Gradient nail polish with red and black gel polish. Five different techniques for creating a gradient on nails with photos and videos. Gradient manicure technology

Today we'll talk about everyone's favorite - the gradient. It is also called ombre, degrade, stretching. There are many names, but the essence is the same - a smooth, and sometimes not so smooth, transition from one color to another. Ombre manicure always attracts the admiring glances of others, and it also visually lengthens your nails. To achieve the smoothest gradient, use analog colors that are adjacent on the color wheel (two, three, or even four adjacent colors). However, an analog color scheme is not necessary at all. You can use any color combination scheme you like.

The base for the gradient nail design is a plain white gel polish or the lightest color you are using. But if the gel polishes are sufficiently pigmented, then base color you don't have to apply it at all. Layers of gel polish will cover the nail anyway. And don’t forget that runny or smeared gel polish must first be wiped off and only then sent to dry in a lamp.

To create a gradient in the first way, we need a flat synthetic brush with a straight or semicircular tip (you can use the one with which you apply the base).

  1. Choose two shades of gel polish and paint the entire nail with each color. We recommend making layers thin enough for easier blending.
  2. Take a flat brush and soak it in the cleanser until it is slightly damp. Then lightly, without pressing, move it several times from the cuticle to the tip. Hold the brush almost parallel to the nail so that it does not streak the gradient, but smoothly smoothes it out. When the transition has become soft, send the nail to dry in a lamp.
  3. Apply a second coat (two shades full of nails). Soften the transition again with a flat brush dipped in clinser. Between stages, clean the brush on a cloth soaked in cleanser.
  4. Apply a third layer to create a richer gradient.

Create a Gradient with a Fan Brush

In this case, the transition of colors is not so smooth, but this method is quite easy and you can quickly create a gradient manicure at home.

  1. As a base, apply the lightest color from the gradient to the nail (in one or several layers, depending on its thickness). Dry in a lamp.
  2. On the foil, mix two colors to create a medium shade and apply it to the middle of the nail. This will be the transition area.
  3. Below, almost to the tip, apply a dark color.
  4. Take a slightly damp brush soaked in clinser and sweep it from side to side in one place until you get the desired effect.
  5. Dry in a lamp.
  6. Apply a second coat, repeating what you just did. Now apply the main color only to the top of the nail so that it does not overlap the gradient. Dry in a lamp.

  1. Apply a base coat (or a white basecoat if the pigment may not cover the nail) to your nails and cure in a lamp.
  2. Next, using the Petal brush, apply pigment from the cuticle, stretching it towards the color mixing area. Keep the pressure light so as not to pull the pigment off the sticky layer. You need to achieve a dense color at the base and translucency in the middle.
  3. Clean the brush on a napkin and do the same with the second layer, selecting the second pigment color and moving from the edge to the middle. The layer should be thin but dense.
  4. Cover with top coat and dry.

In this case, you will need a fine-pore, well-washed and dried sponge, cut into pieces (make them tall enough to make it easier to control the pressure). The makeup sponge picks up too much gel polish and also leaves a very thin, weightless layer. To protect the cuticle, you can seal it with tape or cover it with PVA glue, and at the end of the manicure, peel off the layer along with the unnecessary gel polish.

Method No. 1

  1. Apply a design base to your nail. Dry in a lamp.
  2. Place two drops of gel polish on the foil at a short distance (white and colored). Mix an intermediate color between them using a toothpick or dot.
  3. Press the sponge onto the polish until it absorbs it. To avoid bubbles, place the first 2-3 prints on foil.
  4. Apply the gel polish onto the nail using gentle but springy movements in the desired number of layers until the shade is the way you want.
  5. Cover with top coat and dry in a lamp.

Method No. 2

  1. Apply design base and dry.
  2. Then apply a thick layer of two colors on the nail, end to end.
  3. Quickly blot your nails with a sponge using light movements, but with pressure. Reduce pressure as the tone evens out to get rid of bubbles. Do not rush to dry so that the gel polish has time to settle and level out a little. Do the rest of your nails for now. Random bubbles can be removed with a toothpick.
  4. Apply a second coat in the same way. The number of layers depends on the desired effect and the materials used.
  5. Cover with top coat and dry.

Advice: If you don’t get a smooth gradient, then simply sprinkle the color mixing area with transparent glitter. This way your manicure will become brighter, and only you will know about its small drawback.

You will need:

  • any shade of gel polish as desired
  • white gel polish
  • thin brush
  • foil or palette for mixing colors


  1. Apply a layer of white gel polish and dry in a lamp. Remove sticky layer.
  2. Next, use the main color to draw the edge of the nail, trying to make it the same width everywhere. Excess can be corrected with a liquid to remove the sticky layer with a brush. Dry in a lamp.
  3. For the next stripe, mix the base color and white. Draw a stripe at the junction with the previous one, trying to make it the same width. Dry in a lamp.
  4. For the next stripe, mix an even lighter shade and paint another stripe end to end. Dry in a lamp.
  5. At the penultimate stage, you need to mix the shade even lighter, draw a stripe and dry it.
  6. Draw the last straight stripe in white.
  7. Dry and apply topcoat without a sticky layer. Dry it again in the lamp.

Now you are convinced that you can create a gradient on your nails with gel polish even at home. Of course, you will need a little persistence and patience, but the result is worth it. Learn, master new techniques and don't be afraid to experiment. Give yourself and others the opportunity to enjoy your beautiful ombre manicure.

Girls who actively follow the development of fashion know exactly what a gradient is. In manicure, it represents a smooth transition from one color to another. At the same time, you can combine absolutely any colors. The gradient is also called ombre, which is so popular when coloring hair in this style.

The best coating today is considered to be gel polish or shellac. Let's take a closer look at how to make a gradient on nails with gel polish with a brush or sponge, and watch tutorials on photos and videos.

Features of the gradient technique on nails with gel polish

If you look at it, the gradient is a rather expensive technique because it consumes a lot of materials: the varnish needs to be poured onto the foil, and the rest cannot be sent back. It is applied with foam rubber, which can be used once. Accordingly, all these costs are taken into account by salons when creating it. You can apply ombre regular varnish and gel polish, the quality of the coating and the price of the service depend on this.

Now experienced craftsmen can create a gradient using special brushes. Thus, the consumption becomes significantly less, the coverage lasts quite a long time, so the cost of the service is justified.

Fashion ideas

Initially, we suggest looking at several interesting gradient options. You will find out which color scheme is best to combine with them, which direction to choose.

Beautiful gradient on nails with gel polish

Before you get a manicure, you need to decide color scheme general image. Sometimes even a beautiful creation of nail art looks unoriginal if it does not complement the overall style. Popular shades of this season are mint, peach, blue, and bright yellow. Among natural ones, brown, blue, and red are welcome. Pastel is also in fashion now, and, as we know, it is suitable for any time of year.

Ombre is ideal for long and medium nails. It can be performed vertically, obliquely, horizontally. If you have short nails, then use the first two application methods.

In the summer, when you want to surround yourself with bright colors to the maximum, you can use bold shades. Try a transition from blue to lilac. This decor will highlight your good mood, will remind you of the sea, warm days.

The gradient looks attractive with the participation of all fingers at once. Here interesting option: on the middle and ring nail there is a vertical gradient from mint to pink, the little finger is pink, the index nail is mint.

An ombre of orange and yellow shades will remind you of the sun. Your nails will be bright, so be sure to take care of them perfectly. appearance. This combination will suit a pareo or a sunny swimsuit.

A vertical gradient on gel polish nails is more suitable for girls with short nails, because it visually lengthens them. To create a rainbow look, use bright shades of the rainbow and apply them to your nails. To maintain harmony, a pedicure can also be done with these colors.

Pastel and dark gradient

Well, what are we all about summer and summer? What to do in winter if you want to enjoy ombre for a couple of weeks? We recommend using more neutral, pastel natural paints. The duet of brown and pink shades. You can accentuate your ring finger by mixing these colors together in smooth patterns.

You can complement this technique with any sparkles, rhinestones, or decorations. They can be used to completely fill an accent finger, or to create a design. Pay attention to the combination of ombre gray and pink. Glitter patterns make your manicure more festive.

Black color is classic in everything. If you keep your manicure in this tone, you will get a rather business-like decor that will make you more mysterious and serious. Ideal for a business, office look.

The blue color also looks quite attractive. Try a black and blue manicure complemented with rhinestones. For winter period many choose electric blue - rich blue. It can be matte or glossy. Any of them will be a great addition to your look.

Neutral gray can be combined with various shades. The most successful combination is pink and white. This manicure is suitable for people who do not want to attract special attention to themselves.

How to make a gradient on nails with gel polish at home

To create a manicure with gel polish, you need to prepare tools. Of course, this procedure can be done in a salon, but many girls prefer to take care of their nails on their own. various reasons. Many simply do not have enough time to visit such establishments, others love to create and express themselves in this way. And some people simply save their family budget, because regular visits to salons cost a pretty penny.


Before applying color, you need to get your fingers in order. Perform a trim or hardware manicure procedure. After you remove the previous coating, give your nails the same shape and size, remove the cuticle, hangnails, and you can apply color. All material for gel polish manicure can be purchased at specialized points of sale and online stores. There are special kits for beginners, or each product can be purchased separately.

To make an ombre gel polish, you will need:

  • UV lamp to dry each layer of coating.
  • Antibacterial agent.
  • Degreaser.
  • Primer.
  • Gel.
  • Base color and desired colors to create a gradient.
  • The top is a fixative, thanks to which the creation will last a long time.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. We use a buff to remove the glossy coating of the nail plates so that the scales open up better and the adhesion to the gel polish is strong.
  2. Treat with a dehydrator. Then apply the primer and wait for it to dry completely.
  3. Apply a thin layer of gel and dry with a lamp for a couple of minutes.
  4. Then we apply another layer of gel and dry it too. Remember that it is better to apply two thin layers than one thick one.
  5. Now apply the base color. Dry with a lamp for a couple of minutes.
  6. Now with a brush we apply ombre paints in layers next to each other, mixing the joints with each other. Dry with a lamp. Apply top coat and dry.

Option two

  1. Ombre is made with an eyeshadow applicator. To do this, use white and, for example, purple.
  2. Separately mix one drop of paint at a time. Then separately mix one drop of purple, two drops of white.
  3. Then mix one drop of purple, three drops of white.
  4. Apply the resulting scales alternately in stripes to the nail plates.
  5. If desired, you can make triangles with a brush. The result will be an unusual decor in the form of diamonds. We finish the decor with a top.

Third option

Another way to ombre with gel polish.

  1. After applying the base shade, cover the skin around the nail plate with a face mask and let it dry thoroughly. This will protect your skin from dye penetration and is easy to remove.
  2. Now, on a piece of foam rubber, apply the desired ombre shades next to each other in stripes.
  3. Apply over the nail using patting movements. Secure the creation with a top coat. Use tweezers to remove the film mask.

Video of creating a gradient on nails with gel polish with a brush and sponge

In this video you can watch the creation of a black and burgundy gel polish coating. Additional decor with rhinestones makes the creation luxurious.

Here the blogger shares with us different ways this technique, using a variety of colors. You will hear a lot useful tips about how to choose the right color scheme for this manicure, how to make it with foam rubber and a brush.

Combination with other types of design solutions

This coating is universal, so it can be easily combined with a variety of clothes. Often girls analyze their wardrobe and choose a manicure to match it. In summer, bright colors emphasize your mood and bright dresses. If you want to maintain a more neutral style, use pastel manicure colors. Then you don’t have to worry about the color scheme of your wardrobe at all. Natural colors are popular in winter because they are easy to match with winter clothing.

During open-toe season, take care of your toes. They should also look neat. For a pedicure, choose neutrals, pastel shades, or keep them in the same color scheme as the manicure. In this case, ombre can be done only on the thumb, and the rest can be maintained with the main shade.

Any jewelry will complement your look. If you combine manicure, pedicure, and accessories in one palette, you can easily show off your great taste. At the same time, accessories can combine several colors at once to be more versatile.

It is very popular now to do makeup in the same color scheme as the nails. If you prefer a red palette, then use red nail polish and red lipstick. Shadows can be of any color to complement the nails.

Now you know what a gradient is and how to make it at home in different ways. Share your feedback and comments. You can choose any photo, show it to your master, and he will repeat the decor on your nails. Write, what criteria do you follow when designing your nails?

Every representative of the fair sex wants to look stylish and fashionable, keep up with the times. A lady's well-groomed hands become the key to her success in all areas of activity, including with the opposite sex.

A neat and creative manicure will become the subject of admiring glances from your family and friends. You don’t have to go to a salon; you can do the procedure at home. It is important that the materials and tools are of high quality and reliable.

Recently, an interesting technique for applying gel polish – gradient – ​​has been gaining popularity. Let's look at its features and advantages in our article.

What it is

Gradient manicure (aka stretching, aka Ombre style) is a smooth transition from one shade to another. It appeared in the world of nail design relatively recently, but has already won the hearts of many fashionistas. Now this type of coating is also in great demand and popularity. Many ladies prefer this technology because it allows you to use several colors at once. Such nails will always look fashionable, creative and successfully complement stylish look any fashionista. It is worth noting that

From French “Ombre” is translated as “shadow”. The word "gradient" is of Latin origin. However, no matter what you call this nail technique, the result will not change - your nails will be attractive and well-groomed.

There are several types of gradient. You can choose the option that suits you, which will look fashionable and attractive:

  • Vertical manicure. This option is a color transition from top to bottom. This design will look great on your nails, transforming them.
  • Horizontal option. Accordingly, the shade will change from left to right. Medium-length nails will look especially attractive with this technique.
  • Original manicure . This option represents a transition of shades from one finger to another. This nail design will look great even on short nails.
  • French gradient. With this technique, apply to the edge of the nail White color, which will turn transparent towards the bottom of the nail. This option will look great on long and thin nails.

The main advantages of this technology include the following:

  • Simplicity and ease. Of course, in order to masterfully create such a creative design, you should be patient, especially for beginners. With the help of practice, as well as high-quality reliable materials and tools, you will be able to achieve professionalism over time and pleasantly surprise your family and friends.
  • Availability. You can purchase gel polish to create this technique at any professional store. All you need to do is choose a suitable color palette, choose your favorite brand and use the product with pleasure.
  • Democratic price. You can purchase cosmetic products at a favorable price. All ladies will be pleasantly surprised by the optimal combination of price and quality. You will be able to save your family savings.
  • You can also save time. Now you won’t need to visit expensive beauty salons or wait for an appointment with the right specialist. You can create a creative design with your own hands at home. Again, this will require regular training and quality products. With experience, you will be able to make the gradient smooth, beautiful and graceful.
  • Great mood. Design " ombre" – stylish and fashionable. It will ideally suit any of your style. Well-groomed and attractive hands will be the key to success in business and the attention of others. All this will lift your spirits and put you in a positive mood.

How to do this manicure

If you are just learning the basics of manicure and have no idea how to create a gradient on your nails, the following information will be useful to you. There is nothing complicated about technology. You can create a beautiful nail design yourself. First you will need to stock up on all the necessary equipment.

There are several ways to apply varnish. You can use any of them:


With the help of a sponge you can turn your creative Ombre design into reality. You need to take several colors that suit you best or that you like. Now it’s time to varnish part of the surface of the sponge in the desired shades. Slowly apply stripes of color that will touch each other.

remember, that The sponge should be well washed and dried. The one you use to wash dishes will also work. You will need to first cut it into small pieces. Remember to protect the cuticle. To do this, cover it with tape or spread it with PVA glue. Upon completion of the procedure, you can easily remove this layer and the varnish will not remain on the skin of your fingers.

Let's consider various technologies for high-quality coating using a sponge:

  1. You should first apply a base to the nail plate., which will dry under a UV lamp.
  2. Take some foil and apply a few drops of gel polish on it. not far from each other. Now you should mix the substance together, using a toothpick to create a medium shade.
  3. Take a sponge and apply it to the varnish. Let her absorb it. If you want to avoid unwanted bubbles on the surface of the nail, you should make the first couple of prints on foil.
  4. Using gentle springy movements, transfer the gel polish to the nail.. Apply as many layers as needed to achieve the desired color intensity.
  5. It is worth noting that each such coating must be dried well under a lamp.. Once you are satisfied with the color, apply the top coat and dry thoroughly in a lamp.

There is another option for applying gel polish using a sponge:

  1. The base should be applied first and dry it well under the lamp.
  2. Now take two of your favorite shades and apply them directly to the nail plate end-to-end in a thick layer.
  3. Next, take a sponge and blot the nail with a quick movement.. This should be done easily, but with little pressure. As the tone evens out, reduce the pressure. This will help you get rid of the bubbles.
  4. Don't rush to dry your nails right away.. Wait a bit until the product takes the shape of the nail surface. Do the rest of your fingers. If random bubbles appear, they should be eliminated with a toothpick.
  5. Then you need to apply the second layer in a similar way.. Their number will depend on the desired effect, as well as on the materials used.
  6. After this, you should cover the surface with topcoat. and secure it under the lamp.

If you weren’t able to create a smooth transition the first time, don’t be discouraged. Just lightly dust the color mixing area with clear glitter. This design will be even more interesting and creative.


You can also create a gradient using a brush. There are also several ways to help you create a creative manicure. To do this, you should take a flat synthetic brush with a straight or semicircular end. Or it is better to use the one with which you apply the base. The basic technology is as follows:

  1. It is worth choosing several shades of gel polish and cover half a nail with each of them. Layers should be thin so that they can be easily shaded.
  2. Now take a flat brush, soak it in the clinser, let it become wet. Now, using light movements, move it from the cuticle to the tip of the nail. You need to hold the brush almost parallel to the nail surface. This is done so that it does not spoil the gradient, but evenly smoothes it out. When you see that the transition area has become soft, you can send your hands to dry under the lamp.
  3. Now, using the same technology, it is worth applying a second layer and a third. Then the color itself will be saturated. Secure everything with a topcoat and dry the surface.

You can create a style Ombre"and using a fan brush. Of course, the transition will not be as smooth, but this will be the highlight of this design. You can quickly create the manicure you want at home. This is easy to do:

  1. First you need to apply a base to the nail surface. Take the lightest shade that you will use in the gradient. Apply varnish in one or several layers. Now let everything dry under the lamp.
  2. The next step is to take the foil. Mix suitable shades on it to get a medium color. You will apply it to the middle of the nail. This will be the transition area.
  3. A little lower Apply the darkest shade almost at the very tip. Now take a slightly damp brush and move it from side to side, lightly touching the surface of the nail. Do this until you get the desired effect.
  4. Now all this will need to be dried in a lamp.
  5. Then add a second layer and repeat the above procedure. Remember that it is better to apply the main shade to the top area of ​​the nail so that it does not overlap the gradient. Dry everything under the lamp.

For adherents of the classics, you can create an unusual jacket using a gradient. It is created similarly to the technologies described above. In this case, it is worth taking classic shades as a basis. An experienced master will easily make your hands beautiful and attractive. Yes, and at home you can make a similar coating for yourself.


It is worth noting that using a gradient you can create a wide variety of designs. We have already discussed the horizontal and vertical options, which can be done with a wide brush or comb, as well as a sponge.

  • It will look elegant and this technique with sparkles. You can focus on your nails. This manicure will fit perfectly into any gala event, a friendly party or family showers.

It is worth noting that no matter which method you choose, you need to carefully prepare your nails for this procedure. To do this, first of all, you need to give your nails the desired shape and length. This is done using a soft nail file. The next step will be cuticle correction. This is done without steaming in water.

To do this, you first need to soften the cuticle with a special product, pushing it back a little. Now take the buff and remove the shine from the nail surface. Finally, you should degrease all the nails, including the cuticle and cuticle. And only after the hands are prepared, you can begin the procedure itself: apply base, gel polish, top coat, dry in a lamp.

  • Another common way to create a gradient is geometric.. It looks quite stylish and original and will add a fresh touch to your look. The design itself is done with a thin brush. To create it you will need two shades. For example, you can take colored and white gel polish. It will be necessary to sequentially dilute the colored shellac, creating lighter versions. With their help you will draw geometric shapes.

Go from the lightest shade to the darkest one. In this case, only a thin layer should be applied so that the gel polish does not spread. It is not necessary to dry each layer. Only after completing the entire process can the nails be sent to dry under the lamp. One of the popular geometric gradients this season is the rhombus. It looks fashionable, stylish and attractive.

To make this design option clear and neat, you should use special stencils. However, it should be remembered that the structure of the gel polish is such that it can flow under the stencil. Be extremely careful and careful. Once you get the hang of it, you will do it quickly and accurately.

  • Another fashionable option air gradient. It is done using an airbrush. The advantages of this method include efficiency, accuracy, accuracy and speed. Thanks to this device you can create fashion design in a short period of time. It will take about two minutes for one nail.

To do this, you need to pour paint into the device, turn on the compressor and spray the product onto the surface of the nail plate. Typically, paint is water-based or alcohol-based. Then, after application, the skin can be cleansed with a special liquid. It is noteworthy that the paint itself is sprayed in a thin layer. Thus, its consumption will be minimal. You'll get beautiful manicure even at home.

Certainly, The gradient is best done with gel polish. This surface will last much longer, you will be able to do your homework without fear that the varnish will crack or lose its original appearance. The richness of the color coating is also an advantage of each bottle of product. Shiny nails will be the key to your success and good mood.


As for color, there is no consensus on which one is better to choose. You should focus on your taste preferences and favorite shades. Don't be afraid to experiment and combine colors. You will be able to get, to your surprise, an attractive original version.

  • Many conservatives prefer the classics: black and white shades. With their help, you can create an office manicure with a gradient that will look stylish on your fingers and match any of your business suits.

  • Bright people who want to stand out from the crowd and emphasize their individuality prefer red shades.

  • They can be successfully combined with pink, white, burgundy, lilac, black and other colors. If you are creating a manicure for a night out, you can use glitter. This will make your look extravagant. Do not forget to observe moderation in clothing. It can also be paired with your favorite shades. It is worth remembering that it is better to choose contrasting light and dark tones. They will look great on your hands.

Master classes

Experienced professionals in beauty salons will be able to demonstrate the Ombre technique quite quickly and easily. However, many newbies in the nail industry will have a hard time. At home, and even more so at short nails Sometimes it’s so difficult to create such a design, although nothing is impossible.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to simply, correctly and effectively apply such a coating.

  • Step 1. The gradient technique is special in that you need to create a smooth transition from one color to another. To ensure a high-quality and durable coating, you need to properly prepare the nail plate and degrease it. Remove the old coating, correct the nails and cuticles, set a certain length. In order for the gel polish to have good adhesion to the surface of the nail, you need to apply a special primer and also cover your nails with a special base. Dry everything thoroughly under the lamp.

  • Step 2. After everything is thoroughly dried, you can start creating the design. Using a brush, apply two colors of polish onto the nail end to end.
  • Step 3. Take a brush and carefully shade the border of shades. Then you need to apply a layer of varnish again, repeating the same procedure. You will need to achieve the desired color brightness, remembering to dry each layer in a UV lamp.

  • Step 4. Now you can cover your nails with top coat. Be sure to dry the surface thoroughly under the lamp. As a result, you will get a beautiful and fashionable manicure that you can easily do at home.

Being attractive to a girl is a whole complex cosmetic procedures. And not the last place is occupied by nail care procedures. Manicure is an important component that not only guarantees an excellent mood, but can also emphasize the individuality of its owner.

Gradient manicure - the latest fashion trends, which today are very often used by experienced craftsmen. However, in order to create the perfect manicure, it is not at all necessary to visit expensive salons. It is possible to make a gradient on your nails at home.

A gradient is a smooth transition of two or more colors. Moreover, these colors are not always of a similar shade or tone. Quite often, craftsmen use several opposite shades at once: red and white, black and green. It all depends on the mood and general style that such a manicure should suit.

There can also be several gradient options on nails:

  • Light shades from the cuticle and dark ones at the end of the nail plate;
  • Horizontal color transitions;
  • Vertical shade transitions;
  • Oblique gradient formation options;
  • Gradient combined with French manicure;
  • Rainbow gradient. This is the most complex technique, which requires not only a certain professionalism, but also the ability to combine different colors.

Existing methods for generating a gradient

Depending on the professionalism and individual skills of the master, you can use different methods of applying color. A lot also depends on the material used. So, if a simple varnish is taken as a basis, then you can try and experiment on your own in different directions. The varnish is easily adjusted, and if necessary, it can be erased and reapplied.

As for gel polish, the circumstances here are somewhat different. Here it is important to understand how, what and why to do, and to correctly follow the gradient application technique. As a rule, gel polishes come in two-phase and three-phase types. The former are used for general strengthening of the native nail, but the latter are used to build up the desired shape of the nail plate. However, both the first and second options require an important addition - a UV lamp. Since such a lamp is quite an expensive pleasure, few lovers of home DIY manicure use this method. In addition, you need to understand that in addition to the price of materials, gel polish requires a professional approach: you need to be able to accurately form all the lines. As a rule, gel polish uses the method of applying colors with a special brush.

There are three variations in the formation of a gradient on nails:

  1. Sponge;
  2. Manicure brush;
  3. Special stamps.

Regardless of the option chosen, all recommendations and advice must be strictly followed.

How to make a gradient on your nails using a stamp?

Stores adapt to all customer needs. Gradient manicure was no exception. In order to make a smooth transition from one color to another, you can use a special device - a manicure stamp. This device is an improved analogue of a simple sponge. Its main part is a plastic frame, which has a special lock for convenient self-manicure. It is easy to hold, the fingers of the opposite hand will not be smeared with varnish. In addition, its dimensions are maximally adapted to the area of ​​the nail.

To make a gradient yourself, we use a simple technique:

  1. Take a napkin or thick cloth. If the colors are gel polish paints, then lightly moisten it with water;
  2. Apply the colors you want to use to a small area of ​​fabric. Apply tightly, next to each other, no larger than the nail plate;
  3. Using a sharp toothpick, lightly mix the colors where the shades meet;
  4. Press the stamp and lightly absorb the varnish inside;
  5. With a light but clear movement, press the stamp onto the nail;
  6. Wipe off any remaining varnish that has stained the skin around the nail with acetone;
  7. Cover the nail plate with a colorless varnish with a fixative.

If you use special gradient paints (for gel polish), you can apply the colors directly to the stamp. The main thing is to clearly formulate the desired shades, and all the unevenness of the transition will be hidden by the fixative, which is applied over the frozen tone.

Forming a gradient using a sponge

This is the most inexpensive way that allows you to get a fashionable manicure at home. The main thing is to choose the right sponge. The final result will depend on the density of its pores: the wider the pores, the more distinct the transitions will be. If you need to create an almost invisible and smooth transition, then you need to find a sponge with the most dense pores.

You can use a special cosmetic sponge to apply face powder. You can apply paint to the edge of the sponge, and therefore it is best to choose a rectangular rather than a round sponge. The sequence is:

  • Apply base varnish to the nail. It can be either a colored base or colorless. The main thing is to apply it tightly and let it dry completely;
  • Prepare a cotton swab with acetone, toothpicks and a cotton pad;
  • Apply a small amount of varnish onto thick paper so that the joint of the colors overlaps;
  • The place where the varnish lay on top of each other (overlapping) must be mixed in such a way that a smooth transition is obtained. This can be done using a special thin brush with an oblique cut or using a toothpick;
  • Soak the sponge in the resulting color and first experiment on a piece of paper. Apply the impression of the sponge to the empty space - this will be the result. If you are satisfied with it, you can apply it to your nail. If not, you should blot the sponge again to get a more saturated color;
  • Apply the color to the nail using a sponge so that it turns out right the first time. Applying two or more times is unacceptable, as the result will be a “washed out” shade;
  • Wipe off any polish that has transferred to the skin around the nail using cotton swab with acetone;
  • The nail itself is also worth checking, you may need to wipe around the base of the cuticle. The paint should not extend beyond the nail plate;
  • Fix the result with a special colorless varnish and let it dry.

The most important point when applying color is clear single movements that create the desired effect of a smooth transition of shades. If you blot with a sponge several times, the previously mixed shades will fall on top of each other. As a result, the edges of the transition are blurred.

Gradient on nails with a brush

This option is considered the most difficult. To use, you must have some experience and a clear understanding of the sequence of actions. The brush must also be selected correctly. It must be a thick brush with an oblique cut. The bristles are of natural origin. With it, the color will apply smoothly, without sharp transitions or stripes.

  • Apply a base (colored or transparent) to the nail;
  • Depending on the type of transition (horizontal or vertical), apply colored varnishes evenly, without “overlapping”. The lines should only touch each other;
  • At the junction of the flowers, brush with a thin brush from top to bottom, or from one side to the other. The brush should be very thin, the result depends on this;
  • Initially, you will get certain lines that are still visible, and after some time the lines will connect and a smooth transition will form;
  • Then again you need to apply gel polish in the same amount as the first time, to the same place, on top of the previously formed transition;
  • Repeat the manipulations. At this stage, a more saturated and deep shade will be formed, which, due to the layer of varnish, will smoothly transition and form a line with a transition shade;
  • Secure the result with colorless varnish and cover the cuticle with oil to prevent the skin from drying out.

Features of creating a gradient on nails using gel polish

Gel polish will require a special approach and clarity of action. The materials are quite expensive, the result of the first experiment may not be to your liking, but the experience you gain will be as useful as possible.

  • The standard procedure before working with gel polish is to degrease the nail surface using a dehydrator;
  • Cover your nails with base and dry under a UV lamp;
  • Apply one color of gel polish to the place where there will be a transition of shades. The line should be clear and even;
  • Paint the rest of the nail with a different color with the same smooth edges;
  • Using a thin brush, mix the colors at the junction;
  • It is necessary to wipe the brush after a certain “progress” in painting: the colors should not merge, otherwise there will be fuzzy “dirty” lines, and the transition will not be formed;
  • If necessary, you can repeat the procedure by applying varnish to the same place (if the intensity is not enough);
  • Apply the finishing sealer, let it dry under the lamp and remove the “stickiness” with a special solution.

Gradient is a new fashion trend in the world of manicure. However, it is not at all necessary to spend a huge amount of money to get the desired result. You can do everything yourself at home. To do this, you just need to follow the recommendations, choose the right colors and don’t be afraid to experiment.

Just recently the classic was popular French manicure. But fashion does not stand still, and now there is new trend- gradient manicure. The features of its creation are described in detail below.

One of latest news In the world of manicure, the ombre or gradient technique has become popular. This interesting design instantly became very popular among girls and women. of different ages, because it is almost ideal for any occasion. You can get a gradient manicure in a salon from an experienced nail technician, or you can carry out the entire procedure yourself. But first you need to find out in more detail what this technique is and the features of its implementation.

What is a gradient manicure?

A perfectly done manicure with a touch of creativity can be the best addition to almost any clothing style. If desired, it can be supplemented with various decorations - for example, sparkles, rhinestones, etc.

Gradient manicure is a unique technique of coating the nail plate with varnish, during the use of which a smooth transition of colors is created. A combination of several shades of varnish looks very unusual, stylish and modern. A wide range of colors and a play on contrast can be used. There are several options for performing this type of manicure. The color scheme can become brighter or paler, it all depends on personal preferences and taste.

To make the manicure look more expressive, not only related or closest shades can be combined, but also contrasting colors. To create a harmonious combination of shades, it is recommended to use a color spectrum.

Methods for applying ombre manicure

  1. The nail plate is completely covered with base varnish, which can be not only colorless, but also colored. Varnishes of several shades are applied to the surface of a clean sponge in horizontal or vertical lines. Then the design is carefully imprinted on the nail.
  2. You can also apply the varnish using a plastic cover or film. When applying shades, you need to make sure that they touch each other. In order to make the transition of shades smoother, take an orange stick and carefully mix the colors in the line of contact. Then the varnishes are transferred to the nail, which is pre-coated with a base.
  3. The simplest method is to use two shades. To make the transition to the tip of the nail from dark to light tones, for the base you should use dark colors varnishes
  4. A base shade is applied to the nail, then the sponge is moistened with a contrasting color, which is simply imprinted on the first layer of varnish. To ensure uniform and smooth distribution of the varnish over the nail plate, a base coat is used.

Manicure tools

If you plan to make a stylish gradient manicure at home, you need to prepare in advance a simple set of tools that you will need during work:

  • moisturizing hand cream;
  • colorless varnish, which will be the base;
  • nail polish remover without acetone;
  • set for cutting manicure;
  • fixative varnish;
  • cotton swabs to remove nail polish from the skin;
  • a set of different shades of varnish;
  • sponge or sponge, eyeshadow applicator;
  • scotch.

Gradient manicure using a sponge - classic technique

To get a beautiful manicure, you need to strictly adhere to the scheme below:
  1. Take a simple sponge and cut off a piece of the required size to fit your thumb.
  2. Now you need to select several varnishes of any shades, which can be as close or contrasting as possible.
  3. Varnishes are applied to cardboard (vertical or horizontal stripes), then carefully transferred to a sponge.
  4. A layer of base is applied to the nail plate (you can use colored or transparent varnish).
  5. As soon as the base dries, a sponge is carefully applied to the nail and the varnish is applied.
  6. Before you start working on the next nail, you need to refresh the varnish on the sponge.
  7. At the end, the nails are coated with a colorless finishing varnish, then you need to wait 10–15 minutes, since the gradient manicure dries much longer than usual.
If you use a technique using a sponge, you need to remember that if you press it too actively and strongly against your nails, you should not paint more than 4 fingers. Otherwise, the sponge will begin to crumble, and the manicure will be completely ruined. Therefore, it is worth preparing several pieces of sponge in advance so that you can change them in time.

How to do a gradient manicure at home

To begin with, a simple classic trimmed manicure is performed, the nails are carefully filed, and the cuticle is removed. Then you need to adhere to the following scheme:
  1. The nail plate, cuticle and adjacent skin are covered with peach oil.
  2. A sponge is taken and used for application. foundation. Several shades of varnish are applied to it in not too thick strips.
  3. The sponge is brought to the nail and carefully sealed. You must work very carefully, as the skin around the nail may become stained, and it will be difficult to clean it. You can use a little trick and stick simple tape to the skin.
  4. This procedure is performed one by one for each finger, and for each nail you need to refresh the strips of varnish so that they have a rich shade.
  5. If polish residue appears on the cuticle or skin around the nail, take a cotton swab and soak it in nail polish remover. Then the skin is carefully worked over so as not to rub off the nail polish.
  6. At the end, the nails are covered with a transparent varnish with a fixative, thanks to which the manicure will last much longer. At the same time, the fixing layer perfectly masks the small irregularities that remain on the nail after pressing the sponge.

Gradient manicure with gel polish

Every day, a material such as gel polish is becoming increasingly popular, thanks to which the manicure remains perfect for several weeks. You can use it to create a gradient manicure, but first you need to file the nail plate and remove the top layer.

You will also need special tools. For a gradient manicure using gel polish, you need to follow the following instructions:

  1. Using a file with an abrasiveness of 80–100 grit, you need to lightly file the surface of the nail plate, removing the top layer.
  2. Each nail is treated with Bondex, which degreases the surface, making the gel polish last much longer.
  3. Using a cotton swab, excess Bondex is carefully removed, after which each nail is kept in an ultraviolet lamp for exactly 60 seconds.
  4. Take a transparent gel base and apply a thin layer with a brush. Again, each nail is kept in an ultraviolet lamp, but now for 30 seconds.
  5. Use a cotton pad to carefully remove the sticky layer. To do this, the cotton wool is soaked in a degreaser.
  6. To ensure stronger adhesion of the gel polish to the nails, you need to slightly file them.
  7. The first shade of varnish is applied to half of the nail plate, the direction of movement should be strictly from the cuticle.
  8. Apply the next shade of gel polish to the unpainted part of the nail.
  9. The first shade lightly paints the border between the two colors so that it is not too sharp. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a thin brush.
  10. At the next stage, the marigolds are dried in an ultraviolet lamp for exactly 3 minutes.
  11. Again, wipe the surface of the nail with a cotton pad, as you need to remove the top sticky layer.
  12. A transparent gel is applied on top, which will be the finishing coat, and the nails will acquire a beautiful shine.
If this type of manicure is not planned to be done regularly, it is best to contact an experienced master, because everything necessary materials you'll have to spend a lot of money.

The subtleties of creating a gradient manicure

  • If, when creating an original gradient manicure, several shades of varnish will be used simultaneously, but the created nail design should be discreet and stylish, it is recommended to make a coating that is as similar as possible to a classic French manicure. For this purpose, one strip of varnish is applied on a sponge slightly wider than the second.
  • You should be extremely careful when using chameleon varnish, as the result can be a completely unexpected result, which does not always look beautiful.
  • If matte shades of varnishes are taken, perfect choice will be a technique for creating a gradient manicure with a sponge.
  • Glossy varnishes have one negative feature - over time they begin to darken, and the color becomes not so beautiful and bright. That is why it is recommended to apply several layers of colorless fixing varnish.