At school" presentation for a lesson on the world around us (2nd grade) on the topic. "Our friendly family. At school" presentation for a lesson on the world around us (grade 2) on the topic With the Olympic champion -

Sections: Primary School

Class: 2

Explanatory note

A developmental open lesson was held as part of a lesson on the surrounding world on the topic “Our friendly family.” The lesson was developed by the class teacher in collaboration with the school defectologist teacher. Participants in the process were students and their parents, teachers primary school, as well as everyone interested.

Choosing a theme open class was due to the fact that, according to the observations of the teacher and the psychological and pedagogical service of the school, it was revealed that the majority of students in the class lacked communication with parents, misunderstanding in the family, frequent manipulation of parents by children, and excessively high demands on children by parents.

Several circumstances contributed to the conduct of this lesson: according to the calendar and thematic planning, this topic fell on the period of the Open Day in Moscow schools, when most of the parents could come to the school and take part in the work; coincidence in time of the topic of lessons on the surrounding world and literary reading.

The lesson was preceded by long, careful work by teachers and students. So, in the literary reading lessons during the preparation period, the topic “Family and I” was studied, in which works of different genres and authors on the topic “Family” were studied. During the generalization, the students were asked to find out what a family is from different sources (in dictionaries, in conversations with parents), and a little later to tell about their family (the children read their essays in a developmental lesson); during the fine arts lesson, the children had fun drawing their family .

Painstaking, long preparatory work helped conduct the lesson “Our Friendly Family”, making it not formal, but lively and interesting. All participants in the lesson were involved in the work process; there were no outside observers. In turn, parents saw their children not only in the role of “students”; many parents drew attention to “flaws” in their communication with their children. The children looked at their actions towards their relatives from the outside and drew the right conclusions.

During the lesson, various forms of children’s work were used: conversation, message, game with parents, solution logical task together with parents, creating the “Our Friendly Family” tree. At the end of the lesson, reflection was carried out together with the students’ parents

The lesson used a multimedia presentation, as well as an individual task with children using a computer (task 8 from the collection “Lessons of Cyril and Methodius. The world around us. Grade 4. “How to stay healthy”). Used different shapes and teaching methods. The activity achieved its goals.

The world. 2nd grade.

Developmental lesson on the topic: “Our friendly family”

Features of the lesson: conducted together with a speech pathologist who conducts educational games.

Goals and objectives of the developmental lesson:

  1. Introduce the concepts of “family”, “communication”, “culture of communication in the family”.
  2. Discuss with children the rules of communication culture in the family.
  3. To develop cultural communication skills and skills for uniting children’s teams.
  4. Develop students' oral speech.
  5. Cultivate an attentive and respectful attitude towards parents and the older generation.
  6. To promote the unity of families by studying, revealing the values ​​of relationships in the family.

Equipment and aids: multimedia projector and board, computer, presentation “Our Friendly Family” Appendix 1.ppt, disc “Lessons of Cyril and Methodius. The world. 4th grade. “How to stay healthy. Task No. 8””

a drawn tree (whatman paper), palms (paper) with different flowers and ornaments, glue, shawls (scarves), signal cards (green/red), handout “Etiquette in the family” Appendix 2.doc.


I. Organizational moment.

Good afternoon, guys, dear adults: parents, colleagues. Today we will have an unusual, interesting and serious lesson.

II. Preparing to introduce the lesson topic

(Read by teacher) Slide number 2 at the beginning of the story.

Once upon a time there lived a boy, Tolya. Like all children, he went to school. One day Tlya went to school without learning his lesson, he was very afraid that the teacher would call him to the blackboard.

“Oh, if only I could become invisible, so that no one would see or hear me,” he thought. The teacher started the lesson with a roll call. When it was Tolya’s turn, hearing his last name, the boy replied: “I’m here.” But the teacher, sighing, said: “It’s a pity that Tolya didn’t come to school today. I just wanted to call him to the board to answer.” Then Tolya realized that he had become invisible, and was very happy about it. After the lesson, the students ran out into the street. They had fun talking to each other, laughing, playing different games. Tolya ran out with them. But the guys did not see the boy. Tolya tried in vain to attract attention. He really wanted to boast that he was invisible. He ran up to one and then another boy, told them something funny, even offered them candy. But the guys didn't notice him. Tolya got bored and ran home. In the yard, he saw his mother standing on the balcony waiting for him.

- Mom, here I am! But mom didn’t hear or see him.

“I don’t want to be invisible,” Tolya cried. I want my mother to see me, I want to talk to the guys, I want the teacher to call me to answer the lesson! It's very bad to be alone!

And Tolya again became an ordinary boy.

– Are you interested in this story? What stood out to you?

- Guys, what did Tolya wish for?

– Did his wish come true?

– What feeling did Tolya experience at the beginning of the story? How did his feeling change at the end?

– Did Tolya like being invisible? Why?

– What conclusion can be drawn from this story? (a person cannot live in this world without communicating with other people.)

In our lives we communicate with different people, but the closest people to us are our relatives, our family.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson.

  1. Setting a learning task

– Today’s lesson topic is “Our friendly family” Slide number 3.

– We have very serious work ahead of us. Read, what are we going to do in class today? Slide number 4.

  • Work on the concept of “Family”.
  • A conversation accompanied by student statements.

    - Guys, a week ago you received the task of finding out what “family” is.

  • Conclusion
  • .

    – Let’s summarize, what is “family”? Slide number 5

  • Physical training*** (All guests are invited to take part in physical training)
  • Who lives in our apartment

    One, two, three, four, (clap your hands)

    Who lives in our apartment? (we walk in place)

    One, two, three, four, five, (jumping in place)

    Dad, mom, brother, sister, (clap our hands)

    Murka the cat, two kittens (torso tilts left and right)

    My cricket, goldfinch and me (torso turns left and right)

    That's my whole family (clap our hands).

  • Continued work.
  • – Read the highlighted phrase on the slide (Cry)

    – Now we will try to answer the second question: “What is a “friendly family”

    Students' responses are listened to.

    Summarizing answers.

    – A family in which everyone respects others, cares about others, supports and helps others, spends time together free time

  • Children's stories about their families.
  • (pre-written essays)

  • Playing with children and their parents***.
  • – You all have wonderful, friendly families in which love, respect for each other, and mutual understanding reign. Therefore, the test we have come up with for your parents will be very easy.

    WITH eyes closed parents touch their children's hands. They need to guess their child by touch.

  • Look at the illustration. *
  • Which ones have a friendly family, why do you think so?

    About which children can we say that they respect their relatives and care about them?

    (The least active student is invited to check (for the purpose of motivation, activation). To do this, he must click on the yellow lever in the lower right corner. If the task is completed correctly, then “Cosmic” at the top of the screen thanks for a well-done task.)

  • Listening to a poem.**
  • Listen to the poem, raise the red light if you hear children doing wrong.

    To grandpa and grandma
    Katya and Volodya,
    Visit for pancakes
    they come on the weekend.

    Grandson Volodya asked:
    - Grandfather, pour me some tea.
    Grandfather bowed his head low,
    - I can’t hear well, grandson,
    I'm no match for you.
    I'm already an old man,
    So the hearing is weakening.

    Katya shouts to her grandmother:
    - Don’t you see?
    Why is the salt shaker standing here?
    on the table without salt?”
    Katya's grandmother replied:
    - I see poorly,
    I am no longer young,
    help me little one.

    – What didn’t you like about the children’s actions?

    – What polite words do you use in your speech when communicating with adults?

    We will read you some statements, and you think about whether you are fulfilling them?

    If you complete them, you can raise the green signal, if not, the red signal. But you have a choice, you don't have to raise anything. And think to yourself.

    Slide number 6. (Each utterance is called by Click and Click after the utterance)

    – Do you often tell your mother that you love her?

    – Dad comes home from work tired, and you immediately, from the threshold, begin to pester him with requests to go for a walk.

    – Your grandmother does not live next to you, you call her and ask about her health, congratulate her on the holidays.

    - Your beloved grandfather brought you chocolate, you unwrapped the wrapper and broke off half for your grandfather.

    Elder sister(or brother) got a bad grade at school. You don’t run to mom and dad to tell about what happened. You encourage her, help her correct the situation.

    IV. Summarizing the material studied.

    – What is a family?

    – What kind of family can be called friendly?

    – What rules of cultural communication do you remember?

    V. Creation of a tree***.

    – Guys, we’ll tell you a little secret. You know, in the soul of every adult there lives a child who, like you, loves to make things and solve various puzzles.

    – Really, dear parents?

    We invite you and your children to complete this final task.

    Among the mittens, find a pair. Write members of your family on each finger of your mittens, and if the family is large, then on two mittens. And glue them to our “Friendly Family” tree. After all, a friendly family is not only at home, but also at our school. We invite you to search and creativity.

    VI. Generalization.

    - What is family?

    – What needs to be done to make things good in the family?

    VII. Reflection

    To do this, all class participants, including guests and teachers, sit in a circle. Everyone takes turns answering questions.

    Circle rules:

    – All participants express their opinions in a circle.

    - You cannot interrupt the speaker.

    – You can’t criticize others.

    -What feelings and emotions did you experience today in our lesson?

    – What discovery did you make for yourself today?

    VIII. Dear guys, in order for you to remember the rules of communication in the family even better, we want to give you REMINDERS Appendix 2.doc

    8*The assignment is taken from the multimedia project “Lessons of Cyril and Methodius. The world. 4th grade. “How to stay healthy. Task No. 8””

    9** Time spent when there is sufficient time.

    *** These stages of the lesson are conducted by a speech pathologist.

    Materials used.

    A.A. Pleshakov “The world around us. 2nd grade"

    T.Yu. Tselousova, T.V. Maksimova. “Lesson developments for the course “The world around us. 2nd class""

    Multimedia manual “Lessons of Cyril and Methodius. 4th grade"

    Site materials:

    Our tree

    Lesson type: combined


    — formation complete picture the world and awareness of a person’s place in it based on the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and emotional and value-based understanding of the teacher personal experience communication with people and nature;



    They will learn to explain what a culture of communication is.

    They will have the opportunity to learn to realize the value of their family traditions


    Regulatory UUD:

    Understand the learning objective of the lesson and strive to complete it;

    Take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material.

    Cognitive UUD:

    build reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments;

    Communication UUD:

    Construct statements that are understandable to your partner.


    Educational and cognitive interest in new educational material;

    The ability to self-assess based on the criterion of success in educational activities;

    Knowledge of basic moral standards

    Main activities of students

    Use drawings and photographs in the textbook to tell about family relationships, the family atmosphere, and general activities;

    Formulate the concept of “communication culture”;

    Discuss the role of family traditions to strengthen the family;

    Model situations of family reading, family dinners.

    Basic Concepts

    Family: mom, dad, sisters, brothers, grandmothers, grandfathers. Pedigree. Family traditions. Moral.

    Checking readiness to learn new material

    How many people do you have in your family?

    What are their names? 2.

    How do family members treat each other?

    Learning new material

    « Family - this is an association of people united by common interests” (according to S.I. Ozhegov)

    Family and family values

    3. Have you noticed the similarities in the words “relatives”, “relatives”, “relatives”? All of them are from the word “genus”. From him and "pedigree"- family history over several generations.

    Types of pedigrees

    First view begins to build from you and moves on to information about your distant relatives. As a rule, then comes the father, grandfather, great-grandfather, etc.

    Head of the second type is the oldest founder, and then all his descendants are listed, including you. Such a pedigree helps to take a broad look at the family and its activities over many times.

    Comprehension and understanding of acquired knowledge

    Pedigree of the Ivanova Petrovs

    Independent application of knowledge

    Sample presentation about family

    Homework school pp.42-47, worker. tetr. pp. 23-25

    Information sources:

    A. A. Pleshakov textbook, workbook The world around us, grade 2 Moscow

    "Enlightenment" 2014

    Presentation hosting the world

    To use presentation previews, create a Google account and log in to it:

    Slide captions:


    Examination homework. Answer the questions in the test given to you by choosing one correct answer.

    Check yourself! When crossing the street, you need to be collected, attentive, and cautious. If a fire suddenly starts in your house and you cannot put it out on your own, you need to call the fire department by calling 01. Left at home alone without adults, when the doorbell rings, you should call your dad, mom or the police.

    What can't a person live without?


    Communication culture Cultural behavior Polite speech Kind, respectful attitude towards people

    We communicate not only in the family, but also in ... 1 2 3 4 5

    We communicate not only in the family, but also in ... 1 sh k a f 2 3 4 5

    We communicate not only in the family, but also in ... 1 closet 2 board 3 4 5

    We communicate not only in the family, but also in ... 1 closet 2 board 3 bell 4 5

    We communicate not only in the family, but also in ... 1 closet 2 board 3 bell 4 chalk 5

    We communicate not only in the family, but also in... 1 closet 2 board 3 bell 4 chalk 5 desk

    GOOD or BAD The issue was prepared by 2nd grade students. School wall newspaper. Issue No. 14.

    Rules of behavior in class and recess.

    What is communication culture? Is there a need for a culture of communication in the family and at school?

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

    Generalization of work experience Project on working with families “Our friendly family-school, parents and me!”

    Today, teachers and parents should be considered as partners in raising children, and this means equality of the parties, their mutual respect and interest in successful cooperation, which is inevitable in...

    Borodina Varvara 1 "B" class Project Manager:

    Zolotukhina Tatyana Evgenevna

    Family - a source of joy and happiness, Love is an inexhaustible spring. And in clear weather,

    and in bad weather The family cherishes and appreciates the moment of life !


    Reveal my family's traditions

    OBJECT OF STUDYthe process of forming traditions, values, customs in my family


    1. Conduct a survey of parents and

    relatives about our family traditions

    2. Explore your home photo archive

    3. Make a list of both established and

    new traditions of my family


    Established traditions:

    • Family gatherings.
    • Family heirlooms, family tree.
    • Attention and assistance to the older and younger generations.
    • Traditions of hospitality.

    Birthdays, anniversaries, successes and achievements of household members.

    Victory Day in the Second World War.

    • Playing with children, reading before bed.
    • Good night wishes, good morning, good night kiss.
    • Family album - memory for future generations (photo chronicle).

    New traditions:

    • Let's start a tradition of being healthy. We are doing sports.
    • Educational trips, walks with the whole family, trips to the museum, theater.


    My great-grandfathers were WWII participants, the family carefully preserves the memory of their feat, their awards, photographs, personal items












    Celebrating significant events in the family:

    Birthdays, anniversaries, successes and achievements of household members

    and according to tradition, we are greeted by our first teacher - Tatyana Evgenievna Zolotukhina


    We lead healthy image life, we are doing sports


    First place in the open championship of MBU DO SDUSHOR in Zernograd in rhythmic gymnastics 2015.

    Prize “Hope” in the open championship of the Republic of Kalmykia in rhythmic gymnastics “Little Fairy” 2015

    With the Olympic champion -

    Alina Makarenko

    By tradition, my sister and I have the same coach. Mitina Tatyana Valentinovna


    Chess town



    Getting to know the life and work of the Don writer M. Sholokhov, way of life of the Don Cossacks


    EDUCATIONAL TRAVELS: And meeting with aliens, and an ostrich farm...

    Family - this is happiness, love and luck,

    Family - this is a summer trip to the country.

    Family – this is a holiday, family dates,

    Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

    Birth of children,

    The first step, the first babble,

    Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.

    Family - this is work, caring for each other,

    Family - that's a lot of homework

    Family - it is important!

    Family - it's complicated!

    But it is impossible to live happily alone!

    Always be together, take care of love,

    I want my friends to say about you:

    How good is yours?



    In my family there are family traditions that create that unique and dear atmosphere of home.

    Compliance with traditions helps unite the family, strengthens the ties of relatives and friends, makes us kinder and spiritually richer.

    Therefore, keep old family traditions and don’t forget to start new ones!


    • Home photo archive
    • Gaykevich L. Family. Electronic resource:
    • Langer M. Family is happiness, love and luck. Electronic resource