What questions to ask your best friend in correspondence. A list of questions for a pen pal: vulgar, about love and relationships. About relationships, friendship

Online communication and dating have a lot of advantages, but there is also one disadvantage: we don’t know who is sitting on the other side of the monitor. This especially worries girls, and men are not eager to talk about themselves in more detail. Information has to be found out using “guerrilla” methods. What to ask an unfamiliar guy by correspondence, to find out more about it, read our article.

When meeting

Regardless of age or gender, when meeting people, they behave reservedly and shyly. When under nervous tension, women talk too much, and men prefer to remain silent. The guys need to talk. It's better to do this with simple questions. For messages, choose topics of sports, travel, hobbies, and views on life in general.

For dating, making friendships, close relationships by correspondence, the following questions are suitable:

  1. Do you have free time to communicate with a beautiful (interesting, original) girl?
  2. Have you looked at my profile, did you like my photos?
  3. Can you help to a good person, whom you don’t know, selflessly?
  4. Can you tell us about your work (hobbies, friends, family)?
  5. Who's your sign?
  6. You recently had a BD, as noted?
  7. Do you like surprises?
  8. What sports do you do?
  9. Do you want to take an interesting test about who you were in a past life?
  10. How long have you been to the cinema (theater, concert, football)?

The beginning of a relationship does not oblige the girl to anything; ask the guy questions on any topic. At the moment of recognizing the interlocutor, not only the answer is important, but also the manner of communication, tone, and speed of SMS arrival. Also pay attention to whether the man asks you questions. If not, then count on serious relationship there is no point, the interlocutor is not interested in you or is married.

On a note! If a man has become even more constrained and tense after a series of messages, try complimenting him in a humorous way. But don't make fun of his silence.

There is no need to bombard a man with questioning messages right away. This approach to getting to know each other can put an end to communication altogether. It is better to choose the most from the top interesting questions guy and get the most frank answers to them.

  1. Has it been a long time since you did anything unusual, for example, bathed naked or didn’t sleep for two days?
  2. Do you have a favorite hockey (football) team?
  3. What book (film, song, dish) is your favorite?
  4. What do friends, parents, lover mean to you?
  5. Are stupid people annoying?
  6. How to force yourself to work if you are lazy?
  7. Name 3 websites that you visit most often when alone?
  8. Favorite place in your hometown? What's connected with it?
  9. How to kill boredom, the most original option?
  10. Which city do you consider the most beautiful and unusual?
  11. What little thing can improve your mood?
  12. Did you have a nickname as a child? And now?
  13. What is femininity (love, tenderness, marriage, family) for you?
  14. Is there life on other planets?
  15. How will you spend a million?
  16. Do you see strange dreams? What are they about?
  17. Does love inspire or destroy?
  18. Do you know what unrequited feelings are?
  19. Do you know how to arrange romantic dates?
  20. Do you like to talk about politics?
  21. Could you give up everything and go to another country alone?
  22. Is it possible to be offended forever and never talk to the person again?
  23. What do you do when you leave VKontakte?
  24. Who is in charge in a relationship: a man or a woman?
  25. What's your ideal vacation?
  26. Do you need a housewife wife or a lifelong friend?
  27. How can I offend you?
  28. What lifts your spirits?
  29. Capable of compromise?
  30. Would you like to live in a different time?

When choosing questions about a guy’s life and interests, focus on the contents of his profile and photographs on the wall. Messages written in the subject will show the man that you are really interested in him.

On a note! To keep the conversation going, do not use questions that can be answered in monosyllables. The interlocutor should have the opportunity to speak out.


Well-formulated trick questions are necessary in correspondence with young boys and adult men. With their help, the girl creates a provocative situation, forces the interlocutor to reveal his real thoughts and express his point of view on controversial life issues.

Take several phrase options from the list and send them to your chosen one:

  1. It is true that weak men are afraid strong women? Or are you not afraid?
  2. How do you feel about cheating in marriage?
  3. Do you often deceive others?
  4. If you know that you will not be punished, what dirty trick would you like to commit?
  5. Can you trust your wife with the family budget?
  6. For the sake of your beloved, will you give up friends, work, hobbies?
  7. If your ex calls and asks you to reconnect, what will you do?
  8. Who should apologize first after a quarrel: a guy or a girl?
  9. Will you allow your beloved girl to view your SMS, calls, read messages from friends on VK?
  10. How do you feel about emancipation?

Tricky questions from a pen pal are often not to the liking of the interlocutor. The fact is that, according to psychology, men become more constrained if they are asked about personal matters and are put in an uncomfortable, ambiguous position. To move on to this series of questions, you need to gain their trust.

On a note! If a guy takes your relationship seriously, he will not answer tricky questions in a hurry, he will take pauses and think through the message.

Vulgar and intimate

If you don’t know how to ask a pen pal about sex or erotic experiments, use ready-made templates messages. With these phrases you will not embarrass yourself and your interlocutor.

  1. If you were giving me a massage, where would you start and end with it?
  2. If a girl is very tired, how can you help her relieve tension?
  3. Do you sleep in shorts or naked?
  4. Do you like it when a girl makes the first move?
  5. What kind of lingerie turns you on?
  6. Imagine that we went to a party together and drank well. What will we do next? And where?
  7. Do you often think “about this?”
  8. Do you have sexual fantasies?
  9. Have you seen the movie “50 Shades of Grey”? How do you like it?
  10. What part of your body is the most sensitive?

There are several rules that need to be followed in questions from the 18+ series. Take note of these:

  1. One or two phrases about bed, passionate love is quite enough.
  1. Ask naturally.

The essence of the message should be clear to both. Do not use obscenities or crude names for body parts.

  1. Every sexually charged question should have a purpose.

Think about why you are asking it, what answer you want to get. If you are afraid of being offended, it is better not to experiment.

Don't try to seem like an overly relaxed girl. Shy, modest girls arouse more interest in boys.

About relationships and love

Men don’t really like to answer questions about relationships. But girls, on the contrary, love to ask about it.

  1. Would you go with your beloved to another city or country if she needs it?
  2. Can you confess your love in public?
  3. Can lovers have secrets from each other?
  4. How long should you date before marriage?
  5. What is more important: sex or supporting each other in times of need?
  6. An ideal relationship is... Name three key words for the definition.
  7. Is a relationship without obligations cool?
  8. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon with your future wife?
  9. Which song suits me best? You? Our couple?
  10. Do opposites attract or repel?


Funny questions that you can ask a guy to lift his spirits should not be banal or flat. You don't have to answer them. They are needed to keep the conversation going, change the subject, just have a good laugh and relax.

  1. Did you have a scary girlfriend?
  2. What topics should not be discussed with girls you don’t know?
  3. Did you take selfies with handsome guys?
  4. What color do you think the refrigerator can be painted?
  5. I have 15 dogs, how do you feel about animals?
  6. Do you have an algorithm for throwing socks around the apartment?
  7. Let's talk about sex? Oh, sorry, I wrote it in the wrong place.
  8. Is it possible for a Samuist to become a hockey player?
  9. Why does a bald chef need a hat?
  10. Everyone is afraid that the waiter might spit on the plate when the customer turns away. What if the chef has already done this?

Laughter and humor help a girl and a guy flirt, but do not confuse the interlocutor. If you get to know each other well enough, you can tease your other half and use harsh, even vulgar jokes.

Flash questions

Dialogue with flash questions is like a game of chess. The guy should answer them briefly, in a few words or in one sentence. With the help of such “tasks” for the mind, a girl can test the erudition and wit of her chosen one.

  1. What's better, lying on the couch or traveling?
  2. What 3 things will you take to a desert island?
  3. Describe yourself in five words?
  4. What is your secret dream?
  5. What is more important: the mind or the heart?
  6. What books would you not recommend reading?
  7. Can a friend lie or betray?
  8. What do you do better than others?
  9. Do you believe in life after death?
  10. What's scarier: a month in the forest or a month without the Internet?

What not to ask

Women, even very sensitive, gentle and kind ones, often harass men stupid questions. For example, the phrase “Do you have time? Let's talk!" Gives guys cold sweats. And a request to evaluate a new dress or the height of the heel provokes a desire to close the dialogue and leave the network.

To avoid annoying your lover, avoid the following questions:

  1. Why did you break up with your ex?
  2. How many children are you planning on?
  3. Do you really like me?
  4. When will we write again (see you)?
  5. How many partners have you had?
  6. What are you sad (thinking) about?
  7. Where will you go today?
  8. Are you the smartest?
  9. How much do you earn?
  10. Why are you still single (not married)?

Every man has his own list of taboo topics that are best not raised in correspondence. They can be found out in advance by directly asking a question about it, or calculated during communication through trial and error.

Any questions for guys, vulgar and interesting, funny and tricky, an obligatory element of communication between women and men online, on real dates. No need to be shy, ask. But “torture” your chosen one carefully, without pressure, so that he does not run away from an overly curious person 30 minutes after meeting him.

Want to get to know a guy better? Why not just ask him? We have compiled the most full list questions that you can ask a guy: funny and original, vulgar, tricky, provocative, about life, about girls and relationships, vulgar and many others. Now you can always carry on a conversation and at the same time find out a lot of interesting things about your chosen one.

At the very beginning of the novel, there is no need to force events with serious questions. Come up with something original, simple, cute, and maybe even funny. For example, you can invite the guy to remember something from his childhood. Never forget two things:

  1. he is his favorite;
  2. everyone wants to talk and hear about themselves.

If we discard all conventions and curtseys, then every person first of all loves himself. Use this, talk to the guy about himself.

Gently, unobtrusively, ask him about his childhood, what he liked to do as a tomboy. This topic will provide an opportunity to relax and conduct a conversation in a relaxed tone. Having relaxed, the guy will quickly feel sympathy for you.

Here is a list of questions to ask at the very beginning of a relationship:

  • Your favorite childhood hobbies.
  • First friend and relationship with him.
  • Love in the kindergarten and the first kiss on the potties.
  • Cats, dogs, hamsters, in general, pets.
  • Cars, bicycles, fishing with parents.
  • Smoking at school, buttons on chairs and other mischief.
  • Life in a summer camp.
  • Favorite treat.
  • Games, movies, music.

When you are ready to ask questions about your chosen one’s childhood, do not forget to clarify one point with leading questions: is this period of his life happy? Anything can happen, perhaps he grew up in a family where there were unfavorable conditions or in an orphanage, and here you are with your questions about hamsters and bicycles. A very awkward situation will arise that will not add points to you.

First, invite him to remember the happiest moments of his life, let him open up a little to you so that he knows how to act and what to talk about.

Work, life values, hobbies

At the second stage of the relationship, when you meet for the second or third time, you can talk about a more intimate period. That is, ask the guy about where he works and who he works for. What is his profession, does he like it and how does he spend his weekend. What is his hobby, if he knows what it is?

At this stage, there is a possibility that your tastes and passions will coincide, which means that you will become even closer, and you will not have to come up with topics for conversation - they will come up on their own, without tension or pauses in the conversation.

  • What are you doing?
  • Do you love your job?
  • What is your favorite activity outside of work?
  • What do you do on your days off?
  • What do you do with your friends?
  • Where are you going?
  • Favorite vacation spots?

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And now the taboo questions. What not to ask on the second, third and subsequent dates. Now, how will you marry him, then please ask, but for now you will have to cunningly obtain this information with the help of tricks, if you need it.

Taboo questions for the second to tenth dates:

  • How much do you earn?
  • Does your boss like you?
  • Yes, did you have a girlfriend?
  • Do you love children?
  • Questions about parents.

All these questions, if asked, characterize you as a person who wants to quickly get married and sit on the guy’s neck. And men run away from such girls.

The essence of any real man is hunting and he needs to drive the game himself, this is his essence. Give him the opportunity to hunt, do not immediately run to the net, and in the end it will be you who win.

Funny and original questions

Guys love girls who think outside the box. Therefore, you need to ask him various cool, unusual questions from time to time so that he appreciates your sense of humor.

Here are some suitable examples of such fun questions:

  • Do you love popping bubbles on packaging film?
  • If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?
  • What time of year do you associate yourself with?
  • Have you ever gone to the store in a robe and slippers?
  • What do you say when you see yourself in the mirror the next morning with a hangover?
  • What animal would you like to become?
  • Have you ever talked to your cat?

Such questions often puzzle guys, cause a lot of smiles and give many reasons for jokes and gags.

Questions about life

On what date should you ask a guy serious questions?

Depending on the situation. Each couple is individual, and while some already from the third date call their chosen one to formalize the relationship, others are ready to stretch out the sweet period for years.

If your relationship has already gone through a period of questions about hamsters and work, then you can try, again carefully, to find out information about his family from the guy.

How do we do this right? It’s better to tell something about your loved ones and smoothly switch to his family circle.

Here again, take into account the fact that negative information will work against you. Don’t complain to your guy about your relatives, but choose a funny or simply positive topic. Tell us about your mischievous nephew, in this way you are telling the story that there is more than one berry growing in the family, there are also brothers and sisters.

Here are some examples of serious questions:

  • Does the guy have brothers and sisters?
  • Does he like the area where he lives?
  • His plans for the future?
  • What brand of car does he prefer?
  • Who does he like to relax with?
  • What does he think about opposite-sex friendships?

You don't need to ask:

  • When is the wedding;
  • Does he want children?
  • How many children would he like to have?

Relationships with women and love

We will assume that by this period your communication has moved to another stage and you have already become close. You shouldn’t relax and think that now you are allowed a lot and you can do whatever you want. Now you can ask some personal questions.

Almost all separated couples stumbled over the same stone - ex-girlfriends. Or rather, questions about them and the subsequent scenes.

There is one thing important rule: You can’t ask questions about those girls who came before you.

You are dating an adult, an adult, and it is quite logical that he had other women. Most likely, you also have a past. Ex-girlfriends are remarkable because they are in the past, unlike you. Let them stay there, there is no need to artificially evoke their image with your questions.

Don't ask:

  • Who was his ex, where does she live?
  • Why did they break up?
  • How many girls did he have before you?
  • How does he feel about the girlfriend who was before you, did he love her much?

Provocative trick questions

To achieve an answer indirectly, you can provoke young man for frankness and thereby extract the necessary information from him.

These insidious questions with a trick are very good, since they directly relate to relationships and have a slight sexual connotation. At the same time, the main thing is not to overdo it with such questions. If you see that the young man is not comfortable, change the topic of conversation.

Here are various examples of such trick questions:

  • What does a girl expect from a guy?
  • What is your attitude towards women's emancipation?
  • Do you think it's acceptable to secretly check phone messages?
  • Can you marry your chosen one if your parents are against it?
  • Will you change your place of residence for the sake of your beloved?
  • How do you feel about free love?
  • Are your girlfriend's friends taboo for you?
  • Romantic date or beer with friends, what will you choose?
  • How do you feel about girls with bright makeup?
  • Is it difficult for you to decide to declare your love?

Video for backfilling - a few more awkward questions and answers from men:

Vulgar questions

Third or fourth date? It's time to move on to intriguing topics. You can find out a guy’s attitude towards intimacy, betrayal and fidelity, and understand what can please him in terms of love, again through questions and answers. What if the questions are a little vulgar?

It would be strange to hear them on the first date, but after you have learned a lot about each other, you can already ask intimate questions. How frank the questions will be depends on your temperament, nature and degree of upbringing.

Here are some examples of bold questions with obvious sexual overtones:

  • Have you ever had a relationship with a prostitute?
  • What size are you, not shoes, of course?
  • Have you ever had gay sex?
  • Group sex is your calling?
  • Your thoughts about the “friendship” of two married couples.
  • Would you like to sleep with your wife's friend?
  • What poses do you prefer?

What questions should you not ask at all?

When interviewing respondents, it turned out that there are several questions that guys should not be asked, well, under no circumstances:

  • When will you marry me? - a killer question, after which, most likely, your chosen one will run away.
  • How much do you earn? – reaction as in point 1.
  • What kind of apartment do you have?
  • Do you want children from me and how many?
  • Will you spend money on me?
  • What will you give me and when?
  • Do you love me?

Here is a list that you should hang on your mirror and repeat every day so as not to forget. Men don’t like having their financial situation clarified, and they also can’t stand being forced to act. Let’s take this into account for the future so as not to make mistakes in our “hunt” for a husband and father for the children.

By the way, questions about the chosen one’s car are quite appropriate. Here, on the contrary, with your questions about the brand of the cart, its cost and how he acquired his horse, you will cause excitement, and the conversation will drag on for at least an hour. Go for it.

Do you want to tie create good ones, strong relationships? Here are some useful tips:

  • Don't rush to have sex sooner. If your relationship is not supported by anything other than this, very soon it will fall apart.
  • Don't criticize your boyfriend. Men don't accept criticism. All the same, he will not do as he was told, but the relationship will cool down from your harsh words.
  • Try to be cheerful when you meet, do not burden the guy with unnecessary negativity. Everyone tries to stay away from a constantly whining person, guys included.
  • Support his ideas, be a little comrade in arms.
  • Keep him on a long leash and do not deprive him of the necessary freedom.

Living in harmony with a man, what could be more beautiful. And this harmony will come only when people learn to respect each other’s opinions, character and temperament. You need to not dissolve in the guy and live according to his pattern, but simply respect his individuality. If both partners in a couple do this, they will be happy.

Let's face it - we all love shortcuts. We like it when everything comes easy. Both in work, money, and in relationships.

Many of us often take them for granted. Without even realizing that The relationship between a man and a woman is something that should be carefully worked on.

If you don't, you can fall into the trap of a "lazy" relationship that just exists instead of thriving and making both partners happy.

Now answer honestly, how are you doing with this? You may have been dating or married for several years. It is not so important.

Something else is more important. If your feelings are sincere, the desire to become closer to a man, to know and understand him is a completely natural phenomenon. And under no circumstances should it be ignored.

Otherwise, at a certain point you will realize that your relationship has become “lazy” and no longer brings the same joy.

How to dodeeper

Quite a lot of couples prefer to ignore the small troubles that arise every day, using the principle of “hiding the garbage under the carpet.”

Here they are, but we covered them up - and it seems like they are no longer there!Why sort things out if you can just pretend that nothing happened and everything is fine again? It is impossible to develop relationships between a man and a woman this way.

All relationships begin with gradual learning about each other . During this period, minor quarrels often occur due to mutual misunderstanding. And that's okay.

After all, this is one of the ways to understand what kind of person your partner really is, and how to make your relationship deeper.

It is important during this period to learn how to solve problems that arise, and not hide them “under the rug.” But there is another way to go deeperrelationship between man and womanand building mutual understanding.

It's incredible, but even 30 minutes a week allocated for this activity can properly develop relationships with a guy and a girl.

Do not believe? Try it just once and see what comes of it.If you don't like it, no one can force you to do it again.

But such an exercise can move your relationship from the state of being a “lazy relationship” to.

As a result, you will no longer be tempted to hide “garbage under the rug” and leave problems unresolved. You will learn to reduce them to a minimum.

So, here are the 9 questions that will help you do
relationship between man and womandeeper if they ask them to each other and answer them honestly.

  1. Can I make you feel even more comfortable with me?

This is a great question to ask both in relation to your time spent, personal communication, and intimacy.

Ask him what he wants. What makes him especially pleased is when he is next to you.
Maybe lie silently for a few minutes, deeply inhaling your scent.Or he needs hugs as an expression of love.Or establishing eye-to-eye eye contact is enough.

  1. Are you satisfied with our sex life?

But you should not directly ask a man whether he is satisfied with his sex life together.It’s better to sometimes try to gently bring him to the topic of novelty in your general sex life.

Ask him what else he would like to try, what interests him.Also offer your options. Surely, you also have desires in this regard.

It is important to remember that this question is appropriate to ask if
relationship between man and woman have already switched to .
If you are just starting to date, it is not relevant. It's better to put it off for the future.

  1. How can I better support you in life?

In principle, there is a possibility that he is satisfied with everything anyway. But this happens quite rarely.Therefore, in most cases, this question can strike the right chords in your partner’s soul and awaken in him the desire to talk about his desires.

Maybe it will be something simple, but a little unusual like: “I want the reason for every time I wake up in the morning to be a sweet kiss from you. It can really lift my mood for the whole day.”

It could be something more.

For example - “Although we agreed that we would take turns cooking, I have a hard week ahead at work and I will most likely have to stay late for a long time and return late.Could you take over the cooking duties during this time?”

As a result, the relationship between a man and a woman becomes much stronger and stronger after each similar case of mutual assistance.

  1. Did I accidentally do something that was unpleasant to you?

Your man's answer to this question may well surprise you.For example, you thought that everything was fine between you. But after the conversation, moments came up that were not always pleasant for your man. Be careful.Listen and don't interrupt.

If your partner decides to answer this question, it will be a brave act. After all, with his story about what exactly of your actions caused him pain, what he is disappointed with, he can cause some pain to you.

It may be very difficult for him to come clean.
After this, sincerely thank him for his revelation and ask for forgiveness if you feel guilty or awkward.
You can promise to improve and not let this happen again. Your man will be pleased.

  1. How should I behave when you come home from work?

Of course, it is not advisable to ask this question directly. But you can carefully lead a man to answer it.

Why is this necessary? A man may want something specific that you will never guess. What is important to him as a man.

Maybe he wants you to ask how he spent his day at work.
Or maybe he needs a little mental rest, and your best gift for him after a hard day at work will be half an hour of absolute silence.

By fulfilling this request, you will be a few steps closer to understanding his inner world.

By the way, from this question it might seem to you that I am describing
, who sits at home, waiting for his arrival.This is not entirely true.

You remember that at the beginning I recommended asking these questions to each other?

For example, how to cheer you up at the end of a hard day if you also work.

How to behave with a man: what motivates him to be with you:

  1. Is there a type of physical contact that will help you feel more loved?

Now we are talking not only about types of sexual contact (we have already discussed this above).

Perhaps there is some kind of physical intimacy that he lacks.Maybe he likes it when you play with his hair. Or he likes it when you come up and hug him from behind.

There can be many options, because each individual relationship between man and woman unique. And to find out about them, you just need to ask.And then implement them more often.

  1. Are we close enough (from his point of view)?

Our individual needs may change from day to day.Maybe your partner has been under serious stress all week and now needs more care, compliments and support.

Or, on the contrary, he is now rapidly climbing the career ladder, is constantly busy and needs more free time and personal space.

Asking for more independence does not mean that he has begun to love you less, but for affection and care, that he is weak. People simply have emotional needs that are determined by the presence of various events in their lives.

And the better you learn to satisfy his needs and tell him about yours, the deeper your relationship will become.

  1. Do you have experiences that make you feel stressed? Can I help you deal with them?

The answer to this question will provide an opportunity to understand what problems he has to face.

This may be unpleasant for both of you, but otherwise you will not be able to understand and help him.You can rephrase the question to make it sound softer and more appropriate.

Anything that falls under the category “How can I help you in your business?” adds depthrelationship between a man and a woman.

  1. What topics and in what situations do you find it difficult to talk about? How can I support you in these moments?

This question can be asked every couple of months. Every person has his own “cockroaches in his head” that make him feel vulnerable in various situations.

Maybe he is very uncomfortable when you publicly criticize him, even as a joke.
Or he shuts down emotionally when you start discussing the topic of sex.

Perhaps there was some mishap in the bedroom that left him feeling extremely embarrassed and ashamed.
There is no need to “get into the soul” and beg him for answers to these questions, as during an interrogation. Try to find out his desires from a position of love and respect for him as a man.

The most effective way to put things in order in a relationship

I don’t want you to think that I recommend focusing around the clock on solving all of your partner’s problems. He himself should be interested in developing a relationship with the girl.

In no case! Let me remind you again that this is just a tool to help you understand each other better.

Also, don't ask all the questions at once. Assess the situation and choose the most suitable ones.

He will give more detailed answers to some of them, less to others. He may ignore several questions altogether because he considers it inappropriate to answer them. Take it. Give your man time.

These questions provide an opportunity to start a dialogue within a couple, which few can boast of having. Exactly relationship between man and womanare transferred to a completely different, qualitatively new level.

There are a lot of things that can be hidden “under the rug.” But These 9 questions are the most indispensable tools that will help you extract everything, even the smallest troubles.

Get rid of all the accumulated “garbage” to make you a truly close and happy couple.

I believe that you will succeed!And one more thing: you know that you can always count on my support and advice?

The most interesting articles by Yaroslav Samoilov:

If you like a person it can be extremely difficult to build a dialogue with him.

Eloquence disappears in an unknown direction without saying goodbye, and only banal and stupid thoughts are spinning in your head.

But with the help of pre-prepared questions you can hold the attention of the object of sympathy and build trusting communication.

What question to ask a girl?

What question to ask a girl in personal communication or to interest her?

Communication by correspondence comes easier to people than face-to-face communication.

After all, in this case you don’t see the reaction, you have a head start for a witty answer, and you won’t get confused under the gaze of your interlocutor.

But only live communication allows adjust your behavior strategy depending on the opponent’s reaction, catching his fleeting reactions.

General issues

General questions help start a conversation and win the other person's favor. They do not require frankness and are therefore suitable for light and casual conversation.

Talk about what she did and how she spent her day. If the interlocutor lives in another city, you can discuss the latest news and events in the city.

About life and hobbies

These questions will help you get to know your interlocutor better, find out what she is interested in, and make a list of the most favorable topics for communication with her.

You can ask about her hobbies, family members, daily activities etc.

Original and funny

Original questions will help hook a girl, attract her attention and interest her, if previously the dialogue seemed bland to her.

But it’s worth choosing the right moment, so that a funny or original question does not turn out to be inappropriate(for example, when there is a discussion of serious and deep topics).

About love

Questions about love put you in a romantic mood and help you accurately find out if the girl has a boyfriend.


  1. Have you ever been in love?
  2. Has there ever been a strong and? How did she influence you?
  3. How does a girl understand that she has romantic feelings for a guy?
  4. How do you usually answer people you know who are interested in your personal life?
  5. Are you ready to change in order to maintain harmony in your relationship with your loved one?
  6. What scares you in a relationship?
  7. How do you imagine?
  8. Are you ready ? Or correspondence/telephone conversations with girls that do not involve personal meetings?
  9. What do you understand by the word “love”?
  10. Does it exist in real life? Or is it just a beautiful fairy tale invented by novelists?
  11. Is there love in your life now?
  12. and are they synonyms?
  13. How can you make someone fall in love with you in one day?


Set provocative questions It’s better at the stage of close and regular communication.

Otherwise they may scare away girl and make her dislike you.

  1. Have you ever swam naked in a river/lake/sea?
  2. Have you ever played strip cards?
  3. What is your strangest secret desire?
  4. Do you often use swear words in your speech?
  5. Would you like to appear on the cover of Playboy?
  6. If you had the ability to spy on one person at any given time, who would you choose to spy on?
  7. Do you often sunbathe topless?

What to avoid in conversation?

What questions no need Should you never ask girls?

It all depends on how closely you communicate with the girl. If you are at the stage of getting to know each other and getting used to it, it is better to avoid provocations, rudeness and vulgarity.

The most “dangerous” topics:

  • policy;
  • religion;
  • sex life;
  • tragedy (if the girl has experienced a difficult life situation).

What to ask a guy?

What to ask a guy in personal communication or in correspondence to interest him?

For guys I like proactive girls who can carry on a conversation.

Therefore, by preparing interesting questions in advance, it will be easier to win the favor and sympathy of your interlocutor.

At the same time, men are more loyal to provocations, which means You can safely ask questions from the “personal” category.

Questions about hobbies and interests

Try to emphasize the achievements and successes of the interlocutor to give him the opportunity to brag a little. This technique captivates men.


  1. It’s immediately clear from your figure that you are an athlete. What sports do you do?
  2. Do you consider yourself a music connoisseur?
  3. What is your hobby?
  4. What achievements are you most proud of?
  5. Do you think that you have already achieved success? And what is your idea of ​​success?
  6. How do you imagine yourself in 10 years?
  7. What character traits would you say are your strengths?
  8. Have you ever had to overcome difficulties on your own that could have broken you?
  9. Do you have an older or younger sister?
  10. What do you see as your calling in life?
  11. What can't you imagine your happy life without?
  12. What were you like at school? An exemplary excellent student or a bully?
  13. Did you get into fights during your school years?

Funny and original

Funny questions given to the guy, will help you establish contact.

As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex have a good sense of humor and willingly engage in humorous conversations.

  1. If you were a flower, what kind would you be?
  2. Where do you usually find your socks?
  3. Who would you change your appearance with for a day?
  4. What would you do if you became invisible for 4 hours?
  5. How many times a day do you take selfies?
  6. What would you do if you found out that I was a private detective who was following you?
  7. Would you go to a fortune teller if you had the opportunity?

About women and relationships

For guys, questions about love are the most difficult and sometimes even unpleasant. After all, representatives of the stronger sex are afraid to appear tender and romantic, preferring to maintain the image of a “tough guy.”

Better ask:

  1. What sacrifices are you not ready to make for love?
  2. Have you ever been in love with your best friend's girlfriend?
  3. Can you win a girl away from another guy?
  4. Who should dominate in a relationship? Or are you for equality?
  5. What do you imagine when you hear the word “love”?
  6. Is it possible to love several people at once?
  7. Will a guy in love cheat on his chosen one or does he not need it?
  8. What should a guy do to win a girl's love?
  9. Is it worth fighting for love?
  10. Have you had a painful relationship experience?
  11. Do you believe in true love?
  12. Could you fall in love with a pen pal without knowing what she looks like?


  1. When and why did you cry for the last time?
  2. If you could put one of your friends in a mental hospital, who would it be?
  3. If you were allowed to commit one crime without the threat of going to jail, what would you do?
  4. Can you live your life with a beautiful and very stupid girl?
  5. What features/qualities of yours are you very shy about?
  6. How often do men take a bath?
  7. Would you be able to knowingly harm a person?
  8. Have you ever cheated loved one for profit?
  9. Was there a time when you lied during our conversation?
  10. Who do you want to forget forever? And why?
  11. What can you do for a million dollars?
  12. If you were stranded on a desert island and could take someone with you, who would you take?


Vulgar questions are appropriate in a conversation with a guy for whom you have feelings. They will be especially appropriate if these feelings are reciprocated. With the help of vulgar questions, the interlocutors will establish close contact and open up to each other from a new side.


What should you not learn from him?

What questions should you avoid when talking to a guy? Guys, unlike girls, are loyal and even positive towards vulgar questions.

But they don’t like to discuss their friends and relationships with them, their financial situation and family problems. In addition, you should not ask questions about religion and nationality (especially in a negative way).

If you are just starting to communicate with a person, It's better to prepare questions in advance. But in the future, when you discover common interests, the conversation will be built easily and naturally, without any additional effort on your part.

What to write to a guy to interest him:

When communicating on the Internet with an unfamiliar guy, a girl wants to get to know him better and at the same time not scare him off with excessive curiosity. To better know and intrigue your interlocutor, you need to accurately determine what questions to ask guys in correspondence.

In Internet communication it is very difficult to understand what a person is like. Before starting a relationship in real life, a girl should talk and ask the right questions.

General questions at the very beginning of communication

This is interesting: A hidden man in love: how to understand that a man is not indifferent to you + 10 signs of falling in love

It's better to start a conversation with general non-binding questions to win over a guy. We need to give him the opportunity to speak out and express his opinion.

VIDEO: Where to start a correspondence to interest a guy

What to write to a guy on VKontakte to interest him

What to write to a guy on VKontakte to interest him | how to get a guy to like you on the internet

At the very beginning of correspondence, they are usually interested preferences and tastes of the young man:

1 What genre of films do you like?

2 Name 3 of your favorite books and authors?

3 What do you do in life?

4 What is your favorite sport?

5 Do you have any favorites? computer games How many hours a day do you spend on them?

Having learned about his preferences, the girl can understand whether they have common points of contact. If she does not share any of the interests or hobbies, then there is no point in continuing further conversation. In the future in such relationships there will be no mutual understanding and no common spiritual component.

In order to please an unfamiliar guy in communication, they select a topic that will evoke pleasant emotions and memories. A guy, remembering something pleasant from his life, will associate this good feeling with his new friend. To do this, you can ask him:

6 What's the best thing that happened to you over the past year?

7 What are your most pleasant memories in life?

8 Have you fulfilled cherished desires? Which ones exactly?

And vice versa, there is no need to start a conversation at the beginning of acquaintance about difficult events, experiences and failures. Even if the interlocutor expresses a desire to complain and pour out his soul. It is better to take the conversation in a different, more positive direction.

What to ask to better know his character

When dating online, it is difficult to determine a person’s qualities, because during a conversation one cannot see his emotions and facial expressions. But, when contact has already been established a little and the constraint in communication has been overcome, you can find out facts from his life that reveal character.

To understand whether a person is kind, they ask:

9 Do you like animals? If possible, would you get yourself a pet? Who exactly?

10 Do you like small children? Eat younger brother or sister, how do you feel about them? Do you often help them when they ask?

11 Could you do something in life for another person, sacrificing your interests, time, finances?

Find out what the guy prefers active life, regular meetings with friends or staying at home, you can ask:

12 What your favorite night place, club, bar? Do you go there often? Do you like parties and holidays?

13 Would you rather spend the evening with your girlfriend or with friends?

14 How do you usually spend your weekend? What kind of weekend can be called ideal? Which vacation would you prefer, hiking or sunbathing on the beach?

If a young man finds it difficult to name best club, then this is clearly not a party animal. And the one who prefers the company of friends to his girlfriend at the very beginning of the relationship will forget about her completely years later, running away from her on fishing trips and stag parties.

It is important to maintain a sense of tact. If a guy is confused by the posing of a question, there is no need to ask it twice or insist on an answer. It is better to give him the opportunity to take the initiative and ask him about things that interest him.

How to get people interested in a conversation

For communication to continue, it is necessary constantly maintain the young man's interest. Men like it when their opinions, personality, and inner world are given special attention. You can emphasize that this person is very important and interesting for a girl by asking:

15 What qualities of appearance and character do you value most in girls, in people in general? What flaws can be accepted in a person, and which are unforgivable?

16 What do you think is the meaning of all life? What should a person do in his life so that it is not lived in vain?

17 What qualities do your friends and family value most?

18 What is your favorite hero, idol? Is there an example or role model in real life?

In the first weeks of dating, a balance is needed between spending time together and being distant. You don’t need to always be in touch, respond immediately and spend days and nights sitting in front of a monitor. Sometimes, it's useful to disappear for a while so that the guy gets a little worried and has time to get bored.

At first, a man needs let me talk, tell me more about myself. The girl can answer questions addressed to her evasively, only 1 out of 3 (three remain unanswered). This will preserve a mystery that the guy will certainly want to solve.

How to ask questions about relationships and love

The topic of relationships, especially discussing exes, is taboo at first. Awkward and provocative questions will alienate your interlocutor at the very beginning of communication. But after a few weeks or a month, it’s time to move on to personal issues:

19 What's the most romantic thing in a relationship? Is there love at first sight?

20 What is the most important thing in a relationship: fidelity, romance, passion, sex or mutual understanding? What can you live without, and what can’t you live without?

21 Are you looking for a long-term relationship? How long was the longest relationship in your past? What is the reason for the breakup?

22 What is most important in a girl: intelligence or beauty? What qualities should she have to win your heart?

They ask the guy about past girlfriends unobtrusively, in a light flirtatious manner. They mention this in passing, allowing the interlocutor to choose the points on which he wants to dwell. It’s better not to mention your past at all, except for your first and long-forgotten love.

When discussing relationships, it is important for a girl determine the life position of a young person, his moral qualities and ability to be faithful. It's complicated, but it's still worth asking:

23 What is his attitude towards cheating, communicating with other girls (guys) on the side?

24 Is flirting and close friendship between a man and a woman considered cheating?

25 What role does a man play in the family, in his opinion? What is he responsible for?

26 Should he take care of a woman, and how?

27 Does he consider open relationships acceptable?

28 What is more attractive to him: many fleeting romances or one serious relationship for life?

The answers in this case will not always be sincere. This can be understood from the rest of the correspondence and the subsequent live conversation. If a guy insists on fidelity, and he stares at every girl passing by, then he clearly lied.

Provocative questions

Tricky questions are asked after lengthy correspondence. They will complement the portrait of the interlocutor, revealing some character traits. It is better to ask them carefully, without pressure, so that the interlocutor does not feel awkward.

In between times, a girl may ask:

30 Is it acceptable to open each other's emails and notebooks?

31 What will a guy do if he meets his ex and she offers him a kiss?

32 Will he be able to deceive anyone, knowing that no one will know about it?

33 Does he believe that everything secret becomes clear?

34 Would a guy want to give up meeting his best friend in exchange for romantic date with your girlfriend?

35 How much time, in his opinion, should he devote to communicating with friends, relatives, and his beloved?

If the answer is silence and the guy doesn’t write anything for a long time, it’s better change the topic faster. The conversation should not strain or irritate or put you in a difficult position.

They also begin to talk about philosophical topics carefully, carefully monitoring the backlash. Only after a long correspondence do they ask whether he is a believer and how he feels about other religions. But the topic of politics should not be touched upon at all.

What questions definitely need to be asked, but not right away?

A girl who liked a guy in correspondence should definitely find out about his life priorities and goals. If a young man is purposeful, values family relationships and stability, there is reason to count on a serious relationship in the future. If he doesn’t know what he wants, doesn’t think about the future and doesn’t plan anything, this a flighty, unreliable person.

Find out life goals and values ​​by asking:

36 What do you think is the most important thing in life to strive for?

37 What goals does every person need to achieve in life, and you?

38 Do you have plans for the next 5-10 years?


About quantity ex-girlfriends It’s better not to ask directly, but to find out later through his friends