Ecological things. “Modernity and Tradition” - fashion show of clothes made from environmentally friendly materials. Eco-knitwear from Bulgarian grandmothers

Ecological fashion, or “eco-fashion” as it is commonly called, is becoming increasingly popular. Again the favorite comes to mind and famous expression that everything new is well forgotten old. Why this particular expression? Because the eco-movement cannot be called something new, just like eco-fashion. Back in the distant 60s of the last century, the hipster movement was popular all over the world. Participants in the movement strived for everything natural and ecological.

Today, it seems, humanity is gradually realizing the importance and role of nature, feels responsibility and is trying to take the first serious, but still small steps aimed at protecting and saving the world around us.

What exactly is sustainable fashion?

As mentioned above, the first boom in ecological fashion occurred in the 60s of the last century, when a considerable number of clothing manufacturers began to place orders for production in Asian countries.

A large number of fashion houses and clothing manufacturers have taken into account that their production should not only be beautiful, but also safe for the world and people in the first place.

Manufacturers themselves do not hide the fact that the production of environmentally friendly clothing requires more effort and costs, since natural materials are more expensive than artificial and synthetic ones, which affects the final result, but the safety of humans and the environment, which is not harmed by environmentally friendly production, is also important.

Today, a considerable number of world-famous clothing manufacturers have decided to switch to environmentally friendly production, periodically presenting collections made from environmentally friendly materials.

It is undeniable that companies switching to environmentally friendly production are excellent example for others. In addition, the transition only increases the popularity of these companies and brands, which affects sales.

Companies offering organic clothing

Below we will present well-known brands that have managed to switch to environmentally friendly production.

The world-famous and beloved company H&M this year presented its first ecological collection of spring-summer clothing for 2020. It should be noted that the first collection turned out to be quite elegant. It is noteworthy that not only the clothing materials are made from environmentally friendly materials, but also decorative elements. Thanks to clean and safe materials, the brand’s clothes are elegant, comfortable and light.

No less famous manufacturer fashionable clothes– in 2008, Zara switched to environmentally friendly materials, which the brand uses in the production of its entire range. However, the company decided not to stop there, and by 2015 plans to create a technology that will reduce the use of electricity and water in the production cycle by half.

The legendary Levi's brand presented its first environmental collection back in 2006. Like Zara, they also think that switching to environmentally friendly clothing is just the first step. It is also important to do everything possible to reduce the consumption of natural resources.

GAP has been known for many years for its clothing made from natural materials and affordable prices.

The brand has not yet completely switched to environmentally friendly products, but it pleases fans with its second collection of clothing that meets safety and environmental standards. It should be noted that when creating new collection Eco-friendly and safe clothing, brand specialists used materials such as soy, silk, cotton and even bamboo.

Not everyone knows that back in 1993, the famous and popular company Nike launched a special shoe recycling program. This program made it possible to create special granules for covering floors in sports fields from sports shoes.

The name of the relatively young Greek clothing company Mumu Organic speaks for itself. The founder of the organic brand is a woman who has clearly and strictly adhered to the principles of an ecological lifestyle for many years. Clothing from the Greek brand is made only from materials that are organic and safe for humans and the environment.

One of the smallest companies that cares about children's health is CharLe. The main principle of the German children's clothing manufacturer is safety, combined with comfort. The unique technology that the company uses in the production of children's clothing allows them to use a unique cut for growth, which allows them to save money.

When creating its collections, the German company uses materials such as linen, tencel, cotton, silk and even soy.

In addition to the companies and brands listed above, there are many other brands that tend to believe that environmental fashion will become prevalent in the near future, and therefore are paying great attention to it now.

Finally, humanity is beginning to realize that it is important to think about the health of the planet and the world around us, because it is the source of our life and the life of each person individually. It’s good when this is promoted among high society, as evidenced by the annual holding of eco-fashion weeks in the French capital. Like all such events, this Week is also important for our planet and the world around us.

Most of us are aware of the negative impact of cars, waste and unwise use of resources on the environment, but few think about the impact of the clothes we buy and wear.

Let's start with the materials.

Manufacturers nylon and polyester during processing, a huge amount of nitrous oxide is released into the atmosphere, which, like carbon dioxide, is one of the causes of the greenhouse effect, but with only one difference - it is 300 times more dangerous.

Viscose often made from wood pulp that has been treated with hazardous chemicals.

Cotton has a bad reputation in that it uses more pesticides than other plants. In addition, it requires huge areas for planting, which causes enormous harm to the environment. Dying and bleaching fabrics increases the impact on the environment, as the production process uses a lot of water and chemicals, which often end up in rivers and soil.

In addition to global harm, we primarily harm ourselves. In some places it is less destructive, and in others it clearly affects health.
But there is a reasonable alternative. Ecological clothing. Modern technologies make it possible to make it not only harmless, but also stylish, which is important.

Due to global warming, the demand for green textiles continues to grow, and many manufacturers are switching to environmentally friendly production technologies and fabrics to reduce their negative impact on the environment and create a positive green image.

Quality organic clothing

The quality of organic clothing is generally better than the quality of mass-produced clothing. Organically grown cotton, hemp and flax are being used more and more in textile production. Fabric plants are grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides and therefore reduce the risk of groundwater contamination. Such fabrics will also degrade naturally after being thrown away. To increase the strength and lifespan of organic fabrics, the fibers are often blended with other fibers.

Eco-friendly cotton clothing is stronger than clothing made from regular cotton because it is not treated with strong chemicals such as bleaching. Chemically treated fabric becomes much less durable. The bond between the fabric fibers weakens and the lifespan of the garment is significantly reduced. In addition, the fabric made from ecological cotton is softer to the touch and gives a feeling of comfort to our body. To receive the “organic” label, the product must be at least 95% certified organic. To meet the standard, producers must eliminate solvents, toxic heavy metals, genetically modified seeds, or other chemicals, like formaldehyde. All wastewater must be treated, industries must be recycled, and the bleaches used must be oxygen-based.

Natural fibers made by man

Man-made fibers such as soybean, bamboo, corn or wood pulp can also be used to make clothing.

Bamboo clothing is not much different from cotton in both appearance and feel. But unlike cotton, which can only be grown in certain regions, bamboo grows anywhere. In fact, bamboo is both a herbaceous plant and one of the fastest growing trees on the planet, which is what makes it so widely used. And growing bamboo improves soil quality and can even restore it after erosion. In addition, bamboo has several very useful qualities: it has thermal insulation, that is, it easily retains heat in cold weather, but at the same time provides good ventilation, helping the body stay cool in hot weather. Obviously, bamboo clothing is an excellent choice for sports, and besides, such clothing, cozy and stylish, is simply ideal for active people.

All that remains is to choose: wear clothes or “live” in clothes?

Pay attention to the fabric

The main difference between regular clothing and eco-friendly clothing is the fabric from which it is made. Manufacturers of eco-friendly wardrobe items give preference to natural raw materials that are grown without the use of pesticides: organic flax, cotton, silk, wool. They also use organic bamboo and corn fibers, nettles, and vegetable leatherette.

In addition, eco-friendly clothing includes items made from recycled products (PET containers, fabric scraps, fishing nets); clothing whose bright and rich color is achieved by using natural dyes.

Study the composition of the product

Not all natural fabrics are created equal. A product that is pleasant to the touch does not mean that the item is safe for health and the environment. Chemicals are used both in the production of clothing and in the cultivation of raw materials for it. Harmful fibers in best case scenario will cause discomfort when worn, at worst - allergies and irritation on the skin. It's worth knowing where the danger lies.

Cotton, which most consumers consider safe, is only partly so. The lion's share of industrial production of this material is not environmentally friendly. For every 250 grams of cotton produced, there are 150 grams of pesticides and about three liters of water. To protect against pests, cotton fields are treated with herbicides, and to quickly collect leaves, harvesting machines are filled with special products that harm the soil ecology.

Only 0.1% of the world's cotton is produced safely today. Organic cotton is grown in biological farms. The plant is cared for manually, natural fertilizers and safe processing substances are used. Labels for items made from this material are marked “100 organic cotton.”

Flax recognized as the most environmentally friendly and harmless material. The unpretentious plant withstands bad weather and is resistant to diseases and pests. The fields do not require processing. But this was not enough for linen clothing manufacturers. Natural fabric wrinkles a lot and doesn’t smooth out well. The situation was corrected using formaldehyde and artificial resin. After chemical treatment, the fabric does not need to be ironed. Additional information on the label will help you recognize such an unsafe item: “100% Linen, does not require ironing.”

Silk can also be treated with disinfectants and formaldehyde. When extracting silk on an industrial scale, producers use cocoon growth accelerator hormones and other harmful substances. A silk product marked “100% organic silk” is considered safe.

Bamboo may turn out to be an empty word in the composition of the product. Unscrupulous manufacturers offer counterfeits to consumers. Instead of bamboo fibers, artificially created viscose is used. If there is no fabric composition label on the product, you can check the item by touch. Bamboo fiber is lightweight and does not wrinkle; if the item is very soft, most likely it is made of viscose. The production of synthetic fabric does not spare the environment: the fabric does not decompose, poisoning the soil and air.

Learn to read eco-signs

The label will help you study the composition of the eco-fabric and tell you about the origin of the fibers, dyes used, fabric processing, transportation of raw materials, working conditions and resource consumption. You just need to learn to read eco-labels. Behind each label and sign is a certificate of compliance with eco-standards.

Euroblume (“Euroflower”). This marking indicates compliance with basic environmental requirements at all stages of product production and a high environmental standard of the product.

Naturtextil (“Natural textiles”). Labeling of the International Association of Natural Textile Manufacturers. The item marked with the sign is made from natural fibers in environmentally friendly conditions, without chemical treatment, and meets the highest environmental requirements. Sold in specialized stores.

The Global Organic Textile Standard. Insignia for products made from organic cotton. The standard has two levels of certification. Products certified in the “Organic” category contain at least 95% organic and up to 5% inorganic natural or synthetic fibers. A certificate in the “Made with X% organic” category indicates that the item contains at least 70% organic fibers, another 30% may be inorganic.

Label Woolmark confirms that the wool is obtained for the first time, sheared from live sheep, without the use of chemicals. The item will not lose its shape or color when worn. The sign is most valuable for outerwear.

Textiles Vertrauen ("Ecotex" or "Trust in Textiles"). The eco-label indicates that the product has been tested according to the international Oeko-Tex standard. The manufacturer goes through a certification system, starting from checking raw materials to finishing the finished textile product. Oeko-Tex 100 guarantees the absence of carcinogenic and allergenic dyes, chlorine, formaldehyde and other hazardous substances in clothes.

What does color hide?

The textile industry is one of the main sources of environmental pollution. Large volumes of water resources (up to 1500 m³ per day), which are used in dyeing and processing fabrics, absorb a third of toxic substances.

Wastewater with chemical dyes enters the soil, and through ventilation, factories emit vapors of all kinds of solvents, formaldehydes and metal compounds into the air.

Only 1% of the total volume of fabric dyes is natural. Clothing dyes are obtained from flowers, roots, seeds and bark of plants, for example: bamboo, turmeric, paprika, cocoa powder, etc.

However, it is not easy to determine what dyes were used to color an item. This requires laboratory tests. On the label you can find only part of the information that will help you recognize harmful substances.

If the fabric fibers are bleached with chlorine, the label will display "stonewashed"(German: Gebleicht). No need iron, i.e. the item does not require ironing, which means the material has been treated with formaldehyde and resins.Actifresh And Sanigrad means that the item has been treated with a composition to protect against bacteria.Mercerisiert- This is the treatment of fabric with concentrated caustic soda, which is applied to cotton.

Not all clothing manufacturers are fair to consumers. As a large-scale Greenpeace audit showed, trademarks world-famous companies often hide dangerous substances. Testing by an international green organization revealed that every fifth item from a European manufacturer contains residues of harmful chemicals.

At least 15 global brands, including Adidas, Puma, Nike, Mango, Benetton, Zara, H&M and others, have already pledged not to use artificial dyes and fabrics in their products.

It is difficult for today's people to imagine a world where there are no toothbrushes, baby soap, washing powder with bleach, deodorants, air conditioners and other things available in every kitchen, every bathroom and every nursery. The recent past, in which industry has not yet learned to produce all this on a planetary scale, seems today to be something frightening, unsanitary, uncomfortable and unbearable. However, long before the appearance of the first soap factories, and even more so before the invention of the first freon air conditioners, all these things - borrowed from nature - were already very familiar to man. And even today, any person, regardless of his income, has a lot of opportunities to replace all non-natural items in his daily life with 100% natural ones. Moreover, we are not talking about rural life - on the contrary, a person remains in a familiar office-urban environment, where every day he brushes his teeth, eats food, changes the children’s diapers, washes clothes and cools the air in the apartment, only choosing from now on only natural, products obtained from nature. 9 completely natural items that can replace the usual synthetic ones in everyday life.

Soap nuts (from 750 rubles per 500 grams)

The fruits of the Sapindus soap tree are one of the most ancient household detergents, known in ancient India and pre-Columbian South America. From the Western point of view, appearance These nuts (by the way, more like dried berries) are very unpresentable. However, they perfectly wash any items made from any materials: they contain natural foaming agents - saponins, which completely decompose in the environment and, unlike soap, do not create an alkaline reaction. In addition, soap nuts are hypoallergenic, so they can be successfully used for washing clothes for allergy sufferers and babies. It is believed that the Mukorossi variety cultivated today is better suited for machine washing, and the wild forest variety Trifoliatus is better for hand washing, as it foams more abundantly and has a light floral-fruity smell. A common feature for both varieties is that the lower the washing temperature, the harder the water and the dirtier the laundry, the more nuts you will need (on average, eight nuts are taken per wash). Before washing, they are placed in a cotton bag or simply in an old sock, tied and placed in washing machine. By the way, nuts can be used several times - until they become thinner and lighten. Thus, a standard 500 g package is enough for approximately 100 eco-washes. At the same time, there is one caveat to soap nuts: the laundry becomes clean, but not snow-white, since they do not contain bleaches. Thus, if necessary, you can add an oxygen bleaching agent, for example, from the Belgian eco-brand Ecover, before washing. Where to buy:

Toothbrush “Miswak” (from 60 rubles)

At first, brushing your teeth with a twig is unusual. The tip of the stick must be cleared of about 1 cm of bark and chewed to form a brush. Further manipulations are similar to traditional ones, with the only difference being that the paste and rinsing the mouth with water are no longer necessary. Miswak tastes like horseradish, but without the spiciness. In general, this is a completely natural hybrid, that is, a product and a tool in one item, designed for high-quality care of teeth and gums. It has been made from the branches and roots of the Arak tree (Salvadora Persica) for several millennia and is traditionally used in the Middle East, North Africa, and South and Southeast Asia. Many useful elements contained in it (including fluoride, recently tested by European medicine), eliminate plaque and whiten enamel, prevent the occurrence of caries, remove tartar and even reduce toothache. Miswak residue is said to continue to kill bacteria in the mouth even 2 days after using it. By the way, this remedy is not at all disposable, as it might seem. After cleaning, the brush is washed and put aside until the next time, and when it is worn out, they simply cut off and chew the end of the stick again; Thus, one miswak is enough for about one to two months of daily use. For those who are looking for a natural and environmentally friendly, but still familiar way of brushing their teeth, completely wooden toothbrushes with natural (not acrylic) bristles are produced, which, having served their simple service, are thrown away without a twinge of conscience or easily burned. Where to buy:

Alunite, natural deodorant (from 400 rubles)

Using deodorant after taking a shower, although it is one of the most banal daily gestures, can also be carried out under the auspices of “eco”. You can replace ordinary household chemicals (which sometimes smell like cheap perfume or leave telltale marks on clothes) with alum stone or alunite (Potassium Alum), a colorless transparent salt crystal. With proven antibacterial properties, it has been used for centuries in the Middle East. It is enough to moisten the alunite crystal with water and wipe the armpits and feet with it at the final stage of water procedures - and it will eliminate the bacteria that cause the odor (as you know, sweat itself has no odor). Since alunite contains no emulsifiers, it does not disrupt the function of the sweat glands, does not clog pores, and does not interfere with normal sweating. In addition, alunite is good to use after shaving and for small cuts, as it relieves skin irritation, having an astringent effect, and stops bleeding. As it is used, alunite gradually decreases in size, but does not lose any effectiveness. Where to buy:

Natural air humidifier "Mast" (from 6300 yen)

It all started when thirty-six-year-old Japanese designer Shin Okada, who specializes in industrial design and is of the opinion that people using his ideas should smile, came to Masuza. This company produces various souvenirs made by hand from Japanese cypress - hinoki. Its valuable wood, highly revered by the Japanese, is traditionally used for cutting boards, furo bath barrels and food storage containers. As a result of this alliance, a funny and completely natural air humidifier “Mast” appeared, which looks like a ship with sails. Water is poured into its base, made of hinoki cypress; Thanks to capillary action, it is absorbed into thin sails made of rot-resistant wood, and then naturally evaporates, releasing a relaxing cypress aroma. The device does not require electricity, does not create soil for bacteria, and looks so that the eye is truly happy. Where to buy:

Dishes made from natural bamboo Bambu

Bamboo is an ideal material for modern household production: it grows quickly and unpretentiously, while being durable and moisture-resistant. The American company Bambu creatively assessed all the benefits of this plant and now produces comfortable and stylish kitchen utensils - including disposable tableware, which naturally decomposes in nature after a few months. They use bamboo grown without fertilizers and pesticides, which is also collected in the least barbaric way, as evidenced by the corresponding certificate. Glue for dishes is used only that is water-based and does not contain formaldehyde, and bark for trays and plates is collected so that the damage to trees is minimal and can be quickly restored. In general, what captivates us in Bambu products is their amazing combination of fanatical adherence to eco-standards, extremely cheerful color schemes and at the same time, a persistent feeling of high-quality handicraft production, which emanates from any item here. Most likely, it turns out this way because the baskets (on average $21) are weaved by villagers from North Vietnam, and the carpentry is done by Chinese village cooperatives. Indeed, their coconut shell bowls (a set of three with a tray for $52), neatly woven with bamboo shavings and painted in a variety of delicious colors, are worth it. Each is unique in shape and suitable for both cold and hot food, and is also easy to clean warm water with soap. However, if you have a special eco-friendly desire, you can use branded products to care for these kitchen essentials. nutrient Bamboo Goo ($12) is a blend of beeswax and carnauba wax. Where to buy:

Nature Babycare Natural Diapers (from $48.99 per pack)

Truly, mother's love is a great power! Swede Marlene Sandberg wanted to create an environmentally friendly diaper without petroleum products for her future first-born, she thought hard about it, and then sold her share in a law firm and brought this idea to fruition. This was in 1994. It was then that the production of Nature Babycare diapers began, which do not contain chlorine and genetically modified components and can completely decompose in nature. The moisture-absorbing part is made of cellulose obtained from Finnish wood, and the protective film is not just any polyethylene, but natural corn starch. Therefore, when coming into contact with the baby’s skin, eco-diapers do not cause irritation. To bleach them, hydrogen peroxide, which is harmless to humans and nature (especially compared to ordinary chlorine), is used. As a result of the use of all these technologies, diapers and their packaging that have become unnecessary can be safely recycled into regular compost. Where to buy:

Hemp blanket "Agro-Hanf" (from 2200 rubles)

A hemp blanket, woven on a loom and dating from the beginning of the 20th century, can be seen in the Mikhailovskoye Museum of Local Lore, in the Altai Territory. Several years ago, he was transferred there by a resident of one of the villages located nearby. It looks, frankly, untempting - an exhibit and nothing more. But modern natural bedding made from hemp fibers with the addition of silk, manufactured by the Ukrainian enterprise Agro-Hanf, attracts attention - largely due to its pronounced “green” essence. Raw materials for blankets (from 2200 rubles), pillows (1320 rubles), animal rugs (660 rubles) were not subjected to chemical treatment, were grown using organic technologies (in particular, without the use of pesticides), tested for environmental safety by the Institute of Hygiene and Medical Ecology named after . A. N. Marzeev AMS of Ukraine and therefore suitable, in particular, for allergy sufferers. According to both manufacturers and owners, a hemp blanket accumulates heat and releases it while we sleep, no worse than a wool one. At the same time, it effectively absorbs moisture and does not accumulate dust. In addition, it is easy to wash in a machine. Where to buy:

Naturalamb Lambskin Condoms ($3 each)

It turns out that sex can also be more or less environmentally friendly: for example, Greenpeace adherents call for making love without light and taking a shower with a partner, thus saving natural resources. A slightly different approach to the same issue is carried out by using Naturalamb natural lamb skin condoms. For seventy years now they have been produced by one of the leading American manufacturers in this field - Church & Dwight Company. To produce the product, the caecum of New Zealand lambs is taken - a method known to our distant ancestors. Environmental friendliness in this case is manifested in the fact that these condoms are biodegradable, while ordinary ones, for example latex, having served their brief service, then continue to harm the environment for decades, slowly decomposing. It is believed that for men, products No. 2 made of lamb leather are more comfortable, because they are softer, stronger and, which is also important, “more spacious” than usual. In addition, they are a real salvation for those who are allergic to latex. Their only drawback is that they do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases at all, since the natural membrane is porous. Therefore, only stable monogamous couples can enjoy their benefits. By the way, there are also condoms for vegetarians, in which milk protein is replaced with cocoa and coconut butter. True, for some reason this did not affect their smell. Where to buy:

Natural incense gum (from 70 rubles per 100 grams)

The first people to extract the resin from the Boswellia tree and make incense from it were the inhabitants of the Dhufar Valley in South Arabia. From there this incense, valued in ancient times as worth its weight in gold, was taken to Egypt, Babylon and Syria. Today, the resin of Arabian incense trees is still considered to be of the highest quality. Incense from Somalia and Ethiopia is clearly worse, and Indian and Persian ones are even worse. The mechanism for collecting boswellia resin is unchanged and quite simple: trees are cut in different places to release milk-white resin, “leban” in Arabic. Once dried, it is collected and used primarily as incense, but also as a natural anti-inflammatory agent - and also as chewing gum. In the form of small pieces or flatbread, leban can be bought at local African markets or ordered online without leaving anywhere. It not only freshens breath, but also has an antibacterial effect. It has a balsamic smell and a bitter taste, reminiscent of camphor. When bitten, the resin crumbles, cools the tongue, and upon further chewing it becomes elastic and white, like ordinary chewing gum. Where to buy:

Organic cotton, which serves as the material for creating products, is natural. Today, organic cotton is one of the most important fibers used to make eco-textiles. Traditional methods are used to grow it. The collection is carried out manually in order to select ripe seeds. Afterwards, the fibers are separated from the seeds and processed separately, which indicates the improved quality of the material. When caring for it, traditional watering methods are also used. While conventional cotton requires 7,000 liters of water per kilogram, organic cotton does not need as much. Water is conducted directly to the plant root, which helps reduce water loss through evaporation.

Eco-cotton does not receive chemical additives or toxic substances, unlike standard cotton, which is industrially processed and, accordingly, contains a number of unwanted harmful chemicals. Besides, eco-cotton is safe for nature and does not harm the ecosystem.

Buy Natures Purest

Company products Natures Purest known all over the world and buy it is available in many European countries. In addition, goods Natures Purest available in our online store, where you will be pleased with a large selection. Interesting collections, delicate colors and pleasant-to-touch materials will not leave any visitor indifferent. - the right choice for the health and comfort of your child.

Naturapura is a company engaged in the production not only children's eco-friendly clothing, but also organic textiles. It was founded in Portugal in 1999 and is still one of the world leaders in its field. The company has been repeatedly awarded for the production of clean environmental products.

More and more parents prefer a natural and environmentally friendly product, so it perfectly suits their requirements. The product range is very diverse. Not only eco-products for newborns, but also eco-friendly clothing for children under two years of age. You can find funny toys, terry towels, robes and slippers made from natural organic cotton, soft cozy blankets and much more by looking at NaturaLine store.

In addition, the company releases new collections of children's clothing twice a year. Fashionable dresses and sundresses for girls, stylish sets and overalls for boys will make your baby's look interesting and original.

The brand from the Lithuanian company Lorita is not as well known today, unlike previous brands. The products are not so widely distributed in European countries. But, nevertheless, clothes for children of this company are well known in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. IN present moment it became available in Russia.

The company specializes in the production of children's clothing, bed linen and other products for children. The company produced a line of children's clothing made from natural, environmentally friendly material that does not contain harmful chemicals and does not harm health. This line is budget-friendly and product prices are more affordable for parents, and the quality is not inferior to such well-known brands as Natures Purest or Natura Pura. - this is quality, comfort and affordable prices!

Ergo baby carrier is a company engaged in the production of backpack carriers for children. It has been popular on the market for a long time and is one of the best in the world! Do you like to be always on the move and don't like to sit still? Ergo backpack-carrying perfect for active parents. Taking your child with you, you will be calm about his safety.

made from organic cotton available in our store at affordable prices. This purchase will be useful for you, since this product is necessary for every mother in everyday life.

Our store presents to your attention another useful brand. Ecover is the largest Belgian international company engaged in the production of cleaning and detergent products. She was one of the first to specialize in the production of safe, organically pure household non-chemicals that do not contain harmful chemicals.

will become indispensable for every housewife. It is safe for children, so you don’t have to worry about the effects of detergents and cleaning products on your baby’s health. It does not contain petroleum products and chlorine, and is created on a mineral and plant basis. You can wash children's clothes with the powders of these products without fear of allergies. Moreover, it is odorless and does not harm the environment. It is recommended to all those who care about maintaining health!

When purchasing products in our store, you can confidently rely on your choice. We understand how important it is for parents that their child is happy and healthy. Natures Purest, Natura Pura, Lorita and many other brands known all over the world offer interesting options for eco-friendly clothing and new collections for the little ones.

Moreover, in our online store you can follow updates and new products from your favorite brands. Now you don’t need to rack your brains and spend a lot of time looking for quality ones. Buy eco textiles today it won’t be difficult, and you know where it can be done.