Rosemary oil extract antioxidant properties. Not just an essential oil: find out all the ways to use rosemary for facial skin. Rosemary neutralizes toxins and removes them from the body

Subcritical CO2 extract of rosemary leaves

Rosmarinus officinalis

“Here is rosemary, for memory; I ask you, love, remember..." W. Shakespeare

Rosemary is a perennial evergreen shrub. Reaches a height of 0.5-2 m. The Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of rosemary. Rosemary was known to the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. The latter spread it throughout Europe. Pliny wrote that rosemary flowers have such an attractive blue color due to the sea foam falling on them. According to another legend, the white rosemary flowers turned blue after the Virgin Mary hung her blue cloak on the bush while resting. The name of rosemary, according to one opinion, is the dew of the sea, comes from “ros” - dew and “marinus” - sea. According to another version, the name originates from the words “rhops” - low bush and “myrinos” - balsam. Rosemary leaves and shoots are used to obtain CO2 extract.

Appearance: yellow transparent oil with a fresh, pine-camphor aroma characteristic of rosemary.


Essential oil

Oxides: 1,8-cineole 26.0%, beta-caryophyllene oxide 0.9%.

Ketones: camphor 17.0%.

Monoterpenes: alpha-pinene 7.0%, beta-pinene 3.5%, camphene 2.5%, myrcene 2.0%, para-cymene 1.4%, alpha-terpinene 0.7%, gamma-terpinene 0.6 %, terpinolene 0.3%, alpha-phellandrene 0.3%, limonene 0.1%, sabinene 0.1%.

Sesquiterpenes: beta-caryophyllene 6.6%, alpha-humulene 0.9%, beta-bisabolene 0.4%, delta-cadinene 0.1%, beta-farnesene 0.1%.

Monoterpenols: alpha-terpineol 6.0%, borneol 5.7%, linalool 1.8%, terpinen-4-ol 1.3%, delta-terpineol 1.2%, trans-sabinene hydrate 0.2%, isopulegol 0.2 %, cis-sabinene hydrate 0.1%, neo-isopulegol 0.1%.

Esters: bornyl acetate 0.9%, methyl jasmonate 0.5%.

Phenols: carvacrol 0.1%, methyl eugenol 0.1%, thymol 0.1%.

In addition to essential oil, the extract contains:

Squalene 2.7%

Phenolic diterpenes: carnosol, carnosolic acid about 8%.

Fatty acid



Triterpene acids (ursolic, oleanolic, caffeic, betulinic, rosemary)


Powerful antioxidant




Improves blood and lymph flow


Against the glycation process

Improves collagen and elastin synthesis

Application of subcritical CO2 extract

Rosemary is one of the recognized plants with high antioxidant activity. The main substances that provide this effect are phenolic diterpenes, such as carnosolic acid, carnosol, rosmanol, methyl carnosate, and phenolic acids (rosmarinic, caffeic). The latter are contained in CO2 extracts in much smaller quantities than in extracts extracted with other extractants. Carnosolic acid is the main component that plays a role in providing antioxidant activity (Wellwood, Cole, 2004).

Despite the fact that the main contribution to the antioxidant effect of rosemary is made by phenolic diterpenes (mainly carnosolic acid), the presence of terpenes, terpenoids, sesquiterpenes, triterpene acids (oleanolic, carnosolic) and carotenoids in the extract enhances cumulative antioxidant effect of the extract.

Thus, in a study, the volatile components (essential oil) of rosemary suppressed cell death caused by nitrogen dioxide and intracellular formation of reactive oxygen species in fibroblasts induced by ultraviolet radiation. They also reduce lipid peroxidation (linoleic acid). Among the volatile components, 1,8-cineole exhibits an antioxidant effect (Saito, Shiga, Yoshida, Furuhashi, Fujita, Niki, 2004). The antiproliferative, antioxidant and antibacterial effects of rosemary essential oil have also been confirmed Hussain, Anwar, Chatha, Jabbar, Mahboob, Nigam (2010).

Rosemary CO2 extract is known for its ability to inhibit the oxidation of fatty oils and, in general, more efficient than synthetic antioxidants BHA, BHT, methyl paraben and tocopherols.

Adding CO2 extract of rosemary to salmon fat with a high content of PUFAs allows you to reduce oxidative processes by about half at 2-3 months of storage, and by a third at 6 months when stored at a positive unregulated temperature (S.V. Agafonova, L.S. Baidalinova, 2015). In the study Vicente, Martín, García-Risco, Fornari, Reglero (2012) introduction of rosemary CO2 extract (0.03% extract containing carnosolic acid and carnosol at a concentration of 33%) increases stability edible oils several times: flaxseed 3.5, sesame 2.2 and grape seeds 1.1 times. According to the research of S. V. Andronova (2004) a higher percentage of added extract does not lead to an increase in antioxidant activity: 0.5% gives the same salmon fat retention over 8 weeks as 1.5%.

notice, that for extracts from different manufacturers, different input rates, but this research shows that more is not always more effective. In the test D"Evoli, Huikko, Lampi, Lucarini, Lombardi-Boccia, Nicoli, Piironen (2006) When olive oil is heated for 6 hours with the addition of rosemary, the oxidation of phytosterols is reduced by almost half.

Carnosolic acid and carnosol, one of the main components of rosemary extract, have an anti-inflammatory effect, reducing the expression of interleukin-1b (cytokine, a mediator of inflammation and immunity) and TNF-a (tumor necrosis factor-alpha, a pro-inflammatory/inflammation-enhancing cytokine), and to a lesser extent affecting the expression of fibronectin (one of the mediators playing an important role in the mechanism immune inflammation) and ICAM-1 (inflammatory mediator, responsible not only for a temporary inflammatory process, but also a chronic one, dangerous due to continuous and excessive destruction of skin structures). Interestingly, both compounds (carnosolic acid and carnosol) selectively inhibit COX-2, but not COX-1 (inhibition of cyclooxygenases 1 and 2 reduces symptoms of inflammation and pain). In addition, when mice were pretreated with carnosolic acid, leukocyte infiltration was markedly reduced. In vitro, carnosolic acid and carnosol inhibit overproduction of nitric oxide, NO (Mengoni, Vichera, Rigano, Rodriguez-Puebla, Galliano, Cafferata, Pivetta, Moreno, Vojnov, 2011). Similar results regarding the anti-inflammatory effect of rosemary CO2 extract and its individual components were obtained Kuo, Su, Chiu, Peng, Chang, Sung, Huang, Lee, Chyau (2011).

In another study (Altinier, Sosa, Aquino, Mencherini, Della Loggia, Tubaro, 2007) rosemary extract obtained by chloroform, with the main components: ursolic, oleanolic and micromeric acids, showed anti-inflammatory activity, similar to indomethacin (NSAID). The same triterpene acids in rosemary ethanol extract as the extract itself were found in a study Martínez, González-Trujano, Chávez, Pellicer (2012) showed analgesic effect, similar in action to ketorolac (NSAID). Research results Takano, Inokuchi, Kurachi (2011) suggest that ethanol extract of rosemary may prevent and alleviate the symptoms of atopic dermatitis by inhibiting NGF (nerve growth factor), thereby reduce itching and skin damage.

Ethanol extract of rosemary with main components - carnosolic and rosmarinic acids and carnosol, reduces Propionibacterium-induced acnes inflammation in vitro and in vivo (TH Tsai, Chuang, Lien, Liing, Chen, PJ Tsai, 2013).

Ethanol extract of rosemary and especially its components - carnosolic acid and carnosol showed antibacterial activity against pathogens that cause caries: Streptococcus mutans, S. salivarius, S. sobrinus, S. mitis, S. sanguinis, and Enterococcus faecalis (Bernardes, Lucarini, Tozatti, Souza, Silva, Filho, Martins, Crotti, Pauletti, Groppo, Cunha, 2010). Water-ethanol extract of rosemary has antibacterial effect against Enterococcus faecalis (Brito-Junior, Nobre, Freitas, Camilo, Faria-e-Silva, 2012).

Antifungal and antibacterial action rosemary against Bacillus subtilis, Candida albicans, Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus was identified Nascimento, Locatelli, Freitas, Silva (2000).

Another study demonstrated the bactericidal effect of rosemary officinalis essential oils against gram-positive Staphylococcus epidermidis and gram-negative Escherichia coli bacteria. Fungicidal effect has also been tested against Candida albicans (Höfling, Anibal, Obando-Pereda, Peixoto, Furletti, Foglio, Gonçalves, 2010; Fu, Zu, Chen, Shi, Wang, Sun, Efferth, 2007).

Carnosolic acid and methanolic rosemary extract showed effective against drug-resistant bacteria: Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Enterobacter cloacae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Morganella morganii, Providencia stuartii, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and gentamicin- and streptomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis (Zampini, Arias, Cudmani, Ordoñez, Isla, Moreno, 2013).

In a study by Park, Han, Lee, Soo, Lim, Ha (2013), carnosolic acid protects skin cells from UV radiation and inhibits skin photoaging through the regulation of matrix metalloproteinases in fibroblasts and keratinocytes (skin cells). This reduces the breakdown of the intercellular matrix (in particular the dermis), and maintains skin elasticity.

A hydroalcoholic extract of rosemary leaves (among other plant extracts) showed ability to interfere with the glycation process (Kim HY, Kim K., 2003). In dermatology, glycation is manifested by increased vascular permeability, slower regeneration, destruction of collagen fibers and inhibition of the process of collagenesis. Skin affected by glycation is loose, dull, wrinkled, with pigmentation phenomena. The degree of glycation inhibition by plant extracts in this study was significantly correlated with the antioxidant activity of the tested extracts. This allows us to hope that the CO2 extract, to one degree or another, also has this property, as a strong antioxidant.

Carnosolic acid inhibits lipogenesis(Gaya, Repetto, Toneatto, Anesini, Piwien-Pilipuk, Moreno, 2013) what can be used for obesity and cellulite.

According to the literature, ursolic and oleanolic acids inhibit leukocyte elastase, promote the synthesis of collagen and elastin, helping to maintain skin elasticity, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and provide photoprotection of the skin, increase blood microcirculation in the skin and scalp, stimulate hair growth, prevent scalp irritation, hair loss and the appearance of dandruff, suppress the activity of pro-inflammatory enzymes, promote the differentiation of keratinocytes (improving the condition of the upper stratum corneum in both flaky dry skin and rough oily skin). Oleanolic acid increases the synthesis of ceramides in the skin, thereby improving the barrier properties of the skin.

Rosmarinic acid promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Based on research, rosemary extract It is recommended to include when developing cosmetic products:

How antioxidant supplement, improving the preservation of the fatty component of a cosmetic product,

How antioxidant supplement to protect skin and hair lipids from oxidative processes, especially in products for oily, problem skin, as well as for age and exposure to adverse environmental conditions,

- for aging skin as an additive that improves processes in the dermis and stratum corneum (synthesis of collagen, elastin, ceramides, differentiation of keratinocytes),

- for swollen, sagging skin,

- for sensitive, itchy or irritated skin as an anti-inflammatory agent, including in the case of atopic dermatitis,

-for oily, problem skin, acne as part of acne cleansing, antiseptic, skin care products as an active ingredient with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory activity, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands and narrowing pores,

-anti-cellulite products, including to improve blood and lymph flow,

- from unwanted pigmentation,

- for the prevention and elimination of stretch marks/striae(no recommendations or studies were found for use during pregnancy),

-from rosacea as an activating microcirculation and anti-inflammatory component,

When varicose veins veins(to improve lymph and blood flow, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect),

-against hair loss, dandruff, to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, improve hair growth,

- for oral care: toothpaste, mouthwash,

- for feet as an antiseptic and deodorizing component,

- for joint pain as a blood flow improving, analgesic, anti-inflammatory ingredient.

Dosage: usually 0.1 - 0.5% (for all skin types), up to a maximum of 2% depending on the tolerance of the extract. Products with predominant unsaturated fatty acids (for example, with primrose, currant, watermelon, borage, kukui, rosehip oils, etc.) require approximately four times more extract than products with predominant saturated fatty acids (solid oils) .

Enter extract at temperatures of 40°C and below.

Keep refrigerated.

Scope of application

Bath and shower products

Skin care creams/emulsions

Massage / body / foot / hair oil

Oral care

Advantages of extracts obtained by this method

They are not microbiologically contaminated, are sterile and have bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties, which extends the shelf life of products made with their help.

The concentration and spectrum of biologically active substances are several times higher than the parameters of extracts obtained by the traditional extraction method.

Solvents are not used during production, so there is no chance of solvents getting into the cosmetic product.

They are not subjected to heat treatment (unlike traditional extracts), preserving the biologically active substances inherent in the plant in their native state.

The shelf life is up to 3 years, and the value does not decrease over time.

The percentage of input into the product is lower, because the concentration of biologically active substances is high.

Extracts obtained by this method are considered to be of the highest quality., 01/12/2016

Product Name: Supercritical CO2 Rosemary Extract


1. General description

Light brown, thick homogeneous mass with a characteristic odor.

2. Composition

Terpenes and terpenoids up to 25% (carene, cineole, caryophyllene), steroids up to 5%, antioxidants diterpene phenols: carnosic acid, carnosol.


Pharmacological action: has anti-inflammatory, tonic, strong antioxidant effect. In cosmetology in creams, bath products, and hair care products. In the food industry in the production of additives to increase the shelf life of products.

4. Application

For toothpaste: prevents metabolic disorders and extinguishes inflammation, relieves pain, removes unpleasant odors, has bactericidal properties;

For soap: protects the skin from degreasing, has disinfectant, preventive and healing properties;

For creams:

Increases the regenerating, protective, moisturizing properties of the cream, allows you to enrich it with biologically active substances. A cream using the extract refreshes the skin, has an anti-inflammatory, tonic and firming effect;

Used in foot creams: it has excellent antifungal, antibacterial and deodorizing effects. Promotes the healing of cracks, abrasions and other defects in the skin of the feet, is an effective means of preventing fungal skin diseases, counteracts excessive sweating, and prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor;

For shampoos: enhances microcirculation in the vessels of the scalp, significantly improves metabolic processes in the hair follicles, helps stimulate hair growth and strengthen it. Having a positive effect on cell regeneration processes and having an antifungal effect, it prevents the formation of dandruff. In addition, rosemary normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, slowing down and reducing the process of sebum production and narrowing the skin pores. Regular use of shampoo will normalize the functions of the scalp and significantly improve the condition of the hair.

6. Storage

In clean, dry, pest-free, odor-free, ventilated rooms at a temperature not exceeding plus 25C and with a relative air humidity of not more than 90%. Shelf life 36 months from the date of manufacture.

Organoleptic, physico-chemical and quality indicators:

Appearance and color Light brown, thick homogeneous mass

Smell and taste Characteristic odor

Moisture and volatile substances up to 25%

The amount of carnosol and carnosic acid is from 2.5 to 5%

Microbiological indicators:

The total number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria, CFU in 1 g (cm3) of product is not more than 102

Yeast, yeast-like, mold fungi, CFU in 1 g (cm3) of products none

Bacteria of the family Enterobacteriacea, absent in 1 g of product

Pathogenic staphylococci, absent in 1 g of product

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, absent in 1 g of product

SK-CO2 rosemary extract

Feedstock: Rosmarinus officinalis L. – shoots.

Production: Supercritical fluid extraction with natural carbon dioxide, in the absence of inorganic salts, without solvent residues, heavy metals, reproducible microorganisms.

Type of extract: Ointment-like mass with a yellow to dark yellow color, with a characteristic odor.

Ingredients: Terpenes and terpenoids (carene, cineole, borneol, camphor, verbenone, caryophyllene, podocarpine, globulol), steroids, waxes (phytan, alian), lipids, esters, sesquiterpenes, triterpene acids (oleanolic, rosmarinic), alkaloids (in including rosemaricin).

Use: In cosmetic products it is used as a component that has a strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, tonic effect, improves microcirculation, and tones the skin. Due to its strong antioxidant effect, it has a beneficial effect on aging skin of the face and neck. It is recommended to be used in food products as an antioxidant additive, as it prevents the formation of peroxide radicals, which allows to increase the shelf life of food products. Recommended for use in fat and oil products, in the production of canned fish and meat products.

Natural: The product is 100% natural, does not contain any impurities and is not manufactured using a chemical formula.

Storage: In a closed package in a cool, dark place for at least 2 years.

Often used in cosmetics for its antioxidant properties that prolong shelf life.

IMHO, it is in no way inferior to rosemary EO; I use it, just like EO, in base oil to increase blood pressure. The smell is a little different from EM, to my nose - fresher or something.

The medicinal properties of rosemary and contraindications have been known for a long time. This unique plant plant is capable of fighting many diseases. The culture grows in the form of a shrub with needle-shaped leaves. The height of the stem can reach two meters. Rosemary has a pleasant pine aroma. This is a very heat-loving plant. It does not tolerate cold well, so in our climate it is grown exclusively as a house flower growing in pots.

Read also the article: when eaten.

This culture contains half of the periodic table. The beneficial properties of the herb rosemary, first of all, have a positive effect on the respiratory system. The plant is also able to strengthen the immune system and restore the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Rosemary seeds have the same beneficial properties as the leaves.

The leaves and stems of rosemary contain useful substances such as:

  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • B vitamins;
  • provitamin A;
  • essential oils;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates.

People suffering from insomnia, frequent headaches, and dizziness simply cannot do without this plant.

Rosemary has been widely used in medicine to treat a wide variety of diseases. It is often used in cosmetology to make products that have a positive effect on the skin, hair, and also help in the fight against cellulite.

In addition, medicines based on this plant have calming and relaxing properties. They perfectly fight depression and nervous conditions, strengthen memory, increase productivity and brain activity.

The herb helps with diseases of the genitourinary system, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and even expectorant effects. It should also be noted that rosemary is excellent for raising blood pressure.

In the field of cooking, the herb is used in the form of spices, giving dishes a unique delicate taste and aroma. This spice is ideal for marinating meat. It is also used as a note of freshness in first and second courses, and is even suitable for preparing desserts.

A rosemary-based decoction fights pancreatitis well.

And having made tea with rosemary and tried it once, you will no longer drink drinks without this wonderful medicinal plant.
After all, it turns out not only tasty and aromatic, but also very healthy.

The plant is often used to make sauces.

You should combine rosemary with bay leaves with caution, and it is also undesirable to use it for preparing fish dishes.

Despite all the beneficial properties, rosemary also has contraindications. It is not recommended for use by nursing mothers and children under three years of age. People suffering from allergic reactions should also take it with extreme caution.

Rosemary tincture and its uses

Rosemary infusion is a popular remedy for many diseases. It can be prepared either with alcohol or with water, while all the beneficial properties of the medicinal plant are preserved entirely.

To prepare rosemary alcohol tincture you will need:

  • fresh grass leaves – 50 grams;
  • alcohol – 250 grams.

Take a suitable container, put the leaves there and pour alcohol on top. The container should be tightly closed with a lid and left in a cool, dark place for about ten days. Then parts of the rosemary should be squeezed out and discarded, and the prepared drink should be strained.

Rosemary baths are good for relieving fatigue.

There is another method that uses plant oil, which can be purchased ready-made in the store, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, it is enough to distill the leaves of the plant with water vapor. To prepare the tincture, three grams of oil are poured with one liter of alcohol. Further steps are the same as in the previous method.

To prepare a tincture with water, use the following recipe:

Rosemary tincture should be used in moderate quantities three times a day. The resulting medicine is good for cardiovascular diseases. The product also has a calming effect.

If you also add rosemary to the tincture, you will immediately notice an improvement in vision, memory, and increased brain activity. In addition, this mixture is good for helping to recover from a myocardial stroke.

When it comes to taking rosemary-based products during pregnancy, you should be as careful as possible. Its benefits are that it helps to relax, improve your mood, get rid of swelling of the legs and nausea, and relieve fatigue. However, it is not recommended to take infusions and decoctions if you have stomach problems or a tendency to allergic reactions.

Rosemary infusion

Rosemary decoction is also widely used, which is very simple to prepare. It is important to collect the leaves correctly; they must be free of any damage, stains, and especially rot. You can also use the youngest shoots of rosemary, which are not more than a year. Collection should be carried out before the bush blooms. Then the leaves should be dried, preferably in the open air, but in no case should they be exposed to direct sunlight.

To prepare the decoction, grind the prepared leaves using a meat grinder or two teaspoons will be enough.
Place the leaves in a saucepan, add a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for another thirty minutes.
Strain the resulting broth through a fine sieve.

The drink turns out to be very tasty and aromatic, and most importantly, healthy. You should take the medicine for concerns such as stomach colic, neuroses, and diseases of the cardiovascular system. For men, rosemary decoction will help with problems with potency.

It is advisable to drink this remedy three times a day, thirty minutes before meals. At one time, it will be enough to consume one teaspoon of decoction.

Rosemary tea

You can also make a very tasty and healthy tea from rosemary. Chop the pre-collected and properly dried leaves. Dissolve a teaspoon of rosemary leaves in 250 milliliters of boiling water, close the lid tightly and let it brew for twenty minutes. This is recommended to be consumed in the morning and at lunch.

Plus, you can simply infuse your favorite classic drink with the unique aroma of rosemary. To do this, add dried herb leaves to the usual tea leaves and pour boiling water over everything. This drink strengthens the immune system well and helps with various colds.

Features of rosmarinic acid and tablets

Rosemary extract is famous for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It is a very effective remedy for colds, especially rhinitis and sinusitis.

Rosmarinic acid has the following properties:

  1. It is one of the best antioxidants.
  2. A good antidepressant, helps calm the nervous system and relax.
  3. It has an excellent antibacterial effect and is used to treat shallow wounds and skin lesions.
  4. Helps fight inflammatory processes in the body.
  5. Has an antiviral effect.

Rosmarinic acid has found wide application in medicine for the production of various medicines, in the food industry, as well as in the cosmetics industry.

You can also buy ready-made rosemary tablets at the pharmacy. They are used mainly to normalize bile secretion, as well as to stabilize the functioning of the gallbladder. Before using the medicine, we definitely advise you to consult a doctor, because self-medication can be dangerous to your health.

If taken correctly, the first improvements can be felt within three weeks. During this period, adults should take two tablets three times a day. The full course of treatment is three to four months.

Since the medicine is made from natural plant substances, there are usually no side effects. This drug does not cause addiction or allergic reactions.

Rosemary decoction for facial skin

As already mentioned, rosemary extract is very widely used in cosmetology. Based on this plant, many products are made to care for the skin, hair, and also to combat excess weight.

The main function of the compositions is to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and stop skin aging. It's pretty safe remedy, suitable for women of any age. Daily skin care will bring incredible results. Rosemary tones the skin, gives it freshness, and relieves fatigue. It also soothes the skin after prolonged exposure to the sun or frost, helps with peeling and other minor damage.

Rosemary infusion can be used as a hair rinse.

Without much difficulty, you can prepare a rosemary decoction at home. It won’t take you much time, and it will also significantly reduce your financial expenses. Despite the safety of the medicinal plant, we still advise you to consult a dermatologist before use, especially if you have serious skin problems.

To prepare a mixture for healing various scars or scars, you need:

After using the compress, you need to wash with cool water. Rosemary decoction should be used on the face twice a day. The course of treatment is a month.

To prepare a refreshing tonic for cleansing facial skin, you need to pour 30 grams of dried rosemary leaves into 250 milliliters of boiling water. The broth should infuse for about 30 minutes. Then strain the liquid through a fine sieve. You need to use tonic in the morning before applying makeup, and in the evening to remove it.

Rosemary herb for hair

Undoubtedly, rosemary has only positive effects. Taking advantage special masks and herbal decoctions can not only improve your skin health, but also heal damaged hair from the inside.

By using the decoction regularly, your hair will become stronger a short time. In just a month they will acquire a healthy shine and begin to grow faster.

Rosemary in its pure form is not used, as this can lead to burns of the mucous membrane.

To prepare a rosemary decoction for hair you need:

  1. Boil 0.5 liters of water in a saucepan.
  2. Add two tablespoons of dried rosemary to the container. When using fresh twigs, ten pieces will be enough.
  3. Stir the mixture and remove the pan from the heat.
  4. Leave the broth under the closed lid for half an hour so that it infuses.
  5. Add two tablespoons apple cider vinegar. Then mix everything and strain.

If desired, you can also add sage to this product, which will help remove excess oil from your hair. The decoction prepared in this way is added to masks. To make it you will need to mix a small amount of tincture and thirty-five grams of castor and burdock oil.
Mix the mixture and apply to the scalp. Then carefully wrap with a towel and keep for 30 minutes. After this, you should wash your hair as usual.
This mask promotes hair growth and strengthening.

Video about the properties of rosemary oil

As can be seen from the article, rosemary is a unique remedy for many diseases. If you use infusions correctly and in a timely manner, you can achieve the desired result in a short time.

Medicinal rosemary, or ordinary rosemary - Rosmarinus officinalis - belongs to the family Lamiaceae. Other names for the plant are pharmaceutical rosemary, sea dew, bride's dress, wedding flower, dike, incense herb.
Rare plants enjoy the same popularity and love among people as rosemary. Numerous varieties of this plant serve a variety of purposes. They are used to create hedges, green sculptures, potted arrangements and camouflage for unsightly walls. The refreshing resinous smell and slightly pungent taste of the leaves made it an excellent culinary spice in ancient times. Rosemary is also indispensable as a medicinal plant. In the wild, this plant is found along the Mediterranean coast.

Rosemary officinalis is the ancestor of all the countless varieties, forms and varieties of rosemary grown in gardens and orchards. Two other rosemary species (Rosmarinus eriocalyx and Rosmarinus tomentosus), native to southern Spain and northwest Africa, never became cultivated plants.
Rosemary is a heat-loving evergreen subshrub, with narrow, pine-like leaves and small blue flowers, sometimes reaching 2 meters in height.

It has a strong camphor aroma, reminiscent of the freshness of the sea. In warm regions, in the Crimea and the Caucasus, it is often used as a hedge. Rosemary blooms in February - March.
Rosemary flowers can be colored in a variety of colors - blue, blue, purple, pink, white. The shape of the crown of this shrub also varies greatly: from spherical to columnar (up to 3 m high); in some varieties the shoots spread along the ground.
Most varieties of rosemary are suitable for culinary use.
It is unpretentious to soils, does not like heavily moist places and does not tolerate frosts of more than -10-12 degrees. Therefore, this plant is often grown in pots at home.
Rosemary officinalis is very revered in Greece, Rome, Egypt; even in ancient times this plant was considered sacred there. There are many legends about it; it was used in religious rites to drive out evil spirits.
According to legend, the Greek gods, gathering on Mount Olympus, decorated their heads with wreaths of rosemary and valued it on a par with gold. Rosemary is a symbol of memory: the Greeks and Romans loved to weave wreaths from it, believing that it stimulated mental activity and memory.

For a long time, and even now, the rosemary plant is a symbol of abundance, prosperity and eternity. During a wedding, in some countries, the tradition has been preserved of giving a sprig of rosemary to the newlyweds.

Growing Rosemary

Rosemary needs a sunny location and well-drained soil. It grows well in both slightly acidic and moderately alkaline soils, but in the latter case the bushes form a more compact crown and emit a stronger odor. In cool regions in the summer, pots of rosemary are taken out into the open air, and with the onset of cold weather they are brought indoors again. Rosemary grows best by the sea. Propagated by spring or summer cuttings: rosemary seeds germinate poorly.

Rosemary care

Regular care: watering as needed, loosening and mulching the soil, pruning. Regular light pruning helps shape the crown. It is easy to create green garden sculptures from rosemary bushes: as a result of pruning, their crowns only become thicker. Proper soil mulching is important: organic materials sometimes retain moisture at the base of the stems, which promotes the development of fungal rot.

Pests and diseases of rosemary

From excessive watering, plants are often affected by root rot, which begins with browning of the tips of the leaves. Therefore, when planting plants, it is necessary to ensure proper drainage. Light, regular pruning also improves foliage aeration, which inhibits the development of fungi that cause plant wilting. When overwintering indoors, rosemary can be affected by spider mites, whiteflies and mealybugs.

Procurement and storage of raw materials

In areas with mild climates, rosemary shoots can be pruned at any time of year. After this, they are dried in a well-ventilated place, and then whole dry leaves are picked from the stems and stored in a tightly closed container. The main harvest of leaves is carried out before flowering.

Rosemary seasoning

The cuisine of Mediterranean countries is not complete without rosemary, and in our country a large number of gourmets are addicted to this spice. Rosemary adds an extraordinary taste to dishes, acting not only as a seasoning, but also as a medicine. It is recognized as an ideal addition to heavy meat dishes, as essential oils increase the functioning of the gallbladder and liver, which improves the digestion process. Rosemary also increases appetite, and most importantly, when consuming it, you can add much less salt to your food, which is also very beneficial for the body.
Crushed rosemary leaves release a refreshing, tart, pine aroma, including notes of mint and eucalyptus, and have a spicy, tangy flavor. Added to food large quantities, they can interrupt the taste and smell of the dish itself. Rosemary goes best with foods that have the same strong smell and taste (garlic and wine). It is usually used as a seasoning for potatoes, meat dishes (lamb and pork), poultry (duck and game), vegetables (eggplant, zucchini and cabbage), as well as sausages, soups and broths. Rosemary is sometimes added to bread, as well as barley and wheat cakes. Since rosemary leaves are quite tough, they should be added finely chopped to food. You can also use sprigs and whole leaves of rosemary, but before cooking they should be wrapped in a piece of gauze and removed before serving. Dried leaves have the same taste and smell as fresh leaves, but even after prolonged cooking they tend to remain tough.
Rosemary is very popular in Italian cuisine. The most simple pizza, sprinkled on top with thin slices of fried potatoes, grated garlic and finely chopped rosemary, will acquire a special taste. Freshly picked flowers are added to salads and desserts.

Use of rosemary in medicine

WITH therapeutic purpose Young annual shoots and leaves are used. They are collected from the tops, before and during flowering. Rosemary is a good immune stimulant and has anti-inflammatory, tonic, wound-healing, choleretic, anti-depressive, and antioxidant properties.
It is used for general exhaustion of the body, low blood pressure, sexual weakness, leucorrhoea (douching), rheumatism and radiculitis (ointment, in the form of baths), menopause. Rosemary treats colds well (has an antitussive and softening effect), many heart diseases (especially pericarditis), and is useful for heart neuroses. It can increase heart contractions and increase blood pressure by short term. The infusion also has a tonic effect and is prescribed to patients who have suffered a stroke, as it improves blood circulation in the brain.
Since rosemary stimulates the nervous system and blood circulation, it is often used to relieve fatigue, weakness and depression. By increasing blood flow to the head, it improves memory and attention, helps those who have decreased vision, speech and smell, stabilizes low blood pressure, and helps with coldness in the extremities. Rosemary increases the overall tone of the body, interest in life, and inspires. The effect of rosemary is expressed in activating fluid metabolism in the body and removing toxins.

Rosemary infusion helps with colds and headaches
Inhaling rosemary oil relieves headaches

Remedies with rosemary help cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For gout, rheumatism, neuritis, neuralgic pain, often of a cold nature, rub ointments and baths of rosemary infusions are used. To treat bronchial asthma, it is recommended to “smoke” crushed dry rosemary leaves. Essential oil, flowers and leaves of rosemary are widely used in aromatherapy. An aroma lamp with a couple of drops of rosemary oil in the child's room will help if problems with concentration are noticed. Baths with rosemary have the same effect. If you spray essential rosemary oil around your apartment, the air will noticeably clear and the number of pathogenic bacteria will decrease, which is very useful during a flu epidemic.
Diluted rosemary oil can be used topically to relieve muscle cramps and relieve pain in arthritic joints.
stimulates hair growth and prevents baldness, has a beneficial effect on the scalp, tonic and disinfectant effect, eliminates dandruff.
Cosmetologists recommend using rosemary and lavender tincture to care for oily facial skin, wiping the surface of the skin before bed. Ointments made from rosemary infusions, which have antiseptic properties, are used as compresses for skin diseases, boils, poorly healing wounds, and also tighten the skin. It is used to make facial lotions. Rosemary is widely used in cosmetology as a potent remedy against cellulite and obesity, has a positive effect on the skin, evens out its texture, stimulates blood circulation and promotes rejuvenation.

Medical recipes from rosemary

For depression, you can use the following herbal collection: take chopped rosemary (leaves), lemon balm, St. John's wort, blueberry (leaves) - in equal parts. Then 1 tbsp. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture, leave for 20-30 minutes, strain and drink as tea.
Rosemary decoction:

2 teaspoons of crushed dried leaves are poured with 1 glass of boiling water, boiled for 15-20 minutes and filtered. Take 1 teaspoon orally 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. For external use, the decoction is used in the form of compresses, rinses, and vaginal douching.
Alcohol tincture of rosemary (extract): 20 g of crushed dried leaves are poured into 1 glass of 40% medical alcohol or vodka, infused for 10 days and filtered. Drink 25 drops per 2 tablespoons of water, 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Rosemary infusion:

2 teaspoons of crushed rosemary leaves are poured into 1 cup of boiling water, left for 30 minutes or more, then filtered. Drink during the day in 4-6 doses.
Rosemary tea: take 1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Drink it when weak, after illness (flu), 1 glass 2-3 times a day.

Hungarian water

This aromatic composition was the main perfume in Europe before the advent of cologne. In addition, it was considered a universal cure for dizziness, rheumatism, stomach cramps, headaches, indigestion and many other ailments. The history of the invention of Hungarian water remains a mystery, but, according to legend, in the 13th century. a certain hermit gave her recipe to the elderly Queen Elizabeth of Hungary, who could barely move due to gout. Daily baths in this water not only healed the queen’s feet, but also restored her to her former beauty. Later, the formula of Hungarian water was supplemented with thyme, sage, mint and marjoram.
In this recipe for Hungarian water, the word “bundle” means the number of herb stems 30 cm long that can be wrapped around the fingers of one hand:
4.5 liters of brandy or pure alcohol, 1 bunch of flowering stems of rosemary, 1 bunch of lavender, 1 bunch of myrtle. Cut the stems into 2.5 cm long pieces and soak in brandy or alcohol for at least 2 weeks. Strain.

Rosemary oil is an effective stimulant. It is used for various disorders of the nervous system, including sensory disorders. In addition, it strengthens memory and activates mental activity, which is reflected in a number of ancient beliefs: rosemary has long been used as part of magical potions that bestow wisdom. As a tonic, rosemary oil can be used both internally (1-3 drops) and externally in the form of massage, inhalation, and baths.

Rosemary extract

Rosemary extract is an extract from rosemary leaves that is effective as a natural antioxidant for high fat compounds.
Antioxidants can be natural or synthetic (which may have side effects). Spices, tea, oils, seeds, cereals, cocoa tree seed shells, fruits, and vegetables are used as natural antioxidants. Rosemary extract was the first antioxidant to come to market; it is a source of more than 12 types of antioxidants, including the most “powerful” - rosmarinic acid. Marjoram and oregano extracts are also used. Rosemary has traditionally been used in food for its pleasant taste and aroma. Natural rosemary antioxidants are primarily used in fats, oils, fat-containing foods and pigments, fragrances and cosmetics to prevent oxidation, rancidity and spoilage. Rosemary extract is effective in protecting the color and flavor of natural products.
Cosmetic properties of rosemary extract:

Is a strong antioxidant
- Has antibacterial properties and antifungal activity
- Tone the skin
- Refreshes, stimulates blood circulation
- Has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, relieves skin irritations
- Relieves muscle fatigue
- Strengthens hair

Rosemary extract is widely used in the cosmetic industry, being included in various cosmetic products for face and body care, tanning products, decorative cosmetics, shampoos, conditioners, tonics and hair care products, oils, salts, bubble baths, soaps, shower gels.

Rosemary - contraindications

Before taking rosemary preparations, consult your doctor. During pregnancy or breastfeeding, rosemary preparations should not be taken in quantities exceeding culinary standards. It should not be used for epilepsy and a tendency to seizures, as well as for people with hypersensitive skin. Use caution if you have hypertension as it increases blood pressure. It should not be given to small children.

Use of rosemary in everyday life

Rosemary is one of the main components of a well-known antiseptic. It is very simple to prepare it from rosemary: add a handful of leaves and twigs of the plant to water and simmer for 30 minutes over low heat. Strain and pour the prepared solution into a spray bottle.
It can be used for a variety of household purposes: treat pets against fleas, spray their bedding with the same solution.
Disinfect brushes and combs by soaking them for a while in a solution of 1 cup (250 ml) hot water, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and 5 drops of rosemary oil. To repel moths, you need to add dried rosemary to bags of herbal mixture and to “dry perfume”.

Rosemary is already known as an indispensable medicinal plant. Medicinal properties of rosemary: it improves brain function, promotes memory activity, is useful in treating intestinal and stomach diseases, improves appetite, promotes blood circulation, helps with cold feet and hands, and is also indispensable for low blood pressure. Rosemary oil has a positive effect on the nervous system. It is used to relieve headaches. An infusion of the leaves is used to treat colds.

Research by scientists: in laboratory conditions, rosemary kills more than 90% of cancer cells!

Scientists have discovered another amazing property This plant is effective in protecting against cancer!

Several studies have shown that rosemary may play an important role in reducing the risk of cancer.

The results prove that this plant has the ability, at an early stage, to suppress tumor growth on internal organs: lungs, liver and stomach. The active effect of rosemary gives encouraging results in the treatment of melanoma and leukemia, but especially rosemary effective in cases of colorectal cancer, breast and prostate cancer.

Rosemary extract contains molecular components: carnosol, carnosic and acids: ursolic, rosemary, which have antitumor potential.

Last year, a study found that rosemary essential oil at a concentration of 1% provided very strong anticancer activity (>90%) on the ovaries and liver. Scientists warn that essential oils should not be taken internally - they are too concentrated, so this can be very dangerous. Consuming fresh or dried herb is enough to provide the body with the required amount of rosemary essential oils.

Scientists at the Slovak Academy of Sciences have discovered that rosemary extract can significantly help protect DNA from the harmful effects of free radicals. If left unchecked, DNA damage can eventually cause cells to grow and multiply out of control, significantly increasing the risk of cancer.

The antioxidants contained in rosemary help protect the body's cells from free radicals. In addition, rosemary is an excellent source of vitamin E (alpha tocopherol), another strong antioxidant that also neutralizes the effects of free radicals.

By blocking estrogen, rosemary helps prevent breast cancer

It is known that estrogen imbalance in women can contribute to the development of breast cancer. Some drugs, such as tamoxifen, suppress the effects of estrogen to reduce this risk. However, tamoxifen can cause a number of unpleasant side effects, including hot flashes, vaginal bleeding, headaches and nausea.

Rosemary is a safe and natural alternative treatment. Scientists from the University of New Jersey have proven that taking 2% rosemary extract for three weeks can significantly neutralize excess estrogen. Researchers believe this effect occurs due to stimulation of liver enzymes that inactivate estrone and estradiol, the estrogen hormones.

Rosemary neutralizes toxins and removes them from the body

Another useful property Rosemary extract is that it neutralizes toxins and removes them from the liver before they can cause any serious harm to the body.

French scientists have discovered that rosemary extract stimulates the production of cleansing enzymes that help cleanse the liver of harmful toxins.

Rosemary stimulates liver function, which improves your well-being and gives you an influx of energy.

Rosemary helps fight the effects of water retention in the body

Rosemary also known as a mild diuretic, making it an effective remedy for swelling and bloating. Scientists have studied the diuretic effects of rosemary extract on the kidneys and found that daily intake of rosemary extract in liquid form can significantly improve kidney function, increase urine flow, and also retain minerals important for normal functioning in the body: sodium, potassium and chlorine.

This is important because regular diuretics (tablets) can impair kidney function by speeding up the elimination of these important minerals from the body.

Rosemary helps reduce signs of skin aging

One of the traditional uses of rosemary is cosmetology. Recent studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of rosemary on the skin.

According to researchers, rosemary extract helps protect specific components of skin cells, which may prevent age-related skin damage, including wrinkles.

Later it turned out that the cosmetic properties of rosemary extract are not limited to this. In particular, research has shown that rosemary contains the protective protein HSP70. The role of this protein is to reduce the negative effects of stress, free radicals and other toxins on the skin. In addition to its antiseptic effect, this wonderful plant has the ability to restore elasticity to the skin.

Rosemary is an excellent tonic. It has a beneficial effect on low blood pressure, general exhaustion and sexual weakness. Rosemary is recommended for use in dietary nutrition for diabetes, diseases of the liver, gall bladder, vascular system, myocardial infarction.

Scientific research has shown that adding a small amount of rosemary to your diet daily will provide excellent anti-cancer results. This is how cancer can be prevented.

Best way to consume rosemary fresh, from the garden, or dried. Take a few twigs and place them on a sheet of paper, which you leave in a warm, dry place on a well-lit windowsill.

A small sprig or a few leaves of rosemary should be added 10 minutes before the end of cooking soups or stews.

Rosemary goes well with meat dishes and is a wonderful addition to salads. Because of its refreshing taste, it is used as an ingredient in drinks and dry desserts.

Subcritical CO2 - rosemary leaf extract
Rosmarinus officinalis

“Here is rosemary, for memory; I ask you, love, remember..." W. Shakespeare

Rosemary is a perennial evergreen subshrub. Reaches a height of 0.5 - 2 m. The Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of rosemary. Rosemary was known to the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. The latter spread it throughout Europe. Pliny wrote that rosemary flowers have such an attractive blue color due to the sea foam falling on them. According to another legend, the white rosemary flowers turned blue after the Virgin Mary hung her blue cloak on the bush while resting. The name of rosemary, according to one opinion, is the dew of the sea, comes from “ros” - dew and “marinus” - sea. According to another version, the name originates from the words “rhops” - low bush and “myrinos” - balsam. Rosemary leaves and shoots are used to obtain CO2 extract.
Appearance: yellow transparent oil with a fresh, pine-camphor aroma characteristic of rosemary.

Essential oil
Oxides: 1.8 - cineole 26.0%, beta - caryophyllene oxide 0.9%.
Ketones: camphor 17.0%.
Monoterpenes: alpha - pinene 7.0%, beta - pinene 3.5%, camphene 2.5%, myrcene 2.0%, para - cymene 1.4%, alpha - terpinene 0.7%, gamma - terpinene 0.6 %, terpinolene 0.3%, alpha-phellandrene 0.3%, limonene 0.1%, sabinene 0.1%.
Sesquiterpenes: beta - caryophyllene 6.6%, alpha - humulene 0.9%, beta - bisabolene 0.4%, delta - cadinene 0.1%, beta - farnesene 0.1%.
Monoterpenols: alpha - terpineol 6.0%, borneol 5.7%, linalool 1.8%, terpinene - 4 - ol 1.3%, delta - terpineol 1.2%, trans - sabinene hydrate 0.2%, isopulegol 0.2 %, cis - sabinene hydrate 0.1%, neo - isopulegol 0.1%.
Esters: bornyl acetate 0.9%, methyl jasmonate 0.5%.
Phenols: carvacrol 0.1%, methyl eugenol 0.1%, thymol 0.1%.

In addition to essential oil, the extract contains:
Squalene 2.7%
Phenolic diterpenes: carnosol, carnosolic acid about 8%.
Fatty acid
Triterpene acids (ursolic, oleanolic, caffeic, betulinic, rosemary)

Powerful antioxidant
Improving blood and lymph flow
Against the glycation process
Improves collagen and elastin synthesis

Application of subcritical CO2 extract

Rosemary is one of the recognized plants with high antioxidant activity. The main substances that provide this effect are phenolic diterpenes, such as carnosolic acid, carnosol, rosmanol, methyl carnosate, and phenolic acids (rosmarinic, caffeic). The latter are contained in CO2 extracts in much smaller quantities than in extracts extracted with other extractants. Carnosolic acid is the main component that plays a role in providing antioxidant activity (Wellwood, Cole, 2004).

Despite the fact that the main contribution to the antioxidant effect of rosemary is made by phenolic diterpenes (mainly carnosolic acid), the presence of terpenes, terpenoids, sesquiterpenes, triterpene acids (oleanolic, carnosolic) and carotenoids in the extract enhances cumulative antioxidant effect of the extract.

Thus, in a study, the volatile components (essential oil) of rosemary suppressed cell death caused by nitrogen dioxide and intracellular formation of reactive oxygen species in fibroblasts induced by ultraviolet radiation. They also reduce lipid peroxidation (linoleic acid). Among the volatile components, 1,8-cineole exhibits an antioxidant effect (Saito, Shiga, Yoshida, Furuhashi, Fujita, Niki, 2004). The antiproliferative, antioxidant and antibacterial effects of rosemary essential oil have also been confirmed Hussain, Anwar, Chatha, Jabbar, Mahboob, Nigam (2010).

CO2 - rosemary extract is known for its ability to inhibit the oxidation of fatty oils and, in general, more efficient than synthetic antioxidants BHA, BHT, methyl paraben and tocopherols.

Adding CO2 - rosemary extract to salmon fat with a high content of PUFAs allows you to reduce oxidative processes by about half during 2 - 3 months of storage, and by a third after 6 months when stored at a positive unregulated temperature (S.V. Agafonova, L.S. Baidalinova, 2015). In the study Vicente, Martín, García - Risco, Fornari, Reglero (2012) the introduction of CO2 - rosemary extract (0.03% extract containing carnosolic acid and carnosol at a concentration of 33%) increases the stability of edible oils several times: flaxseed by 3.5, sesame by 2.2 and grape seed by 1.1 times. According to the research of S. V. Andronova (2004) a higher percentage of added extract does not lead to an increase in antioxidant activity: 0.5% gives the same salmon fat retention over 8 weeks as 1.5%.

notice, that for extracts from different manufacturers, different input rates, but this research shows that more is not always more effective. In the test D"Evoli, Huikko, Lampi, Lucarini, Lombardi - Boccia, Nicoli, Piironen (2006) When olive oil is heated for 6 hours with the addition of rosemary, the oxidation of phytosterols is reduced by almost half.

Carnosolic acid and carnosol, one of the main components of rosemary extract, have an anti-inflammatory effect, reducing the expression of interleukin-1β (cytokine, a mediator of inflammation and immunity) and TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor-alpha, a pro-inflammatory/inflammation-enhancing cytokine), and to a lesser extent affecting the expression of fibronectin (one of the mediators playing an important role in the mechanism immune inflammation) and ICAM - 1 (inflammatory mediator, responsible not only for a temporary inflammatory process, but also a chronic one, dangerous due to continuous and excessive destruction of skin structures). Interestingly, both compounds (carnosolic acid and carnosol) selectively inhibit COX-2, but not COX-1 (inhibition of cyclooxygenases 1 and 2 reduces symptoms of inflammation and pain). In addition, when mice were pretreated with carnosolic acid, leukocyte infiltration was markedly reduced. In vitro, carnosolic acid and carnosol inhibit overproduction of nitric oxide, NO (Mengoni, Vichera, Rigano, Rodriguez - Puebla, Galliano, Cafferata, Pivetta, Moreno, Vojnov, 2011). Similar results regarding the anti-inflammatory effect of CO2 - rosemary extract and its individual components were obtained Kuo, Su, Chiu, Peng, Chang, Sung, Huang, Lee, Chyau (2011).

In another study (Altinier, Sosa, Aquino, Mencherini, Della Loggia, Tubaro, 2007) rosemary extract obtained by chloroform, with the main components: ursolic, oleanolic and micromeric acids, showed anti-inflammatory activity, similar to indomethacin (NSAID).

The same triterpene acids in rosemary ethanol extract as the extract itself were found in a study Martínez, González - Trujano, Chávez, Pellicer (2012) showed analgesic effect, similar in action to ketorolac (NSAID).

Research results Takano, Inokuchi, Kurachi (2011) suggest that ethanol extract of rosemary may prevent and alleviate the symptoms of atopic dermatitis by inhibiting NGF (nerve growth factor), thereby reduce itching and skin damage.

Ethanol extract of rosemary with main components - carnosolic and rosmarinic acids and carnosol, reduces Propionibacterium-induced acnes inflammation in vitro and in vivo (TH Tsai, Chuang, Lien, Liing, Chen, PJ Tsai, 2013).

Ethanolic extract of rosemary and especially its components - carnosolic acid and carnosol showed antibacterial activity against pathogens that cause caries: Streptococcus mutans, S. salivarius, S. sobrinus, S. mitis, S. sanguinis, and Enterococcus faecalis (Bernardes, Lucarini, Tozatti, Souza, Silva, Filho, Martins, Crotti, Pauletti, Groppo, Cunha, 2010). Water - ethanol extract of rosemary has antibacterial effect against Enterococcus faecalis (Brito - Junior, Nobre, Freitas, Camilo, Faria - e - Silva, 2012).

Antifungal and antibacterial action rosemary against Bacillus subtilis, Candida albicans, Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus was identified Nascimento, Locatelli, Freitas, Silva (2000).
Another study demonstrated the bactericidal effect of rosemary officinalis essential oils against gram-positive Staphylococcus epidermidis and gram-negative Escherichia coli bacteria. Fungicidal effect has also been tested against Candida albicans (Höfling, Anibal, Obando - Pereda, Peixoto, Furletti, Foglio, Gonçalves, 2010; Fu, Zu, Chen, Shi, Wang, Sun, Efferth, 2007).

Carnosolic acid and methanolic rosemary extract showed effective against drug-resistant bacteria: Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Enterobacter cloacae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Morganella morganii, Providencia stuartii, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and gentamicin- and streptomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis (Zampini, Arias, Cudmani, Ordoñez, Isla, Moreno, 2013).

In a study by Park, Han, Lee, Soo, Lim, Ha (2013), carnosolic acid protects skin cells from UV radiation and inhibits skin photoaging through the regulation of matrix metalloproteinases in fibroblasts and keratinocytes (skin cells). This reduces the breakdown of the intercellular matrix (in particular the dermis), and maintains skin elasticity.

A water-alcohol extract of rosemary leaves (among other plant extracts) showed ability to interfere with the glycation process (Kim HY, Kim K., 2003). In dermatology, glycation is manifested by increased vascular permeability, slower regeneration, destruction of collagen fibers and inhibition of the process of collagenesis. Skin affected by glycation is loose, dull, wrinkled, with pigmentation phenomena. The degree of glycation inhibition by plant extracts in this study was significantly correlated with the antioxidant activity of the tested extracts. This allows us to hope that the CO2 extract, to one degree or another, also has this property, as a strong antioxidant.

Carnosolic acid inhibits lipogenesis(Gaya, Repetto, Toneatto, Anesini, Piwien - Pilipuk, Moreno, 2013) what can be used for obesity and cellulite.

According to the literature, ursolic and oleanolic acids inhibit leukocyte elastase, promote the synthesis of collagen and elastin, helping to maintain skin elasticity, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and provide photoprotection of the skin, increase blood microcirculation in the skin and scalp, stimulate hair growth, prevent scalp irritation, hair loss and the appearance of dandruff, suppress the activity of pro-inflammatory enzymes, promote the differentiation of keratinocytes (improving the condition of the upper stratum corneum in both flaky dry skin and rough oily skin). Oleanolic acid increases the synthesis of ceramides in the skin, thereby improving the barrier properties of the skin.
Rosmarinic acid promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Based on research, rosemary extract It is recommended to include when developing cosmetic products:
- How antioxidant supplement, improving the preservation of the fatty component of a cosmetic product,
- How antioxidant supplement to protect skin and hair lipids from oxidative processes, especially in products for oily, problematic skin, as well as for age-related skin and those exposed to adverse environmental conditions,
- for aging skin as an additive that improves processes in the dermis and stratum corneum (synthesis of collagen, elastin, ceramides, differentiation of keratinocytes),
- for swollen, sagging skin,
- for sensitive, itchy or irritated skin as an anti-inflammatory agent, including in the case of atopic dermatitis,
- for oily, problem skin, acne as part of acne cleansing, antiseptic, skin care products as an active ingredient with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory activity, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands and narrowing pores,
- anti-cellulite products, including to improve blood and lymph flow,
- from unwanted pigmentation,
- for the prevention and elimination of stretch marks/striae(no recommendations or studies were found for use during pregnancy),
- from rosacea as an activating microcirculation and anti-inflammatory component,
- when varicose veins(to improve lymph and blood flow, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect),
- against hair loss, dandruff, to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, improve hair growth,
- for oral care: toothpaste, mouthwash,
- for feet as an antiseptic and deodorizing component,
- for joint pain as a blood flow improving, analgesic, anti-inflammatory ingredient.

Dosage: usually 0.1 - 0.5% (for all skin types), up to a maximum of 2% depending on the tolerance of the extract. Products with predominant unsaturated fatty acids (for example, with primrose, currant, watermelon, borage, kukui, rosehip oils, etc.) require approximately four times more extract than products with predominant saturated fatty acids (solid oils) .
Enter extract at temperatures of 40°C and below.

Keep refrigerated.

Scope of application
Bath and shower products
Skin care creams/emulsions
Massage / body / foot / hair oil
Oral care

Advantages of extracts obtained by this method
. They are not microbiologically contaminated, are sterile and have bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties, which extends the shelf life of products made with their help.
. The concentration and spectrum of biologically active substances are several times higher than the parameters of extracts obtained by the traditional extraction method.
. Solvents are not used during production, so there is no chance of solvents getting into the cosmetic product.
. They are not subjected to heat treatment (unlike traditional extracts), preserving the biologically active substances inherent in the plant in their native state.
. The shelf life is up to 3 years, and the value does not decrease over time.
. The percentage of input into the product is lower, because the concentration of biologically active substances is high.
. Extracts obtained by this method are considered to be of the highest quality.

All information provided on the site is for reference only and should not be considered a treatment guide or call to action. For any health problems or diseases, you should consult a doctor and perceive aromatherapy as additional help for the body. In this case, consultation with an aromatherapist is mandatory.