How to knit mittens for beginners step by step. Knitting patterns for mittens. Knitting mittens with knitting needles, diagram, patterns, description. How to knit a thumb mitten. Mittens with knitting needles: description and diagrams Multi-colored mittens on 5 knitting needles

It is not surprising that with the onset of cold weather, knitters look to for inspiration, because in winter, while walking on fresh air I want to keep my hands warm. For modern fashionistas, mittens are an important part stylish wardrobe Therefore, they take the choice of a suitable design or pattern with full responsibility. But there are also those craftswomen who only dream of mastering new knitting techniques, so it is important for them to choose simple and understandable patterns.

Patterns for knitting mittens

If you already have a set and a scarf ready, then a great addition to it will be knitted mittens with a pattern for girls. Here you can be offered the simplest option so that all accessories are made in the same style, and learn how to knit braids. It is very important to know the main secrets of making this winter accessory. They are knitted in the classical way on stocking needles (less commonly, circular needles). If your choice is circular, then be sure to take a closer look at the technique called “Magic Loop”, and the length of the fishing line on the tool must be at least 80 cm.

With this technique, the free line is pulled in both directions and hangs in a free loop. It’s as if you are knitting two separate halves of the product, but they are connected into one whole: when you knit one half, you need to turn the work, pull the fishing line to the other side, and continue knitting again. Of course, it is better for beginner knitters to buy the most common tool, which is also used for socks, which is why they are called “sock knitters.”

It is advisable to choose woolen threads for the product; they retain heat best, and this is what is most valued in a winter accessory. You can choose a thread with the addition of 5-10% synthetic fiber to make the product more resistant to intensive everyday wear. For a 2.4 mm tool, you should opt for threads with a density of 200 m per 50 grams.

As a rule, for a women's or men's accessory with a simple pattern you will need 100-120 grams of yarn, for children's work even less - only 60 grams. Please note, if your choice fell on “braids” pattern for mittens with knitting needles, diagrams they consume approximately 30% more yarn. Therefore, always buy skeins with a reserve so as not to be left with an unknitted product just because the store has run out of threads in the color you need. For female models It is advisable to buy 150 grams of yarn, and for children - 100 grams.

Pattern for mittens with knitting needles: diagrams

You won't succeed beautiful patterns for mittens with knitting needles, diagrams for which you so diligently selected, if you incorrectly calculate the number of loops to start working and incorrectly take the measurements of the brush. The mitten should fit snugly to the hand, and the elastic band on the wrist should ensure comfortable putting on of the product and protect it from snow getting inside. One of the most important steps is taking measurements; at this stage you will need a measuring tape. First you need to measure the widest part of the palm: use the widest in a simple way and trace your hand on a white sheet, and then measure the wide part of your palm with a centimeter.

Before starting any knitting, we need to knit a control sample, thanks to which we can determine the density of knitting with the selected threads according to the pattern we have chosen. To do this, you need to cast on 10 loops and knit 10 rows with them, and then measure the dimensions of the resulting control sample. It will be easier for you to understand with an example: if, when measuring your palm, you got 20 cm, and the width of the control sample turned out to be 5 cm, then we should divide 20 by 5, and multiply the resulting value by 10. Thanks to these calculations, we get a value of 40, t .e. exactly 40 loops need to be cast on for this product. Remember that we will cast on loops on four sock needles, and that will be 10 for each.

It is also important to immediately measure the length of the elastic, where you want it to reach along your hand. To do this, you need to measure with a centimeter from your palm up to your elbow to where you want the elastic to end.

But in order for the mitten to fit comfortably on your hand, it is important to correctly determine the position of the thumb slot. Here you need to take a measurement along the inside of your palm: from its base to the base of your finger. And to understand when to start pressing off the loops, you need to measure to the tip of the little finger from the base of the palm.

Now you have all the necessary measurements, and, most importantly, you know how many loops you need to make so that the product fits snugly to your hand, protecting you from bad weather and keeping you warm. And now there are no barriers to making it work beautiful pattern for knitting mittens.

Patterns for children's mittens knitted

Master patterns for knitting mittens- the dream of every beginning knitter, but you should always start with the simplest, and at the same time original. Among the most popular patterns is the “braid” ornament, which will perfectly complement a winter accessory and turn it into a unique thing that only you have.

Despite how beautiful and unusual the braid looks, it is quite easy to master this pattern, the main thing is to choose clear diagram and be patient. And, of course, prepare the materials that we will need for:

  • Soft yarn (angora, acrylic, wool) - 70 grams
  • Stocking needles - 5 pcs.

As we have already said, you need to carry out all the measurements required for this work in advance and knit a control sample with the selected threads. Mittens are always knitted one at a time, and most often the craftswomen start with the right one, and then use the same algorithm to knit the left mitten.

First we need to cast on 48 stitches to start knitting and distribute them equally between the four tools. Next there will be several rows of comfortable elastic, which in our case will be made according to the pattern - 2 by 2. The elastic will consist of as many rows as the length you want to get it. As we mentioned earlier, you definitely need to measure the desired length of the future elastic band using your hand.

After the finished elastic band, we will have the main “braid” ornament, which is performed only on the front bar of our accessory, with inside We will have a stockinette stitch on our palms, but we can give preference to a simple “tangle” pattern.

To create a voluminous braid pattern, we need to understand its main principle: we will have 8 loops crossing to the left: we leave four loops on the auxiliary needle, and knit the next four with this auxiliary needle. But let’s take a closer look at the presented diagram, which has its own subtleties.

For convenience, we will start counting the rows after the elastic band again: rows 1-6 should be knitted according to the pattern - 1 knit, 2 purl, 8 knit, 2 purl, 8 knit, 2 purl and 1 knit. From the palm side (loops on two knitting needles) you need to knit everything.

In the 7th row we will have the first crossing: 1lp + 2ip + 8 crossing left + 2p + 8 crossing right + 2p + 1p.

In the future, according to the scheme, we will simply need to repeat the algorithm from rows 1 to 7. When performing monotonous actions, you should remember in time about the hole for the finger; to do this, you need to remove six loops on an iron pin, and cast on six loops on a knitting needle and knit them. We will start working on the finger at the very end of the work.

We need to knit the fabric further: on one side we will form a braid, on the other we will go with a regular stockinette stitch. Having knitted several rows after the hole for the finger, you can put the resulting workpiece on your hand to see how comfortably it sits and make sure that your thumb is in the right place.

When you knit the height of the mitten to the little finger, you can begin to form the toe; to do this, you need to gradually decrease the loops, knitting them two at a time. At the very end, you will be left with a small hole at the top, which must be carefully sewn up with threads of the same color.

Knitting patterns for mittens with description

If you looked at photos online for inspiration finished works from experienced craftswomen, you probably paid attention to jacquard knitting patterns for mittens with description. You will get a unique product, which is decorated with geometric motifs or ethnographic patterns, which are rich in bright colors and floral patterns. For a jacquard product, you can choose any diagram presented or draw your own.

Hand knitting jacquard mittens was popular several centuries ago, when craftswomen spun the yarn themselves, dyed it at home, and then created a unique accessory using thin knitting needles. Since homemade yarn is almost twice as thin as industrial yarn, which you can buy in a store today, the old patterns will not work for you. Such patterns are designed for 120 loops in a circle, and our classic knitting for adults is most often based on 60 loops.

To make the jacquard perfect, you should take threads of the same thickness; these should be high-quality threads from the same manufacturer and series. Sometimes you can come across the idea that leftover yarn can be used for jacquard, but only if it meets our conditions. If you knit according to the old method, then you should buy natural sheep wool, and then hand color it.

Wool always shrinks correctly, but please note that after evaporation, shrinkage will occur and our product will become 1 cm narrower. This should be taken into account when you calculate the number of loops.

If you choose, then be sure to pay attention to Scandinavian motifs, which have not gone out of fashion over the past few years.

Knitted mittens with a pattern for girls

To begin with, you can choose the simplest two-color knitting patterns for children's mittens, for example, the combination of red and white yarn. You will need about 100 grams, i.e. one skein of 50 grams of red and white yarn, their consumption will be approximately the same.

The cuff, as always, is made with a regular elastic band; it can be made according to a 1-1 or 2-2 scheme, but the edge itself can also be carefully decorated, for example, by making teeth or a decorative braid. This way, you will get a neat edge of the cuff, which is important for the neat appearance of the product itself.

We will be based on 60 loops, which must be distributed over four knitting needles. As a rule, the main pattern is always located on the back, and a simple two-color motif can be made on the palm. To frame the picture, you can “run” white stripes on the sides. Jacquard can also be used for, especially if both products are part of the same set.

Choosing jacquard patterns for knitting mittens, diagrams with descriptions it is very important to choose the right ones, where each cell of the pattern will correspond to one loop of your knitting. Therefore, carefully check that the back pattern in the cells does not exceed 25-30 pieces. When you knit jacquard, you can't avoid drawing the threads along the wrong side, but you can't make them too big, because you will constantly catch your fingers on them. After every 2-3 loops of the same color, it is best to twist the threads.

To make the jacquard beautiful, you should not tighten the fabric too much, and the broaches should not be too tight. back side They shouldn't sag, they should be pulled tight, so you'll definitely need practice to find the sweet spot.

The most difficult thing in drawing is to carefully make decreases so as not to harm the beauty jacquard pattern. Decrements should be made on the sides, knitting two together

Mittens are an indispensable attribute winter clothes. Very fashionable now knitted products self made, so the price for them is not small. Do-it-yourself knitted mittens will not only add something interesting to your evening, but will also help you save an extra penny.

Knitting mittens for beginners, step by step

Let's try to knit mittens on five knitting needles. Four of them will hold the canvas, and the fifth will be working. Before you start knitting, you need to determine your size and how many stitches you will need.

To do this, you will have to make a sample, from which we will calculate the exact number of loops and the length of the mittens. You can't knit by eye. Measure the length of your fingers, wrist and hands. Based on the obtained measurements, bind the sample.

Next you should count how many loops there are per centimeter. We do this using a ruler. We multiply the number of loops obtained by the length of the arm from wrist to hand. As a result, you should have a number that is a multiple of four. If it is different, take the smaller integer that is divisible by 4. For example, it turned out to be 47, it’s not divisible by 4, let’s take 44. All that remains is to build a diagram based on the measurements taken and get to work.

For knitting you will need a set of five knitting needles and yarn. It is better to take wool, it is warm and soft. When purchasing yarn, be sure to pay attention to what needle size is written on it. If you take the wrong knitting needles, the loops will either constantly fly off, or you will find it very difficult to hook them. If you have everything ready, then you can start.

We start knitting with cuffs. Mostly the cuffs are knitted with an elastic band. We alternate 1x1 purl and knit stitches, or 2x2.

We cast on loops, let's say 44 as in our example. To prevent the edge of the cuff from pressing, you need to pick it up as loosely as possible; to do this, you can take a knitting needle one size larger and fold the thread in half. A few examples of how to cast on stitches on knitting needles:

So, we connect two knitting needles together and cast on loops. Slowly and carefully pull out one knitting needle and knit the first row of elastic as tightly as possible. At the same time, distribute the loops onto four knitting needles. In our case, 11 on each.

After the loops are distributed and the first row is knitted, we close the knitting. Simply join the cast-on and warp threads together. Next we will knit the cuff with an elastic band simply in a circle for a length of approximately 6-8 cm, and to the base of the thumb with regular garter stitch; for beginners this is the easiest option. But if you want, you can create a pattern in the form of a braid on the back of your palm.

Let's say you have finished 7 cm of elastic and proceed to the main fabric. Select eight loops in the place where the pattern will be. You can do this using special knitting markers. We will knit these 8 loops as follows: purl 2, knit 6, purl 2. We knit five rows in this way. Next: purl 2, knit 3. remove with a pin (fasten the pin), k3. We remove the loops from the pin onto the left knitting needle and knit three stitches. Next, we knit five rows again according to the previous pattern. On the sixth we use the pin again. And we do this every five rows. You will get a pattern<<коса>>.

Now we knit the finger and finish knitting.

We apply the canvas to the left hand. For the thumb, make four knit stitches on the fourth needle. Remove the loops that go further with a pin, replace them with air ones and continue knitting to the top of the little finger. Then start decreasing evenly on each side, placing the fabric against the pattern to check.

Approaching the top of the middle finger, you need to knit the remaining two loops together and pull the end of the thread to the wrong side. Cut off everything unnecessary.

Remained thumb. Cast on loops around the remaining portion of the fabric. Divide them into four knitting needles and knit to the middle of the nail. There, begin a uniform decrease. When two loops remain, knit them and hide the end of the thread on the wrong side. You can decorate the mittens as desired.

Lessons on knitting mittens, master class

If you succeeded with five knitting needles and you have mastered the basics of knitting mittens, let's knit something more complicated. These are such beautiful mittens made of 100% alpaca wool 167m/50g.

You will need two skeins of yarn. And also stocking needles No. 3 plus another auxiliary needle, and a hook.

We will knit with double thread. We distribute 12 loops on the knitting needles. We have 48 of them in total.

Now we will knit the pattern.

Let's return everything back:

We knit with the main thread using face loops:

We continue to knit. This is what three patterns look like:

We continue knitting until the fingers are visible, as in the photo:

Let's start working on the thumb. Remove the conditional thread of a different color and put the loops on the knitting needles, four on each:

The second mitten is knitted similarly.

Sizes for knitting mittens

Measure the circumference of your palm and compare it with the table.

Mittens knitting table

Without exact numbers and calculations you can’t even knit a mitten. Mittens do not require much yarn, no more than one hundred grams for adults and about sixty for children. Yarn consumption increases patterns. If you want to add a braid pattern, for example, then you should buy 25% more yarn.

The first table is for yarn 200m/50g. Knitting needles approximately 2.5.

The second table is for yarn 125m/50g. Knitting needles approximately 3-3.5.

Indian knitting mittens

Indian mitten knitting involves knitting the thumb<<индийским клином>>. These mittens fit very comfortably on the hand, and they are very easy to knit. In this design, they begin to knit the thumb from the elastic band. We’ll look at how to do this below, but here are several options for knitting mittens using an Indian wedge:

Knitting mittens with an Indian wedge

We will knit men's mittens. Yarn Lana gold 800m/100g and angora 500m/100g. In general, they start knitting the wedge immediately after the cuff, but we will first knit several rows and only then start making the wedge.

To create a wedge, you need to add on the left mitten between the fifth and sixth loops, on the right between 18 and 19.

Patterns for knitting mittens, diagrams with descriptions

Knitting pattern for children's mittens

Knitting Thumb Mittens

This method is convenient to use if you knit a pattern on both sides.

To knit the thumb, transfer the loops onto two knitting needles of four. From the opposite edge we cast on eight stitches and also divide them into two knitting needles of four. We continue knitting the finger in a circle. We reach the middle of the nail and begin a uniform decrease. We knit the last loops together and hide the thread.

Another way is to knit the thumb on two needles.

Knitting the thumb of mittens with a wedge

This type of knitting is called both the raglan finger and the anatomical thumb. Tie the elastic band as you need, then proceed as described.

On the third knitting needle we cast on nine chain stitches and knit the remaining ones. Next, follow the pattern and knit the mittens to the top. At the same time, do not forget to decrease two loops on the third knitting needle so that the wedge goes away. To knit a finger, transfer the loops to the knitting needles. We knit an additional nine loops from broaches and spread them over two knitting needles. We knit the finger in a circle.

Knitting mittens with braids

Interesting mittens with convex braids. But before you start doing the work, try knitting the pattern itself separately. This will make it easier for you to understand what knitting density is required for your yarn and how many loops you need.

Cast on 52 stitches on double needles. Distribute them 13 each. The elastic band will be 2 by 2, in forty rows.

Jacquard knitting mittens

You will need approximately 100 grams of yarn. Knitting needle size 2-2.5. As always, start by calculating your knitting density and stitches. Tie the cuff. After this, you can start knitting the pattern. One loop is one cell in the diagram. Work with the pattern carefully, do not tighten the threads too tightly, but also make sure that the thread does not sag from the wrong side.

We knit the mitten with a pattern up to the thumb. Where you remove seven or eight stitches, pick up the same number of stitches and continue the pattern to the top. Finish the top in a way that suits you best.

We also knit the thumb as you feel comfortable.

To knit such mittens you will need twice as much yarn. Work on a double mitten also begins with determining the size and calculation of the loops. When you have everything calculated and ready, you can start knitting.

Let's say we need 48 loops. Divide them into four knitting needles of 12. Knit twenty rows of elastic. We knit the next fifteen lines only for faces. We designate the thumb. To do this, knit four loops on the first knitting needle, and remove the next 8 with a pin. Then we again cast on eight stitches on the first knitting needle and continue knitting the mitten until it is completed. We knit the thumb.

Then we return again to the beginning of the mitten, the first row of elastic. We dial 48 stitches there again and knit 40 rows with an elastic band. Next, we knit the mitten according to the pattern we went through.

Knitting men's mittens

The principle of knitting men's mittens is not very different from knitting classic ones. The only difference is the size. Above we have already provided a table of sizes that you can use as a guide.

Knitting mittens on two knitting needles

You can knit prefabricated mittens on two knitting needles, that is, you will need to sew the parts together, or you can do it without tearing off the threads. Let's try to connect the second option. You will need two knitting needles and optional yarn. The size of the knitting needles should correspond to the thickness of the yarn.

Cast on 24 stitches and knit three to four rows in regular scarf stitch. Next we knit the cuffs with an elastic band 1 by 1. After you knit the cuffs, continue working with knit stitches to the tip of the little finger. Then you need to make an even decrease until you have ten loops left in the middle.

We knit at the height of the thumb, and then we go back in the same way as with the mitten itself. After the finger is ready, we finish the canvas. We tie the face to the elastic band. and knit an elastic band 1 by 1.

The mittens are ready. Don’t forget to try on the product as you work so you don’t have to re-bandage it.

If you know how to knit, then knitting mittens will not be difficult for you. And in order for the mittens to not only be warm, but also beautiful, they can be knitted with various designs, patterns and braids.

White mittens with braid pattern

For these tops you need 100 grams of yarn. 100 m. It is better to take thick yarn.

Circular needles size 7 work best.

We cast on 30 loops on the knitting needles and knit 6-9 cm with an elastic band. Elastic knit 1 p. purl 1 p. front.

After you tie the elastic band, move on to the braid pattern. To start forming the pattern, we knit 2 stitches, purl 9 stitches and again purl 2 stitches. The rest of the braid is knitted only with facial loops, as shown in the diagram. Look at the diagram to the left and follow it. You just need to start knitting according to the pattern, and then the principle will become clear.

Having knitted 15 centimeters, we leave 6 loops on the finger, threading a pin through the loops, and put 6 new loops on the knitting needles and continue knitting.

When the mitten is the size of your hand, start casting stitches.

First on the sides of the picture and approximately in the middle of the palm. When 8 loops remain, tighten the loops.

So we got beautiful, knitted mittens.

Patterned Gauntlets

These mittens with beautiful braids knitted on five needles or so-called stocking needles. We cast on 52 loops, this turns out to be 13 loops per knitting needle. The elastic is knitted 2x2 for about 40 rows. Below is a diagram and description of how to properly knit braids.

We knit a finger on the 10th row. On the side of the small braids, add to the two middle loops - 3 times in the second row. Then in the third row 3 times. When there are 18 loops, transfer them to a pin and continue knitting the mitten. The finger can be tied later. It is knitted exactly like the mitten itself, only in a smaller size.

Next comes double knitting, in the first row on knitting needles we alternately knit one knit stitch and two knit stitches together. In the second row with facial loops, two loops together and so on until the end of the row. Pull all remaining loops.

Beautiful knitted mittens

The mittens are knitted in stockinette stitch, circular knitting, all stitches are knitted.

Knit the braid according to the pattern (see pattern below).

Divide 48 stitches onto four needles and knit together to make a circle. From the first two knitting needles, these are 24 loops, there will be a palm. From the remaining two knitting needles, these are also 24 loops, there will be a back side. The first and second needles are knitted using stockinette stitch.

We count the third and fourth knitting needles on the pattern, 3 knit loops, 9 knit loops, on one needle and on the second 9 loops on the braid and 3 knit loops. Next, after 40 rows, remove 7 finger loops onto a pin, and cast on 7 chain loops on a knitting needle.

Having knitted the mitten along your hand, start running, to do this, decrease a loop in every second row. To get a triangular start, you need to remove it from the 1st and 3rd needles at the beginning of the row. With the 2nd and 4th needles, last stitches. After 24 stitches remain, begin decreasing on each row. Pull the last 8 loops.

Knitting a finger

Separately, remove 7 loops from a pin onto a knitting needle, cast on 7 loops from the top edge on the second knitting needle, and remove two on each side. There should be 18 loops. Knit the finger in circular stitch, knit all stitches. After the desired size, run your finger, just like the mitten itself.

The edges of the mittens can be crocheted and decorated with beads or seed beads.

Mittens or gloves are a very necessary accessory for the cold season. In addition to the fact that your hands are not afraid of any frost in warm woolen mittens, you can decorate your look with such a detail and add a bright stylish accent. We offer you various mitten patterns with knitting needles with a pattern that will surely inspire you to knit new mittens. We will not dwell on the basic techniques of knitting a product; they are on our website. Let's pay attention to the options for schemes and patterns.
One of the common patterns for knitting mittens is braids. These beautiful mitten patterns can be used as decoration on their own or combined with other knitting patterns. Let's consider several options for mittens knitted with a braid pattern.

Mittens with braids pattern

Sizes: S-M, M-L.

We will need:

  • yarn containing 65% wool, 35% alpaca, 50g per 75m, gray– 100g;
  • the same, white – 50g;
  • sets of double needles No3 and No4;
  • markers.

Density: face. Satin stitch with needles No. 4 19p. for 25 rub. equal 10cm by 10cm.


  • additions: perform 1n., which is in the next p. knit with a knit stitch so that there are no holes;
  • decreases: for 3 p. up to the marker (M) we knit 2 stitches. in 1l., then from 2p. (between them M) knit 1 p., then remove 1 p. facial, 1l. and pull it through the removed one.



We dial sp. No3 40p. gray threads and knit in the round 1p. persons/p. Then we switch to elastic band 2l./2i.

Having completed 6-7cm of height, in the next river. distribute the loops: (5p., 2p. in 1p.)x3, 2p., (2p. in 1p., 2p.)x3, 2p., 3p. Total 34p.

We knit patterns up to 13-14cm. Then add 1 p. on both sides of the 1st stitch of the row for the finger - see above. We repeat the additions through the row another 4-5 times. Total 44-46p. We transfer the finger loops (11-13p.) to additional ones. knitting needle or holder. We continue knitting in the round, simultaneously casting on 1 stitch. additionally behind the finger in the next r. In work 34p.

Having reached 26-28cm in length of the product, install after 16p. 1st M, then after 17p. 2nd M. We perform decreases on both sides of M, 1 p. through the row three times, then three more times in each row. As a result, 10p remains. We cut the thread, thread it through the remaining stitches, tighten it, bring it to the wrong side and fasten it.


We transplant the postponed loops to the sp. No4, additionally dialing 3-4p. behind your finger. In total we have 15-16p.

We knit 4.5cm - 5cm of front stitch. all around. Then from every 2p. we knit 1l. We repeat the contractions in one more row. 4p left. We cut the thread, thread the loops, tighten it, bring it to the wrong side, and fasten it.

We knit the left mitten in a mirror image.


We make a lace from white yarn or crochet it. We pull it through the holes in the canvas. We make two pom-poms Ø2cm. We attach them to the ends of the string. For the second mitten we do the same.

Check out a few more patterns for knitting mittens with braids.

Mittens with a pattern: video MK

Wide braid

It is better to make this pattern with a thick thread, then it will be more prominent.

Mittens with braid pattern with shadow: video master class

Three graceful braids

For this model, the elastic on the cuff is done according to cx. A.2, main drawing - according to diagram. A.3.

Two-color mittens knitted: video MK

Mittens with lapel

Interesting model. The lapel is performed in the transverse direction according to the diagram.

We knit once with 1 p. 3 rubles each, then repeat from 4 rubles. 13 rub. At the same time, 12 rubles. and 13r. knit at 5p. shortened r. We repeat rows 4 to 11 a total of 9 times. We finish the cuff with two r. elastic bands 2l./2i., then close the loops. At the same time, the initial 4p. we close in the usual way, and the rest - by knitting 2 stitches. together. Next, knit the mittens using knitting needles in the classic way, casting on loops along the upper edge of the cuff.

Three-color mittens on 5 knitting needles: video master class

Double braid

We knit according to the pattern. The backdrop of the braid is the purl stitch.

Mittens with snowflakes: MK video

Two-color knitting pattern

Very beautiful women's mittens are made from two contrasting colored yarns.

We knit the cuff braids according to cx. 1, thumb - according to cx. 2, the main pattern is according to diagram. 3.

Mittens with owl pattern

Essentially, owls are a variation of the scythe. Once you understand the principle of knitting, you can make this pattern in different sizes, for adult and children's mittens. Let's take a closer look at it.

We will need:

  • medium thickness yarn;
  • knitting needles No4 and No5;
  • markers (M).

Density of the sample per person. The surface is 18p. by 10cm.


Left mitten

We dial sp. No5 32p. and in the round we knit 24 rows of elastic 2l./2i. knitting needles No. 4. Let's go to sp. No5 and make decreases: (6l., 2p. in 1l.)x4. We have 28p. We knit 2p. persons/p.

Sl. r.: 20l., 2i., 6l. (=28p.).

Let's start adding under the wedge of the thumb:

  • 1p.: 3l., from 1p.→2l., 15l., 4 i., 5l. (29p.);
  • 2p.: 4l., from 1p. →2l., 14l., 6i., 4l. (30p.);
  • 3p.: 5l., from 1p. →2l., 13l., 8i., 3l. (31p.);
  • 4p.: 6l., from 1p. →2l., 12l., 10i., 2l. (32p.);
  • 5p.: 7l., from 1p. →2l., 11l., 12i., 1l. (33p.);
  • 6p.: 8p., from 1p. →2l., 10l., 14i. (34p.);
  • 7r.: 9l., from 1p. →2l., 10l., 14i. (35p.);
  • 8r.: 10l., from 1p. →2l., 10l., from 1p. →2l., 2i., 8l., 2i., from 1p. →2l., (38p.);
  • 9p.: 11p., from 1p. →2l., 10l., 4i., 8l., 4i. (39p.);
  • 10r.: 12l., from 1p. →2l., 10l., 4i., 8l., 4i. (40p.);
  • 11r.: 13l., from 1p. →2l., 10l., 4i., 8l., 4i. (41p.);
  • 12r.: 14l., from 1p. →2l., 10l., 4i., remove 2p. on aux. sp. at work, 2l., 2l. with aux. sp., remove 2p. on aux. sp. before work, 2l., 2l. with aux. sp., 4i. (42p.).

We transfer the loops for the thumb to a pin:

  • 13r.: 16l., 10p. transfer to a pin, 4i., 8l., 4i. (32p.);
  • 14r.: 16l., 4i., 8l., 4i. (32p.).
  • We repeat the 14th row. 7 more times. Then:
  • 22r.: 16l., 4i., remove 2p. on aux. sp. at work, 2l., 2l. with aux. sp., remove 2p. on aux. sp. before work, 2l., 2l. with aux. sp., 4i.;
  • 23r.: 16l., 4i., 8l., 4i.
  • Repeat 23r. three more times. Further:
  • 27r.: 16l., 4i., remove 2p. on aux. sp. at work, 2l., 2l. with aux. sp., remove 2p. on aux. sp. before work, 2l., 2l. with aux. sp., 4i.;
  • 28r.: 16l., 4i., 2l., 4i., 2l., 4i.;
  • 29r.: 16l., 4i., 2p.→in 1l., from 1p.→2i., 2i., from 1p.→2i., 1 broach (= remove 1p. front, 1l., pull it through the removed one) , 4i. (32p.);
  • 30r.: 16l., 16i.;
  • 31r.: 17l., 14i., 1l.;
  • 32r.: 18l., 12i., 2l.;
  • 33r.: 19l., 10i., 3l.

The owl has already been knitted with knitting needles, the next stage is the design of the top of the mitten:

  • 34r.: 1 broach, 12l., 2p. in 1l., 1 pr., 2l., 8i., 2l., 2p. in 1l. (28p.);
  • 35 rub.: 1 ave., 10 l., 2 p. in 1l., 1 pr., 2l., 6i., 2l., 2p. in 1l. (24p.);
  • 36r.: 1 ave., 8l., 2p. in 1l., 1 pr., 2l., 4i., 2l., 2p. in 1l. (20p.);
  • 37 rub.: 1 ave., 6 l., 2 p. in 1l., 1 pr., 2l., 2i., 2l., 2p. in 1l. (16p.);
  • 38r.: 1 ave., 4l., 2p. in 1l., 1 ave., 4l., 2p. in 1l. (12p.);
  • 39r.: 1 ave., 2l., 2p. in 1 l., 1 pr., 2 l., 2 p. in 1l. (8p.);
  • 40 rub.: 1 ave., 2 p. in 1 l., 1 ave., 2 p. in 1l. (4p.).


We transfer the deferred 10p. on knitting needles and knit: 10p., cast on 4p. (=14p.). In the next row: 10l., 2p. → in 1l., 2p. → in 1l. (=12p.). Then we do 9 rubles. persons iron. For the top of the finger we make decreases:

  • 1p.: *2p. → in 1 p.* – from * to * we will do it on all p. (= 6 p.);
  • 2p.: *2p. → in 1 p.* – from * to * we will do it on all p. (= 3 p.).

Cut the thread, thread it through the remaining loops, tighten and secure.

Right mitten

The pattern for knitting the right mitten with knitting needles with this pattern is completely similar, but is done in a mirror way.

Jacquard pattern for mittens

The jacquard knitting technique can be used to create two-color or multi-color patterns. We will not consider the specifics of knitting these patterns in detail; such information is available on our website. Just to emphasize once again, if several colors of yarn are used for knitting mittens, make sure that there are no long broaches along the wrong side. And, of course, the threads must be of the same composition, otherwise their shrinkage will be uneven when washed.

Mittens with Scandinavian patterns



Animal and plant drawing

This ornament uses a variety of themes - from flowers suitable for women's mittens to funny cats for children's mittens.




Everyone needs mittens in winter! To knit mittens on knitting needles, cast on: for children up to 32 loops, for women 36-40 loops, for men 48 loops. We will knit on 5 needles.

We select the yarn and knitting needles ourselves. I like to knit women's ones from goat down on the thinnest knitting needles. They turn out thin and fit tightly to the hand. One skein of yarn is enough for any size. It is better to knit mittens on thin knitting needles to keep them warmer. We knit the mittens in the top photo using needles No. 2 from NAKO Tweed yarn.

Description of knitting women's mittens. If you need a children's size, knit it the same way, leaving 5 loops per finger, if a man's size - 8-10. The main thing is to understand the principle of knitting, and you can adjust the number of loops!

We cast on 41 loops, distribute them onto 4 knitting needles, and close them into a circle. . There are 40 loops left, 10 on each knitting needle. We knit 2 knit stitches, 2 purl stitches with an elastic band (you can knit 1 knit stitch, 1 purl stitch with an elastic band) to the required length.

In the next row we begin to knit a finger. To do this, remove 6 loops on a pin in the place where the thumb is planned. I take the middle loops on the second or third needle. And instead of them, in the same row I cast on 6 loops on a knitting needle. We continue to knit in stockinette stitch to the desired length. If I knit mittens for myself, I put them on my hand and knit until my little finger is hidden.

We begin to decrease the loops in each row. This can be done in different ways. Or we decrease the loops evenly in 4 places, then the mitten can be worn at least right hand, at least on the left. On each knitting needle, first knit 2 stitches together behind the front wall. (So ​​connected in the top photo). Or knit the last 2 stitches together behind the back wall. This is how I launch men's and children's mittens.

Or we decrease it on both sides, then when knitting we determine exactly where the right is and where the left is. On the first knitting needle we knit 2 penultimate loops together behind the back wall, the last knit stitch, on the second knitting needle 1 knit, 2 together behind the front, on the third knitting needle 2 penultimate loops together, the last knit, on the fourth knitting needle 1 knit, 2 together behind the front wall.

We knit this way until there are 4 loops left. We knit two together, pull the last loop through the penultimate one, tighten. We cut the thread and pull it to the left side. We fix it.

gray down mittens after several washes, they started up on both sides, black ones started up evenly
We knit a finger. Description.

We remove the loops from the pin on one knitting needle. Next we will cast on loops along the edge of the hole. You should get 14-16 loops. If you have more, in the next row we knit the extra 2 together. I also measure the length of the finger by hand: I put on a mitten and knit until the finger is hidden. Then we decrease 2 at a time until one loop remains. Tighten and break the thread. We hide it on the left side and secure it.

Did you see that the gray mittens are without elastic? Just stockinette stitch and when I picked up the stitches, I made a thickened edge. I also liked the mittens, which do not have an elastic band on top, but 2 rows with purl stitches, 4 rows with knit stitches. 3 such purl “waves”.

Another way to knit a finger.

Look how good the mittens with a thickened edge look, knitted from “Winter Comfort” yarn (70% goat down, 30% acrylic, 100 g = 220 m) in green! I was amazed: the yarn did not fade, and after washing the mittens were no longer worn! The length of the cuffs of the mittens can be slightly adjusted: twist the edge (on the left in the photo) or straighten it, as on the right.

In order for the mitten to fit exactly on your hand, we will cast on 6 fewer loops on the knitting needles, because We will add these 6 loops when knitting the finger. Knit the required cuff length. In the diagram these are conditionally rows 1,2,3. (They need to be connected not 3, but 10-30 at your discretion.)

Left mitten. Description

On the first knitting needle we knit 3 knits. loops, yarn over, the remaining loops are knit. The next row is without additions. Do this 5 more times.

Now we remove 6 loops, which are after the increase track, onto a pin. Immediately make 6 yarn overs on the right loop. Now we knit a smooth fabric to the end of the little finger. We will make decreases according to the diagram (there it is indicated as row 20).

We knit the finger, adding 10 loops along the edge of the hole. We knit it exactly to the end of the finger (measure on the hand). Now we knit all the loops 2 together until 1 loop remains. We cut the thread, tighten it well and hide the tail on the left side of the mitten.

Right mitten

On the last knitting needle, without knitting 3 loops, we make a yarn over. And we knit everything the same way, only in a mirror image, i.e. We number the loops in the diagram not from right to left, but from left to right.

How to decorate mittens or see how to knit a finger with an “Indian wedge” is described in

I hope I wrote it clearly! If you have any questions, write a comment and I will answer!

How to knit mittens with a pattern.

We knit mittens with knitting needles in the round. We start with the cuff. We cast on the number of loops, a multiple of 4, + 1 loop. We knit an elastic band * 2 knits, 2 purl* of the required length. Approximately 5-8 cm.

Then we determine where the palm will be on the mitten and where the back side will be. On the back side we will knit a pattern according to the pattern.

How to knit 3 knits out of 3 knits?

Insert the right needle into 3 knit stitches as if we were going to knit them together. We pull out 1 loop, (do not lower the loops from the left knitting needle!), Yarn over and pull out another knit stitch from the same place. Now we lower the loops from the left knitting needle. The description is not simple, but in fact it is easy to knit.

We knit the finger in any way. The palm is knitted in stockinette stitch. On the picture

Mittens with Indian wedge for thumb

You cast on, say, 44 loops, knit the cuff with an elastic band, or in another way.

After the cuff, you need to knit several rows of even fabric, let it be 5 rows. To do this, on the side of your palm you knit in stockinette stitch, and on the back of your hand you will knit the pattern you like.

All stitches are distributed equally on 4 knitting needles.

Now I will only talk about the palm.

We knit the right mitten.

22 palm loops.
We begin to form a wedge.
16 knit (I’ll explain why 16: the whole finger is 20, but after forming a wedge, you will pick up 4 loops along the edge of the body of the mitten for your finger), knit the next loop (17) behind the front and back walls (two loops are formed instead of 1), the remaining loops facial.

We knit the next and subsequent rows in the same way as the first: knit 16, 17 for the front and back walls, the rest knit. So you increase until you have 16 “extra” loops. after that, separate the right 16 loops onto a thread or pins, as is more convenient for you, connect them under the finger with the back side and knit the mitten to the end, as usual.

Where the palm and the back are connected, cast on 4 loops from the edge, slip the finger loops onto the knitting needles and knit the finger as usual.

Left glove.

Knit 5, knit the next one behind the front and back walls (I turn this loop to face me, then the left and right mittens will look the same in the wedge area), knit 16.

Second row. K6, next to the front and back wall, k16.

If you need to widen your palm, then in the area “under the finger”, you will make the wedge 2-3 loops wider, but then for the finger you will cast on 2-3 more loops along the edge. But then gradually shorten these loops. My husband has a wide palm, so I add loops. Then I turn it down.

Mittens with bullfinches

You will need:

yarn “Pechorka merino” -100 g; NAZAR-RUS “Crystal” -50 g; VITA COCO - 50 g (100% mercerized cotton);

red, gray, black, white threads for finishing;

beads or small black beads - 10 pcs.;

black, red, white beads with a diameter of 10-12 mm;

silver sew-on snowflake sequins;

silver beads with a diameter of 0.3-0.4 mm for sewing snowflakes to mittens;

filling: for berries - holofiber, for bullfinches - padding polyester.


stocking needles No. 3.0-3.5;

hook No. 1 (for apples);

hook No. 2 (for bullfinches, ties to mittens);

additional knitting needle (pin or marking rings for knitting);

device for making pompoms;

sewing needle.

How to knit MITTENS. Description


1st row: We start knitting by using gray NAZAR-RUS “Crystal” yarn. We cast on 44 loops on stocking needles No. 3 and distribute them into 11 loops on each knitting needle. We knit in a circle using purl stitches.

1st - 3rd row: purl.

4th - 5th row: knit.

6th - 8th row: purl.

9th - 10th row: knit.

11th - 13th row: purl.

14th - 15th row: knit.

16th - 18th row: purl.

19th - 20th row: knit.

21st - 23rd row: purl.

24th - 25th row: knit.

26th - 28th row: purl.

29th - 30th row: knit.

31st - 33rd row: purl.

34th - 35th row: knit.

36th row: knit in a circle *2 loops together with a knit stitch, 1 yarn over*. Repeat from * to * until the end of row 44 loops.

From the 37th to the 56th row: knit with facial loops in a circle.

Row 57: knit 2 stitches on the 1st needle, slip 7 stitches onto an additional needle (pin). We cast on an additional 7 loops to replace those removed, 2 knit ones. It turns out 11 loops, knitted with facial loops on the 1st knitting needle. Next we knit in the circle with knit stitches from the 2nd to the 4th needles.

From the 58th to the 84th row we knit with facial loops in a circle.

85th row: fold the 1st knitting needle with the 4th; The 2nd knitting needle with the 3rd and start knitting the rounded mittens. We knit 2 stitches from the 1st needle with a knit stitch behind the back wall, 9 knit stitches. 2nd knitting needle: knit 9 knit stitches, knit 2 knit stitches together behind the front wall from left to right; 3rd needle: 2 knit stitches behind the back wall, 9 knit stitches. 4th knitting needle: knit 9 knit stitches, knit 2 knit stitches together behind the front wall from left to right;

The 86th row and subsequent rows until the end of knitting: we knit according to the description of knitting the 85th row.

Thumb knitting

1st row: knit 7 loops from an auxiliary knitting needle, cast on 9 more loops in a circle on 2 knitting needles, for a total of 16 loops on 4 knitting needles in a circle, distributing them evenly, 4 loops on each knitting needle for ease of knitting.

From the 2nd to the 18th row: knit with facial loops in a circle.

From the 19th to the last row: we begin to decrease on 4 knitting needles, knitting 2 stitches each behind the back walls.

When there are 3 loops left on the knitting needle, knit them together with one knit stitch, break the thread and hide the tip.

We knit the second mitten in the same way as given in the description, only in a mirror form (direction).


We start knitting from the bullfinch's head with black yarn.

1st row: we collect a chain of 5 vp, close it into a ring. We tie the ring 10 tbsp. 6/n.

2nd row: knit 2 tbsp in each column. s/n. The total is 20 tbsp. s/n in the second row.

3rd row: knit 5 tbsp. s/n in 1 tbsp. s/n of the previous row, 1 tbsp. s/n, 2 tbsp. s/n in one loop, 1 tbsp. s/1n, 2 tbsp. s/n in one loop, 5 tbsp. s/n. in one column s/n of the previous row, * 2 tbsp. s/n. in one loop, 1 tbsp. s/n*. Alternate from * to * Knit to the end of the row.

Knitting a bullfinch breast

We begin knitting with red yarn.

1st row: insert the hook into the 3rd column of a fan of 5 columns with the “bullfinch’s head”. We knit 2 tbsp. s/n in the 3rd art. fans, 7 tbsp. s/n. In total we knitted 9 stitches. s/n. We continue knitting with gray yarn: 3 tbsp. s/n in each loop, 2 tbsp. s/n in one loop. Total - 5 tbsp. s/n. Turn the knitting.

2nd row: knit 5 tbsp with gray yarn. s/n in each base loop, knit 8 tbsp with red yarn. s/n, 2 tbsp. s/n in one loop. Turn the knitting.

3rd row: knit 10 stitches. s/n red yarn, gray yarn - 4 tbsp. s/n in each loop, 2 tbsp. s/n in one loop. Turn the knitting.

4th row: knit 6 tbsp. s/n gray yarn, red yarn - 9 tbsp. s/n in each loop, 2 tbsp. s/n in one loop. Turn the knitting.

5th row: red yarn 2 tbsp. knit s/n together, 9 tbsp, s/n, gray yarn - 6 tbsp. s/n. Turn the knitting.

6th row: gray yarn - 6 tbsp. s/n, red yarn - 10 tbsp. s/n. Turn the knitting.

7th row: red yarn 2 tbsp. knit s/n together, 8 tbsp, s/n, gray yarn - 5 tbsp. s/n, 2 tbsp. s/n in the first stitch of the previous row. Turn the knitting.

8th row: gray yarn - 7 tbsp. s/n, red yarn - 5 tbsp. s/n, *2 tbsp. knit s/n together* From * to * repeat 2 times. We break the thread.

Knitting a bullfinch tail

The tail is knitted with black yarn.

From 1st to 3rd row: 6 tbsp. s/n.

4th row: from the breast side we start decreasing. 2 tbsp. knit s/n together, 4 tbsp. s/n.

5th row: 5 tbsp. s/n.

6th row: 2 tbsp. knit s/n together, 3 tbsp. s/n.

7th row: 3 tbsp. s/n. We tie the bird along the contour with black yarn, st. 6/n., tie a beak on the head, art. s/n in 1 base loop.

Knitting a bullfinch wing

1st row: using gray yarn we cast on a chain of 5 vp, close it into a ring. We tie the ring 10 tbsp. b/n.

2nd row: knit in each st. b/n 2 tbsp. s/n. The total is 20 tbsp. s/n in the second row. 3rd row: 3 in. lifting item, *2 tbsp. s/n, 1 tbsp. s/n* repeat from * to *6 times, *2 tbsp. s/2n, 1 tbsp. s/2n* Repeat from * to * 3 times, 2 tbsp. s/2n. We break the thread.

We knit with black yarn: 3 tbsp. s/n, 3 tbsp. we knit s/n together. 4 tbsp. we knit s/n together, we tie the wing along the contour of st. non-woven black yarn. We sew the wing with threads to match the body of the bullfinch. We sew a black bead into the middle of the bird's head.


1st row: using crochet number 1 we make a chain of 4 sts. p., tie the ring 6 tbsp. b/n (we use red yarn of a different shade).

2nd row: 12 tbsp. 6/n (2 items of art. b/n in each item)

3rd and 4th row: 12 tbsp. 6/n.

5th and 6th row: * 1 tbsp. 6/n, dec.* From * to * repeat 6 times.

7th row: stuff the berry with holofiber so that it is dense. Finish by making decreases. Using black VITA COCO yarn, sew a bead with a diameter of 0.3-0.4 mm crosswise to the base of the berry. On the other side of the base we knit from the 10th century. n. twig. We connect 5 pieces. berries between each other - 1 connecting loop 5 vp. twigs. We knit 3-4 ch. We cut the thread. We sew the twig from the wrong side to the bullfinch.


We sew bullfinches with apples with fishing line to the surface of the mittens. To add volume, we lay padding polyester under the bullfinches. We decorate the mittens with snowflake sequins using beads. We knit ties from 140 chain stitches and thread them into the mittens. Decorate with beads and attach pom-poms to the tips of the mittens.

Crochet mittens.

I knit mittens only with knitting needles. For those who want to crochet, I offer a pattern.

Anatomical mittens knitted.

These mittens fit tightly on the hand and never get lost. Knitted from thick country sheep wool.

How to knit mittens for different sizes.

Here the elastic is 48 loops, the pattern is 60 loops. Some mittens are knitted with knitting needles No. 2.5, the second with knitting needles No. 3.5.

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