How many cm is the penis? How many centimeters should a penis be? A small organ is a problem

The average length of the penis in men during sexual arousal varies between 13-16 cm. The greatest influence on the size of the penis is caused by race, as well as individual characteristics: genetic inheritance, endocrine disorders and some pathologies of the genitourinary system. According to studies, most men overestimate the optimal length of the penis, while women's preferences correspond to the average statistical data.

Average sizes

The collection of statistics for men has been carried out by many researchers, and their results are mixed:

The genital organ in men begins to actively increase during puberty, and by the age of 15-18 it reaches its maximum size. The average penis size by age is presented in the table:

Over the course of four years, from 1998 to 2002, Russian sociologist and sexologist Igor Kon surveyed 8,267 men over the age of 18 about the length of their erect penis. The data obtained in the form of a distribution of sizes according to their prevalence in percentage terms are summarized in the table:

Penis size (percentage of men surveyed)

It can be concluded thatThe most common (average) length of the penis in men in Russia is 15 cm.

The collected information from foreign researchers (LifeStyles Condoms company) correlates with the data of domestic doctors:

Based on a generalization of the obtained data from world statistics, it can be established that the normal length of an erect penis is in the range of 13.8-16.6 cm, and the circumference of its shaft is 11.4 cm. Most studies of the size of the penis were carried out in an erect state, since it is this is most important for men and women.

The degree to which the genital organs swell during sex varies from person to person. For many men with a long penis at rest, the increase in size during erection does not exceed 2 cm, and for those who have a short penis, it can increase 2-3 times.

A woman's vagina also changes in different ways. With strong excitement, the sizes can vary by 2 times.

Possible deviations

Penis sizes of 40-50 cm are observed in rare cases, with endocrine diseases or elephantiasis - a violation of the lymphatic flow, which results in swelling of the organ.

The largest officially recorded length of the penis in a healthy man is 34.5 cm in an erect state and 24 cm in a calm state.

A common problem is insufficient penis size. In surgical practice, there is another criterion for assessing the optimal length of the manhood. The lower limit of normal size is 9.5 cm, since with a smaller size full sexual intercourse becomes impossible.

In this regard, two concepts are also used in medicine:

  • small penis, the length of which is in the range of 2-9.5 cm;
  • micropenis: size less than 1.5-2 cm, diameter up to 1 cm. If the pathology is caused by endocrine disorders, then the use of hormonal therapy contributes to normal. If such treatment is ineffective, an operation to change gender to female is performed.

Small penis size in children and adolescents may be due to several reasons:

  • lack of growth hormone or gonadotropic hormones produced in the human pituitary gland;
  • insensitivity of the genital organs to steroid male sex hormones;
  • congenital disorders of the adrenal cortex;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system: absence of part or all of the pituitary gland, its underdevelopment, brain tumors, hydrocephalus;
  • deficiency of one of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of testosterone due to a lack of 5-alpha reductase.

The development of this pathology is influenced by the intake of certain medications by the mother during pregnancy: hydantoids (Difenin, Phenytoin, used in the treatment of seizures), estrogen- and progesterone-containing drugs, as well as unfavorable environmental factors leading to endocrine disorders.

The most active growth of the penis in boys occurs at 12-14 years of age. According to statistics, dissatisfaction with the size of the penis in men more often occurs at a more mature age. The length of the erect penis is influenced by several factors:

  • features of the anatomical structure;
  • elasticity of fabrics;
  • inflexibility of the tunica albuginea;
  • connection with surrounding tissues.

The extensibility of the genital organ depends on the content of elastic and collagen fibers in the tunica albuginea and corpora cavernosa. Over the years, their flexibility and elasticity decrease. in length is observed in the following pathologies:

  • diabetes;
  • injuries;
  • cavernous fibrosis;
  • congenital or acquired erectile deformation.

Factors influencing penis size

In addition to pathological abnormalities, there are other factors that affect the size of the penis: race and anthropometric characteristics. The taller a man is, the longer his penis is, and the more he weighs, the shorter it is. Other types of relationships (sizes of feet, nose, fingers) with penis length have not received official confirmation.

The thickness of the penis at rest is directly related to height, but is not related to body weight. In obese men, the length may appear shorter due to the fold of fat in the pubis that hangs over the penis, although in fact its size remains the same. This phenomenon in andrology is called the hidden penis.

Some males underestimate the size of their penis because of the perspective they get when looking down at it or because of incorrect measurement techniques. The results are also influenced by the ambient temperature and the general health of the man.

There are medical studies indicating a relationship between penis size and race. In black men, the length in a calm state is on average 1-3 cm longer than in white men, and in an erect state the values ​​are almost comparable.

The smallest penis sizes in Asian men are in Cambodia, India, Thailand and Japan. Average length the length of the penis during erection is 11-12 cm. The obtained statistical data are taken into account when selling condoms and manufacturing penile prostheses in these regions.

Women's preferences

According to an anonymous survey, more than 70% of women would prefer a man with larger genitals. Other studies show that 85% of girls are satisfied with the size of their chosen one’s penis, and 6% consider it below average. For men, this figure is much lower - 55% are satisfied with the length of their penis, and 45% would like to increase it.

Most women attach importance to the width of the penis rather than its length. This is because a larger diameter penis stimulates the clitoral area more effectively. A penis that is too thick causes pain and discomfort during intercourse. There are no sensitive areas deep in the vagina, so length is not that important.

As statistical data show, women consider ideal penis sizes to be those at the upper level of the average: length 16 cm and girth 12 cm. Contrary to popular belief, the main role in obtaining sexual satisfaction is not played by the size of the organ, but by introductory caresses and attention from the partner.

How to enlarge your penis?

You can increase the size of the penis using several methods:

  • Vacuum. Using a hand pump, a vacuum is created around the soft tissue of the penis. The procedure is carried out for half an hour daily. The average is 3 cm in 3-6 months.
  • Traction, based on the principle of stretching tissue under the influence of constant, prolonged physical impact. Stretching is done using tourniquet, strap or vacuum extenders. Optimal time wearing - 6-8 hours a day for 2-4 approaches. The result is achieved within six months (an average lengthening of 3 cm).
  • Surgical. Allows you not only to make the penis longer, but also thicker. The most universal method of lengthening is ligamentotomy - cutting the suspensory ligament and releasing the cavernous bodies to the level of the arteries. After dissection, the corpora cavernosa is fixed in a new position. The operation allows you to enlarge the penis by 3-5 cm.


The standard result of surgical lengthening is 2.5-3 cm. There are no effective and reliable surgical techniques. The condition may be minimal or completely absent.

Produced in the following ways:

  • Injection under the skin of the penis of synthetic gels or alloderm - specially processed human adipose tissue extracted from corpses.
  • Transplantation (subcutaneous wrapping) of a fragment of the chest, back or rectus abdominis muscles taken from the patient.
  • Subcutaneous injection of implanted adipose tissue extracted from the suprapubic region.
  • Transplantation of a skin-fat flap cut from the gluteal or inguinal folds.

Fine, puberty starts from 9 to 14 years. At this time, secondary sexual characteristics appear:

  • increased hair growth on the face and above the penis;
  • the penis begins to increase in length and slightly in thickness;
  • the foreskin fully develops;
  • the skin of the penis and scrotum changes;
  • testes enlarge, and so on;

The table provides information on the size of the penis at rest depending on age and height.

[A. Demchenko, I. Cherkasov, Kharkov, 1978]

The size of the erect penis in adolescents depending on age:

The growth of the penis lasts until the age of 17 on average. At the age of 17, the penis reaches its maximum length, which then decreases slightly. By the age of 18, when the penis thickens, its length decreases on average by 0.5 cm.

The table shows changes in penile thickness:

During adolescence, curves of the penis also occur. Few boys develop penile curves before puberty. The majority of adolescents have a straight erect penis (56%), and only 2.6% have a strongly curved penis (more than 20o).

Diagnostic value of penis size

The ratio of penis size, age and height in sexology is used to diagnose neurohormonal development during maturation. Major studies of this were carried out by a Russian sexologist, Professor Vasilshenko (Moscow). His research revealed a correlation between many neurohormonal disorders and the relationship between the height and size of a young man's penis.

A characteristic of size that reflects the length and width of the penis, both in an excited state and outside it. This value does not affect urinary and reproductive functions.

N normal penis size is necessary for sexual activity and the psychologically stable state of a man. The question of what the norm is is important for men and it is raised by everyone at least once in their life.

In contact with

This indicator is strictly individual, but there are average statistical data.

A man's penis stops changing in size by age 18, although according to researchers - by 25 years.

If there are no disturbances in testosterone synthesis during this period and the absence of a genetic defect, by this age the man will grow a normal penis.

But in addition to genetics and hormonal balance, other factors influence this value:

  • Weight. Completeness young man becomes the reason why the normal shape of the penis is lost due to visual insufficiency of parameters. As a result, fat deposits seem to “overlap” part of the length of the penis and violate the indicator.
  • Playing sports, in particular weightlifting, in adolescence, which inhibits the development of the genital organs.
  • Wrong diet, namely, products with pesticides and herbicides.
  • Environmental factors, such as air pollution or aggressive household chemicals.
  • Living conditions and environmental influences, for example, the use of cheap building materials for interior decoration or paint and other products that release toxins.

What is the normal penis size according to statistics?

Reasoning about what penis size is normal has a lot of answers, depending on the judgment of the one who is trying to give his conclusion.

Statics gives a fairly detailed answer to this question..

It is worth considering, however, that the size of a teenager’s penis will differ from the same parameter as that of an adult man, so these parameters cannot be correlated.

Normal length

Women's opinion about the norm

Among men, the myth continues that the answer to the question about which penis is normal for women will be directly related to length indicators.

However, in practice this is not the case. Many women directly say that large dimensions are uncomfortable or even painful during intimacy.

Then what is the normal penis size for a woman? Based on research and statistics, a 14 cm penis is normal. These parameters are the average length between the boundaries of 13-15 cm. This is due to the fact that the aroused sexual organ of a man should be no more than 4 cm larger than the capacity of his partner’s vagina. And the average size of a woman’s vagina is approximately 8 - 10 cm.

When talking about what a normal penis is for a girl, women themselves talk about the importance of thickness, not length. Because with sufficient volume of the penis, during sex there is a more vivid feeling of internal fullness, corresponding excitement, due to the impact on all sensitive areas. And a wide penis better stimulates the clitoris during intercourse.

All data can change, and even women don’t have a clear criterion for what a “normal penis” is. Everything is strictly individual and is connected with the psycho-emotional connection between partners, the skills of satisfying each other in bed.

And another video with a survey of girls:

Understanding what penis length is considered normal, a man can use certain methods to get closer to this criterion.

Moreover, with the same result, he can use both the reduction and enlargement options. In order to get the most worthy body, the idea of ​​which is formed from statistics.

If you increase

To achieve target indicators, a man can use topical products, hardware devices, or contact a medical professional. The most popular and effective:

  • Stretching exercises, hanging weights, jelqing, special types of gymnastics, for example, Kegel gymnastics. A man can implement all these methods at home, in free time . But the main condition for it will be a rational limitation of loads and their daily implementation.
  • Ointments, creams or sprays that allow you to get a normal penis size in men without any effort or wasting time.
  • Devices, such as stretchers, vacuum pumps or extenders. All these devices are mainly aimed at achieving normal penis length, but the thickness may change downward, which should be taken into account.
  • Surgical intervention - this option requires medical indications, undergoing a series of tests and consultations with specialists.

If you reduce

There are more difficulties in the matter of reducing the size, since here can't be done without surgery. However, for a man, patience is required before influencing the parameter with the help of a surgeon. The decision to perform surgery is made only after confirmation of the man’s stable health condition.

After the psychologist gives his conclusion that the man adequately perceives his data and the result will not become a problem or mistake for him.

Surgical intervention, no matter for what purpose it is performed, is a responsible and risky option. The risk is associated with possible complications, with a long recovery period requiring responsibility. Therefore, before thinking about something so radical, you should carefully weigh everything.

Even if the parameters do not correspond to what a normal term should be according to statistics, this is not a reason to immediately rush into search for methods to correct the situation.

For those who have a slightly smaller size than they would like, there are a number simple tips , allowing for a rich sex life and satisfy your partner:

  • It is necessary to carefully study the most sensitive, in other words, erogenous points of the partner’s body. The main point here is quick determination of the “G” point, located at a depth of about 4 cm. Consequently, it can be influenced even with a parameter less than average.
  • Choosing the most sensitive positions. This will allow you not only to get pleasure, but also to fully deliver it to your partner. The most suitable: on the side, missionary and on all fours, also known as “doggy style”.
  • Sex toys- not a shameful idea. Special attachments for the penis will not just improve the quality of sex, but will bring something new to it that will impress the partner and will bring no less satisfaction to the man himself.
  • Anal sex is a good alternative. For a partner, such sexual intercourse will not be traumatic, compared to attempting such an experiment with a man with enormous capabilities. Moreover, anal sex will allow you not only to get pleasure, but also to apply additional stimulation to your partner (with your hands or sex toys).
  • Don't forget about foreplay. It is a correctly set start before sexual intercourse that will allow a man who does not have a larger-than-average penis to qualitatively satisfy his chosen one. Enough interesting option There will be an erotic massage that warms up the partner and will be pleasant for the man.
  • Exercise, such as kegel exercises, to prevent early ejaculation during sex. And a longer duration of the act will allow you to achieve a more vivid orgasm for both partners.

Understanding how many centimeters a normal penis should be according to average statistics, a man draws conclusions about his data and can influence them.

The normal length of the penis makes it possible to assert oneself among others. He can feel confident and show this confidence in his daily activities. This is successfully reflected in his career and relationships with people.

The main thing is not to give up, but to calmly assess the situation and begin to influence it.

Many men are interested in what size a man's penis should be. Most often, guys begin to think about this in adolescence, since many of them want to have a normal penis size. That is why some of them try to independently compare its sizes with average values.

Exist different kinds genitals.

Based on size, they are divided into three main categories:

  1. Micropenis. Such a penis is considered small, since even if you stretch it yourself, the length of the penis will not be more than 2 cm.
  2. Small penis. The length of the small penis is also considered quite small. In an excited state, such a penis is less than 9-10 cm.
  3. Normal penis. Such a penis is considered normal, since during an erection it increases to more than 10 cm. For many girls, this is the ideal size of manhood.

The size of the penis in men is influenced by their anthropometric characteristics. A negative correlation was found with a person’s weight, and a positive correlation with his height. Scientists have also found that width and length in an erect state are in no way related to the same parameters in a calm state.

The classification of members sometimes depends on the characteristics of their shape. They can be:

  • cylindrical - in this case, the width of the base of the penis is equal to its tip;
  • pointed - for guys with such a penis, the tip is narrower than the base;
  • mushroom-shaped - during sexual arousal, the head becomes much wider than the base.

There is also another classification of genital organs according to their length. They can be divided into the following subgroups:

  • Standard. This group includes the most optimal penis size, which is in the range of 14-18 cm.
  • Giant. The length of the genitals of this group can reach 25 cm during erection. There are girls who think that this is the best penis size.
  • Extreme. The genital organs of this group are less common than all others. In this case, the average members grow to 22-28 cm.

Factors affecting size

Many men are interested in what determines the size of the male genital organ. This parameter can be affected by various factors.


It is no secret that the normal size of the penis depends on the age of the person. Some people are interested in what size a boy's penis is at birth. The normal size of the penis immediately after birth is a length of 2-3 cm. Until the age of 17-18, the genital organs of men are actively developing and after this age the formation of the shape of the penis and its maximum length should be completed.

However, up to six years the changes will be insignificant. The active phase of development begins at 12-13 years of age. At this age, most teenagers should have a penis about 9-11 cm long. Until the age of 17-18, active development of the penis is normal and there is nothing wrong with that.

In addition to changes in length, its thickness also changes with age. By the age of 12, a girth of 7-8 cm can be considered the norm. After a few years, this parameter increases by another 2-4 cm.

There are often cases when the girth increases even after 18 years.

In adult men age-related changes do not cause even slight growth of the penis, since its development stops at this age. However, some scientists suggest that the length may decrease slightly during aging.


Penis dimensions may vary depending on the nationality of the man. Among representatives of different nations, the diameter and average sizes can vary significantly. This fact has been repeatedly confirmed not only by research, but also by surveys. Many men and women have stated many times that the length of the penis depends on living conditions and race.

Most often, really good sizes are found among people living in warm climates. Residents of colder regions have an order of magnitude shorter genital length.

Many people are interested in which country is leading in terms of male size. There are people who believe that black men have the most impressive penises. It is worth noting that they are partly right, since representatives of the African continent are confidently leading the rating list. For example, among Congolese men the ideal length is 17-19 cm, and in Ghana the average size is 17 cm. It is also worth noting Latin America, where the average does not fall below 17 cm. If we talk about European countries, then on this continent the leaders are considered Hungarians, since their average is 16 cm.

In the CIS countries, the length is slightly shorter and is about 14-15 cm. Last in the ranking are residents of Asian countries with an average size of 9-10 cm.

How to measure

As a man, almost everyone has tried to measure their penis at some point in their life. It is very important that the correct technology is used during measurement. Therefore, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself in advance with some of the nuances of determining the length of the male genital organ.

It is recommended to determine the length only in the most comfortable and optimal conditions with room temperature. Also, the person should not worry or be under serious stress. You can determine the dimensions of the penis using an ordinary ruler. In this case, the sexual organ must be fully erect. It is recommended to apply a ruler to the pubis along the phallus.

In men with overweight Certain problems may arise during measurement, since a large number of subcutaneous fat negatively affects the size of the organ.

To accurately determine the length of the penis, the genital organ should be positioned so that it is parallel to the floor. Only after this can a ruler be applied to its surface. After determining the length, you should start measuring the girth. To do this, use a ruler tape. It needs to be wrapped around the organ perfectly in the middle.

It will be possible to obtain the most accurate results only if measurements are taken several times. It is recommended to measure the parameters 2-3 times, after which the average length can be obtained from the results obtained.

Women's preferences

Some men are interested in what ideal penis size girls need. Most believe that all women need larger penises to experience more pleasure. However, in fact, this opinion is erroneous and the ideal size of the penis should not be too large. The fact is that very often too huge penises give girls pain during sex. In some cases, sex with such men can even lead to certain diseases.

Much research has been conducted to determine the optimal size of male genital organs. According to the results, most girls feel comfortable with men whose erect penis length exceeds the vaginal capacity by 3-4 cm. At the same time, the average vaginal capacity is 7-11 cm. From this we can conclude that a man’s sexual organ should have size within 13-16 cm.

It should also be noted that a considerable part of women pay more attention not to the length, but to the thickness of the genital organs. After all, thicker penises are better clitoral stimulators.


Some men, in order to achieve normal penis length, begin to think about enlargement.

Recently, so-called extenders have begun to be actively used, which are quite effective. Normal penis length can be achieved by regularly wearing this device for several hours a day. In this way, you can not only lengthen the organ, but also correct the shape of the penis. The main advantage of the device is that it is practically invisible even under clothes. Therefore, you can wear extenders not only at home, but also on the street.

Physiological increase can be noticed after 2-3 months.

You can also increase the size through surgery, but this should only be done as a last resort, due to the high probability of failure. It is recommended to consult a urologist before surgery. If he does not see the need for surgical intervention, then it is better to refuse the operation.


The size of manhood often worries men. Before you start worrying about the length of your penis, it's worth checking out the average size statistics. After all, in most cases, men begin to worry without serious reasons.

The size of the penis is determined by its length and width both at rest and during arousal. These indicators are important during sexual intercourse and for a man’s sense of his own worth. Penis size is not responsible for functions such as urination and reproduction.

Parameter measurement technique

It is worth determining the length and width of the phallus at room temperature, in a state of psychological comfort, since when the ambient temperature drops, stress or anxiety, the size of the penis decreases. The average is measured using a ruler from the pubic area (the ruler should not be pressed into it too much) to the tip of the head of the phallus. If a man weighs a lot, which means there is excessive subcutaneous fat, the functional dimensions decrease.

To determine the length of the penis, you need to tilt it parallel to the floor and apply a ruler. The width of the penis is measured using a centimeter ruler, which is placed around the man's erect organ exactly in the middle.

Average parameters

Optimal length indicator

What is considered normal penis length in a non-erect state? The average size of the male genital organ in a calm state varies from 7 to 10 cm. You should not judge the state of the phallus at the time of erection by these indicators. It is believed that modest penis length can show significant higher magnification when excited than that of the member whose indicator is greater or normal at rest.

How many centimeters should the length of a man's erect organ be?

The normal length in the erect state ranges from 12–18 cm. The optimal length is 15 cm.

In a newborn, the penis has an average size of 2.5 to 3.5 cm; when stretched, it is about 3.5 cm.
The size of the penis of European men without erection is about 8.5–10.5 cm, and in the erect state 12–18 cm (average 15 cm).

Normal Width Boundaries

Width plays a more important role than the length and thickness of the penis, because it ensures close contact with the walls of the vagina, significantly enhancing the sensations of men. Therefore, it is the average of this size that should be measured first.

How wide should the male organ be? Its average is 8–18 cm. The optimal diameter is 14 cm.

Thickness Standards

This figure varies from 3 to 4.5 cm. However, how many centimeters the normal thickness of the penis has is not precisely determined.

Deviations and what affects them

An erect penis less than 10 cm is called a micropenis, from 10 to 12 cm is called small, and more than 18 cm is called large.
In men under 12 years of age, due to the fact that the period of hormonal maturation continues, measuring the parameters of the penis does not make sense, since this organ is in the stage active growth. How long does this process take? It continues until the age of 15. The average size can increase up to 25 years.

Indicators characterizing the most big size penis in history: 30 cm length and 15 cm diameter.

Factors influencing normal penis size

  • Endocrine changes.

They are manifested by a decrease in the production of testosterone, which determines the development of both primary and secondary sexual characteristics. The cause of this pathology is most often hypogonadism, characterized by a decrease in testicular parameters. Its most severe manifestation is micropenis (size less than 10 cm), requiring medical attention. In addition, if a man weighs a lot, this also negatively affects testosterone production.

  • Hereditary predisposition.

An example is the dependence of indicators on race. The smallest dimensions of the genital organ are observed in Asian men (average size: length less than 15 cm, width less than 14 cm), and the largest in African Americans.

  • Congenital diseases:
  1. Anorchism - absence of testicles, prostate gland, seminiferous tubules, underdevelopment of the phallus.
  2. Cryptorchidism is the absence of testicles in the scrotum due to undescended testicles.
  3. Del Castillo syndrome is a decrease in testicular volume due to disruption of the seminiferous tubules.
  4. Pasculani syndrome - decreased testosterone secretion.
  • Acquired diseases:
  1. Injuries to the testicles, pituitary gland, hypothalamus.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Adrenal tumors. This disease leads to the development of a giant penis, the average size of which is significantly more than 14 cm.
  4. Arterial hypertension. Refers to a pathology that causes not only a reduction in the male organ, but also its curvature. This disease usually occurs in men over 40 years of age.
  5. Tumor of testicular interstitial cells.
  6. Injuries and pathological erection of the phallus itself, leading to an increase in its length by more than 15 cm and thickness by more than 14 cm.
  7. Lymphostasis (elephantiasis). This pathology is also manifested by an increase in the parameters of the penis.
  8. Age. It has been proven that after about 30 years from the onset of maturation, the genital organ decreases by 2–3 cm from the average value of 15 cm.
  9. Excessively developed subcutaneous fat in the pubic area. Due to the large fat layer, the functional part of the phallus may decrease. Losing weight easily solves this problem.

Contrary to popular opinion, height cannot be an indicator of the size of the phallus. Despite the importance of penis parameters, a man, no matter how old he is, should not forget about the importance of sexual abilities and the nature of intersexual relations.