Puberty of boys and girls. Interesting facts about boys Facts about boys 14 years old

1. When dressing, girls will first put on their bottoms, then their tops. Boys usually do the opposite.

2. Boys take off their T-shirt, grabbing her on her back with her hand and pulling her over her head. Girls, undressing, take off their blouse with both hands, pulling it up.

3. Yawning, boys cover their mouths with their fists, girls with their palms.

4. Turning to the call, girls turn only their heads, boys turn their body, because their necks are not so flexible.

5. Girls breathe with their chests, In boys, breathing involves the abdominal muscles.

6. Girls try to go up or down the mountain sideways. Boys simply spread their legs wider.

7. Looking at your heels, the girls turn behind them. The boys raise their leg and look at it from the front.

8. Girls tie the belt on their robe above the navel, at the waist, and boys - below.

9. The girls plug their ears with their fingers, boys palms.

10. Trying to get comfortable in a chair, boys spread their legs wide apart or place the foot of one leg on the knee of the other. The girls tuck their legs under them.

11. Thinking boys scratch their chins and necks, girls wrap a strand of hair around their finger.

12. While straightening your hair, the boys run their hands through their hair, smoothing it. Girls fluff up their hair with their fingers, letting their hair down.

13. Having lost a valuable item in the apartment, girls usually turn to the devil (or to the brownie, with a request to play and give it back. =) Boys turn everything around.

14. After getting drunk, the girls immediately admit it. The boys claim that they are like glass, to the last.

15. Brushing your teeth the boys spread their legs wide apart and rest their free hand on the edge of the sink. The girls rest their hand on their side.

16. In their sleep, girls hold the blanket between their legs and hug the pillow. The boys lie on their backs, spread their legs wide, and put their hand under their head. But not always.

17. Girls' hearts beat faster. That's why they are so fussy.

18. When boys want to please girls, they pretend to be smart. And the girls, in turn, play silly.

19. Boys don’t wear anything uncomfortable for the sake of beauty. Girls will never wear anything ugly for the sake of convenience.

20. Telling a secret The girls cover their mouths and their friend’s ears with their palms. The boys simply lower their voices and bow their heads.

21. Boys think silently and girls reason with themselves, which is perceived by men as unnecessary chatter.

22. A girl, seeing something she really likes, exclaims:“God, what a beauty!”; the boys say: “Wow, those are boobs!”

The birth of children is the most important event in a woman’s life. Awareness of this fact sometimes does not come to us immediately. Sometimes important achievements and novelties in each new day of a child may seem unimportant, and only over time comes an understanding of how global all the little things can be for both the baby and his mother. The first birth and the first child always give new parents the opportunity to more acutely experience the novelty of this role and everything that is happening. The second and third children give no less pleasant experiences, but already familiar ones. IN modern world It is generally accepted that the gender of the child does not matter, only his health and well-being are important. And indeed it is. Anyone who doubts this changes his mind after the birth of his first child. After all, the greatest happiness for all mothers and fathers is a joyful look, healthy cooing and loud chirping of a newborn. And yet, there are many interesting differences between the birth and education of boys and girls. These differences can be both physiological and psychological. Of course, many factors influence the development of our children: genes, atmosphere in the family, examples of behavior of loved ones and relatives, etc. This article describes 7 frequently encountered interesting facts about the birth and upbringing of boys, which are quite difficult to argue with.

1. Descent of the testicles. This is the first topic in the horror stories section of all parents of newborn boys. Our pediatricians have a strange habit in the first days of a baby’s life to immediately warn parents that the descent of the testicles is a very difficult process, it involves tears, round-the-clock hysterics, sleepless nights. To be frank, yes, this happens, but not all the time. Such a complex diagnosis as cryptorchidism is quite infrequent, so there is no need to prepare yourself for the worst in advance. On the contrary, it is worth noting that recently there has been a frequent tendency for the testicles of boys to descend in the womb, when the baby is still preparing for his birth.

2. Frequent natural urges. But that's enough frequent urination in boys, this is a well-known fact, but only parents can underestimate how frequent these urges can be. This is not bad and not good, it’s just a peculiarity that little boys relieve themselves more often than girls. During the period of using diapers, this does not cause parents any additional worries. But at the age of one to two years, when active weaning from diapers and potty training is underway, mothers have to sit or expose their sons very often, up to an interval of every 5-15 minutes. But this too passes. As soon as the baby learns to control his natural needs, their frequency will quickly decrease.

3. Clothes for boys. The fashion world is going crazy and it's hard to keep up with it. Children's fashion is no exception. But the fact that the abundance of clothes for growing heirs is much scarcer than for young fashionistas remains a fact. Of course, the choice of a children's wardrobe, for example, in the period of the USSR and today differs enormously, it’s heaven and earth, and now you can buy everything your soul desires, but the choice is still relative, 35% to 65%. For girls, the fashion industry spares neither imagination nor money. For boys, things are different. Yes, the palette of colors and shades is not as scarce as before, but, for example, among the accessories, as before, only belts, suspenders, bow ties, ties and various hats remained. So, if you dream of changing your baby doll's clothes 100 times a day, know that things are much more fun with girls.

Clothes for boys

4. Toys are for girls - but boys play. Yes, from the first months of birth, boys are interested in cars and different types transport. Yes, weapons and balls are a priority. But don’t be surprised to see your boy in the sandbox with a set of other people’s pots, pans and tea set. Boys also love to push toy strollers. There are many such examples, and this does not at all indicate the early incorrect development of children's orientation. This may indicate that the child is showing interest in toys that he does not personally have.

5. The whims of little fashionistas. All mothers know about girls' whims regarding the choice of clothes to wear. Babes with early years shake the rights about what they will wear and what not. In boys, oddly enough, this is also present. Sometimes the color of a jacket or the choice of headdress can make a young man nervous and demand his own. This may also apply to hair cutting, etc.

6. Mental abilities. Everyone knows that boys are slightly behind girls in development in the first few years of life. But sometimes this becomes too unexpected a discovery, for which it is better to be prepared and treat it with understanding and calm. For example, boys often begin to take their first steps and pronounce their first words and sentences later than girls. On average, the difference is 2-5 months.

7. Mom's son. Who said that daughters are mother's and sons are father's? You can often find the opposite to be true. Girls see authority and ideal in the eyes of their dad, and sons see understanding and affection in their mother’s kindness. Having given birth to a son, you should not expect that he will immediately become a man. At first, he will be a gentle and affectionate mother's son for a little while.

Natalia Ogurtsova

Collected interesting facts about boys and girls. Recommended for use in working with parents and teachers.



They are so different: boys and girls.

IN preschool age There is an intensive process of formation of the child’s self-awareness, an important component of which is awareness of oneself as a representative of a certain gender.

In the new socio-economic conditions of the development of the world community, violations of traditionally established socio-cultural relationships between men and women occur. The result of this is the emergence of the problem of feminization and masculinization. This is especially pronounced among female representatives, some of whom consider themselves disadvantaged in the distribution of social roles and, especially, in the system of government. All this arouses interest in the problem of gender policy at the present stage of social development.
The idea of ​​the main difference in children is formed by the age of 5.When teaching children, it is important for the teacher to take into account that girls need stimuli that are more based on auditory perception. Boys do not readily perceive the teacher’s explanation by ear and it is preferable for them to use visual means based on visual perception.

Boys show their activity noisily and sharply, girls are quieter, but more effective. Girls get involved in the learning process faster and are attentive. The boys “sway longer”, listen “with half an ear” and rarely look at the teacher, more often to the side. But by the time boys reach their peak performance, girls are already starting to get tired. Girls often learn the most important material earlier, but boys remain intellectually active longer. Boys need a high tempo. As soon as repetition and consolidation of the material begins, their attention weakens. For girls, the fast pace bothers them. They work better when completing tasks step by step. Boys love to compete, but girls can quarrel during competitions.

The peculiarities of brain function in girls and boys also determine the difference in perception. Girls are more sensitive to sounds and noise, they have higher skin sensitivity, they are more irritated by bodily discomfort, and they are more responsive to touch. Boys' games are more often based on distant vision, and at the same time they make the most of all the space provided to them.

Conclusion: later these differences will be reflected in the visual system, and boys will perceive most of the information by sight, and girls by ear. And what can be explained to a girl needs to be shown to a boy.

Interesting Facts. How do boys differ from girls besides primary sexual characteristics?

1. When dressing, girls will first put on their bottoms, then their tops. Boys usually do the opposite.

2. Boys take off their T-shirt by grabbing it on the back with their hand and pulling it over their head.
Girls, undressing, take off their blouse with both hands, pulling it up.

3. When yawning, boys cover their mouths with their fists, girls with their palms.

4. When turning around when called, girls turn only their heads, boys - their body, because their necks are not so flexible.

5. Girls breathe through their chest, while boys breathe using their abdominal muscles.

6. Girls try to go up or down the mountain sideways. Boys simply spread their legs wider.

7.Looking at their heels, the girls turn behind their backs. The boys raise their leg and look at it from the front.

8. Girls tie the belt on their robe above the navel, at the waist, and boys tie it below.

9. Girls plug their ears with their fingers, boys with their palms.

10. Trying to get comfortable in a chair, boys spread their legs wide apart or
Place the foot of one leg on the knee of the other. Girls tuck under themselves

11.Thinking, boys scratch their chins and necks, girls wrap a strand of hair around their finger.

12. While straightening their hair, the boys run their hands through their hair, smoothing it. Girls
fluff up the hair with your fingers, fluffing up the hair.

13. Having lost a valuable thing in the apartment, girls usually turn to the devil (or
to the brownie, asking him to play and give it back. =) The boys turn everything upside down

14. When girls get drunk, they immediately admit it. The boys claim that they are like glass, to the last.

15. When brushing their teeth, the boys spread their legs wide and rest their free hand on the edge of the sink. The girls rest their hand on their side.

16. In their sleep, girls hold the blanket between their legs and hug the pillow. Boys
lie on your back, spread your legs wide, and put your hand under your head. But
not always.

17.Girls’ hearts beat faster. That's why they are so fussy.

18. When boys want to please girls, they pretend to be smart. And the girls, in turn, play silly.

19. Boys don’t wear anything uncomfortable for the sake of beauty. Girls will never wear anything ugly for the sake of convenience.

20. A girl, seeing something she really likes, exclaims: “God, what a
lovely!"; the boys say: "Wow, those are boobs!"

21. Boys think silently, and girls reason with themselves, which is perceived by men as unnecessary chatter.

22. When telling a secret, girls cover their mouths and their friend’s ears with their palms. The boys simply lower their voices and bow their heads.

Raising a boy is a complex process that requires parents to show tact, care and rigor at the same time. Children grow up quickly, and yesterday’s baby, who happily told his mother about his hobbies and victories, suddenly, unnoticed by adults, turns into a withdrawn, rude teenager with his own interests and passions.

How to raise a teenage boy at the age of 14 so that he grows up to be a real man, capable of accounting for his actions and being responsible for his actions? How to remain an unquestioned authority in the eyes of a child and at the same time become his best friend? There are so many of these “hows” to which parents cannot always find an answer and, in despair, rush from one extreme to another, punishing or allowing their son everything!

Let's try to understand all the intricacies of the psychology and physiology of boys during this difficult period in order to survive it as painlessly and with dignity as possible together with your child.

Important changes

To understand how to properly raise a teenage boy, you need to know what changes occur physiologically and psychologically with children at this age.

By the age of 14, boys complete the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. They are increasingly
wet dreams begin to occur. The voice becomes rougher, body hair begins to grow, and some guys develop facial hair. The amount of testosterone reaches its maximum: it increases by 700-900%!

With such physical changes, it is quite natural for psychological changes to occur. Boys become anxious, irritable and distracted. The processes that occur in the body are not always clear to the child and worry him. Changes in appearance are often perceived negatively and bring many complexes.

At the same time, the boy begins to feel like an adult. He still doesn’t quite understand what it is and what to do with it, but the feeling that it’s time to change something doesn’t leave him. Aggression when defending one’s point of view is precisely the desire to prove that he is no longer a small person, but an adult whose opinion must be taken into account.

The less trust and understanding there was between parents and a boy before adolescence, the more likely it is that he will begin to seek support from his peers at age fourteen.

A feeling of hopelessness and misunderstanding on the part of adults, attempts to prove importance to himself and others often push a boy to rash actions that are fraught with serious consequences.

Family and relationships in it

In this difficult time, it depends only on the parents how the teenager will be able to adapt to the new state, survive the changes and enter into life. new level development. At the same time, it is important to understand that the methods that adults used to educate small child, are completely unsuitable for a teenager. Parents need to change their minds in time and learn to hear and understand their son.

In addition, the character of a fourteen-year-old boy has already been practically formed under the influence of school, friends, social environment and, of course, parents.

Even if family relationships were good, a boy at this age still needs to establish himself among his peers. At this time, he needs his father's support more than ever.

Adult men often make the mistake of trying to impose their vision of the world on their son.

Let's give an example.

The father believes that the boy should be courageous and strong; his peers should not only respect him, but also be afraid of him. But his son is soft, he doesn’t want to defend his rightness with his fists, and he likes dancing more than boxing.

The father is sure that he raised a “weakling”, and at every successful opportunity he reminds his son that he thinks about him. Despite his own preferences, the boy really wants to earn his dad's approval, and by adolescence he begins to unconsciously look for a company of peers that will help him become what his father wants him to be. Crimes, aggression, bad habits will become obligatory companions of this period. After all, the son doesn’t know how else he can become an adult and courageous, the way his dad wants him to be.

The other extreme in the improper upbringing of boys of this age is the complete indifference of parents to the fate of their son and permissiveness. The boy feels lonely, unwanted. He either withdraws into himself or shows aggression, trying to attract attention to himself.

Therefore, it is very important for parents at this time to choose the right position based on trust and support for their growing son. The time has come to recognize his right to his own opinion and conscious actions, and also to replace the word “education” with “cooperation”.

Communication with peers

A teenage boy is increasingly drawn to his peers. He sees an opportunity to assert himself only in the company of friends. Everything is important to him now: how they will think of him, what they will say and how his friends will react to his actions. Moreover, he feels confident among “equals”: ​​his friends have the same problems and, most importantly, they understand the teenager. At least that's what he thinks.

It is very important for parents to unobtrusively control who their son communicates with and when. At the same time, under no circumstances should you speak negatively about your friends in front of your child: this will only lead to the teenager withdrawing into himself and stopping talking about his company.

Control and trust are a difficult combination, but they are necessary in the process of raising a boy. The fact is that for a teenager, as we have already said, the opinion of peers is very important. Therefore, he will try in every possible way to gain authority in their eyes. It’s good if a guy has his own opinion and is able to express it in the company. But more often than not, the boy will adapt to the rules of his community, trying to look like an adult.

A teenager may start trying cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs not because he wants vivid sensations, but because his friends think it’s “cool.”

In addition, in such teenage groups there is a clear division of roles. It’s good if your son is among the “respected and authoritative guys.” If the boy is unlucky, and he is considered a “six” in the company and they hone their wit on him, and often forceful techniques, it is very important to support your son, help and guide him. the right way. Not only will he try with all his might to gain authority (and since he did not succeed in this in the usual ways, criminal “exploits” may be used), adults need to, if possible, protect the boy from bullying and ridicule.

Search for authority

Any boy at the age of fourteen will be looking for someone to look up to. It may seem strange, but parents can choose such a person for their son themselves. Moreover, when the right approach the teenager will not even guess who contributed to such a necessary acquaintance for him.

Football coach, instructor gym, the head of a tourism group, a close family friend who was able to independently achieve success in business - this list can be listed endlessly. Believe me, your son will listen with trepidation to the advice of these people if they are given on a friendly note.

Of course, this does not mean that it is enough for you to point your finger at the right person and inform his son that from this day on he must imitate him. Getting to know an authoritative person should begin gradually, with stories about the man’s merits and merits. It is important that the boy himself feels the need to communicate and reaches out to an adult. And then you can be sure that the life values ​​of an adult will gradually pass on to the teenager.

It may seem strange that the search for authority should be sought outside. Indeed, in many families, fathers sincerely want to take part in the upbringing process and worry about their son no less than the mother. However, the specifics of age require confirmation of the truths that were instilled in the guy from childhood. It is important for him to figure out whether his parents’ statements were correct and whether they can be used in his own life.

Your son needs a friend, an adult companion who does not consider him a child and is able to talk to him as an equal.

Of course, no one can give unambiguous recommendations on how to raise a teenager correctly. Not a single most titled professor of pedagogy and psychology can answer your question. exciting questions growing up guy. He can’t for one reason: it’s your son, and only you, the people who
gave him life, you know all the boy’s advantages and disadvantages. Based on the characteristics of your son’s character and temperament, you should use general recommendations not in their “pure” form, as they are presented in the sources, but in the way they are acceptable for your child.

  • Education begins with early childhood, and not from the age of fourteen: by this time the guy’s character was practically formed;
  • Prepare the boy for the changes that will occur in his body in advance: have confidential conversations on the topic of puberty and communication with peers;
  • Lead by example family life what the relationship between a man and a woman should be like;
  • Don’t “stifle” your son with excessive care; give him the opportunity to make his own decisions:
  • Respect his choice, be it a hairstyle, a friend or a hobby;
  • Let the boy feel like a man: trust him with responsible housework, consult on important family issues;
  • Find a worthy example for your son that he can imitate;
  • Be proud of the guy’s achievements, support him during failures;
  • Become a friend for the boy: let him feel that his parents are nearby in any situation;
  • Never insult your son! Humiliation will only lead to alienation and a growing chasm of misunderstanding;
  • Love a growing man the way only parents can do: sincerely and selflessly;
  • Don't forget to tell your son about your love. Believe me, your prickly “hedgehog” still really wants to hear words of tenderness and feel your hugs.

Raising a teenager correctly is not easy. But thousands of families have successfully completed this task. And you can do it too. Be patient, show love and understanding, and in a few years you will look with pride at your son, who will definitely become a real man.

    When you are very upset about something or on the verge of crying, you may be trying to suppress these feelings or hide your tears from your children. This is normal: you want to protect them from the dark side of life, at least for the time being. But experts believe that this is not necessary, and here’s why.
    Children need to see that you are a person, not a robot: you show human feelings, and this is normal, psychologist Tammy Wilborn explained in an interview. The ability to understand and express your emotions is an important part of emotional intelligence. If mom or dad is crying in a situation that upsets the children too (such as the death of a grandparent or other relative), giving children the opportunity to see how grief manifests itself can help them feel that they are not alone in their sadness.
    A sense of community with parents will make it clear to children that it is normal to feel sadness in this situation, and they will cope more easily with adversity.
    “Because children have very little direct life experience, very often, when they experience a variety of emotions, they wonder: “Is this even normal? What if something is wrong with me? Why am I so sad, why do I feel this way in this situation?” Wilborn explained.
    At the same time, you should not overdo it - children may be afraid of too strong manifestations of parental despair. It is important to explain to him as clearly and intelligibly as possible, in accordance with the child’s age, that you are simply upset now, and tell him a little why, but overall everything is fine with you, and then everything will be fine, he says child psychologist Gillian Roberts.

    Parents need to help their child understand that there is nothing to be afraid of and that he can discuss with them anything that worries him.
    “When we talk to children about our emotional experiences and how we cope with them, we are both teaching them a useful life skill and giving them permission to openly discuss their own emotions, which is a very good thing. These conversations open a channel of direct communication between parent and child, and their relationship only strengthens,” Roberts said.
    At the same time, not only girls, but also boys should be encouraged to express and discuss their feelings. In some families and cultures, it is believed that boys and men are ashamed to openly show their emotions, because... this is a sign of weakness. The only allowed male emotion is anger, rage. This state of affairs causes enormous damage to the entire society, psychologists say.
    Another important point This is due to the fact that sometimes the reason for parental tears can be difficult to explain to a child. Information must be given in a dosed and maximally simplified form, accessible to children’s understanding, otherwise the child may be afraid for his safety and the stability of his existence, or think that he is to blame for his mother or father’s tears. But still, one cannot remain completely silent. “Children's imagination begins to fill in the voids that you are silent about, and this can lead to consequences that you would like to avoid,” Wilborn explained.
    In addition, you should not abuse it and cry in front of children too often, otherwise they will think that everything is very, very bad, says the psychologist.
    “When children see their parents constantly crying, they begin to feel guilty; they don’t know what to do or how to help mom and dad, because they are just children. They feel helpless and fearful: “What will happen to my parents? What will happen to me?
    More important than the frequency of parental tears is their intensity. If you tear up after watching a touching movie, that's normal. You have shown your children your humanity, but you are in control of your emotions in this situation. If you have lost control of yourself and are crying, it is still better that the children do not see this.
    Extreme, uncontrollable outbursts of emotion can become too frightening for children.
    Of course, it is not always possible to protect children from such reactions, especially if the tragedy happened unexpectedly. But parents must do everything in their power to ensure that their children are not present in such difficult situations.

    At meetings with mothers, we constantly hear about maternal fatigue, that there is no strength, no energy, no resource. We understand, we support. So: “I don’t feel tired...”
    That's right, why get tired? It’s just that your children got into fights twice in two hours and spilled tea on themselves three times. The younger one just fell and cried for a long, long time, and then the older one pinched his finger. Then the cat got stuck on the top shelf in the dressing room. Yesterday at the restaurant at the next table they asked the children not to make noise, and then advised them to dine at home. Mom called in the evening and told another amazing story about Valentina Sergeevna’s grandson, who “ the age of five he can already pronounce “Rrrrr” perfectly, but what about ours? So he’s burring?”
    Why get tired? When your house is full of helpers: washing machine, dishwasher, a robot vacuum cleaner ran by, and on Saturday a cleaning company came and washed the windows. Why get tired when you have a lot of knowledge, books and advice: “How to raise a child”, “How to care for a baby”, all these French children, Japanese system, attachment theory, Uncle Freud - everything is there, everything works, you just need to apply it in time and press the right buttons in the child.
    But you're tired. You want to be silent more than tell stories, walk alone, look at the sea, even if it’s cold. And you don’t want to actively listen to anyone. Believe me, you need to do all this. You need the sea, you need silence, you need solitude!!! It’s absolutely necessary so as not to burn out or get buried. You are afraid to be weak, you don’t allow yourself to do it, you don’t admit that you’re tired. Why get tired? You are afraid to admit to yourself that you feel good without children and are not bored at all. You should sit down, lie down and be silent, but you’re “not tired,” so you move on: to clubs, to a speech therapist, to a bookstore, to parenting courses, to the playground.
    You feel a wild sense of guilt before your mother and grandmother, who probably didn’t even know about the word “fatigue.” We grew up during perestroika, and our parents simply had no time to be slack and tired; their first priority was to feed and educate us. Our mothers were the last thing to think to themselves; all their energy went into standing in lines and thinking about opportunities to earn money. And you don’t work hard, it’s easy for you to do what your parents spent a lot of energy on (everyday life, making money), your travels are much further, and the food is much tastier, more opportunities are open to you, your world is wider. But you're tired.
    You still don’t know what “self-care” is (there was no one to learn from), you can’t cope with feelings, you can’t express emotions, although you read, listen and watch psychologists of all stripes, from everywhere, every day. Petranovskaya, Surkova, Labkovsky - that’s all they write about: healthy egoism, “ oxygen mask first on yourself” and so on and so forth.
    Surprisingly, when you remember your past day, in which there was no place for a book, a cup of coffee in silence and loneliness for at least five minutes, you sincerely do not understand that you are tired. Admitting that you are tired is not about weakness. It's about growing up, it's about listening to yourself, feeling yourself, feeling sorry for yourself, without hoping for some adult who will come and take you into your arms. About caring for yourself.
    Give yourself a rest. Let it freeze. Enjoy the moment. By sea. Food. A child who gently hugs and whispers: “Mom, I love you”
    You don’t have to leave, and you don’t always have such an opportunity, but here’s what you can do here and now: give yourself at least an hour a day where you and only you are, without your husband, children, mother and nanny. Eat, sleep, walk, don’t go to children’s stores, don’t think about what to cook for dinner, and about what craft to take to the garden tomorrow (don’t think about it at all). Walk along the boulevards, turning your face to the sun, smile, watch. Feel this summer and it will be wonderful! You will exhale, take a break, and see that you will suddenly find strength:
    not pay attention to a harmless children's fight; treat spilled tea with understanding; pity the younger one exactly as much as he needs, and also add sympathy and tenderness on his own behalf; feel sorry for the elder, hug and talk about why we need pain and “what to do if...”; tell your neighbors in a restaurant: “You seem to talk louder than my children laugh,” and advise the waiter to find a job elsewhere; and advise your mother not to listen to Valentina Sergeevna and not to retell these intimate conversations to you. You are tired. You are very tired. And you are not alone!

    1. Alternative “milk” for babies
    The word “milk” on the package does not mean that this liquid is safe for the baby. However, for some reason, some parents give their newborns almond, coconut or soy milk instead of breast milk or formula. This is usually practiced by vegans who want their child to follow their lifestyle from birth. But it is important to know that such a practice leads to serious consequences and can end tragically.
    2. British complementary feeding
    Parents who adhere to this method completely refuse to feed their children vegetable and meat purees from jars and wait for the child to start eating on his own - and only what he wants.
    The problem is that research shows that children whose parents feed this way are at increased risk of iron, zinc and vitamin B12 deficiencies. In addition, children most often choose not broccoli and turkey, but something sweet and high in calories.
    3. Gentle parenting
    This method of education is also called “yes-parenting,” since parents are prohibited from using words such as “no” and “no” when communicating with their child, and discipline is allowed exclusively with the help of positive reinforcement. The traditional system of rewards and punishments is believed to go against children's natural inclination to learn. the world and teaches them to behave well only for the sake of reward and out of fear of severe punishment.
    No bribery or blackmail, no prohibitions, no standing in the corner, no screaming! Sounds good, doesn't it?
    However, psychologists disagree with this. If a child grows up not knowing the word “no”, without feeling reasonable boundaries for his behavior, he has little chance of creating such boundaries in his relationships with other people in the future.
    4. RIE parenting
    This parenting philosophy has become very fashionable lately. Among her followers, for example, are actors Helen Hunt, Tobey Maguire, Penelope Cruz and Jamie Lee Curtis.
    The essence of RIE parenting is that children should be treated like adults from birth: have serious conversations, and all lisps, toys, pacifiers, lullabies, strollers, high chairs, sippy cups and similar rubbish should be thrown into a landfill.
    What's the problem? The fact is that all this “junk” that is considered unnecessary is actually very important for the normal development of the child. When a mother “bawls” with her baby, he learns to speak. And when the baby’s mother sings to him, it has a beneficial effect on his nervous system. Not to mention, sucking on a pacifier has been shown in research to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, and accessories like a high chair, sippy cup, or stroller are essential for baby's safety.
    5. Free birth
    This should not be confused with a home birth in the presence of a midwife. Supporters of free childbirth give birth without any medical care at all, wherever they want - at home, in a field or at sea.
    The concept of free birth does not involve doctor visits, ultrasounds or any tests during pregnancy.

    That is, it seems that people generally do not take into account all the risks of childbirth, which have been eliminated thanks to modern advances in medicine. The fashion for free childbirth is dangerous, especially in the case of complicated pregnancies.
    6. Very long breastfeeding
    Nobody argues that breast milk– a real storehouse of nutrients and antibodies necessary for a child. But in breastfeeding up to five (or even more) years there is no physiological need.
    Supporters long feeding they say that this is observed in traditional cultures and tribes living far from civilization, that it is about maintaining a spiritual connection between mother and child, calms and emotionally supports him. However, according to experts, we are most likely talking about psychological dependence on breastfeeding, both for the child and the mother.
    7. Diets for children
    Many modern “star” mothers, for example, Kourtney Kardashian and Gwyneth Paltrow, promote special diets that their children follow. Even if the child does not have any intolerance to any substances, he is deprived of dairy products / meat / carbohydrates / products containing gluten.
    This can have dangerous consequences for health, since all these products contain valuable vitamins and microelements that are vital for a growing body. For example, a gluten-free diet, as scientists from Harvard University emphasize, should never be prescribed to children without indications.
    8. Measles parties
    Surprisingly, at the end of the second decade of the 21st century, such wild practices are a reality. Measles parties existed in the 1950s and 60s, before the advent of the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine, which effectively protects against such a dangerous infection as measles.
    However, even now there are parents who believe that it is much safer for a child to get measles and develop immunity to it than to get vaccinated and not get sick at all. Therefore, they deliberately bring children to visit a child who has caught measles so that they become infected with this virus. At the same time, they do not think about the heavy ones, life-threatening complications that measles brings with it.
    9. Unschooling
    Proponents of this non-traditional approach to education do not send their children to school, as they believe that any standardized form of education, regular lessons and classical programs they don't teach anything.
    Adherents of unschooling believe that it is necessary to give the child complete freedom and completely proceed from what interests him.
    Thus, the child learns naturally, based on his experience. Everyday life by independently asking questions and looking for answers to them.
    However, researchers from two Canadian universities, whose paper was recently published in the Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, found that unschooled children perform worse in reading, writing and math than their peers in a structured school curriculum. In addition, experts are concerned about how such children will cope with adulthood, which involves strict schedules and deadlines.

    Thus, children will relax at 77 day-time playgrounds and 46 round-the-clock camps. This was reported by the correspondent. agency, head of the press service of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Angela Mutruk.
    In accordance with a previously adopted government decree, the approximate cost of one day of stay in state-funded camps varies from 165 to 251 lei. According to the document, the executive branch will provide free of charge 25% of the total number of vouchers allocated for holiday camps to several categories of children and adolescents, including orphans, children from disadvantaged families and large families with three or more children.
    Holiday camps will operate from June to August.

    Question. The child is simply hysterically afraid of dentists. Every time we come to an appointment, he clings to me, clenches his teeth and starts crying. But what to do? Teeth need to be treated!
    Answer. The dentist is really scary. Aren’t we adults, when we’re going to get a filling, worried at all? Don’t we put it off until the last moment, knowing that we won’t be very pleased? It is very important to allow both yourself and your child to be afraid. We cannot remove this emotion from the spectrum of feelings.
    When a child says that he is afraid of the dentist, the fear has already set in. We can only accept this reality: “Darling, you are really scared.” When we say that something is “not scary,” when in fact it causes fear, we confuse the child. As if what is happening to him is either prohibited or abnormal. The child’s ability to recognize emotions does not develop, but, on the contrary, shifts.
    Ask your child the question: “How can I help you now that you are afraid?” This way you become a team in experiencing emotions, and together it’s not scary at all. As soon as the child understands how he can cope with fear on his own, he will begin to do it without you. In the meantime, he needs a partner, it would be nice for a parent to be nearby and support him.
    Children are not born with an understanding of who a dentist is, why they should go to him, and what he does in his office. The parents' task is to tell him about this. Ignorance only makes fear worse. Therefore, before going to the doctor, you must tell your child how this will happen, that it can be scary and even painful. At the same time, it is worth emphasizing that you will be nearby.
    Explain to your child that there is no such pain that does not go away, and there is no such experience and feeling that remains with us forever. Therefore, you can confidently promise your child that eventually his fear will go away, just as the pain will go away after the procedure with the doctor.