How to choose a job you like: advice from recruiting agencies. How to find a job you like: advice from a psychologist Why I can’t find a job test

Stories about how a person graduates from one university and another, but still cannot find himself, can be heard everywhere. They only seem funny, but in fact, the inability to find a job you like, your life’s work, is a real drama for a person. The advice of our psychologist will help you cope with this problem.

“My problem may seem typical to you, but I really need your advice. How to find a job you like? I can’t decide what type of activity I want to do, although I’m already 23 years old.

This year I graduated from a pedagogical university with a degree in history teacher and educational psychologist. However, I didn’t go to work at school, mainly because of the low salary. True, I cannot say that I am very sociable (which is important for my specialization).

A friend helped me get a job as an assistant accountant at the company. Assessing my capabilities, I believed that I managed to find a job to my liking and would suit me this profession, since I can do monotonous work for a long time, I am efficient and responsible.

However, in practice it turned out that this area is not interesting to me; working with numbers causes boredom. Besides, I don’t understand much about this profession; my eyes hurt from constantly working at the computer. Therefore on currently I'm at a loss.

I can’t understand what my soul is about, how to find a job I like. I am very tormented by this problem; it is important for me to make a decision in the professional world. Bronislava Dashkevich."

How to find a job you like, answers psychologist Elena Poryvaeva

You neglected the main rule successful person find a job you like and spent a huge amount of time on something that is not interesting to you, and continue to do so to this day. Naturally, now you have driven yourself into such a corner that it will be extremely difficult for you to reach your real self.

Firstly, your education is good. As for low school salaries, it depends on what school and what level of teaching. I know teachers who earn at the level of an average top manager.

True, for this you need to really know and love your subject well and do something other than teaching at school. For example, private lessons, running clubs (in your case, historical clubs are just that; children have always had and still have an interest in history), etc. Many publishing houses are always looking for scientific editors.

There are tour guides in the excursion bureaus of your city. Lord, how can you get lost with such an education? Dozens of places and dozens of related professions are open to you! Why do you need accounting? In fact, the taste for a profession awakens when you master it.

If you view your profession as a way to earn money, then it’s better to get a job somewhere as a salesperson or manager and forget about trying to find a job you like. The responsibility is small, there is enough money to live on... But why then get an education? That was?

Are you asking how to find a job you like? But in order to find something where to put your soul, you need to dig a little deeper than a textbook or instruction. So think about it, because you once chose history for something? Reach for this source within yourself! There is something there... We don’t just choose a profession. And if you develop this, then perhaps you will find your true calling! And this is the only way to find a job you like! There is no other way...

“I’m 27 years old, but I still can’t decide what I want to do in this life, I can’t choose a job I like. There were always problems with determining the path: at school I couldn’t decide which subjects I liked, then I couldn’t choose an institute in advance, leaving everything to chance, and in the end I entered a technical school that no one wanted (based on the principle where they took me). I graduated and still went to college (immediately at 2), but I couldn’t choose which one to study at. Therefore, I finished both (now I understand that time was wasted).

The problem is that I always understand what I shouldn't have done in the past! But I don’t understand what to do now or in the future... I would be very grateful if you help me find a job I like. Maxim Baranovsky."

How to get a job you like, answers psychologist Elena Poryvaeva

You want to understand “what needs to be done in the present or future” and do not find the answer because you are looking where it does not and cannot be. There is no rule that would determine your life and would know how to do it and how to carry it out correctly.

No matter how thorough your internal inspection, as long as you approach yourself with an external yardstick, the result will be internal apathy and lifeless uncertainty about how to find a job you love.

Imagine that on a clear sunny day you are walking along a path and come to a fork. Three roads, three possibilities. One road leads to the forest, another to the river, the third to the meadow. You can go anywhere, but you will only have time to go one way before sunset.

What will determine your movement? If you are tired of the sun, then head to the forest, if you want to freshen up, then to the river, if you are attracted by the smell of herbs and flowers, then to the meadow. Your choice will be simple if, standing at a fork in the road, you ask yourself, what do I want right now, and allow yourself to follow your desire.

But you will freeze in indecision if you start thinking: what if the water will be cold, and mosquitoes will eat in the forest, or I would go to the river, but how wonderful it will be to bring home a bouquet of meadow flowers, etc., etc. You are going nowhere at all you won’t go if the fear of getting lost is stronger than all your desires.

So in life, in itself, both the one and the other path are only a possibility, but it will become correct when the possibilities of this path find correspondence with your aspirations and life needs to find a job to your liking.

The problem is not the path as such and not the lack of desires, but what a person does when standing at a fork in the road: does he hear himself or does he lose touch with himself in the stream of thoughts.

I am convinced that your first task at the moment is to weaken the depressive effect of any external assessment and all external imperatives, to deny them the right to replace the voice of the “inner self”. Perhaps these changed conditions will help you find a job you like, and let the living voice of your feelings and desires and inner aspirations emerge and speak.

How to get a job and find yourself?

After that, Maxim sent me another letter.

“Thank you for answering, at least some clarity has appeared. You described everything correctly, the desire to “conform” is very deep in me. I don't know who put the idea in my head of how it should be, but it is. And I entered the institute because I had to fit in (how can a person live without a higher education?) True, I guess this intuitively...

I realized that I need to listen to the call of my heart, but, apparently, my heart is crushed by my mind, since it is silent... So I’m sitting at work and trying to imagine what I want, how to find a job I like... I want to leave here. .. But then the mind intervenes and crosses out everything: you can’t leave, you need to do a lot of work, you need to get money, etc. The chain of these “musts” is very long... And the mind is the strongest of all, since it blocks all other feelings.

Sincerely, Maxim Baranovsky."


Good afternoon, Maxim! I am glad to hear you again, glad to continue the conversation we started. I see my task as telling you what I managed to understand in the process of reading your letter.

You write that you felt an impulse to “get out of here...”, but the mind immediately intervened and suppressed this impulse with its iron arguments. The force of the need to find a job to your liking spreads its power so widely that the line becomes indistinguishable, cutting off excess demands that can be neglected. The mind holds back feelings in order to cope with the solution of the main task: it must prevent you from making a mistake.

Both your mind and your feelings are subordinated to one idea that once firmly settled in your soul: I can live only if I conform. And since life depends on it, the fear of not conforming dominates over everything else.

The outside world, which is work, becomes a real test: it makes demands, imposes responsibility, and threatens that in case of a mistake the court will be merciless. How to find a job you like and how to find yourself?

As long as you handle your responsibilities, you can maintain the appearance of compliance. But as soon as you make a mistake, everything falls into place: your inner fear that all other people are better, smarter, more competent than you is confirmed in reality. The discrepancy becomes obvious and tangible.

The purpose of this letter is not to find a job to his liking, but to tell the prisoner that he is held hostage not by the world, but by himself. The world around him is nothing more than a reflection of the world going on inside the prisoner himself. And the main thing that he lacks in this world is love for himself, unconditional love, which allows him to be loved no matter what.

Maxim, enough has been said here to learn and understand a lot, but this is not enough for concrete changes. The changes that occur within you, the emergence of questions, tension, fatigue, a feeling of dissatisfaction and the desire to understand yourself - all this together is a significant driving force that can change a lot. I wish you to find a job you like and do everything possible to ensure that the movement that has begun within you continues.

Choose a job you like It is often very difficult for many people. This happens because a person has a poor understanding of his personality characteristics and finds it difficult to decide which job will suit him best. In addition, it also happens that the job chosen by a person does not correspond to most of his skills and abilities; he cannot realize himself in this profession, which is why the person becomes very sad and has the feeling that life is being wasted. So how can you choose a job you like so that it meets all the requirements? We will talk about this in our article.

How to choose?

In order to learn how to choose the right profession to your liking, you need to consider the mistakes that are very often made by people who are in search of their profession.

    The most common mistake, because of which there are problems with finding a profession to your liking - this is wrong choice of education. Many young people go to a particular educational institution only because it is prestigious, or because their parents said so. Also very common reason the wrong choice of educational institution - the principle: “for the company.” Many students are scared to join a new team, so they prefer to choose an educational institution where there is someone they know. Upon graduating from such an educational institution, a person understands that he has received a diploma for a profession for which he is not suitable.

    Another mistake when choosing a job is stereotypes. A person may be created for a particular profession, but subconsciously reject the option of such work only because those around him consider the work not fashionable or not relevant.

    It is not uncommon for a person to like a certain aspect of a particular job and not think that behind a forty-minute theatrical performance lie long months of hard work and sleepless nights.

    A very common mistake when choosing a profession is underestimating one's physical or mental abilities. You may like the work of an athlete or a designer, and you definitely want to work in this field; you should assess your health and imagination, and only then make a decision.

If you correctly assess your abilities and talents, you can choose a job you like, which will bring you not only income, but also positive emotions. And to do this you need to do the following: take Blank sheet and write on it all the professions that, one way or another, attract you, or that you would like to master. Don’t be afraid to write even children’s frivolous fantasies, as a deep analysis of the profession will help you determine in which area some aspects of your dream job could be realized. At this moment, it is very important to understand that you should write only your desires, and not the thoughts of friends or relatives.

Looking at the finished list of professions, try to remember what brings you a feeling of joy and happiness, what you love to do. Having remembered, draw parallels with your desired professions and find out which of them your abilities correspond to. Cross out those professions that do not correspond to any of your passions.

To choose a job that will suit you, it is important to remember that work should not only generate income, but also help you realize your potential. This is why it is very important to connect your hobbies with your work. By doing errands you enjoy doing, you'll get paid and won't have to stress out too much.

To find a job you like, you can follow planning methodology. To do this, you should make a plan for the year ahead, the main goal of which should be to do something specific. For example: “In a year I want to earn my first million” - after that you need to schedule tasks for every month and every week. You can write down how much you plan to earn in a week, and also bet for yourself minimum required that you are capable of in order to achieve the required result.

But it happens that your skills and abilities are very well suited for a particular job, but it does not bring you joy at all. This happens due to the incompatibility of your temperament with the chosen job. Next, we will look at what kind of work is suitable for which type of temperament.

Which job is right for you?

In order to find out which job is right for you, you need to relate it to your temperament. To do this, we have compiled a small list of basic character traits, and also selected professions that may be suitable for them.

    If your temperament type is choleric, then you are different love for difficulties and the ability to quickly overcome them. You will achieve success where good concentration, perseverance and energy are required. Professions such as pilot, surgeon, driver, cook, geologist, investigator, journalist, dispatcher and diplomat.

    The melancholic type of temperament has a characteristic “inhibition” of the nervous system, as well as increased sensitivity to the activities of others. Melancholic people are contraindicated in work that is based on communication with people. It is best for this type of temperament to choose a job such as artist, seamstress, writer, veterinarian, mechanic, painter, agronomist, radio mechanic and accountant.

    Sanguine people are different energy and high performance. They are happy to tackle several things at once, but quickly lose interest and leave the task halfway. This type of temperament is contraindicated in choosing a job that requires constant attention and, moreover, is monotonous. Sanguine people are suitable for such professions as doctor, manager, engineer, waiter, organizer, teacher and salesman.

    Phlegmatic person.
    Phlegmatic people are very patient and persistent people, no one can handle monotonous work better than them. For this type of temperament, work such as engineer, botanist, physicist, mechanic and surgeon.

Thus, based on your character type, it will be much easier for you to choose a job you like, which will bring you both income and joy. But it should be borne in mind that the recommendations given in the article may not always apply to every person. Still, it’s better to listen to your heart and follow your dreams.

Finding purpose is not easy. Many people suffer for years from the fact that they cannot find an activity they like that would bring not only material wealth, but also moral satisfaction. Thousands of people ask the question: “What job is right for me?”, and few find the answer. The truth is hidden, and it takes a lot of time to find it. Each of us wants to feel significant, in demand, needed, and to realize our abilities. Having a good education today is not enough. It is much more important to wisely manage the potential that is within ourselves.

Difficulties of self-determination

The main difficulty is to correctly recognize your own voice, sounding from the depths of the soul. For quite a long time, many people try in every possible way to drown it out in themselves, so as not to torment their hearts and not get upset in vain. Such people simply cannot allow themselves to be who they really are.

The task of each person is to find his niche and realize his potential. There is nothing simpler and nothing more difficult. The fact is that successful self-realization is often hampered by external factors: the influence of parents, the degree of prestige of the chosen profession, the opinion of friends and acquaintances about the future specialty. In all this fuss, we often forget the most important thing - to ask ourselves: how much do we personally like our chosen profession, how happy can we feel, devoting most of our time to our chosen business?

Difference between education and activity

Today, having a good education does not guarantee getting a decent job. Some people find this state of affairs unfair. You can study at a prestigious university for five years and not achieve high results upon completion of your studies. In modern reality, it is not so much the presence of education that is valued, but the ability to apply one’s knowledge in practice. What does it mean? You must not only study at the institute, pass exams, perform term papers, but to cultivate a highly qualified specialist within yourself. Already during your studies, you can find a suitable place for practice (it does not have to be related to the practical training that you need to undergo during your studies), where you will begin to train and practice the skills you have acquired.

A suitable job may not be directly related to the specialty obtained. The main thing is that in the course of your activities you have the opportunity to practically work through everything that you once studied. There is absolutely nothing wrong if, after completing your studies at a university, you suddenly realized that you do not want to directly connect your life with this profession. In this case, you may not work in your previously chosen specialty, but use only the knowledge you have acquired in some related field. This is also very good.

Character and personality traits

When choosing a profession, you need to take into account such personal characteristics as temperament and the ability to quickly respond to changing conditions. For example, phlegmatic and melancholic people are contraindicated in work that requires a quick change of activity, and choleric people are tired of monotony. It is important to remember that temperamental properties are innate. There is no need to try to remake yourself; it is better to choose a job that will maximally emphasize your strengths and allow you to climb the career ladder.

If you are seriously wondering, “What kind of job is right for me?”, then you want to live in harmony with your own inner essence. Calm, balanced people are suitable for jobs that require great focus and concentration: librarian, accountant. As a rule, they do everything in good faith, without violating deadlines. Motor people need activity to constantly enliven them, so they will like any work with people: consultant, salesperson, logistician. Creative people often choose professions that allow them to be alone with themselves for a long time: artist, designer, writer, poet, musician.

Talents and abilities

Whatever activity you engage in, first of all you should like it, and not someone else. In the question: “How do I know what job is right for me?” Many people make the mistake of starting to look where they pay more, completely disregarding their abilities. Learn to listen to your own heart: it will tell you what you really need. An important role is played by the person’s area of ​​interest, talents and aptitudes for something. “What kind of job is right for me if I’m not interested in anything and don’t know anything special?” someone asks. The answer is complex and simple at the same time: find yourself, start from yourself, then success will not keep you waiting long.

There is a theory according to which each of us is destined to occupy a certain position in society, one way or another to realize ourselves in the world. The determining factor in this case is the relationship between the planets and stars under which you were born. To calculate your unique formula of fate, you need to be guided only by the numbers that make up the day, month and year of your birth.

Thus, it is extremely important for each person to find his place in life. When you find the treasure within you, you will never again be troubled by the question, “What job is right for me?” Self-realization allows us to feel confident and at ease; this is a truly worthy way to become happy and self-sufficient.

Congratulations! You have taken the first step towards finding a job you love. From right the question asked at least half of the success depends. Be glad you put it that way. This means that something more than necessity speaks to you. Finding a job you like is not so easy. Many people have been looking for themselves in different ways for many years. And, in the end, they found it. There are simply no specific deadlines. Life may be similar, but biography is not. Therefore, be prepared to be patient and not lose heart.

5 practical ways to find a job you love

The question “how” is a question of action

Work you love is work that brings you joy. There is no other way to track it. I want to get up in the morning. At the end of the working day, one feels ready to continue tomorrow. You learn something new for yourself, learn something new. This area of ​​life makes you happy. In theory, this is work for the soul. But in practice this is not always the case. Love for such things that a person leaves on earth can leave and come again. It can last a lifetime. Or you may stay there for a while, and then work doesn’t seem to make you happy, and you start looking for something new. It is difficult to keep track of this, moreover, it is not under the control of a person, it cannot be contained. That’s why be prepared to be patient and not lose heart. Someone wise said that there are people who live one life, and there are those who live many short ones. The main thing is to do something, to search.

1. And yet, how to find a job you like? You know, all the answers about oneself usually already exist within a person. A good psychologist knows this and asks questions so that the person draws his own conclusions. Qualitative tests for vocational guidance are based on the same thing. If you are at a crossroads, try taking a similar test. Please note that this results in a professional field or set of professions that is suitable for you. If, after passing the test, you end up with one answer: “builder” or “programmer,” then look for a new one. Because a person cannot be fit into one specific profession. The test should tell you about 3 areas where, judging by the answers, you are most drawn. And the choice of something specific is yours.

2. The second way to search is to start from your talents. That is, because you immediately get it as if you had already learned this somewhere. But in fact, you have it naturally. You intuitively understand what's what. This is talent. Think carefully, every person has his own talent, at least one. Some have several, it’s more difficult for them. I don’t want to use big words, but perhaps this is a professional purpose, who knows. Talent backed by hard work will undoubtedly bring you the happiness you desire.

3. What did you love as a child? In childhood, a person is least susceptible to information meat grinder. The little man still has no prejudices or confusion in his head, so his soul is not confused. He behaves naturally, which in every possible way embarrasses adults who have forgotten how to be children. Remember what you liked to play as a child, how you behaved, what did you like? What did you want to become? If you don’t remember, ask your loved ones. In the matter of finding yourself, all means are good, and this is even more so.

4. And finally, the fourth way out is to do something without thinking. The first thing that comes to mind and is approved by the heart. A trial and error method that will lead you to what you love. In words, everything is very simple - water does not flow under a lying stone. This a good option for those who are used to action.

We have described for you four ways that can help you find yourself. Be patient. This is advice both for those who have just embarked on this path, and for those who have been looking for a long time. But the most important thing is yet to come, read to the end.

A pure soul is the key to successful searches

Yes, such a turn. Do not think that this is advice from the realm of something unrealistic. On the path of life, desires attach themselves to a person like leeches, which complicate his life. Among them are desires for power, fame, wealth, and abundant attention from the opposite sex. Without love, it is appetites that are never satisfied. Their mother is greed. They blind and make a person unhappy. And they always lead astray. Therefore, when you answer the question: “how can I find a job I like,” never be guided by the desires described above. Maybe this is why in the modern world there is so much music and words of the same type. Think about it, art is a mirror of life, reflecting the world as a whole.

Method number 5 - the most secret

When looking for a job you love, be more modest, knowing that the most important wealth is your soul. And she rejoices when you do good to someone. Modern world forgets about it. There are a lot of problems, which means a lot of work. Think about what problems and how you would like to solve them. The wording of the question is no less important here. To answer, consider abilities. Well, for example: “I want to help people with their jobs.” How to do it? Become an HR manager, go to work at an employment center, become an entrepreneur and create jobs, etc. Or: “I want people not to get sick.” Become a medical worker, or sew warm clothes, or become a comedian, and prolong people's lives.

Despite all its simplicity, you do not come to such awareness immediately, but over time. The sooner the better, so we hope you'll listen. The solution must be based on real existing problems or omissions. Emptiness should not be multiplied.

P.S. Hurray for everything that happened!

And, at the end of the article, I would like to give an inspiring The first biography that came to the author’s mind is the life path of the Italian actor, director and screenwriter, Paolo Villaggio. Born in 1932, his youth was spent in the years of devastation and poverty during the Second World War and its consequences. Paolo did a lot of work after finishing his studies! And a waiter, and an announcer, and an accountant in one of the large companies, until, at the age of 35, he finds his true calling. And he uses all his previous experience to create his most famous paintings. So what do you think? That's how everything is needed for something. So be patient and go ahead! You will definitely be lucky to find a job you like.

If you feel that the process of creating something more meaningful and interesting could give you much more pleasure than your current activity, which brings you absolutely no moral satisfaction, estet-portal will tell you how to radically change your life and finally find your calling.

The wise Confucius said: “Find a job you like, then you will never have to work a single day in your life.” However, often this search drags on indefinitely, a person decides to resign himself, gives up and stops searching for his calling, being content with a job that is not particularly beloved, but at least some. And only after many years can one realize what activity should have been devoted to all this time, which now seems wasted. If you feel that the process of creating something more meaningful and interesting could give you much more pleasure than your current activity, which brings you absolutely no moral satisfaction, estet-portal will tell you how to radically change your life and finally find your calling.

After a person finds his true calling, his passion, his obsession, what makes him burn, life is divided into “before” and “after”. It is what they love that makes people create incredible, ingenious things.

That is why Van Gogh woke up every day at 5 am and began to paint a picture, which was completed by the evening. Thanks to such enthusiasm, during his short creative life the artist created more than 800 paintings and 700 drawings.

Leo Tolstoy's literary heritage includes 270 works. Mozart managed to create music wherever he was, even at a noisy party, recording his creations on paper napkins. Just imagine, we might never have enjoyed the works of such great composers, artists and writers if they had chosen the path of an “engineer”.

What if, while you are killing time, holding the position of accountant, cashier or manager, Van Gogh, Erich Maria Remarque or Coco Chanel dies in you?

Stage No. 1. Find enjoyable activities

Before you find your passion, take time to consider what activities truly bring you joy. Once your brainstorming is complete, put your findings on paper by making a list of 30 enjoyable activities. If you are stumped when trying to find such activities, the following questions can help:
1) what did you like to do as a child and teenager?
The child does not need to earn his living by spending 9 hours in the office from 10 to 19, so he has a lot of time to do what he really likes. Try to remember how you spent your time when you were a child - you drew for days on end, sculpted from plasticine, sewed dresses for dolls. If you can’t remember something specific, involve relatives in the process, who will definitely be able to tell a couple of funny stories.
2) what can you not do?
For example, you simply love choosing outfits and always look stunning, you like to select decorative elements for your apartment, or you are fond of watching movies and can spend hours discussing the tape you watched with friends. It's time to think about how you can turn something you can't imagine a day without into a profession.
3) what would you like to learn?
If you have difficulty with the previous two questions, try to think carefully about this. So, make 5 points, each of which will be something that you would like to learn someday. The next step is to select training courses. Drive away thoughts like “I can’t learn anything”, “what if this is a mistake?” and “what am I going to do with this then?” What will you do when you realize that you haven’t been able to find a job you like and have been doing something you don’t like for 60 years?
4) what do you absolutely dislike doing?
Such a list is also very important because you should not break yourself for the sake of work. Your task is to find a calling, taking into account your unique qualities and character traits.

Stage No. 2. Decide what you are good at

Your task is to find what you can do better than others, or at least not worse than others. Here you will need a support group consisting of family and friends, whom you need to ask (or force) to name 5 different things that you cope with “excellently”.

Stage No. 3. Find your area of ​​interest

What granite of science do you gnaw on regularly? Perhaps you never part with specialized literature, or do you always have a couple of interesting magazines in your bag? Or every weekend, instead of going to a bar with friends, do you choose a quiet evening at home watching films of the 50s? Observe yourself for a week and highlight the sources of information that you use regularly.

Stage No. 4. Eliminate the influence of the money factor

Perhaps money can be a motivation, but not for long, because work should bring pleasure. If a person is engaged in a business that is absolutely not interesting to him, no amount of money can protect him from a decline in productivity and depression. Now you will again need a notepad and pen to write down what you would do if you had enough money.

Naturally, every person at least a couple of times dreamed of untold wealth and imagined how servants were running around him, and he, contentedly lounging on the sofa, enjoying his position. Relaxing is wonderful, but sooner or later you will get tired of it, and boredom will force you to find something to do. So imagine what you would do if you didn’t need to think about how to earn money for a new sofa or car. Write down at least 10 activities of your carefree life.

Stage No. 5. Summing up and choosing possible vocation options

If after all the previous stages you do not have a pile of scribbled paper in front of you, return to stage No. 1, because in this case there is no point in moving on. Your next task is to give shape to your desires, to understand which area suits you best. After you decide on your field, make a list of professions. For example, if you have a passion for writing, you can be a journalist, blogger, copywriter, screenwriter.

Stage No. 6. Get a feel for the profession

In order to understand “mine” or “not mine” you need to try. All that is required of you is to immerse yourself in your intended calling at least once. Know that working and dreaming about a vocation are two different things. Finding a job you like, something you really feel good about doing, is your goal.

Stage No. 7. Showcase your creativity

Show everyone what you have created by sharing it on in social networks. There is no need to be modest here, but you also shouldn’t rant too much about the talent that has suddenly discovered in you.

Stage No. 8. Work with objections

At this stage, you need to work with inhibitory mechanisms and objections.
"You can't make money from this." If someone in the world makes money from this, then why can’t you?
“I lack the necessary skills and education.” Today there are a lot of different courses where they can teach you anything, this is not a problem at all.

"I'm scared to start all over again." The time has come to take out that same notebook on duty again and divide the sheet of paper into two columns. It's time to describe your future in 50 years. On the left, describe how you see your future if you never decide to change anything, and on the right - what your life will be like if you find a job according to your calling. After that, compare the two options and decide which future you like better.

“At my age it’s too late to change anything.” Did you know that Van Gogh decided to take painting classes only at the age of 27, and Christian Dior began working as a designer only at the age of 42? This proves that age is not a barrier.

Now that you know how to find your calling, all you have to do is be patient and diligent, because this is the only way your life will become better.