How to learn to dance. How to learn to dance in a club - tips and video lessons. Benefits of learning dance at home

We all want something. Some want to see Machu Picchu with their own eyes, some want to get a dog, and some want to learn to dance. Sometimes such dreams, due to lack of time, money or laziness, gradually become unrealistic. If your problem is: “I want to learn to dance, but I don’t know where to start,” then this article is just for you! So let's get straight to the point!

First, you should familiarize yourself with simple techniques on how to start dancing lessons from scratch.

Conquer your fears

“I’m too clumsy and fat to dance”, “I’m no longer young to be flexible”, “Everyone will watch me twitch ridiculously to the music”, “What a shame it would be if I pressed someone’s leg!” etc.

Sounds familiar? Then the first step towards a dance future is to write all your fears on a piece of paper and throw it in the trash!
Remember: There is no age, height or build that is unsuitable for dancing. You just need to choose a rhythm in which you will be comfortable moving - that is, choose a dance direction. And if you really need dance classes, let them bring you only confidence and joy.

And the risk of stepping on a foot is the same typical danger for a dancer as getting an electric shock for electricians. But the consequences are incomparable. It's okay if one day someone steps on your foot.

If this is no longer scary, move on to the next stage.

Start moving

To learn to dance, starting to move independently at the first stage will be quite enough.

If the beginning for you, as in the famous saying, is still “hard trouble,” you can master the style at home. A computer and a mirror will be your faithful assistants in this matter.

The algorithm is simple: we find a video lesson on the Internet in the chosen direction, turn it on and try to repeat it. The reflection will tell you what is already working and what still needs to be corrected.

It will also be useful to improvise. Turn on your favorite music and move the way you like. You don’t have to look in the mirror, because the process itself is important.

The advantages of home training: you train in your usual conditions at a comfortable pace of mastering the material. Whenever you want and as much as you want. No one is looking at you, which provides psychological comfort for the newcomer.

A significant disadvantage here is the lack of control from an experienced trainer. Difficulties in mastering complex movements and tricks (for example, during breakdancing lessons) often arise. also involves a lot of complex movements, which you are unlikely to be able to study on your own. Plus another minus - the possibility of harming your health by performing movements incorrectly on your own and incorrectly distributing the load on joints and muscles. But home dancing lessons for beginners in order to give themselves confidence are quite acceptable and will undoubtedly be useful.

Sign up for a dance school

Whether you like it or not, you will eventually run out of options. self-study. You will need the help of experienced choreographers or simply want new horizons. That's when it will become topical issue“Where can I learn to dance?”

A sense of rhythm, smooth and graceful movements, and relaxedness are not given to all people. Many girls, coming to a club or finding themselves at a corporate party, are embarrassed to make an awkward step, seem clumsy, are afraid of looking stupid, so they huddle against the wall. At the same time, every representative of the fair sex wants to catch admiring glances and be successful with men. Without the opportunity to regularly attend specialized classes, many girls wonder how to learn to dance at home.

Experts advise, nevertheless, to seek help from professionals, but admit the possibility of mastering choreographic wisdom on your own. To do this, they give a number of tips to help prepare yourself for the process and comprehend the science of dance.

  • Love the music. If you are learning choreography at home, you need to listen to the recordings everywhere: in the car or on public transport, at work or during breaks in your studies, when you return to your own home in the evening or wake up in it in the morning. Firstly, music imbues you with energy and rhythm from the inside, and secondly, it generates emotions necessary for beginners who comprehend the science of dance.
  • Develop physical strength. Dancing and sports stand next to each other, and to practice you will need strong legs and toned muscles throughout the body. In the morning and immediately before independent exercise, a warm-up is necessary, which will warm up all the ligaments and avoid injuries.
  • Work on your sense of rhythm. This quality can be developed even if you were not born with such talent. Move to the music, count to the music, cook, clean, get dressed and walk down the street, trying on the musical rhythm. Such skills are an excellent basis for dance skills.
  • Overcome your laziness. Is it possible to learn to dance at home if a girl is lying on the couch? No, it won't work that way. Only your strong will, desire and ability to tune in to work determines the success of the event.
  • Take care of free space. It is necessary for comfortable activities. If necessary, rearrange the furniture, remove everything unnecessary, and make sure the floor is not slippery. Try to practice in front of a mirror: this is one of the most important conditions for how a girl can learn to dance.
  • Don't forget about clothes. Many people think that if we talk about how you can learn to dance at home, appearance doesn't matter. This is wrong. If you make it a rule to change clothes before an impromptu lesson, this will become a certain disciplinary moment. Buy comfortable, breathable leggings (a tight style allows you to see your movements in the mirror), a T-shirt or tank top that does not restrict movement, and suitable shoes.

Instructions from professional choreographers

  • Decide which direction you like. Even if you are delighted with all dances, from classical to breakdancing, you need to start with something specific. Set yourself a small challenge, such as club dancing. It will not be possible for beginners to cover several areas at once - you will simply get confused and quickly lose both interest and incentive. The decision to learn how to dance modern dances at home needs to be specified for yourself, and after mastering the basic skills, move on to something else.
  • If you can’t sign up for courses with a professional, purchase a CD with a training video or find what you need on the Internet.
  • Exercise regularly. It is not necessary to dance every day for two hours - make it a rule to do it three times a week. Big plans very often end in failure: a person cannot carry out his plans and loses interest in a new business.
  • Start with a warm-up. Without it, you can damage ligaments or suffer other injuries.
  • Divide the lesson into four parts: warm-up, repetition of the material covered, new material, relaxation or cool down. This way you will organize your lessons and spend your time in the most optimal way.
  • When talking about how to learn to dance beautifully, one cannot fail to mention overcoming embarrassment. Without this, all efforts will be in vain. We learn mainly right at the event, surrounded by the same dancing people. Convince yourself that there are girls like you around, they came to have fun and move to the music, and you are no worse than them. Liberation in dance is, first of all, a decision to follow own desires without regard to the opinion of the crowd.

A few more nuances

A good experience for anyone who is wondering how to learn to dance is to read specialized forums. There you will be able to find advice from professionals, questions from beginners that may often come to your mind, ways to solve problems, a description of the results and efforts expended. In addition, on the forums it is easy to find like-minded people and new friends.

Don't neglect watching dance shows. Firstly, you can get new ideas for your own activities from these TV shows. Secondly, criticism of professional choreographers who sit on the jury can also be useful to television viewers.

If you have successfully mastered the basic skills, achieved your goal and want to move on, it is best to do this at a professional dance school. Only studying under the guidance of specialists, their example and constant practice in public will allow you to achieve significant results.

Sometimes self-training in dance is not intended for public performances. Some girls choose choreography as a way to gain a slim and fit figure, confidence and grace, and relieve stress. This is a great option for home fitness because it burns a lot of calories, strengthens muscles and energizes you with positivity and vigor.

You can learn to dance anywhere, including at home. There is nothing shameful or unnatural about acquiring this skill. It's really cool! All that matters is desire, the ability to overcome laziness and the love of beautiful movements to the beat of music.

Every modern girl dreams of learning how to move beautifully. Dance is one of the ways of self-expression, an elegant and unique language of communication with others, an opportunity to demonstrate the attractiveness of your forms and simply have a pleasant time in a bright and cheerful company.

In order to become a dance floor star, it is not at all necessary to delve into the complex canons and rules of choreography as an art. It is enough to master several techniques of modern club dances, allow your body to relax and get rid of insecurity.

Where can I learn the basics of modern dance? There are two options for resolving this issue. The first is to go to a specialized center or fitness club. The second is to take advantage of the endless possibilities of the Internet and take lessons from the world's leading dancers and even show business stars.

Many domestic and foreign resources offer dance courses. In order to start any training program you like, you don’t have to be proficient foreign language, because the language of movements is understandable to absolutely everyone. The main thing is to carefully observe the trainer and repeat the movements after him.

To remove all doubts about dance video lessons on the Internet, let's go over the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

Learning to dance without leaving home: advantages

Let's start with the positive aspects of teaching modern dance at home.

Save timeThere is no need to waste time on the road (after all, there may not be a dance studio nearby), subordinate the usual daily chart given task, sacrifice other important events for its sake. You can study at home at any convenient time, be it morning, afternoon or late evening
Saving financesLearning to dance in a club is not a cheap pleasure, and you also need to add travel expenses. Home “self-education” will allow you to save money for other pleasant purchases
Psychological comfortNot all girls are naturally gifted with the ability to move beautifully and smoothly. Some people have to work hard to achieve their goal. The presence of other group members can be embarrassing and prevent full relaxation and self-disclosure. And these are very important components of success in mastering dance. Alone with yourself, you can experiment with your own body as much as you like, learning the basics of dance and then honing the acquired skills

Home dance training: cons

As with any business, there are disadvantages to learning modern dance within the walls of your own home. However, they are not so great as to become a serious obstacle to the implementation of the plan.

Lack of spaceFor dancing you will need a free space of at least two by two meters. If the room is too small, dedicating even a small area for active movement can be a problem. However, the advantage of club dances is that they have many modifications. Many of them allow you to move beautifully and rhythmically practically while standing in one place.
Lack of mirrorsThe process of learning to dance is more effective if you look at your reflection in the mirror. However, this nuance will not become an obstacle if you have an ardent desire and firm confidence in your intentions. The learning process can be divided into two parts - first, repeat the movements of the virtual teacher, looking at the monitor or TV screen, and then practice the acquired skills in front of a mirror in the place where there is one in the apartment
Lack of a critical view from the outsideClasses without a teacher are fraught with mistakes that no one will point out. Therefore, you need to prepare to spend more time on self-study. On the other hand, complete freedom of action and personal pace of mastering movements will allow you to feel the dance from the inside and get used to the process with all the cells of the body.

Where to begin

So, if the decision in favor of teaching modern dance at home has been made, you need to determine the sequence of actions.

  1. Find dance lessons online. At first glance, this task will seem simple, because for the request “Modern dance lessons”, the search engine will offer dozens of thematic resources. In fact, you can spend several hours and even days until you find the course that you need. The criterion by which you can understand this is sympathy for everything that you see and hear in these video lessons. The presenter’s voice and manner of presenting information, his appearance, ability to move, musical accompaniment, the quality of the image and sound, the environment of the studio from which the recording is being made - all this should inspire confidence and respect in you. As long as you have doubts about the correct choice, continue your search. Your personal success in mastering dance skills directly depends on your willingness to perceive information with ease and pleasure.
  2. Define a clear schedule. Maintaining discipline is a difficult but very important point in homeschooling. “Pull yourself together” and head to the training center, even in the absence of inspiration, is much easier if you have paid money for a subscription and set specific limits for the training regime. When learning on your own, you will have to train your willpower at the same time. Postponement individual lessons for later, skipping scheduled lessons without a good reason is unlikely to lead to success.
  3. Buy a uniform for classes. It is a mistake to believe that when dancing at home, you can do without special clothing and shoes. In fact, dance “equipment” plays a huge role in moving towards success. Firstly, the “right” appearance sets the tone for the lesson and creates a certain mood. Secondly, dancewear perfectly emphasizes the figure and gives the girl an elegant look, which, in turn, has a positive effect on self-esteem and makes her move forward. However, it is not at all necessary to immediately buy a dance uniform. To begin with, you can get by with sports leggings and a T-shirt, but it is important that the clothes are beautiful and fit well on your figure. Stretched sweatpants and slippers certainly won’t inspire the look of a dance floor star. But as for shoes, it is better to wear shoes with low, stable heels from the very beginning. This way, your legs and core will become accustomed to dance moves in the type of shoes typically used in club dress codes.

After the necessary preparations, you can safely begin to master seductive and bewitching movements.

What else should you pay attention to?

Dancing is not only about technically correct body movements. It is also a radiant smile, sparkle in the gaze, general charm and charm. Therefore, before each home lesson, you should set yourself in the right mood. If you are not in the mood or are overcome by laziness, you can listen to your favorite music or spontaneously move to fiery rhythms.

Practicing looks and smiles in front of a mirror, reading articles on the rules of coquetry, communication, and the secrets of seduction are encouraged. Also, do not forget about the gait and royal posture. In addition to dance lessons, you can perform exercises to straighten the spine and stretch the back muscles, the ability to stand beautifully, and hold your head correctly.

Drawing conclusions, it remains to add that to master the art of modern dance, heavy sacrifices and hardships are not at all necessary. But patience, hard work, systematicity and discipline in this noble cause will not be superfluous.

After some time of hard work, every girl will be able not only to have fun in the whirlwind of a vibrant club life, but to attract the admiring glances of others and be one hundred percent confident in her own irresistibility. And all this thanks to the ability to dance!

Video – Dance hall

Video - Nightclub combination for girls

Video - How to Learn Twerking

Video - G0-G0

Video - How to learn to dance beautifully in a club

People often pay attention to the opinions of others. It seems to them that if something doesn’t work out for them, they will be judged and discussed. This also applies to the ability to dance. Many people do not go to study at a dance studio only because they are afraid of looking funny, or because they believe that their age or physique does not allow them to attend such events. This is a big misconception!

Don't despair. Beginning amateurs can learn to dance beautifully at home, on their own. We will tell and show you how to do this.

What does dance give?

There are many benefits to dancing:

  • the ability to maintain physical fitness;
  • maintaining optimal weight;
  • new acquaintances, communication;
  • good mood.

If you have a desire, do it. Start with simple recommendations for beginners who will read and see on this page.

Where to begin?

So, you have decided to learn dancing at home. How to learn to dance at home, where is the best place to start?

There are many tutorials and tutorials available to help beginners learn to dance at home. But they are unlikely to help - you need practice. You can consult with friends, acquaintances, watch the performances of professionals.

In order to learn to dance at home, first decide which dances you like best. Focus on a specific style. This is important because different dance styles require a specific image.

Some people like fast, fiery Latin American dances, others will choose smooth, mysterious iconic Indian movements. Many people prefer the waltz as a classic. There are many options, so try to find yours.

First of all, stop being ashamed of yourself at home. Many people are ashamed of even their reflection in the mirror. Understand that you are doing this only for yourself, no one sees you and the first, awkward movements will remain alone with you.

You need to choose a certain style according to your temperament. Once the style is chosen, try to choose a suit for home activities. This is necessary to fully match the image.

Don't worry that you don't have a partner for the waltz yet - one will appear over time.

To learn how to dance at home for beginners, we can recommend educational video courses. Memorize different techniques, try to repeat them, listen to music, feel the rhythm of the dance.

Most important point from the beginning of learning at home - to open up to yourself. You decided to learn first of all for yourself. When you realize that you are no longer ashamed of your own reflection in the mirror, you can proceed to the next stage.

Before classes, beginners can be advised to do a regular physical exercise warm-up. Warm up your muscles to avoid strain from sudden movements.

Basic Lessons

It is possible to learn to dance at home. Try hip-hop, tectonics, break dancing, strip dance. Let's look at street dances, which are easier to start with:

  • street dance Professional movements are not necessary here. You can mix different directions and add some tricks of your own. Use a combination of rhythmic, sharp and smooth movements. Be yourself, relax, show your imagination;
  • listen to the music, follow its rhythm. This is the secret of street tricks;
  • Street dancing does not require consistency and certainty in movements. You dance, improvise on the go;
  • When dancing, do not forget about your hands - they also participate.

For those who want to master basic movements and learn how to dance beautifully at home, there are video lessons offered below.

Don't forget to choose music that matches the dance.

You can choose any dance direction that you like. The main thing is that it matches your mood and desires. Start - you won’t notice how you will begin to feel more confident at various club and corporate parties, and gradually learn.

Man dancing

There is an opinion that only girls need dancing skills. This is wrong, because in this way a man can interest the girl he likes, express his mood and emotions. How can a man learn to dance beautifully at home?

You can again turn to friends, or watch them at a club or at a party. Watch more dance video lessons. To learn to dance, you need more trials and practice. Start your day with music and dance moves in front of the mirror. Learning to dance for a guy is not as difficult as it seems.

Many guys like to dance while brushing their teeth or cooking something. Use these techniques in club dances! There are not many professional dancers in discos and clubs. Young people improvise more. Knowing a few basic dance techniques for beginners, you can safely go dancing.

Style without limits

Hip-hop - modern style, suitable for very young girls. This cool dance for girls is not at all difficult to learn at home.

The main thing in this style is to attract attention. If there is a sense of rhythm, a love of music, and a desire to please others, then there will be no problems for beginners.

Learning the techniques will bring a lot of pleasure and lift your spirits. You can watch the video on how to learn how to dance hip-hop beautifully at home.


  1. Explore different styles. This is interesting. Dance provides an opportunity for positive communication, regardless of age.
  2. Once you learn to dance, you can get acquainted with different people, communicate with them without hesitation. Dance other than pleasant physical activity you get a wonderful mood.
  3. Any movement begins with a warm-up. And these are already the first, easy sports activities.

You understand how cool it is to learn to dance at home. Having mastered basic dance movements, you can surprise your friends or please your loved one. And dancing has only a positive effect on your overall well-being.

Everyone dances a little at home without even noticing it. While standing under the shower, you can hum and dance. Don't just stand there while making your morning coffee - turn on the music, make smooth movements. Trust your movements to the mirror more often. This is already the beginning of self-learning dance techniques.

Video lessons

Do you think dancing is not your thing? Don't pay attention to the smirks of your friends who think that they, unlike you, know how to dance. Don’t create complexes within yourself, but pull yourself together and simply learn to move to the music and even without it so that it is impossible to take your eyes off you.

Maybe you will become the winner of one of the dance projects - you will earn money, find your calling and do what you have long dreamed of.

Everybody dance! Down with complexes and stereotypes

Can a man look masculine in dancing and how to achieve this? And how can a girl learn to dance a passionate and spectacular twerk when she doesn’t leave the house to go to clubs? If you put in the effort, believe that you can do it and add assertiveness, then anything is possible.

There is a lot of evidence of this, be it a dance in a couple, for example, a passionate bachata or a romantic waltz, or a single club dance. Both a guy and a girl can look good in any of these styles. Let's figure out what's best for you, taking into account your age, build, physical fitness and dance experience in general.

You have two options. Find a studio or, if you think you need to “get into shape” first, find out how to learn to dance at home.

What will you need for this?

Quite literally the following:

  • A computer, or better yet a laptop, that can be conveniently positioned at the height of your view. You should not use a tablet or smartphone for this purpose. Often in dancing there is a lot small movements, which on a small screen may go unnoticed by you;
  • Naturally, access to the Internet. Where else can you find so much wise advice and video tutorials? Subscribe to Youtube channels, look for groups on social networks. And if you don’t like the “school” of your compatriots, finding sensible videos on English-language resources for the request dance will not be difficult for you. And don’t let the language barrier become a hindrance for you. Dance is a universal body language that will tell you without words how to learn to dance bachata at home or master a couple of popular club dances.
  • Comfortable clothes. But not stretched out old “sweatpants”. " Why, no one sees...“- don’t justify yourself with this before learning how to dance hip-hop at home or any other dances. The art of dance, even something as aggressive as krump, requires respect. And it’s better for you to immediately learn to dance the shuffle, as if you were on stage in a club, and not at home. To do this, take care of a decent outfit.
  • Mirror in full height. These conditions are mandatory! You must see whether you are performing the movements correctly. Remember that when you go to a club, other people will be looking at you. Don't give them a reason to doubt your abilities.
  • Good mood and confidence that everything will work out. This is important for the success of the event. And don’t believe that someone born to crawl cannot dance. People who tell in the video how each of them learned to dance and mastered fashionable tectonics, popping, kizomba or bachata at home also did not come to this right away.

To the machine! Which direction should you choose?

You can understand what you like and what your body will like from the first lessons. Try yourself in several styles and directions. If your goal is to tear up the dance floor in style, choose club dances (jazz-funk, go-go, shuffle, vogue, tectonic).

What are they good for? They do not require special training– stretching, strength training for performing powermoof elements from breakdancing or complex steps from classical choreography and ballet. In addition, these trends are universal and correspond to the “spirit of the times” and club culture as a whole.

Once you have mastered the basic movements of modern dances, which largely repeat each other in several styles, you can move on to other areas. Romantically inclined people especially like salsa and bachata.

Learning the basic steps and learning how to “sway” your hips beautifully is the first thing you need to master. This can also be done at home, since not everyone feels comfortable in a dance studio environment where it seems like you're the only one who can't do what you need.

Having gained confidence at home, go to hone your skills on partners, because both of these dances are performed in pairs, with beautiful elements - transitions and supports.

An excellent option for you would be to participate in an open master class, which is often conducted by famous trainers for free or almost nothing. For these purposes, they use spacious premises that can accommodate hundreds of people, and even open areas where such flash mobs are held. Search thematic groups on social networks and leave a request to participate.

An open lesson is a great way to overcome shyness and meet new students like you or find experienced mentors. If such collective events are not held in your city, you still have a chance to find a club of similar interests. Study the posters and programs of local night clubs.

You may be able to find a salsa or bachata party on the schedule. Feel free to go there. These events involve instructors and choreographers who will be happy to help you learn the moves as a couple.

Features of styles

Tectonic incorporates elements of hip-hop, popping and locking. As a hybrid style, it attracts the attention of young people because of its pace. It is performed to electro house music.

The shuffle, at first glance, is a little similar to its predecessor. However, it is based on other movements from jazz. This is step. This dance is characterized by mannered performance and rigid movements.

Popping is based on a dance technique where, during the dance, relaxed movements of the arms and legs quickly alternate with muscle contractions. A good performer can create the illusion that it is not a person who is moving, but a well-pumped robot.

Bachata (modern and urbana) is a sensual couples dance originally from the Dominican Republic. Its history is somewhat similar to the history of tango, when the dance was the lot of the lower classes. But this is one of the most sincere dances. Performed to moderate tempo music. The goal of bachata is maximum intimacy between partners.

Salsa is distinguished by a wide variety of movements, figures and patterns in which partners move. It combines several genres at once - mambo and popular ballroom dancing direction cha-cha-cha. Like bachata, salsa is a type of Latin American dance.