Repairs before the baby is born: tips from Veter. Repairing and arranging your home before the birth of a child Additional tips on renovating and arranging your home before the birth of a child

Waiting for the birth of a child comes with many challenges. They also concern the arrangement of housing. You shouldn’t immediately cut the family budget and try to completely renovate the house, because a direct change in the style and colors of the design in this case is useless, just like expensive renovations straight out of a newfangled magazine. More attention should be paid to improving convenience and practicality, adapting housing to the baby’s requirements, as well as opportunities to increase its versatility, making the necessary adjustments as the child grows up!

Say no to standard innovations

A lot of time before the birth of a child is devoted to innovations. Changing the layout, moving rooms and changing their area if possible, new furniture, expensive styling, smart technology and equipment... but it’s worth raising the question: is all this necessary? Think about future expenses and try not to waste your accumulated funds thoughtlessly, so that you don’t end up in debt immediately after the birth of your baby. Understand that new massive furniture, expensive cartoon airbrushing on the walls, heavy curtains in the nursery and fashionable play sets are too premature, and perhaps completely unnecessary decisions.

Children's priorities do not coincide with adults, and if you consider that they will appear only in a year and a half, then it is not at all worth wasting time and money on a thoughtless reorganization of space. The child’s opinion will have to be taken into account, but much later!

Important: Your preferences and habits, like your child’s behavior, are individual concepts. Therefore, you should not make the mistakes that everyone makes when thinking about the correctness of the standard option for arranging a living space in a uniform manner. If you follow generally accepted standards, you are unlikely to be satisfied with the result!

Major renovation or cosmetics?

Decide right away what kind of repairs will be, major or cosmetic. There is no point in making renovations just for the birth of a child. A rational option is comfortable and practical equipment of housing and cleaning. But it’s worth thinking about the fact that until the child is 5-7 years old, you will not be able to begin a full renovation. Therefore, if housing requires such work, it is better to start with the capital stages!

  • It is important to remodel and install partitions;
  • Align the walls and reduce the corners;
  • Install new windows and doors;
  • Replace wiring and ventilation, sewerage and water supply pipes, take care of high-quality heating!


This solution can be placed first in any list of requirements. The safety of the child is paramount, and this statement cannot be disputed. What should you pay attention to to make your home safe?

Ecological situation

We have already talked about how to get housing for healthy living, furnishing it using modern, practical and durable, but safe materials. Try to exclude from the repair and decoration, as well as the configuration of the children's living area, and your own, materials and decor, furniture and appliances, other objects and items that can negatively affect health in an active or passive way. Make sure that there are no materials, components and components that contain toxic substances that decompose and negatively affect human body in a standard environment or with increasing temperatures, when the microclimate in the room changes. Set a ban on dangerous interior design products, even if they combine the requirements of high aesthetics and low cost. Only natural and harmless, environmentally friendly clean materials for a healthy environment!

Safe movement

Furniture and amenities should be thoughtfully designed for both adults and children. It must be remembered that several more years will pass from the moment of the first step until the time of the child’s meaningful activity. In the meantime, there will be unconscious running and falling throughout the house, dancing in front of mirrors and jumping from sofas, climbing higher and sitting on tall objects. Therefore, it is important to reduce the possibility of injury, or better yet, reduce it to zero:

  • For the corners of furniture, namely cabinets and tables, tables and stools, it is worth buying sets of plastic and silicone covers. They will not prevent bumps and falls, but will minimize damage to health;
  • All massive pieces of furniture must be firmly installed on the surface, or better yet, secured in a hidden way to the walls and floor, preventing them from tipping over;
  • You should avoid small rugs and mats on the floor, which will slide during a skid run on turns, increasing the risk of falling. Also, directly on slippery and hard floors. This applies to tiles and porcelain stoneware!

Communications and household appliances, electronics

There is always a lot of equipment in the house, and it must be safe, as well as its installation and connection points. Accordingly, all sockets and switches are installed higher so that the baby cannot reach them with his hand. Protection is provided with special linings and liners, covers and curtains.

Household appliances in the children's room should be kept away from the child's play area. A TV, floor-standing air conditioner or heater with a durable and safe installation, out of the child’s area of ​​interest. For small electronics, it is better to install wall cabinets with folding consoles, and take care to limit access to them by installing locks!

Protection against diseases

In this section, you can consider several points that are directly related to the exclusion of ARVI and other similar diseases. The slightest draft and playing on a cold floor can lead to a cold, so it is important to think about the problem in advance, at the stage of repairing and equipping your living space!

  • The floor is wooden! The most environmentally friendly option that combines high aesthetics and increased energy efficiency. A wooden floor is not cold even without heating, and it is extremely difficult to get sick while sitting on it. Additional option– natural cork, which is softer than a wooden floor;
  • We remove drafts! The location of windows and doors, and indeed the children's room itself, should eliminate drafts. Windows are installed with micro-ventilation, as well as mandatory protection against unauthorized opening by a child. By thinking through the location and fittings, you can eliminate several types of danger at once;
  • Ventilation and technology for clean air! It is important to maintain clean and fresh air indoors to get rid of respiratory system irritants. In a nursery, supply and exhaust ventilation is not necessary; it is only important to ventilate the room in a timely manner. But it won’t hurt to install a comprehensive air treatment device. There are modern systems that clean the air, humidify it, and ionize it!

Storage systems

After the birth of a child, the number of things will increase significantly, and it is worth preparing for this in advance. To begin with, buy, assemble and install an additional chest of drawers and wardrobe, or organize a high-quality, spacious and ergonomic storage system. It is quite possible that in the near future the volume will increase further and further, so provide space in your wardrobe for expansion, or decide in advance on the space for installing an additional wardrobe.

In small apartments, you can use every corner for storing things - mezzanines on the balcony and in the hallway, additional shelves in the pantry, small niches under the windowsill. You just need to correctly prioritize objects and things for various purposes: frequently used ones - closer to you, old toys and things that the baby has outgrown - deeper into the pantry!

Soundproofing of residential areas

We must love our children even when they cry and scream, bother us at night and give us no rest during the day. And at first, babies have a very serious impact on the psyche of their parents, who take turns trying to sleep in another room, or work in an office set up one or two rooms away.

But no matter how far you go from the nursery, the baby's scream will be distracting and you will not be able to concentrate. Therefore, at the renovation stage, when a children's room is being built, provide it with sound insulation.

It is easier to implement your plans in a frame house, where acoustic systems are installed in the partition. It’s a little more difficult in apartments, as well as block and brick houses. But here, too, it is possible to choose high-quality material and provide sound insulation by building a special frame!

In addition to walls, ceilings and floors, as well as doors with multiple sealing circuits, should suppress noise!

Organization of play areas

The child will spend time and play exactly where he wants, and not where you have allocated a place for him. Therefore, it is better to immediately think through several play areas, where there will be a warm floor and no corners, where there will be a lot of interesting things for the baby and your constant visual control.

This could be a corner of the room, a niche under the stairs, a specially installed gaming complex in the living room or another room where you spend more time!

Advice: Even if what you have read before has already been considered, or you are skeptical about the advice strangers, try to study the list of recommendations to the end. Even if only one or a few solutions seem new to you, they can make life easier and also increase the safety of your child!

Additional tips for renovating and arranging your home before the birth of a child

Next, I want to give a list of tips, which is a collection of my own observations, as well as recommendations from people who went through a similar period. It will be useful to learn a lot about organizing your own living space before the main family member arrives!

  • Minimize children's decor, do not order items and equipment that you personally like, but are useless for the child. All finishing materials and furnishings should be aimed at increasing comfort and safety. The color scheme of the renovation and high-quality lighting are really worthy of attention. You can spend time on these issues by studying the psychology of color combinations and their impact on the baby’s mood and behavior. The same goes for lighting;
  • Be prepared to change renovations and pieces of furniture every year or several. The child grows and constantly has new needs. Therefore, there is no need to buy the most expensive furniture right away, because in the near future it will have to be replaced;
  • Primary repairs for a room where a child will grow up for the first 4-5 years should not be too expensive. Don’t forget about brilliant green and iodine, felt-tip pens, renovation paints from your dad’s closet, flour and other substances that can ruin everything you’ve been working towards for weeks or months;
  • Consider your own convenience, the location of sockets and lamps, and adult furniture in the nursery. You will have to live here in the near future, so install a reading light, a comfortable chair or pouf, an outlet for your laptop and phone charger;
  • As for equipping the living area with furniture, take time for light, portable pear chairs and poufs, and special pillows. You and your baby will have to play, lie down, sleep or rest where he requires;
  • When buying a bed for your bedroom, take care of its width. Nearby you can install cabinets with a changing table or a baby's crib with a duplicate sleeping place. But more often than not, you will still take the child into your bed. Therefore, an increased width and an appropriate mattress are mandatory;
  • Organize a place to store a stroller, balance bike, and in the future, a full-fledged bicycle or scooter. If space does not allow, think in advance about installing a hanging mounting system on the wall or ceiling of a corridor or balcony;
  • Plan to equip your children's room for easy upgrades in the future. There is no need for heavy furniture, built-in area lighting, or hanging thematic wallpaper in the corner near the crib. Recreation and play areas may shift as they grow older, changing every few months or weeks;
  • Near the changing areas, which can be not only in the nursery, but also in the bathroom and adult bedroom, consider small drawers in the furniture or hanging shelves for wipes and diapers, powder and powders, and other care products;
  • Minimize the presence of dangerous glass products, object decor in the form of heavy figurines and breakable vases. Protect the lower part of glass entrance doors in rooms, as well as wardrobes, with a special reinforcing film;
  • If you change plumbing fixtures during renovations before the birth of a child, install static appliances without overhead elements or heavy washbasin bowls;
  • Give preference to faucets with a thermostat when replacing them; do not forget to install a boiler for heating water;
  • Make sure you have a bath directly if you previously only had a shower
  • On the balcony, provide additional systems for drying clothes, because washing will now be done every day;
  • On the stairs, if there is one in the house, a fall safety system is required;
  • If possible, heavy storage systems in the form of racks and shelves should be replaced with hangers attached to the ceiling;
  • And again! The handles for windows and doors require the installation of special fittings with child protection, since already at 1.5-2 years old a child is able to reach each of them!
  • And also, no tiles or tiles on the floor!

It is difficult to collect the entire range of recommendations in one article, because a lot of time must be devoted to any stage of repair and each individual room. But if you ensure the simplest standards specified in this material, you will already increase the comfort and safety of your home by several levels before the birth of your child!

Each expectant mother looks forward to the birth of the baby. And, of course, she wants him to have everything the best and new, including a freshly renovated room, or even an apartment renovation. Therefore, often the doctor’s words: “Congratulations, you are having a baby” for young mothers sound like a command “we need to renovate the apartment.”

Some people take action right away, while others put off apartment renovation “renewal activities” until the second half of pregnancy, and sometimes even until they go on maternity leave.

But few expectant mothers and their relatives think about how it will affect the health of a pregnant woman. Is it possible for her to participate in apartment renovation work? What reaction will apartment renovation have on her body and the health of her unborn baby?

If pregnancy is accompanied by poor health, toxicosis, and the threat of miscarriage, then the woman is unlikely to deal with the “housing issue.” However, if the expectant mother feels well, she may have a completely logical thought that she is able to help her loved ones prepare the apartment for the arrival of a new resident.

In fact, not only active participation in apartment renovation, but also living in an apartment where this apartment renovation has recently been carried out can have a very bad effect on the course of pregnancy and the development of the child. This is especially true initial dates(trimester of pregnancy), when all the organs and systems of the baby’s body are formed.

The fact is that all paints, varnishes, and solvents are toxic and can cause disturbances in the development of the fetus and the formation of a variety of organic defects. If it is impossible to avoid apartment renovation, then you need to use paints that do not contain - they are the safest.

The most dangerous are phenol and formaldehyde: they are carcinogenic substances that provoke the development of allergic diseases and affect the respiratory tract. Their compounds are contained in decorative synthetic coatings, which are used as a coating on furniture for both children and adults made from chipboard.

In addition, dust, consisting of particles of dirt, glue, sand, cement, the same paints and varnishes, without which no apartment renovation is complete, gets into the lungs of a pregnant woman, irritates and damages the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Against this background, such infectious diseases, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, etc. They are accompanied high temperature, intoxication, debilitating cough, which is extremely undesirable for a pregnant woman and her unborn child.

On the other hand, construction dust is an irritating factor that can lead to allergies (especially if the mother has previously shown symptoms of allergic rhinitis to house dust). And we must not forget that not a single apartment renovation is complete without lifting weights. But this can seriously affect the course of pregnancy: cause an increase in intrauterine pressure, increased pressure on the uterus and increased stress on the spine. The maximum that a pregnant woman can lift is 4-5 kg, depending on her body type and condition. Also, you should not climb on a stepladder; stand with your arms raised, because sudden dizziness can lead to a fall, and this can lead to placental abruption, hematomas, the threat of miscarriage, or even direct miscarriage. And don’t look at the fact that up to this point your pregnancy was perfect on all fronts: any obstetrician-gynecologist will give you dozens of cases from his practice when even such “ideal pregnancies” ended in miscarriage.

Yes, don’t forget about the psychological component, because apartment renovation is one of the biggest sources of stress. Think, are you ready for such a test? Especially if you are planning to renovate your apartment in maternity leave. After all, in the 6th–7th month, a close relationship is formed between mother and baby, and the child reacts very sensitively to the emotional background of the mother. That is, your child’s general well-being largely depends on your mood.

We can summarize:

Of course, it is best to refrain from renovating the apartment where the expectant mother lives. If this is not possible, a pregnant woman should spend as little time there as possible and only after thoroughly ventilating the apartment. You cannot be present at home when something is being painted or glued. If this cannot be avoided, use a respirator, and open windows as often as possible during work. If you feel symptoms of an emerging allergy, consult a doctor immediately. In extreme cases, if you need emergency allergic help, in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, use second-generation antihistamines based on the original loratadine. And then, despite the fact that it is not contraindicated during pregnancy, still be sure to consult an allergist. Only he will be able to provide qualified assistance and prescribe treatment that does not harm the child.

If the expectant mother still cannot resist helping in renovating the apartment, then let her be in charge of choosing decorations, furniture, calling construction companies and stores. A pregnant woman can do all this without any damage to her health.

And think: is it worth wasting precious time and putting yourself at risk, when it is better to devote these magical minutes of “waiting for a miracle” to communicating with an unborn baby, a walk in the park, handicrafts, or visiting special schools for pregnant women? After all, the baby will be completely unimportant about the walls in the apartment. Children grow quickly, and in a year or two the new wallpaper will be scrawled with felt-tip pens or torn off in the most noticeable places. So if your apartment doesn’t resemble a field after the Mamaev Massacre, put off renovating your apartment for two to three years. Then you can choose wallpaper together with your grown-up child and taking into account his tastes, and carry out the work yourself by sending your child to the dacha with his grandmother for the summer.


The most dangerous repair materials for a pregnant woman: - nitro-based paints, varnishes and enamels; — silicone-based putties; — silicone sealants; — acetone-based solvents; - quick-drying wallpaper adhesives,

REMEMBER: at least 2-3 months must pass from the completion of the renovation to the arrival of the baby in the apartment. This is necessary so that the apartment is well ventilated from toxic substances.

Somehow it has already happened that while expecting a child, parents try to make repairs in the apartment. The “nesting instinct” is especially aggravated in expectant mothers in the last months of pregnancy. I want the very bestAnd very good! But often the issue comes down to a lack of money. Or time. Or strength. And then the questions begin: what to repair and what to ignore? What materials to choose?


WHAT to repair?

When planning renovations before the baby's birth, remember that your main goal is not so much the appearance of the apartment, but its convenience for young parents and freeing up space for the new resident.

Based on this principle, we begin to set priorities. What must be done without fail will be highlighted in bold.

1. Children's room. That is, the room where the child will most often be. This could be the parent's bedroom, a separate room, or even the only room in the apartment. But first and foremost The requirement for this room is that it should be easy to clean. When starting to renovate this room, consider whether you can somehow reduce the surface of dust collectors(“roofs” of cabinets, many shelves, things lying in unlocked cabinets, books on open shelves, collections of figurines, a chandelier with many pendants, a battery with hard-to-reach compartments...). Walk around the entire room, wiping down ALL exposed surfaces with a rag. Can you do the same thing EVERY DAY? If it took you more than 15 minutes, then most likely not. Therefore, we are thinking: replace the old cabinet with a built-in one? Increase the capacity of such a cabinet to eliminate open shelves and racks? Replace the chandelier?

Now let's check windows: Doesn’t it come through from all the cracks? Do the windows close and open well? Can you ventilate the room well several times a day? Will there be mosquitoes in the summer? Maybe it's worth thinking about repairs or replacement windows And installing a mosquito net?

Next heating system. Is the room warm in winter? Isn't it hot in spring? Not Should you install regulators with which you can control the temperature in the room?? Shouldn't I replace the battery with an easy-to-clean one? During the heating season, dust collects on the radiator, and then flies upward along with the warm air, and the baby breathes it. Perhaps it is necessary to install an additional heat source independent of central heating? This is for those periods when it is cold outside and the heating has not yet been turned on. If it is a heater, then care must be taken to ensure that it is safely for a child. Perhaps you can afford the option of heated floors or walls. By the way, is there an expansion joint behind your wall? Maybe this wall needs to be insulated?

Soundproofing in the apartment where the baby is located - this means not only strong nerves for the neighbors, but also a peaceful sleep for your child. This is not mandatory, but quite feasible. Read about methods and materials in the section "Materials".

What about us? walls? If wallpaper hang in shreds or were last changed 10 years ago and are overgrown with dust - then they simply need to be changed. If you just want “something new” - then we exclude the replacement of wallpaper from the list of mandatory repairs and leave it to the discretion, taste and wallet of the apartment’s inhabitants.

Lighting. Now it is not a problem to install a switch with a rheostat. It’s a small thing, but it’s convenient for mom and baby! By the way, since we raised our eyes to the ceiling, let’s look with our eyes gray plaque, cobwebs, crumbling plaster... Didn't find it? Well, how wonderful! another saving of time and money.

Release space for a crib, things and toys.

We lie down on floor. Well, how do you like it there? Like? Is the floor icy? Let's insulate! Not too hard? Walk on your knees, walk, don’t wince! Not prickly? Doesn't it creak? And from the balcony and door do not fit? Now look at the tights (pants, skirt...) to see if they are sticking out small chips and splinters? Or maybe in the floor cracks? Or skirting boards move away from the walls and floor? In general, the floor in the entire apartment should be included in the list of mandatory repairs. After all, only a few months will pass and the child will be crawling on it! Ideal wooden floor array, but in principle it will do linoleum(I'm not talking about natural linoleum, which costs like parquet) and even carpeting, especially if you have a vacuum cleaner.

Now we slowly crawl along the floor throughout the apartment, looking into all corners, especially actively trampling around the bathroom, kitchen and hallway.

2. Bathroom. A beautiful bathroom with mirrors, a Jacuzzi and Italian tiles is, of course, nice, but not necessary. What is really important is warmth, absence of drafts, reliability of pipes and mixers, clean water and a convenient place for baby dolls to bathe.

If your bathroom is currently in the arctic summer, then you will have to somehow heat room to bathe the child. So think about which heating option is acceptable for you: running hot water, turning on the heater, installing a heated floor or a radiator?

By the way, about hot water...Do you always have it? Don't you need to let it sit for 3 hours to get it warm? If everything is bad, install water heater You can negotiate with the housing office and refuse to use the central hot water supply.

Can be installed filters to the water supply. Even, I would say, NECESSARY.

Now open the tap harder: isn’t it splashing in all directions? Are they flying? Well, you don’t want to scald the baby! We change mixer.

Next, let’s think about how we will bathe the baby? In a shared bath? Or in a small baby bath? Then the bathtub will need to be placed comfortably– not low (have mercy on mom’s back!) and stable. Provide shelves, which you can easily reach for soap, cotton wool, a towel... It would also be nice to have a place to put the baby immediately after the bath to wrap it in a towel. Children's bath accessories (soap, towel, etc.) should not be the first to come to hand when your guests come to wash their hands. Therefore, it would be good for them to look after separate place in the far corner. Pay special attention to the floor: if you spill a little water on it, will it become too slippery?

3. kitchen. Everything should be provided here so that mom spends less time on household chores. Perhaps, instead of tiles in the bathroom, it is better to buy a dishwasher for the kitchen, and instead of new curtains for the living room, a bunch of small household appliances: a meat grinder, a blender, a microwave, good pans and pots... Rate your washing machine – it will not be easy for her!

4. hallway. There will soon be a significant reduction in space here. Because you will buy a stroller. Remember that a stroller is not a warehouse for clothes, hats, fresh newspapers and keys! It would be nice allocate for stroller corner, where she wouldn’t bother anyone, wouldn’t invite anyone to throw a scarf and purse at her, where the dirt from the wheels wouldn’t spread in a puddle all over the hallway. Don't have somewhere to put your stroller? We crawl out into the entrance. Maybe the neighbors won’t be too outraged if you make a closet on the site for a stroller, sled, etc.? Will they be outraged? Then we go down to the first floor. In many entrances there is a place under the stairs fenced off with bars (not the entrance to the basement!) Maybe you should clear it, refurbish it, hang your own lock and keep the stroller there? Finally, convince your neighbors that this is temporary! In addition, you can cooperate with other mothers from the entrance.

A stroller, especially with a child, weighs a lot, so you need to think through the process of moving from the apartment to the street and vice versa in advance. If you have a high porch, stairs on the way from the entrance to the elevator, or no elevator at all, equip some kind of ramp. You can weld the “rails” directly to the ladders or even just one rail.


Now let’s not be lazy, we crawl on all fours on the same floor in the opposite direction: from the hallway and throughout the apartment. I'm not kidding. You and I are checking the safety of your home from the point of view of a crawling child (oh, don’t brush it off! Time will fly by unnoticed. Before you know it, “Lala” is already cutting through the entire apartment)

  1. Hallway. The most dangerous thing in the hallway is dirt and various shoe polishes. Therefore, you need to provide a well-closing cabinet for shoes and chemicals And easy to clean floor.
  2. Kitchen. There are many dangers here. These are corners on furniture, drawers, glassware and bulk products, a hot oven, stove, protruding handles of frying pans on the stove, hanging edges of tablecloths and oilcloths, easily accessible sharp knives, forks, household appliances, wires, medicines, detergents. Everything that you yourself could reach, standing on all fours, will be available to your child!
  1. Bathroom and toilet. The main thing here is to shove cabinets with locks all household chemicals.
  2. Rooms. Close furniture corners, check locks on windows and balconies, remove wires, replace faulty and unreliable sockets and switches, put away or strengthen unstable furniture. Put latches for closing all doors - you don’t want the child to press his fingers between the door and the jamb? Is it sustainable? TV and computer monitor? Is its back wall facing the crib or playpen? This is where the main radiation comes from.
  3. Balcony. If the balcony is not glazed, then it would be good glaze at least part. To prevent trash and cigarette butts from the upper floors from falling into the stroller of a child “walking” on the balcony.

In principle, after your apartment has been brought into compliance with the above requirements, you can complete the renovation. But if you still have the strength, money and desire, you can start decorating the entire apartment.


1. Sound insulation. For those who have a lot of money, there are special soundproofing materials (various articles of isolon, foam sheets, mineral wool.) And for those who want to save money, there is a cool option - the cheapest foam plastic adhesive ceilings! They cost about 17 rubles per m2. You stick them in 2 overlapping layers on the ceiling and walls - and you almost completely forget about your neighbors. Naturally, it is better to cover this disgrace with plasterboard.

2. Wallpaper. Of course, you can stick to naturalness. But at this time there are synthetic materials that are in no way inferior in properties to a layer of ordinary paper wound into a roll. Therefore, most likely, you should pay attention to ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY. Those. any material, not just wallpaper, should not emit toxins, leave small particles on clothes and hands, or emit strong odors. And yet, what wallpaper is most logical to choose when there is a small child at home?

3. Floor covering.

  • Ideal floor - wooden. Simply because the tree has healthy energy, it does not accumulate static electricity, has antiseptic properties, is easy to clean and springy. But a good wooden floor - solid wood, cork or parquet - is expensive. Just like natural linoleum. Therefore, if you wanted to spend your last money on the floor, it is better to leave this idea.
  • In principle, an acceptable option for an apartment where there is a child, laminate. But in the author’s personal opinion, laminate flooring and vinyl wallpaper on the walls are materials from the same category.

If it is impossible to spend a lot of money on the floor, it is better to take regular linoleum or carpeting.

I would like to pay special attention to the baseboards. Let's leave ordinary wooden skirting boards, which were nailed to the floor, in the past. It is better to choose skirting boards with a latch or screws, with a box for wires. But there is also a secret here: the box comes with “external access” - when the narrow part along the entire baseboard is removed, the wires are laid there and the strip is snapped back into place. But there is no certainty that a child will not clear this bar in the same way. And don’t think that he doesn’t have enough intelligence or strength, little researchers have more than enough of all this. Therefore, another option is safer: the outer part of the plinth is unscrewed entirely, the wires are laid in a special box, then the outer part is screwed back.

4. Sockets and switches. The main thing here is safety. Take those items that have a good fastening to the wall and that your child will not accidentally pull out by the roots. It’s better not to hope that later you will insert plugs into the socket: this is an extra item that arouses the child’s curiosity and the desire to “pick this thing out” at all costs. Sockets with lids are also not suitable - what an interesting “house”! can be opened and closed! It is better to take sockets with built-in “curtains” - plugs directly inside the holes where you insert the plug.

It is logical to move the switches lower, within the child’s reach. Then your one-year-old will be able to turn on the light in any room he needs.

Color and mood.

The quality and environmental friendliness of the materials used for finishing are not yet a guarantee that the apartment will be cozy. For some reason, in some rooms the child constantly cries, or begins to get sick often... The fact is that the doll’s body reacts very quickly to the mood of both the child himself and his environment. And the “climate” in the family is largely created by the environment. Some colors create a tense atmosphere, and an interior that is overly loaded with details and patterns creates a feeling of fatigue.

I don’t think it would be advisable to rewrite here the contents of numerous articles and sites on this topic. Therefore, I want to give a few links:

  • The effect of color on the body as a whole:
  • Color in the children's room:

Why do we pay such attention to the color scheme of the house, precisely when we are expecting the birth of a child?

The fact is that children have a slightly different sense of color than adults.

It has been established that not all colors attract children's attention equally. Experiments to determine children's favorite colors have shown that children love bright and pure colors. The first three colors of preference for infants are in the following order: red, blue, yellow.

The effect of novelty is very important for a child: if you add a new one to the colors that the child sees all the time, then at first, until the child gets used to it, new color will attract the child's attention to the greatest extent. That is, if you want to enhance the influence of a certain color on your child, it is not at all necessary to decorate the entire room in this color. Much more practical is the room in pastel colors, into which from time to time the necessary color accents are introduced through pictures, panels, curtains, furniture, and toys. At the same time, you need to remember that the color scheme should be slightly muted if the child is very mobile, active, and easily excitable.

In turn, a more saturated color scheme can have a beneficial effect on a passive, phlegmatic child. For a child prone to frequent colds, it is vitally important sky blue And violet colors that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the respiratory system. Blue color generally improves immunity.

A red increases internal energy, promotes activation of hematopoiesis, normalization of blood circulation and metabolism.

Orange helps overcome fatigue, blues, depression, uncertainty, anxiety and fear.

Yellow increases concentration, improves mood and memory. Its effect is very beneficial for liver disorders.

Green promotes the rhythmic functioning of the heart, relaxation of the eyes, has a moderate anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect, is useful for reduced kidney function, dizziness, and nervousness.

Blue soothes, relieves inflammation and burning sensation, for example when sunburn, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Blue helps with insomnia, causes a feeling of comfort and peace, relieves tension, reduces blood pressure, calms breathing.

Violet enhances intuition, normalizes the state of the lymphatic system, helps with migraines.

At first glance, repairs while expecting a child are a complex and confusing matter. But everything will be simplified if you follow a simple algorithm:

  1. determine priority areas for repairs, in accordance with the criteria of convenience, ease of cleaning and safety of the home.
  2. Choose the most environmentally friendly and easy-to-clean materials from a price range that suits you.
  3. decorate the nursery in neutral pastel colors, then add splashes of color gradually using furniture and accessories.
  4. eliminate unnecessary interior details so that it is easy to clean the room and does not create a feeling of overload.

A properly organized interior will help maintain health, strength and mood for your entire family!

DatsoPic 2.0 2009 by Andrey Datso

It just so happens that parents, expecting the imminent birth of their unborn child, strive to quickly prepare everything for his birth.

They buy him various things, furniture, clothes. After all, such troubles are certainly pleasant. This nesting syndrome is especially pronounced in mothers closer to childbirth. To top it all off, they strive to renovate the room, which will later become a cozy nursery. However, doctors do not advise rushing into such a hasty decision.

Modern medicine has come to the conclusion that living a newborn child in a room where renovations have recently been completed is extremely undesirable and even dangerous! First of all, this concerns changing floor coverings.

It has recently been discovered that coatings such as laminate and carpet may contain sources of dangerous compounds: ethylbenzene and styrene. They are known to cause breathing difficulties in young children and can also affect their fetal development.

For reference: Ethylbenzene is a colorless liquid that smells like gasoline. Styrene is formed from ethylbenzene vapor. They are widely used in the production of plastics and adhesives.

Scientists from the German Helmholtz Center, specializing in research into our environment, strongly recommend abandoning the idea of ​​renovating a child's room until the child is one year old. You should also not do this during pregnancy, so as not to harm the unborn baby with these toxic compounds.

Helmholtz research centers work in a wide variety of fields; they seek and find answers to the challenges of modern society.

Experts believe that in Germany, approximately tens of thousands of babies living there have some kind of breathing problems. Styrene and ethylbenzene are what cause these health complications. For children's lungs, which are already too unprotected, these compounds are very toxic.

Plus, the above-mentioned sources of dangerous compounds increase the risk of developing allergies in utero, causing an immune response. The situation can become more complicated if, on top of everything else, the child’s parents suffer from hay fever, bronchial asthma and other allergic diseases that are inherited.

Therefore, it is better not to rush to completely renovate the apartment before the baby arrives and spend time not on complex repairs, but on the joyful anticipation of the imminent birth of the desired child.