How to treat the etheric body. Exercise: cleansing the etheric body as a way to get rid of problems. Cleansing the etheric body

Cleansing the human spiritual matrix.

The causes of a person’s abnormal state and his illnesses are located in the subtle planes of his existence and information records in his consciousness. To erase information records in a person’s personal consciousness that cause illness, the Christian Church has developed methods of getting rid of karma and cleaning a person’s spiritual matrix - these are the methods of repentance and forgiveness. Getting rid of karma and purifying the spiritual matrix using the sacred geometry of sound is a very ancient technique.

To erase information in the individual consciousness of a person that causes diseases - to restore physical and mental health person - he must undergo repentance as follows:

“I ask forgiveness from the Creator, the Supreme Soul and all the people whom I, (full name) born on (date, place) and my genetic relatives offended, insulted and harmed them with my other actions. I sincerely ask.”

To further cleanse the spiritual matrix and remove brain blockages, you need to forgive all people who have offended and insulted a person and caused him harm by their other actions:

Say three times (to yourself or out loud - it doesn’t matter how):

“I (full name), born on (date, place) forgive all people who have offended and insulted me and caused me harm by their other actions. I sincerely forgive them.”

In some people, especially those who are seriously ill, even at a young age, the spiritual matrix is ​​very polluted, and the consciousness of this person, which contains all the information about the causes of poor health, prohibits the restoration of his health by work on the subtle planes of his existence. And only after the person himself cleanses his spiritual matrix through repentance and forgiveness, the information of his consciousness allows him to work with him to restore his health.

Appeal to the Source.

Lord, You are the Source of all things in this World!

I, your child, turn to you for help in finding my true parameters and freedom, determined by your Will! By the will that sent me to the Worlds of manifestation of his thought for its development according to his laws!

Now I wish to find my True Self, as You intended me to be, and... Free yourself and your Family from the darkness of ignorance and captivity of your own mistakes, through Imagination, your Strength and Love.

Lord, good people! I forgive everyone who caused me pain in any form of its manifestation at all times and on all planes of existence of planet Earth!

Good people and all inhabitants of planet Earth! Forgive me and my Family for all the illegal actions that we have committed against you and planet Earth at all times and on all Plans of Existence, thereby disrupting the fulfillment of personal and general planned tasks of humanity and planet Earth!

God! I ask for your Blessing for the liberation of my Family up to the first generation, from curses and magical, gravitational, energy locks, black magic structures, connections of alien spirits, programs of destruction and self-destruction imposed on it at all times due to misunderstanding and weakness of my Spirit.

I dissolve all the vicious creations of my Mind and my Family according to the law of the Holy Cross with the release of Time and Light, which I give to the Absolute!

I invite all entities of other worlds located in our space and time for my reason, who have completed their tasks, to return to their space and time. I refract space and time for this.

I am freed from all types of entities that cause me vices, including: dependence on money, thirst for power, alcohol, drugs, nicotine, gambling, passions and lusts, the influence of sects and other unnatural connections, the influence of alien creatures and everything that acts on me not according to your Will!

Immediately all alien entities and connections leave me and my surroundings alone! Take all your energy information programs! Return all my potential that you have taken away and go into your own space and time!

I free my brain from thoughts and emotions that are alien to me, forming adversity and illness! I break magical, gravitational, energy, and informational locks that interfere with my spiritual growth and restoration of Memory.

I dissolve spiritual, mental, energetic, field, physical, genetic traumas and energy-informational figures created by me and my Family at all times on our family tree of life.

I tune the vibrations of my Mind to unite with other Minds that desire unity with me and are ready to work together in the name of the Lord and create common harmony!

I transform and restore all structures, parameters of my bodies, connections between bodies, matrices, lattices, cells, organs, organ systems, Minds, Plans of my Existence to the reference state, in all Worlds and Plans of my manifestation in this fragment of time, (name the date and operating hours).

I restore my memory of the Past and Future to review my personal tasks with a view to their implementation, so that I can work worthily for the benefit of the evolution of the Mind of all humanity.

God! Help me in defining and constantly seeing the personal Purpose and Meaning of my existence in this body. Help me return the resources lost and stolen from me, according to the law of justice and necessity of the moment, and return them to the Absolute in my personal cell!

I ask. Your blessing on the implementation of my personal goals and I ask all my life support systems and organs to correctly distribute information, energy and substances in the body according to the law of homeostasis and personal matrix.

I strengthen my own Imagination and my Divine abilities!

I remove unnecessary logical structures and cleanse the left hemisphere, free myself from emotions and mental images that are unnecessary for my development and cleanse the right hemisphere!

Now from this moment no one, ever, under any circumstances, will be able to influence my Mind! My will and mind are untouchable!

I connect all types of consciousness and memory into one whole. Anyone who interferes with the work of my consciousness, without my knowledge, gives me his Time and energy, as well as the resources of the person who sent him, according to the law of free will and justice.

May the unshakable Laws of the development of Matter of Reason and Good prevail in my consciousness, which I must and will follow.

God! Help me and all of Humanity find the correct trajectory of movement in Time and Space of the Universe!

May everything be realized under the protection of the Mother of the World, according to the laws of the life-giving Cross, for the Glory of the Creator of Worlds and the entire Divine Hierarchy of Mind and Light!


An appeal to the Source is carried out as the desire to make oneself better appears, especially after suffering stress, fear, and anxiety.

After reading the text, always sit for 5-10 minutes at rest. Monitor the state of your body and heart, remember how they responded to prayer. You can write them down in your diary.

To strengthen and consolidate the work done, read “Harmonization!”


I Am! I Am! I Am - part of the Great Mind of the Universe!

My Will and Reason are inviolable!

To all foreign and foreign Minds, I request: “Leave me and my surroundings alone immediately! Take away all your energy information programs! Return all my withdrawn potential and go to your own space and time!”

I forgive everyone who caused me pain in any form of its manifestation at all Times and on all Planes of existence, accepting it as signs of the unrighteousness of my Path!

Lord, Mother of the World and all inhabitants of planet Earth! Forgive me and my Family for all the illegal actions that we have committed in the information fields of the Universe, the Earth and its inhabitants at all times and on all Planes of existence!

Good people, I apologize to everyone whom I and the members of my Kin caused pain when meeting on the Path of realizing our tasks and disrupted the fulfillment of personal and general planned tasks of humanity and the planet Earth at all Times on all Plans of Existence of Information Fields and Event Fields!

Lord, dissolve all the vicious creations of my Mind according to the law of the Holy Cross, under the cover of the Mother of the World with the transfer of resources to the Absolute in my cell!

I completely clear my Information Field of thoughts and emotions that are alien to me, forming adversity and illness! I break magical, gravitational, energy and information locks that interfere with my spiritual growth, restoration of Memory, strengthen Faith in my Powers and Divine abilities! I remove unnecessary logical structures and cleanse the left hemisphere, free myself from emotions and mental images that are unnecessary for my development and cleanse the right hemisphere!

My brain is as clear as water in a mountain stream. My mind is rapidly regaining its abilities, determined to me by the Will of the Lord!

My memory of the Past and Future returns to me, I connect them in the present. My divine abilities to manage the events of my life are revealed and improved.

Lord, and the Divine Hierarchy of Reason, give me the opportunity to receive and assimilate only the knowledge that I need to solve my problems according to the general Plan of the Lord for planet Earth and Humanity. I am the executor of the Will of the Lord! I am the Master of my destiny!

Light, Power and Magnetism, given to me by God, emanate from me!

I synchronize the vibrations of my power lines based on the law of Cosmic Love and am constantly in a balanced state.

Calmness and confidence in my strengths and Divine abilities fills all my organs, freeing me from internal pressures, spasms and external energy, gravitational and magical locks.

I'm satisfied with myself! I remember the state of freedom and gain the ability to always be in it! (Feel the lightness and remember the state!)

Calmness, self-confidence and inner Harmony are my natural state!

I allow myself to show love and accumulate Light for Creation for the Glory of Our Lord!

My inner world is beautiful and in harmony with the outer world! My body is beautiful and healthy! I'm absolutely healthy!

I calmly perceive any life situations and build them for myself, in accordance with Reason and the voice of my heart!

I allow myself to reflect, enjoy, and make good decisions. I greet any upcoming event with respect and rationally build my attitude towards it. I solve only my life problems, without preventing other people from gaining their Experience.

I am an important part of the Universe and am happy to fulfill my mission of serving the Lord and the evolution of a single Mind! All opportunities are open to me to realize my personal goals and achieve the goal of being born in this body and in this world, thanks to the sense of Time, precision in words and deeds!

I am confident in myself and my capabilities. My sources of well-being are open to me, everything I need in this life is prepared for me, and I receive everything according to my need. All my plans, destined for me by Fate, are being realized, for they are filled with the Light of divine Love!

I am freed from feelings of dissatisfaction with life. I allow myself to be decisive and rich, for which I introduce and assign to myself the program of a rich person! I am self-sufficient in everything! Well-being in everything is my natural state!

I easily find a way to communicate with any person, because I am harmonious!

I strengthen the capabilities of my Mind by teaming up with people like myself. Together we are an unshakable force!

I am open to service, mutual understanding and cooperation!

I trust my Intuition, the voice of my “Higher Self”! I want, I can, I do everything at the behest of the Almighty Father! My consciousness is constantly expanding, covering the entire Universe, it is open to receive and process the information that comes in and only that I need, sifting out the unnecessary. My Consciousness and Memory become whole!

Have you ever encountered the feeling when, against the backdrop of seemingly physical health, you give up and lack the strength to perform any habitual action? You are unable to find a solution to your problem. Of course, this may just be an assumption, but in addition to the physical body, a person has 8 more finely organized bodies, among which etheric body, astral, mental, etc. The human etheric body is directly connected to the physical body and is responsible for its condition. The energy of the etheric body is vital energy, the loss of which a person feels like a broken trough.

How to see the etheric body

The boundaries of the etheric body usually extend beyond the physical by 1-5 cm, it all depends on the state of health. It is difficult to see the etheric field; it is easier to feel it. Although you can conduct such an experiment. Sit in a comfortable position in a dark room. Once your eyes have adjusted to the dimness, extend your hand with your fingers spread. The ceiling can serve as a background white. Peering at the outline of the palm, you should see a slight haze that follows the contours of the hand. Again, not everyone can see the etheric body. A tangible effect comes from working with the etheric body, which consists in its development.

Development of the etheric body

You can learn about the state of your etheric body by paying attention to your immunity, tone, and endurance. Imagine what opportunities will open up for you when you learn to control etheric energy - healing, extrasensory perception, adjusting the level of vigor of the physical body, replenishing energy from external sources, protection from external negativity.
To get started, learn the simple “ether hand” exercise. In a standing position, lift right hand parallel to the floor, lower to the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times and remember this feeling. Now feel the hand as energy, forgetting about the physical hand. The hand you presented has no bones or muscles, but its shape is similar to the one you are used to seeing. The next moment is to do the same thing, but with your physical hand and your ethereal one at the same time. Your consciousness must hold both hands. Do it 5 times. Finally, perform the movement with just your etheric hand.
If done correctly, it should feel as if you were raising a physical hand. This technique can be applied to the entire body, then your movements will become smooth and beautiful, that is, there will be harmony between the physical and etheric bodies. And controlling the etheric body will help you with this.

Cleansing the etheric body

Etheric energy can be purified, this will provide protection to your physical body. You can also treat the etheric body. When it ruptures, a person experiences various diseases, the skin of his physical body becomes flabby and wrinkled.

Treatment of the etheric body is to cleanse it. This will help you:

  • dousing with cold water,
  • cold and hot shower,
  • active sports,
  • hatha yoga techniques,
  • asanas,
  • starvation,
  • harmonious sexual contact,
  • good dream.

Knowing how to control your etheric body and how to cleanse it will help you remain cheerful, cheerful and healthy people. Listen to your body.

Every person starting work in practical bioenergy sooner or later has a question: how to cleanse yourself energetically? In fact, there are dozens of examples described in books and on the Internet. different ways. In this article I will not delve into the intricacies of the mechanisms that occur during cleaning, while this is not important.

Some techniques are based on visualization, the scenario may be different - washing away with light, water, fire, various rays or energies.

Others are based on the ability to see or feel energies, they no longer need visualization, they work based on reality. Those who use these methods will not be interested in what I will write next, because I write for those who cannot yet see energetic dirt or are not confident in their visions and capabilities.
Many also cleanse themselves by singing or listening to mantras or prayers. I will not touch on these methods. If a person decides that this method is the best for him, that is his choice.

Cleaning with visualization

Let's go back to the very first option. Cleansing using visualization or vision of energies...but you are not sure what you see, you think it is a fantasy. Why is this method worth attention? Because by working in this way, a person develops many skills and areas. It is suitable for beginners and those wishing to develop themselves in terms of extrasensory perception, as well as those with experience.

Important points

When working with visualization, strive for simplicity; there is no need for super complex, confusing procedures.

Learn not to doubt your actions, just do it. If you started performing the technique, act as if everything is going according to plan, confidently. If even you don’t touch the energy plan today, and everything will happen only in your imagination, this can give you a basis for analysis in the future. Doubt is the psychic's terrible enemy., they can paralyze and nullify your efforts.

The plot can be anything from collecting dirt with a vacuum cleaner, or cleaning with rays of light, streams of waterfalls, or the arrival of higher beings who do all the work for you. In this matter, one thing is important: that you do not have internal resistance, doubts, or fears. If these moments are in you, then the work will not work. It all depends on your outlook on life. For example, someone may not believe that a vacuum cleaner can collect energy dirt, because it was created for something else. In another case, a person asking some higher teachers or beings to help him in his work, deep down he believes that he is not worthy to be near them, or is embarrassed, which distracts them with their problems. This subconscious resistance, a feeling of awkwardness, will not allow what you have planned to happen.

In general, some kind of work scenario is needed only until you understand that this is just a certain sequence of actions that helps you manage your intention. Your intention works, and not a picture, no matter what it is. Managing intention is like learning to ride a bicycle - no matter how much you tell me what to do and how to do it, the ability to ride will come only through practice and your own experience, you need to feel, not learn how to ride.
Once you start practicing brushing, (I recommend doing it every day) - this is normal hygiene, like brushing your teeth, washing your hands, at some point you will start to notice little things.

The little things are the most important, it depends on them, work is happening or you are simply performing some procedure that leads to nothing. It is important not just to perform some actions in visualization in the sequence you have planned, it's important to feel. Feel the weight of energy, its resistance, elasticity. Feel its vibrations, whether it is light or dark. It is to feel, and not to see in visualization. But this comes with time, for some it will take a couple of days, for others several months, everything is individual. After some time, you will begin to notice what happens and when, at what point the dirt with which you are working begins to disappear, you will begin to notice changes in your own state, how with the departure of negativity a state of lightness and joy appears.
The simplest example of how to feel energy is to create an energy ball between your palms. (The ball between the palms is the most simple technique feel the energy of the etheric body.) But this is a very rough example; in cleansing the sensations are subtler, more gentle. I recommend cleaning every day, or even more often.

Cleaning is one of the most effective and versatile ways to train extrasensory perception.

  • When you are busy cleaning, you train your ability to concentrate, to keep your attention on the desired object for a long time.
  • When you cleanse, you train your sensitivity to energies.
  • When you cleanse, you are training your ability to quickly activate the 6th and 7th chakras. (You don’t need to do anything special for this; it will happen automatically as soon as you have the ability to sense the subtle world).
  • When you are engaged in cleansing, you develop your ability to manage your intention.
  • When you cleanse, you develop your ability to control the flow of energy.
  • When you are engaged in cleansing, you cleanse yourself of energetic dirt, which in turn directly and indirectly strengthens your energy.

Cleaning with energy balls

Many people are familiar with the phenomenon of creating an energy ball between the palms. If you place your hands in front of you with your palms facing each other at a distance of 20-30cm, maybe more, and start smooth movements towards each other and back, then after some time you can feel resistance between your palms, elasticity. Elasticity is our perception of the etheric body, I brought this technique so that while working, cleaning yourself, you try to feel something similar, that is, feel the weight, the resistance of energy when you remove the ball from your body. When you read the description of the cleaning itself, you will come across the phrase “we are creating a ball”, so when we are creating a ball, we are not trying to pump it with energy, as it is written at the very beginning of the article, the ball should not be pumped with energy, it must be empty so that you can was to absorb all the negativity from your bodies.

Now I'll repeat the whole procedure

  1. Create a black ball.
  2. We insert it into the stomach.
  3. We pull dirt into the ball.
  4. Create a white ball.
  5. We insert it into the stomach.
  6. We pull dirt into the ball.
  7. We take out the ball and destroy it.

This is a complete procedure for cleaning one place in the body; it can and should be repeated until you understand that there is no dirt left in the place of the body that you are cleaning.
We divide the body into several sections, and clean each section with black and white balls.

  1. Head
  2. Breast
  3. Stomach
  4. The soles of your feet, and the space under your feet and around your feet.

We go through all the areas once with black and white balls, then we look to see if there is any dirt left, if there is any, then we go through all the areas again, and so on until we feel that it has become clean.
It is important that you can change this plot as you want, try different balls in size, color, and the substance of the ball itself can change. Experiment, don’t try to strictly follow what I wrote. Search and invent yourself. Try to cleanse others, but only with their consent and after warning them about it.

Why did I suggest this particular technique?

  1. Everything is very simple, there are no complex plots that burden your attention and distract the main thing - to feel the energy.
  2. Accompanying everything that happens with hand movements, you develop your sensitivity, which is almost impossible when using techniques with waterfalls and cleaning in various rays and working with mantras or prayers.
  3. In this technique you work yourself, and not other forces, and accordingly you develop your abilities.
  4. It is difficult to make a mistake in this method, so the fear of doing something wrong goes away.

In fact, you can come up with a lot yourself different scenarios for cleaning. This article largely shows what you should pay attention to when you want to create something of your own.

Carrying out similar techniques, you get a neat appearance on the subtle plane, and a good psychological and physical state, but nothing more. You cannot clear karma this way. Although if you cleanse daily or at least 2-3 times a week, the effect will appear after a while. (In a global sense, this can already be attributed to cleaning your karma). For serious in-depth studies, you will have to put in more effort.

No matter what you do during the day, whether you run a company or drive a truck, you still wash your face and brush your teeth in the morning. What is described in this article is necessary for everyone - hygiene for thin bodies.

How to clean your “vessel of karma” Sviyash Alexander Grigorievich

3.4 The etheric body is the basis of physical health

This book, if you still remember its title, is dedicated to cleaning the “vessel of karma.” And the filling of the vessel, again if we strain our memory, occurs as a result of our having erroneous beliefs and the resulting negative emotions.

As we see, our physical and etheric bodies do not participate at all in this scheme. They, of course, also play their role in the “educational” process, but only as an executive instrument. That is, if, as a result of prolonged negative emotions, large and dense thought forms have arisen, then with their bulges they literally invade the etheric body and cause distortions in the flow of etheric flows. Such long-term distortions of ethereal flows eventually lead to diseases of the organs of our physical body. There seems to be no unambiguous feedback - from the physical and etheric body to the more subtle ones.

So the etheric body is of no help to us in cleaning our “vessel of karma”. And physical too. They can be treated, recharged with energy, and cleaned of external attachments. But this has a very indirect relation to the “vessel of karma”.

This does not mean that we have nothing to say about these bodies. We will talk about the physical body later, and we will say a few words about ways to cleanse the etheric body now.

Three sources of disease

In the previous book we proposed a certain system of views on possible reasons occurrence of diseases. According to this system, a person can have diseases of the body, soul and spirit.

Diseases of the body arise as a result of a person’s improper handling of his body. These are overloads, temperature violations, proper nutrition or rest mode, etc. Accordingly, the disease arises as a violation of both bodies at once - physical and ethereal. From this we can understand that even the most highly spiritual person, who does not care at all about his body, can be ill for a long time and seriously. And, as you might guess, these diseases will have nothing to do with erroneous beliefs. Except for the erroneous attitude towards the health of your body.

Diseases of the soul arise as a result of energy-information exchanges between people. These exchanges occur on several levels - mental, emotional and etheric. Here we will not consider technologies of energy-informational attack and defense - other authors do this in some detail.

We only state that these exchanges also have a very indirect relation to the “vessel of karma”. That is, if your vessel is almost empty, then no external influences will stick to you. And if the vessel is half full or more, then in your mental (or emotional) body there are many thought forms to which external influences can attach (pendants, cliches, the evil eye, damage, etc.). And such “pendants” need to be cleaned separately, regardless of your erroneous beliefs and the level of filling of the “vessel of karma”. But we have already talked about this.

And only illnesses of the spirit are directly related to the filling of the “vessel of karma”. That is, they arise precisely as a result of filling the vessel and applying “educational” influences on us in the form of a disease.

Therefore, in the event of an illness of the spirit, distortions in the etheric body are a consequence of the presence of large negative thought forms in the body of emotions.

Accordingly, the influence of a healer only on the etheric body can only lead to a temporary improvement in health. Without working on your attitude to life and cleansing the body of emotions, the negative thought form does not disappear anywhere and continues to distort the etheric body. Accordingly, distortions in the etheric body and illness in the physical body must return sooner or later. That is why we do not recommend treating karmic diseases without changing a person’s attitude towards the world.

But if we have cleansed our mental and emotional body, then no one bothers to help us quickly return to a healthy state. And here any methods are suitable. These can be both external influences on our health body (etheric body), and independent work a person with his own energy.

Types of external influences on the etheric body

We include the help of various healers, the sympathy of other people and the use of special technical devices as external influences. Let's look at each of these positions in a little more detail.

The vast majority of healers work at the level of the etheric body, that is, treatment is carried out by forcibly restoring the flow of ethereal flows. As a result of various kinds of influences, they eliminate distortions in the flow of energy of the etheric body and increase its thickness. This improves our health, although sometimes only temporarily. All psychics, bioenergy therapists and Reiki specialists work with the energies of the etheric plane.

The next source of nourishment for our etheric body is the sympathy of other people. Any sympathy or empathy is a kind of donation, but it is an energetic donation. We sympathize with people who are sick, weak, experiencing blows of fate, or weakened as a result of the uncontrolled work of their own “word mixer”. Thus, we give them part of our vital forces - that is, the energy of the etheric plane. This is not a bad thing, but as long as we have enough health and vitality for this. But if your own strength is not enough, then excessive sympathy can cause your own internal diseases.

Empathy occurs in many interactions between people. For example, a good doctor or psychologist sympathizes with the patient, and thereby transfers part of his vitality to him. As a result, “cordial” doctors get sick more often than cold ones who formally treat their patients.

The same interactions take place in schools, where the teacher can either simply transfer his knowledge to his students, or he can “put his soul into it,” that is, add part of his vitality to the knowledge. Another thing is that the teacher’s listeners are a large group of relatively healthy young people, and they return vitality to the teacher in the process of honoring and loving such a teacher. A doctor usually does not have such a crowd of “donors”.

Similar interactions between people can be found in almost any field of activity. And if it is professional enough to ask for (and receive) sympathy different people, then you can significantly improve your health (or at least your well-being). Which, in general, is what some people do with success.

Another source of obtaining energy from the etheric plane is the use of special technical means. But we will talk about this in detail in the next paragraph of the book.

Types of independent influences on the etheric body

In addition to external influences, there are many ways to independently improve the condition of your etheric body. That is, cleansing from various kinds of harmful influences and improving your health.

Most of these methods are well known to you. For example, this is the most common hardening - for example, according to the Porfiry Ivanov system. Or a contrast shower. Or any other technique of influencing the physical body, as a result of which a powerful emotional outburst occurs - so that it takes your breath away. As a result of such a powerful surge of positive emotions, our healthy body receives an additional portion of energy. And health, of course.

Another well-known technique is intense breathing. For example, hatha yoga. We talked about one of these methods - “triangle breathing” in the book<1>.

No less effective method cleansing two bodies at once - etheric and emotional, this is a system of intensive breathing called “rebirthing” or its modifications (vivification, holotropic breathing).

Another powerful system of energy charging is special oriental gymnastics, and, in particular, qigong. If you have the opportunity to take part in such classes, then these techniques can give excellent results.

But hatha yoga or qigong are entire systems of life, the study and use of which requires a great desire, free time, money and a teacher. Not everyone has this.

Meditation "Chakra Breathing"

For those who do not have the opportunity to attend special classes, we could recommend a special breathing meditation called “Chakra breathing” from the meditation group of the Sri Rajneesh (Osho) school. A tape recording of such a meditation is sold in all stores selling occult goods (our Center does not distribute this recording).

The meditation is a recording of three cycles of intense breathing of 15 minutes each. That is, you will hear a person’s loud breathing accompanied by special rhythmic music. Your task is to stand in a comfortable position, close your eyes and breathe deeply through your mouth in time with the person leading the meditation. Breathing will need to be mentally directed along the spine sequentially to each of the chakras, starting with the first (tailbone) and ending with the last (crown). We talked about the structure and location of chakras on the human body in the previous book<2>.

Of course, as you breathe, air will move in and out of your lungs. But mentally, you must direct the impulse of energy as you inhale directly to the chakra. You will need to breathe into each chakra for only two minutes. That is, it takes fourteen minutes to “breathe” seven chakras, then within one minute you need to breathe through all the chakras one by one from top to bottom. After a minute break, the breathing cycle is repeated, and so on three times.

Of course, this meditation requires some effort. But it is very energetic and easily knocks any pre-disease states out of your body (when you have a clear feeling of an impending disease). The same meditation easily clears away from you negative energy-informational “attachments” such as unkind glances or unkind emotions (anger, envy, etc.), which are popularly called the “evil eye.”

In the process of karmic “education”, a person’s etheric body is an executive instrument, which is influenced by more subtle bodies.

In the event of a karmic disease, cleaning and aligning only the etheric body without changing a person’s attitude towards the world and erasing negative thought forms can only have an effect for a short time.

Cleansing the etheric body can be done either with the help of external influences or independently.

External influences include the help of various healers, the sympathy of other people and the use of special technical devices.

Self-cleansing of the etheric body can be carried out using hardening procedures, oriental energy gymnastics or intensive breathing.

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A wonderfully structured book - it’s easy to find practice on a topic that is relevant to me at the moment, and to work through any problem! Andrey V., entrepreneur... Meditative practices are, perhaps, what I always liked most about Kryon’s books .

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CLEANSING THE ESSENTIAL BODY All diseases do not originate primarily in the physical body. Therefore, it is also very important to cleanse yourself of mental and emotional problems. Even modern doctors have come to the conclusion that many physical diseases arise from negative thoughts and emotions. If a person is pessimistic or thinks about someone with anger, this reflects on him. For emotional cleansing: ● Try to get rid of negative emotions. The emotion of anger is especially destructive; it instantly triggers dangerous biochemical processes in the body. We need to take care of ourselves and avoid negative thoughts, because they complicate our lives in the first place. Even if you are very attentive to your emotions, you can become influenced by someone else's energy. Just as you can dirty your physical body, you can dirty your emotional body. And even if you just communicated with a negative or, as they say in modern psychology, unresourceful person who is riddled with fear, you can become infected with this mood. It seems that before this you lived calmly, but here you also begin to have similar fears. All this deforms the subtle body, and over time problems begin in the physical level, and life’s difficulties: a person attracts a certain reality into his life and, as a result, cannot achieve anything in his career, in his personal life, and so on. ● Don't become dependent on memories. We need memories as the realization of a certain experience. If we tried to walk along the road twice and fell twice because there was a hole in the middle, this means that there is no need to go there a third time. At the same time, an ordinary person most often regrets the past and dreams of the future. But our strength is to live in the present. Negative memories and grievances take away the most energy from us. It happens that a person was offended at school, and he remembers it all his adult life. Some studies even show that resentment causes serious illnesses such as cancer. There is no need to suppress memories or ignore them. But, if memories come, you need to observe them without emotional coloring; yes, it happened and passed. It’s even worth drawing a diagram like this: draw a straight line and mark on it all the periods when something unpleasant happened to you. And in this place, draw flowers or something else that you associate with love. Imagine how the energy of love fills these periods. And if you do this sincerely once or twice, then usually the negative thoughts will go away. ● For an emotional state, it is also advisable to take a shower - cool in the morning and warm in the evening. You can even say: “Where there is water, there is trouble” (sleep, illness, etc.). This, by the way, was accepted in Russia; Slavic healers taught me this. At the same time, you need to imagine that everything unpleasant leaves you with water. ● Chat with interesting people wise people that can teach you something. Light forms of meditation are very helpful. Now many people think that in order to meditate, you need to be a yogi or live in the Himalayas. But that's not true. If you come home from work upset in the evening, try meditating. Take a shower, turn off the TV. And sit for 10 minutes in silence, watch your breathing, watch your mind. Yogis have a “pranayama” system, when a person breathes in a certain way, and all negative things go away. It is also very important to say: “I wish everyone divine love” or “I wish everyone happiness” - and imagine how the energy of love and bliss permeates every cell of yours and goes from you to other people. First of all, to your offenders. It clears the mind.