Summary of a thematic lesson on artistic and aesthetic development for children “Friendship should be treasured! Summary of a lesson on artistic and aesthetic activities in the middle group “Fairytale Bird Lesson on artistic and aesthetic development

MDOU kindergarten

General developmental type No. 16 “Birch”

Summary of GCD in senior group To open lesson in artistic aesthetic development“Colored palms (fantasy compositions)



Tasks. Introduce the possibility of creating images, symbols and emblems based on identical elements. Develop the ability to cut out an image along a complex contour (hand). Develop imagination.

Conversation about human hands (“smart hands”, “golden hands”, “ kind hands"). Conversation about kindergarten, our group, favorite activities, games and entertainment.

Materials, tools, equipment

Colored paper, scissors, simple pencils, glue, glue brushes, large sheets of paper for creating images from silhouettes of hands (butterfly, fish, sun, tree, etc.), colored cardboard for creating group work. Gouache paints and sheets of white paper.

The teacher reads a poem to the children

Right and left

The right and left drive the trains.

The right and the left build cities.

The right and left can sew and darn.

The right and left can clap loudly.

The night is over the city,

My hands are so tired

The right and left sleep on a blanket.

The teacher asks the children how they understand the expression “Our hands are not for boredom.” Summarizes, clarifies children's answers and invites them to become more familiar with their hands, with the opportunity to use their shape in a fun artistic activity. He places his palm with his fingers spread out on a sheet of colored paper placed on the easel, traces it and cuts it out, commenting on his actions: first I cut out the mitten, and then each finger individually, as if it were a glove.

Children choose the color of paper as they wish and complete the task. For children who can do it quickly, the teacher offers them to take a sheet of a different color and cut it out again.

The teacher invites the children to transfer their “hands” to a large sheet of white paper placed on a free table or on the floor, and makes 2-3 compositions from the cut out silhouettes: for example, a butterfly, a flower, a bird, the sun, a fish, applause, a handshake. Children are involved in composing compositions. The teacher suggests gluing the most interesting of them onto colored cardboard. For example: “sun” (fingers are the sun’s rays; we want the sun to always shine, all people and animals to be warm); “friendship” (a multi-colored wreath of flowers, flower petals are our hands; we want flowers to always bloom on earth and everyone to live together).

It’s good to end the lesson with a simple game exercise, during which children paint their palms with gouache paints and put prints on leaves.

tah white paper. Subsequently, this method can be reminded from time to time to the children in the afternoon to stage small plays with a small group of children, the heroes of which will be painted hands (rooster, butterfly, dog, wolf, shaggy man, etc.).

INTEGRATION OF AREAS: Social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, cognitive development.

TARGET: Formation of friendly relationships between children through theatrical performances.


1. Educational area"Social and communicative development."

Develop children's creative abilities and creative independence;

To develop the ability to interact in a coordinated manner within a group of peers.

2. Educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

Cultivate interest in various types creative activity, mastering improvisational skills.

3. Educational area « Speech development».

Develop all components, functions and forms of speech activity.

4. Educational area « Cognitive development».

Children's learning of practical skills of dialing numbers on a medical emergency phone.

PRELIMINARY WORK: Conversations on the topic “Friendly relations between peers”, memorizing the song “Friendship” with dance elements, children memorizing poems from the script.

MATERIALS: Indoor flower(with gardening tools); cocktail tube, liquid soap, glass of water; button, piece of fabric, thread and needle; colored pencils, albums; soft and plastic construction set; doctor's kit, telephones.


(all heroes are children)

TEACHER:(holds a magazine with the teacher’s plan in his hands) In our group, as always, Everyone is busy from the very morning

Are we too lazy to study?

ALL: Don't be lazy.

TEACHER: Everything is planned for the day: when to eat, when to sleep,

When to sit down and draw.

ARTISTS:(they sit at the table and draw)

1. I will draw mom, dad, cat and myself.

We are all walking in the forest, I am carrying a basket.

2. I draw an ocean with a hang glider flying above it

Seagulls are still flying and chattering like balalaikas. Kar-kar-kar

1. This is a crow

2. Yes! Oh, I thought it was black!

FLOWER GIRL:(there are pots of flowers and gardening tools on the table)

I loosen the flowers here in the air to everyone I give them.

And then some water to wash their faces.

BUILDER:(plastic and soft constructor, from which the house (plastic constructor) and the bed (soft constructor) are built).

I'm building a house up to the ceiling, there's a construction kit here for now.

I look at the diagram keenly (depicts a telescope with his fingers)

I won't miss anything. TO (name of teacher) I'll go

I'll ask her again. (name of teacher) will he give it to me?

(name of teacher): I'll give it to you!

BUILDER: I'll finish the house at the same time.

SEAMSTRESS:(sews on a button)

Now I’ll sew on the button, then I’ll show it to my mom.

I will sew Vitya while mom sleeps.

RESEARCHER:(shows experience)

Here is water, and here is a glass. This is soap, I mix it there.

I'll take a tube and run some air through it.

I’ll blow into the phone: Oh-oh-oh-oh, I love experiments with passion!

He looks around and says: - OH-OH. My stomach hurts.

HOST: What's happened? What happened to you?

RESEARCHER: My stomach hurts.

ARTIST 1:(leads him to the built bed)

You lie down and rest.

HOST: What to do, how to be?

ARTIST 2: You need to call Aibolit.

HOST:(goes to the place where the phones should be)

Where are the phones?

ALL:(start looking for phones)

Chukovsky was read and played with phones,

We were looking for galoshes for Tatoshi yesterday.

Phone numbers really need to be found for the guys together.

And call our Aibolit 03.

SEAMSTRESS: Found it! Found it! (at this moment Aibolit and his driver appear on the stage, who is sleeping, and Aibolit is busy with his medical affairs)

HOST: Call soon!


AIBOLIT: Speak, I'm listening!

The song is performed by: a seamstress, a flower girl, a patient, an Aibolit artist. (Author’s text to music by V.P. Misraki “Everything is fine, beautiful marquise!”

SEAMSTRESS: And in our group with the letter “B”, it seems, an emergency happened.

Everything was in the morning, as always, there was silence in the group.

Some sat and drew, and some watered flowers.

FLOWER GIRL: Someone was playing with cubes

And this experience showed (it threatens the patient). Then he took it and screamed.

SICK: Oops, my stomach hurts!

AIBOLIT: Did you give me a pill?

FLOWER GIRL: He is screaming!

They gave me a pacifier, but now he’s silent.

(a pacifier is given into the “patient’s” mouth)

ARTIST 1: The rest is native medicine

Everything is fine. Everything is fine!.

ALL: Everything is fine, everything is fine!

AIBOLIT:(wakes up the driver, he yawns)

Well, that's it, it's time for us to go!


(medical care definition – 911 and 03).

After non-verbal communication, AIBOLIT and the DRIVER perform the song “Merry Travelers” (author’s words to the music of M. Starokadomsky).

We go. Let's go. We go to the patient as always.

His neighbors are waiting for us and faithful friends.

The sun is shining for us, and the wind is singing after us.

03 visits everyone who is waiting for Aibolit.

AIBOLIT: Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, here I am hurrying to the sick man.

I don’t know what hurts, but now I find out.

Heart, kidneys or bronchitis, I will cure him in an instant.

DRIVER: Yes, yes, yes, yes, beep, beep, beep.

Let me help you, doctor, I’ll hold your bags.


AIBOLIT: Who's sick here?

SICK: I, (child's name)

AIBOLIT: What are you complaining about?

SICK: My stomach hurts.

AIBOLIT: Have you been to the toilet lately?

SICK: I went more than once!

AIBOLIT: How many times?

SICK: Many times.

AIBOLIT: You probably have loose stools?

SICK: Loose stools? Such a chair here, now,

we haven't seen more than once.

AIBOLIT: That's it, patient, keep quiet. Breathe! Don't breathe!

Show me your throat? I'll touch your stomach.

That's it, it's clear he's just lying.

HOST: This is true?

SICK: Yes, I just wanted, friends, for you to love me!

ALL: We love and respect you, and we want to sing a song with you.


(after performing the song and dance, the children stand in two semicircles, in front are the participants in the skit with the inscription on their backs “MINISTRY OF HEALTH”)

HOST: Dear adults!

Always remember (children turn their backs to the audience)

The Ministry of Health reminds! (children in starting position)

ALL: You need to play with children, throwing away everything else.

So that the child feels loved.


OOD on drawing in middle group.

Topic: “Colors tell tales”

Target: Develop children's creativity in the process of depicting plot compositions and objects of the animal world (bear and hedgehog).
Educational: To instill in children a desire to help the kids, to revive a fairy tale for them, to draw illustrations for a familiar work (“ Winter's Tale"S. Kozlov).
1. Continue to teach children to work together, in subgroups, creating one piece of work, agree on who will draw what, choose the material for work in accordance with this (hard brush or cotton swab), select the color of paint (brown for a bear, brown for snow white, for a hedgehog gray).
2. Improve the ability to obtain the required color of paint for painting (gray) by mixing the original colors (white and black).
3. Continue teaching children to analyze their work.
1. To develop in children the ability to convey in a drawing a simple plot with one character (a bear or a hedgehog), to create plot compositions, repeating the image of the same objects (falling snow).
2. Improve the ability to identify general and specific characteristics of animals, the shape and structure of the body, the shape of parts, their size and location in relation to the main part.
3. Strengthen the ability to draw an outline with a colored pencil, use a dry, hard brush when drawing the fur of a bear and the needles of a hedgehog, rhythmically apply strokes along the surface of a sheet, inside and along the very outline of objects
Vocabulary work:Hard brush, cotton swab, palette, mix colors, color: brown, gray, white, black, teddy bear, teddy bear, snowflakes, snow, hedgehog, forest.

Preparation for the lesson: ventilation of the room, wet cleaning, low mobility game “Where is Mishutka hiding?”

Methods and techniques: Reading an excerpt from S. Kozlov’s work “The Winter’s Tale”, creating a problem situation, reminders, search questions, showing the child how to mix 2 colors, showing the teacher and the child how to draw, minimal help, advice, additional explanation, imitation in air with a dry brush of rhythmic strokes, the “dry brush” painting technique, the use of music (“Sounds of Nature” - “Falling Snow”), children’s independent choice of a character to draw and material for drawing.

Preliminary work: Reading the work of S. Kozlov “The Winter's Tale”, educational game “Guess what they are? (classification of animals - wild, domestic), examination of paintings from the series “Wild Animals” (“Autumn. Bears”, “Autumn. Hedgehogs”), conversation about how animals adapt to life in the forest in winter, creative games with bears (the bear is sick, give the bear some tea, put the bear to sleep), preparing the background for the upcoming lesson (drawing a snow-covered forest).

Materials for the lesson: Two easels, with a large sheet of drawing paper attached to them, on which a landscape of a snowy forest is pre-drawn, near each easel there is a table on which, empty cups for brushes, an empty tray for dirty cotton swabs, colored pencils, a palette , rags, wet wipes, jars of water, on a separate table there are jars with gouache paints (white, brown, black), a glass with hard and squirrel brushes, a tray with cotton swabs.

Progress of the lesson:
Part I
-Guys, listen carefully, I will read you an excerpt from a fairy tale, and you must guess the name of this fairy tale.
An excerpt from S. Kozlov’s work “The Winter’s Tale” is read.
- It was snowing in the morning. The little bear sat on a stump at the edge of the forest, with his head raised, counting and licking the snowflakes that had fallen on his nose. “Seventh,” whispered the Little Bear and, having admired it to his heart’s content, licked his nose.
- What is this fairy tale called?
- Winter's Tale.
-That’s right, this is “The Winter’s Tale” and it was written by Sergei Kozlov. Tell me, did you like this fairy tale, is it interesting?
-Yes, I like.

Guys, I liked her too, so when the teacher came from junior group and asked if I had an interesting fairy tale, I said I have one, and showed me a book with “The Winter's Tale.” Galina Alekseevna was delighted, but the problem is that there are no pictures in this book, and her little children really love books with color pictures. How to be?
-We need to buy a new book.
-Give me another book with pictures.
-You can give me another book, but then the kids will never know that there is such an interesting “Winter’s Tale.” And besides, it is not just interesting, but also instructive. She teaches us how to take care of our health and not eat snow in winter, otherwise you can get sick like Little Bear.
- Can you and I make pictures for this fairy tale?
- Yes.
-How can we make them?
- We can draw.
- Then let's draw pictures for this fairy tale for the kids. To draw them you need to remember who this fairy tale is about?
- About the bear cub.
- Mishka.
-What happened to him?
- He is ill.
-Why did he get sick?
- Ate snow.
- Ate a lot of snowflakes.
- Yes, guys, Little Bear ate a lot of snowflakes and caught a cold. And I was sick all winter.
-Who treated him?
- Hedgehog.
- Well, now we remember all the heroes. This is Teddy Bear and Hedgehog.
Look here, on the easels I have prepared sheets with images of the forest, and we will draw on them. On one we will draw the Bear Cub, and on the other his friend the Hedgehog, as if he is going to visit the Bear Cub. Let's divide into 2 subgroups, some guys will draw a Teddy Bear, and others a Hedgehog. Who will paint the Teddy Bear, go to this easel, and who will paint the Hedgehog to this easel.
- Now it remains to remember how we will draw the Teddy Bear? What body parts does it have?
- This is the largest part of a bear cub’s body?
- Torso.
- That's right, the body is the largest and let's start drawing it.
Demonstration by the teacher (draws the torso).
- Little Bear’s body looks like a big oval, like this.
Takes a colored pencil and draws on a sheet of paper attached to the easel.
-What other body parts does Teddy Bear have?
- Head.
-Legs, arms.
- How big is the head compared to the body?
- Small.
-What shape is it?
- Who will go and draw the head and paws? Go, Nastya, draw.
Showing a child.
- What is the entire body of the Bear cub covered with?
- What color is Teddy Bear’s fur?
- Brown.
- So, what color paint will you choose?
- Brown paint.
- Bring it to your easel.
Now who can tell what shape the Hedgehog’s body is?
- Oval.
- Round.
- Correctly it can be either round or oval. Round, if he is curled up into a ball and lying down. And if our Hedgehog is in a hurry to visit, then what shape should we draw for his body?
- Who will go and draw the torso of the Hedgehog? Come out Maxim.
Show by a child.
- What is Hedgehog’s body covered with?
-What color of gouache will you choose to paint the Hedgehog?
- Gray.
- Black.
-That's right, let's draw first gray, and then add a little black color. What's happened?
- No gray paint.
- Guys, let's remember, if there is no color, then how can you get it? How? Who's ready to say?
- Mix the paints.
- Which 2 colors do we need to mix? How do you think?
- White and brown.
-White and black.
-Let's try, mix these colors on the palette. What colors were mixed to create gray?
-White and black.
- Right. Grey colour for Hedgehog it turned out by mixing white and black.
-Which brush would be more convenient to paint the Hedgehog’s sharp needles and the Bear’s fur?
- And look, what brush will you paint with? Some brushes are hard, while others are soft. Which one will we take so that every hair and needle can be seen.
- Tough.
- Choose a brush. And I'll see if you took it correctly or not.
Maxim, how do we take the brush?
- Over the edge of the iron shirt.
- Guys, who guessed why I prepared white gouache and cotton swabs for you?
- Draw snow.
- That’s right, don’t forget to draw snow, that’s what the Little Bear ate too much and got sick.
- Start drawing.
- Guys, don’t forget that when we paint with a hard brush, we don’t wet it with water, but immediately pick up the paint.
Part II.
The children get to work, the music “Falling Snow” is turned on.
During the work, I make sure that the children first depict a large object (Teddy Bear and Hedgehog) and only then move on to depicting snow.
- When we paint with a hard brush, do we bathe it in water?
- Correctly, apply paint directly onto a hard brush.
- Well done Kolya picks up the paint very carefully and leaves the excess on the palette, making a few strokes.
- Remember that we draw along the contour, and then inside the contour, otherwise it will turn out ugly.
- Milana, make more rhythmic strokes, as if your brush is dancing.
During the drawing process, I monitor the children’s choice of colors to depict animals and snow.
-For Little Bear and Hedgehog to see themselves, what should they draw?
-And what else do they have on their faces?
- Nose, mouth.
- What do you, Danil, want to draw with cotton swabs?
- Snow.
- Cotton buds hold it with two fingers, make rhythmic pokes, if there is not enough paint, add more.
- Do not wash the cotton swabs in water, but put them in an empty tray.
- We do not wash the brush until we finish the work.
- Guys, what magical colors we have, how they can work wonders and how well they bring our fairy tale to life.
Part III: Analysis of works.
-Now let’s sit on the chairs and admire our pictures-illustrations for the fairy tale.
- True, we got wonderful pictures. Which of the pictures do you like and why?
- And I liked both pictures, the Hedgehog and the Little Bear. The teddy bear turned out like a real one, its fur is shaggy, it’s magical brown paint I tried. But the Hedgehog is prickly, it seems that if you touch it, it will prick you with needles; here gray paint helped us to depict such a wonderful Hedgehog.
- Do you think the kids will know which picture is the Hedgehog and which is the Teddy Bear?
- Yes.
-Guys, it’s not just the colors that helped us tell the story. Who else tried?
- Brush.
- Yes, a hard, dry brush also helped us paint.
But the most important thing is that you did a great job, you tried. Your pictures turned out very bright, neat, beautiful, and the magic paints and hard brush helped you with this. I think the kids will like our fairy tale. In the evening, you and I will take the book and our drawings to the children from the younger group. Let them rejoice a new fairy tale, which we and our paints told.

Summary of a comprehensive lesson on artistic and aesthetic development - musical activity, for children of senior preschool age.

Target: comprehensive development of cognitive processes and musical abilities; create conditions for children to discover new knowledge.



Continue to develop children’s ability to navigate in space;

Continue to develop the ability for free improvisation in musical and rhythmic movements, ear for timbre, imagination;

Develop the ability to sing in an open voice, without tension and shouting, listening to each other;

To develop children’s pitch hearing through the musical and didactic game “Where are my kids?”

To develop children's understanding of three-part plays.


Improve vocal and playing skillsand dance skills.

Educational :

Foster independence and activity;

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards comrades during personal judgments and answers in music classes;

Foster interest in preparing holiday concerts for parents.

Materials and equipment: Piano, magnetic board, magnets, pointer, reproduction of a portrait of L. Beethoven, card with the image of a piano, card with the image of a grand piano, card with the image of a synthesizer, card with the image of a children's piano, music center, audio recording of the play “Fun and Sad” by L. Beethoven, audio recording songs "Stork on the Roof" music. D. Tukhmanov lyrics. A. Poperechny, notes of the song “My Dad”, music. A. Komarova, T. Ryadchikova, notes of the play “Smile” by music. V. Shainsky, notes of Russian folk songs: “Oh, you canopy”, “Apple”, “A blizzard is blowing along the street”, “Like ours at the gate”, notes of the march “Bravely, comrades, keep up!” music D. Zhitomirsky, cards with images of birds: chicken, duck, sparrow, chickens, ducklings, sparrow chicks.

Progress of the lesson:

Children, to the music of “Smile” by V. Shainsky, enter a group with a teacher and sit down on chairs.

M.r..: Hello guys.

Children: Hello.

M.r. . : I am very pleased to welcome you to music lesson. I I hope that the time we spend together in class today will bring a lot of joyful emotions to both me and you! Today we have to complete a very important task: we must continue preparations for the upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday in order to hold a concert for our beloved fathers, grandfathers and boys. And today, very interesting surprises will await you. So, my first surprise, but first let’s remember how you and I are sitting in a music lesson. ( Children demonstrate a landing in which their backs are straight, their feet are on the floor, their hands are on their knees).

M.R.: Children, you already know that music can convey any mood of a person, as well as all his feelings and experiences: calm and excitement, joy and sadness. I suggest listening to the play we heard earlier, “Merry-Sad,” but before we start listening to it, remind me what the name of the composer of the play is?

Children: Ludwig van Beethoven.

M.R.: That's right, let's look again at the portrait of the great composer Beethoven. (The teacher directs the children’s attention to a magnetic board on which a reproduction of L. Beethoven’s portrait is attached.)

(an audio recording of L. Beethoven’s play “Merry and Sad” is heard»)

M.R.: Guys, please tell me what musical instrument the piece was performed on?

Children: Piano.

M.R.: Remind me what class of musical instruments does the piano belong to?

Children: keyboard family.

M.R.: Guys, which of you can name musical instruments, which belong to the keyboard family?

Children: Grand piano, synthesizer, children's piano . (For each correct answer, the teacher attaches a picture of a keyboard instrument to the magnetic board: a grand piano, a synthesizer, a children’s piano.)

M.R.: Guys, tell me what the character of the play is: was it always the same, or did it change? "Fun-sad"

Children: At first the character of the play was cheerful, then it changed and became sad, then it became cheerful again.

M.R.: That’s right, children, at the beginning of the play the music sounded fun, carefree, playful , (the musical director includes a fragment of the first part of the play) then she became sad and sad . (The teacher includes a fragment of the second part of the play) But now the sadness has passed, and we again hear joyful, cheerful music. (Includes the third part of the play) So how many times has the nature of the music changed?

Children: Three times.

M.R.: So, how many parts are there in the play?

Children: Three parts.

M.R.: Guys, now I suggest you play a little, or rather, imagine yourself as pianists. Children, show me how a pianist plays the piano?

Children: Imitate the movements of playing an imaginary piano.

M.R.: Now show me how the pianist plays cheerful music?

Children: Imitate jerky movements of the hands.

M.R.: How does a pianist play smooth, calm music?

Children: Imitates wave-like movements of the hands.

M.R.: Now, guys, I suggest you stand on your feet near your chairs, imagine that each of you is standing near a synthesizer, prepare your hands to play the instrument, are you ready?

Children: Yes!

(The teacher turns on an audio recording of L. Beethoven’s play “Fun and Sad”, children perform appropriate movements of their hands to a certain part of the play)

M.R.: Well done children, you all coped with mine interesting task, and now I invite you to sit on the chairs. (Children sit down) I remind you guys that during a music lesson you and I should sit with a straight back, our feet should be firmly on the floor, and our hands should be on our knees.

At the end of the conversation, the teacher once again shows a reproduction of the composer’s portrait, and together with the children pronounces his first and last name, the title of the play and the components of the play.

M.R.: Children, now, I suggest you rest a little. We get to our feet and listen carefully to the pieces that I will perform on the piano, to certain music, you will have to come up with the appropriate dance or walking movements and show me.

The dance improvisation “Come up with an appropriate movement to the music” is performed. The march of D. Zhitomirsky “Bravely, comrades, in step” is performed - children are marching, the Russian folk play “Ah, you are the canopy” - children perform various dance movements, the Russian folk play “Like ours at the gate” - children perform jumps, Russian folk play “Apple” - children squat, and the Russian folk play “Along the Street, a Blizzard is Sweeping” - children restore their breathing.

M.R.: Well done, guys, each of you showed yourself very creatively and uniquely, please sit down. ( The teacher speaks to the children correct landing: straight back, legs resting on the floor, hands resting on the knees)

M.R.: Guys, I have a question for you, what holiday are we preparing for now?

Children: We are preparing for Defender of the Fatherland Day.

M.R.: Guys, who are we congratulating on this day?

Children: Dads, grandpas, brothers, boys and all men.

M.R.: Who can tell me what surprises we are preparing for our dads, grandfathers and boys?

Children: We are preparing a gift for our dads, grandfathers and boys, the song “My Dad”, poems and the dance “Stork on the Roof”.

M.R.: Well done children, but before we start singing our song, let’s sing a little and sing the song “Hello, how are you?”

The song is performed in different keys, in the ascending and descending movement of the notes “Hello, how are you?”

M.R.: Well done, you tried very hard, and now is the time to sing the song “My Dad.” I warn you that while singing, we must listen to the voice of our neighbor, do not shout or strain our vocal cords, and try to draw out the endings of words.

The song “My Dad” is performed by music. A. Komarova, lyrics. T. Ryadchikova.

Before performing the song, the teacher pronounces the basic positions for singing: the “sitting” position - straight backs, legs resting on the floor, and hands lying on the knees (in this position, children sing the song once), and “standing” - straight backs, abducted shoulders back, heads raised, legs straight (in this position, children sing once or twice, depending on the quality of performance)

M.R.: Well done, guys, and now I ask you to sit down on the chairs (the teacher explains the correct seating position for the children).

M.R.: Guys, today I have prepared a surprise for you - a musical and didactic game “Where are my kids?”, now I will give some children cards with pictures of birds: chicken, duck and sparrow, and to other children, children of these birds: chickens , ducklings and chicks. Each bird and its child has its own specific voice, now I will demonstrate it to you. (The teacher plays the “voices of birds” on the piano several times until the children remember and say which bird corresponds to a certain sound. Each voice corresponds to one note: duck - “C” of the large octave, duckling - “C” of the small octave, chicken - “to” the first octave, the chick – to the second octave, the sparrow – “to” the third octave, the chick – “to” the fourth octave.

M.R.: Now I will distribute cards to the children, and as soon as the child hears the “voice” of his bird, he will have to stand up. Shall we try?

Children: Yes!

A musical and didactic game “Where are my kids?” is being held. The game is played 2-3 times, depending on the wishes of the children.

M.R.: Well done children! I am very pleased with your work. Remind and show me, please, how you and I should sit during a music lesson. (Children demonstrate the “correct” posture: straight back, legs resting on the floor, hands resting on their knees.)

M.R.: Guys, our lesson is coming to an end, but you and I haven’t done something yet, tell me what?

Children: Yes, we didn’t dance the “Stork on the Roof” dance.

M.R.: Guys, I suggest you go to the carpet, take your places to perform the dance, I warn you that while performing the dance, we must try to perform movements in accordance with the music, perform movements synchronously and keep our backs straight.

The dance “Stork on the Roof” is performed (audio recording “Stork on the Roof”, music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by A. Poperechny)

(The teacher, together with the children, recalls the basic movements of the dance. The dance is repeated 3-4 times, depending on the quality of the children’s dance performance.)

M.R.: Thank you, children, I suggest you take your seats in your chairs. (The teacher reminds the children about sitting: straight back, legs resting on the floor, hands resting on the knees.) Guys, tell me what we did in class today?

Children: listened to L. Beethoven's play "Fun and Sad", played the play "Fun and Sad" on an imaginary synthesizer, learned to find musical and rhythmic movements to the music, sang the song "My Dad", played the musical and didactic game "Where are my kids ?”, and danced the “Stork on the Roof” dance.

M.R.: That's right, children! I am very pleased with your work, you were real artists today. Goodbye, see you again!

Children: Goodbye!

To the music of “Smile” by V. Shainsky, the children and teacher leave the music group.