complete with limited salt intake and a slight increase in the amount of protein foods. It eliminates and activates its secretion, as well as the secretion of the pancreas and stomach. You need to prepare dishes by steaming, crushed, or baking or boiling.

Table No. 5


  • chronic hepatitis with a benign and progressive course;
  • liver cirrhosis without exacerbation;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • acute hepatitis and cholecystitis during the recovery period;
  • other diseases accompanied by dysfunction of the liver and biliary tract.

Diet: 5 times a day

Appointment date: unlimited


Recommended Exclude
Bread and pastries Yesterday's bread, white, gray, uneaten cookies and buns,

Pies with apples and jam

Black bread (individual)

Fresh bread,

Puff pastry and pastry, fried pies

First meal Vegetables, cereals in vegetable broth,

Dairy with pasta, fruit,

Vegetarian borscht and cabbage soup, beetroot soup.

Meat, fish and mushroom broths,
Meat and fish Medium fat meat and poultry

Beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey, veal - boiled in pieces, baked in pieces after boiling, chopped steamed products

Lean fish in pieces, in the form of meatballs, soufflé

Jellied fish


Canned food

Fried foods

Cereals and porridges Any dishes from various cereals, especially buckwheat, oatmeal with the addition of cottage cheese, grated cheese

Boiled vermicelli,

Pilaf with fruits or carrots, rice-carrot, rice-apple casseroles, etc.

Dairy Milk in in kind and in dishes

Kefir, yogurt,

Fresh low-fat cottage cheese, steamed and baked dishes made from it, curd paste,

Mild grated cheese

Sour cream as a seasoning for dishes

Vegetables and greens Various dishes and side dishes from raw, boiled and baked vegetables

Fresh vegetable salads, vinaigrettes (without onions),

Non-acidic sauerkraut,

Vegetables and side dishes,

Green peas in soups

Parsley, dill, celery


Pickled vegetables

Fruits Ripe sweet berries and soft fruits, natural and baked

Fruit and berry purees, jellies, mousses, jellies, jams

Fruit salads

Sweets Sugar, honey, marshmallows
Beverages Fruit, berry, vegetable juices, compotes, rosehip decoctions
Eggs Protein steam omelettes Yolks
Sauces and spices Sauces based on vegetable and cereal decoctions and milk
Fats and oils Butter and vegetable fats
Other Doctor's sausage, milk sausages Smoked meats

Most sausages

Nutrition Features:

Dishes are mostly boiled or baked after pre-cooking. Food is prepared mainly in uncut form. Flour and vegetables for dressing are not fried, but dried.

Table No. 5a


  • acute hepatitis and cholecystitis;
  • exacerbation of chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, liver cirrhosis.

Diet: 5 times a day

Appointment date: a few days

Nutrition Features: nutrition is the same as with diet No. 5, but you should eat more protein-containing foods, limit foods containing fats and carbohydrates; dishes that enhance the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, strong stimulants of bile secretion and substances that irritate the liver.

Dishes are prepared boiled, mashed, and served warm. Separate baked dishes of meat and fish, pre-boiled, without crust, are allowed.

Table No. 6


  • gout;
  • urolithiasis with urate stones.

Diet: 4-5 times a day

Appointment date: long


Recommended Exclude
Bread and pastries Wheat and rye bread, made from 1st and 2nd grade flour.

Various baked goods, including those containing ground bran

First meal Vegetarian: borscht, cabbage soup, vegetable, potato, with the addition of cereals, cold (okroshka, beetroot soup), dairy, fruit. Meat, fish and mushroom broths, from sorrel, spinach, legumes
Meat and fish Low-fat types and varieties of meat and fish in boiled form. Liver, kidneys, tongue, brains, meat of young animals and birds

Smoked meats

Salty fish

Canned meat and fish, caviar

Cereals and porridges Any dishes Legumes
Dairy Milk

Fermented milk drinks

Cottage cheese and dishes made from it,

Salty cheeses
Vegetables and greens In increased quantities, raw and in any culinary processing.

Potato dishes.

Limited salted and pickled


Fresh legume pods, spinach, sorrel, rhubarb

Fruits In increased quantities of fruits and berries, fresh and with any culinary processing.

Dried fruits

Sweets Marmalade, pastille, no chocolate candies, jam, honey, meringue

Milk creams and jelly

Beverages Tea with lemon and milk

Weak coffee with milk

Juices of fruits, berries and vegetables, fruit drinks, water with juices

Decoctions of rose hips, wheat bran, dried fruits


Strong tea and coffee

Eggs 1 egg per day in any cooking method
Sauces and spices With vegetable broth, tomato, sour cream, milk.

Citric acid, vanillin, cinnamon, bay leaf.

Dill, parsley.

Sauces based on meat, fish, mushroom broths,

Pepper, mustard, horseradish

Fats and oils Butter, cow's ghee and vegetable oils

Limited pork fat

Beef, lamb lard, cooking fats
Other Salads from fresh and pickled vegetables, from fruits


Vegetable, squash, eggplant caviar

Salty snacks,

Smoked meats, canned food,

Nutrition Features:

Culinary processing is normal, excluding the mandatory boiling of meat, poultry and fish. The food temperature is normal.

Table No. 7


  • acute nephritis in the recovery phase;
  • chronic nephritis without exacerbation;
  • nephropathy of pregnant women and other diseases requiring a salt-free diet.

Diet: 4-5 times a day

Appointment date: long


Recommended Exclude
Bread and pastries Protein-free bread

White wheat bran bread without salt

Pancakes, pancakes with yeast and without salt

First meal Vegetarian with vegetables, with sago without salt
Meat Lean beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey, boiled or baked, lightly fried after boiling, in pieces or chopped (beef stroganoff, steamed cutlets, meatballs, meatloaf)
Fish Lean fish (pike perch, silver hake, navaga, cod, pike, carp), boiled in pieces, chopped, aspic after boiling
Cereals and porridges Cereals and pasta limited
Dairy Natural milk, lactic acid drinks, cottage cheese and curd dishes in limited quantities
Vegetables and greens Potato




Fruits Any fruits and berries, especially watermelon, melon

Purees, jelly, starch mousses

Sweets Sugar, honey, jam, jams
Beverages Sweet tea, rosehip decoction

Tea with milk

Fruit and berry juices mixed with water

Eggs White omelette, eggs in dishes, no more than 1 piece per day
Sauces and spices Dairy, tomato, protein-free sauces

Vegetable marinade with tomato

Sauces based on meat, mushroom and fish broths
Fats and oils Any except refractory Refractory fats
Other Mild cheese

The vinaigrette

Smoked meats and pickles

Canned food

Nutrition Features: The diet is complete and practically no different from the diet of a healthy person. Patients are advised not to abuse protein foods (up to 0.8–0.9 g/kg) and somewhat limit salt (7–8 g/day).

Table No. 7a


  • acute and chronic nephritis in the acute stage;
  • terminal chronic renal failure.

Diet: 5 times a day

Appointment date: a few days

Nutrition Features: modification of the basic diet with complete exception salt, sharp restriction of fluid and protein.

Table No. 7b


  • recovery period after acute kidney inflammation;

Diet: 5 times a day

Appointment date: from several days to several months

Nutrition Features: modification of the basic diet with restriction of salt and protein is transitional from No. 7a to No. 7

Tables No. 7v and No. 7d

Prescribed to persons with severe nephrotic syndrome and those on hemodialysis, respectively.

They represent a modification of the basic diet with increased protein content.

Table No. 8


  • obesity as a primary disease or concomitant with other diseases that do not require special diets.

Diet: 5-6 times a day

Appointment date: long


Recommended Exclude
Bread and pastries Rye and wheat bread made from wholemeal flour, about 100 g per day

Protein and protein-bran bread


White bread

Bakery products

Butter dough

First meal Shchi, borscht, vegetable soups, beetroot soups Dairy, potato, cereal, legumes, with pasta
Meat Lean beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, boiled pork, beef sausages Fatty meats
Fish Low-fat fish, boiled, jellied


Fatty fish
Cereals and porridges Loose porridges made from buckwheat, pearl barley and barley in combination with vegetables Pasta
Dairy Low-fat lactic acid drinks (kefir, yogurt, acidophilus milk)

Low-fat cottage cheese and dishes made from it

Ice cream
Vegetables and greens Any vegetables and herbs with cheese and cooked

Potatoes limited

Fruits Sweet and sour fruits and berries, natural, baked

Compotes, jelly without sugar

Sweet varieties of fruits and berries


Raisins, prunes

Sweets Sugar


Any candy

Beverages Tea

Black coffee

Unsweetened compote

Vegetable juices

Sweet juices and compotes
Eggs Hard boiled
Sauces and spices Fatty condiments

Hot spices

Fats and oils Vegetable oil

Butter is limited

Refractory fats
Other Vegetable, squid, fish, meat salads without mayonnaise with vegetable oil, vinaigrettes

Nutrition Features:

Reducing the caloric content of the diet due to carbohydrates, especially easily digestible ones. and, to a lesser extent, fats (mainly animal) with normal protein content. Restriction of free fluid, sodium chloride and appetite-stimulating foods and dishes. Increased dietary fiber content. Dishes are prepared boiled, stewed, baked. Use sugar substitutes for sweet foods and drinks.

Table No. 9


  • mild to moderate diabetes mellitus;
  • establishing tolerance to carbohydrates;
  • selection of doses of insulin or other drugs.

Diet: 5 times a day

Appointment date: sometimes for life


Recommended Exclude
Bread and pastries Black bread made from 2nd grade flour,

Baking using sweeteners


First meal Soups from various vegetables, cabbage soup, borscht, beetroot soup, meat and vegetable okroshka, soups in weak broths or water with permitted cereals, potatoes, meatballs Fatty and strong broths
Meat Lean varieties of beef, veal, pork, lamb, rabbit, chicken, turkey

Beef sausages, milk sausages, diet sausages


Smoked meats

Fish Lean fish Salty fish
Cereals and porridges Cereals limited, within carbohydrate limits

Porridges made from buckwheat, barley, oatmeal, pearl barley, wheat groats,

Semolina and rice cereals
Dairy Kefir, milk, acidophilus

Cottage cheese 9%, low-fat cottage cheese and dishes made from it

Mild and low-fat cheese

A little sour cream in dishes

Vegetables and greens Potatoes within carbohydrate limits

Cabbage, eggplant, cucumbers, bell peppers, green beans, turnips, radishes, zucchini, cauliflower, lettuce, spinach, pumpkin - unlimited

Green peas, beets, carrots - limited

Fruits Fruits and berries, sour and sweet and sour in any form

Unsweetened compote, jelly, baked apples

Sweets Sugar

Ice cream

Beverages Tea, coffee with milk, rose hip decoction, unsweetened compote, vegetable juices Lemonade

Sweet juices

Eggs Eggs 1-2 pcs. per day, boiled or in dishes
Sauces and spices Low-fat sauces based on vegetable broths, weak low-fat broths

Bay leaf

Fats and oils Unsalted butter

Vegetable oils for dishes

Other Vinaigrettes

Vegetable caviar, squash

Squid salads

Jellied fish

Lean beef jelly

Nutrition Features: dishes are served boiled, baked, steamed, fried - to a limited extent.

Table No. 10


  • atherosclerosis with damage to the vessels of the heart, brain or other organs, high blood cholesterol;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • arterial hypertension against the background of atherosclerosis.

Diet: 4-5 times a day

Appointment date: long


Recommended Exclude
Bread and pastries Wheat bread made from 1st-2nd grade flour, peeled rye bread, grain bread

Dry unsweetened cookies

Baking without salt with cottage cheese, fish, meat, adding ground wheat bran, soy flour

Products made from butter and puff pastry
First meal Meat, fish, mushroom broths,

From legumes

Meat Various types of lean meat and poultry, boiled and baked, in pieces and chopped. Duck, goose, liver, kidneys, brains, sausages, smoked meats, canned food
Fish Low-fat types, boiled, baked, in pieces and chopped.

Seafood dishes (scallops, mussels, seaweed, etc.).

Fatty fish

Salted and smoked fish, canned food, caviar

Cereals and porridges Buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, barley, etc. - crumbly porridges, casseroles.

Rice, semolina, pasta - limited

Dairy Low-fat milk and fermented milk drinks,

Low-fat cottage cheese, dishes made from it,

Low-fat, lightly salted cheese;

Salty and fatty cheese, heavy cream, sour cream and cottage cheese
Vegetables and greens Any except prohibited Radish, radish, sorrel, spinach, mushrooms
Fruits Raw fruits and berries, dried fruits, compotes, jellies, mousses, sambucas (semi-sweet or xylitol). Grapes, raisins
Sweets Sugar, honey, jam - limited Chocolate, cream products, ice cream
Beverages Weak tea with lemon, milk; weak natural coffee

Coffee drinks

Vegetable, fruit, berry juices Decoction of rose hips and wheat bran

Strong tea and coffee, cocoa
Eggs Protein omelettes; soft-boiled eggs - up to 3 pieces per week.
yolks - limited
Sauces and spices With vegetable broth, seasoned with sour cream, milk, tomato, fruit and berry sauces

Vanillin, cinnamon, citric acid. Limited - mayonnaise, horseradish

Meat, fish, mushroom sauces, pepper, mustard
Fats and oils Butter and vegetable oils Animal and cooking fats
Other Soaked herring

Diet sausage

Lean ham

Fatty, spicy and salty foods, caviar

Table No. 11


  • tuberculosis of the lungs, bones, lymph nodes, joints with a mild exacerbation or its attenuation, with low body weight;
  • exhaustion after infectious diseases, surgery, injuries.

Diet: 4-5 times a day

Appointment date: 1-2 months or more


Recommended Exclude
Bread and pastries Wheat and rye bread

Various baked goods (pies, cookies, biscuits, baked goods)

First meal Any
Meat Lean meat in any culinary preparation


Sausages, ham, sausages

Canned food

Fish Any fish


Caviar, canned food

Cereals and porridges Any cereals


Legumes - well boiled, in the form of puree

Vegetables and greens Any, raw or cooked
Fruits Most fruits and berries
Sweets Most sweet dishes, honey Cakes and pastries with lots of cream
Beverages Any
Eggs In any preparation
Sauces and spices Red, meat, sour cream, milk and egg.

Spices in moderation, but in a wide range.

Horseradish, mustard, ketchup

Spicy and fatty sauces
Fats and oils Vegetable oil, ghee, butter, soft (bulk) margarine, mayonnaise Lamb, beef, cooking fats

Hard margarines

Nutrition Features:

The diet has an increased energy value with high content proteins, minerals and vitamins.

Table No. 12


  • functional diseases of the nervous system.

Diet: 5 times a day

Appointment date: 2-3 months


Recommended Exclude
Bread and pastries Diet bread, day-old or dried

Unsweetened biscuits and cookies

First meal Vegetable (cabbage soup, borscht, beetroot soup), vegetarian with potatoes and cereals, fruit, dairy Meat, fish, mushroom broths
Meat Boiled lean meat (veal, beef, rabbit, turkey) Fatty meats
Fish Lean (perch, pike, cod)


Cereals and porridges Any cereals
Dairy Milk, cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, low-fat cheese
Vegetables and greens Any, except prohibited Sorrel, radish, garlic and onions, radishes
Fruits Dried fruits and fresh fruits
Sweets Honey, candy without chocolate Chocolate in any form
Beverages Herbal teas, rosehip decoction, juices from vegetables and fruits Strong black tea, coffee, cocoa


Eggs Only soft-boiled, no more than two per day
Sauces and spices Tomato, onion (from boiled onions), sour cream, vegetable broth
Fats and oils Vegetable oil, ghee Animal fats
Other Fatty, spicy and fried foods

Smoked meats

Nutrition Features:

It is advisable to consume tongue, liver, legumes, and dairy products more often. Dishes are served in any form, except fried.

Table No. 13


  • acute infectious diseases.

Diet: 5-6 times a day

Appointment date: a few days


Recommended Exclude
Bread and pastries Wheat bread from premium and 1st grade flour, dried

Dry unsweetened cookies

Rye and any fresh bread, butter dough
First meal Weak low-fat meat and fish broths with egg flakes, quenelles

Meat puree soup

Mucous decoctions of cereals with broth; soups in broth or vegetable broth with boiled semolina, rice, oatmeal, noodles, and permitted vegetables in the form of puree

Fatty broths, cabbage soup, borscht, legume soups, millet
Meat Lean meats without fat, fascia, tendons, or skin.

In finely chopped form, boiled steam dishes

Soufflé and puree from boiled meat; cutlets, steamed meatballs

Fatty varieties: duck, goose, lamb, pork.

Sausages, canned food

Fish Low-fat skinless types

Boiled, steamed in the form of cutlets or in pieces

Fatty, salted, smoked fish

Canned food

Cereals and porridges Semolina, ground buckwheat, rice, rolled oats in the form of pureed, boiled semi-liquid and semi-viscous porridges in milk or broth

Boiled vermicelli

Millet, pearl barley, barley, corn cereals


Dairy Fermented milk drinks

Fresh cottage cheese, curd paste, soufflé, pudding, steamed cheesecakes,

Low-fat sour cream

Grated cheese

Milk and cream in dishes

Whole milk

Fat sour cream

Vegetables and greens Potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower in the form of puree, soufflé, steam pudding.

Ripe tomatoes

White cabbage, radish, radish, onion, garlic, cucumbers, rutabaga, mushrooms
Fruits Very ripe when raw

Soft fruits and berries are sweet and sour, often pureed; baked apples

Dried fruit puree

Kissels, mousses, pureed compotes, sambucas, jelly

Milk cream and jelly

Meringues, snowballs with jelly

Fruits rich in fiber with rough skin
Sweets Marmalade Chocolate, cakes


Beverages Tea with lemon

Tea and coffee are weak with milk. Diluted fruit, berry and vegetable juices

Decoction of rosehip and wheat bran, fruit drinks

Eggs Soft-boiled, steam, egg white omelettes Hard-boiled and fried eggs
Sauces and spices White sauce with meat broth and vegetable broth

Milk, sour cream, vegetarian sweet and sour, Polish

The flour for the sauce is dried

Spicy, fatty sauces


Fats and oils Butter

Refined vegetable oil

Other fats

Other Jellied from pureed meat, from fish

Forshmak from soaked herring

Fatty and spicy snacks, smoked meats, canned food, vegetable salads

Table No. 14


  • urolithiasis with phosphate stones and alkaline urine reaction.

Diet: 5 times a day

Duration of appointment: long


Recommended Exclude
Bread and pastries Different kinds
First meal On weak meat, fish, mushroom broth with cereals, noodles, legumes Dairy, vegetable and fruit
Meat Different kinds Smoked meats
Fish Different kinds

Canned fish - limited

Salted, smoked fish
Cereals and porridges Any in a variety of preparations in water, meat, vegetable broth. Porridge with milk
Dairy Only a little sour cream in dishes Milk, fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese, cheese
Vegetables and greens Green peas, pumpkin, mushrooms Other vegetables and potatoes
Fruits Sour varieties of apples, cranberries, lingonberries, compotes, jellies and jelly made from them. Other fruits and berries
Sweets Sugar, honey, confectionery, fruit ice Sweet dishes with milk
Beverages Weak tea and coffee without milk. Rosehip decoction, cranberry or lingonberry fruit drinks Fruit, berry and vegetable juices
Eggs In various preparations and dishes 1 egg per day
Sauces and spices Non-spicy sauces based on meat, fish, and mushroom broths

Spices in very limited quantities

Hot sauces, mustard, horseradish, pepper
Fats and oils Creamy, cow's ghee and vegetable Lard, cooking oil
Snacks Various meat, fish, seafood

Soaked herring, caviar

Vegetable salads, vinaigrettes, canned vegetables

Nutrition Features:

A nutritious diet with a limit on calcium-rich and alkalizing foods.

Table No. 15

Table No. 15 is indicated for diseases in which there is no need for therapeutic diets. This diet is physiologically complete, while spicy and hard-to-digest foods are excluded. You should consume 90 g of protein, 100 g of fat and 400 g of carbohydrates per day. You can eat almost all foods, except fatty poultry and meat, mustard, pepper and refractory fats of animal origin.


  • diseases that do not require a special diet

Diet: 4 times a day

Appointment date: unlimited


Recommended Exclude
Bread and pastries Wheat and rye bread, flour products
First meal Borscht, cabbage soup, beetroot soup, rassolnik; dairy

Vegetables and cereal soups on meat, fish broth, mushroom and vegetable broth


Meat and fish Meat and fish dishes of various culinary preparations; sausages, sausages, boiled sausages Fatty meats, duck, goose
Cereals and porridges Any cereals


Dairy Any
Vegetables, greens, fruits Vegetables and fruits, raw and after heat treatment
Sweets Any
Beverages Fruit and vegetable juices, rosehip and wheat bran decoction

Tea, coffee, cocoa

Eggs Boiled eggs and in dishes
Sauces and spices Any non-spicy Pepper, mustard
Fats and oils Butter, ghee, vegetable oils;

Margarines - limited

Refractory animal fats

Indications for use

Diet No. 16 (table No. 16) is indicated for ulcers in children and adults, for chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis (in the period of exacerbation or subsidence). This diet is also indicated after discontinuation of diet 1a, after abdominal surgery and tonsillectomy, with reflux esophagitis, after gastroduodenal bleeding.

Special purpose

Diet 16 is intended for those patients who are on semi-bed rest. With this regimen, the patient spends up to 50% of the daytime in a sitting position and can move around the ward and department. Diet No. 16 provides such a patient with physiological needs for protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, etc.

general characteristics

Patients who adhere to diet 16 should limit chemical and mechanical irritants and provocateurs of secretion in the gastrointestinal tract in their diet. The range of products and dishes coincides with that of diet 1a.

You can also include homogenized vegetables and fruits and crushed wheat crackers in your diet. You can eat meat and fish - cook steamed cutlets, meatballs, quenelles. Slimy soups must be replaced with pureed ones.

All food must be steamed, boiled until soft, boiled, pureed and pureed (brought to the consistency of puree). You should not eat food cooler than 15˚C or hotter than 62˚C. As with table No. 1a, food should be taken 6 times a day, which is called a fractional diet. For all types of gastroduodenal pathology, the diet is prescribed for a period of up to 10-14 days.

It is difficult to overestimate the impact on the well-being and health of children and adults - especially in modern conditions of massive use in industrially prepared food of quite toxic, and often simply harmful, prohibited dietary supplements, flavoring and coloring substances, including many.

For more details, see the sections:

Food that heals
Children's treatment tables 1-16
Dietary recipes for children of early and preschool age

  • Dietary nutrition in the prevention of diseases in children
  • Products for children's diet

    Children's therapeutic diets

  • TABLE No. 1 (1a, 1b, 1c) - peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic gastritis with dyspeptic symptoms
  • TABLE No. 2 - postoperative patients; chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency
  • TABLE No. 4 (4a, 4b, 4c) - acute gastroenterocolitis and exacerbation of chronic enterocolitis
  • TABLE No. 5 - diseases of the liver and biliary tract; bronchial asthma
  • TABLE No. 11 - tuberculosis of the lungs, bones, lymph nodes, joints
  • TABLE No. 16 - general, individual for children from 1 year to 3 years
  • TABLE for those suffering from skin diseases

    Medicinal baby food. Children's menus

  • How to feed a child from 1 year to 3 years
    Dish recipes
    Menu for children from 1 year to 1.5 years
    Menu for children from 1 year to 3 years
  • Menu for children from 1 year to 6 years
    Preparing a children's diet

    Dietary recipes for children of early and preschool age

  • Diet is one of the important treatment methods for many diseases, and for such as mild diabetes mellitus, nutritional obesity is the only one. In therapeutic nutrition, not only the correct selection of products is important, but also adherence to culinary processing technology, the temperature of the food consumed by the patient, the frequency and time of meals.

    Exacerbations of many diseases are associated with various nutritional disorders: violations in the diet in diabetes mellitus lead to a sharp increase in blood sugar, dry mouth, increased thirst, fatty infiltration of the liver and pancreas progresses; chronic pancreatitis after eating fatty sour cream, pancakes, alcoholic beverages, fried foods; promotion blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension, it is observed when eating salty foods, the treatment prescribed for this is not very effective.

    All health care and health resort institutions use a numbered diet system. Many of them have several options, for example: N 1a, 16, N 7a, 76, 7b, 7d. Since these diets are found in hospitals and sanatoriums, we introduce you to them, keeping the numbering indicating the diseases for which they are prescribed.

    If the exacerbation of the disease has passed and the patient has returned to an active lifestyle, general principles diets should not change: first of all, this applies to foods excluded from the diet, but you can expand the methods of culinary processing (stew, bake after boiling), and include home-canned vegetables. The lack of vitamins can be compensated for by ready-made pharmaceutical forms (hexavit, dekamevit, gentavit, etc.), rosehip decoction, and wheat bran. Alcoholic drinks are prohibited in all diets; in individual cases, the question of their use is decided by the attending physician.

    When two diseases requiring dietary nutrition are combined in one patient, nutrition is prescribed in compliance with the principles of both diets. Thus, during an exacerbation of a peptic ulcer in a patient with diabetes mellitus, diet N1 is prescribed, but with the exclusion of all foods contraindicated in diabetes mellitus.

    Diet No. 1, No. 1a, No. 1b
    - peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
    Diet No. 2
    - chronic gastritis, acute gastritis, enteritis and colitis, chronic diseases. enterocolitis
    Diet No. 3
    - constipation
    Diet No. 4, No. 4a, No. 4b, No. 4c
    - intestinal diseases with diarrhea
    Diet No. 5, No. 5a
    - diseases of the liver and biliary tract
    Diet No. 6
    - gout, urolithiasis with the formation of stones from salts uric acid
    Diet No. 7, No. 7a, No. 7b
    - acute and chronic nephritis (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis)
    Diet No. 8
    - obesity
    Diet No. 9
    - diabetes
    Diet No. 10
    - diseases of the cardiovascular system with circulatory failure
    Diet No. 11
    - tuberculosis
    Diet No. 12
    - functional diseases of the nervous system
    Diet No. 13
    - acute infectious diseases
    Diet No. 14
    - kidney stones with the passage of stones consisting predominantly of oxalates
    Diet No. 15
    - various diseases that do not require special diets

    Table 1

    Table No. 1. Indicated for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, for 6-12 months. after an exacerbation, as well as with gastritis with high acidity

    Compound: pureed milk and vegetables (except cabbage), cereal mucous soups (but not meat or fish); vegetables in boiled chopped (puree) form or in the form of steam puddings; mashed porridge with butter, milk; boiled lean meat, boiled lean fish (cod, perch, pike), steamed meat and fish cutlets, boiled skinless chicken; creamy, olive, sunflower oil; milk, non-sour milk, cream, fresh low-fat, preferably pureed cottage cheese, non-sour sour cream; soft-boiled eggs or in the form of steam omelettes; white stale bread, white dry crackers; sweet varieties of berries and fruits, vegetable, fruit, berry juices, rosehip infusion, jelly, compotes of sweet berries, pureed fruits, sugar, jam, tea, cocoa - weak, with milk. As the general condition improves, food is given boiled, but not pureed. Table salt is limited to 8 g. Vitamins A, C, and group B are added. Food is often taken 5-6 times a day, chewing it well; Food that is too hot or too cold should be avoided.

    Table No. 1a. Indicated for exacerbations of peptic ulcers, exacerbations of chronic gastritis with high acidity.

    Compound: milk (4-5 glasses), mucous cereals, such as semolina, milk or wheat bran soups with butter; liquid, pureed, milk porridges; soft-boiled eggs (2-3 times a day) or in the form of steam omelettes; steam soufflés from lean varieties of fish and meat; unsalted butter (70-80 g per day) or olive oil (add to dishes), cream; berry, fruit (non-acidic) and milk jelly, carrot, fruit juices, rosehip decoction, weak tea with milk (sugar up to 50 g per day). Limit salt to 5-8 g (remember that 3-5 g of salt is contained in foods, 5-8 g in bread), free liquid no more than 1.5 liters. Additionally, vitamins A, C, group B (B1, B2, PP). Eating food during bed rest every 2-3 hours in liquid and semi-liquid form, warm form. If milk is poorly tolerated (swelling of the abdomen, diarrhea), it is recommended to give it in small quantities, diluting it with weak tea.

    Table N 1b. Indicated for subsiding exacerbation of peptic ulcers and chronic gastritis with high acidity

    Compound: in addition to the dishes listed above, steamed meat and fish dishes in the form of quenelles, steamed cutlets, pureed milk soups from rice, barley, pearl barley with pureed vegetables are allowed; mashed porridge with milk; wheat crackers up to 100 g. Salt is limited to 8 g, additionally - vitamins A, C, group B. Six meals a day in semi-liquid and puree form.

    Table 2

    Table No. 2. Indicated for chronic gastritis with low acidity or its absence, chronic colitis (not exacerbation).

    Compound: soups from cereals and vegetables, pureed, in meat, mushroom, fish broths; lean meat (chopped, fried), boiled chicken, steamed, stewed, fried cutlets without a rough crust, lean ham, lean boiled fish, well-soaked lean chopped herring, black caviar; milk (if it does not cause diarrhea), butter, kefir, yogurt, cream, non-acidic sour cream, fresh non-sour cottage cheese, mild grated cheese; soft-boiled eggs, fried omelet; porridge, well boiled or pureed (buckwheat, semolina, rice); flour dishes (except for baked goods), stale white, gray bread, uneatable crackers; vegetables, fruits, boiled, raw, grated; fruit and vegetable juices (also sour); tea, coffee, cocoa with water and milk, marmalade, sugar. Table salt up to 12-15 g. Add vitamins C, B1, B2, PP. Meals are five times a day, mostly in puree form.

    Table 3

    Table No. 3. Indicated for atonic constipation.

    Compound: foods rich in plant fiber, such as raw or boiled vegetables and fruits in large quantities, apple and other compotes, prunes, figs (wine berries), vegetable, fruit juices, beetroot, carrot puree, boiled dried fruit puree (prunes, dried apricots), black bread, curdled milk, milk, cream, one-day kefir, honey, buckwheat porridge, crumbled pearl barley, meat, fried fish, butter and vegetable oil, sugar. Drink plenty of fluids, including carbonated drinks mineral water. Excluded: strong tea, cocoa, slimy soups, jelly.

    For spastic constipation associated with increased motor excitability of the intestines, foods rich in plant fiber are sharply limited (a few vegetables - boiled and raw pureed) are acceptable.

    Table 4

    Table No. 4. Indicated for acute intestinal diseases and exacerbations during the period of ongoing diarrhea.

    Compound: strong tea, cocoa, strong coffee in water, stale white crackers, fresh pureed cottage cheese, one soft-boiled egg per day, slimy soups in water, pureed rice, semolina porridge in water, boiled meat, fish, steamed, chopped and added to minced meat rice instead of bread, low-fat three-day kefir, a decoction of dried black currants, blueberries, jelly, blueberry jelly. Limit table salt, add vitamins C, B1, B2, PP. Meals 5-6 times a day.

    Table No. 4a. Indicated for colitis with a predominance of fermentation processes.

    The composition is the same as in diet N4, but they sharply limit foods and dishes containing large amounts of carbohydrates (porridge; bread no more than 100 g per day; sugar no more than 20 g per day); increase the protein content through meat dishes, pureed cottage cheese, etc.

    Table N 4b. Indicated for chronic colitis in the stage of fading exacerbation.

    Compound: white bread, yesterday's baking, uneaten cookies, dry sponge cake; cereal soups in a weak fish or meat broth, broth with meatballs, pureed porridges, except millet, in water with the addition of 1/3 milk, boiled and steamed pureed vegetables, mild cheese, non-acidic sour cream, kefir, yogurt, compotes, sweet berry jelly , pureed fruit, tea, coffee with milk, creamy milk (for adding to ready-made dishes). Table salt 8-10 g. Add vitamins C, group B. Meals 4-6 times a day. Food is served warm.

    Table N 4c. Indicated for acute intestinal diseases during the recovery period as a transition to a balanced diet; chronic intestinal diseases during the period of attenuation of exacerbation, as well as outside exacerbation with concomitant lesions of other digestive organs.

    The diet is prescribed to provide adequate nutrition in case of some insufficiency of intestinal function, which will help restore the activity of other digestive organs. This is a physiologically complete diet with a slight increase in protein content and a moderate limitation of table salt, mechanical and chemical irritants of the intestines, excluding foods and dishes that increase fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, sharply increase its secretory and motor functions, secretion of the stomach, pancreas, and bile secretion. Food is prepared uncut, steamed, boiled in water or baked. Diet: 5 times a day.

    Chemical composition and energy value:
    proteins - 100-120 g (60% animals),
    fats - 100 g (15-20% vegetable),
    carbohydrates - 400-420 g,
    table salt - 10 g,
    free liquid - 1.5 l.
    Calorie content - 2900-3000 kcal.

    Table 5

    Table No. 5. Indicated for diseases of the liver, gall bladder, biliary tract beyond the acute stage.

    Compound: vegetarian fruit, milk soups, cereal soups with vegetable broth, boiled meat, lean poultry, boiled lean fish, milk, fresh curdled milk, kefir, acidophilus milk, cottage cheese up to 200 g per day, porridge and flour dishes (except for baked goods), white bread, black stale bread, ripe fruits, berries (except sour varieties) raw, baked, boiled, vegetables and herbs, boiled and raw (especially carrots, beets), jam, honey, sugar (up to 70 g per day) , vegetable and fruit juices in significant quantities, weak tea with milk. Limit fats (cream, butter up to 10 g, vegetable oil 20-30 g), eggs (one per day). Table salt up to 10 g. Add vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B12, folic acid, PP, K.

    Eat food 5 times a day in crushed form.

    Excluded: alcoholic beverages, liver, brains, lard, legumes, mushrooms, spinach, sorrel, onions, baked goods, fatty meats, fish, fried, spicy, smoked products, meat extractives, fish, spices, vinegar, canned food, ice cream, cocoa, carbonated drinks, chocolate, creams (for chronic lesions of the gallbladder that occur with stagnation of bile, it is recommended to increase the amount of fat to 120-150 g, including 60% vegetable fats).

    Table No. 5a. Indicated for chronic pancreatitis.

    It differs from the N5 diet in its increased protein content (up to 150 g, of which 80-85% is of animal origin), foods rich in lipotropic factors with limited carbohydrates and moderate fat content. All dishes are prepared in steamed, pureed, crushed form.

    Table 6

    Table No. 6. Indicated for gout, kidney stones with the passage of stones consisting mainly of urates.

    Compound: milk, dairy products, white and black bread, sugar, honey, vegetarian vegetable soups, dairy and fruit cereal products, all sweet fruits, jam, fruit and berry juices, carrots, lettuce, cucumbers. Seasonings include lemon, vinegar, bay leaf. Eggs, meat, lean fish - 2-3 times a week. The amount of table salt is reduced to 6-8 g; liquid is introduced in large quantities (up to 2-3 liters), vitamins C and B1 are added.

    Excluded: spicy extractives, meat soups and decoctions, liver, kidneys, brains, fried, smoked meat, fried fish, fish soup, lard, herring, sardines, anchovies, sprats, sprat, pates, mushrooms, legumes, sorrel, spinach, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, alcoholic beverages .

    Table 7

    Table No. 7. Indicated for chronic kidney diseases with no symptoms of chronic renal failure.

    Compound: vegetarian, dairy, fruit soups, lean meats, poultry, boiled in pieces, chopped and pureed, lean boiled fish, chopped and pureed, white, gray, bran bread, baked without salt, one egg per day, cereals, pasta in the form of porridges , puddings, flour dishes, milk, lactic acid products, fats, except refractory ones (lamb, pork, beef), cottage cheese, raw and boiled vegetables, greens (including radishes, celery, spinach), berries, fruits, especially apricots, dried apricots, pumpkin , watermelons, melon, sugar, honey, jam.

    Limit cream and sour cream. To improve the taste, you can use cumin, dried dill, cinnamon, and citric acid. Table salt 3-5 g (distributed by hand, and food is prepared without salt). Vitamins A, C, B1, B12, K are added. Free liquid up to 800-1000 ml per day. Meals 6 times a day. Excluded: carbonated drinks, legumes, cakes and creams, meat, fish, mushroom broths, pickles, snacks, smoked meats, canned food.

    Table No. 7a. Indicated for acute kidney diseases (acute nephritis or its exacerbations).

    Compound: mainly boiled and pureed vegetables, fruits, especially rich in potassium salts (dried apricots, apricots, raisins), cereal and flour dishes in moderate quantities (buckwheat porridge with milk), tea with milk, salt-free white bread, sugar up to 70 g, butter creamy up to 30 g. Add vitamins C, K, group B. Meals are fractional. Liquids up to 600-800 ml; Table salt is completely excluded.

    With developing uremia, the daily amount of protein is reduced to 20-25 g (first of all, the content of plant proteins should be reduced - legumes, cereals, flour products, such as bread, etc., since their biological value is inferior to animal proteins and only overloads the body with harmful products protein metabolism; glucose or sugar is prescribed in large quantities (up to 150 g per day).

    Table N 7b. Indicated when acute inflammatory process in the kidneys subsides.

    It is transitional from table N7a to table N7 (salt-free white bread, lean meats, boiled fish 1-3 times a week, table salt up to 2 g per hand, liquids up to 800-1000 ml; in products used for cooking contains 2-4 g of salt).

    Table 8

    Table No. 8. Obesity as a primary disease or concomitant with other diseases that do not require special diets.

    General characteristics:- reducing the energy value of the diet due to carbohydrates, especially easily digestible ones, partially fats, with a normal protein content, - limiting free liquid, sodium chloride and appetite-stimulating foods and dishes.

    (daily ration):
    - proteins - 90-110 g
    - fats - 80 g
    - carbohydrates - 150 g
    - energy value - 1700-1800 kcal

    rye, protein-wheat and protein-bran bread (100-150 g per day);
    vegetable soups with a small addition of cereals, cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka, beetroot soup;
    2-3 times a week, soups in weak meat or fish broth with meatballs (up to 250-300g per serving);
    lean varieties of meat, poultry, fish - boiled, baked or stewed, beef sausages or jelly;
    seafood (pasta, mussels, shrimp, etc.) - up to 150-200 g per day;
    milk and dairy products, cottage cheese, cheese - low-fat types and varieties.

    Vegetables and fruits are used widely, in all forms, some of them always raw.

    products made from premium and 1st grade wheat flour, butter dough;
    potato, cereal, legume, pasta soups;
    fatty meats, poultry, fish;
    sausages, smoked meats, canned meat and fish;
    fatty cottage cheese, cheeses, cream, rice, semolina and oatmeal, pasta, legumes, sweet varieties of fruits and berries;
    sugar, confectionery, jam, honey, sweet juices, cocoa;
    meat and cooking fats;
    fatty and spicy snacks, sauces, mayonnaise, all herbs and spices.

    Table 9

    Table No. 9. Diabetes mellitus of moderate and mild severity.

    General characteristics: - a diet with energy value, moderately reduced due to easily digestible carbohydrates and animal fats, with the exclusion of sugar and sweets and the use of sorbitol and xylitol.

    Chemical composition and energy value(daily ration):
    - proteins - 90-100 g
    - fats - 75-80 g (30% vegetable)
    - carbohydrates - 300-350 g (polysaccharides)
    - energy value - 2300-2500 kcal

    Recommended products and dishes:
    rye, wheat, protein-bran bread, baked flour products;
    any vegetable soups, low-fat meat and fish broths;
    lean varieties of meat, poultry and fish;
    milk, fermented milk products, low-fat cottage cheese and cheeses;
    cereals, buckwheat, barley, millet, oatmeal, pearl barley; legumes, potatoes and vegetables;
    fresh fruits and berries of sweet and sour varieties

    Excluded foods and dishes:
    pastry products;
    strong and fatty broths;
    lean meats, fish, poultry, sausages, salted fish;
    salty cheeses, cream, sweet curd cheeses;
    rice, semolina, pasta;
    salted and pickled vegetables;
    grapes, raisins, sugar, jam, sweets, sweet juices, sugar-based lemonades;
    meat and cooking fats

    Table 10

    Table No. 10. Diseases of the cardiovascular system with circulatory failure, grades I-IIA.

    General characteristics:- a slight decrease in energy value due to fats and carbohydrates, limitation of chloride and substances that excite the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

    Chemical composition and energy value(daily ration):
    - proteins - 90 g (55-60% animals)
    - fats - 70 g (25-30% vegetable)
    - carbohydrates - 350-400 g
    - energy value 2500-2600 kcal

    Recommended products and dishes:
    day-old bread, soft cookies and biscuits;
    any vegetarian soups;
    lean varieties of meat, fish, poultry;
    milk, fermented milk drinks and cottage cheese;
    dishes from various cereals; boiled pasta;
    boiled and baked vegetables;
    soft ripe fruits and berries, honey, jam.
    Excluded foods and dishes:
    fresh bread, pastry products;
    legume soups, meat, fish and mushroom broths;
    fatty meats, fish, poultry;
    kidneys, smoked meats, sausages;
    salted fish, salty and fatty cheeses;
    salted, pickled and pickled vegetables; fruits with coarse fiber;
    chocolate, strong tea, coffee and cocoa.

    Table 11

    Table No. 11. Tuberculosis of the lungs, bones, lymph nodes, joints with mild exacerbation or attenuation, exhaustion after infectious diseases, operations, injuries.

    General characteristics:
    - a diet of increased energy value with a predominant increase in proteins, especially dairy, vitamins and minerals

    Chemical composition and energy value(daily ration):
    - proteins - 110-130 g (60% animals)
    - fats - 100-120 g
    - carbohydrates - 400-450 g
    - energy value - 3000-3400 kcal

    Recommended and excluded foods and dishes:
    Almost any food products and dishes are used, with the exception of very fatty meats and poultry, lamb, beef and cooking fats, as well as cakes and pastries with a lot of cream

    Table 12

    Table No. 12. Indicated for functional diseases of the nervous system.

    The table is varied; spicy seasonings, strong rich soups, smoked meats, fatty, fried dishes, especially meat, which have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, alcohol, strong tea, coffee are excluded; meat and salt are somewhat limited. Recommended dishes from the liver, tongue, dairy products and legumes containing phosphorus salts.

    Table 13

    Table No. 13. Indicated for acute infectious diseases.

    General characteristics:- a diet with energy value, reduced to a large extent due to fats and carbohydrates, with a high content of vitamins

    Chemical composition and energy value(daily diet): - proteins - 75-80 g (60-70% animals) - fats - 60-70 g - carbohydrates - 300-350 g - energy value - 2200-2300 kcal

    Recommended products and dishes:
    dried wheat bread;
    low-fat meat and fish broths, vegetable broth soups, mucous cereal broths;
    lean varieties of meat, poultry, fish;
    lactic acid drinks, cottage cheese;
    pureed porridges made from rice, semolina and buckwheat;
    potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower, ripe tomatoes;
    ripe soft fruits and berries, rosehip decoction; sugar, honey, jam, jam, marmalade.

    Excluded foods and dishes:
    rye and any fresh bread, baked goods;
    fatty broths, cabbage soup, borscht;
    fatty meats, poultry, fish, sausage, smoked meats, salted fish, canned food;
    whole milk and cream, fat sour cream, cheeses;
    millet, pearl barley and barley cereals, pasta;
    white cabbage, radishes, radishes, onions, garlic, cucumbers, legumes;
    fruits rich in fiber;
    chocolate, cakes, cocoa.

    Table 14

    Table no. 14. Urolithiasis disease(phosphaturia).

    General characteristics:- physiologically complete nutrition with limitation of alkalizing and calcium-rich foods

    Chemical composition and energy value(daily diet): - proteins - 90 g - fats - 100 g - carbohydrates - 400 g - energy value - 2800 kcal

    Recommended products and dishes:
    various types of bread and flour products;
    soups and broths (meat, fish, cereals);
    meat and fish;
    any cereals;
    green peas, pumpkin;
    sour varieties of apples and berries
    sugar, honey, confectionery

    Excluded foods and dishes:
    dairy, vegetable, fruit soups;
    smoked meats, salted fish;
    dairy products;
    potatoes, vegetables and fruits, except those mentioned above, fruit, berry and vegetable juices;
    meat and cooking fats.

    Table 15

    Table No. 15. Various diseases that do not require special therapeutic diets.

    General characteristics:
    - physiologically complete nutrition with the exception of indigestible and spicy foods.

    Chemical composition and energy value(daily ration):
    - proteins - 90-95 g
    - fats - 100-105 g
    - carbohydrates - 400 g
    - energy value - 2800-2900 kcal

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    The essence of diet No. 9

    This nutritional system has a 9a variety, which is prescribed to patients with diabetes and 2-3rd degree obesity. Both variations are well balanced. This diet can be followed for a long time without risk to health. The amount of harmful foods and carbohydrates is minimized, the effect of diet 9 according to Pevzner is aimed at improving the well-being of patients, normalizing metabolism and stabilizing blood sugar levels.

    Purpose and indications for the diet

    The purpose of diet table number 9: normalization of carbohydrate metabolism, correction of fat and water-electrolyte metabolism, stabilization of blood sugar levels.

    Table 9 is often prescribed in the following cases:

    • Diabetes mellitus of moderate and mild severity, subject to the appointment of minimal doses of insulin (0-30 units per day).
    • Slightly overweight.
    • Infectious joint damage, rheumatism.
    • Bronchial asthma.
    • Diathesis, allergies.

    General characteristics of treatment table No. 9

    The calorie content of the diet is 2300-2500 kcal per day. The chemical composition of table No. 9 is as follows:

    • 300-350 g carbohydrates.
    • 90-100 g of proteins (at least 55% animal origin).
    • 75-80 g fats (up to 30% vegetable).
    • Up to 12 g salt.
    • At least 1.5 liters clean water daily.

    Power system features:

    • You can eat 5-6 times a day, evenly distributing the amount of carbohydrates.
    • Instead of sugar, use substitutes (xylitol, stevia, saccharin, sorbitol, etc.) - their calorie content should also be taken into account when preparing the diet.
    • The total weight of consumed products is no more than 3 kilograms per day.
    • The temperature is normal.
    • It is preferable to boil, steam or bake food. On rare occasions, there are fried and stewed foods.
    • The amount of dietary fiber, lipotropic substances and vitamins increases. The consumption of refractory fats and carbohydrates is limited, the amount of cholesterol, table salt, and extractives is moderately limited.

    Diet products and dishes

    What you can eat during the diet, see the table:

    Product group Allowed list It is recommended to limit
    Flour products and bread Bread made from 2nd grade flour, rye, protein-bran Inconvenient flour products
    Meat and fish Lean meats (veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit). Fish (hake, pollock, pike, perch, etc.) By-products, canned fish in tomato and own juice, dietary sausage and frankfurters
    Eggs 1-2 per day, preferably white omelettes Scrambled eggs
    Dairy Fermented milk drinks and milk, low-fat and half-fat cottage cheese, unsalted cheeses Sour cream
    Cereals, legumes, pasta Legumes, buckwheat, wheat, barley, millet, pearl barley, oatmeal
    Fats Vegetable oil (linseed, sunflower, olive and corn) Butter and ghee
    Vegetables Zucchini, squash, pumpkin, lettuce, cucumbers, greens, cabbage Potatoes, carrots, green peas, beets
    First meal Cabbage soup, rich broths, vegetable soups, borscht, okroshka Beetroot soup, potato soup
    Fruits, berries, goodies Fresh fruits and berries, jellies and mousses with sugar substitute Honey
    Sauces and spices Tomato, vegetable sauce, herbs, sauces based on non-rich broths Mustard, horseradish, pepper
    Beverages Coffee and tea with milk, vegetable juices, rosehip decoction (2 tablespoons of berries per liter of water, let steep for 30 minutes. Juices from unsweetened berries and fruits

    What not to eat while dieting:

    Product group List of prohibited
    Flour products and bread Puff pastries, pastries
    Meat and fish Fatty meats and poultry, canned food, most sausages, smoked meats, salted fish, caviar
    Dairy Sweet cheeses, cream, salty cheeses
    Cereals, legumes, pasta Semolina, rice, pasta
    Fats Cooking and refractory fats
    Vegetables Pickles, marinades
    First meal Rich broths, milk soups
    Fruits, berries, goodies Most dried fruits, jam, sugar, confectionery
    Sauces and spices Mayonnaise, store-bought sauces (fatty, salty and spicy)
    Beverages Sweet lemonades and juices

    Nutritionist advice. When choosing foods with their ability to increase blood glucose, you need to use the glycemic index (GI). GI indicators according to different authors are somewhat different, which is due to the fact that the same product grown under different conditions may contain different amounts of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Culinary processing, the fiber content in it, as well as the characteristics of the dish’s consumption are also important. With a mixed diet, when several products with different GIs are used, the concentration of glucose in the blood increases more slowly compared to consuming a single product. Patients with diabetes are advised not only to reduce the amount of high GI foods, but also to consume them in combination with or after low GI foods. It is recommended to consume foods whose GI does not exceed 50. Among cereals, preference should be given to unpolished whole grains.

    Indicative menu for the week

    Menu for the week for diet 9

    Day of the week Approximate diet
    Mon Breakfast (09:00): buckwheat porridge with milk (250 g).

    Second breakfast (11:00): low-fat cottage cheese (100 g).

    Lunch (13:00): cabbage soup (200 g), boiled chicken (120 g).

    Afternoon snack (16:00): orange.

    Dinner (19:00): stewed cabbage (120 g), boiled fish (100 g).

    Before bed: a glass of kefir

    W Breakfast (09:00): oatmeal with apple (250 g).

    Second breakfast (11:00): fruit jelly (100 g).

    Lunch (13:00): pickle soup (200 g), boiled veal (120 g).

    Afternoon snack (16:00): apple.

    Dinner (19:00): mashed potatoes (120 g), steamed cutlet (100 g).

    Before bed: a glass of yogurt

    Wed Breakfast (09:00): protein omelet (180 g), tomato.

    Second breakfast (11:00): apple.

    Lunch (13:00): vegetable soup (200 g), pilaf (120 g).

    Afternoon snack (16:00): berry mousse (120 g).

    Dinner (19:00): boiled pollock (120 g), carrot salad (100 g).

    Before bed: a glass of kefir

    Thu Breakfast (09:00): cottage cheese casserole (200 g).

    Second breakfast (11:00): grapefruit.

    Lunch (13:00): lean borscht (200 g), stewed meat (120 g).

    Afternoon snack (16:00): rosehip decoction (200 g), biscuits (30 g).

    Dinner (19:00): meat with vegetables (250 g).

    Before bed: a glass of yogurt

    Fri Breakfast (09:00): barley porridge with milk (200 g), apple.

    Second breakfast (11:00): yogurt with blueberries (80 g).

    Lunch (13:00): mushroom puree soup (200 g), zucchini puree (80 g), boiled veal (80 g).

    Afternoon snack (16:00): rosehip decoction (200 g), sandwich with cheese (50 g).

    Dinner (19:00): cabbage schnitzel (150 g), veal steak (100 g).

    Before bed: a glass of kefir

    Sat Breakfast (09:00): oatmeal with berries (200 g).

    Second breakfast (11:00): cottage cheese (100 g).

    Lunch (13:00): pea soup (200 g), boiled meat (120 g).

    Afternoon snack (16:00): vegetable juice (200 g), crackers (30 g).

    Dinner (19:00): soft-boiled egg, vegetable salad (200 g).

    Before bed: a glass of milk

    Sun Breakfast (09:00): cottage cheese with fruit (180 g).

    Second breakfast (11:00): bread with doctor’s sausage (50 g).

    Lunch (13:00): vegetable soup (200 g), chicken soufflé (120 g).

    Afternoon snack (16:00): fruit salad (150 g).

    Dinner (19:00): boiled fish (100 g), vegetable stew(140 g).

    Before bed: a glass of yogurt

    Healthy recipes

    Diet cutlets. To prepare you will need 200 g of lean meat, 30 g of rye bread, 10 g butter, small onion, 40 ml low-fat milk, salt, seasonings.

    Cooking process:

    • Rinse the meat, remove tendons and pass through a meat grinder.
    • Soak the bread in milk.
    • Finely chop the onion and add to the minced meat.
    • Salt and pepper to taste.
    • Form into small patties and place on a greased baking sheet.
    • Cook for 20 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius.

    Pollock in Tatar style. To prepare you will need 200 g of lean fish fillet, a quarter of a lemon, 30 g of low-fat sour cream, olives, herbs, olive oil.

    Cooking process:

    • Add 20 ml to the baking dish olive oil, lay out the pieces of fish.
    • Drizzle fillet lemon juice.
    • Place in the oven preheated to 170 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes.
    • Then add sour cream, olives, zest, salt and simmer for another 20 minutes.
    • Before serving, add finely chopped herbs.

    Diet pudding. The following ingredients will be required: 200 g of zucchini, 100 g of apples, 30 ml of milk, 4 tbsp. l. rye flour, egg, tbsp. l. butter, 40 g low-fat sour cream.

    Cooking process:

    • Peel and seed the apples and grate them on a coarse grater, just like zucchini.
    • Add milk, flour, butter, egg, mix well.
    • Pour into the mold and place in the oven for 25 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.
    • You can season it with low-fat sour cream before serving.