How to choose a sling: review of models and tips. Which sling is best to choose for a newborn, description of varieties and rating of models Which brand of slings are the best

2. Scarf sling and ring sling

The most optimal are considered to be woven and. They allow you to carry your baby both vertically and horizontally from infancy, providing his body with correct and complete support due to the possibility of careful and very precise adjustment of the fabric.

The best fabrics are "sling" fabrics double diagonal and jacquard weaving. They do not stretch either lengthwise or across, but they stretch slightly diagonally, thereby providing the necessary support and even distribution of the load. Moreover, they are made from natural fibers and specifically for wearing children.

Ring sling It is also advisable to use it from the “correct” scarf fabric, since materials that are not suitable for wearing children (for example, calico or chintz) are less comfortable to wear and more difficult to adjust.

Another feature of the SSC is the load on only one shoulder of an adult, so the position should be alternated, which is also important for a child. From this point of view, a sling scarf is more versatile.

It is recommended to carry your baby in an upright position with the legs facing outward from birth (see illustration in the demo sling). Also, babies are sometimes worn in knitted scarves, but still, easily stretchable fabric can hardly provide the necessary support to the child’s spine, and even with a child’s weight of 6-7 kilograms, they create an uneven load on the mother’s back, stretching under the heavier burden.

3. My-sling

If you are closer, then it is better to purchase it from scarf fabric (sharfomai). Such a carrier will be more flexible and better suited to children's physiology. However, not every baby sling is able to provide the necessary support to the baby’s back and neck. Various tourniquets and knots on the baby’s back are also undesirable, as they create a point load on the spine

It is possible to wear it in the “cradle” position in a May-sling, but it is not very comfortable due to the peculiarities of its design; there is a danger of the baby being distorted along the spine due to the excess tissue that remains when the child is laid in a horizontal position.

Please note that to use the May Sling from birth you must: The base of the backrest is adjustable in width! Without adjustment, the May Sling can only be used from 3-4 months.

4. Physiological backpack (sling backpack)

Backpack-type carriers are not all the same; the most important feature of an ergonomic backpack is the spread of the baby’s legs in the letter “M”. The child does not hang suspended by the armpits (as in a kangaroo), the legs do not sag (forming the letter “P”), but clasp the mother and form the letter “M”.

4.1 Traditional ergo-backpacks

For a long time, there were only backpacks on the market that were only suitable for use from the moment the child was confidently sitting, such as Ergobaby, Manduca and others. In such models it is not possible to change the size and shape of the back of the carrier. For newborns, they have a mattress insert, which, although it allows the child to be positioned correctly, creates excessive volume, because its thickness is comparable to a flannelette blanket. Both mother and baby can feel very hot.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to carry vertically in such backpacks from birth, as it cannot be adjusted as carefully as a woven sling. The backpack is adjustable only with straps sewn into the back, but such an adjustment will only pull the child towards the adult in the middle of the back, but will not provide support for the upper and cervical spine. But for an older child, such a carrier is quite suitable.

4.2 Hybrid ergo-backpacks

Over the past 2-3 years, many so-called “hybrid ergo-backpacks” have appeared on the market, in which the backrest is flexibly adjustable - its width and height change, with the help of adjustments a better fit of the back is ensured and, accordingly, the physiological position of the child is ensured. However, it must be taken into account that such carriers are not suitable for low-weight, premature babies; the minimum weight of the child must be at least 3 kg.

The width can be fixed with wide Velcro (like Diva Milano), with back flaps fixed with Velcro (Ergobaby Adapt), flaps with buttons (Ergobaby OMNI 360), with woven belt loops (Manduca XT).

so that at any age the correct M-position of the child’s legs is ensured:

We should also mention that the Babybjorn backpack with adjustable back width is not an ergonomic carrier. Even though the width is variable, its widest position is still too narrow for the child and does not provide the correct M-position of the legs.

5. Dysplasia

Another important feature of newborns is immature hip joint. If its development is disrupted (dysplasia), the excessively elastic ligaments are unable to hold the head of the femoral joint in the required position, and it moves to the edge of the acetabulum (this condition is called “subluxation”), and in a more severe form of dysplasia, the femur comes out of the acetabulum altogether (this is already a “dislocated hip”).

To treat dysplasia, orthopedists use various devices that hold children’s legs. divorced, and at a certain angle. In this case, the head of the joint is “set” into place. In children 2-3 months old, if dysplasia is suspected, preventive, softer means (wide swaddling, Freik's pillow), gymnastics and massage are used.

Carrying in a sling with legs apart performs the same preventive function, even if you carry the child with his legs inward, in the “frog” position, this effect remains, it is only important to take into account that the baby’s knees should be higher than his butt. This must also be remembered when wearing with the legs outward, since this is how the main load will fall not on the hip joint, but on the baby’s popliteal region.

On the contrary, wearing kangaroos may cause this disease , even in the absence of innate prerequisites. Judge for yourself, the bones and joints of a newborn (including the hip) are still very flexible and cartilaginous. When wearing it in a “column” without proper support of the spine and far from being in a fetal position, where the baby’s legs simply dangle and he hangs on the perineum, the load falls precisely on the immature lower part of the spine, which can lead to serious consequences in the future, for example, flattening of the intervertebral space.

It is important to understand that an ergo-backpack that does not allow the base to be adjusted in width is not able to fully support the baby in a physiological position. The legs of a newborn baby should not be spread at an angle of more than 60-70 degrees, and by 1-1.5 months - 90.

With slings everything is simpler: soft fabric allows you to adjust the back individually.

REMEMBER: the sling adapts to your child itself, but the backpack forces the child to adapt to himself. The sling is soft and flexible, you can mold it into anything, and the backpack already has its own strict shape, into which the child may or may not fit.

6. Duration of wearing

Before you decide on a specific sling, ask yourself how long and how often you plan to use it.

If the sling is needed FOR SHORT-TERM WEARING, then it will suit you better. It is easy to put on, and it is not difficult to move a sleeping baby out of it. However, there remains a disadvantage with an uneven load on one shoulder.

If you like to WALK for a LONG TIME, you like to be mobile, travel long distances, or your child does not get out of your arms, then a two-shoulder carrier is more suitable: a sling scarf, a sling or an ergo-backpack.

In recent years, more and more daily life new mothers include slings for newborns. You can buy a carrier at your nearest children's store or order online. When choosing a system, it is necessary to take into account the individual parameters of the child, the needs and desires of the mother. By using simple tips Every mother will be able to choose a convenient and comfortable carrier for her baby.

Types of baby carriers

The modern market for products for newborns is replete with all kinds of cradles, slings, carriers, and cradles. They all differ in the technique of use, age group and requirements. When choosing a suitable device, you must consider the following conditions:

  • the child’s age and ability to sit;
  • the weight of the baby and its compliance with acceptable carrying parameters;
  • conditions in which the device will be used (time of year, street or house, weather);
  • the need to organize breastfeeding when using a sling-backpack;
  • desired wearing style (horizontal, vertical, front, back).

The most popular carrying options are:

  • Sling jacket. The carrier is ideal for the cooler months. A regular jacket has a pocket insert in which the child is carried. In most models it can be unfastened when not needed.
  • Ring sling. A baby sling can be worn in two positions. In this case, the device always passes over the mother’s shoulder. There are no other options for wrapping a sling with rings.
  • Sling scarf. A baby sling scarf is a piece of fabric that is used to attach the baby to the mother’s body. Depending on how you tie the sling, you can use different baby positioning techniques.
  • May-sling. The device is a textile insert with two straps. It is recommended to carry a child in an upright position in a sling from 6 months. Until this age, horizontal position is a priority.
  • Ergo backpack. Carrying it in the form of an ergonomic backpack does not require wrapping, unlike a sling. The device has a frame and evenly distributes the load on the mother’s back. When choosing what to buy - an ergo-backpack or a sling, you need to rely on the age of the child. This type of carrier is recommended for use no earlier than 4 months.
  • Kangaroo. The carrier is recommended for use from 6 months. A kangaroo is a frame device that creates a considerable load on the baby’s back and hip area. A child in such a system should already be sitting confidently.
  • For twins. The carrier resembles a sling for newborns and can be used from 0 months. However, carrying two children in a horizontal position is not very comfortable. A sling for twins is a device made of textile material that is wrapped around the mother’s shoulders and waist. You can place twins on the sides or front and back.

Popular slings

After analyzing the information about baby carriers and their subtypes, we can conclude that slings are a convenient and safe option. To choose and buy the right one, you should learn about the pros and cons, as well as the application features of each device.

Ring sling

A good scarf-shaped sling is made of high-quality textiles and has two fixing rings on one side. It is necessary that they are made of durable material that will not be damaged under the growing weight of the baby's body.

Children can be placed in such a device horizontally and in a sitting position. Sometimes women practice carrying on their backs, but this is considered unsafe. The instructions for winding the flap are extremely simple. You can find it on the packaging or watch a video on the Internet. Ring slings are allowed from birth.

The disadvantage of this type of carrying is considered to be the uneven load on the mother's back. However, you can always change the shoulder on which the rings are located. Carrying is considered useful for the child, since the baby is constantly in contact with the mother. By placing the baby in a horizontal position, a woman can easily breastfeed him.

The sling scarf is tied, securely fixing the free side of the flap in the rings. It is important to choose the correct height for the position of the child. Popular manufacturers of such carriers are: MUMS ERA, Selby, 40 weeks.

Sling scarf

The number of options for winding the sling depends on the length of the flap. The carry is called a scarf because it visually resembles a large stole. When choosing a device, you should give preference to products made of high-strength hypoallergenic material that is washable.

The position of the baby in the sling-scarf can be horizontal, vertical, front, side, back. A lot of options are offered in videos that can be found on the Internet. Popular options include M-shaped wrapping and hip placement. It is allowed to use a sling scarf from the first day of a baby’s life. The physiological position in the fetal position allows the newborn to feel comfortable and the mother to always remain mobile.

The disadvantage of carrying is considered to be the difficulty of tying. Long tails scarves can get in the way and drag on the floor. To learn the techniques for putting on a sling well, a new mother will have to repeat them more than once.

Popular companies of this type of carriers are: VOVA, Kangarusha, Ellevill.


My-sling is a dense piece of textile fabric, from which two strong straps extend. The main requirements when choosing are: reliability, strength, safety.

The baby can only be positioned vertically in the sling - on the hip, back or facing the mother. Winding the device is easy. The dense part of the carrier is located on the child's back. The straps are thrown over the mother's shoulders, after which they go under the baby's pelvis and are fixed on the mother's lower back.

The negative features of the May Sling are that it is difficult to wind and can be used for no earlier than 4 months. The carrier is only suitable for those infants who can already hold their head up on their own.

Popular manufacturers of May-slings are: AMAMA, Miracle-Chado, DIVA MILANO.

Price category

The cost of slings in online stores sometimes scares expectant and new mothers. When choosing a device for carrying a baby, you should not save money, however, there is no point in chasing expensive brands. Domestic slings are considered inexpensive: Kangarusha, AMAMA, Miracle-Chado, 40 weeks, Sling Me, Little People, the price of which starts from 1,500 rubles. Foreign manufacturers: MUMS ERA, Filt, Ergo Baby, Walla Boo set the lower cost threshold at 3,000 rubles.

DIY sling

You can make a sling with your own hands. Even during pregnancy, a woman can make a carrier and test it on a doll. It is worth noting that the price of such a device may be an order of magnitude higher than the market price.

Also, new mothers sometimes use sheet slings. The famous pediatrician Komarovsky agrees with his colleagues that this practice can be dangerous. The doctor advises using slings that eliminate the load on the spine and allow the baby’s body to assume a fetal position.

A hand-made sling made from a thick piece of fabric can be used for babies over 6 months old who are already sitting. To secure the child, a cross-shaped tying of the corners is performed on the back and lower back of the parent.

Rating of carriers based on the results of 2018

Analysis of reviews of slings and study of the quality of market products allows us to formulate a rating of the leaders of baby carriers based on the results of the past year.

When choosing a sling for a newborn, you can choose a wide variety of options to suit every budget, taste and color. It is important to give preference to manufacturers who have proven themselves well. If you have any questions, it is recommended to consult a practicing pediatrician and neurologist.

Every year, new devices appear on the children's accessories market, the main task of which is to make a woman's life as easy as possible and simplify child care. Several years ago, backpacks came into use - “kangaroo baby carriers” for carrying babies from six months of age while traveling around the city, going to the clinic, or going to the store.

Now other carriers are gaining more and more popularity - slings, in which you can carry babies from birth in horizontal and vertical positions. On the streets of our cities, you can increasingly see mothers or fathers with a baby tied to them. Before you buy this fashion accessory, you need to decide for what purposes it will be used, from what age, in what price category. Experienced babywearing mothers know how to choose a sling to ensure maximum comfort for the baby, and are happy to share their tips and recommendations.

Sling: what is it for?

A sling is a rectangular fabric. By attaching it to the body of an adult, you can carry the baby without holding him with your hands. The main task of a sling is to relieve a woman of the feeling of “falling off arms” by ensuring the baby’s “body to body” contact with the mother for as long as possible. Staying in such a carrier is comfortable for a newborn, since its weight is evenly distributed on the hips and along the entire back.

Considering that you can carry babies in these carriers almost from birth, they become an excellent alternative to traditional strollers when walking in the city, while shopping, or when visiting children's clubs and sections with your older child. If the baby is restless and needs his mother every minute, a sling is a good option take the load off her hands at home and provide the opportunity to do household chores with the baby.

When choosing a sling, you need to clearly know the answers to several questions:

  • what is it for: for use at home, short trips to the store or long walks around the city;
  • the age of the child from which it is planned to wear him in a sling;
  • the time of year when mommy will carry her baby in a sling;
  • the budget allocated for the purchase of this accessory.

To do right choice and understand which sling is better for a newborn and which for 3 one month old baby, first you need to figure out what types of these carriers exist, what material they are made from, what are the features of slings for different age categories of babies, how to choose the right size of accessory for mom.

Types of slings, their features, selection rules

For a baby they use a May-sling, a sling-scarf, a sling with rings, for an older child you can choose a sling-backpack (also called an ergo-backpack) or a fast-sling. Each version of these carriers is different in design and has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Ring sling: beginner baby sling

This carrying option is a rectangular fabric about 2 meters long, with metal or plastic rings attached to one end, and the other end is free. It is threaded through rings and secured on an adult’s shoulder, forming a kind of “hammock” for the baby in front. The presence of rings allows you to regulate the volume of the “hammock” and the tightness of the baby’s fit to the mother’s body.

The main advantage of such a carrier - ease of tying, the ability to quickly transfer a sleeping baby to a crib or change his position by placing him on his hip or back. Among the disadvantages are the uneven distribution of the load on the back and shoulders (the sling is attached to only one shoulder) and the need to hold the baby with one hand. It is not recommended to wear this type of carrier for more than 2 hours at a time without dressing it on the other shoulder.
A sling with rings is more suitable for newborn babies, for home use and requires periodic dressing to avoid excessive strain on one shoulder. This is also an option for beginner babywearers, as it does not require special tying skills. These slings are made from linen, calico, satin, silk, bamboo, corduroy, denim, and fleece. For newborn babies, especially “summer” babies, it is recommended to choose hypoallergenic carriers made of 100% cotton. They will not stretch under the weight of the baby, he will be well fixed. Considering that such an accessory is wrapped in only one layer, it is well suited for the summer. When choosing this accessory, special attention should be paid to the rings and their size. The rings should be large enough (at least 7-9 cm in diameter), metal or durable plastic. The main rule is that the thicker the fabric from which the sling is made, the larger the diameter of the rings. The diameter of the rings determines the possibility of adjusting the volume of the “hammock” and the tightness of the baby’s fit to the mother. Through rings of small diameter, it is impossible to adjust the sling, tighten or loosen the sides of the hammock at the right time, which significantly reduces the functionality of this accessory.

Sling scarf: rules for choosing

If a sling with rings is more suitable for newborns and new mothers, then a sling scarf can be used to carry children up to 2 years old, but for this you need to have experience in wrapping it. You can watch videos with different winding options and try to repeat them in front of a mirror.
This accessory is wrapped around both shoulders of the mother, evenly distributing the load on the back, lower back and shoulder girdle; the child in this “hammock” is fixed more securely, and there is no need to support him with one hand. There are various options for winding such a scarf, which allows you to carry very small babies and older children in different positions, both lying and sitting. Such scarves are sewn from special fabrics that have the ability to stretch in several planes (across, diagonally), which ensures an even load on the sling mother’s back: jacquard, thick knitwear, fleece. This sling is wound in several layers to firmly secure the baby to the adult’s body. This is one of the disadvantages of a sling-scarf when wearing it in summer, in hot weather.
These carriers are made with a width of 45-60 cm from stretch fabrics, 55-80 cm from non-stretch fabrics and a length of 4 to 6 m. You need to choose a sling scarf depending on the size of the woman’s clothing. If the mother wears size 42-44, the length of the scarf sling should be about 4-4.5 m, with a size from 52 - about 5-6 m. If the model is sewn to order, then there is a special length formula: the size of the mother’s clothing multiplied by 10: for size 44, the length of the sling is 440 cm, for 50 - 500 cm. When buying a ready-made carrier, it is better to take a scarf of a slightly longer length, which will allow you to use more options winding The maximum length of such a sling is about 6 m, but petite mothers are advised to buy shorter models, otherwise the free end of the scarf will have to be wrapped around the waist, which will create an additional layer of insulation and possibly cause discomfort. Experienced baby sling mothers advise purchasing a couple of models of such carriers: one made of stretchy fabric for the newborn period and one made of dense, non-stretchy fabric for an older baby.

May-sling: simple and stylish

This model is simpler than a scarf sling or ring sling and is a fabric square or rectangle with straps sewn to the four corners. The lower straps are attached around the lower back of the sling mother, and the upper ones are on the shoulders, back and are also fixed at the waist. The baby is located in an upright position in May, with its legs tucked in. Due to the tight fit to the adult’s body, the load on the baby’s spine is evenly distributed, so this type of sling is also physiological for the baby.
May slings are available in standard sizes: base width 30-45 cm, height - 40-55 cm, strap length - up to 2 m. older child and the greater its weight, the wider you need to choose the base of the May-sling. Its height can be adjusted by twisting it around the lower straps. If this model does not have a special headrest, you will need to support the child’s head while sleeping. One of the disadvantages of the May is that the straps are thinner compared to other models. It is difficult to quickly transfer a sleeping baby from such a carrier to a crib without disturbing his sleep. These slings have a more modern look and are suitable for wearing babies from 2-3 months.

Fast sling and ergo-backpack: for “big” children

Strictly speaking, these models are not classic slings (i.e. slings), since they have frame elements and fasteners.

Ergo backpack - this is a frame backrest with a headrest, with wide straps and a belt that are fixed on the back and lower back of an adult. This design is suitable even for two-year-old children; the child can be easily placed and taken out. The straps and belt can be fixed according to the figure of an adult, and the tension of the backrest is also regulated due to special fastenings. One of the disadvantages of this design is its volume, due to the frame, the presence additional elements The baby may be hot when carried in summer. Manufacturers of ergo-backpacks indicate what age, height and weight each model is designed for.

Fast sling The design is the same as the May Sling, but its straps are much shorter and are fastened with special fasteners - fastex. It is recommended to carry the baby in such a carrier for a short time, since short straps increase the load on the mother’s back. When choosing this model, you need to pay special attention to the strength of the fasteners; the straps and belt should be padded to relieve pressure on the shoulders of an adult. At the same time, a fast sling is convenient for carrying babies in the summer, in the heat, as it is quite light and well ventilated.

All sling mothers, future and present, are faced with the problem of choosing a sling for a newborn. There is an unimaginable amount of slings, as well as information and reviews. After reading thematic posts, instead of clarity, only questions remain in my head: scarf or May? With silk or linen? Short or long? 6 or 5? Didymos or Ellevill?
Of course it is very difficult make choices when to navigatefor the baby season, its approximate weight, temperature of the habitat, family budget, physical condition of the parent, purpose of the sling, mother’s wardrobe, just desire and favorite color.
Our hypermarket team slings tried to systematize the available information, which resulted in the writing of a review article on the topic: “Choice withlinga for a newborn.”
General rules for choosing the “first” sling:

1. Purpose of purchase
Before you drown in a sea of ​​information and pictures, you should determine for yourself why you need a carrier. At least for a start. Start from pressing problems or situations.
Because it’s impossible to find one sling, “so that it’s comfortable on the plane, and going to the beach in hot Egypt, and picking berries at the dacha, and getting to the clinic in winter without being too cold.” Moreover, “the most inexpensive, and so that it looks modern, and my husband can wear it. The child is 1.5 months old. We were advised to use some kind of flax. What do you say???”Hands give up, words disappear.
Do not strive to buy a unique sling for all occasions and for all future children. Decide why you need it now and first of all!
Traveling with a baby, going on errands/to work, taking an older child to kindergarten/developmental activities, satisfying the increased need for breastfeeding, carrying belly to belly during evening colic, doing housework for many hours - this is one thing.
Running to the store, to the clinic, heating up lunch, rocking the child to sleep, walking to the car or the beach - that’s another thing.
If a balanced decision does not come to mind, you want both - feel free to rent a sling and try, try, try! 2. Type of carrying

To make the right choice between a ring sling (ssl), a scarf sling (scarf), a mai sling (mai), an ergonomic backpack or (we hope not) a baby carrier for your baby, you need to have a general understanding of all types of carriers and about the physiology of newborns. You can gain this knowledge from articles and (must read!!!)

Our short summary:

We advise you to choose: a scarf, a ssk and a may-sling made of scarf fabric (scarfomai).

Woven sling scarf

Woven sling scarf - optimal carrier for newborns and infants, well suited for long walks. The scarf evenly distributes the load on the parents' shoulders and lower back; it can always be used to breastfeed and lull the baby to sleep.
Thanks to the special weaving of the threads (double diagonal weaving), when the fabric stretches not along or across, but diagonally, scarves best provide the ability to tightly attract the newborn to the parent, thoroughly adjust the sling and support all parts of the child’s spine and neck.
The scarf can be used to carry a child in horizontal and vertical positions.
Scarf slings come in several sizes depending on their length.
For a slender and short mother (up to size 44), you can take size 5 (length 4.2). But for additional lumbar support, it is better to take a 4.7-meter sling (6), then you can bring the ends of the sling forward.
For a mother 44-48, size 6 (4.7 meters) is suitable.
For mothers from size 50 - 7 (5.2 meters).

Ring sling

Ring sling It will also serve as an excellent assistant for you. Due to the speed of dressing, it is convenient to use for short runs (from the car to the house, from the house to the beach, for example), to do household chores. A sling with rings is also good because you can easily put the baby down with the carrier without waking him up by unwinding.

When choosing a sling with rings, you should opt for a version made of scarf fabric, without padded sides, with large diameter rings and an unsewn tail. This way, you will have a better chance of learning how to attract a newborn well, adjust the fabric in the rings and straighten it.
The SSK can be worn in horizontal and vertical positions.
When buying a good (scarf fabric, without sides and with an unsewn tail) sling with rings, choosing the size for mothers with clothing sizes from 42 to 48 is largely determined by the personal preferences of the wearer: do you like a longer one or a longer one? short tail in ssk. For mothers with larger clothing sizes, it is better to choose ssk bigger size. You should also pay attention to the fact that the length of standard M-slings from different manufacturers can vary quite a lot, which means, if possible, it is better to try on the sling before making the final purchase decision.

Scarfomai (may-sling made of scarf fabric)

Scarfomaiattracts with the speed of winding and more modern look. It is better to have a My-sling not as the first carrier, but in addition to a scarf or sling with rings. With a baby, the May Sling can be worn in the “quickly get to the store” mode, and full and longer use of the May should begin at 4 months.
It is also worth buying a baby sling made from scarf fabric, with wide straps and the ability to easily adjust the width and height of the backrest. It is better to learn to wear a scarf in an upright position. The horizontal “cradle” position with very young babies is best used by experienced sling mothers who know how to straighten the excess fabric of the baby sling and ensure even distribution of the load on the baby’s back.
3. Budget

Create a budget for purchasing a baby sling. And choose from the highest price segment for you. Your comfort and development of winding skills depend on the quality of the sling and its composition. And high-quality carriers made of mercerized cotton, as a rule, cost more than Vologda linen, but they will not leave you indifferent and will not seem rough or unyielding.
4. Style

Choose a sling of your favorite color or pattern, focusing on your wardrobe or just preferences. A baby in a carrier will involuntarily attract the gaze of others. You will be pleased if the sling looks not just like a piece of fabric, but as a stylish accessory that highlights the color of your eyes or creates the integrity of your look.

5. Composition

But perhaps the most important criterion in choosing a sling for a newborn is what it is made of. The composition of a scarf, scarf or sling with rings determines their lightness, breathability, plasticity and huggability.
The existence of slings from different materials and mixed composition is due to the desire to create carriers for different needs and parameters of the parent-child pair. It is thanks to the different composition and weaving that you can choose a sling for a fluffy newborn and a heavy running baby, for hot summers and harsh winters, for a weak mother’s back and dad’s hardy shoulders, for back windings or rebozos.
Every sophisticated sling mother has a list of slings with silk-cashmere-bamboo composition that she would buy for the birth of her next baby.
But, if you are just planning to become a sling mother, our team recommends buying your first sling made of 100% cotton of medium thickness to fill your hand, learn how to wind and experience joy from the first days of wearing. Indeed, often very thin and flexible scarves cannot cope with winding errors, begin to creep and cease to properly fix the child’s position.
But after 2 months of practice, training and daily babywearing, while your baby is still a baby, you should definitely try dessert in the form of silk and bamboo scarves.

Let's take a closer look at slings made from different materials, suitable for newborns and infants:

100% cotton slings- a compromise between the delicacy of silk scarves and the durability and non-slip properties of thick linen. Cotton slings require flexibility, breathability and the possibility of good adjustment on the one hand, and stability even if not very carefully wound, on the other.

Manufacturers: Ellevill, Didymos, Neobulle, Nati, Girasol, Vatanai, Kokadi, Oscha, Diva Milano and others.
Example: Vatanai Reims

Slings with silk The composition consists of a plastic “oily” canvas. For the most part, slings with silk are thin, so they are well suited for summer babies, for hot climates or trips to the sea. They are very pliable to wind and huggable.
Manufacturers: Didymos, Ellevill, Heartiness, Nati, etc.
Example: Elleville Caelum He

Slings with silk and cashmere- a dream for kinesthetic learners. Indescribable feelings of tenderness, warmth and comfort:) Among sling connoisseurs they are considered the most desirable acquisition for babies. Unique composition allows the sling to “cool” in hot weather and “warm” when cool.

Manufacturers: Didymos, Heartiness, etc.

Example: Didymos Ellipsen Silk Cashmere

Slings with silk and woolhave the softness and pliability of silk scarves and a warming effect.
Manufacturers: Didymos et al.
Example:Didymos Indio Eisblau mit seide und wolle

Slings with cashmeregood for cool evenings and for infants' imperfect thermoregulation. They warm, but do not prick, they are thin and gentle to wear.
Manufacturers: Didymos, Nati, etc.
Example: Didymos Indio Cashmere Graphite

Slings with bamboo- silky, flowing, perfectly draping. Thin and not hot, good for summer.
Manufacturers: Ellevill, LennyLamb, Nati
Example: Elleville Paisley Grasshopper

Bamboo slingssoft and gentle, with excellent support and breathability. Great for heavy kids.
Manufacturers: Ellevill et al.
Example:Ellevill Paisley Linen Linger Sling Scarf

6. Quantity Although everyone is looking for a sling for a newborn, it would be more correct to look for a slingI. At least two pieces. Here are several combinations in which two slings are inseparable from each other and act as indispensable helpers for mother:

1. One for home, one for street.
Coming home from the metro/minibus/bus/car, clinic or guests, it is so nice to lull your child to sleep in a “homemade” scarf, SSK or scarf, smelling of comfort and tranquility. And you won’t wrap a naked baby in a dirty street sling.
2. One is a scarf, the other is a sling with rings.
For different tasks - different slings.
A scarf is ideal for tiring walks around the city, trips on public transport, hiking and traveling. Quickly change the position in the sling from vertical to horizontal, put the baby to bed, make purchases at the nearest store - for this it is better to use a sling with rings.
3. For dad and mom.
One type of sling is bright and elegant for mom, the other is discreet and versatile for dad.
You can also mention the situation of the birth of twins, “one sling is washed and dried, the other is worn,” “for each mother’s outfit there is a separate sling,” but we will not do this. And so everything is clear :)
Using a similar algorithm, your own sense of taste and the flow of information from a sling consultant, a community of sling moms, a community of lovers of slings-scarfs, Didi_everyone and other sling communities and sites, you can choose the first sling to make your life easier, freedom of movement and closeness with your baby.

Here is a small example illustration of how you can use our proposed algorithm:

1. Purpose: I need a sling to take my older child to developmental activities, to walk with both children every day + I want to establish breast-feeding and feed on demand.

2. Type of sling and size: Because I'll have to walk long and often, right from birth, so I'll take a sling scarf.
I'm a size 44, so I choose a 6 (4.7 meters).
3. Budget: 4000 - 4500 rubles.
4. Style:I want something aquamarine to go with my nursing dress and summer raincoat.
5. Composition : I have no experience, I’ll start with 100% cotton.
6. Quantity: I only have money for a scarf, I’ll rent it.
Result: Didymos Wellen Acqua

A small F.A.Q. for slings for newborns:

1 . But what is better for a newborn: a sling with rings or a sling scarf?

The question is incorrect, because these carriers cannot be compared like that. These are equally useful devices for different situations and conditions.
If you still have doubts, then buy a woven sling scarf. This is a carrier that has no drawbacks (and the fear of windings and the length of the fabric is the first impression (exaggerated at the same time), which passes very quickly, it’s worth watching video master classes, attending a sling meeting or visiting a sling showroom).

2. Is it possible to carry a baby in an ergonomic backpack with a special insert for newborns?

Many manufacturers actually suggest buying special inserts for ergo backpacks or placing a diaper inside to reduce the volume of the carrier so that the newborn does not fall out and for a tighter fit.
In fact, this is absolutely not an option. Firstly, this insert does not add more cuddling to the backpack, but simply flattens the child closer to the mother. The ergo backpack still has excessive tension in the shoulder area (in the places where the slings are attached), but the upper and lower parts of the child’s spine remain poorly drawn without the possibility of adjustment and tension. In addition, the baby with this insert is very hot.
We recommend using ergo backpacks from the age of 6-7 months.A knitted sling scarf is very good for mastering the basics of babywearing: different windings, straightening the fabric, tying knots, etc. But a knitted scarf is a very sling a short time(for a couple of months, up to about 6 kg), because when the child reaches a certain weight, it becomes difficult to carry (the knitted fabric stretches greatly under the weight). In addition, a knitted scarf is hotter than a woven cotton one. Ideally, buy knitwear during pregnancy, teach your husband and relatives to use it, and with the birth of your child, purchase a woven sling scarf.

4. The sling scarf scares me, it’s so long and so difficult to wrap. I'll never master it. What should I do?
The complexity of the scarf is greatly exaggerated. For a newborn, you will need to master one or two simple windings. This can be done using video tutorials, at a sling meeting or in a sling showroom. If you are still afraid of not being able to cope and doing something wrong, then you can always invite a sling consultant to your home, who will explain to you the basics of babywearing and teach you how to wind the sling correctly and adjust it.

5. Is it possible to wear it “facing the world” in a sling?

The answer to this question is well stated in the article on the mama.tomsk portal. In short, the baby's "world facing" position deprives the sling of its benefits of good support and comfort, and the baby may be adversely affected by the abundance of impressions and visual information.

6. Is it possible to carry twins in a sling? How many slings do you need for this?
Need to! You can carry twins in slings in a combination: one parent - one child. Then you will need two slings: slings or scarves.
If a mother plans to carry two children on herself at the same time, then you can learn how to wrap two children in one scarf (sleeping in a position on the stomach or one on the stomach, one behind the back) or buy 2 sling scarves: one for wrapping at the back, one for position front.

7. How long can a newborn be carried in a sling?
The duration of babywearing for newborn babies depends on the needs of mother and baby.
Some children need long-term babywearing, while others want to quickly change position and look around. But in general, newborns are carried in a sling as much as in their arms.
The main rule of babywearing small babies is that the awake baby needs to be taken out of the sling to warm up, exercise and change position approximately every hour. With a sleeping baby, you can do these manipulations after waking up.

8. Is it possible to carry a newborn in a sling in winter?
It is possible and necessary! For a comfortable winter babywearing, you will need a couple of additional purchases: namely, a special insert in the mother’s jacket or a babywearing jacket that will keep mother and baby warm in the sling. And a babywearing suit for the cold season with long legs for ease of wearing.