Simple paper figures. How to make origami from A4 paper. Why origami is useful

Origami are paper figures that belong to Japanese art and have existed in it for centuries. Even in ancient times, monks used paper figurines to decorate temples and its halls, as well as to use them for religious purposes (carrying out rituals).

Every inexperienced master can make origami out of paper with his own hands, but the main criterion is perseverance and precision of movements. Today you will understand that you don’t need to be an ace to make these products beautifully.

Origami tools

The main attention should be paid to the choice of paper for crafts. For origami, office, hard paper of different types is suitable. color range. It is suitable for any scheme, both simple and complex.

To secure the paper, you need to purchase a glue stick or PVA glue. Other types of glue are also suitable, the best option there will be those that do not leave traces, and if they do, they can be easily eliminated.

Buy paints in spray cans to give the desired shade to products made from gray or plain white paper.

A cutter is suitable for straightening the edges of origami, but don’t forget to be careful with it.

Also, to create toys you need rulers and pencils for drawing diagrams. To add creativity and originality to your origami, you can decorate it with beads, bugles, rhinestones, and ribbons.

Varieties of paper figures

In addition to the classic look, there are many different alternative types:

  • Classic simple origami - those who first decided to make paper figures should start with it. An example of this style is a figurine of a crane.
  • Origami from modules is more complex than the first type. Several parts (modules) must be connected by simple folding. The product lasts quite a long time.
  • Aerogami - paper airplane figures.
  • Kirigami - creating figures using scissors. For example, postcards.
  • Kusudami is a three-dimensional origami, parts of the product are connected to each other using threads and glue. The shape of the figurine often resembles a large ball. This type often used to decorate the entrance to the temple.

Paper cranes

It is a classic type of origami. There is a legend among the people that if you make a thousand cranes, then what your heart wants will come true.

Let's take a closer look at how to make this wonderful figurine.

  • Having folded the sheet diagonally, we cut off the unnecessary paper so that a sheet resembling a triangle remains.
  • We bend it again. There should be 2 triangles. From the resulting triangle, straightening it, we make a square. We perform the same procedure on the other side.
  • We hold it so that the edges are on top and bend them strictly towards the center.
  • We also bend the upper triangle. And immediately we straighten the fold, we get a contour.
  • We bend the corner that is lower than the rest horizontally.
  • We make a rhombus (we align the edges to the center of the side). We perform the same maneuvers with the other side.
  • To form the neck, take the lower part and begin to bend it where the inner contour is. Using the same method, we make the tail of the crane.
  • Where the neck is, we bend the beginning, so we get a beak.
  • We fold his wings using a small angle bend.

If desired, you can paint the crane or immediately take colored paper. The origami crane is ready.

Rose using origami technique

More attractive and easier for most beginners and origami masters alike are origami flowers. A common figurine is a paper rose.

Let's consider step by step instructions and a photo of this origami:

  • Take colored paper, preferably red, fold it in half, then fold it again.
  • We open the layer of paper that is at the top a little so that we get a swollen top.
  • Turn it over to the other side and repeat the action described in the previous paragraph.
  • Take the corners and bend them to the top corner.
  • We bend the triangle that soon turns out in half until an outline appears.
  • Open the triangle by pulling both corners down.
  • Holding the pockets by the top, fold them down.
  • We do points 4 to 7 on the other side.
  • We bend the top corner.
  • We unfold the lower part like a book.
  • We bulge so that we get 2 triangles.
  • Turn the product over.
  • We carefully bend the lower right square from the top to the bottom edge (strictly diagonally).
  • Turning 180̊ and doing point 13.
  • We grab the walls of the origami with our fingers and, without fear, rotate it 360° until we see the resulting petals.

Paper swan

This technique is more complex than others since it uses the modular origami method. In order to make a three-dimensional swan, you need:

  • Make approximately 460 triangles from white paper and 1 red one for the beak.
  • We insert the corners of two triangles into the pocket of the third.
  • Let's add two more. We put all the corners in the pocket.
  • We make three such rows. You need to take about 30 modules for each row. We close the circle.
  • Insert blanks for the next two rows.
  • We press the center so that it slowly turns out.
  • With all this, we turn the edges up.
  • We make the rows further, but do not forget about the checkerboard order of the modules.
  • In row 7 we make modules for the wings. We attach 12 blanks, making a gap for 2 corners, and attach the same number of blanks. In the remaining places we make the swan's tail and neck.
  • In the 8th row for wings, the number of blanks becomes 1 less.
  • We do this with subsequent rows until 1 module remains in the last row.
  • We make the tail by reducing the pieces by one in each row.
  • We assemble the neck from 10-12 modules, and the head from one red blank. We create the neck by gradually arching it.
  • When the neck is ready, we assemble it together with the body.

DIY origami photo



Origami is a great opportunity to teach your child how to make paper crafts. The baby will develop fine motor skills hands, learns to read very easy diagrams, and will also be able to make almost any toy for himself.

To play you will need:

  1. Good paper, maybe even colored.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Ruler.
  4. Pencil.
  5. Good mood.

For the first time folding origami for children 6 years old, choose and implement only very easy patterns. As you master the material, you can make the task more difficult.

Herringbone refers to simple paper folding patterns. All you need is paper, desire and skillful hands. The diagram below is simplified so that children can put together simple toys for themselves.

  1. Take a square sheet and bend it along the floors to make 4 outlined identical parts.
  2. Place the sheet in front of you so that it forms a diamond, and fold the right and left ends towards the middle.
  3. Make a fold from the bottom of the craft.
  4. Turn the craft over with the back side facing you.
  5. Fold the edges at the top of the fold.
  6. Fold the sides of the bottom to the middle, taking into account point 5.
  7. Lift the edges of the corners on the fold and lay them up.
  8. Bend the corner of the base up.
  9. Turn the craft over.
  10. Bend the craft forward slightly in the middle.

Your Christmas tree is ready, it can be decorated, dressed up or used for games or theater.

Herringbone – Easy Do-It-Yourself Origami


It will be easy to make a bird from a leaf. We suggest you make not a banal swan or a crane, but a real pelican. At the same time, it will be simple and fun, the main thing is to follow the instructions.

  1. Fold the square sheet in half.
  2. Turn it over and fold it in half again, dividing it into 4 parts.
  3. Fold the sheet in half and leave it there, folding the top half in half.
  4. Fold the right corner up.
  5. Lift the bent part and straighten it.
  6. Fold the top corner.
  7. Fold in the bottom left corner.
  8. Turn the craft over.
  9. Fold the corner at the bottom.

All that remains is to finish drawing the pelican’s wing, and you can play with it.

Origami paper crane


A tulip is the simplest flower that can be made using origami patterns. A tulip will always work, the main thing is to choose a pattern so that a 6-year-old child can easily handle it. We offer you a tulip that folds a short time and children like it. So, instructions according to which you can fold a tulip.

  1. Place a square sheet of paper in front of you so that it forms a diamond and fold it in half.
  2. Fold each corner up towards the middle.
  3. Fold the right corner first.
  4. Fold the left corner.
  5. Here your tulip is ready.

As you can see, everything is quick and simple.

Origami paper tulip


The frog is interesting toy for children 6 years old, as she can jump. If a child tries and collects a frog, it will delight him with its jumps.

  1. Fold a square sheet of paper in half.
  2. Turn it over and bend it again.
  3. Bend the top part in half.
  4. Fold the top diagonally in both directions.
  5. Place the folded part so that a corner is formed at the top.
  6. Now fold the bottom part up in the middle.
  7. Fold the side parts to the middle.
  8. Fold the bottom.
  9. Fold the bottom corners.
  10. Bend the paws out from the bottom corners.
  11. Fold all visible corners up.
  12. Turn the craft over.
  13. Form a fold from the bottom.
  14. Turn the frog over and press it with your finger. She will jump like a real frog that lives in a pond.

Origami. Jumping frog made from a rectangular sheet

Origami is the oldest Japanese art. Literal translation of a paper figurine. Since ancient times, paper figurines have had ritual properties. They were amulets, symbols of wisdom, happiness and prosperity.
Origami figures are made from one sheet of paper without the use of scissors and glue. You need to fold the figures in a certain sequences. Each figure has its own drawing, drawn using special symbols that are common to the whole world. We have already written about how to create simple ones from one sheet. Now let's talk about origami, which can easily be created from

Origami crane, for beginners

There are many legends associated with the crane, folded using the origami technique, in Japanese and Chinese culture. Only temple servants possessed origami art.
Today, with the help of origami techniques, tension and stress are relieved. The process of folding paper calms and brings peace to the soul.
The simplest origami figures known to us from childhood are a boat and an airplane. Each of us played with them in childhood. They launched airplanes into the wind and happily ran after it. The ships floated down the first spring streams, worrying that your ship would stay afloat the longest.

Origami boat

If you don't know what to do with your child, teach him how to fold a paper frog and show him how interesting it can jump. The baby will be very happy with an unusual toy made with his own hands. By folding origami, a child develops fine motor skills and trains perseverance.

An unusual figurine made by yourself is the best gift, because it is made from the heart and for a specific person. There won't be a second time like this.
At its origins, origami had a strict framework for assembling figures. Now this art form has many different directions. You can use both glue and scissors. Create unique shapes from several fragments.
Like any art or science, origami has founders and followers who continue improve techniques and come up with new ways of folding paper sheets, creating interesting and amazing figures of birds, animals, insects. All these

Simple origami from one sheet photo

The most important achievement is the creation of the origami alphabet. Having studied it, any person in the world will be able to fold the same crane, invented many years ago in a completely different country. Thanks to this alphabet, we can understand and become familiar with Japanese culture without knowing the customs and language.
Akira Yoshizawa is the founder of many areas of origami. His models look so alive that at first glance it is difficult to believe that they are made of paper. His secret was that he did not fold them from dry paper, but slightly moistened it. Because the figures keep their shape better.
This amazing type of art will appeal to many.

Simple origami from one sheet video

Hello dear masters and craftswomen. I present to your attention a master class on making such an origami swan, and I called it “Swan in Pink”. How to make an origami swan? We will make a pink drawing, highlight the swan with pink modules around the perimeter and place it on a round stand, and also glue small eyes. Please watch this video on making an origami swan. IN […]

Hello dear masters and craftswomen! Today I bring to your attention a master class on making a tricolor Swan from triangular modules. It would seem that what else can you come up with, what other options are there for making Swans using the modular origami technique. But it turns out there are still options and this is not the last thing in my arsenal. The tricolor swan is so simple […]

Hello dear masters and craftswomen! I bring to your attention a new master class on making a Swan in black from 3D modules. In the last lesson we made a Swan in red, but now I decided to change the style a little and make a Swan in black. The scheme is not complicated and will suit anyone, even a beginner in modular origami. Specially […]

Hello dear masters and craftswomen! I bring to your attention a new master class on making a Swan in red shades. On the Internet you can find a huge number of different schemes and master classes on making Swans using the modular origami technique. I'm sure you've never seen a swan like this before. This scheme is quite simple and even [...]

Swan in blue. Video tutorials and diagram. Part 3. In the third part of the master class, I offer you two video lessons and detailed diagram origami how to make a swan. The first video shows how to make a swan's neck and how to make a small stand. The second video talks about how to glue a swan better and faster. Lesson 6 (neck and […]

Swan in blue. Video tutorials and diagram. Part 2. In the second part of the “Swans in Blue” tutorial we finish making the body. I have prepared for you two video tutorials and a detailed diagram of an origami swan from modules. To assemble a swan you will need 1438 modules of 1/16 size, of which: 317 - purple modules 471 - blue modules 552 - blue […]

Swan in blue. Video tutorials and diagram. Part 1. I bring to your attention a new master class on making an origami swan from paper from 3D origami modules. The design is quite unusual and the appearance of the wing is not quite classic. In the photo you can see small through holes and a mesh pattern. I'll be honest - the scheme is quite complicated! Especially for this scheme I […]

“Rainbow Swan” diagram and video tutorials (part 3). The third part of the “Rainbow Swan” master class consists of three video tutorials on assembling the stand. And I also decided that a video tutorial on gluing the “Rainbow Swan” would be very useful for you. Lesson 5 (stand part 1) Lesson 6 (stand part 2) Lesson 7 (stand part 3) […]

You like origami. Be delighted with the beautiful paper figures, but you think it is extremely difficult. Believe me, there is no need to engage in self-deception. In ancient times, monks figured out how to make special figures out of paper, which were intended to decorate temples and conduct religious ceremonies. This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, and today we will try to prove it to you.

Materials for work

First, we will need to purchase a set of tools for our future work. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the choice of paper. An office one is best because it is quite rigid. It is quite enough for any folding schemes. To connect small parts you will need paper glue, for example PVA or a special glue stick. If you need to connect several blanks of different colors, aerosol glue will come to the rescue; when you use it, you can create unique multi-colored figures.

You can also use other specialized glue masses, especially those that do not leave any marks on the paper or are quite easily removed. At the same time, it is convenient to attach with such glue both outside the product and inside. If the figurine is made of white or gray paper, then you can use spray paint to give the craft the required color. Several types of scissors may be required. Sometimes a cutter comes in handy. This tool aligns the cuts. Be very careful, the blade can be very sharp, otherwise you won’t get a smooth and beautiful cut.

Buy several different lines. They will be useful for making a diagram of the craft, tracking the desired angle during assembly, applying the main part and correctly placing the product on the basis of the panel. Regular pencils or a special pencil will be useful. Experienced origami makers use rhinestones, various ribbons, pieces of fabric, unnecessary beads, beads from other decorations, and much more in their work. All this is suitable for creating unique and original figures.

The right approach to choosing paper

To get results, you should approach the choice of paper with full responsibility. After all, the creation of figures mainly involves bending and folding paper sheets. A lot, if not everything, depends on its quality. The list below will allow you to understand which material is best suited for origami, and which is not suitable at all:

  1. Office paper is quite thick, stiff and quite cheap. The first steps when creating figures should be taken with the help of it. When joining, a piece of paper holds very well, and if the workpiece is damaged, there is absolutely no shame in throwing it away.
  2. Multi-colored office paper - has the same advantages as plain office paper and does not have stains or white stripes on the folds, great for modular origami.
  3. Stickers - great for colorful figures, most often used in modular origami and kusudami.
  4. Colored paper for school - 100% not suitable for this hobby. Thin, not dense, tears easily enough, light stripes remain at the folds.
  5. Foil paper is very thick, almost impossible to tear, and is more often used for making complex circuits and models. If you straighten the fold, hard, dense stripes will remain.
  6. The pages of glossy magazines retain their shape and fold perfectly, and are quite dense.
  7. Banknotes have good strength and perform well on folds. Perfect for creating small exclusive gifts.
  8. Paper intended for origami has several types (double-sided, monotone, etc.), and is found in the form of sets.
  9. Tracing paper - suitable for those who are taking their first steps and decided to test their strength.
  10. Different variations of expensive paper have both advantages and disadvantages and are used only for certain products.

What types of origami are there?

There are several types of origami that help you have a great time, learn how to create jewelry with your own hands, improving your skills and abilities over time. In addition to the well-known origami techniques of the so-called classical direction, there are several alternative ones:

  1. Regular (simple) origami - suitable for those who decided to try themselves in a new business. Assembling the figures does not require special skills; the folds need to be made towards you with the so-called valley or away from you with the mountain. A good example serves as a figurine of a crane.
  2. Modular origami(blanks from modules). The connection is made from several identical parts, called modules, which are folded according to the laws of ordinary origami from a single sheet. They are connected by simple folding. Do not crumble due to friction between individual modules.
  3. Aerogami is a name that speaks for itself. The art of creating airplane figures.
  4. Kusudami is origami using volume; modules are assembled using glue or thread. Most often, crafts are made in the shape of a ball.
  5. Kirigami - making various figures using scissors. Suitable for making holiday cards.
  6. Raw or wet origami. The base is paper moistened with water to give the products a more expressive shape, hardness and clear lines. It is more often found in the manufacture of figurines of animals and unusual plants. The paper must contain water-soluble glue, otherwise the product will inevitably fall apart.

Crane - origami

One of the simplest models, it is believed that if you collect 1000 cranes, your most cherished wish will come true.

Step-by-step instructions for making an origami crane look like this:

  1. Bend paper sheet diagonally.
  2. We take scissors and cut off all the excess, in the end there should be a triangle left.
  3. Let's make one more fold.
  4. From the resulting triangle (one, since there will be 2 of them), we make a square using the straightening method. On the other hand, we repeat the procedure.
  5. Take the edges from above and gently bend them towards the center.
  6. Bend the triangle located on top.
  7. We unbend it, we form a contour.
  8. Bend the lowest corner horizontally.
  9. Fold the edges towards the center to form a diamond shape. We repeat all steps on the other side.
  10. Take it by the bottom and bend it along the inner counter. The result is a neck.
  11. We also make a tail.
  12. At the neck, carefully bend the beginning to obtain a beak.
  13. We bend the wings using a slight angle.

The crane is ready, you can color it if you wish.

Paper rose

One of the most popular models is the origami rose. It's quite simple to do:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper in half, preferably red. Let's make one more fold.
  2. We open the top layer and flatten the top a little.
  3. Turn it to the other side and flip it over.
  4. We repeat the second step.
  5. Take both corners and bend them towards the top corner.
  6. We bend the resulting triangle in half until we get fold lines.
  7. Pull the corners down, flattening them a little, and open the triangles.
  8. We take the pockets by the upper part and very carefully bend them down.
  9. On the other side, repeat steps 5-8.
  10. Bend the top corner.
  11. Open the bottom part like a notebook.
  12. Stretch and flatten until you get two triangles.
  13. Place the workpiece on the other side.
  14. Raise the triangle to the top.
  15. The lower square located to the right bends strictly diagonally from top to bottom.
  16. Rotate the workpiece 180 degrees and repeat the previous step.
  17. We transfer the product to left hand, carefully take the walls of the product with the fingers of the other hand and twist it clockwise until we get a rose. We bend the petals with a handle.

Volumetric origami - flower ball

Making a beautiful origami in the form of a flower ball is very simple, the main thing is to be patient and follow the instructions:

  1. Fold the note paper in half in the shape of a triangle.
  2. We bend the edges and press them very firmly.
  3. Bend the right corner back.
  4. Bend the left side of the triangle, folding it in half.
  5. We do the same with the right one.
  6. Then we fold the entire workpiece in half.
  7. We bend the triangle below in half again.
  8. In this case, the larger figure should be on top of the smaller one.
  9. We fold part of the protruding triangle and bend it inward.
  10. One module is ready, we do the same with 4 more sheets. They should all be completely identical.
  11. We glue the modules together or put them on tape.
  12. The first flower is ready, we do the rest in exactly the same way.
  13. You will need approximately 11 of these flowers, connect them together with glue until you get a ball.

Origami in the shape of an Easter egg

To create an egg you need to make about 1000 modules. They will be attached using grooves. Colors and patterns are limited by your imagination. Assembly starts from the top, take 8 modules of the same color and make a circle out of them, add another module between the rows. It turns out two rows of 8 modules. In the next row, two blanks are added between the rows. To increase the volume, it is necessary to add modules in each subsequent row. There should be 32 modules in the middle. The bottom is assembled in exactly the same way, but the number of modules will be reduced.

Once the egg is ready, you can begin making the stand. We take 18 modules and form a circle from them. Modules are inserted into unoccupied spaces in the row. We come up with a pattern by selecting blanks by color. The parts for the central axis of the stand consist of two rows of 12 pieces. To start row number 3, you need to move the modules towards the center, turning them slightly inside out. We lay the finished parts up. We have formed a column. In the middle of the stand there will be 7 rows of modules. The top is assembled in the same way as the bottom.

Modular origami in the form of a white swan

Step-by-step instructions for creating modular origami in the form of a beautiful three-dimensional swan:

  1. We make 458 blanks from plain paper in the form of a triangle. For the beak we make one red one.
  2. We insert two modules with their corners into the pocket of the third.
  3. Add 2 more. We fasten the corners into pockets.
  4. We prepare 3 rows in the same way, for each you will need 30 blanks, close the circle.
  5. We also put on modules for 4 and 5 circles.
  6. Hold the product with your fingers and press on the center, gradually turning it inside out.
  7. We bend the edges of our future swan up.
  8. We make the 6th row, observing the checkerboard order of the pieces.
  9. We are preparing blanks for the wings in the seventh row, for which we put on twelve modules, skipping 2 corners and attaching 12 more. The narrow place left will be the neck, and the widened one will be the tail.
  10. In the eighth row, we reduce the number of modules in the krill by one.
  11. Next, we do the same with each row until one triangle remains.
  12. The tail is made by reducing it by a module in each row.
  13. The head and neck are assembled from 10 regular and one colored blank, red or yellow. The corners of the colored blank must be glued together so that the beak does not split in two. We assemble the neck by inserting the corners into the pockets of the blanks, then gradually bending them.
  14. We put the neck in place.

The swan is ready.

Anyone can learn origami in full, you just need to have a little free time and desire and you will succeed.

99 new photo ideas for paper origami