How to break up with a girl quickly. How to tell a girl that we are breaking up? Is your decision correct?

Our life is a cycle of events and there are moments in it that are simply beyond our control. You started dating the one you've dreamed of all your life. But something didn’t work out, something didn’t go as we would like. Well, sometimes, you shouldn’t reproach yourself because of this, sprinkle ashes on your head. But how to break up with a girl for whom you still have some feelings. Now you will begin to blame yourself for all sins and believe that because of you, someone else’s fate is broken.

Firstly, we are all human and we all make mistakes. The important thing is that you decided to read this article - it means that you good man and you don’t want to hurt the girl you want to leave. Secondly, even if it hurts her at first, you still don’t keep her in the dark. It’s much worse not to have feelings for a person and keep him “in reserve.” After all, if you tell her as early as possible, then she too will be able to arrange her life and not waste time. The main thing is to convey the unpleasant news carefully, without insults, humiliation or pain.

Why do men leave

From the moment the relationship is built, neither party is able to predict the future. Yes, it seems to each of the lovers that their whole life will be covered with roses of tenderness, mutual understanding, love and passion. But it consists not only of the candy-bouquet period. It contains everyday life, work, misunderstandings, quarrels, conflicts, jealousy, and betrayal. In any case, there is not a single family where problems arise.

But sometimes it happens that a person seems to be doing nothing wrong, trying, creating comfort, coziness, loving. But I want to leave! How to break up with a girl for whom you no longer have feelings? The main reasons for cooling may be:

  • loss of feelings;
  • discomfort in relationships;
  • treason;
  • changes in life;
  • difference of interests, etc.

Basic options

There are two ways - to put an end to the relationship by declaring it and acting unilaterally. And disperse peacefully, by mutual agreement of the parties. Unlike women, men act more harshly, and this is their main mistake. You need to behave with a girl carefully, carefully, without hurting her pride. Yes, the guy needs to properly prepare for the conversation, but no matter how hard he tries, the process will be painful for the girl. Especially if she has tender feelings for him.

Important: you should absolutely not report a breakup over the phone or on a social network. Not only do you break her heart to pieces, but you also manage to do it from a distance. Don't be a coward and save at least some remnants of her pride.

When to decide to break up

So, men also convey unpleasant news. But they don’t always do this without thinking about the consequences. But they will decide to take this step for the following reasons:

  • there are no prospects for a happy future together;
  • you are not able to come to terms with your girlfriend’s shortcomings;
  • want to end the relationship out of fear of being the first to be abandoned;
  • the connection with the girl rests only on the feeling of pity for her;
  • feelings disappeared;
  • you don’t like her so much that you are embarrassed to appear in public with her;
  • close contact with her is unpleasant for you, she does not excite you as a woman;
  • she does things that are unpleasant for you - drinks a lot, uses drugs, smokes, etc.;
  • you are inflamed strong feelings to another woman;
  • your life together is unbearable due to constant quarrels, scandals, hysterics, etc.

Sex as a reason for breaking up relationships

It can't be said that family life relies only on sexual contact. But sexual intercourse- This is an integral and important part of the family, one of the building materials for creating a strong and prosperous family. It is platonic love that exists in books, and judging by the data of psychiatrists, this is a deviation from the norm. But it happens that sexual incompatibility arises between a man and a woman.

It can arise both for physical reasons - the size of the organ, the special structure of the uterus, vagina, and for moral reasons - she is too shy, he is too complex. Or your girlfriend demands too much and cannot get true pleasure from intimacy with you. A problem in sex can become the basis for the development of further inconsistencies in all matters. Without receiving proper pleasure, you accumulate irritability and anger. And it is completely logical that you are looking for another woman with whom you will be comfortable. Incompatibility in matters of intimacy is an important argument for ending a relationship.

Is your decision correct?

We're spinning in a circle different persons. And our taste does not always coincide with the taste of our family, loved ones, and friends. But this does not mean that we need to completely coordinate our preferences with them. It is for this reason that people often break up with friends and loved ones who are dear to their hearts. Study the following points carefully and remember them forever.

Your friends are “not into” your girlfriend. They give a lot of reasons - she’s ugly, she doesn’t know how to cook, she doesn’t allow us to communicate freely, etc. Be careful - it’s not with them, but with her that you need to share shelter. Why on earth do they make their assessments, and in general, what does their opinion have to do with it? Believe me, none of them who instills confusion in your soul will let you say a word about their passion. Rather, they are jealous of you and thus want to compare their positions.

Your family didn't like your beloved. Her own sister, mother and father treat her negatively, dislike her, and do not want to accept her into the family. Yes, it’s much more difficult here, because she and they are the dearest and closest people to you. I don’t want to lose my relationship with any of them. What to do?

If you really love your girlfriend, talk to her. Agree that she will not judge her elders. And at the same time, make it clear to your relatives that you are an adult, independent person and will choose your beloved based on your preferences. The main thing is to preserve love if there is any between you. Very soon you will really begin to live only for each other, build a family. And time plays in your favor, children will be born - the parents will immediately fall in love with the young mother and will help the young family in everything.

How to break up with a girl without hurting her

Psychologists strongly recommend that those who decide to break off a relationship in the heat of scandals and outburst of emotions not make hasty decisions. Quarrels will go away, passions will subside, but love will remain. In such a state, you can make an unforgivable mistake and regret it all your life. It is important to behave calmly and wisely and think about the issue before making an important decision. Do some light visual gymnastics.

  1. Imagine that you have already told your girlfriend about the breakup. Make a visual representation while staying at home all alone. What do you feel? If you feel slight discomfort and at the same time lightness, a feeling of freedom - don’t stop, break off the relationship.
  2. We repeat again - do not tell her about your decision over the phone or online. You will need to be patient and stock up on nerves, since most often an explanation with a girl ends in hysterics and tears. Unfortunately, there is no way without this!

What a man should do when breaking up

  1. First of all, invite the one you want to break up with to a neutral place. Speak confidently, honestly and openly about your decision.
  2. Tell her that your further coexistence makes no sense, since there are no prospects for the future.
  3. When you start a conversation, first emphasize all the positive qualities of the girl. Let her know that you have great respect for her as a woman, friend and just a person. And if you don’t break up now, then not a trace of respect will remain, so you need to stop now, without postponing the decision until later.
  4. Share with her how good it was for you to be with her, and that you experienced a lot of pleasant moments thanks to her efforts and presence. Tell her thank you very much for all this and offer to continue contacts, at least at the level of good friends.

Remain a man to the end and take all the blame for the breakup on yourself. To break up with a girl you love very much and cannot bear her shortcomings, problems and addictions, you need to focus on your gaps. Under no circumstances should you tell her that she is a bad housewife; she smells of tobacco and alcohol. Whatever she is, you can’t hurt her pride.

How to break up with a girl because of new love

If you decide to break up with your girlfriend because of a new relationship, God forbid you admit it! No woman can calmly survive the fact that she has been replaced by someone. Be wise, hide new relationships. And follow the advice of experienced psychologists:

  1. Live alone after a breakup. It is best if you return to your parents' shelter. Even if you have your own apartment, let it sit empty for a while, because everyone understands that it’s a bachelor’s “hut” the best place for pleasures with girls.
  2. Tell your close friends and family who know about your new relationship to keep their mouths shut. She must not find out about this, otherwise she will not give peace or will plot intrigues. Even worse, he will begin to suffer and become depressed. For the girl, this will be a terrible blow, after which the woman can take any action.
  3. It is best to agree on a break in the relationship. Such a gentle approach will give her time to get used to you and the breakup will be less painful after a while. So you will move from the stage of a loving relationship to a friendly one, then to a neutral one.

How to part beautifully and correctly

Not everyone manages to part with a former lover carefully and without any consequences. At least a short time, but still she will remind you of herself. And this is normal, you didn’t spit out the gum, sorry for the rough comparison. But depending on how you spend the last days before parting, hours and minutes, the person will torment himself and you for a long time. Or he will quickly move away and move on in life without you.

Believe me, the point is not only that the person will feel terrible because of your departure. This is what you need first and foremost – only after have a nice parting you can feel complete comfort from a new connection, breathe easily and freely, without blaming yourself for anything - what could be better?

  1. She will never forget what you told her! But you have the opportunity to soften the blows and convince the girl that it is she who is leaving you, and not you! Your openness and honesty should be fundamental to her being convinced of what is going on. She must know the truth - you are leaving. You can give various reasons (with the exception of the presence of a new passion) as to why you are breaking up.
  2. Don’t leave “empty” spaces in her memory; the girl should know the answers to all the questions that arise in her dreamy head. And during the conversation, give her the opportunity to hear all the questions she has and give a clear, detailed and comprehensive answer. It would be nice if after a calm conversation you take her home. Even though it was a friendly move, she still had to continue to feel like a woman who was being cared for.
  3. As soon as the moment comes when you decide to tell her about the breakup, no gifts. Any thing presented to her is monetization, a real embodiment of your feelings. And if you give her gifts, arrange surprises, then you have feelings. It seems to you that this is a gesture of decency, but for her it is love! So stop these things. Once you tell her about the breakup, it is unlikely that any of the last gifts will remain in their place; most likely they will decorate one of the trash cans near your house.
  4. Don't put off talking about breaking up until later. The longer this strap drags on, the worse it will be for her. You can’t “kill” a person piece by piece out of pity, as you only make things worse. If you decide to leave, let us know as carefully as possible and leave! Yes, the conversation will not be easy, she will worry and suffer. But he finds out about everything at once and understands that there is nothing to hope for, your relationship has come to its logical conclusion. If you delay, she will become nervous, become depressed and look for methods for revenge.
  5. During a conversation, girls often begin to swear, get emotional, and blame the man for all the troubles. You should not object to her and do not get into an argument under any circumstances. Reviving old feelings, grievances and squabbles is a detrimental thing for those who have decided to end the relationship. Let her swear, blackmail, scare you that she will kill you or commit suicide - your job is to apologize and remain silent. Even if she pours a bucket of slop on you, be patient!

You are still guilty in this situation, you will agree. If you don’t know how to do this, consult a psychologist first. They will tell you the exact type of behavior of men in a given situation.

What to do if a girl is too intrusive

“Love is not a potato - you can’t throw it out the window!” – remember this saying? No one will give you a guarantee that even after a frank and honest conversation about breaking up, the girl will calmly let you go. If she loves you deeply or is painfully attached, she will do everything to regain your affection. In such cases, interesting actions will help, which may not be typical for you. Yes, they are not the best, they cannot be called beautiful and the right way break up with the girl who loves you, but these steps are taken only as a last resort. Read and follow the following points.

Make her leave you first. In some cases this is still possible! Start throwing your dirty socks everywhere, don't wash the dishes, don't clean up. Litter all over the house, get dirty - women don’t like lazy people. Your actions will not go unnoticed; she will definitely become annoyed more and more often.

Stop watching yourself. Yes, you will have to forget about your reputation for a while, but you will have to endure for the sake of freedom from the one with whom you are uncomfortable. Do not pay attention to the stale odor of your body, refuse to observe the rules of personal hygiene for a while. Not a single girl will tolerate a slob next to her and will run away at the first opportunity.

Become very intrusive. Women love it when people care about them, look after them, and try to please them. But they cannot stand obsessive suitors, because of whom they cannot take a single step on their own. She goes with her friends to a get-together - follow her. She went to the store to buy clothes - keep her company, she wanted to visit her parents - get dressed immediately and quickly “to your mother-in-law and father-in-law.” She invited girls to your common home - stay nearby and behave like one of her friends. In short, do everything so that she stops seeing you as a true male and a man, and become a “rag,” in whom interest is lost instantly.

It would be a good idea to visit her workplace. Yes, there are a lot of smart colleagues around, and you need to behave in such a way that they keep repeating in her ear, “Why do you need someone like that?”, “Give up this clingy thing.” Make visits to her office with enviable consistency, and begin to bore her with your presence. She swears, gets irritated - smile, pretend that you don’t understand a thing and continue to act the same way. She'll get bored, rest assured!

During a conversation, many men, in order to soften the situation, offer the girl their friendship and help in everything. We often hear “If you need anything, call, I will always help!”, “If you want to talk, contact me, I will always be happy to keep you company!” etc. But it's not right!

Not a single woman will believe that sincere friendship can be built on the fragments of love. You, men, run the risk of establishing friendly relations with someone who harbors a grudge and anger against you. It will seem to you that she is sincerely happy to see you, but in fact she is waiting for the moment to serve a cold dish called “revenge”.

How to break up with a girl remotely

The best way To put an end to a relationship is, of course, face-to-face communication. But this is not always possible. Therefore, we have to resort to the help of modern technologies. Now we are talking about mobile devices and social networks on the Internet. It’s worth noting right away that this is the worst option.

And if you decide to break up via SMS or message on Twitter, Instagram or another social network, prepare for this as correctly as possible. It doesn’t matter that you don’t see your counterpart’s emotions. Just imagine for a minute how painful it was for you to hear about the breakup from the one you love, appreciate, whom you value more than anything in the world.

Write your message in a concise and correct form. In a short letter you need to indicate her merits, thank her for the relationship and indicate the most important thing - the reason for the separation. At the same time, be sure to apologize for everything and take all the blame only on yourself, they say, she has absolutely nothing to do with it!

There is no need to write a whole poem, the main meaning will be lost. Do everything so that she maintains a more or less normal attitude towards you. And please, before breaking off a relationship, find all the pictures and videos that compromise you. Of course, it will not be possible to hide and destroy everything and you should prepare for the shock of your unpleasant photos and videos. Women rarely leave a man's departure without punishment. Try to separate so that the mosquito doesn’t hurt your nose. Prepare for this moment by applying all the proven methods of softening the corners and drying up women's tears.

Never communicate your decision in one word via SMS, especially don’t be rude or make grammatical errors. This way you will create the ground for misunderstanding, a million questions will arise in her head - but there are no answers! Leave gracefully, show maximum respect and tact. Let in her eyes only you be guilty of all the sins of the world, but your conscience and soul will be calm and pure.

It often happens that people break up. How can you do this beautifully and minimize grievances - let's try to understand this issue.

How to break up with a girl who loves you: a painless way

As such, there is simply no way for a painless separation if there really was a serious relationship, and not just an affair. In any case, the girl will be hurt, and it is unlikely that there will be any offense. However, when breaking up, you can remain a gentleman and soften the blow for the lady as much as possible.

Gentleman's Conversation

The best way is to say everything honestly and directly. This way you have a better chance of remaining a decent person in her eyes.

But to achieve desired result, some conditions must be met:

  1. You need to convey to her the reason for the separation - if, of course, you yourself understand it and it is compelling enough (which is not always the case).
  2. When presenting such information, you should soften the blow by saying, for example, that she is a wonderful girl, but you and she are completely different and it is unlikely that you should continue such a relationship.
  3. You need to talk about your decision directly and confidently, so that it is clear that the decision is final, and she does not have any illusions about the possibility of fixing everything.
  4. You can't bring the conversation to a scandal. If a woman is trying to provoke him, then you need to stop communicating and reschedule the conversation, but not drag it out too long.

    Pick-up artists' tactics

    If the gentleman's way of breaking up involves honesty and straightforwardness, then the pick-up artist is more of a method of cunning and the ability to manipulate. Initially, the purpose of the pickup is to teach methods of dating and seduction. However, pickup skills can also be used during a breakup.

    This method is not always possible young man, who was not specifically trained in it. But simple tips You can try it for a beginner too. For example, in order not to offend a girl, you need to make sure that she herself initiates the breakup. To do this, you should lead her to the idea that you are not worthy of her, that she is better than you. And even though you may show yourself not with the best side, but the breakup will be her decision, and at least this will make it easier for her.

    How to break up with the girl you love

    There are times in life different situations, and sometimes you have to break off relationships with your loved ones for some reason. It’s much easier to stop everything when feelings have already cooled down. It's harder to do this when you're still in love. Love is strong emotions and experiences that are almost impossible to stop by force of will. But, like any feeling, it requires constant feeding, and if left without it, it gradually fades away. Each person experiences this period in his own way, and it is impossible to give unambiguous recommendations for everyone.

    However, you can use a few tips:

    1. If possible, all contacts and meetings should be stopped. This will help you cope with emotions faster without feeding them with communication. The feelings won’t go away right away, and that’s normal. Mental wounds, like physical ones, heal gradually.
    2. You need to do something that will require your energy and time. This could be a favorite activity (sports, dancing, traveling) or work.
    3. The girl satisfied her emotional, domestic and sexual needs to some extent, so we need to figure out how to compensate for these needs.
    4. No need to immediately look for a replacement ex-passion. At first, worries about separation can create an uncomfortable situation for both the man and the woman. new girl. Let a certain period pass before a new relationship begins.

    Important! If it is difficult to cope with a difficult life situation on your own, then you can seek help from a psychologist. He will give individual recommendations and help overcome the problems that arise.

    How not to break up

    Often men, having decided to break up a relationship, resort to the wrong tactics. Let's look at the options that are undesirable to use in such situations.


    The “leave without saying goodbye” option is usually used by cowardly representatives of the stronger sex when they do not have the courage to say everything to a woman’s face. They do this for various reasons: some are afraid, some are afraid of hysteria and scandal, and some simply do not want to spoil their nerves and waste time. But there is nothing worse than the unknown. In this case, not everyone immediately understands what is happening, and the girl may even decide that something happened to her loved one.

    Women with this method of separation receive severe psychological trauma, and in addition, this negative experience in the future can make her doubt all men. And the option is not excluded in which she will take revenge not only on the offender, but also on all subsequent partners.

    This method is the easiest for the initiator of the breakup, but painful for the one being abandoned. Therefore, you need to at least call or send a short text via SMS in which you inform about your decision.


    Everyone knows the fact that constant quarrels and scandals destroy relationships. Men often use this to provoke a girl and initiate a breakup at her discretion. Constantly finding fault with little things or making a scandal for any reason, you can force the lady to break off the relationship herself. And if she turns out to be too patient, then the scandalous atmosphere can be called the reason for the separation.

    This method, as well as disappearing without explanation, does not show the man at his best. In such a situation, a negative reaction from the girl with all the ensuing consequences cannot be avoided.

    Slow down

    Often guys, having decided to break up, begin to avoid meetings, do not answer phone calls and come up with different reasons to communicate less. At first glance, it may seem that if a guy stops taking initiative and lets everything go, then the girl will understand everything and the relationship will end without any problems. But this is a misleading prospect. The only advantage is that everything will happen gradually and the breakup will not be unexpected, that is, based on the coldness and indifference of her partner, the girl will gradually understand where everything is going.

    This development of events will exhaust both sides morally. And the girl certainly won’t have any positive memories of this man and his actions. So this option cannot be called good, and it is advisable not to use it.

    Did you know? It has been statistically proven that those who meet in stressful situations couples are stronger than those who make acquaintances in a romantic setting.

    When breaking up a relationship, it is rarely possible to avoid insults, quarrels and accusations. How to properly leave your companion in order to reduce negative emotions to a minimum - let's look at the possible options.

    Talk to the point

    A truthful, meaningful conversation is always captivating. He will help the young man, at least, keep about himself good impression. Even if the girl does not understand this at first, over time she will appreciate such an act. You need to not only tell the truth, but also choose the right words and actions.

    There are a number of tips that will help with this:

    When breaking up a relationship, you need to use phrases like this: “It was difficult for me to decide on this, and I am very sorry, but I think that it would be better for both of us to end our relationship.” Or, for example, this: “We are different people and we don’t have a happy future, so each of us will be better off with someone else.”

    To keep distance

    At the last meeting, it is very painful and difficult for both sides. Therefore, a guy may be tempted to console his ex or hug her. Some experts even advise doing this. But such behavior can give a girl hope that it’s not all over and that something can be fixed. So you shouldn’t behave this way if you already have a balanced and firm decision to stop any communication.

    When meeting, you need to keep your distance. It is better to plan the conversation in a public, but not too crowded place, such as a park or cafe. In front of strangers, it is easier to restrain emotions and avoid quarrels and hysterics.

    Did you know? Divorce most often occurs in the fifth year life together, and after eight years of marriage, the relationship becomes stable.

    Leaving without returning

    Sometimes it happens that couples maintain friendly relations after breaking up, but this is the exception rather than the rule. If you broke up, then there is no need to meet or return - a loving girl can take this as a signal to resume the relationship. And if you don’t need this, then there is no need to give a false reason, because the next time you break up, everything will be much more complicated. And the impression of you will remain as a scoundrel who takes advantage of a poor woman.

    There is also no need to make promises to help if she needs something, especially if you are not going to do it. This may also give her false hope. Having weighed and made your final decision, carry it out to the end and do not play with the feelings of others, instilling deceptive illusions.

    What to do after a breakup?

    After breaking up with a girl, it’s worth filling the gap with something significant.

    If there is not enough workload and there is still a lot of free time, then you can try the following options:

    1. Sport is an excellent tool that will not only take up time, but also absorb a lot of energy. You can visit Gym and work out your muscles, ride a bike, swim in a river or pool, or come up with your own options. Such a pastime will not only have a positive effect on your health, but will also improve your mood.
    2. Favorite hobby. Perhaps you didn’t have enough time for it before, but you really like to play the guitar, fish, draw or do something else. Now is the time to remember your passion and pursue it to the fullest.
    3. Can be distracting for a while computer games- it's a lot of adrenaline and excitement. But do not overdo it, so as not to become dependent on them and acquire another problem.
    4. There is no need to avoid friends and acquaintances. Communicate and meet more. Go to parties, corporate events, take part in outings and hikes. This will not only bring positive emotions, but also expand your circle of acquaintances. This way you can even meet a new passion.
    5. Communication on social networks will also be useful. But you don't need everything free time spend sitting near the computer. Everything should be in moderation.
    6. Get yourself a pet. Caring for a living creature will absorb your attention and time, and distract you from gloomy thoughts.

    You can still list a bunch of options, but you also need to say what should not be done in such a situation:

    • to be in splendid isolation;
    • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
    • arrange meetings and showdowns with “ex”;
    • suffer too long.

    Important! After a breakup, you need to understand that sadness arises mainly due to the loss of an unfulfilled hope (for example, a wedding). But it should also be understood that there are many other prospects opening up in the future. Who knows, maybe after defeat in love, luck will await you in business.

    Perhaps you will use our advice or come up with your own options. In any case, you need to remember that there are no hopeless situations in life - it is beautiful and continues. Therefore, success to you and only positive experiences.

Are you in a relationship that burdens you, the person is unloved, and the relationship itself is not developing at all? However, don't you break them up just because you are simply afraid of the process of separation itself? Of course, a breakup- It’s never easy, but it’s also difficult to maintain an outdated relationship with a person for whom you no longer have feelings.- it's hard. How to break up with a girl who loves you? Here are a number of easy-to-implement recommendations that will help you break up with your girlfriend. Don’t forget about the girl’s experiences, and a lot of things will fall into place.

Most common reasons parting

  • Infidelity. When a third person appears in a relationship, the relationship is doomed.
  • Disrespectful attitude. When your partner treats you inappropriately.
  • Manipulation. Your partner uses you for his own benefit or to satisfy his desires.
  • There is no more love. You no longer feel for the girl the way you did before.
  • Distance. Your relationship is impossible due to physical distance.

Don’t even think about communicating the breakup via telephone or Internet correspondence, or via telephone conversation. This, first of all, will leave an unpleasant mark on your reputation, especially if your ex-significant other tells your mutual friends about it.

“It’s not at all easy for me to tell you about this, because we are not strangers and we are connected by many wonderful moments that we experienced together, but it’s time for us to part.”

“Even though I’m very sorry that our relationship didn’t work out, we need to separate.”

“I think it won’t come as a surprise to you that it’s high time we ended our relationship.”

For example: “I understand that now I will say something that will be unpleasant for you to hear. If it were in my power to change my attitude towards you, then I would definitely do it. We're just not right for each other. We have different friends, different interests. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't. I think we will find our soul mates and be happy. It will be better this way".

For example: “I realize that I am also to blame for what happened. I immediately didn’t like your attitude towards me and my friends, but I was silent about it. You should have told everything straight away right away so as not to bring the situation to such seriousness. But now it’s impossible to change anything.”

“I understand that I am also to blame because I did not support you at the moment when it was necessary for you. Thus I pushed you into the arms of another. I understand you, but I can’t accept this.”

However, if the conversation continues and you have been talking about the same thing for an hour, then gently interrupt the conversation.

For example: “I understand how difficult it is for you, but we are discussing the same thing. Let's come back to the conversation later, when you've thought about everything."

“We both have a lot to think about. Let’s calm down, think and discuss everything later, without emotions.”

These tips will help you find the answer to the question of how to break up with a girl painlessly.

  • Don't ask someone else to tell your girl about your breakup. By doing this, you will hurt her and cause aggression towards yourself.
  • You cannot point out some of the girl’s shortcomings as a reason for breaking up, for example, that she is not very beautiful or is not interesting to you. The reason must be serious.
  • You need to break up only in personal communication, and not over the phone. Don't be a coward. This will help you maintain good, friendly relationships in the future.
  • Don't try to avoid dating after a breakup. The girl may regard this as a desire on your part to hide something from her.


If you are jealous when you see your ex-girlfriend with another young man, then you were clearly in a hurry with the parting.

Many men, ending a boring or outdated relationship, do not think at all about their partner’s feelings. But this approach cannot be called correct even from a universal human point of view. Hurt the feelings of a sincerely loving person is not like a man, so it’s better to think about how to break up with a girl who loves you without causing pain...

When a man tries to break up with the girl with whom he is in an affair serious relationship, it is completely natural that fear begins to torment him. There is a need for certain forced changes in everyday life, which are radical in nature. And I don't want to cause any pain to a loving person. But when breaking up, you need to think soberly so as not to make mistakes.

What is better not to do?

In order to understand how best to break up with a girl, it is better to first figure out which steps it is advisable to categorically refuse. So, in no case should you completely ignore it. So, many guys sincerely believe that if you stop writing/calling/coming, the girl herself will come to the right conclusion and will be able to forget about the relationship without any problems.

It is also better to give up quarrels and scandals. Of course, everyone knows that swearing and negativity can kill love in the bud. And many guys resort to a similar method when they want to break up. But this approach only emphasizes the man’s weakness: he goes into open quarrels in order to force the girl to leave on her own.

Another common and very stupid mistake is obvious betrayal, which a girl cannot help but find out about. In fact, none a real man A person who respects himself and his choice (the girl) will not allow such an insulting attitude towards his partner and towards another object (the instrument of betrayal).

Many men behave inappropriately when trying to break up. They begin to be rude and insolent, and sometimes even resort to insults, trying to force the girl to make a seemingly independent decision about breaking up.

Another completely inappropriate option to part with loving girl– breakup of long-distance relationships, for example, through social media or SMS. Indeed, it seems that it is much easier to say unpleasant things through a screen rather than to your face. But such a choice cannot be called worthy.

There is also a separate category of men who really want to break up with their partner, but cannot choose the time and the appropriate method of breaking up. Such a situation can drag on for months and even years, although both partners could have spent all this wasted time recovering from the breakup and looking for a new relationship.

What to do?

Realize in advance that breaking up with a girl who sincerely loves you, painlessly for her, simply will not work. Please note that it will be very, very difficult for you. But you have the power to make the separation as soft as possible for her. Stick to the rules.

You can prepare for the breakup a little ahead of time, rather than jumping into action. Indeed, it is not at all logical if yesterday you had a romantic dinner, and today you decided to break off the relationship. Gradually move away from the girl, take less interest in her affairs, spend less time together, call and write less often. This will emphasize in her eyes the lack of interest and desire to continue the relationship.

Go with your girl to a fairly secluded place. You can easily stroll through the park or along the embankment. There should be no crowds of people nearby, because the breakup may not be quiet, and a public scandal is the last thing you both need.

Tell your girlfriend everything straight. Someday, over time, she will be able to appreciate your frankness. Explain that for you your relationship has completely exhausted itself, and love has passed, or mutual understanding has completely disappeared from the relationship.

It is important to use words correctly:

Don't try to find an excuse for yourself. The fact that you have decided so will be quite enough.

Don’t even think about blaming a girl for something, even if you are sure that all the blame lies with her. On the contrary, you can take all the blame on yourself.

Try to speak calmly, do not succumb to manipulation and do not break into a scandal.

When breaking up with a girl, there is no need to talk about even the illusory possibility of restoring the relationship. Try to let your partner understand that there is no turning back, and there is no need to create illusions.

Focus the girl's attention on the fact that she will definitely find more the right man and can be happy with him. And you are grateful to her for all the pleasant experiences you experienced together.

If your conversation threatens to develop into a loud showdown, it is better to stop and leave. The absence of a scandal will help save both of your nerves and face.

Also, get rid of all thoughts about the possibility of remaining friends. Friendly relations between people who were once in love will become empty hopes for a girl, even if she says exactly the opposite. After a frank conversation about breaking up the relationship, really disappear from her life, do not answer calls and letters, refuse all contacts. The girl will be able to appreciate the seriousness of the situation, and soon you both will be able to build a new happy relationship.

Of course, the moment of separation is accompanied by sadness and resentment. However, it is better to give up trying to save a relationship in which there are no feelings left. If you are not sure about your future with this girl, it is better to decide to break up now than to bite your elbows over time.

There are many situations in relationships between a man and a woman that lead to separation. But not everyone manages to survive a breakup competently and painlessly, while maintaining pleasant impressions of each other. Psychologists especially note the inability of men to correctly present information to girls, although her future relationships with the opposite sex may depend on how to break up with a girl.

Almost every girl who experiences pain and disappointment after a bad breakup withdraws into herself, and after that for a long time cannot trust men. Therefore, in order for a man to save his face, psycho emotional condition the girls are fine, and also preserved friendships for the future, you can use the rules and ways to end the relationship painlessly.

If a man has decided to leave his girlfriend, it is important for him to think carefully about everything so as not to make hasty actions that he may later regret. There are times when crises, difficulties in everyday life, misunderstandings, and quarrels arise between partners. Against the background of emotions, it seems that this is the end of the relationship, but after some time, feelings and reason take over.

Psychologists help you decide whether to leave a girl, naming the main reasons for breaking up a relationship. Namely:

  • treason or serious betrayal;
  • lack of feelings in one or both partners at once;
  • discomfort in relationships or living together;
  • different views on life and principles;
  • distance between partners;
  • lack of common interests and plans for further life together.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Expert on family relations. Family psychologist.

Putting an end to your relationship with the girl you love is a hasty decision that needs to be carefully considered. And only with that girl for whom you no longer have feelings can you safely break up, but in accordance with the rules and in appropriate ways so as not to offend or injure her.

How to break up with a girl without hurting her?

Only a real man will worry about how to properly break up with his girlfriend, so as not to cause her deep emotional trauma. You need to be especially sensitive towards a very young person, since often a negative first experience leaves a heavy imprint on her future personal life. Psychologists offer several methods on how a guy can painlessly tell a girl that we are breaking up.

  1. Rational method. When there is another quarrel or crisis in a relationship, you need to calm your emotions and help your girlfriend calm down. After this, look him in the eye and say that you need to have a serious conversation about how this cannot continue. You can explain to the girl that this relationship is a utopia, and if you break up in a timely manner, without leading to deep quarrels, you can maintain a friendly, warm relationship. It is imperative to clarify at what points the partners do not suit each other, that common interests and points of contact have disappeared. In the end, it must be said that the girl gave him a lot of happiness and good memories, which he does not want to erase with quarrels.
  2. The Rise of Woman. You can part beautifully if you say the phrase “I am absolutely not worthy of you,” since all girls love with their ears. Everything can be emphasized best qualities character, external attractiveness, saying that a girl deserves a strong, successful and wealthy companion for a high-quality life. By instilling in her that the breakup is not her fault, you can maintain her self-esteem and self-confidence. It should be especially noted that it is not the man who abandons her, he only gives her the opportunity to better arrange her life.
  3. Nice gesture. If a man doesn’t know how to break up after long relationship with your companion, in order not to hurt her, psychologists advise giving her a good present first. First, you need to present a gift, telling her that she deserves only the best in life, including a man. After this, you need to part ways gently, without focusing on any problems. If she is not mentally ready for such a decision, you can give her time to calm down, and then talk frankly and calmly.

If a man doubts whether to break up with a girl, he needs to mentally think through all the “pros and cons” in the relationship, analyze the depth of his feelings, and also determine the presence or absence of a common future. No psychologist can answer unequivocally how to understand that it’s time to break up; only the heart and inner voice will tell you that this is not your person.

SMS breakups: pros and cons

Many men, due to moral immaturity, fear and embarrassment, prefer to present all important information to a girl via SMS or on social networks (for example, on VK), protecting themselves from her reaction. Psychologists do not approve of remote options for communicating with a girl, since it is impossible to convey an emotional message through SMS and correspondence, and speech may be perceived in the wrong direction.

Is it worth breaking up via SMS?


If there is distance and other obstacles between partners, you first need to think carefully about how to write to a girl about breaking up. It must be emphasized to begin with that the man regrets the lack of the possibility of a one-on-one conversation, that relationships are extremely important to him, just like the girl. Next, you need to name the reasons for the separation extremely delicately, so as not to bring a burden of guilt down on her vulnerable soul.

Important! At the end of the correspondence it is clarified how important it is for a man to preserve a good relationship with an ex-lover, since there will always be trust and mutual support between them.

How to tell a girl that we are breaking up?

Separation can occur according to several scenarios and methods proposed by experts. The main thing is to decide on the format of relations between partners, and also to make sure that there are no prospects and a common future. And only in this case can a man begin to take drastic measures.

How to break up with a girl who loves you?

The most difficult thing is to leave a girl who loves you, but you don’t love her, since the likelihood of mental anguish and worries on her part is extremely high. But in any case, you will have to end the relationship without a future; not a single couple can survive long on pity. Many psychologists receive questions from men of this kind: I can’t leave a girl out of pity, since she loves, but I don’t. The main rule is to change the tactics of behavior and the format of conversations with her.

The first thing a man needs to do is adjust his speech, you can offer to pause the relationship to take a sip fresh air and look at relationships from the outside. Next, you need to set a time period after which you can meet and discuss the possibility of a further relationship or a breakup. Only after this you need to do everything to gently move away and end the relationship, following the principle of honesty and frankness of conversation.

How to break up with the girl you live with?

Situations when a man is in a long-term and serious relationship, living with a girl for several years, lead to the fact that he simply feels sorry for leaving the girl. In any case, against the background of pity, you can significantly undermine her self-confidence and self-esteem, as well as lose all respect for her. Therefore, psychologists insist that without a future and feelings you need to part ways competently and in a timely manner.

Most often, people, even in the absence of feelings for each other, rely only on one habit and convenience, mercilessly taking away time and chances to build other relationships. To begin with, in order to end a relationship, a man, in a frank conversation, must clearly formulate the reasons for breaking up with the girl, as well as the impossibility of correcting them. A man should know how to talk about a breakup himself, since he has lived with a girl side by side for a long time and is familiar with her behavior patterns.

Responsibility for her emotional state and the period of experience lies solely with the initiator of the breakup, that is, with him. It is important to monitor the degree of depression so that the girl does not cause herself any harm in an unconscious state. Of course, parting with an ex-lover and remaining friends is something only virtuosos and lucky people can do, but it is necessary to try to protect her as much as possible from mental anguish.

How to break up with the girl you love?

Not only men are concerned with questions of how to carefully break up with a girl so that she does not suffer. Situations often happen when a girl becomes the initiator of a breakup, and unpleasant and painful sensations are coming to a man. To do this, psychologists offer several ways:

  • a new hobby and passion that will take up your free time and give you new emotions;
  • changing jobs or places of study to protect yourself from memories of the past;
  • class extreme species sports that increase self-esteem;
  • moving to another city, which will help say goodbye to the past.

The main rule is to protect yourself from your ex-lover, and also to occupy all your thoughts with something else. You need to remove all things from the house that may remind you of the relationship. The best way to get rid of old feelings is to create new ones; accordingly, psychologists advise having a new passion. Even if these relationships are short-term and fleeting, this will help you to distract yourself and not withdraw into yourself.

What to do if you can't leave your girlfriend?

If a man does not find the strength and determination to leave a girl, a relationship with whom is impossible for a number of compelling reasons, he can replay the action scenario. Pickup masters teach you how to make a girl leave you on her own initiative. This will not only help a man “get out of the water”, but will also protect her delicate mental organization from pain and injury.

You can get on her nerves in every possible way, show sloppiness in everyday life, be rude and ill-mannered, making it clear with your appearance that this man she's not a match. You can be late for meetings, forget important dates, even her birthday, hint that she has typed excess weight, and the most forbidden technique would be to be rude to her parents. At her very first reproaches, you can say, “If you don’t like it, break up with me, you will definitely meet a worthy man.”


In fact, all responsibility for the breakdown of relationships and the psycho-emotional state lies with the man. Therefore, it is extremely important to identify and clearly formulate the reasons why a relationship is impossible, and then have an honest and competent conversation. Particular attention should be paid to the stage and format of the relationship, the characteristics of the female character, having thought through different models girl's behavior after the breakup. About all the subtleties of explanations and preservation peace of mind between both partners as stated above.