Congratulations to your daughter on her wedding from her parents. Congratulations to your daughter on her wedding from her parents. You're going to someone else's house.

The wedding of a beloved daughter is one of the most important and exciting events in the life of a family. For the parent's heart, the bride remains the same mischievous and cheerful girl with sparkling, inquisitive button eyes and the confident gait of a young schoolboy. Making a toast to gala evening beloved daughter-beauty, each of the parents tries to reveal in him as many parting bright truths and life tips as possible, which would become a solid foundation for creating a strong friendly family and the birth of a new generation. The wishes of the parents for each newlywed are a kind of pure blessing for their own happy, and most importantly, long journey in an independent married life.

And every house is a power in itself
Everything is there. There's a routine there,
And your own law, And rules, And law.
Leave your whims at the doorstep
And respect any of their habits:
If there are lame people, lean on a cane,
And put on glasses if you are blind.
The hearth is given to you From now on and forever.
Let it burn like a light in the eyes,
Like the heart in a person.
Be able to light a big fire
On a small light.
And be able to bake a lot of bread
With a little flour!
You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house.
And there are their own paths from the threshold.
To take a step, look around, wait
And choose where to put your foot.
Eat kind words- words-rays,
Be more generous sweet Nothing.
And there are words that sound harsh.
Without weighing your word, it is better to remain silent.

We put an end to education -
Happy wedding day to your daughter!
Be happy, dear daughter!
After all, with a young handsome husband
You don't need anyone anymore:
Blessed is this night!
Soon the grandfather and grandmother will be in the hands
Fluffy grandchildren will come,
They will talk and sing.
And you two dance, sing,
Build a nest like little doves,
May there be peace, happiness and comfort in it!

When did you grow up?
Our minx, fidget!
You are standing in a veil and a white dress,
Your eyes glow with happiness!
Wife, hostess, daughter-in-law,
Live in love, without knowing troubles!
We pass it on to you as an inheritance
Your hearts are warm and light!

We raised you to be an easy-going daughter,
And today you have become an exemplary wife.
We would give you and your husband medals “For Courage”
After all, marriage is very similar to combat.
There are both offensives and counter-offensives,
In a hot fight, the husband can come in from the rear...
We say this directly, without a shadow of embarrassment:
We have already gone through these battles!

Today our daughter is getting married,
We want to hug her tighter.
Let grief never enter your home,
Let the singing of spring be in your soul.
Let the family be strong as a stone,
Nothing can destroy it.
And may there always be mutual understanding
Throughout life, my daughter will help!

You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house.
Let him become more dear every year.
And everything that appears before you there,
May it be sunshine and honey for you.
Don't give in to even a minor quarrel.
A disagreement is bound to lead to trouble.
Dissolve resentment like you do in water
Could use a pinch of salt to dissolve it.

At the banquet, each mother of the bride expects special words - parting words for her daughter, wishes for the newlyweds and awe of her own feelings.

Speaking from the heart is important, but even more important is speaking beautifully from the heart. It is always pleasant to listen to sincere words, but when the mother of the bride prepares in advance, everyone will listen to her as if spellbound. The mother cannot limit herself to the usual congratulations of “happiness, love, health and more children.” In words, she needs to convey to her daughter her life experience, parting words and wishes. And it should sound so that not only the bride, but also all the guests can hear it. And here we are no longer talking about the power of the voice, but about the power of the word. And you don’t have to write an entire speech yourself. These can be quotes, as a preface to what you want to say, or they can even be well-known poems that are ideal for the wedding moment.
One of these poems is Fazu Aliyeva’s “Daughter’s Wedding Farewell.” And if the mother of the bride decides to read it, tears will sparkle in the eyes of the entire audience.

Everything is there.
There's a routine there,
And your law
And the rule is
And rightly so.
Leave your whims at the doorstep,
And respect any of their habits:
If there are lame people, lean on a cane,
And put on glasses - since there are blind people.

You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house.
There they will look at you with judgment,
And you, my fruit, did not grow beyond the boundaries.
And according to you, they will appreciate me.
You merge with them - a faithful friend
And a devoted husband's wife.
But like a soldier, no, no, look around -
Aren't you too surrounded?

You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house.
Protect your family until the very end,
Not even a fly will come to stay,
If there are no cracks in the egg shell.
Your leg will heal if you suddenly break it.
But how will it grow together - smoothly or not?
There is no worse family than the one that is lame,
It goes, leaving an uneven trail.

You. My daughter, you are going to someone else’s house.
And there are their own paths from the threshold,
To take a step, look around, wait
And choose where to put your foot,
There are kind words - words-rays,
Be more generous with your kind words,
And there are words that sound harsh.
And having weighed the word, it is better to remain silent.

You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house.
And each house is a power in itself.
There only one king has the right
To be a king is your husband, your chosen one.
Be obedient to him. His vices
Soften up. Don't darken your face.
And remember, daughter, that by that road,
There is no end to where people are looking for the perfect ones.

You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house.
Your whole life will change from now on,
Now learn how to be a slave at work,
And at the table - the young queen.
Work like a bee. And don’t count the work
An unreasonable burden on my shoulders,
Like a mill is silent without water,
So without a hand the master's house is sad.
They can leave a good mark in life
Not those who waste time.
You know that there are no immortal people,
But things can be immortal.

You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house.
Let him become more dear every year.
And everything that appears before you
May it be sunshine and honey for you.
Don't give in to even a small quarrel,
A disagreement is bound to lead to trouble.
Dissolve resentment like you do in water
Could use a pinch of salt to dissolve it.
Manage to forget the insult for centuries.
Don't touch it with your memory or with your hands.
Don't stir it up. And then more and more often into stone -
The pick will hit with the rebound...

Man, beloved husband, remember!
Don't be cruel in your desires.
Love is like an echo, and according to all laws
Must have a source and an origin.
Love is the hearth! When the fire burns inside her,
She is generous, open, bright.
You provide the hearth of love with firewood,
Then demand light and warmth!

At this festive table,
The wife praises the young man,
I want to remind you of one thing
The old rule
What is in the future and in the past
Very useful for anyone.
Here are the plowmen, bending over the plow
Or sowing rye,
They will say something to each other more than once,
Like, what goes around comes around.
So it is in the family:
Don't wait, don't demand
From the young wife of that
What I didn’t sow.
Do you want some bread?
First grow it.
And forever, my friend, remember,
What is initially only a grain.
Sow the seed of love in the house -
It will ripen into ears.

Now, friends, you need to listen
Parting words to the young husband:
Love your wife boundlessly,
Caress her tenderly more often.
And so that there is no discord
Or bad conversation
Don’t be jealous of your beloved in vain,
Or better yet, a kiss on the cheek.
What if your wife
I didn’t complete everything,
Don't be angry - there's no need for drama,
Help her - do everything yourself!
At the same time, don’t miss the moment -
Always compliment her
They, you'll see for yourself,
Balm for a woman's heart!
And remember what you need for happiness
There is peace, love, harmony in the family! What can I wish for you, son-in-law?
There is a kind word: son!
I accept you as a son,
I trust you with my daughter
Love her, don't hurt her,
Help your family more often.
I wish you love and harmony.
Let bad weather pass by.
Don't get annoyed at the start.
I wish you children in your life,
Don't delay, hurry up!
After all, children are not a hindrance in life,
And for me, in my old age, it’s a joy.

Wish from father-in-law
My dear son
Suddenly got a wife.
I can’t see enough of everything,
I'm already envious.
I approve of your choice
And with all my heart I wish,
So that with such a beauty
Lived before the wedding golden.
I won't let you down
If necessary, I will help,
But don’t make a mistake either,
Save the honor of the family name.

Wish from brother
You are happy, endlessly happy -
A mistress, a girl - whatever you need,
You take a beauty to wife, brother...
She's happy with yours too
Connect your destiny
To sing a song, hear a fairy tale...
After all, no matter how much the thread twists,
She's still in trouble!
Make a bunch of babies
With his wife, simple and sweet.
And I am all my dear nephews
I already love you with all my might!

Wish from friends
To whom have you left us?
Why did he leave us?
How will we explain to the girls,
Why do you love only your wife?
What about our entertainment?
Living without them is nothing but torment.
Is it really your wife
Do you need more of us?
For football or hockey
You won't get along with her.
And he won’t let you drink beer,
How can you live without beer?
Instead of a crazy party
They are waiting for the diapers to be washed.
And jogging in the morning...
To the children's kitchen: mixtures there.
Our friend, we feel sorry for you,
But in truth,
We would change with you,
If only we could come across something like this.
Your wife is good
Everything is with her, sweet, gentle.
We're ready to change
I would just like to marry someone like that.
Congratulations to the bride
Live together with your spouse,
Give him a bunch of children.
Don't fall into sadness, there's no need
Life is more fun with kids
Be happy, my friend,
Be healthy, always rich,
Let the house be a full cup,
And let the cup be full of happiness!

Let the bride, upon entering your house,
May he submit to you in everything.
But she conquers herself
Let other people
And the flexible subtlety of the mind,
And its beauty.
Let it be through the eyes of her husband
Looks at the world
Let her use her husband's words
He talks to others.
Let her give birth to him
Sons of heroes.
Let her give birth to him
Beautiful daughters.

This is what they say:
"The husband is one."
And “zero is the wife,” that’s what they say.
Everything comes from
How two numbers become in a row,
May change.
When the wife comes into the house
Daughter-in-law with tact and insight.
She - after her husband became zero -
The wife makes it a ten.
And a stupid wife in front of her husband
Zero becomes forward.
And the count goes backwards
And the result, of course, is worse.
I drink to
So that with good meaning
A wife sharing life with her husband,
Led him to high numbers.
But it didn’t reduce it to zero. Happy wedding day,
I wish you happiness and joy,
Never get sick
And they grew younger over the years.
And may your dear husband
Warmed your soul.

We would like to wish our daughter-in-law:
May she always be beautiful,
So that you are always happy,
To give birth to many children,
So that she gives birth to only sons.
So that her neck is chiseled,
So that the palm is gilded.
So that she doesn't sit idle,
She knew how to do everything.

So that it happens and is justified

May she always be beautiful,
So that you are always happy,
To give birth to many children,
So that she gives birth to only sons. So that her neck is chiseled,
So that the palm is gilded.
So that she doesn't sit idle,
She knew how to do everything.

So that it’s no worse than tomorrow at first light,
She seemed old to her husband.
So that it happens and is justified
Everything I wanted from my heart today.

Mother's instructions to daughter:

And your own law, And rules, And law.
Leave your whims at the doorstep
And respect any of their habits:

Like the heart in a person.
Be able to light a big fire on a small flame.
And be able to bake big bread with a little flour! You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house.

There are kind words - words-rays.

Without weighing the word, it is better to remain silent.

You, my daughter. you go to someone else's house.

Don't give in to even a minor quarrel.

Dissolve resentment like you do in water

You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house.

And they will appreciate me based on you.
You merge with them. faithful friend.
And a devoted husband's wife.
But, like a soldier, no, no, look around -
Are you too surrounded?

You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house.
And there are their own paths from the threshold.
To take a step, look around, wait
And choose where to put your foot.

Be more generous with your kind words.
And there are words that sound harsh.
Without weighing your word, it is better to remain silent. You, my daughter, are going to someone else’s house.
Let him become more dear every year.
And everything that appears before you there,
May it be sunshine and honey for you.

A disagreement is bound to lead to trouble.
Dissolve resentment like you do in water
Could use a pinch of salt to dissolve it.
You, my daughter, are leaving and the house is someone else’s.
There they will fix their eyes on you with judgment.
And you are my fruit, you did not grow beyond the boundary,
And they will appreciate me based on you.

And a devoted husband's wife.
But, like a soldier, no - no, look around

We wish the young wife patience,
And quickly drive away all doubts,
And you don’t often have to drag your husband by his curls,
But still, sometimes I can caress you a little,
Take on all your tasks at dawn,
Although it is not sweet at times, it is bitter! Wishes to the bride from her bridesmaids:

song motive:
"Come on, girls, come on, beauties,
Let the country sing about us..."
Let's sing, let's sing, cheerful friends.
Let's ask Mikhail to play for us.
Let's sing, let's sing verses for a friend
As long as our ladies' strength is enough.
We send greetings to the groom,
There are no complaints about him.
Looks like a good guy!
Let him be famous three times
Bride ____________
And this song is ours for you!

Today you become a wife,
You hang a collar around your neck.
And so that it’s easy for you to live as a family
We will give you advice for life:
When my husband comes home
After drinking a little
Don't you dare say anything to him, -
Let him go to bed
And early in the morning
Don’t forget to give your loved one a hangover!

And early in the morning have a conversation
About home, about health, about love.
And I didn’t want to drink anymore
Find him a job for his soul.
Be kind to your husband
Be gentle with your husband
Then you can twist the ropes.
Make it fun
In the family and joyfully,
Don't forget to have kids!

It's time, it's time to finish the song,
The men were already tired of waiting at the table.
We wish you a happy life together
Up to a hundred years. This is what we drink to!
Our groom,________,
Bride, _________,
We wish you a happy life!
For this, boys,
For this, girls,
We suggest you drain your glasses! My dear daughter-in-law!

I wish to be the mistress of the house.
Don’t save your feelings, but to your heart’s content
Give yourself only to your husband and children.
And the sun will illuminate your house!
Don't scold me, daughter-in-law,
Who knows what lies ahead?

And you will recognize the pain of separation.
Therefore, accept the order:
If you love your son, love us too!

Wishes from father-in-law:
My dear daughter,
I congratulate you
You are now with good husband,
And I need a son-in-law just like him.
I'm happy for you, for myself.
Suddenly the family was expanded.
Friends also appeared -
Cheerful matchmakers.

I entrust you to my husband.
Although he is young,
But he can handle you.
Be good, my son-in-law,
So that I could be proud of you.
My daughter, don’t let me down,
Show all your skills.
You have to try really hard
So that the husband does not decide to wander around,
So that you can eat your fill at home
And I didn’t look away.
I wish you happiness and love,
So that the family grows big.
We are ready for grandchildren
Don’t delay with this!
Congratulations on your wedding day,
I wish you happiness, joy,
Never get sick
And they grew younger over the years.
And may your dear husband
Warmed your soul.

We would like to wish the bride:
May she always be beautiful,
So that you are always happy,
To give birth to many children,
So that she gives birth to only sons.
So that her neck is chiseled,
So that the palm is gilded.
So that she doesn't sit idle,
She knew how to do everything.
So that it’s no worse than tomorrow at first light,
She seemed old to her husband.
So that it happens and is justified
Everything I wanted from my heart today.

My dear daughter-in-law!
Your husband is with you! Gone from childhood.
I wish to be the mistress of the house.
Don’t save your feelings, but to your heart’s content.
Give yourself only to your husband and children.
And the sun will illuminate your house!
Don't scold me, daughter-in-law,
Who knows what lies ahead?
The time will come, you will become a mother-in-law,
And you will recognize the pain of separation.
Therefore, accept the order:
If you love your son, love us too! Wishes from mother-in-law
You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house.
There they will fix their eyes on you with judgment.
And you are my fruit, you did not grow beyond the boundary,
And they will appreciate me based on you.
You merge with them, faithful friend,
And a devoted husband's wife.
But, like a soldier, no, no, look around -
Aren't you too surrounded?

You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house.
Take patience with you on the road.
It is like a key - a reliable help,
With that key you will open any entrance.
With patience you will pierce the abyss of waters,
You will penetrate into the secrets of day and night,
Let your chosen one strengthen your union,
May he save you from adversity.
May your husband become more dear every year.
And everything he didn't give you,
Throughout life, only loving,
May it be sunshine and honey for you.

You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house.
And every house is a power in itself
Everything is there. There's a routine there,
And your own law, and rules, and right.
Leave your whims at the doorstep
And respect any of their habits:
If there are lame people, lean on a cane,
And put on glasses if you are blind.
The hearth is given to you From now on and forever.
Let it burn like a light in the eyes,
Like the heart in a person.
Be able to light a big fire
On a small light.
And be able to bake a lot of bread
With a little flour! You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house.
And there are their own paths from the threshold.
To take a step, look around, wait
And choose where to put your foot.
There are kind words - words-rays,
Be more generous with your kind words.
And there are words that sound harsh.
Without weighing your word, it is better to remain silent.

You, my daughter, are going to someone else’s house.
Let him become more dear every year.
And everything that appears before you there,
May it be sunshine and honey for you.
Don't give in to even a minor quarrel.
A disagreement is bound to lead to trouble.
Dissolve resentment like you do in water
Could use a pinch of salt to dissolve it.

A wish from father-in-law
My dear daughter,
I congratulate you.
You are now with a good husband,
And that’s the kind of son-in-law I need.
I'm happy for you, for myself:
Suddenly the family was replenished,
Friends also appeared -
Cheerful matchmakers.
I absolve myself of responsibility,
I entrust you to my husband.
Although he is young,
But he can handle you.
Be good, my son-in-law,
So that I could be proud of you.
My daughter, don’t let me down,
Show all your skills.
You have to try really hard
So that the husband does not decide to wander around,
So that you can eat your fill at home
And I didn’t look away.
I wish you happiness and love,
So that the family grows big.
We are ready for grandchildren
Don’t delay with this!
Wishes from friends
We shed bitter tears,
That we are losing a girlfriend.
Now she has no time for festivities,
No time for anxious dates.
Our dear friend,
You are now a forever spouse.
You will build a nest,
Where girlfriends can no longer be.
So that our friendship remains,
We need to catch up with you -
Get married urgently
And be friends at home again.
Give birth one after another
We'll start and here we go again
Let's go for a walk together -
And push strollers.

Wishes from grandparents
It's like a cloud passed by...
The sun again. Clouds - not a trace! -
Well, here you go: you’re getting married, granddaughter! -
You're leaving, granddaughter, forever
From a soft pink childhood
There, where love is bright...
Let us take a look at you -
Like following your youth!
And this is the only sacred wish;
Long years to you,
Love - Good - Advice!

Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
You're getting married - that's good
Don’t forget, dear, just one thing:
You need to live together.
You can't be angry to your face
Friends watched with envy!
Happy wedding day wishes
Dear _______ and _______!
Congratulations on your legal marriage!
Let me say from my heart,
I give you some friendly advice.
________, be serious,
Look, my friend, don't forget.
That you are a husband - the head of the family,
Be caring, love your wife.
________, you are already a wife,
You need a smart head.
Try, apply your hands,
Create a family hearth.
Keep your house and yourself in order,
Believe me, he will appreciate you.
We wish dear, young
Now to friends and relatives,
So that you can spend your life with love,
We had some cute kids.

Live cheerfully and amicably,
Have everything you need in life
Keeping love the holy law
Until the “Golden” wedding.

Congratulations to the young people!
Accept our order:
Joy, sorrow - for two
Share equally! We wish you happiness, joy in full,
So that the whole district envy you,
And so that you get drunk not only from wine,
And because you love each other.

You have a big celebration today,
Family and friends will raise a toast.
After all, it’s happiness that now there are two of you,
Let it be strong new family!

We want to wish you so much
What can't be counted,
Happiness, the greatest,
What in the world is there.
So that she doesn’t leave you
Joy never
And love accompanied
All subsequent years.

You have a lot today:
Friends, smiles and flowers,
Now you have only one road,
One dream, one love.
And this day will not repeat,
Know how to value your happiness.
And God grant you, as they say,
Don't stray from the wide path,
Don't make a mistake, don't stumble,
You will fall in love even more
And keep these feelings!
Congratulations on your legal marriage!
There is no happier moment!
We wish you all the best,
Much happiness, many years to come!!! We wish you happiness beyond measure,
Health, peace, joy.
Let the family be strong
And now and until old age.

May this day become dear to you
Not because he is harsh or gentle,
But because it belongs to two
And only two of you need it.
What to wish you, in new world incoming?
Great friendship and family warmth.
And a lot, a lot of happiness!
May life be poetry for you.
Let the sounds of Mendelssohn's wedding march
Your glorious union will be announced to the world
And parting words always accompany you
As old as time: “Advice to you and Love”!

I wish that in your marriage
There was a big “Quality Mark”!
So that you bring a torch to love
Before your wedding "Golden".
I wish you eternal burning,
One love, but for two,
Health, vigor, tranquility
And all sorts of earthly joys. This joyful day of your life
May you remember it forever,
And sadness, doubt, separation
May you never have it.
May your union, born today,
Warms the warmth of your souls,
May this flame never cool down
In the midst of everyday storms and cold.
Be happy, dearly loved,
So that your home is full of friends,
May all wishes come true
Yours will be now and then.
We wish you sun and light,
Smiled so that life would come again and again.
Only lovers are given all this,
So long live love forever!

You have an important step today,
Get legally married!
Live together, don't fight,
Smile sweetly more often.
Keep love for a long time,
Without understanding, don’t blame
Be a support for each other
Otherwise you will have a hard time.
Create a good family
And, without need, do not be discouraged.

Life for you is a wide road,
Hundreds of miles of travel.
You are now on the threshold of happiness,
Wedding door to enter.
So open this door wide
To be bitter from the wine,
To be the best couple in the world,
To drink happiness all your life to the bottom. It's a wonderful day for you today
Let's just say it's a big day
Were you the bride and groom
And now you are husband and wife
Allow with this step
Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Well, friends, with legal marriage
Good day and good hour!

Today you got married,
For you - the happiest day in the world!
Since you lit a beacon of love,
Then may it shine for you all your life!
Everything turned out the way you wanted
And now the desired hour has come -
You put on the chastity rings,
Flowers and music - for you!
Walk side by side, in step together,
A beautiful strong family.
Even if it’s not an easy road,
But be sure to be direct!
To be close in the heat and cold,
For the honor of the family to stand as a wall,
So that the groom is a good husband,
The bride is a glorious wife!
Take care of love trustingly, vigilantly,
And only at the wedding
Let it be "Bitter" for you!

So that you can live and live, and not suffer,
And, having lived a century, do not repent of what you have lived!
And we want to wish you again and again
Advice, happiness, and love! Life is spinning in an eternal circle,
There is no barrier to the passing years!
You found each other today
And we wish you happiness!
We wish you goodness and peace
And love endless light!
May fate protect you forever,
And a whole bunch of kids for you!
You are walking the same road
This eternal and difficult path
It’s beyond the power of many,
And they strive to turn around.
We wish you a lot of patience,
So as not to lose anything in life,
Kindness, warmth, respect
And the ability to understand and forgive.
(Sent by Olga, Tver)

A festive and bright day
Today is coming.
Fate gives gifts
Swift kayak
Life is flying towards us!
But, alas, there are worries
On the path of life
And many rapids
You have to go through.
Not every day there are gifts,
Beloved husband and son!
Remember: you are in a kayak
From now on you are not alone!

Remember this moment forever,
Let it be sacred!
Now you are not just the bride and groom,
From now on, you are husband and wife!
And may any adversity pass you by,
Let the flame not go out in the blood!
We wish you good health! We wish you happiness!
We wish you strong love! Like two field paths,
Having escaped, we intertwined on one road,
So your life has two destinies
We arrived at the same threshold.
Connecting your hearts.
One invisible thread
Loyalty to each other to the end,
Keep it like a precious gift.
Congratulations on your legal marriage.
Let “Bitter” sound again and again,
And let it be sweet in life,
And love will live forever!

This may be trivial -
After all, it was clear to everyone
That your eyes are beautiful,
That your soul is crystal.
This may be inappropriate -
Let me remind you once again
That today you are the bride,
Tomorrow you are a wife and mother.
That the bride is youth,
This is tenderness and confusion.
And the wife... She needs humor,
Sacrifice, long-suffering.
Don't take poetry for flattery
But you have it all!