How my family celebrates the New Year. How to celebrate the New Year at home with your family. Several interesting essays

There are many holidays in our country. They are: New Year's Day, Christmas, Women's Day, Victory Day, May Day and others.

I like New Year's Day, it is my favorite holiday. The 1st of January is a winter holiday and now it is the first day of the New Year.

Peter the First changed the Russian calendar in 1699. He made the 31st of December, 1699 the last day of the year. The first of January 1700 became New Year's Day.

The 1st of January is in the middle of winter. The weather is usually fine and there is a lot of snow everywhere. As the 1st of January is a holiday I don"t go to school and my parents don"t go to work.

We usually have got a very interesting New Year's party at school. We have got it on the 28th or 29th of December.

Our family prepares for this holiday before hand. My father buys and brings home a beautiful New Year"s tree at the end of December. Our family has a tradition to buy it. I like to decorate the New Year"s tree with toys, little colored lights, sweets and a beautiful star on the top.

My mother and grandmother prepare our holiday supper and lay the table. I make a cake.

All the members of our family clean the flat before this nice holiday and then each of us try to dress well. We like to see the New Year in at home with our relatives. They come to see us at 11 o"clock in the evening.

At 12 o"clock we are sitting at the table and we are glad to see the New Year in. We say, "Best wishes for the New Year!"

I hope that next year will be better than the last one.

The New Year's Day is always connected with our new hopes and dreams.

It is a pleasant moment to get presents on the New Year's Eve.

I usually get many nice useful things from my parents and relatives.

My parents put their presents under the New Year's tree.

We don't go to bed till morning, we watch TV, dance, eat tasty things and make jokes.

I enjoy this holiday very much.


There are many holidays in our country. They are: New Year, Christmas, Women's Day, Victory Day, May Day and others.

I love New Year, it's my favorite holiday. January 1st - winter holiday, and now it's New Year's Day.

Peter the First changed the Russian calendar in 1699. He made December 31st, 1699 the last day of the year. The first of January 1700 became the New Year.

January 1st is in the middle of winter. The weather is usually fine and there is a lot of snow everywhere. As January 1st is a holiday, I don't go to school and my parents don't go to work.

We usually have a very interesting New Year's party at school. We have it on December 28th or 29th.

Our family is preparing for this holiday in advance. My father buys and brings home a beautiful Christmas tree at the end of December. Our family has a tradition to buy this. I love decorating the Christmas tree with toys, little colored lights, candy and a pretty star on the top.

My mother and grandmother prepare our holiday dinner and set the table. I'm making a pie.

All members of our family clean the apartment before this good holiday, and then each of us tries to dress well. We love to celebrate New Year's Eve at home with our relatives. They arrive to see us at 11 o'clock in the evening.

At 12 o'clock we sit at the table and we are happy to see the New Year in. We are speaking, " Best wishes during the New Year!"

I hope that next year will be better than last.

The New Year is always associated with our new hopes and dreams.

This is a pleasant moment to receive gifts on New Year's Eve.

I usually get a lot of good useful things from my parents and relatives.

My parents exposed their gifts to the New Year's tree.

We stay up until the morning, we watch TV, dance, eat delicious things and tell jokes.

I enjoy this holiday very much.

How we celebrate New Year

New Year is my favorite family holiday. All ours Friendly family gets together, dad, mom, grandma and me. We begin to prepare for the holiday in advance. To do this, choose the most beautiful and fluffy Christmas tree. We decorate it together and be sure to hang garlands. We decorate the windows with snowflakes that we make ourselves. Very interesting and exciting to do Christmas decorations with your own hands. The house sparkles, smells of tangerines and Christmas trees. The mood immediately rises and you can feel the holiday approaching.

Mom and grandmother prepare different dishes for the New Year's table. The signature treat in our house is goose baked with apples and, of course, not cake. On New Year's Eve, guests come to us with congratulations. I help my mother and grandmother set the table beautifully and arrange the treats.

In our family it is customary to give gifts New Year. I make my own gifts and put them under the Christmas tree so that my parents and grandmother can open them in the morning. I also look forward to the morning to receive a gift that I really look forward to. On New Year's Eve at exactly 12 o'clock, our whole family listens to the president's congratulations and makes sure to make our deepest wishes, which must certainly come true in the coming year!

After the chiming clock, we go out into the street and set off fireworks and salutes, congratulate all passers-by and accept congratulations ourselves. We return home in a friendly company and continue to celebrate and have fun. Let's play funny Games, guess charades, watch New Year's concerts and dance. Ahead the winter vacation, ice skating, sledding, snowball fights!

My parents and I are sure to new year holidays we go for winter walks in the forest, the whole family goes skiing. We also go to visit friends and have fun. I'm looking forward to this holiday!

How I spent the New Year with my family essay 5th grade

I, like many others, believe in miracles and look forward to them with great impatience. Most often they happen on the most magical night, while the clock strikes twelve! Yes, yes, exactly on New Year's Eve!

We always celebrate the New Year with the whole family! My dad, my sister and I always go to choose the fluffiest beautiful spruce, and mom cooks festive table! Arriving home, we install it and take out the treasured boxes of tinsel and bright Christmas tree decorations for the green, fluffy beauty! We also always hang sweets and tiny tangerines on the green spruce, this makes it not only beautiful and bright, but also delicious! When we decorate the tree, our whole family remembers funny stories, and the cat always buries himself in the rain and lies in it. At this moment, it seems that everything around is saturated with magic and miracles!

Having decorated the Christmas tree, we begin decorating the rooms and windows. We hang garlands with bright light bulbs around the room and draw the most beautiful pictures on the windows. beautiful snowflakes. My sister and I believe that Santa Claus will appreciate our window creativity.

And now it’s time to pick up the phone and congratulate all your loved ones on the New Year’s magic, wish them a lot of good things and invite everyone to visit us at the festive table.

Closer to the chimes, mom and dad finish their adult chores around the house and make the final touches in preparation for the holiday. Now the guests have already begun to come up and sit down at a beautifully and deliciously set table, each of them also brings with them some little thing... some salad, some a souvenir, but it’s all so pleasant and fun!

At exactly twelve we all watch the President’s congratulations, and when the clock on the high tower strikes, everyone shouts “HURRAY!” and wish each other all the best in the coming year. Then we all go outside with sparklers and fireworks. Random passers-by are not afraid of communication and celebrate this magical night with us, everyone congratulates each other, plays snowballs, skates on ice and it seems that they sincerely believe that this year will be the happiest and most successful! Looking at all this, you don’t want this night to end, because everything is imbued with faith in fairy tales and miracles!

This was my New Year!

Essay on the topic How I spent the New Year, 3rd grade

New Year is a time of miracles. Both adults and children love this holiday.

We schoolchildren love the New Year very much. Not only because it is one of the main holidays of the year, but more because of the very atmosphere of the holiday. I like how our school celebrates this holiday. First, all students primary classes gather in the assembly hall, where high school students, one by one, show them a performance. This performance is Christmas story, with various classic characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, bunnies, foxes and so on. After this, we went to gym, where there was a decorated Christmas tree. All the guys were already in their festive costumes. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden came to us, we danced in circles, played Interesting games, it was a lot of fun. Having played enough, all the classes went to their classrooms, where the parents had already prepared everything for the festive tea party.

The day after the “school tree” came the holiday itself - the New Year. In the morning, under our Christmas tree, I found a beautiful box containing a large car. I really liked it and played with it all day. In the evening, before the chimes, my parents and I went to the main square of the city, where there were a lot of people. People were cheerful, lit sparklers, congratulated each other. And when the clock struck exactly twelve times, we were deafened by festive fireworks.

Definitely, the New Year is a special holiday when a feeling of miracle is in the air.

2, 3, 4, 5, 6 grade

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(180 words) New Year is the most important and favorite holiday in my family. We always look forward to it!

Preparations for this wonderful holiday begin long before December 31st. At the beginning of the month, my mother and I go shopping and buy new toys and decorations for the house. Then my parents and I write a letter to Santa Claus - I always indicate my cherished desires. Like other schools, we have New Year's parties. For them I always learn new poems and prepare a beautiful, bright dress. And a few days before the holiday itself, I draw cards and make various crafts for my family.

When December 31st comes, my parents and I watch movies and shows all day, cook food and wrap gifts. In the evening, relatives come to us with gifts. I always wonder what they will give this time! Then we sit down at the table and wait for the New Year to come. After the chimes, my whole family and I go outside to set off the fireworks. Then comes the time for dancing, singing and fun. We go to bed happy and content. I really love celebrating the New Year with my family!

For boy

(184 words)

The New Year always promises gifts. So I'm waiting for December 31st to have some fun! But before the cherished day there is always careful preparation. My parents and I always wake up early to have time to do all the planned things. Mom and dad start cleaning the apartment. I, of course, help them with this. We wipe every corner and put things in order even on the furthest shelves.

Then, a few hours later, we go shopping for food for the New Year's table. After this, mom starts cooking. She always turns on New Year's songs and sings along to them. Dad and I are also joining her!

Later in the evening, my parents go to the Christmas tree market and buy a real beauty of coniferous trees. We dress her up with all kinds of toys, tinsel and garlands. Then grandparents come to us. They always give me cars, robots and puzzles. At about 11 pm we sit down at the table and wait for the president’s speech. After midnight, already in the new year, we begin to exchange gifts and wish all the best. It's never complete without dancing and having fun! We already go to bed closer to morning. I really love celebrating New Year with my family and always look forward to this holiday!

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New Year is a family holiday, and every family has its own rituals that make it special. They set the mood and truly bring us together.

Today website collected stories about traditions that fill the holiday with wonders of comfort and warmth.

  • On the last Saturday before the New Year, dad always goes to get the Christmas tree, and we all wait for him and unpack the toys that have been languishing on the mezzanine all year.
  • When everyone gets together New Year's table, we definitely give each other some kind of compliment. Last year, the most original of them was from my sister: she said that I have the most beautiful ears in the family.
  • And here it is customary: whoever does not cook Olivier does not eat it. Therefore, on December 31, the whole family, in one impulse, spends in the kitchen, cutting salads and immediately eating half of them.
  • Every year we buy a new Christmas ball. The oldest one has already survived 54 Christmas trees - my grandfather bought it in the first year after his wedding with his grandmother.
  • For the New Year we make dumplings. Every time. Hundred. Three generations. And when someone starts grumbling that it’s much easier to buy them, grandma says that dumplings are the soul of the holiday. But you can't buy a soul.
  • We have this tradition: everyone writes some kind of prediction on pieces of paper, for example, “there will be a big purchase” or “you will learn something unexpected about your soul mate” - then the pieces of paper are folded and put in a box. Everyone takes turns pulling it out, everyone looks at what they got, rolls it up again, and writes their name. They put it back in this magic box, and after a year they take it out and check whether it came true or not. And guess what? Almost everything comes true.

© (c) Elena Karneeva

  • As a child, every year my mother collected sweet gifts for my brother and me with all sorts of goodies. We haven't lived with our parents for a long time. Recently my mother called and said that gifts were waiting for us under their Christmas tree. And at the age of 26, I rushed to pick up a bag of sweets.
  • We live in a small town and on New Year's Eve we definitely try to visit all our friends - at least for a couple of minutes to drop by and congratulate them. This way no one feels lonely on holiday.
  • When I was little, every year my mother and I made one toy for the Christmas tree with our own hands. As a teenager I thought: “What kind of nonsense is this, why does she hang them up all the time, it would be better if they bought normal balloons.” And yesterday, together with my three-year-old son, we made a toy for our Christmas tree for the first time, and this little clumsy sheep made of a pine cone and colored paper seems to me the most beautiful toy in the world.
  • It’s probably funny, but we still watch “The Irony of Fate” every year. Without her, the New Year is not new.
  • But we don’t buy a live tree for the New Year - we put up an artificial one. We have it big, and dad always collects it. And the first toy is hung by the youngest member of the family - my nephew. Dad picks him up and he places a gold star on the top of the tree.
  • I don’t know where this came from, but this is what we do: you throw a piece of chocolate into a New Year’s glass of champagne and look. If he surfaced, the year would be good; if he drowned, it would be so-so. So, if you throw a not very large and fairly flat piece, in any case, expect a successful year. No surprises. Verified.
  • Three weeks before the holiday, we start counting down - we hang a special calendar on the refrigerator, on which it says “There are... days left until the New Year.” You can feel yourself getting closer to him.
  • In our family, when the chimes strike, we always set fire to a piece of paper with a wish, fill the ashes with champagne and drink. This year I brought my girlfriend to celebrate with us for the first time. She looked at us with big eyes and then told me that, in fact, you can make a wish without burnt cellulose. In general, you will have to somehow instill in her a love of romance.
  • We send to friends and relatives New Year cards. Everyone says: Internet, telephone, why is this needed at all? But the feeling from a “live”, real postcard is not at all the same as from a picture on the Internet. You take it out of the mailbox, read the handwritten wishes, and you feel a little warmer.
  • I always celebrate New Year with my family. Friends, colleagues - this is all before or after. But on the night of the 1st - only at home. Olivier, tangerines and, of course, my mother’s signature raspberry pie.
  • We have a special New Year's service - large, elegant, very beautiful. For me, it symbolizes the holiday better than all Christmas trees and salads.
  • Since we started our little family, we have been celebrating with my husband and cat. But the next day we will definitely go to our parents for last year’s salads, I call it “to finish up.” And my husband says that he and I are annoying and we need to let our parents sleep. But noooo, I will never cancel this tradition.
  • Every year we arrange a family New Year's photo session - we get together and take pictures near the Christmas tree. There's already a whole album: it's interesting to see how everyone changes, but still stays together.
  • When the Christmas tree is decorated, we gather around it with the whole family and say, “Christmas tree, light up!” and turn on the garland. From now on we are ready to celebrate the New Year.

New Year is a good reason to add something new to your life. And it doesn’t matter whether your family is young or not - it’s never too late to resume old traditions or come up with new ones!

Perhaps it is these bright and joyful moments that your child will remember, will remember them with warmth after many years and will keep them in his family.

Here are ideas for traditions, rituals and just pleasant everyday little things that you can take note of.

- Celebrate the New Year with your family.

Make an advent calendar or countdown to the New Year.

Making Christmas decorations and making a figurine of an animal symbolizing
the coming year.

On the eve of the holiday, hide it under the child’s pillow small gifts or notes from Santa Claus.

Place holiday harbingers around the apartment.

A week before the New Year, give up everything tasty so that holiday treats bring real joy not only to children, but also to adults!

- Collect unnecessary things and take them to charitable organizations.

Send homemade greeting cards.

Go to the library before the New Year and choose a thematic book there that you will read every evening.

Put books about Christmas, New Year and just on the shelf winter themes. Read them on the eve of the holiday and throughout the winter, and then put them away again. Every year we find new books that are age-appropriate for children.

- Make a photo album with pictures of the most interesting and significant events of this year
of the year. Before the holiday, look at albums from previous years.

Write down on paper the saddest, most offensive and unpleasant moments of the past year, especially if they bother your child (or you), and burn the list.

Write a list of promises and wishes for the next year. Read it next year and note what you managed to implement. You can also cut and paste pictures from magazines if your child cannot write.

Before the New Year, change something in the interior of the house: rearrange the furniture or replace the covers and upholstery on it, change the curtains, tablecloth, towels or shower curtain.

For the holiday, take out the New Year's service and tablecloth. For example, made by yourself.

Do Christmas costumes to all family members and pets.

- Every year, arrange a photo shoot for the whole family, including grandparents and other close relatives. Or just take a photo every year in front of the Christmas tree. Over time, there will be more and more such photographs, and it will be very interesting to watch how family members change.

Make a photo album with pictures of significant events of the past year. Remember and discuss the happiest moments.

Decorate the Christmas tree, prepare salads and decorate the apartment while listening to good New Year's songs. These could be soulful retro hits of Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong or old Soviet songs.

Bake gingerbread or cookies. Collect all kinds of baking molds and decorations and make as many different gingerbread cookies as possible. Put them all in one bag and invite your guests to pull out one gingerbread at a time: what falls out is what awaits them in the coming year. You'll have to use a lot of imagination to figure out what a squirrel, clown, star or house means. You can also hang gingerbread cookies on the tree and, starting from January 1st, eat one piece at a time, and when there is not a single gingerbread left, remove the tree.

- The youngest member of the family begins to decorate the Christmas tree. You can hang first homemade toy, for example, with the symbol of the coming year. Or start decorating the Christmas tree with a new toy every year.

When the Christmas tree is decorated, gather with the whole family and say in unison: “Christmas tree, light up!” and turn on the garland.

Figure out how to give gifts on New Year's Eve: discreetly place gifts under the tree so that the child opens them the night before or on New Year's Eve, put gifts in one large bag and then distribute them to everyone gathered, gifts are given by Santa Claus, the child finds gifts under the tree the next day morning.

Give your grandparents photo gifts every year.

Give gifts to all pets, be it a dog, a hamster or an aquarium fish.

Watch the same movie with the whole family every year, for example “Home Alone”, “Frost”, “Carnival Night”, “Miracle on 34th Street”.

- Leave a special gift under the Christmas tree for the apartment in which you live. This could be a new painting, a carpet, or even a “certificate” for installing windows or a new kitchen. And also smaller items to replace those that may have become unusable over the years: a toothbrush cup, cutting boards, a trash can or a doormat.

Make peace with friends and relatives before the New Year, ask for forgiveness, so as not to bear resentment in the coming year.

Thank each of those gathered at the table for some specific spiritual qualities or actions. Or just take turns giving compliments and good words each other.

Place almonds in a cake or salad. Whoever gets it will have a happy event in the New Year.

Place small gifts in slippers every day until the Old New Year, if the child did not forget to put the slippers under the Christmas tree. Also, gifts (for example, just candy) can be placed under the pillow or in a Christmas stocking.

- Every year, make a gnome from the trunk of a used Christmas tree.

On Christmas Eve (the evening before Christmas) put twelve different dishes or at least twelve different products on the table.

Fortune telling at Christmas, for example, with wax. Pour the melted wax into a bowl of water, and when it hardens, place it on a contrasting background and try to guess what kind of figure it is and what it reminds you of.