How to choose the right clothing style for a man. Men's clothing styles - how to determine your clothing style: casual, sports, hipster, grunge, punk rock. Discounts and promotions

How to look fashionable, stylish, confident and be successful with women? Rules of male style that every representative of the stronger sex over 18 years old should know.

There is nothing more tiring in the world than paranoidly following fashion. British fashion designer Vivienne Westwood said: “Buy less, choose better and do it yourself.” It is more important not to be fashionable, but to feel style. The men's magazine site will tell you the rules of men's style that every man over 18 should know.

20 style rules for men

1. Choose the right clothing size. Many people mistakenly wear clothes that are a size too big or too small. Know your measurements clearly and don’t let sellers slip you things that don’t fit.

2. Compare the color of your belt, shoes and bag. The colors must match or be close. It's better to stick to traditional colors: black, brown or gray.

3. The presence of a belly encourages you to choose a wider cut of trousers or pants.

4. It’s good if the shirt is lighter than the suit. This allows you to look slimmer, fitter and more athletic.

5. Do not wear a belt and suspenders at the same time. This is bad manners.

6. Large men should choose wide tie knots.

7. Choose neutral tones in clothes rather than flashy patterns. This will allow you to stay fashionable longer.

8. Do you like denim clothes? It's best when you wear jeans a shade or two darker than your denim shirt or jacket.

9. Don't forget that denim clothes shouldn't be washed often. To avoid color loss, just rinse it. Before washing, it is recommended to turn the clothes inside out.

10. The jacket sleeve should be short enough so that the shirt cuff is slightly visible.

11. The ideal color of socks is the color of your pants. But exact adherence to the shade is not required. Matching colors will visually lengthen your legs.

12. It is better to choose long socks. When you sit down in a chair, your bare leg may appear between the trouser leg and the sock. It's not beautiful.

13. It is better not to use white socks at all. As a last resort, go to the gym with white sports shoes.

14. Flip-flops are only good for the beach or pool.

15. Do not use bags that do not match the style. Choose a good quality bag instead of a regular sports backpack.

16. Short men should not choose loose-fitting clothes. She makes them lower.

17. Don't wear sunglasses on your head. This loosens the temples and the glasses will not fit well.

18. Cheap shoes are not savings, but madness. Don't skimp on decent shoes.

19. Monitor quality and buy few things.

20. Never pay too much attention to your clothes and style. The most stylish men are the ones who put in the least amount of effort and look a little casual.

Still from the film “Saint Laurent. Style is me"

“A man should look as if he bought his clothes wisely, put them on carefully and completely forgot about them.”- It is with this quote from Hardy Amis that I would like to begin this article. Today we will talk about style. Some people imagine style in a very narrow sense: trousers, a T-shirt and, probably, some shoes.

But what is actually commonly understood by this word in the fashion world?

Style is a complex image, a capacious and broad concept that includes a list of contexts: age, personal preferences, suitability for lifestyle or profession, appropriateness, functionality.

Let's figure out the concept of style together, so that in the future we will not only identify stylish people on the street or in a shopping center, but our goal is to teach you how to apply, or rather, try on, a stylish image for yourself. So, let's begin!

The first association is a strict and expensive suit, isn’t it? Indeed, we will talk about him. A white or light shirt, a tasteful jacket, perfectly pressed trousers, a stylish tie and polished to a shine male shoes- this is the standard. The jacket and trousers should correspond exactly to your size and body structure. A black suit is intended for special occasions, while dark blue and gray are more often worn for business meetings. The accents in the overall classic look are always accessories: belt, cufflinks, watches, scarf (I will talk about this in the next article).

The favorite style of not only teenagers, but also many accomplished men - it’s all about convenience and variety of appearance. There is no guy whose wardrobe lacks sportswear. The sporty style is so versatile that with the right combination of items, you can even wear them to work.

Usually, such clothes are good for training, evening walks, and youth events. And it’s not always a T-shirt, sweatshirt, sweatpants and sneakers, as it might seem at first glance. Nowadays, a huge range of sports items is produced: jackets, windbreakers, down jackets, caps, jeans, wrestling shoes, shirts, sports moccasins, sneakers and much more that can set you apart from the gray mass. The main thing in this matter is to have taste and see yourself as if from the outside, only then will others appreciate your style.

Casual style

I think that now you will discover that you dress most often in this style. Casual has become common for men, casual style for any moment: to college, to work, to a party and even on a date. Men have a lot of questions related to casual, so now I will try to answer them. The style first appeared in the middle of the last century, just at the time when the “Teddy boys” movement existed, whose supporters initially preferred a suit. Nowadays, a casual wardrobe is formed on the basis of the temperament, hobbies, and working conditions of its owner. Agree that a creative person will probably wear bright pants, a checkered shirt and tie a matching scarf around his neck, while a guy who is a rock fan is more likely to wear a flashy T-shirt, faded jeans, chains and stuff like that . But you are unlikely to see an electrician in a classic suit, because his everyday version is workwear. In general, casual style is the most versatile and has no strict boundaries; it is distinguished by a combination of convenience, beauty and practicality. It is also characterized by a combination of several styles, for example, sports and classic, in which case the result is something average and original.

Nowadays, casual includes several subspecies; let’s consider its main directions:

This style cannot be called absolutely business, because there are no mandatory rules for your image and there are no strict requirements for clothing separately. What is meant by business casual? Everything that is comfortable for you in everyday life: sweaters, shirts, vests, jackets, trousers, shoes - these are mainly boots and shoes. As mentioned earlier, this style still differs from the official one, that is, even if it is a suit, the absence of a tie is allowed, and the shirt does not have to be white - use shades of brighter colors.

Casual style with sports elements: sneakers, jeans, T-shirts...
An ideal option for young people who do not like excessive formality, because you can even dress like this for work. As an option: wear jeans, a light, not so formal jacket with one button over a bright T-shirt, moccasins on your feet and take a sports bag with you - your look is ready.

“Smart” means “elegant” and is also close to business-casual. Indeed, this type of casual is characterized by sophistication and neatness. So, this style is in many ways similar to the office style, but if in a classic suit the jacket and trousers should be made of the same fabric, then in a smart suit a combination of, for example, denim and cotton is acceptable. So, a shirt and jeans would be a great combination, but it's too simple. You can wear a vest or jacket and complement it with elegant accessories; here your imagination is not limited. The same goes for shoes - any will do.

Contrary to stereotypes that only women can afford a romantic look, there are very successful combinations men's clothing, as a result of which we get the style of a true romantic. It completely lacks the strict lines and rough features that are inherent, for example, in a formal suit. In a romantic look, you often distinguish between details and accessories, but they should be in reasonable quantities. This style is also characterized by multi-layering (a characteristic feature of the floor style is short clothes on top of longer ones) - appearance It turns out casual, slightly careless. Elements of the romantic style are pastel-colored shirts, vests, jackets, and V-neck jumpers. The top, as a rule, emphasizes wide shoulders - a good example would be the batman style.

When choosing pants, I advise you to pay attention to models such as breeches and skinnies. You can tie a scarf around your neck and put a hat on your head. Both sneakers and men's shoes are suitable as shoes. Separately, you should consider the coloring. In a romantic look, there should be a color contrast: that is, if you are wearing a dark shirt, then you need to choose a lighter bottom - and vice versa. Regarding shoes, this is not so critical, the main thing is that it is combined with the main elements of the image. One more thing - it is important to create an accent on something: let it be a scarf with an interesting ornament or a shirt of an unusual cut/color/with decorations. Where is the romantic style appropriate? This way you can safely dress for a date, for some kind of meeting (not just with a girl), or for the theater.

Modern military clothing does not just copy military uniforms in civilian clothing - it borrows strict cut lines, original solutions, and functional elements. Amateurs and professionals of outdoor recreation, hunting and fishing are very close friends with this style. By far the most recognizable and widespread brand in this style is the camouflage pattern, but you shouldn’t limit yourself to just this pattern. This style uses colors such as khaki, gray, gray-green, beige, brown, black, dark blue. The fabrics used are thick, high-quality cotton, leather, and cashmere. Emphasizing accessories can be glasses, bandanas, scarves, and large bags. Military-style clothing is distinguished, first of all, by reliability and categoricalness.

Hunting is a real man's business, especially in the African savannas under the scorching sun and surrounded by endless sands. The fact that we are geographically far from Africa does not exclude the use of this style in Everyday life. Perhaps just a pith hat and a gun shouldn't be carried around town. T-shirts, jackets, vests, raincoats, trousers, shorts made of cotton and linen with patch pockets and rivets - all this with a predominance of brown, green, beige, olive and mustard shades is a safari-style complex. Additional elements in this case will be leather belts, sword belts, and hats. Increasingly, this style is also manifested in business clothing - a kind of urban safari. Many modern men who lead an active lifestyle, love adventure and prefer comfortable clothing have become adherents of this option.

As you may have noticed, denim clothing can be present in many formats: sports, classic, and so on. But still, denim stands out as a separate men's style. Denim fabric is durable, wear-resistant, comfortable, does not restrict movement, so its scope of application is enormous, which allows it to be used in clothing everywhere: in the office, in a repair shop, in field work, in a club, on a walk, at home. And all this at any time of the year. Such unprecedented versatility allows you to make any mix for your image based on denim clothing, be it trousers, shorts, jacket, vest, warm jacket, shirt or cap, which is why popularity denim style inexhaustible.

It is not at all necessary to put on a national costume and walk around the streets in it, corresponding to the ethnic style. However, this is not prohibited if you have such a desire on national holidays and traditions. Carefully examine your wardrobe, you will probably find clothes of this style in it. Perhaps it knitted sweater with an ornament or a T-shirt with hieroglyphs brought from travels in hot countries, or maybe shorts, breeches or sandals.

Such clothing is usually a carrier of a pattern or print of very variegated colors. Ethnic images are more common in the spring-summer season - it is in the warm seasons that such clothes look elegant and impressive, and are also quite comfortable in them, but also in the winter stylish coat or a jumper with ethnic patterns will keep you warm and cozy.

The style I would like to talk about in conclusion is the avant-garde. Interesting, extraordinary, non-standard - that’s what he is in its purest form. Initially, the avant-garde was a movement in the fine arts, and it could also be found in the interior, but later the avant-garde was presented as an independent style of clothing, the founder of which was fashion designer Pierre Cardin.

Usually the avant-garde is chosen by people who are always in the spotlight, or simply creative people who are alien to the simplicity of forms. The avant-garde is characterized by asymmetry, geometry, diversity and outrageousness, and a variety of bright, eye-catching details. There are no strict canons in the avant-garde; everything is subordinated primarily to the designer’s imagination. Often an image created exclusively in this style does not look so bold - in some cases it is simply not appropriate. Could you show up to the office wearing parachute pants, a velvet shirt and bulky accessories? I think not, since avant-garde implies a combination of seemingly the most incompatible fabrics and styles. It is characterized by materials such as suede, organza, wool, silk, satin and even metal and plastic. Of course, this is not the entire list, and it would be ridiculous to dress in everything at once. Moreover, this style is not at all intended for work, but if you use some of its elements wisely, combining, for example, with a casual style, you can get a very original image that will set you apart from the gray mass in the good sense of the word. The avant-garde is most advantageous at a concert, on a walk or on vacation.

Let's sum it up

Today we talked about the most common and interesting styles that modern men like. Looking presentable and expressive every day is the task of any man. There is no need to completely destroy your wardrobe and rush to the nearest shopping center for a bulk purchase of clothes in accordance with one of the selected styles. You should think a little and decide what and how you will wear tomorrow and for what occasion. That's all! This is how style appears - real masculine style. And remember: “Fashion changes, but true style never!” Take action! I wish you success!

The older we get, the more we become adept at finding clothes that suit us. At the very beginning of our journey, when we just need to update our wardrobe, we wander aimlessly through hypermarkets and buy just jeans, just a T-shirt or boots. How can a man choose clothes? Few people ask themselves this question. Most often we hear this from wives or girlfriends who pay more attention to their appearance than us men.

One way or another, a man also wears clothes, and in order to create your own style, you need to gain experience and understand what color suits you, what shape fits best. It’s great when, in the times of the global Internet, we have the opportunity to review thousands of photographs with dudes. But even armed with the look you like, you risk either not finding suitable clothes in the store, or the clothes are not tailored to your figure, or the cost of these clothes goes beyond reasonable limits. Has this ever happened to you?

So, let's figure out how to choose the right clothes for a man and highlight the main points that you need to pay attention to in the store.

How to choose clothes for a man

By collecting a wardrobe full of simple, classic and time-tested items, you will not only solve the problem of an empty closet, but will find yourself at the top of style. Why, you ask? The fact is that fashion trends come and go, but the classics are always relevant. By investing in slightly more expensive classics, you are investing in a style that will be “on trend” for years to come.

Let me give you an example. This season (autumn - winter 2014) it is very fashionable to wear a coat with fur collar and leather inserts. I’m not sure that such a coat will look interesting in 2-3 years. Another thing is a classic coat made of wool, Trench or Chesterfield. They will still be relevant in 10 years.

Sticking to the classics does not mean renouncing fashion completely. You can diversify your style with various accessories: a tie, scarf or pocket square of various colors and shades.

The concept of selecting classic clothing is interesting for two reasons:

  1. When you buy classic clothing, you are investing in quality that will last a long time. Obviously, natural materials, which are often used in sewing classic clothing, are more expensive than synthetics. But, when we talk about a “basic wardrobe,” it makes sense to buy one or two items for several years rather than spend money on new “trend” clothes every year.
  2. You can be calm about your stylish look, since most things will be interchangeable. Even when dressing in the dark, you can't go wrong with your choice of coat or trousers.

There is an excellent aphorism: “I am not rich enough to buy cheap things” - this is what Baron Rothschild used to say in his time. If you are interested in reading who it is, then go here.

10 things that should be in your wardrobe

Taking into account all of the above, it is time to create a list of the first 10 essential items that will allow you to create a universal men's wardrobe, suitable for both everyday use and going to any celebration. This wardrobe is suitable for both winter and summer; in any season you can choose the right clothes for yourself. Of course, I will mention clothing brands that you can pay attention to when going to the store, but this is not a panacea. Some brands are suitable for one man, but not at all for another.

All the basic classic things that we will list will help you create a stylish image for the next 10-15 years of your life. Some elements need to be changed after 5-7 years due to wear and tear, but the overall set will allow you to make a good investment in your personal image for many years.

1. Classic men's suit

I recommend purchasing gray or blue as they are the most versatile. A completely black suit is usually worn only on holidays, a very important business meeting or a funeral. In all other cases, a black suit will be out of place.

A few rules will help you choose the right suit size and understand whether it fits you: when putting on a jacket with a T-shirt (underwear) and a shirt, try to hug yourself. If you couldn’t hug, then the suit is too small for you. Next, try squatting in your trousers. If the suit is cracking at the seams or the trousers are hanging and bulging in all directions, the size is not yours.

As for the fit of the suit, it is better to choose a fitted English suit rather than a straight American one. Don't forget to make sure that the jacket sleeves are 1-1.5 centimeters shorter than the shirt sleeves. Sometimes wide models are sewn with short sleeves, which are suitable only for large men with not very long arms.

Stick to a classic style suit. Single-breasted jacket with 2 or 3 buttons, medium-wide lapels and 2 slits (vents) at the back of the jacket. By the way, take a closer look at the material and what the suit is made of. It should be 100% wool from a thread of medium thickness (100-150 units). This suit can be worn all year round, while being durable enough to wear weekly.

A three-piece suit, which in addition to a jacket and trousers also has a vest, is also suitable for purchase. In the top three, you can confidently attend cultural events, such as the theater, for example. By the way, the jacket and trousers can be worn separately from each other. Pants can be worn with knitwear, and a jacket can be worn with jeans and a shirt. The only thing is, try not to get carried away, as you can wear one thing while practically not wearing another. Over time, takka may change color, especially after dry cleaning.

Bolshevik, T.M.Lewin, Marks & Spencer, He By Mango; ZARA, but they supply things to the Russian Federation Bad quality, in Europe and America the choice is much better.

Suitsupply, Reiss (must be ordered in England), Richard James, Charles Tyrwhitt (must be ordered in England, France or the USA), Massimo Dutti, Henderson.

Armani, Brioni, Burberry, Canali, Gieves & Hawkes (must be ordered in England, Japan or the USA), Paul Smith (England).

2. Dress shirt

Important element men's wardrobe- classic shirt. For best view, you should carefully select the cut of your shirt to suit your body type. I recommend taking a closer look at Slim-Fit shirts with a classic mid-width collar. Ideally, the shoulder seams should be level with the width of your shoulders. The collar should not put too much pressure on your neck when you fasten the top button. There should be 2 fingers between the collar and the neck, so before purchasing you should make sure that your fingers fit through without effort. The sleeves should end near your knuckle, where your thumb begins. Remember that the shirt sleeve should peek out slightly from under the jacket sleeve.

The best versatile colors for a dress shirt are white and light blue. As for the length of the shirt, it should be sufficient so as not to come out from under the tucked in trousers. It all depends on your height. I recommend choosing cuffs that allow you to wear cufflinks (there should be a slit next to the buttons - this is the hole for the cufflinks).

What to wear with classic shirt? It can be worn with a suit or with jeans to work or for a walk in the park. A white shirt is a universal option. The only thing is that after several dozen washes, the shirt may turn yellow and lose its presentable appearance. Use special bleaching agents or laundry detergent.

Uniqlo, T.M. Lewin, Next, Henderson.

Jaeger, Reiss, Suitsupply, Jigsaw (you will have to order in England).

Eton, Kilgour, Hackett, Charvet, Richard James, Turnbull & Asser.

3. Men's T-shirt

Your wardrobe should have at least 2-3 T-shirts of different colors. T-shirts should be plain, neutral colors: gray, beige, dark blue, white, burgundy, dark green, and so on. Pink and blue T-shirts cannot be called universal, so I do not recommend them for purchase in the first place. The T-shirt should be practically tight-fitting, without hanging pieces of fabric and an incomprehensible XXXXXL size, like a seller from Central Asia. Sleeves should be short in summer and long in winter (if you are cold).

The length of the T-shirt should be such that it ends at the waist, in the belt area. The collar should be regular, semi-circular or V-neck, without buttons. T-shirts are ideal with jeans and a sports blazer (this is a jacket with stripes in the elbow area). Best image can not found. .

Uniqlo, ASOS, Gap, MEXX, American Apparel, Next.

Hanro, Zimmerli, Sunspel, Derek Rose, James Perse.

4. Skinny dark jeans

Skinny jeans, we mean not completely tight, but slightly tapered. This is important, since very tight ones are suitable only for schoolchildren or teenagers, where it is customary to wear clothes as part of their subculture.

If you want to buy good jeans, then be sure to buy selvedge jeans. Translated from English, “selvedge” means “natural edge”, which is formed along the edges of jeans after processing on a loom. These jeans are not just high quality and durable, they are recognized as benchmarks in the fashion world. At first, these jeans will be a little restrictive for movement, but after a while you will feel like they were made especially for you.

Never buy jeans with any decorations, stripes or holes on the knee! Leave it to fashionistas and informals.

It is better to choose a classic color - light blue with scuffs or dark blue / indigo. Such colors will always be in fashion, and it is much easier to choose a T-shirt or shirt to match such jeans than to match green or burgundy ones.

Wrangler, Uniqlo, ASOS, Cheap Monday, Dr Denim, Carhartt, Tommy Hilfiger.

Nudie Jeans, Levi's, Edwin, Evisu, Lee.

Diesel, A.P.C., Acne, J Brand, Jean Shop, Saint Laurent.

5. V-neck jumper

A jumper is perhaps the best solution for insulating yourself in the cold autumn or winter. It looks great with a shirt, especially if you complement the combination with a tie or bow tie. The jumper looks great with both jeans and trousers.

The best colors for a men's wardrobe are, as usual, classic: black, gray, dark blue, dark brown. By the way, for winter it is better to choose a jumper made from natural merino wool or sheep wool. It would be even better to choose cashmere, but such a jumper will be expensive. During the summer months, a jumper made from cotton or a linen/wool blend will do the trick.

Uniqlo, He By Mango, Selected Homme.

Tommy Hilfiger, Reiss, T.M.Lewin, Suitsupply, Ted Baker.

John Smedley, Johnstons of Elgin, Loro Piana, Paul Smith, Zegna.

6. Navy blazer

A classic men's clothing item that everyone should have in their closet is the navy blue blazer. You can wear it to both a party and a business meeting. The classic version of the blazer is single-breasted, has 2 copper buttons and, of course, has a deep blue color. The length of the blazer should be such that the bottom edge is level with the tip of your thumb when you put your hand down.

Just like with a suit jacket, the blazer should fit you well and not restrict your movement. The blazer should be fitted. The shoulders of the blazer should exactly match the width of your shoulders, and the length of the sleeves should be at a level slightly further from the beginning of the thumb, approximately 1-1.5 cm. Remember, the shirt should peek out slightly from under the sleeves of the blazer. A blazer, like a jacket, should be worn with the bottom button undone so that your movements are natural and do not restrict your movements.

He By Mango, ASOS, T.M.Lewin.

Tommy Hilfiger, Reiss, Suitsupply, Ted Baker, J. Crew, Massimo Dutti, Tiger of Sweden, Oliver Spencer.

A.P.C., Paul Smith, Gant, Sandro, Richard James, Boglioli, Etro.

7. Chinos

For going to work on Friday or meeting with friends, only chinos are better than jeans. They are especially fun to wear with a blazer and T-shirt. The best, and at the same time, universal colors would be: dark blue, khaki, gray and classic beige. The material from which chinos are made is cotton, so you can’t go wrong in choosing the composition.

If you want to dress interestingly, in addition to formal trousers, wear a shirt with buttons, choose a knitted or thin tie, a jacket and complete the look with classic men's shoes. This image and style will be positively assessed by others, rest assured. You can read more about men's pants/trousers here.

Uniqlo, He By Mango, Gap, Banana Republic, ASOS, Next.

Tommy Hilfiger, Reiss, J. Crew, Massimo Dutti, Dockers, Levi's, Ben Sherman, Ted Baker.

Hugo Boss, Incotex, Ami, Acne, Brioni, Canali, Paul Smith.

8. Classic black shoes

Shoes are one thing you shouldn't skimp on. Many people judge a person's wealth by three things: suit, shoes and watch. So don't skimp on at least one pair of black shoes for your weekend getaway. By the way, best shoes– English shoes, so if you don’t want to overpay in local stores, order a pair in an online store and arrange delivery from England.

Burberry, Belstaff, Paul Smith, Private White V.C., Lanvin.

10. Underwear

There is probably nothing closer to clothing than underwear, so it should be good quality and comfortable. It is not so important whether you prefer boxers or regular swimming trunks, but the material from which they are made is important. Choose only the best natural materials, usually cotton. Choose your size accurately. Underwear should not be too tight, otherwise it will chafe. It also shouldn’t hang, otherwise you’ll look like a guy in family clothes.

By the way, due to frequent washing, underwear tends to wear out quickly. Therefore, once every six months or a year, try to update your linen set. Rest assured, your girlfriend/wife will be grateful.

Atlantic, Uniqlo, ASOS, American Apparel, Next.

Hanro, Calvin Klein, Oiler & Boiler, Sunspel, Derek Rose, Bjorn Borg, HOM.

Basic men's wardrobe - video

As a conclusion to the first part

Let's summarize the first part of the article, how to choose clothes for a man. I tried to collect the 10 most important and necessary items of men's wardrobe that will be relevant, if not always, then for a very long time. Of course, these items cannot be called essential items, but if you are starting to collect a wardrobe and want only good and solid things to be there, you should pay attention to the list proposed above.

We'll break down the following 10 men's wardrobe essentials that every stylish gentleman should have. See you again in the next article!

Modern men, no less than women, want to look stylish and attractive. Today's fashion is a mixture different styles, which appeared and developed over a very long time. Let's look at what styles are currently popular among men of different ages and social status.



Business and confident men often choose things in a formal style. Such outfits can be used not only for going to work, but also for everyday life. The elegant style is distinguished by extreme restraint in colors and high-quality cut.

This style often uses plain suits in combination with shirts made of high-quality expensive materials. A shirt with a stiff collar, complemented by a stylish tie, looks very stylish and impressive. Such looks are complemented with high-quality shoes, which also show a good sense of style.


For various official events and special occasions, you can choose an attractive outfit in a formal style. Men in such outfits look impressive and feel confident.

The main detail of this style is a spectacular tuxedo or tailcoat. To sew such dresses, high-quality materials are used - silk, satin, etc. The tuxedo is a simple black jacket complemented by crisp thick lapels. It is sewn from high-quality and expensive fabrics.

A tailcoat differs from a tuxedo in its cut. This men's suit consists of a jacket, shortened in front and padded with long floors. This jacket is complemented by matching trousers and a shirt with a vest.


Men look more unusual in things in avant-garde style. This movement originates in art. Its founder in fashion was the famous designer Pierre Cardin. He popularized unusual and colorful things among both men and women.

Things in the avant-garde style are distinguished by the presence of bright details and a touch of outrageousness. In this style there are no plain shirts or similar suits.

But fans of the avant-garde style should take into account that such outfits will not be appropriate in all situations. So, for example, a combination of a shocking shirt and a velvet suit will be completely unnecessary in an office environment.

Avant-garde style outfits are a combination of things that practically do not go together at first glance. Materials such as velvet and organza, suede and silk, silk and metal can be combined in one outfit. Such things look advantageous at various concerts and in other situations.


Casual style looks are popular among young guys. Youth outfits are usually a combination of simple jeans with T-shirts, sweaters or sweatshirts. Urban style is extremely practical and suitable for study and everyday walks.

Smart casual

Smart casual combines certain elements of official and urban style. It can be called office-appropriate, despite the presence of everyday details in the outfits. They get along quite harmoniously in this look ripped jeans and formal jackets with shirts. And classic trousers can be easily complemented with simple T-shirts.

This style gives men huge scope for imagination. You can safely combine details business suit with street style items and still look fashionable.


Teenagers and young men are usually impressed by street casual style items. He is very bright and spontaneous. Such looks are perfectly complemented by simple and comfortable shoes and bright accessories.


Another alternative option is a sporty style. Nowadays not only fans of active sports dress this way, but also those who prefer comfort to business looks. This style is characterized by simple knitwear, sports shoes and matching accessories. Many modern designers produce lines of sportswear and shoes.


Young guys in leather jackets and torn jeans are not a tribute to the fashion of the past. The brutal style looks quite appropriate even now. Such outfits are an excellent opportunity to protest against social norms without doing anything wrong.


Absolutely opposite to the previous one, the option is English style. It is distinguished by extreme restraint and the use of classic plain fabrics. English-style bows are suitable for both adult men and self-confident young guys.

Rock style

Along with the brutal style mentioned above, rock style is also popular among young rebels. It originates from the punk style, popular at the end of the last century. This style contains a lot of metal parts and unusual fittings.


Outfits in the grunge style also look unconventional. This style arose as a protest against the glamorous style popular at the time. Young guys rejected the need to wear boring, monotonous suits, preferring to choose something simple and eye-catching.

Grunge style items were first introduced into the world of fashion by designer Marc Jacobs. He showed ripped jeans and rough shoes in his collection. This happened in the mid-nineties and since then such things have not lost their relevance.

Things in the grunge style that you can safely wear without fear of looking ridiculous include torn jeans, various shirts with scuffs or holes, faded T-shirts and sweaters. There should not be too many accessories in this style, otherwise the image will already be close to the boho style.


In everyday life it is not necessary to look provocative and shocking. To look stylish, just choose a quality soft sweater or T-shirt and simple trousers or jeans. They can be either straight or quite loose.


A unique offshoot of the everyday is the American style. Most people associate America with freedom and street style. Baseball caps, caps, stretched rapper pants - all this belongs to this style. It also often features American flag prints and matching colors.


In a modern city, the bow of an African hunter looks quite unusual. Safari style is things in the style of Indiana Jones films. Here you can find cotton trousers, linen shorts, plain T-shirts and raincoats. The most popular colors in safari style are muted colors - beige, brown, olive, green, mustard. Very often, such bows complement leather belts, wide-brimmed hats and original sword belts.

Modern safari style bows are, of course, different in many ways from what real hunters and adventurers wore. But, nevertheless, the theme of the African desert remains.


One of the most popular subcultures today is hipsters. Guys who prefer things in this style are usually against fashion trends. They prefer eye-catching items – vintage, bright prints, sweatshirts with reproductions of paintings, etc. – to items from the latest designer collections.

Hipster style includes simple jeans, plaid shirts, bulky urban backpacks and other deliberately casual details.


Club-style outfits suit young party-goers. Bright color combinations and unusual decorative elements are quite appropriate in it. T-shirts and jeans can be decorated with rips, stripes and bright prints.

But, along with colorful things, plain white T-shirts, which have already become a kind of classic of this style, would also be quite appropriate in a club look.

Men's club suits look quite unusual. These outfits look stylish. This could be an unusual combination of skinny trousers with a bright T-shirt or jeans with a cropped jacket. Don't be afraid to experiment, because everything is in the club style bright details are only beneficial.


The dandy style appeared in world fashion at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Its name literally means "dandy". Young people in those days paid a lot of attention to their appearance, choosing the most exquisite things - snow white shirts, perfectly ironed suits and stylish accessories. A lot of attention was paid to jewelry - men carefully thought about which tie or scarf to choose for their suit. Wristwatches were also a popular accessory.


In the nineteenth century, the steampunk style was also popular. Such outfits had much in common with military-style bows. Such looks were based on suits of muted shades, decorated with voluminous fittings and accessories.

An almost indispensable accessory was headdresses decorated with so-called pilot glasses.


Things in the French style look very simple, but at the same time extremely elegant. In such outfits, a lot of attention is paid to the quality of materials. The cut remains extremely simple. In France, elegant jackets are often combined with jeans and regular sneakers. French style is the utmost lightness and spontaneity.


Victorian-style bows are also a tribute to nineteenth-century fashion. Luxurious suits with fringe and lace collars look impressive and stylish. In everyday life they look unusual, but for a special event it is quite possible to choose a similar shirt or jacket.


In the nineties, gangster style was popular in domestic fashion. Showcasing luxury and pairing simple jeans with gold accessories looks pretty fun these days.


On vacation, light cotton trousers, sweaters with thin white and blue stripes, light shirts and other items in a nautical style are appropriate.


British style bows look extremely conservative. The British are very picky about choosing high-quality outfits. Therefore, cheap synthetic items are inappropriate in this style. You should also give preference to simple conservative styles, which, at the same time, favorably emphasize a fit male figure.


The democratic American country style is quite different from English. It is characterized by details such as wool suits, patterned sweaters, plaid shirts, classic blue jeans and brown hats. In this style, rough shoes would be appropriate, for example, boots with laces or leather derbies.


The fashion of certain eras also deserves special attention. The vibrant fashion of the sixties was a combination of unusual fabrics with simple, minimalist styles. In the sixties of the last century, clothing gradually became more comfortable and practical, moving away from the classics.


Over time, men's fashion became more colorful. This is confirmed by outfits from the seventies. The most memorable detail of the images from that time is the flared trousers. These pants were complemented with original colorful shirts.


Outfits from the eighties look even more bright and shocking. At this time, tighter pants and soft leather shoes in unusual colors came into fashion.


In the nineties, denim items came into fashion. At this time, shorts, jackets, jeans and even shirts made of thick denim were popular. You could often even find guys dressed entirely in denim.


In the thirties of the last century, elegant men's suits were in fashion. The gangsters wore black and white outfits, complementing them with bow ties and stylish hats. Gangster style is also in fashion now. Such outfits look a little shocking, but still stylish.


If you are tired of colorful outfits, pay attention to Scandinavian-style looks. It is characterized by maximum simplicity of styles and the use of light shades.


Like country style, cowboy style is popular among lovers of freedom and practicality. Western involves a combination of leather boots with plaid shirts and cowboy hats. In this outfit you will immediately feel the spirit of South America.


IN korean style light suits are combined with plain T-shirts in pastel shades. One of its main characteristics is elegance. Guys in such outfits are very popular among young girls.


Many people believe that romantic style outfits are created exclusively for girls. But this is far from true. Men's outfits in a romantic style are distinguished by multi-layering and slight carelessness. In this style, suits can consist of several parts - a shirt thrown over a T-shirt and complemented by a cropped jacket.

As for trousers, models such as skinny and riding breeches are most appropriate in this style. Very often, romantic-style looks are complemented with original accessories - neckerchiefs, unusual ties or scarves. Looks in this style are perfect for a date, going to the theater or restaurant.


Vintage style includes items that belonged to world collections of the last century. Vintage - these are spectacular outfits that were either popular among guys from the twenties to the eighties of the last century, or imitate styles that were popular in the past.


The hippie style came to us from the seventies of the last century. It is characterized by the use of natural fabrics and spontaneous patterns - ethnic or floral.


Biker style is a combination genuine leather, metal rivets and chains. Such outfits can be complemented with decorative rips and cuts.