Project "New Year's Carnival" (middle group). Project “Soon, soon New Year. Project on the theme “We are celebrating the New Year” for middle school students Proverbs and sayings about snow

Chudinov Valery Alekseevich

born in 1942, professor of the Department of Cultural Studies and Management at the State University of Management, Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Sci. In 1967 he graduated from physics. Faculty of Moscow State University, speaks German and English languages. Has more than 120 publications. Scientific interests: Slavic mythology and paleography. Since 2002 - Chairman of the Commission on the History of Culture of Ancient Rus' of the Council on the History of Culture under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Latest printed monographs: Sacred stones and pagan temples of the ancient Slavs. 2004, 619 pp. Runitsa and the secrets of the archeology of Rus'. 2003, 425 pp. Mysteries of Slavic writing. 2002, 527 pp.

Main achievements: Deciphered the Slavic pre-Cyrillic syllabary - runica, stress on the first syllable and read more than 2,000 inscriptions to date. He proved the presence of three types of writing among the Slavic peoples - Cyrillic, Glagolitic and Runic. The presence of three of their own types of writing among the Slavic peoples is an unprecedented phenomenon in the history of culture and shows that the Slavs had the highest spiritual culture in ancient times....

Municipal budgetary educational institution

MBDOU Velikooktyabrsky kindergarten "Belochka"

Tver region Firovsky district

Project on the theme “We meet New Year»

for middle group students

Relevance and significance.

The diversity, wealth, and spiritual wisdom of the lives of our ancestors represent excellent opportunities in the education of morality. Therefore, the main idea of ​​the project is based on the formation of love and affection for one’s culture, one’s people through the rational use of national holidays based on musical folklore, oral folk art, traditions and customs.

Everyone knows that the most favorite holiday for children is New Year. The pre-New Year bustle, letters to Santa Claus, decorating the Christmas tree and long-awaited gifts under it - all this cannot be compared even with a birthday. When preparing for the New Year celebration, children often had questions: why do they decorate the Christmas tree? Is Santa Claus real? Where does he live? Will Santa Claus bring gifts? Search and research activities carried out during the implementation of the project “We Celebrate the New Year” will help to understand these issues.

The goal of our project is not only to introduce children to the traditions of celebrating the New Year, but also to give the child a holiday and gifts, real New Year's Magic!

An important place in this project is occupied by the study and preservation of New Year celebration traditions, which helps to satisfy cognitive interest children for this holiday. The project is aimed at children preschool age and allows you to create a joyful emotional atmosphere in anticipation of New Year's holiday

Object of study: New Year - as a source of joy.

Subject of study: New Year traditions our country.

Project type:

According to the composition of participants - group (children, parents, teachers)

According to the target setting - informational, creative.

In terms of implementation time - short-term (week).

Purpose: To introduce the traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country.

Introduce the traditions of the New Year holiday: making gifts, welcoming guests.

Develop cognitive and sensory abilities in the process of exploring various materials (fabric, paper, foil, plasticine, natural material).

Learn to independently create expressive images in drawing, modeling, appliqué).

Develop motor, rhythmic abilities and the ability to create an expressive image in movement and dancing.

Encourage communication on various topics.

To develop children's organizational skills in preparing and holding a holiday in kindergarten and family.

Create a New Year's festive atmosphere in all types of activities.

Organization of activities within the project.

Conversation “It’s good that the New Year comes to us every year.”

Conduct an interview with children: “What gift would you like to receive from Santa Claus.”

Selection and viewing of video cartoons on New Year's themes.

Reading and discussing fairy tales, songs, poems, guessing riddles (New Year's theme);

Selection and learning of poems for the New Year's party.

Selection and examination of reproductions, photographs, postcards;

Selection of coloring pages for the New Year theme;

Organization of exhibitions of children's creativity.

Final event: New Year's holiday: “The New Year has come to us”

The topic of classes is to familiarize preschoolers with the traditions of New Year celebrations.

. "Guests" Formation complete picture peace (cognitive development)

. “Get up in a round dance to celebrate the New Year!” » Speech development, ( speech development)

. “In the New Year's forest” Construction (cognitive development)

Artistic and aesthetic development

Reading fiction.

Reading poems about the Christmas tree. Suteev “Yolka”, trans. M. Mikhalkov “Two Frosts”, A. Ganzen “Christmas tree”, M. Druzhinina “Father Frost”, “Clapperboard”, riddles about the Christmas tree, snowflakes, Usachev “Father Frost in kindergarten”

Father Frost's workshop.

. “Beads for the Christmas tree” Applique

. “Trees in winter” Drawing

. « New Year's toys for the Christmas tree" - crafts from parents for the Christmas tree for our site.

Listening to music, singing songs.

Cognitive - communicative activity.

Didactic games:

. "What season?"

. “How should we decorate the Christmas tree?”

. "Make puzzles"

. "Collect the figures"

. “Give toys by color”

. “What’s in Santa Claus’s bag?”

. "What does it look like"

Word games:

. "Present"

. “Name four objects”

. “Bring the picture to life?”

. “It happens or not”

. "Who knows how to do what"

. “Is the New Year holiday coming soon?”

. “Why does New Year happen in winter?”

. “We are writing a letter to Santa Claus”

. “What gifts are you expecting?”

Looking at paintings, photos.

. "Holiday in kindergarten."

. “How children prepare for the New Year”

. “How I celebrated the New Year in my family”

Game situations:

. “We’re decorating our group.”

. "Holiday for toys."

Construction games: “Teremok for animals”, “Slides”

Physical education and health activities

Outdoor games: “Hares and the Wolf”, “Mitten”, “I’ll Freeze”, round dance “Fir-tree”.

Breathing exercises: “How a wolf howls”, “Wind, breeze, wind”.

Finger games: “Bunny”, “Whose ears?”, “Squirrel jumping on a branch”.


"Wait for it! ", "Father Frost and the Gray Wolf" "Holidays in Prostokvashino", "Father Frost and Summer", "How the Hedgehog and the Little Bear celebrated the New Year."

Interaction with parents:

Preparing costumes for the New Year's holiday. Carrying out the New Year's holiday "The New Year has come to us."

Help in setting up a group for the New Year.

Communication with children in a group on the topic: “How we celebrate the New Year in our family” (preparing presentations)

Consultation: “What to give for the New Year”

. "Children's safety during the New Year holidays"

. “New Year for children. How to arrange a holiday."


1. Dybina O. V. Child and the world. Program and guidelines. - M.: Mozaika - Synthesis, 2005.

2. Koldina D.N. Modeling and applique with children 6 - 7 years old: lesson notes. -M. :Mosaic - Synthesis, 2012.

3. Kutsakova L.V. Design and manual labor in kindergarten. A manual for kindergarten teachers. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 1990.

4. Lishtvan Z. V. Design. A manual for kindergarten teachers. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 1981.

5. Lykova I. A. Visual activities in kindergarten. Senior group. -M. :Karapuz-Didactics, 2007.

6. Ushakova O. S. Familiarization of preschoolers with literature and speech development: Methodological manual. - M.: TC Sfera, 2013.

7. Ushakova U. M., Strunina E. M. Development of speech in children 5 - 6 years old: program, methodological recommendations, lesson notes, games and exercises. -M:.Ventana - Count, 2010.

Project type: creative

Implementation period: short-term project (3 weeks).

Project participants:



Relevance: This project is aimed at introducing children to national holidays, their characteristics of implementation. Children know little about the history of the origin of Russian holidays, their traditions and customs. How can children find out how long to wait for the New Year, what gifts to give, how to behave on a holiday, how does one holiday differ from another? The project will help children and parents become direct participants in the preparations for the New Year and fully immerse themselves in the pre-New Year storm of emotions and impressions.

The goal of the project: to formulate the concept of “holiday”, its characteristic features and meaning in people’s lives using the example of the New Year.

Project objectives:

Analyze the concept of a holiday - New Year, highlight its characteristic features: attributes, attitude and mood of people, rules of behavior, traditions.

Create a desire to participate in preparations for the holiday (decorating the group, making manuals, crafts, photo newspapers about the New Year).

Involve parents as active participants in the life of the group in preparation for the New Year holiday.

Expected result:

Enriching children's knowledge about the New Year holiday

Children's awareness of the kind, caring attitude of people towards each other and the mood during the holiday - New Year

Active participation of children and parents in preparation for the New Year

The group raised the question of how to find out how many days are left until the New Year, what do we need to do. This is how the “New Year’s Holiday Waiting Calendar” appeared.

2 Implementation of the “New Year” project

Preparatory stage:

1. Determining the topic of the project;

2. Formulating the goals and objectives of the project;

3. Drawing up a plan for the implementation of the main stage of the project;

4. Selection of information, visual and technical material for the project;

Main stage: Joint and independent activity children and adults

Thematic classes and conversations “What is the New Year”, “Rules of behavior at the holiday”, “What gift do I want for the New Year”, “How to decorate the house for the New Year”, viewing the presentation “New Year is coming”.

Didactic games “Who lives where”, “Decorate the Christmas tree”

Descriptive riddles about living and inanimate nature in winter (about animals, seasonal phenomena, winter precipitation)

Word games “Guess and name”, “What’s in Santa Claus’s bag”, “Say the other way around”

Outdoor games “I’ll freeze”, “Freeze” Role-playing games “Mothers and Daughters”, “Family”, “ Kindergarten", "Toy Store" Reading fiction. . Stories, fairy tales and riddles about winter and the New Year holiday.

Educational tales about winter nature.

Watching cartoons: “The Snowman-Postman”, “The Snow Maiden”, “The Tale of the New Year”, “Santa Claus and Summer”, “When the Christmas Trees Light Up”. Books for reading, viewing and discussion: “When it happens”, “What is New Year”, “Snow Maiden”, “Winter hut of animals”, poems about the New Year

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Origami "Snow Maiden"

New Year card

Santa Claus mitten

Plasticineography “Snowflake”

Collective work “In the New Year’s forest”

Drawings and applique on a New Year theme Interaction with family.

Competition "New Year's Toy"

Decoration of the group The final stage of the New Year's holiday "New Year's mail".

Project in the senior group on the topic: “What is the New Year” Short-term (12.14.-12.28.2017

Manvelyan Anush Rafikovna

Project in the senior group on the topic: "What is New Year «

Project title: “What is New Year.”

Type of project: informational, educational, creative.

Project participants: children senior group, teacher, music director, parents.

Project duration: short-term, 2 weeks (12/14 – 12/28/2017)

Objective of the project:

formation in children of the concept of “holiday”, its characteristic features and meaning in people’s lives using the example of the New Year’s celebration. Creation of conditions that stimulate interest in research activities, development of cognitive interest, disclosure of the creative and intellectual potential of older preschoolers.


1. To form the cognitive interest of preschoolers in studying

the history of the New Year holiday, its traditions and


2. Introduce children to the customs and traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries peace.

3. Develop children's creative abilities in preparation for the holiday through making crafts, learning dances, poems, reading fairy tales, stories, looking at paintings and illustrations.

4. Enrich children's active vocabulary on the topic.

5. Develop children's creativity through a variety of


6. Support children's achievements and foster a sense of pride

for the results of their own and common labor.

7. Involve parents as active participants in the life of the group in

preparation for the New Year holiday.

8. Develop holiday culture skills.

Organization of the project: creating conditions in the group for active creative activity children; individual and subgroup work with children; organizing conversations and collaboration play activity teacher with pupils.

Relevance: New Year is a special holiday, which adults remember with special trepidation, and which children look forward to with special impatience. It is difficult to find a person who would remain indifferent to the pre-holiday bustle, bright illuminations or a decorated Christmas tree. But often, adults, immersed in pre-holiday worries, do not have enough time to communicate with children. This project will allow parents to remember how important communication is for children, especially on the eve of the holiday. Joint research, will allow children to get involved in pre-holiday preparations, experience family traditions, learn family New Year's stories, which will undoubtedly bring adults and children closer together, in addition, playing New Year's stories, preparation and production New Year's decorations, will create an atmosphere of celebration and magic.

Project Implementation Plan

1. Selecting a current topic.

2. Set goals and objectives for the chosen topic.

3. Involve specialists to implement sections of the project.

4. Collection and accumulation of various (methodological and technical material).

5. Inclusion in the plan - organized scheme - educational activities, games and other activities.

6. Development of homework.

7. Project summary: New Year's celebration.

Planning work with children within the project

1) 3rd week of December.

— Conversation “Santa Claus’s Birthday.”

— Conversation “How the New Year was celebrated in Rus' in the old days.”

Conversation “Where did the Christmas tree come to us from?”

Conversation “How the New Year of Russia is celebrated now.”

Conversation “How to celebrate the New Year in other countries.”

— Making cards for Santa Claus.

— Drawing “Santa Claus.”

Drawing "Bullfinches"

— Reading the fairy tale “Moroz Ivanovich.”

— Musical and didactic games: “Santa Claus”

— Examination of various works of art about Santa Claus, including the fairy tale “Morozko” with three-dimensional pictures.

— Outdoor game “Two Frosts”.

— Making a Christmas tree from paper.

— Drawing “What is the New Year.”

— Learning the poem: K. Chukovsky “Christmas tree.”

— Learning songs about the New Year….

— Creation of crafts “Once a snowflake, two snowflakes”

— Consideration New Year cards with the image of Christmas trees.

Round dance during the walk “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.”

2) 4th week of December

— Conversation about New Year's toys.

— Application “Snowman”.

— Conversation with children

“The Snow Maiden - who is she?

Decoration of windows with protrusions.

— Outdoor game “Snowballs”.

Working with parents:


“Why did they start decorating the beautiful New Year’s tree?”

Situational conversation on the topic: “What toys will be on our Christmas tree?

Making a garland to decorate a group.

— Drawing with watercolors “Decorating the Christmas tree”

— Application “Snowman”.

— Conversation with children

“Where did the tradition of giving gifts for the New Year come from?”

“It’s snowing outside - winter is coming to us.”

“The Snow Maiden - who is she?

— Cutting snowflakes out of paper, drawing them on album sheets.

Group decoration on a winter theme.

Decoration of windows with protrusions.

— Outdoor game “Snowballs”.

— Learning poems about the New Year holiday.

Exhibition of crafts " Winter patterns»

— Preparing children, teachers and parents for the New Year's party.

Working with parents:

1. Consultation for parents “The history of the New Year celebration.”

2. Manufacturing New Year's decoration groups.

3. Participation in an exhibition of crafts.


Children know how the tradition of celebrating the New Year in Rus' began, about the origin of the main characters - Father Frost and Snow Maiden; when is Santa Claus’s birthday, what city does he “live” in and what does his house look like; why they decorate spruce or pine; how and what you can dress up with Christmas tree; why give gifts; what New Year symbols exist and what they mean.

Children can write a descriptive story about the holiday.

Children know active games with words and play them with pleasure.

Children, together with their parents, took an active part in the “Winter Patterns” exhibition.
