Genetic predisposition to obesity. Preventing the risk of obesity People prone to obesity

Are you prone to obesity? Do you know what are the reasons for your obesity?

- The main reason for the obesity of the majority of people- this is overeating.

Food for people became a drug that enslaved us. Especially older people who are afraid of feeling hungry. And as a result of this, a large number of unpleasant diseases appear that you do not need at all.

If a person overeats, then his body cannot get rid of processed products in a timely manner, which leads to excessive stress on the liver, kidneys and other body systems.


If you want to treat overeating, then you need to remember such a key point as finding the main reason for overeating, which makes you constantly consume food in excess. In addition, it is very important to analyze these causes and eliminate them, of course consistently.

Remember that your desire or need to eat more than you should leads to the fact that other people do not have enough food, and this leads to resentment, envy, and anger. And because people do not tend to stop on time, people most often develop such unnatural negative traits as greed and greed.

Complete transformation

Carefully, slowly and deliberately, a person ceases to be small and thin and turns into a huge and fat one. When a person eats more than he should, he replaces other positive moments in life with his food - happiness, for example.

Remember that gluttony and gluttony are this is a sin because it is such a manifestation of greed. A person takes too much and gives too little, or even does not give at all.

Most often, this is a manifestation of self-pity, when a person needs to compensate for some kind of resentment or pain, which he does with the help of food.

A person with a lot of weight develops feelings of solidity and weight in society, pride, which prevent him from deciding to bring his body back to normal. They begin to constantly stockpile food, afraid of getting hungry, so as not to accidentally lose weight. They do the same with their children.

The mechanism of fat formation

For such a person it is extremely simple– when coming with an excessive amount of food, energy cannot be processed by the body, so it is deposited in the human body as if in reserve in the form of fat itself.

Fast food on the go

Another reason that leads to overeating is the modern habit of people to eat on the go, eat quickly, and swallow food instantly.

When a person chews food slowly, his body gradually produces as much gastric juice as is necessary for all incoming food. In addition, the body itself will tell you when it has enough food. However, as soon as a person swallows food, the juice does not have time to be produced, and the body does not have time to figure out whether it has enough food or if it wants more.

As a result, a huge amount of unprocessed food begins to rot in the intestines, and then the decay products penetrate the blood and lymph, spreading unhealthy products throughout the human body.

Such harmful products are eliminated as they wish - through the skin, mouth, intestines, and there must be accompanying flatulence (foul odors - gases), bad breath, disgusting smell of sweat and other unpleasant aspects.

What to do?


Proper nutrition means the quality of food, not its quantity!

Any centenarian will tell you that eating quality food played a major role in his achievements in life.

For example, the famous long-liver Edison, who was accustomed from childhood to receiving three hundred and fifty grams of food per day, which he divided into three meals. As a result, his father lived to be ninety-four, his grandmother one hundred and four, and his grandfather one hundred and two.

Overeating comes from childhood

Most often, the cause of overeating is parental error. Often in childhood, parents try to console their child with candy, because other means rarely help. So the grown child begins any stressful situation eat sweets and more.

Only we forget that overeating, first of all, is disrespect for oneself, dislike.

Have you decided to lose weight?

If you decide to start and lose weight, then you don’t need to look for reasons why this won’t happen. You need to look for the benefit that you will get. What you give up doesn't matter at all, because what matters is what you achieve.

Jane Westin wrote that no dessert, even the most exotic, could give you the same satisfaction that you would get if you bought a dress in a smaller size.

If you find it difficult to sit at festive table, then be sure to remember this truth. It will be much easier for you to struggle when this picture of buying a small dress appears before your eyes.

Oh, this “tendency to be overweight”!

You know, since you are inclined to be overweight, then one way or another you will have to limit yourself in some way or somehow keep yourself in shape. Think three times before eating something harmful to your figure. Is it worth your suffering and torment? Although... if diets and proper nutrition not for you, then you can simply choose a different path - massages and sports.

Many people are proud that they can eat a lot and not gain an ounce. However, a good figure is valued precisely by the heavier it is acquired.

By the way, a huge contribution to a good figure is the quality of the products you eat. Try to eat vegetables and fruits that you produce and grow yourself. Dairy and fermented milk products It’s also better to take them from where they are made with high quality and independently, and not from powdered dry Chinese concentrate.

Are you prone to being overweight?- Don't miss it. . .

Too lazy to take care of yourself? -

Methods of surgical treatment of completeness

We will tell you silently, look... everything is in the photo.

Is everything clear now?

If not, then again - !

When we cannot understand the reason for weight gain, we begin to talk about a tendency to be overweight. Does it really exist? What procedures are most effective in this case?

Cream diet

In most cases, the so-called tendency to be overweight is the result of ordinary overeating. Although the woman sincerely says that she eats very little. But once you count the total number of calories, everything becomes clear. This is true for about 90% of cases.

A special procedure, such as wraps and massage with cream, will help control your appetite. First, the skin is cleansed with peeling, then body lotion is applied to it. It softens the skin and promotes the penetration of biologically active substances contained in the cream into the body. The cream has a lipolytic and anti-edematous effect.

In addition, the components of the cream reduce the body's need for fats and carbohydrates. That is why after the procedure there is a significant decrease in appetite. This procedure best suppresses cravings for fatty foods. The cream can also be used at home. It just needs to be applied to problem areas and feet.

Fatness after menopause

Sometimes the tendency to be overweight appears after menopause. In this case, we observe a fairly simple picture: the woman had a stable weight all her life, its fluctuations were 3-5 kilograms. With the onset of menopause, rapid weight gain began. Over the course of a year, body weight increases by seven or more kilograms per year.

At the same time, deterioration of the skin condition is observed. She becomes more dehydrated and wrinkles appear. For this situation, procedures must have not only a lipolytic, but also a moisturizing effect. In addition, phytohormones can be used. Therefore, it is preferable to resort to procedures that use plant components to the maximum.

Result: metabolism accelerates, phytohormones penetrate into the bloodstream. Excess fluid is removed from the body. All this is necessary to compensate for estrogen deficiency. In addition, massage has a wonderful effect on the condition of the skin. It becomes velvety and smooth, because the cream has both a nourishing and moisturizing effect. Weight gradually decreases and stabilizes.

Hormones from plants

Another useful corrective procedure is algonization. The procedure is based on the influence of alternating currents. The area of ​​the waist, buttocks and thighs is thickly smeared with cream. After it is absorbed, a mixture of algae and a thermal mask with essential oils cypress and pine. This composition is maximally saturated with phytoestrogens. They begin to penetrate the body after electrodes are applied to the body and the current is turned on. The procedure does not cause any discomfort.

With the help of alternating current, the components of the mask enter the skin and begin to break down fats. At the same time, myostimulation of the abdominal, pelvic and thigh muscles occurs. The “electrical phase” of the procedure lasts 30 minutes. The effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately: the immediate volume loss ranges from 1 to 4 cm. The technique is not only effective, but also comfortable.

You can also lose weight not only in the salon, but also at home. Honey massage is very indicative in this regard. Honey contains many phytohormones. A small amount of them can enter the body if the skin is well warmed up. Therefore, before the procedure it is necessary to take a hot shower. Then honey is applied to problem areas, which is “beaten” into the skin with light pats.

Each time the amplitude and strength of the movements becomes greater and greater. The massage takes about 10-12 minutes. After this, you need to take a shower and apply nourishing milk to your skin. It is worth noting that the procedure is not recommended if you are allergic to honey, have blood diseases or have blood clotting disorders. Besides, honey massage should not be performed on inflamed skin covered with pustules or rashes.

Algae against swelling

In some cases, the tendency to be overweight is due to fluid retention and slow metabolism. Then it is necessary to select decongestant procedures aimed at enhancing metabolism. This effect can be achieved using hyperosmotic algae-based wraps. A composition that has a high density is applied to the body. It “attracts” water to itself, due to which the liquid comes out through the skin.

“Algae” compositions have another advantage: a high iodine content. It is able to stimulate metabolism. It doesn't last long. And yet the effect is obvious: within 3-4 days, the woman’s normal metabolism is restored. This affects not only your appearance, but also your well-being - it improves. Intestinal function is normalized, complexion improves, and vitality increases. Therefore, if you are prone to obesity, which is combined with edema, seaweed wraps should be done regularly, at least twice a month.

Osmotic weight loss

Another option for combating obesity is osmotic weight loss procedures. The skin is first treated with a scrub, and then a special gel is applied from the chest to the knees, which can actively attract water. Then the body is wrapped in film, and the woman is placed under a thermal blanket for 40 minutes. After the procedure is completed, about a liter of water accumulates in the film.

The program is recommended for obese people with severe hypothyroidism. Removal excess liquid leads to rapid weight loss. The procedure is not performed only in cases of severe chronic renal failure and severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Decongestant wraps can be done at home. First you need to take a warm bath with sea ​​salt. It will “saturate” the skin with microelements. Then you need to peel the body and apply a special composition to it. To prepare it, you need to take 300 g of salt and seaweed, ground into a paste. The latter restores the deficiency of minerals that come out along with the liquid.

The composition is rubbed into the skin using a massage. His technique varies depending on the stage in which the procedure is performed. After the massage, the treated area of ​​the body should be wrapped in film, and something woolen should be put on top. You need to be active for half an hour. Then lipolysis will proceed as quickly as possible. At the end of the procedure, you need to take a warm shower and apply moisturizing milk to your body. This procedure removes about 200-300 ml of excess fluid from the body.

K. Frolova

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These products help you lose weight and remove fat
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The problem of obesity is now very relevant. Let's figure out who is especially susceptible to this disease and how to deal with it.

According to statistics, every third person on the planet suffers from increased body weight. But this is not just “ugly”! He's dangerous! Excess weight increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, developing diabetes, and increasing cholesterol in the blood. The tendency to be overweight is hereditary. It turns out that our genes are 70% responsible for our body type!

If one of the parents is suffering overweight, then the likelihood that the child will have the same problems increases; if both parents are overweight, then the likelihood doubles. However, it is not the exact weight that is inherited, but the range of what is possible.

Even if you look like a full parent, overweight It may not be passed on to you, but your body type (“ hourglass", "apple" or "pear") - you will most likely inherit. The tendency to gain weight is inherited; if, for example, your parent did not suffer from obesity until the age of 30, and after 50 they actively began to gain weight, then you should be on guard at this age.

Where does obesity come from?

There are many factors that influence the appearance of excess weight. For example, not so long ago scientists discovered the “fullness gene,” whose scientific name is FTO. This gene is located on chromosome 16 and some of its variations affect not only the amount of fatty tissue in the body, but also appetite. It is not yet well studied, but the results of experiments prove that people who have one or two defective copies of the FTO gene are more likely to choose high-calorie and fatty foods, and this food addiction worsens with age.

If a child is given two defective copies of the FTO gene (one from each parent), the likelihood of weight gain increases by 70%. The FTO gene also affects the production of the hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger. Normally, this hormone is released before meals, but people with a defective FTO gene have increased levels of the hormone ghrelin. As a result, they do not feel full even after eating. We published other unexpected ones in one of the previous articles.

How to determine whether you are prone to obesity? It would be better to learn about the different ones, which we wrote about in one of our articles. But first you need to decide on your body type.

Scientists distinguish three body types (somatic types):

1. Asthenic: thin-boned body type, thin build, long arms and legs, thin neck, narrow shoulders and rib cage, elongated face, long and thin nose. People with this body type have a good metabolism, which makes it difficult to gain weight.
2. Normosthenic: a type characterized by proportionality of the main parameters and the correct ratio of weight and height.
3. Hypersthenic: broad-boned type, those with this body type have wide and heavy bones, short legs, broad shoulders, chest and hips. There is also a tendency to be overweight.

How to determine your body type?

There are several ways to determine your body type. Using a measuring tape, measure the circumference of your wrist: Depending on the result, your body type:

Body type

Wrist circumference

Women 157cm and below

Women from 157 – 165 cm

Women above 165 cm

Men taller than 165 cm


< 13.9 см

< 15.2 см

< 15.8 см

13.9 – 16.5 cm


13.9 – 14.6 cm

15.2 – 15.8 cm

15.8 – 16.5 cm

16.5 – 19.0 cm


>14.6 cm

>15.8 cm

>16.5 cm

>19.0 cm

Another way to determine body type is by the intercostal angle, which is formed by the lower ribs. Place your thumbs under your lower ribs and see what angle you get. If the angle is less than 90 degrees, i.e. sharp – your body type is asthenic. If the angle is 90 degrees, it is normosthenic, and if it is more than 90 degrees, it is hypersthenic. There is another indicator that allows you to determine the ratio of a person’s height to his weight - body mass index (BMI).

Formula for calculating BMI:

Where m is weight in kg, h is height in meters.

For example, a person’s height is 1.7 m, weight is 50 kg, his body mass index is: 50/1.7 * 1.7 = 17.3 - BMI


Below 18.5: underweight
18,5 – 24,9: normal weight
25-29,9: overweight
30-34.9: 1st degree obesity
35-40: 2nd degree obesity
40 or more: grade 3 obesity

A hypersthenic body type indicates a tendency to be overweight. However, this is not a diagnosis yet: you can have a beautiful figure if you eat right and exercise, because it is not the excess weight itself that is inherited, but only a predisposition. From physical activity Fast walking, gymnastics to strengthen your back muscles, stretching and swimming will help you. Dancing will also help you stay in shape.

Proper prevention of obesity

In terms of nutrition, you should not adhere to strict diets, which are severe stress for the body, because after the diet ends, the body will store all the calories eaten as a reserve in fat - in case of the next hunger strike. It would be much better to follow the principles that help. Eating “little but often” will suit you. In this case, you will always be full, and the body will not store excess reserves. Remember that you cannot completely exclude fats from your diet: they are necessary for proper metabolism. The main thing is to choose the “right” fats, saturated with Omega-3,6 and 9, for example, olive, linseed oil, walnut and wheat germ oil, salmon, nuts, avocado, milk.

Is it true that the tendency to be overweight is transmitted at the genetic level?

Most people believe that if everyone in their family is fat, then being the same is their cross. After such a “sentence,” a person does not even try to lose weight, or very quickly stops efforts at the first difficulties. But, according to scientists, only the tendency to be overweight is inherited, but not the excess weight itself.

Statistics have established that overweight parents significantly increase the chances of their children gaining weight. If the mother suffers from it, the likelihood of the child developing obesity is on average 60%. If the father has a problem with excess weight, this percentage decreases slightly. And if both parents can “boast” of extra pounds, the likelihood of their children developing obesity is about 80%.

True, sensational data were obtained from observing adopted children. It turned out that those children of overweight parents who were accepted into a “thin” family gained excess weight much less often than those who ended up in a “fat family.” Conversely, children of thin parents placed with overweight people often became overweight. Undoubtedly, it was no longer the hereditary factor that was at work here, but the factor of upbringing, family traditions and habits.

Genetic experiments also speak about the hereditary nature of excess weight. While working with laboratory animals, a gene was discovered that directly prevents the development of obesity. This gene produces a protein - leptin (from the Greek "leptos" - "slender"). And it turned out that there are lines of animals that, due to a genetic defect, lack this protein, and they are very often overweight. But giving them leptin helps prevent the increase in obesity and even contributes to the reverse development of obesity.

However, it soon became clear that in other animal lines the amount of leptin was not only not reduced, but, on the contrary, increased several times. Approximately the same picture is observed in overweight people. Scientists cannot yet fully explain this phenomenon, but they do not reject the possibility of creating an “ideal cure” for obesity based on leptin.

As you know, the bulk of fat in the body is oxidized (that is, “burned”) in muscle tissue, which consists of three types of fibers: fast glycolytic, fast oxidative and slow.

The main task of the former is to shrink as quickly as possible. They do not have oxidative systems, so they cannot “eat” fat, but fast oxidative and slow fibers do this quite willingly.

Accordingly, the more fast glycolytic fibers in the muscles, the less they use fat for their work, and the more it is deposited (of course, provided that there is a lot of it in food).

As it turned out, the ratio of fibers in muscles is influenced by racial and individual hereditary characteristics. But not only them: for example, when playing sports, a person trains different types fibers So-called anaerobic loads (wrestling, weightlifting, team sports), which require very fast and powerful muscle contractions, change the ratio towards glycolytic ones - therefore, after leaving such sports, a person often begins to gain weight rapidly. And vice versa - aerobic exercise (running, walking, aerobics, swimming) develops “fat-burning” fibers and helps you lose weight.

Conclusion: a hereditary tendency to be overweight is not fatal. It can be completely neutralized if you reduce the fat content of your diet and move more actively (and correctly!).

Expert advice

Another attempt to lose weight failed. Instead of a slim waist, the diet gave me nervousness and a desire to eat something tasty. Exhausting workouts in the gym did not bring any visible results, but they rewarded you with aching muscle pain. And just three days of eating “grief” with cakes gave you a “chastity belt” of five extra kilograms. Sound familiar? This means that you are definitely inclined to be overweight and losing weight is much more difficult for you than for everyone else. Fitness instructor Akmal Matkarimov volunteered to help in this matter.

A little theory

Absolutely all people on earth are divided into three categories, depending on their body type. Those who are lucky enough to flaunt an athletic figure without making much effort are called mesomorphs. “Eternal teenagers” with protruding collarbones and sharp knees are ectomorphs. But today we will talk about endomorphs, people who, as they say, are prone to being overweight. Since childhood, they have been distinguished by their chubby cheeks and slightly large size clothes than their peers. At the same time, endomorphs are not always lovers of heavy food. The reason for their fullness is their slow metabolism. Unfortunately, this cannot be corrected. This feature, just like hair or eye color, is transmitted genetically. However, it is still possible to correct the will of nature.

First of all, you need to correctly determine whether you really are an endomorph.

“The reason for the tendency to be overweight is not always belonging to this type of physique,” ​​explains Akmal Matkarimov. - Sometimes this is a sign of diseases of the thyroid gland or cardiovascular system. In such cases, any attempt to lose weight should be discussed with your doctor.

If you are one hundred percent sure that you are healthy, and extra pounds nothing more than an “inheritance” from a plump great-grandmother, then you will have to work on losing weight non-stop.

“Endomorphs need to train and diet all the time to stay in shape,” says the fitness instructor. “They need to help their body distribute energy. If you stop doing this, the excess weight will return in a very short time.

We eat right

A diet for those who are prone to obesity, but do not give up dreams of an ideal figure, is needed like air. After all, the waist circumference in the present and future will depend on it. Akmal Matkarimov spoke about how to eat properly for ectomorphs.

“First of all, you need to eliminate sugar and sweets,” the athlete advises. — You need to give up this forever, because these products are main enemy ectomorph. You need to eat food rich in proteins. It is difficult to gain weight from protein, but it contains plenty of energy.

By the way, there is no need to reduce the amount of food to extreme limits. The amount of food should be calculated based on your weight, and do not torture yourself by eating half a chicken egg for lunch when the scale proudly shows you ninety-five. In addition, following the popular trend of not having dinner is also not worth it. You need to eat three to four times a day in order to “accelerate” your own metabolism.

“An ectomorph who wants to lose weight must have protein products in the refrigerator,” says Akmal Matkarimov. - Eggs, but it is advisable to eat them without the yolk, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, milk, meat, lean fish. But you shouldn’t get carried away only by this. The body will get used to the high protein content in the diet and you will not achieve anything. You need to be careful with your diet. You can vary: one week on a protein diet, the second on a low-carbohydrate diet, constantly either reducing or increasing the amount of certain foods with different contents of nutrients.

According to the fitness instructor, a nut diet can be a good way to quickly lose weight, since nuts are very high in calories and you can get enough energy from them, but you won’t eat a lot of them, which means you won’t gain weight. However, such a mono-diet is very extreme and is suitable only for those whose health does not cause any concern.

Faster, stronger, higher!

If you are quickly gaining weight, but dream of losing extra pounds, then you will have to forget about peace. Cozy gatherings in front of the TV should be a thing of the past, along with clothes of the last fifty sizes.

“Endomorphs must be constantly on the move,” says the athlete. “They need to burn calories, help their body so that it doesn’t leave them “for a rainy day” in the form of extra centimeters where it is not needed.

An endomorph's best friends should be running, walking, cycling and jumping rope. The higher the physical activity, the more calories burned, which means the closer the cherished goal.

When training in the gym, people who tend to be overweight need to lean on basic exercises, says Akmal Matkarimov. - These are squats, lunges, deadlifts, parallel bars, pull-ups and all those exercises that move more than five muscle groups.

But exercises designed to work with heavy weights are unlikely to help you lose weight. It will be much more effective to lift the bar twenty times with five-kilogram “pancakes” than just five with twenty-kilogram ones. The same rule applies to other exercises. Three to four sets of fifteen to twenty repetitions - minimum required in order to lose excess weight in a relatively short time.

“Ideally, endomorphs should spend most of their time training,” says Akmal. — At least three times a week you should work out with “hardware” in the gym, and the rest of the time you can do aerobics: running, cycling, jumping rope.

Protein diet.

Sample menu for one day:

two egg whites
Oatmeal with cinnamon, 3 tbsp. spoons.
Half a baked apple.
Tea or coffee without additives.

Steamed chicken breast, 150g.
Boiled buckwheat, 3 tbsp. spoons.

Soup from 100g. meat, non-starchy vegetables and meat broth.

Afternoon snack
Cottage cheese, 200g.
Vegetable salad.

Steamed fish or cutlet, 200g.
Boiled green beans.

Before bed
A glass of kefir.

Nut diet:

Nut fasting day:

During the day you can eat only 100 g of absolutely any nuts. Drinks of the day – still water and green tea.

Three-day nut diet:

During each of the three days you can eat 50 g of nuts; 100 g of lean fish, boiled, baked, steamed, but not fried; 100 g of any white meat; tomato or cucumber. Drinks: still water or green tea. Salt, spices, sugar and sauces are not allowed.

Five-day nut diet:

The foods and drinks allowed during the day are the same, you can add 100 ml of milk, fermented baked milk or kefir.