How often to feed a newborn with breast milk. Proper feeding of an infant: advice for a nursing mother

Many young mothers are concerned about how to properly feed their newborn. breast milk. How successful breastfeeding will be largely depends on whether it can be established in the first week after birth. For a long time, it was generally accepted that breastfeeding is a natural process, and a woman should know how. However, the reality is that most new mothers have many questions about breastfeeding.

Milk does not appear in a woman’s breast immediately after the baby is born, but after 1-3 days. Before this, the mammary glands produce colostrum - this is a special secretion formed in the last days of pregnancy or immediately after childbirth. Colostrum contains a lot of useful substances - these are easily digestible proteins, antioxidants and vitamins. At the same time, it has a high energy value and a rather low percentage of liquid compared to mature milk, which protects the baby’s kidneys from overload.

The need for feeding occurs in a newborn a few hours after birth. In the first day, the baby’s stomach barely reaches the size of a cherry, and the digestive tract is not yet adapted to digesting milk or formula.

However, a newborn should be put to the breast immediately after his birth. Firstly, drops of colostrum will give the child immunity and stimulate intestinal function. Secondly, when the baby takes the breast, the woman’s body, under the influence of the hormone prolactin, begins to actively produce milk. Thirdly, the psychological aspect is very important: skin-to-skin contact immediately after childbirth helps to establish special closeness between mother and child.

How to properly put a baby to the breast?

How to properly attach a baby when feeding? Following a few rules will protect the baby from colic and excessive regurgitation, and the mother from painful sensations, cracks and lactostasis. A woman should be explained in the maternity hospital how to properly breastfeed a child. At the same time, the doctor checks the sucking reflex of the newborn and the presence of milk in the young mother.

The technique for putting a baby to the breast is as follows:

  1. Before starting feeding, a woman should choose one that is convenient for herself. The most common feeding is on the side, since in this position the mother rests, and stagnation of milk does not form in the breast.
  2. Before you put your baby to your breast, get his attention. Gently touch your baby's cheek with your nipple or fingertip. Under the influence of instinct, the baby turns his head towards the stimulus, opens his mouth and sticks his tongue out slightly. When the baby is ready to feed, you can give him the breast.
  3. How to properly put a baby to the breast? Make sure that the baby grasps not only the nipple, but also the areola. Otherwise, the baby will not receive the normal amount of milk during feeding and will begin to cry and chew the nipple. Because of this, a woman may develop cracks on her breasts. If the baby does not latch onto the breast correctly, you need to interrupt feeding. Some babies are unable to open their mouths wide, causing them to extend their lips with a tube in search of food. You can help your child by lightly pressing your finger on his chin. After this, offer the newborn the breast again and begin proper feeding, which will be comfortable for mother and baby.

Properly established breastfeeding will help prevent cracks and abrasions of the nipple area. In addition, if the baby is uncomfortable during feeding, or he does not receive enough milk, he may soon refuse to breastfeed altogether.

There are several signs that allow a young mother to understand that the baby has correctly grasped the nipple:

  1. When feeding a newborn, a woman after childbirth should experience cramping sensations in the lower abdomen, possibly increasing the discharge of lochia. This is caused by the active production of the hormone oxytocin, which causes the uterus to contract.
  2. The baby does not make sounds with his lips and breathes through his nose. Correct latching of the breast creates a vacuum in the baby's cavity, necessary for the outflow of milk.
  3. A woman should not feel pain. If mom is experiencing discomfort during feeding, and then discovers severe redness on the mammary glands, which means that the baby was not suckling properly.
  4. If you attach the baby to the breast correctly, then in his mouth he will have not only the nipple, but also the entire areola.

Compliance with these rules will relieve both mother and baby from any discomfort during feeding. To understand how to establish breastfeeding, it will be enough to practice several times.

Feeding positions

By modern recommendations World Health Organization feeding infant should happen on demand. However, immediately after giving birth, a young mother is faced with the fact that the baby can suck constantly, even while sleeping. To prevent these hours of feeding from becoming torture for a woman, you need to know how to feed a newborn with breast milk in a comfortable position. Having found a comfortable position for herself, the mother will be able not only to admire the baby, but also to have fun or relax. There are several most common feeding positions:

  1. “Cradle”: the mother sits on a chair or armchair, holding the baby’s head in the crook of her elbow. When a woman remains in this position for a long time, her muscles become very tense. Today, there are special pillows for feeding that allow you to remove most of the load from the mother’s back and arms.
  2. “Relaxation” is a comfortable position. This position allows the baby to be properly attached during feeding and for the mother to rest during the process. breastfeeding. In this case, the woman lies on her side, her head is on the pillow and her shoulders are lower.
  3. Feeding in a sling is especially loved by many mothers, as it allows them to breastfeed their baby and do household chores at the same time.

A young mother should pay attention to the fact that during feeding, only the part of the mammary gland towards which the baby’s chin is directed during feeding is emptied. Therefore, to prevent milk stagnation, it is worth changing positions throughout the day.

How often should you feed your baby?

Many young mothers wonder: by the clock or according to the child’s wishes? In the first months after birth, children need the breast not only because of hunger, but also to quench thirst, calm down, and feel close to their mother. Therefore, modern experts recommend feeding the baby when he himself shows a desire to suck.

Correct attachment to the breast involves the mother's reaction to the signals that the baby gives. A hungry baby begins to grunt, show restlessness, fiddle with its fingers in the air, smack its lips or cry.

The baby may eat hastily and greedily or, conversely, suck slowly, interrupting periodically. It depends on the child’s character and his activity. If the baby swam in the bathtub, crawled and walked with his mother, then he would become much hungrier than the baby who woke up at night.

On average, proper attachment of a baby to the breast takes at least 20-25 minutes. During this period, the baby manages to receive both foremilk, which is watery, and hindmilk, which is thicker and rich in nutrients.

In the first weeks after the baby is born, feedings can last several hours. This is explained by the need of a newborn child to constantly maintain contact with the mother. The older the baby is, the less time it will take to feed him.

Hiccups and regurgitation after feeding

Regurgitation accompanies almost every breastfeeding of a newborn. In some babies, after sucking, milk comes out of the mouth and nose in a strong stream. Normally, the volume of regurgitation is 10-15 ml.

Belching in a baby occurs due to air entering the stomach during sucking. Therefore, you need to ensure that the baby takes into his mouth not only the nipple, but also the skin of the areola. This will prevent him from swallowing excess air. In addition, you need to follow a simple rule: after feeding, so as not to provoke, hold the baby upright or let him lie quietly on his side for at least 15-20 minutes.

Hiccups in a baby usually worry parents more than the baby itself. The child has not yet established a stable connection between the brain and the diaphragm, which is why such rhythmic muscle spasms may periodically occur. If hiccups do not cause your baby much concern, then there is nothing wrong with them. Breastfeed your newborn, pat him on the back and cover him warmly. After some time, the diaphragm muscles will relax and the hiccups will go away.

Problems with breastfeeding

The longer the nursing period continues, the better. Experts recommend maintaining breastfeeding for at least the first year of a child's life.

However, how to breastfeed correctly if the baby does not want to suck? A baby may refuse milk if it is bitter or has an unpleasant aftertaste. In this case, the problem can be solved by following a diet. A young mother should eliminate spicy and smoked foods from her diet and add more fruits and high-protein foods to the menu.

In addition, if the baby has difficulty sucking the required amount of milk, he may cry from hunger, have trouble gaining weight and, in the end, refuse to latch on at all. This can be corrected by placing the baby for feeding so that the breast hangs over him. This position will increase the flow of milk, and it will be easier for the baby to suck.

Lack of milk

If a baby is attached to the breast and sucks greedily, but after a few minutes drops the nipple and starts crying, then the mother probably does not have enough milk. When lactation is reduced, the baby may not eat enough, constantly reach for the breast, chew on the nipple and cry often. What to do to increase your milk supply?

In order not to provoke hypolactation, a young mother should protect herself from unnecessary stress and anxiety. Milk is secreted from the alveoli of the mammary glands under the influence of oxytocin. When a woman is nervous, hormone production decreases.

Proper attachment during breastfeeding is of great importance. Breast milk contains a lot of useful substances, gives the baby a strong immune system and the basis for healthy development. Properly organized breastfeeding serves as the key to a strong emotional connection between mother and baby and gives the child strong immunity.

Successful breastfeeding of a newborn depends largely on the conditions under which this process occurs.

The birth of a new person is a small miracle. The life of a child is several stages that he needs to overcome: conception, intrauterine development, birth, breastfeeding, adaptation to the environment, personality formation... These stages are interconnected. Each of them leaves its mark on the child’s future life, on his relationship with his parents. Therefore, it is very important that the period of personality formation be full for him.

A particularly close connection between the child and the mother occurs during the breastfeeding stage. And for this process, it is better to master different eating positions so that the time of tender relationships becomes absolutely comfortable for both parties.

Basically, mothers use three main positions with different options. It is necessary to find the position that will be as comfortable as possible for everyone - both mother and baby.

Feeding a newborn in the classic “cradle” position

The woman clasps the baby with one hand and offers the breast with the other. This pose has two options.

  1. The woman holds the newborn with the hand with which breast she is going to feed, and then the position changes. In this case, the child's head is on the forearm of the mother's hand.
  2. The second pose is similar to the first option, but with some changes. The woman clasps the baby with the hand opposite to the involved breast. This position is called the “cross cradle”. It is more suitable for newborns, since the mother holds the baby's head with her palm during feeding.

It is very important to know that every baby is unique. Everyone has their own appetite, which means they gain weight differently. The infant's feeding regimen is developed by the doctor, but you can switch to an individual meal schedule and focus on it, having previously agreed with the local pediatrician.

Interception position

Feeding an infant can be done from under the arm. This position is called "interception". The baby is on the side, his stomach is at his mother's side, his legs lie behind her back, his head is at his chest. Depending on which side the newborn lies, the mother clasps him with that hand. It turns out that the child is under it. For the woman’s comfort, it is advisable to place a pillow under her arm so that the baby’s head is slightly higher than the body. Feeding positions for an infant in the “intercept” position can be different.

  1. You can sit on a bed or sofa with a pillow behind your back, and place your child next to the side on another pillow. After an episiotomy, it is advisable to assume a reclining position. Then the support will be on the lower spine and tailbone.
  2. Hand feeding is convenient for women who have had C-section. It is better for them to sit on a half-sided stool in front of the bed, where the baby is lying on a pillow, then there will be less pressure on the seam.
  3. For premature babies, eating from under the arm is also a suitable option, since such babies have weak muscles. In this position, the baby's head is on the mother's palm - and it is easier for him to latch on to the breast.

Maximum comfort

Feeding in a lying position gives the baby and woman the greatest pleasure. They lie facing each other very close, mom's head rests on the pillow and her shoulder is lower. With the hand on which side the nursing mother lies, she clasps the baby. His head can be located on the crook of his mother’s elbow or forearm.

For maximum comfort, you can use several recommendations:

  1. If a woman big breasts, a diaper rolled up with a roller will help. It is placed under the mammary gland. With the shape of the breast, when the nipple looks down, it will be more convenient to place not your hand under your head, but a diaper folded in four. It is better to place a tiny baby on a small pillow in front of you.
  2. To avoid getting tired quickly, you do not need to hang over the child, leaning on your elbow. This position will lead to pain in the arm, fatigue, and this contributes to weak milk flow. It is advisable to look for options that will suit both.
  3. Feeding an infant in a lying position is important for women who have had a caesarean section. During this postpartum period, you especially want to relax, and this position will provide the mother with rest and the baby eating at the same time. Even at night, a woman can feed him without completely waking up. But if you have problems with proper attachment, it is better not to practice this method. There is a possibility that the baby will take the breast shallowly, or “slip” onto the nipple and injure the gums. Until he learns to latch on properly, it's best to practice other positions. The “cross cradle” and “interception” positions cope best with this. Then the baby's head is in the mother's palm, and she can control the correct latch on the breast.

Hiccups in a newborn

It happens that infant hiccups after feeding. This happens for a number of reasons.

Firstly, if the baby swallows air that puts pressure on the diaphragm, hiccups appear. It occurs if the baby sucks too quickly or there is a large hole in the bottle. Most often, the child begins to hiccup immediately after eating.

Secondly, through overfeeding, since a large volume of food stretches the walls of the stomach - the diaphragm contracts, causing hiccups. Most mothers think that the baby cannot be overfed: he eats until he is full. This is wrong. The norm for feeding an infant is established according to age and its physiological characteristics. Infants are fed every 1.5-2 hours, and the eating process itself lasts 10-15 minutes. This is exactly how long it will take for the baby to get enough. And he needs about 10 minutes to satisfy the sucking reflex and close communication with his mother. It is advisable to adhere to such a diet so as not to disturb the child’s digestion.

If hiccups begin after feeding, the baby should be positioned vertically, held close to you, and stroked on the back.

Basic rules for breastfeeding

As already mentioned, feeding a newborn is carried out in different positions. And the sooner a mother learns to feed her baby in different positions, the better. Firstly, it is very convenient, since changing position allows you to weaken some muscles of the body while others are tense. Secondly, both breasts are emptied evenly, which prevents the risk of milk stagnation.

There are several more rules that are recommended to be followed regardless of the position when your baby eats:

  1. It is important that the entire body of the baby - head, shoulders, stomach and legs - is located at the same level. For example, if a child feeds while lying down, then he should not lie on his back with his head turned, as this makes swallowing difficult, causing muscle tension, but on his side.
  2. Infants should be picked up correctly, with your arm clasped diagonally, and your head carefully secured.
  3. After taking a comfortable position, it is better for the mother to lightly press the baby towards her rather than pull her chest towards him.
  4. The breast must be placed deeper into the baby's mouth along with the areola. If the areola is of impressive size, then the baby should grasp it from below more than from above.
  5. In places where the mother most often feeds the baby, it is advisable to have pillows of different sizes for a comfortable and correct positioning.
  6. When a baby sucks, his tongue should be on the gum and his lips should be slightly turned outward. The baby should not be allowed to make smacking sounds. If they are heard, then you need to see a doctor to have him check the frenulum of the tongue.

Sometimes for many mothers, breastfeeding in the early stages turns into a real problem. Don't give up, seek help from a doctor. Doctors will teach you how to properly attach the baby and advise on this issue. You can seek advice from women who have experience in breastfeeding or to a gynecological center where classes with young nursing mothers and consultations on lactation are held. Everything will be answered there exciting questions and learn how to communicate correctly with your baby. But despite the advice and recommendations of other people, it is better to listen to your intuition and the needs of the baby. After all, every child needs his own approach.

Eating on the go

Feeding a newborn can be done in any position, even on the go, lulling him to sleep. This meal will be needed if the baby cries, cannot relax and behaves restlessly. In this case, the baby should be swaddled loosely and, attached to the chest, walk, rocking left and right. It is better to wrap older children in a thick sheet or thin blanket, creating a kind of “cocoon”. Most often this quickly calms you down. It is advisable to purchase a sling, as it is ideal for feeding the baby on the go and will help the mother relieve the burden on her hands.

Lactostasis in a woman

If a nursing mother has stagnant milk, the baby must be placed on the breast where lactostasis has formed. Feeding is carried out so that the baby's lower jaw is closer to the place of stagnation, since where the jaw works, there is a strong outflow of milk. If lactostasis occurs in the upper chest, better for a woman Lie on your side on the problematic side, and place your baby in your jack. If necessary, it can be placed on a pillow. In other cases, use standard postures, adjusting them so that the child can massage the place where congestion has formed with the lower part of the jaw. For maximum comfort, it is advisable to place pillows of different sizes under the baby.

Proper feeding of an infant is not always possible. It happens that for some reason a woman’s milk volume in her breast decreases or disappears completely, and she is forced to switch to partial or complete artificial nutrition.

There are situations when a mother is forced to switch to formula feeding even with normal breast milk production. This happens if a woman had a difficult birth and she must take medications to restore her body, or she needs to go to work. Such circumstances force the mother to switch her child to artificial nutrition. But before you start feeding your baby formula, you need to consult with a specialist on this issue.

Artificial nutrition

The period of transition to feeding an infant with formula is very important and responsible. Before you buy milk product, you should pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiration date. Your pediatrician will tell you which artificial formula to choose. He will take into account the physiological characteristics of a particular baby, taking into account the child’s development and body weight. Already from the first feeding it will become clear whether this mixture is suitable for the baby, since he will most likely refuse to eat a tasteless product.

There are situations in which it is necessary to change the formula, even if the baby eats it well:

  1. After eating food, an allergic reaction (rash, redness) appears on the child’s face or body.
  2. For each age, certain food products are produced, so depending on the age, a change in the mixture is necessary.
  3. When a child is ill and during the rehabilitation period, when it is necessary to introduce new, more fortified mixtures into his diet, which are prescribed by the pediatrician.
  4. After recovery, the child is again transferred to the food he ate before the illness.

Of course, artificial formula feeding should meet the needs of a baby of a particular age. Dairy products for infants should be diluted only according to the instructions on the package. If the prepared mixture has stood for more than 40 minutes, it is prohibited to feed the child with it.

It is necessary to select an artificial product for feeding so that it does not cause discomfort for the baby when sucking, since infants cannot feed from a spoon.

Feeding utensils must be kept perfectly clean.

Particular attention should be paid to how the baby reacts to a particular mixture. If even the slightest allergic reaction occurs or an intestinal disorder occurs, it is necessary to stop feeding the infant the selected product and consult a doctor about replacing it with a different food.

The further introduction of other foods into the diet is similar to the introduction of complementary foods to children fed on mother's milk.

Surely many mothers are familiar with the surname Komarovsky. The advice and recommendations of a famous pediatrician are always clear to many parents, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a cough in children or feeding an infant. Komarovsky presents information in an interesting and engaging way. Referring to the findings of eminent specialists, the doctor develops his own formula and suggests using it. The topic of breastfeeding is endless.

The genetic factor plays a big role when feeding a baby. It would seem that in big breasts located a large number of milk, but there is a problem with its production. Humans differ in that every action is regulated by the cerebral cortex. This also applies to the lactation process.

A woman should clearly know what the volume of milk depends on and how to breastfeed correctly. During sucking, irritation of the nipple stimulates milk production. The lactation period is considered the first month after childbirth. It is known that the more often a mother puts her baby to the breast, the more milk she produces.

Komarovsky argues that sometimes women create problems for themselves. Achieving more milk using different methods, they begin to get nervous and worried, causing the milk to decrease. The mistake of many parents is that they immediately transfer their babies to artificial nutrition. Komarovsky does not advise doing this. As soon as the baby tries the bottle, he will refuse the breast, which requires a lot of effort when sucking.

From emotional mood Women depend on lactation, so the mother needs to be calm - and then the production of breast milk will normalize. If the baby's health is not indifferent to the mother, she will continue breastfeeding. Artificial feeding, according to Komarovsky, you need to start only if after three days the baby remains restless.

Protein deficiency in the first months of birth affects the development and formation of the child. Modern pediatricians advise feeding by the hour, and the World Health Organization advises feeding at the baby’s request: when he wants to eat, then feed. And in the first month of life, the child needs to stay near his mother for 24 hours. Constantly being near loved one has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby and stimulates the increase in milk in the woman, which he needs, since this product contains the nutrients necessary for the baby.

Newborn feeding time

As already mentioned, as a child ages, his needs change. There are several features in the process of eating by month. At first, the child needs about 30 minutes to get enough. Then feeding changes from month to month. The duration of meals is gradually reduced.

For example, in the third month of life, breastfeeding becomes more intense compared to the first week after discharge from the maternity hospital. Every month the child becomes more active, moves more and experiences hunger more often. At three months, weight gain should be more than 400 g/m. At this age, the process of eating goes smoothly, since the baby practically does not react to external stimuli.

Features of breastfeeding at 4 months are the possibility of complementary feeding with milk formulas, one-component juices and fruit purees. Its quantity is determined according to the previous feeding. 4 months can be a turning point for a child. He can completely refuse breastfeeding and only feed from a bottle. During this period, the feeding time of the newborn may change slightly. Compared to previous months, the mother puts the baby to the breast more often.

At 5 months, the baby quickly becomes full, as he intensively sucks the breast. Therefore, feeding time may be reduced. At this age, you can introduce an apple scraped with a spoon into your baby’s diet, and gradually introduce him to the taste of banana, apricot and pear.

In the sixth month, mother introduces milk cereal porridges into the diet in small portions. Each type of it undergoes a unique test for 2-3 days. If there is no allergic reaction, porridge can be included in the diet and the portion increased. It is not recommended to stop breastfeeding in this period. Forced weaning from mother's milk will cause psychological trauma to the newborn. The more time the baby is at the breast, the better.

The first year of a baby's life is the most important. It is very important to follow the feeding schedule for your baby by month. After all, during this period it is actively developing. Within a few months, the baby almost doubles its weight. He grows rapidly and quickly learns about the world, mastering everything from scratch. If a woman takes care of her child, feeds him properly and listens to the recommendations of specialists, the baby will grow up strong and healthy.

Human milk is the most suitable food for a newborn, which has no analogues. Having decided to breastfeed a newborn baby, the mother gives the baby not food, but much more. The uncertainty at the first attempts to feed the baby soon passes, especially if you learn more about the intricacies of breastfeeding during pregnancy.


There is no need to wash your breasts with soap before feeding, as our mothers were once advised to do. For breast hygiene, just a daily shower is enough. It is also not recommended to treat nipples with any antiseptics.

Choose a quiet place for feeding where you feel comfortable. It's good if no one bothers you at this time.

About 15 minutes before you start feeding your baby, drink a glass of liquid. Thanks to this, lactation will increase.

Correct attachment and breast grip

Correct attachment is one of the main factors contributing to successful experience breastfeeding. For the entire period of feeding the baby with human milk, it is very important how the baby first latched on. In most maternity hospitals, breastfeeding is supported by ensuring that the newborn baby is attached to the mother's breast immediately after birth.

Also, a comfortable position is important for proper attachment. Feedings, especially at first, last quite a long time, Therefore, it is important that mom does not get tired.

The baby should grab the nipple on his own, but if he did it incorrectly (grabbed only the tip), the mother should press a little on the baby’s chin and release the breast.


After washing your hands, you should express a few drops of milk and wipe the nipple with them. This will make the nipple softer so that your baby can latch onto it easily. Now you need to get comfortable and start feeding:

  1. Grasping the breast with your fingers, without touching the areola, direct the nipple towards the baby's face. To help your baby find the nipple, stroke your baby's cheek. If this does not help, you can squeeze a little milk onto the baby’s lips.
  2. Make sure your baby is latching onto the nipple correctly. His mouth should be open quite wide, and his chin should be pressed to his mother's chest. In the baby’s mouth there should be not only a nipple, but also part of the areola.
  3. If milk begins to flow out of the corner of the baby's mouth, you need to lift the baby's head and place your index finger under the baby's lower lip.
  4. When your baby sucks very sluggishly, help your baby become more alert. To do this, you can pat the baby on the head, pat the cheek or ear.
  5. When the baby begins to fall asleep at the breast or sucks more slowly, the mother can interrupt the sucking by gently placing her index finger between the breast and the corner of the baby’s mouth.
  6. Don't rush to get dressed immediately after feeding. Let the milk on the nipple dry a little. Also, do not rush to put the baby in the crib. The baby must burp the air that has entered the stomach with milk. To do this, you should hold the little one in a “column”, carefully placing a napkin on your shoulder, since a small portion of milk may also come out with the air.

Comfortable positions

To feed the baby, the mother selects a lying, sitting or any other position in which it is convenient for both her and the baby. You need to feed your baby in a relaxed state.

If the mother is weakened after childbirth, had a caesarean section or sutures in the perineal area, then it will be more convenient for her to feed lying on her side. Turning your face to the baby, you need to place the baby so that the baby’s head is placed in the elbow bend of the mother’s hand. Supporting the baby under the back, you can gently stroke the baby.

The most common position for breastfeeding at night and after childbirth is in the supine position.

Also, one of the most comfortable positions for feeding is sitting. Mom can sit in an armchair or on a chair, but it is more comfortable if her arm rests on an armrest or on a pillow, and one leg stands on a small bench. The child should be supported under the back so that his head is located in the crook of his mother's elbow. The baby's belly should touch the mother's belly.

Other Possible Poses and Positions

Feeding the baby can be done from behind the back. For this position, the mother sits on the sofa and places a regular pillow next to her. The mother places the baby on the pillow so that the baby's body is located along her body under her arm. This position is very comfortable for mothers nursing twins. This way the mother can feed both babies at once.

Also, mother can feed while sitting on the floor with her legs crossed “Turkish style”. In this position it is convenient to feed a baby who can already crawl or walk.

Popular feeding positions are presented below. Experiment and choose the most comfortable one for both you and the baby.

How to understand that everything is happening correctly?

If the baby grasps the breast correctly, then:

  • Both the nipple and the areola (most of it) will be in the baby's mouth, and the baby's lips will be turned outward.
  • The baby's nose will be pressed to the chest, but will not sink into it.
  • Mom will not hear any other sounds other than swallowing milk.
  • Mom will not experience any unpleasant sensations during sucking.

During feeding, monitor the position of the baby's mouth and nose and listen to your feelings

Outside the home

A breastfeeding mother receives such an important advantage as the ability to give her baby food at any time when the baby gets hungry. You can feed your baby discreetly in many places. To do this, mom should think about her clothes, wearing things that can be easily unbuttoned or lifted up. You can also bring a scarf or shawl to cover yourself while feeding.

Recently, places for feeding babies have begun to appear in stores. If a mother and her newborn are visiting, do not hesitate to ask for privacy with the baby in another room. Any adequate person will meet you halfway.


How often and after how many minutes should you put your baby back to the breast?

How many minutes should a newborn breastfeed?

Most babies suckle for about 15 minutes per latch, but there are babies who require longer sucking times (up to 40 minutes). If you wean your baby from the breast before he empties the breast, the baby may not receive enough milk from the rear sections, which contains a large proportion of fat. Due to prolonged sucking, cracked nipples may appear, so it is recommended to feed the baby from 10-15 to 40 minutes.

How can you tell if your child is getting enough?

Is it possible to overfeed a baby?

Indeed, at first the baby eats milk in excess, because he is not familiar with the feeling of fullness, since he received food constantly in utero. But there is no need to worry, the baby will regurgitate all the excess, and overfeeding with breast milk cannot harm his health.

Will the milk have time to be digested if the baby asks for the breast frequently?

You don’t have to worry about this, because mother’s milk is a perfectly balanced food for a newborn, digested without much effort. Breast milk almost immediately enters the baby's intestines and is quickly digested.

How to breastfeed a crying baby?

If crying baby can't latch onto the breast, first calm the baby down. Hold him close, talk tenderly to the child, rock him in your arms. If the baby's crying is due to the fact that he cannot latch on to the breast, touch the nipple to the baby's cheek or lips.

Is it necessary to feed at night?

Night feedings are very important for long and successful lactation, since it is during such feedings that the production of hormones important for milk production is stimulated. In addition, the newborn has not yet established a day-night routine, so the time of day does not affect his hunger in any way.

  • Remember that by latching your baby to the breast early, feeding on demand and emptying the breast completely, you will stimulate milk production in the glands. If you feed the baby rarely and limit the feeding time, there is a high probability of a decrease in lactation.
  • If the mother is taking any medications, it is important to find out whether such medications pass into the milk and whether they can affect the baby's health.
  • If the mother drank alcohol, she should not feed the baby for three hours. Alcohol penetrates very quickly into human milk in the same concentration as it is found in the mother’s blood.
  • You should not smoke while breastfeeding, because nicotine passes into milk very easily. Also, nursing mothers should not stay in a smoky room.
  • In the first months of lactation, milk often leaks from the breast between feedings, so it is convenient to use inserts in the bra.
  • You should not buy a bottle and formula “just in case” and you should not give up if your first feeding experience is unsuccessful. Breastfeeding takes a learning curve like any other skill, but once you master it, you'll reap many more benefits than switching to formula feeding.

Possible problems

At the very beginning of breastfeeding, many problems often arise, but any woman can cope with them.

Irregular nipple shape

The nipples at the mother's breast may be inverted or flat, and the baby can hardly grasp such nipples.

In this case, in the first weeks of feeding, before giving the baby the breast, the mother should pull out the nipple along with the areola (by hand or using a breast pump).

It often helps Hoffman technique: do it several times a day massage movements fingers, first squeezing the nipple and then straightening it, stretching it in opposite directions.

You can also resort to using special pads.

If pulling out the nipple and shield does not help, you will have to feed the baby with expressed milk.

Cracked nipples

This is a common problem in the first days of feeding, causing great discomfort to the mother. Cracks are usually caused by the baby sucking at the breast for too long, as well as improper latching. And therefore, to prevent the occurrence of cracks, you need to monitor the latch on the breast, as well as the duration of feeding.

If cracks have already appeared, the baby should start feeding from a healthy gland or use pads. If the pain is severe, you can express your breasts and give your baby expressed milk.

Strong milk flow

If the breast is overly filled with milk and becomes so dense that the baby cannot properly latch onto the nipple and suck out the milk, you should pump the breast a little before feeding (until soft), limit fluid intake, and also apply something to the breast for 5-7 minutes cold (for example, an ice pack).


With this problem, the breasts become very dense and the mother feels painful swelling in them. There is no need to stop feeding your baby; on the contrary, you should put him to the breast more often. In this case, the mother is advised to limit liquid and lightly massage the hardened areas of the breast, straining the milk until soft.


This inflammatory disease is a common problem in the second to fourth week after childbirth. It is manifested by the appearance of seals that cause pain to the woman. Also, a nursing mother often has a fever. If you suspect that a woman is developing mastitis, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only he will confirm the diagnosis, prescribe treatment and be able to tell whether it is worth continuing to breastfeed.


This is the name for producing milk in an amount less than what the baby needs. Counting wet diapers (normally there are more than 10) and monthly weighing (normally, the baby should gain at least 0.5 kg) will help you verify that there is a lack of milk. But there is no need to rush to supplement with formula, because this could be a lactation crisis.

  • Nutrition
  • After a long nine months of waiting, a baby is born - joy for the whole family. But in addition to endless happiness, young parents also feel responsibility for their child, his development and health. In the first, most important months of life, the baby’s well-being mainly depends on nutrition, so the mother needs to properly organize her feeding regimen. What could be better than mother's milk? Therefore, today we will talk about how to breastfeed a baby.

    How to properly feed a newborn baby: regimen

    Pediatricians of the “old school” believe that a clear organization of the daily routine plays an important role in shaping the health of the baby. Maintaining the sequence of hours of sleep, feeding, and wakefulness contributes to the development of a certain dynamic reflex, which helps the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the baby. The introduction of a child’s diet must be carried out already in the first month of his life.

    The predominant reason for the baby to wake up is hungry excitement. The most appropriate way for children under one year of age is to remain awake after feeding and sleep before the next breastfeeding. As a rule, after waking up, the baby eats well, after which he remains awake, then quickly falls asleep and sleeps soundly until the next feeding.

    Feeding a baby by the hour

    By feeding the baby at certain hours, the mother has enough time for rest and homework, and the baby is already in early age gets used to the diet. However, the frequency and hours of feeding are selected individually, in the process of mutual adaptation of the child and mother.

    According to experts, more frequent latching of the baby to the breast, especially in first-time mothers, helps to increase lactation, as well as its longer duration. Therefore, it is advisable to feed the baby every 2 hours 6-7 times a day with a night break of 6 hours.

    Feeding intervals should correspond to the time needed to digest food. Breast milk is digested in 2-2.5 hours. Feeding at shorter intervals is harmful and even dangerous for the baby, as it leads to lack of appetite, frequent regurgitation, vomiting and diarrhea. When feeding periods are distributed correctly, the child does not have time to get hungry. In this case, he sucks the breast vigorously and empties it completely, which helps to increase the amount of milk coming in. Therefore, you should not feed the baby as soon as he cries. With this approach to nutrition, the mother gets much more tired. In addition, the baby does not only cry when he is hungry. His anxiety can be caused by overheating, hypothermia, wet diapers, uncomfortable positioning, colic and much more.

    What is it like correct mode feeding a newborn by the hour? There are two theories - old and new. Let's consider each of them separately.

    Previously, pediatricians advised young mothers to practice feeding their baby seven times only in the first month of his life. The first breastfeed occurs at 6 a.m., the second at 9 a.m., the third at 12 a.m., the fourth at 3 p.m., the fifth at 6 p.m., the sixth at 9 p.m. and the seventh at 24 a.m.

    By the second month, the baby is already growing up and, when feeding, takes in more milk, so already at the 2-3rd month of life, the baby is fed 6 times every 3.5 hours with a nightly interval of 6.5 hours.

    Feeding hours with this regimen look like this:

    • first - 6.00;
    • second - 9.30;
    • third - 13.00;
    • fourth - 16.30;
    • fifth - 20.00;
    • sixth - 22.30.

    Feeding hours with 6 meals a day with a night interval of 9 hours:

    • first - 6.00;
    • second - 9.00;
    • third - 12.00;
    • fourth -15.00;
    • fifth - 18.00;
    • sixth - 21.00.

    In the third, fourth, fifth month, the child can be fed as during the second (6 times with an interval of 3-3.5 hours), or the intervals between feedings in children can be extended to 4 hours (night interval - 6-8 hours).

    From 6 months to 1 year, the child receives food 5 times a day every 3.5-4 hours. This is due to the fact that from 4-5 months of age the baby is fed with other foods.

    Feeding hours with 5 meals a day with complementary foods look like this:

    • first - 6.00-7.00;
    • second - 10.00;
    • third -14.00;
    • fourth -17.00-18.00;
    • fifth -21.00-22.00.

    At this age, shifting feeding times 30 minutes earlier or later does not make much difference, but set meal times should be constant.

    Is it necessary to follow this feeding plan? Not at all! Let's explain why. Breast milk is digested in the baby's stomach very quickly, so that a newborn may require food literally every 1.5-2 hours. Therefore, it is believed that breastfeeding eight to twelve times a day is quite normal. And the question of how often a mother should put her baby to her breast can only be answered by herself, when she adapts to the needs of her baby. The length of feeding may also depend on the baby's personality. For example, some children eat quickly and greedily, others, on the contrary, prolong the pleasure. In any case, the baby should be given as much time as he needs.

    Feeding your baby by month

    So, we found out that during the first year of life the child’s routine changes several times. It is advisable to transfer to each subsequent regimen on the recommendation of a pediatrician. If you follow the old method of feeding your baby, then the monthly diet will look like this:

    1. From birth to 2.5-3 months, the child is fed 6-8 times a day with an interval between feedings of 3-3.5 hours. The period of wakefulness between feedings in this mode is 1-1.5 hours. The child sleeps 4 times a day for 1.5-2 hours.
    2. From 3 to 5-6 months, the child is fed 6 times a day with an interval between feedings of 3.5 hours and a mandatory 10-11-hour night break. At this age, the child sleeps 4 times a day and is awake for 1.5-2 hours.
    3. From 5-6 to 9-10 months, the child is fed 5 times a day with an interval between feedings of 4 hours. Waking time increases to 2-2.5 hours, nap occurs 3 times a day for 2 hours, at night - 10-11 hours.
    4. From 9-10 to 12 months, the number of feedings is 5-4 times, the interval between meals is 4-4.5 hours. Waking time is 3-3.5 hours, daytime sleep is 2 times a day for 2-2.5 hours, night sleep is 10-11 hours.

    I would like to note that, despite the convenience and many positive aspects of such regimen feeding, there is a completely opposite technique - “feeding on demand”. This regime takes into account the child’s natural desire for nutrition, his individual characteristics and behavior. In addition, there are no long overnight breaks in the flexible feeding schedule for your baby. And this is correct, since not all children can survive the whole night without food. So you have the right to choose the nutrition plan for your baby that you yourself consider necessary.

    Rules for breastfeeding a premature baby

    When choosing a diet for a premature baby, the mother should proceed from the baby’s weight. If the baby is discharged from the maternity hospital weighing 2.5 kg or more, then he will likely need a 2.5-3 hour interval between feedings during the day and a 3-4 hour interval at night. In the future, as the baby grows, he himself will tell you what changes in the regime he needs. When he reduces the number of nightly meals, this will be further evidence that he is developing normally.

    It is very important from the very beginning not to try to force your child to eat more than he wants. Even if it seems to you that this way he will gain weight faster. You must understand that the body's resistance to infections has nothing to do with the child's fatness. Pediatricians have long proven that each baby has an individual appetite, and his body develops according to its own schedule, so he knows how and when to ensure the required growth rate. If you regularly try to feed a premature baby with a large amount of milk, then the child will simply lose his appetite, which will negatively affect his development and growth.

    When breastfeeding, control over the amount of milk consumed by the newborn is carried out systematically by weighing the baby before and after feeding. We should not forget about the small stomach capacity of such children. Therefore, in the first days of life, the volume of food can range from 5 ml (on the first day) to 15-20 ml (on the third day of life).

    The so-called “calorie” method of calculating nutrition is considered preferable for premature babies. In accordance with it, a premature baby receives at least 30 kcal/kg of body weight on the first day of life, 40 kcal/kg on the second, 50 kcal/kg on the third, and 70-80 kcal by the 7-8th day of life. /kg weight. By the 14th day of life, the energy value of the diet increases to 120 kcal/kg, and at the age of 1 month it is 130-140 kcal/kg of body weight.

    From the 2nd month of life, for children born weighing > 1500 g, caloric intake is reduced by 5 kcal/kg/day (compared to the maximum energy value in the 1st month of life), and for children with a birth weight of 1000-1500 g the calorie content of the diet is maintained until 3 months of age at the maximum level (reached by the end of the first month of life). Next, a systematic reduction in the caloric content of the diet is carried out (5-10 kcal/kg body weight), taking into account the child’s condition, his appetite, the nature of the weight curve, etc.

    Feeding a baby at night

    Night feedings are an important factor in successful breastfeeding. Both mothers and babies need them: sucking at night, especially closer to the morning, well stimulates the production of prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production. In addition, newborn babies, due to their physiological and psychological characteristics cannot withstand long breaks between meals. If the baby is not fed at night, this can lead to dehydration and slow weight gain, and the mother’s milk supply will decrease and stagnation will form, which, in turn, will trigger the development of mastitis.

    Feeding an infant formula, cow's and goat's milk

    All pediatricians agree that better nutrition for the baby is mother's milk, which in its composition completely satisfies the baby's needs. But if such feeding is impossible, then can goat’s or cow’s milk replace it, or is it better to give preference to infant formula? Let's understand everything in order.

    In newborn babies, the digestive system does not work completely; it does not yet produce enough enzymes to fully digest food. That is why it is recommended to feed children up to six months only with breast milk or an adapted milk formula. If there is no mother's milk, and you are suspicious of artificial nutrition, then you can try giving the baby animal milk. And here the question arises: which of them should be preferred - goat or cow?

    If we compare the products under consideration, we can highlight the following advantages of the first:

    • Infants are less likely to have an allergic reaction to goat's milk;
    • This product contains more potassium, calcium, vitamins A and B6;
    • when feeding a baby with goat's milk, calcium is better absorbed, so the child's teeth grow faster;
    • goat's milk contains less lactose, which means it is well suited for children with lactose intolerance;
    • the fatty acids of this product are absorbed by the child's body better than those contained in cow's milk;
    • Both breast and goat milk contain the amino acid taurine, which is so necessary for the normal development of the child’s vital systems.

    Thus, we came to the conclusion that goat’s milk is much better and easier to digest by the newborn’s stomach, but it is not a completely suitable product for the baby’s body, since it contains casein protein. It is poorly digested by the still imperfect digestive system of a newborn, forming a dense clot in the stomach. In addition, goat's milk puts additional stress on the child's kidneys due to the high content of mineral salts.

    If breastfeeding is not possible, it is not pure goat’s milk that is recommended for feeding children in the first year of life, but adapted formulas based on it. This food contains whey proteins and is as close in composition as possible to breast milk.

    And in conclusion: pediatricians believe that there is no need to give cow's milk to children under three years of age. It is by the age of 3 that the young body becomes ready to eat “adult” food, which also includes cow’s milk. If you nevertheless decide to introduce this product into your child’s diet, then this can be done no earlier than 9 months, and preferably a year!

    Especially for - Nadezhda Vitvitskaya

    Maria Sokolova

    Reading time: 7 minutes

    A A

    Breastfeeding is the process of feeding a newborn baby with mother's milk. Continue until the child begins to fully feed on his own. Pediatricians recommend breastfeeding your baby for at least a year, since... Usually, after the first year, parents begin to feed the child little by little, usually as the child develops an interest in food.

    How does the process of breastfeeding a baby occur?

    On the first day after birth, the mother of the newborn usually feeds him while lying in bed.

    Before feeding, the mother washes her hands with soap and treats the area of ​​the nipple and areola with a sterile swab moistened with a solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin. Then the baby is placed on a sterile napkin so that it is convenient for him to later grasp the nipple; the head should not be thrown back too much.

    Brief instructions for proper feeding breasts

    • Mom supports the breast with her index and middle fingers, pulling it back a little so that nasal breathing is not greatly hampered by pressing the breast.
    • The nipple, which the mother holds with her fingers, must be placed in the child’s mouth so that he can capture the areola of the nipple with his lips.
    • It is better to express the first drops of milk before feeding.
    • After feeding, the breasts should be washed with running water and soap.
    • Then lubricate the nipple with Vaseline and cover it with a piece of sterile gauze.

    Correct position for mother during breastfeeding

    During feeding Mom should be in a comfortable position. This position should allow her to hold the baby at the breast without any problems during feeding.

    This can be absolutely any position of the mother’s choice: lying down, sitting, reclining, half sitting, standing.

    Correct baby position

    Before feeding your baby, he should be turned with his chest towards his chest. The baby himself should be close to the chest so that he does not need to reach for it. The child should be gently pressed to the body, the child's head and torso should be in one straight line.

    During feeding It is worth holding the child himself, and not just the shoulders and head. The baby's nose should be kept level with the nipple, the baby's head should be turned slightly to the side.

    After feeding You should hold the child in a horizontal position for 10-15 minutes. This will allow any air that may have entered the baby's stomach during feeding to escape. Then you should put the baby on his side. This position will allow him to burp and prevent aspiration (milk from entering the respiratory tract).

    How to properly put your baby to the breast?

    • Grab your chest so that four fingers are on the bottom and your thumb is on top of the chest. It is advisable to place your fingers as far away from the nipple as possible.
    • In order for the child to open his mouth, you should touch his lips with the nipple. It is better for the child’s mouth to be wide open, the lips extended into a tube, and the tongue to be in the back of the mouth.
    • Make sure that the baby grasps the nipple and areola of the nipple in his mouth. The baby's lower lip should be below the nipple and the chin should touch the breast.

    What to do if breastfeeding is not possible? If, due to circumstances, your child still needs supplemental feeding, you should choose the right formula. In such cases, experts recommend a formula that is as close as possible to breast milk so that the child does not experience metabolic disorders, allergic reaction, skin and digestive problems. Closer to the composition of human milk are adapted mixtures based on goat milk with beta-casein protein, for example, the gold standard baby food— MD mil SP “Goat”. Thanks to this mixture, the baby receives all the necessary substances that help children's body to form and develop correctly.

    If you latch your baby to the breast correctly, your baby's lips and gums will put pressure on the areola of the nipple rather than on the nipple itself. This makes feeding painless and enjoyable.

    Video instructions: how to breastfeed correctly

    To make breastfeeding a simple and easy process for your baby, follow these tips:

    Before feeding, you should calm your baby if he is restless or crying. When a baby behaves this way, he will raise his tongue, which can make feeding difficult.
    Remember that the baby should be brought closer to the breast, and not vice versa.

    Place the baby lightly on the breast, without pressure, otherwise he will try to wriggle out and struggle in every possible way, which will make feeding very difficult;
    During feeding, you should not move your breasts as when feeding from a bottle, this may prevent the baby from holding the breast;
    If you feel pain during feeding, this indicates that the baby is not attached to the breast correctly. Touch your baby's lips with your finger to encourage him to open his mouth. And apply it to your chest again.
    When feeding, the baby is placed on one breast, and the next time the breast is changed. If there is not enough milk from one breast, then you should supplement the baby from the other. On next feeding it is applied to the breast that was fed last.

    How often should you breastfeed your baby?

    The baby should be fed according to his demand. But a nursing mother needs to learn to distinguish when the baby cries from the desire to eat, and when for some other reason.

    In the first days of life, a child can eat 10-14 times per day. And after about two weeks, the child begins to develop his own individual feeding rhythm. On average, a child eats every 2-3 hours.

    • In the first month, the number of feedings balances around 8-12 times a day.
    • And already in the second and third months somewhere around 6-8 times.
    • From four months, the number of feedings decreases to 6-8 times a day.

    There should be no night breaks. Feeding at night is very important and necessary for the baby.

    10 principles for successful breastfeeding

    Formed by WHO and UNICEF in Geneva and 1989.

    1. Strictly adhere to the basic principles of breastfeeding and regularly communicate these rules to medical personnel and women in labor.
    2. Train medical personnel in the necessary breastfeeding skills.
    3. Inform all pregnant women about the benefits and techniques of breastfeeding.
    4. Help mothers during the first time after childbirth.
    5. Show mothers how to breastfeed properly and how to maintain lactation even when mothers are temporarily separated from their babies.
    6. Do not give newborns any food other than milk. The exception is cases due to medical reasons.
    7. Practice keeping mother and newborn in the same room 24/7.
    8. Encourage breastfeeding on the newborn's request rather than on a schedule.
    9. Do not give to newborns initial stage breastfeeding sedatives that mimic female breast like a pacifier.
    10. Encourage and refer mothers to breastfeeding groups.
    • For greater convenience, use special clothing for feeding. It is made specifically to make it easy to put the baby to the breast as the need arises.
    • Frequent feeding, drinking plenty of fluids and proper rest help milk production.
    • Leakage of breast milk happens quite often, so use special breast pads.
    • To avoid getting too exhausted during the day, try to sleep yourself while your baby sleeps.

    Be sure to take modern vitamin and mineral complexes. Just choose proven and high-quality ones - the emphasis should be on a balanced and rich composition, as well as on the reputation of the manufacturer.

    As a rule, such preparations necessarily contain folic acid and iron. But not everyone has a large amount of magnesium and iodine. But in Finnish "Minisan Mama" , which can be purchased in pharmacies in the Russian Federation, there is.

    In addition, taking “Mama” will not take much time - the small tablet is easy to swallow, and Just one tablet a day is enough.