Capricorn lover loves his wife why he cheats. Capricorn's betrayal and its causes. How does a Virgo woman feel about betrayal?

Because of the fear of being rejected, the Capricorn woman, in most cases, does not take the first steps. They only give a signal that they don’t mind getting to know each other, and then everything is in the hands of the man. Outwardly, representatives of this zodiac sign resemble an icy and inaccessible block, but inside them a real fire of passions and feelings burns. Such women are quite scrupulous when choosing a partner. They despise men who “collect” women. For representatives of this zodiac sign, loyalty and sincerity are very important; this is what they expect from a partner. But sometimes such women can fall in love at first sight and completely surrender to their feelings. Because of this, they go down the aisle quite early.

Once married, a Capricorn woman expects such qualities from her husband as hard work and reliability. He should be the breadwinner and support in the family. She herself strives to maintain the status of a good housewife and mother at a high level. There are cases that after some time the Capricorn woman realizes that the marriage was a mistake, but it is very difficult for her to decide on divorce, since family is above all else. After a divorce, such women will not be alone for long. Only now they will approach the choice of a partner even more carefully and responsibly. A Capricorn woman will never forgive betrayal, since she herself remains faithful and follows all the rules of conduct for a married lady. But in this case there is an exception: she can leave for another man only if she is 100% sure that in the new relationship she will feel happier and more loved.

How faithful is a Capricorn woman?

For people of this zodiac sign, comfort in relationships is above all else, only then feelings. If Capricorn is in a relationship simply for his own convenience, then he will not see anything reprehensible in cheating on his partner. But if he loves and respects his chosen one, he will be able to refuse intrigues. Women of this zodiac sign do not forgive betrayal. For the most part they are virtuous, but can be led by very strong passions. He will blame himself for this for some time, but then he can go all out again.

Why does a Capricorn woman cheat?

A representative of such a zodiac sign as Capricorn is a serious, reasonable and sensible lady - both in matters of love and in any other, able, if necessary, to control herself, and to keep a tight rein on her feelings and emotions. But she, too, can be struck down by a love arrow that is not at all from her husband: with all her ability to reason sensibly and not be led by feelings, the Capricorn woman is capable of being seriously carried away by a man, and one who is the exact opposite of her legal life partner - a superficial and frivolous man. And if on his part an affair with a Capricorn woman can only be a fleeting intrigue, then she takes everything very seriously, without doubting his intention to officially connect his life with her. Having been deceived by her lover, the Capricorn woman returns to the bosom of her family.

Infidelity in a Capricorn woman also happens on sexual grounds. Behind her external coldness, which, by the way, is feigned, hides a passionate nature, ready for various experiments in bed. And if usually with a permanent partner the Capricorn woman in question sexual relations She is quite conservative and does not dare to experiment, but with her lover she allows herself to realize her wildest erotic fantasies.

And yet, a Capricorn woman cannot be called two-faced: it is incredibly difficult for her morally to have a lover while her husband is alive. By withdrawing into herself and constantly thinking about the current situation, she becomes overly hot-tempered and irritable. And this is already a wake-up call for her husband that it’s time to “rescue” his beloved from the arms of others before she decides to move into them for good.

Striving for perfection, a man born under the sign of Capricorn chooses his wife very carefully. He needs a woman who will be a good mother, she should cook well, be a good housewife. Only after this should she be well dressed. It is desirable that she be smart and well-mannered. The most important thing for him is beauty and physical compatibility. He greatly needs tenderness, understanding, emotional comfort and closeness of soul. He prefers soft and intuitively receptive women with a light character who would understand his problems without words. He likes you to value his opinion and ask him for advice. He strives for perfection in everything and, having found the ideal partner, he will give himself to him with all his heart. He will never connect his life with a “business woman” who spends days and nights at work; it is important for him that his wife be a “home” woman.

How to tell if a Capricorn man is cheating?

Capricorn makes plans for a long time and thinks them over carefully; This applies to romantic relationships no less than any other area of ​​life. Long before She looks in his direction, Capricorn will weigh all the pros and cons, form his own opinion about how their relationship will develop, and how exactly he will keep it secret. Before making an appointment with Her, he will accustom you to the fact that he is busy and cannot devote much time to you; he will outline walking routes and choose places where he will pass romantic dates, he will provide for everything...

Only to decide at the last moment that the game was definitely not worth the candle. If, nevertheless, One arises for whose sake it would be worth making all the efforts described above, he is rarely so cautious, because he unexpectedly and completely loses his head. Capricorn the Traitor is easy to expose, because he stubbornly makes ridiculous mistakes one after another, knowing in his heart what this will lead to, but secretly hoping that his mistakes will go unnoticed.

Why does a Capricorn man cheat?

This man takes family ties very seriously and only in the rarest cases can he decide to cheat. And for this there really must be serious reasons that push him to such a decision. It is important to understand one more important detail - intimate relationships, love and family often find themselves on different planes, and it can be difficult for him to combine them in one woman.

Reason 1: unsatisfied desire

Despite the restraint of feelings, it is very important for him to satisfy his desires in an intimate way. If his companion does not suit him in bed, then this may lead him to look elsewhere. But this will not happen right away, because first he will think it over carefully. Therefore, if you notice a fading interest, then take urgent measures - diversify your intimate life and try to adapt to his needs.

Reason 2: broken relationship

Due to his dislike of change, this man can remain for years with a companion with whom he has no feelings. Perhaps he is satisfied with a warm and pleasant nest, where a delicious dinner and a roof over his head await him. At the same time, his wife may not be aware of the changes that have occurred. If during this period he comes across a worthy woman, then he can cheat without a twinge of conscience and even leave home.

Reason 3: confusion of concepts

As noted above, bed and family relationships He rarely associates them with one woman. Therefore, from time to time he may decide to cheat. In his understanding, this cannot harm the relationship, and besides, he will not even try to talk about them. However, after committing betrayal, he will not actually change his relationship with you, and in this case, his adventures will be one-time in nature.

The most important!

The Capricorn man prefers to build relationships on honesty and complete trust, so cases of betrayal among representatives of this sign are minimal. Therefore, you can easily avoid negative consequences, if you listen to him, try to satisfy him in bed and take an active part in his affairs. Also try to trust him more, because if he comes home late, he may actually stay late at work.

1. The mistake of mistakes that almost every Capricorn woman makes - even when marrying for love, they do not consider their husband to be the last man in their life. But this is how the representatives of this sign are structured, that truly happy life for them it can only be when they can constantly change partners, which is what they begin to do, often without even having time to wait for the end of the honeymoon.

2. The husband of a Capricorn woman has only one opportunity to prevent his wife from cheating on him - to make her life truly bright and exciting. But since almost all women of the Capricorn sign have phenomenal energy and endurance, they can have fun all seven evenings and nights a week, resting for only 2-3 hours. And since this can kill a man who needs to spend all day at work, it becomes clear why husbands who are able to withstand the super-tense rest schedule set by their Capricorn wife are so rare.

3. Representatives of this sign make lovers phenomenally easily. In order for them to cheat on their spouse, you don’t need to look after them, moreover, you don’t even need to ask them about it. Just contact a Capricorn woman with an offer to have sex, and if she has a couple of free minutes, she will gladly accept your offer. As for the place, both a closed office during the lunch break and the back seat of your car will suit her perfectly.

4. Their love for household duties is very, very fickle. So today they can cook food while doing general cleaning, raising children, embroidering and rearranging furniture. But the next day, you will not find your Capricorn wife, not only in the kitchen, but even within the apartment. All that will remind you of her is a note in a few words: “You will prepare lunch yourself from what you buy yourself. I’m not leaving any money.”

5. In the same way, they are fickle in matters of motherhood, and therefore the children of Capricorn women almost always grow up with psychological trauma of one degree or another. And it cannot be said that Capricorns are bad mothers. They just try to behave with their children as friends, and therefore as equals, not realizing that this is only suitable if the child is 15-17 years old, and even then not always.

6. They get divorced easily, leaving their husbands, as they say, whatever they have. After leaving, real Capricorns never humiliate themselves by talking about alimony or sharing an apartment. And to be honest, we also consider this behavior a mistake. And even though Capricorn women themselves explain it by their decency and pride, in fact, they are almost always pushed to take such a step by their inability to take care of themselves and their children, who, as a rule, Capricorn women take with them after a divorce.

7. But even if the Capricorn woman can pull herself together and do everything to become a caring and faithful wife, then even in this case her marriage is not guaranteed against shocks and storms. And primarily because they age much more slowly and much more reluctantly than even their husbands of the same age. It is precisely because of this, unfortunately, innate, trait that a large number of Capricorn wives look ridiculous, and sometimes pathetic, dressing or behaving beyond their years.

8. Capricorn women also have a habit of sharing their mistakes and betrayals with their husbands. In this case, their classic excuse sounds like this: “Why didn’t you say that you didn’t like it?! How could I know that you were jealous of me?!”

9. Many Capricorn women do not know how to handle money. And it’s not even that they spend it on themselves. Usually everything happens exactly the opposite - seized by an all-consuming impulse of uncontrollable love, the Capricorn woman can spend all her money on purchasing expensive gifts for all family members by buying some incredible cake for change. And they only remember that this money was put aside for a month of food, the purchase of a new spinning rod for their husband, or for a trip to the sea when they bring gifts home.

10. Well, this mistake is made by Capricorn women who remarry. And it lies in the fact that they project onto their second spouse all the shortcomings that their first husband had. And such an attitude, you see, can offend and insult, and make you angry and nervous. But such are Capricorn women, for whom life is a dream that can take on the most unrealistic forms.

A complete collection of materials on the topic: why does a married Capricorn cheat? from experts in their field.

Striving for perfection, a man born under the sign of Capricorn chooses his wife very carefully. He needs a woman who will be a good mother, she should cook well, be a good housewife. Only after this should she be well dressed. It is desirable that she be smart and well-mannered. The most important thing for him is beauty and physical compatibility. He greatly needs tenderness, understanding, emotional comfort and closeness of soul. He prefers soft and intuitively receptive women with a light character who would understand his problems without words. He likes you to value his opinion and ask him for advice. He strives for perfection in everything and, having found the ideal partner, he will give himself to him with all his heart. He will never connect his life with a “business woman” who spends days and nights at work; it is important for him that his wife be a “home” woman.

How to tell if a Capricorn man is cheating?

Capricorn makes plans for a long time and thinks them over carefully; This applies to romantic relationships no less than any other area of ​​life. Long before She looks in his direction, Capricorn will weigh all the pros and cons, form his own opinion about how their relationship will develop, and how exactly he will keep it secret. Before making an appointment with Her, he will accustom you to the fact that he is busy and cannot devote much time to you; he will outline walking routes and choose places where romantic dates will take place, he will provide for everything...

Only to decide at the last moment that the game was definitely not worth the candle. If, nevertheless, One arises for whose sake it would be worth making all the efforts described above, he is rarely so cautious, because he unexpectedly and completely loses his head. Capricorn the Traitor is easy to expose, because he stubbornly makes ridiculous mistakes one after another, knowing in his heart what this will lead to, but secretly hoping that his mistakes will go unnoticed.

Why does a Capricorn man cheat?

This man takes family ties very seriously and only in the rarest cases can he decide to cheat. And for this there really must be serious reasons that push him to such a decision. It is important to understand one more important detail - intimate relationships, love and family often find themselves on different planes, and it can be difficult for him to combine them in one woman.

Reason 1: unsatisfied desire

Despite the restraint of feelings, it is very important for him to satisfy his desires in an intimate way. If his companion does not suit him in bed, then this may lead him to look elsewhere. But this will not happen right away, because first he will think it over carefully. Therefore, if you notice a fading interest, then take urgent measures - diversify your intimate life and try to adapt to his needs.

According to statistics, Capricorn men are the most devoted and faithful spouses among representatives of all zodiac signs. Two thirds of Capricorn men have never cheated on their wives. This is a very high figure. What makes the remaining third of the representatives of this sign cheat on their women?

As sad as it may be, the combination of Capricorn and betrayal very often happens when it comes to achieving previously set goals.

Capricorn can start a short-term affair on the side if it helps in moving up the career ladder.

Some Capricorn men “have an affair” due to a simple lack of adrenaline. They are winners and very gambling, and if life is well established and things are going well, then representatives of this sign can look for intense relationships in casual relationships.

Many Capricorn men explain their infidelity to dissatisfaction. sex life Houses. Therefore, if you want your chosen Capricorn to be faithful, study the sexual horoscope and learn to give him pleasure and pleasure.

At the same time, Capricorns remain one of the most faithful husbands. At the same time, they demand 100% fidelity from their companions.

A rare Capricorn, having learned about his wife’s betrayal, will be able to forgive her. This is because he always strives for perfection. And since the wife cheated, it means that she is not perfect or that her husband is not suitable for her as a sexual partner, which he also cannot turn a blind eye to.

Cheating on Capricorn and its reasons
Capricorn sexual horoscope. Among the most common reasons for cheating are profitable connections and opportunities for career advancement. This is what Capricorn is all about, for whom betrayal is acceptable if it comes to achieving your goals.

Does Capricorn Man Cheat?

Capricorn men are distinguished by enviable constancy. They rarely start short-term romances, because they are aimed at creating a strong and harmonious union. Having found a suitable person, they give them all the feelings without reserve. Insufficient emotional return on the part of a woman, manifestations of mistrust and jealousy can push someone to cheat. Capricorns will try to solve these problems, but if this is to no avail, they will most likely end up breaking off the relationship or cheating. Therefore, a woman who is in a relationship with Capricorn needs to value his feelings and give him as much as she receives.

They may commit adultery in order to build their career (with women in high positions). In case of constant dissatisfaction at home, I wouldn’t mind using the services of priestesses of love. If they are exposed, they try to settle everything peacefully; they very rarely break with their thrifty and faithful wife.

Interestingly, he will not feel guilty about this. In the end, it's just sex and nothing more! He may have one constant girlfriend or several - in general, he does not particularly distinguish between them. It is unlikely that they expect him to marry. Most likely, the lovely fairies are aware of his family obligations. Why does he attract them? You may not like the answer - money. Yes, Capricorn knows the value of money, since he was forced to earn it himself. Now he has money, but some beauties just don’t have enough of it - so why not carry out some kind of exchange, a deal, if you like? Capricorn believes that everything here is honest, without deception.

If you are ready to forgive and accept your loved one back, then there is nothing simpler - just provide him with the amount of quality sex that he requires. And even a little more, with a margin, so to speak. Then he won’t look in the direction of young, long-legged blondes. The older Capricorn gets, the more willing he is to experiment sexually. This is exactly the case when “gray hair in the beard, devil in the rib.” Often the spouse herself is to blame, since she believes that they are “not so young for all these perversions.” And what do you order the voluptuous Goat to do?

Another part of Capricorn's nature is that colder than ice- is a deterrent. Capricorn can endure relationships for decades that do not suit him. Sometimes this happens because of the fear of change - “that things might get worse. Here, at least, everything is familiar to me,” Capricorn thinks, and pretends that everything is in order. There is not a drop of rebellion in this man - only submission to fate. and waiting. However, as soon as a better option appears, Capricorn will not fail to “try it out.” That is, having met a woman who seems to him a more worthy life partner, he will be interested. No, he won't start courting her directly. But he won’t refuse her invitation to come for a cup of tea and will happily keep up the conversation. If you come across a lady who is assertive and proactive, then she will simply snatch Capricorn from her rival in a whirlwind. Of course, with his full consent.

Capricorns prefer honesty in relationships. They’re just in no hurry to implement this vision of theirs. He may wait quite a long time before admitting that he has another woman, and therefore you will have to break up. Don’t think that he is afraid of offending his former love. He is more afraid for himself, since he hates emotional hysterics, scandals, and ugly accusations. However, having chosen the moment, he still admits the true state of affairs. The solution here is prevention. Ask your lover more often if he is satisfied with everything in your relationship. And under no circumstances enter into an argument with him if he expresses any dissatisfaction. There should be complete trust in your relationship. Your Capricorn must be sure that he can trust you with any of his experiences - and not encounter misunderstanding or resentment on your part.

Does Capricorn Man Cheat?
How faithful is a Capricorn man in love? Do they cheat on their loved ones or remain faithful? Find out what they want from a relationship in their horoscope!

Does a Capricorn Man Cheat?

Striving for perfection, a man born under the sign of Capricorn chooses his wife very carefully. He needs a woman who will be a good mother, she should cook well, be a good housewife. Only after this should she be well dressed. It is desirable that she be smart and well-mannered. The most important thing for him is beauty and physical compatibility. He greatly needs tenderness, understanding, emotional comfort and closeness of soul. He prefers soft and intuitively receptive women with a light character who would understand his problems without words. He likes you to value his opinion and ask him for advice. He strives for perfection in everything and, having found the ideal partner, he will give himself to him with all his heart. He will never connect his life with a “business woman” who spends days and nights at work; it is important for him that his wife be a “home” woman.

Capricorn makes plans for a long time and thinks them over carefully; This applies to romantic relationships no less than any other area of ​​life. Long before She looks in his direction, Capricorn will weigh all the pros and cons, form his own opinion about how their relationship will develop, and how exactly he will keep it secret. Before making an appointment with Her, he will accustom you to the fact that he is busy and cannot devote much time to you; he will outline walking routes and choose places where romantic dates will take place, he will provide for everything...

Only to decide at the last moment that the game was definitely not worth the candle. If, nevertheless, One arises for whose sake it would be worth making all the efforts described above, he is rarely so cautious, because he unexpectedly and completely loses his head. Capricorn the Traitor is easy to expose, because he stubbornly makes ridiculous mistakes one after another, knowing in his heart what this will lead to, but secretly hoping that his mistakes will go unnoticed.

This man takes family ties very seriously and only in the rarest cases can he decide to cheat. And for this there really must be serious reasons that push him to such a decision. It is important to understand one more important detail - intimate relationships, love and family often find themselves on different planes, and it can be difficult for him to combine them in one woman.

Despite the restraint of feelings, it is very important for him to satisfy his desires in an intimate way. If his companion does not suit him in bed, then this may lead him to look elsewhere. But this will not happen right away, because first he will think it over carefully. Therefore, if you notice a fading interest, then take urgent measures - diversify your intimate life and try to adapt to his needs.

Due to his dislike of change, this man can remain for years with a companion with whom he has no feelings. Perhaps he is satisfied with a warm and pleasant nest, where a delicious dinner and a roof over his head await him. At the same time, his wife may not be aware of the changes that have occurred. If during this period he comes across a worthy woman, then he can cheat without a twinge of conscience and even leave home.

As noted above, he rarely associates bed and family relationships with one woman. Therefore, from time to time he may decide to cheat. In his understanding, this cannot harm the relationship, and besides, he will not even try to talk about them. However, after committing betrayal, he will not actually change his relationship with you, and in this case, his adventures will be one-time in nature.

The Capricorn man prefers to build relationships on honesty and complete trust, so cases of betrayal among representatives of this sign are minimal. Therefore, you can easily avoid negative consequences if you listen to him, try to satisfy him in bed and take an active part in his affairs. Also try to trust him more, because if he comes home late, he may actually stay late at work.

Does a Capricorn Man Cheat?
The fidelity of a Capricorn man - find out how to test the sincerity of this zodiac sign in a relationship! Why might he cheat on his beloved and how to avoid it?

What kind of Capricorn man is when he is caught cheating?

How is he behaving? Behavior, words, actions? Has anyone had experience of being caught cheating? To understand next time that it is she, the one.

Capricorn will pretend to be a saint.. Or that they are just friends.. And brazenly repeat their action.. Therefore, do not give in to maternal feelings, since Capricorn is not a man at all.. Maybe super businesslike, with a face like a brick.. But he looks for profit everywhere and will go on the heads. Good actors.. In general, the advice is just to use it and wipe your feet more often.. Also turn on ignore. looking happy.. This infuriates them most of all.. If you want to take revenge, just sleep with his friend.. Revenge, but it’s nice.. At the same time, bring down the hypocrite Capricorn from heaven.. Throw his face into a barrel of ice water.. Capricorns and Taurus are actors... However, like all womanizers. If you have a maternal instinct, words pop into your head like bunny, etc.. congratulations, you have fallen into the hands of a greedy loser.. Who considers feelings to be a woman’s weakness.. and stupidity.

Everything is on point! Super)

Capricorn will pretend to be a saint.. Or that they are just friends.. And brazenly repeat their action.. Therefore, do not give in to maternal feelings, since Capricorn is not a man at all.. Maybe super businesslike, with a face like a brick.. But he looks for profit everywhere and will go on the heads. Good actors.. In general, the advice is just to use it and wipe your feet more often.. Also turn on ignore. looking happy.. This infuriates them most of all.. If you want to take revenge, just sleep with his friend.. Revenge, but it’s nice.. At the same time, bring down the hypocrite Capricorn from heaven.. Throw his face into a barrel of ice water.. Capricorns and Taurus are actors... However, like all womanizers. If you have a maternal instinct, words pop into your head like bunny, etc.. congratulations, you have fallen into the hands of a greedy loser.. Who considers feelings to be a woman’s weakness.. and stupidity.

Capricorn then you are.

Same as others. Like a beaten dog - it’s not his fault, it happened this way, he didn’t want it, he didn’t expect it, never again, I can’t live without you, everything loses its meaning if you leave me.

Sorry for mistakes, ?? I write quickly without reading. ??

They will very calmly deny everything or even simply ignore your claims.

Do goat men cheat? I’m just a Goat woman, I’ve never cuckolded anyone, I’ve never talked to men of my sign.

what for? Do you have a fixed idea - to catch men cheating? Is this a hobby?

the crazy people here who believe in horoscopes, where are your brains? who cares what sign if he doesn’t need you, he’ll change you even without a horoscope!

Capricorn men do not cheat. If the betrayal took place and you caught him, then he did not cheat on you, he left you.

I myself am a Capricorn and the man was a Capricorn. I didn’t cheat, or I encrypted it very well.. but there was no reason even for suspicion, absolutely. After 5 years of marriage. I’ll say for myself that if I’m really in love, all my attention is directed to the object I adore , even in excess. There can be no question of the left) and if there are no special feelings, it’s boring, it starts to get carried away and interest in others appears. And when we get caught doing this, we don’t renounce, admit everything and leave)

Capricorn will pretend to be a saint.. Or that they are just friends.. And brazenly repeat their action.. Therefore, do not give in to maternal feelings, since Capricorn is not a man at all.. Maybe super businesslike, with a face like a brick.. But he looks for profit everywhere and will go on the heads. Good actors.. In general, the advice is just to use it and wipe your feet more often.. Also turn on ignore. looking happy.. This infuriates them most of all.. If you want to take revenge, just sleep with his friend.. Revenge, but it’s nice.. At the same time, bring down the hypocrite Capricorn from heaven.. Throw his face into a barrel of ice water.. Capricorns and Taurus are actors... However, like all womanizers. If you have a maternal instinct, words pop into your head like bunny, etc.. congratulations, you have fallen into the hands of a greedy loser.. Who considers feelings to be a woman’s weakness.. and stupidity.

You've hit the bull's eye! They are Capricorns. Mine is exactly as you wrote above. I caught him cheating, but I also turned out to be to blame, like a crazy person added an “honest person.” Funny and evil at the same time. Capricorns all know how to get out of the water and get away with it.

I swore an oath that I would never contact another Capricorn again.

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