Menu for child weight loss. Diet for weight loss for overweight children and adolescents: menus and recipes for girls and boys. Features of children losing weight

Gradually, the child’s stomach increases in size, and the feeling of hunger occurs more and more often. But a child's body is not able to burn a large number of calories, so they remain in the body in the form of extra pounds, and cause harm not only physical health child, but also become sources of psychological problems.

Obesity, like any other disease, is easier to prevent than to cure. But if the problem already exists, it is the parents who must help the child cope with it and help restore the normal functioning of all systems of the child’s body. For some time, the child will have to follow a special diet, but its prescription must be agreed with the children's doctor and nutritionist.

1. Physical activity

So that the child not only loses overweight, but also toned his muscles, he needs to observe physical activity. They should be simple, but systematic. For a child, walks on fresh air, visiting the pool or regular exercise.

2. Calorie counting

The child’s daily diet should be gradually reduced by 300–400 calories.

3. Caution

Excess weight should go away gradually. If it happens sudden loss child's weight, this can lead to dehydration. Particular attention should be paid to children under 10 years of age. Parents need to understand that the diet for a 3-year-old child is significantly different from the diet for a 10-year-old.

4. Protein

Protein must be present in the diet. It is found in foods that are healthy for children's bodies, such as cottage cheese, feta cheese, seafood, lean meat, quail and chicken eggs.

5. No preservatives

From children's menu It is necessary to exclude preservatives and food additives.

6. Summer-autumn diet

It is better if the child follows a diet in the summer-autumn period, since at this time the diet can be diluted with fresh vegetables and fruits. However, in order for the child to receive vitamins in sufficient quantities, you can take a vitamin complex.

7. Individual approach

Diet rules for children

1. The diet completely excludes fatty meat, baked goods, mushrooms, eggs, canned food and smoked meats, as well as cream-based sweets and chocolate.
2. The amount of fat included in the child’s diet should be significantly reduced.
3. The emphasis is on protein, fiber and fluid.
4. The number of meals increases to four to five times.
5. Prohibition of cold and too hot food. All dishes must be warm.
6. Fresh baked goods are difficult for the stomach to digest. Therefore, you can allow children to eat only dried bread.
7. First courses should be cooked in vegetable broth, with the addition of cereals and vegetables. Sometimes they can include lean types of meat or fish.
8. From porridges - only oatmeal and buckwheat are allowed. Wheat, pearl barley and barley cereals are strictly prohibited.
9. The child’s diet must include steamed or boiled meat and fish products.

10. A child can eat only one boiled or raw egg per day.
11. You can eat an unlimited amount of vegetables, both raw and cooked. However, sour vegetables must be treated with extreme caution.
12. The child needs dairy products, but their fat content should be minimal.
13. The child can also eat fruits and non-sour berries, but their quantity must be limited.
14. Non-sour juices, herbal teas and decoctions, compotes made from dried fruits or fresh fruits are allowed as drinks.

Sample menu for losing weight for a child (for a week)

Diet menu for children for weight loss. Diet recipes for children

1. Vegetable puree soup

One potato, half a carrot and 50 g of white cabbage must be boiled until they become soft. After this, leave the broth and grind the vegetables until full. The resulting puree is diluted with vegetable broth. It needs to be salted and boiled again. Before serving, the soup is seasoned with butter or sour cream.

2. Beet cutlets

The beets need to be peeled and grated. Form cutlets from the resulting mass, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil.

3. Fruit puree

The apple and carrots must be grated, and the cranberries must be mashed together with sugar. For one carrot, apple, and tablespoon of cranberries you need to take 2 teaspoons of sugar. Mix all ingredients together.

Problem excess weight Today it is relevant not only among adults, but also among children. The critical childhood age when maximum weight gain occurs is the periods from 9 months to 3 years, from 5 to 7 years and 11-14 years. Both girls and boys suffer not only because of health problems due to improper metabolism, but also because they become the object of ridicule from their peers.

If your child is overweight, they should follow a special diet.

The effect of excess weight on a child's body

Natural children's fullness is characteristic even for infants who have reached the age of 9 months. Starting from the age of 2, excess weight in a child accumulates due to an incorrect lifestyle, which is still being shaped by parents. Maximum weight gain occurs in children 10-11 years old. It is generally accepted that figure correction should be carried out before the onset of puberty. Some teenagers, especially girls, begin to actively gain weight at the age of 12-15 years due to hormonal changes.

The accumulation of extra pounds occurs primarily due to the negligence of parents or their indifference to the child’s excess weight in infancy. Thus, the main reasons for active weight gain are:

  • Wrong diet. Most likely, obesity is the result of the bad habits of parents who themselves eat food at large intervals, abuse salty, spicy, smoked and fried foods, and are also addicted to fast food and processed foods. In order to prevent weight gain, parents should teach their children to eat small, fractional portions.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. The leisure time of a modern child today is not varied. Most children are accustomed to spending time at the computer or in front of the TV. Sports and other types of active activities no longer arouse interest among modern schoolchildren.
  • Genetic predisposition. Children whose parents are overweight are also at risk. This factor increases the risk of obesity in children (we recommend reading:).

Excess weight in a child entails the appearance of many problems that negatively affect the formation of the child’s nervous system and psyche. First, obesity causes ridicule from peers. An overweight child at any age attracts disapproving glances from other children. This leads to the development of complexes and depression. Secondly, extra pounds have a detrimental effect on the baby’s health. Obesity can lead to the development of a number of serious pathologies:

  • disorders of the spine;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the liver and gall bladder;
  • high blood pressure;
  • age-related disorders of the cardiac system - coronary disease, chronic heart failure.

How can you tell if your child is overweight?

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For an adult, normal weight can be determined by calculating the body mass index. A pediatrician may determine that a child is overweight. It determines the norm individually for each child, based on the child’s age, body weight and height.

Parents should pay attention to their child’s figure from the first years of life. Maximum weight gain occurs during 3 main critical periods:

  • from 9 months to 3 years;
  • V preschool period- from 5 to 7 years;
  • during puberty - from 12 to 17 years.

At this age, at the slightest suspicion of overweight The baby needs to see a specialist. Deviations from normal weight indicators may be a cause for concern.

AgeNormal body weight, kg
1 year9,4 - 10,9
2 years11,7 - 13,5
3 years (see also:)13,8 - 16
4 years (we recommend reading:)15,1 -17,8
5 years16,8 - 20
6 years (we recommend reading:)18,8 - 22,6
7 years21 - 25,4
8 years23.3 - 28, 3
9 years25,6 - 31,5
10 years28,2 - 35,1
11 years31 - 39,9
12 years34,4 - 45,1
13 years38 - 50,6
14 years42,8 - 56,6
15 years48, 3 - 62,8

If your child has extra pounds, you should definitely consult a pediatrician and nutritionist.

How can you put your child on a diet?

It is not so easy to put an overweight child on a diet, even with his great desire to lose weight as quickly as possible. A diet for overweight children does not imply a strict ban on eating. This is rather a way to establish a diet and teach your child to control his portion sizes. Weight loss can only be achieved through joint efforts, provided that the whole family follows the same regimen and eats the same foods.

If a child still has a craving for forbidden sweets, spicy, salty and smoked foods, parents need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Elimination of general trips to shops and supermarkets. Bright packaging of sweets, crackers and chips lure children, they lose control of themselves, and some even throw loud hysterics.
  • Replacement of some food products. If your child cannot do without sweets, sweets can be replaced with dried fruits - prunes, dates.
  • The sequence of your actions. If a mother has begun to teach her child to eat properly, she should not give in to slack and even allow forbidden foods just once, for example, on holidays or as a sign of praise.

Proper nutrition helps a child lose weight without harming the growing body. You should not lead your child to exhaustion - weight loss should not be more than 500 g per week.

The basis of a child’s diet should be complex carbohydrates and proteins; it is also necessary to consume fiber and healthy fats

Dietary nutrition for overweight boys and girls includes the following aspects:

  • Well-established mode. The child should eat 3 times a day with 1-2 snacks. During the main meal there should be at least one hot dish on the table. Chips or candy bars should not be used as a snack. It is better to replace them with fruit or yogurt.
  • Hearty breakfast. Many children refuse a full breakfast in the morning, replacing it with a cup of tea or cocoa with a dry sandwich. Breakfast provides energy for the day, so babies who skip their morning meal are at risk of overeating at lunchtime.
  • Timely dinner. The last meal should be taken 2 hours before bedtime. For dinner, it is advisable to serve light food - stewed fish or lean meat with steamed vegetables.

Basic principles of dietary nutrition and menus for children of different ages

Dietary nutrition is determined by the age of the child. The pediatrician's recommendations for an infant will differ significantly from the diet that a teenager needs to follow. Accordingly, parents should take these nuances into account when creating their baby’s menu, excluding all prohibited foods for his age.

Every child’s diet at lunchtime should include a light vegetable soup (possibly in low-fat broth)
AgePrinciples of menu designProhibitions
3-5 years
  • the daily diet should include two vegetable side dishes and one cereal dish;
  • protein products - meat, eggs - are best consumed in the first half of the day;
  • lunch should include freshly prepared meat or vegetable soup and a side dish;
  • It is better to serve dairy and plant foods for dinner;
  • A five-time feeding regimen at intervals of 4-4.5 hours is preferable.
  • proteins cannot be combined with fats;
  • products containing dyes, antioxidants, preservatives should be completely excluded.
7-9 years
  • the diet should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals;
  • the diet includes 3 main and 2 additional meals - a hearty breakfast, lunch with fruit, kefir or yogurt, lunch with hot soup and side dish, afternoon snack with fermented milk products and a light dinner;
  • fried foods should be limited; boiled and stewed foods are recommended.
  • spices, seasonings, strong tea and coffee should be prohibited;
  • fruits and vegetables that are sold out of season can only cause harm;
  • It is better to replace carbonated drinks with compote or jelly;
  • It is highly undesirable to use mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces purchased in the store.
10-16 years
  • adolescents are advised to increase their fiber intake;
  • The daily diet must be divided into 4 meals - a hearty breakfast, lunch with a hot dish, an afternoon snack and a light dinner.
  • fresh baked goods, sweets and chips should be prohibited;
  • carbonated drinks should be completely avoided;
  • replace fatty and fried foods with stewed and boiled foods.

Recipes for delicious and healthy dietary dishes for children 7-15 years old

Children aged 7-10 to 14-15 years old who are faced with the problem of obesity have to follow a special table No. 8.

The diet was developed for adults because it is generally accepted that children's body it does more harm than good. Mothers turn to children's specialists with the question of what diet to follow in order to achieve desired result with minimal side effects, and they often hear from nutritionists about the benefits of table No. 8 as a basis for weight loss. Following diet number 8 includes following the following rules:

  • fractional meals;
  • avoiding eating at least 2 hours before bedtime;
  • avoidance of fatty and fried foods.

The menu in accordance with diet No. 8 is quite varied, and the dishes presented in the photo are very tasty and healthy. Dietary recipes include:

  • Steamed fish cutlets. 1 kg of fish must be mixed with 2 eggs and 50 g of black bread, previously softened in milk. You can add a little salt to taste, after which you should form the cutlets. They are cooked in a double boiler or in a regular saucepan with a lid.
  • Barley soup. Before cooking, the cereal needs to be soaked for several hours. As soon as the pearl barley swells, it should be thrown into boiling water along with the potatoes. Onions and carrots must be stewed in a frying pan and added to the soup 5 minutes before readiness.
  • Beef Stroganoff. To prepare the dish, you must first boil the meat and beets. Finished products need to be cut into cubes. Separately, boil 100 ml of milk in a bowl, gradually adding 1 tbsp to it. l. flour and tomato paste. All ingredients are mixed and simmered over low heat for 5-7 minutes.

According to WHO statistics, about 155 million schoolchildren around the world are obese. The reasons for this are the lack of a diet, the wrong attitude of the child’s family members to the basics of a healthy diet.

A child’s body reacts faster than an adult to an excess of harmful substances and a lack of beneficial ones. If the child's weight school age exceeds the norm, parents should pay attention to the diet for children. The diet should include all the necessary substances necessary for the growing body. Let's figure out how to create a diet menu for children.

For the brain to function, vitamins A, E, D and fatty acids must be supplied to the child’s body with food. They are found in vegetable, unrefined flaxseed and olive oil, as well as in fish oil. It is very useful to add one or two tablespoons of a mixture of oils daily to vegetable stews or salads.

The diet for children 9 years of age and older must include porridge: oatmeal, millet, buckwheat or pearl barley. They can be used as an independent dish or a side dish. Every day a child can consume up to 50 grams of cereals. But there is little benefit in pasta; you can eat no more than 20 g per day.

In order for the child’s body to receive a complex of necessary vitamins, a 9-10 year old child must consume at least four fruits and about 400 g of any vegetables daily. A weight loss diet for children should include nuts and seeds, legumes, greens, herbal and loose leaf teas.

An overweight student must prepare cut vegetables, stewed vegetables, and vegetable soups.

Eggs are an important and irreplaceable product for children. A nine-year-old child should eat one egg daily. He should also eat meat every day, since it is a protein that ensures brain function and full growth. It is advisable to give the student lean meat in the first half of the day (at least 150 g). Every day, once or twice a week, meat should be replaced with fish (preferably sea).

The diet for children 9 years of age and older must include dairy products. The daily volume of kefir or milk is 0.5 liters per day, cheese - about 10 g, cottage cheese - at least 100 g.

A schoolchild's breakfast should be hearty and complete. Scientists have proven that children who eat a large breakfast do not gain excess weight. But in children who fast in the morning and overeat at lunch or dinner, metabolic processes are disrupted, and energy is spent on the formation of fat cells.

Diet rules for children 10 years old with overweight and obesity

We list the basic nutritional rules for overweight schoolchildren:

  • split meals (up to six times a day) so that the child does not have time to get hungry;
  • calorie intake should be approximately 80% of age norm(no more than 1700 kcal);
  • dinner - no later than seven in the evening;
  • the child should eat slowly and little by little;
  • limited volume of liquid - no more than 1.5 liters per day, including soups, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • give up sweet and fatty dairy products;
  • eat foods rich in fiber.

First, parents must wean the student from overeating, and then gradually, over two weeks, transfer him to the diet for children.

And of course, monitor the child’s motor activity. You can sit in front of the TV and computer for no more than two hours a day.

The following are excluded from the diet for children 10 years of age:

  • easily digestible carbohydrates (they are compensated by proteins of animal origin);
  • confectionery;
  • salted, smoked and fried foods;
  • bananas and dried fruits;
  • fat meat;
  • sweet drinks.

The amount of fatty foods is limited (from fats only butter). Daily norm use bakery products and sugar is reduced by 50%.

The diet for children is expanded to include dietary soups (250 g), meat (150 g), seafood and fish (150 g), low-fat fermented milk products, eggs, pearl barley and buckwheat porridge.

Approximate diet menu for children for weight loss

An approximate menu for a 9-10 year old schoolboy for one day might look like this:

First option:

  • breakfast: 200 g of porridge/100 g of omelette, a slice of bread, sweet tea with milk;
  • 2nd breakfast: beetroot salad with green peas/fresh carrot salad with grated cheese;
  • lunch: a portion of borscht with a slice of bread, 200 g stewed vegetables, cutlet, tea;
  • afternoon snack: any fruit, a glass of milk or kefir;
  • dinner: cottage cheese casserole/stewed vegetables, 200 g of boiled chicken, a glass of berry jelly.

Option two

  • breakfast: 100 g cottage cheese with sugar/200 g porridge, a glass of milk;
  • 2nd breakfast: fresh tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, flour/potato pancakes (200 g) with low-fat sour cream (15 g), glass fruit juice with cookies (50 g);
  • afternoon snack: a glass of low-fat kefir and a baked apple;
  • dinner: 200 g vegetable salad, 100 g fish, a glass of compote.

Establish habits proper nutrition follows in childhood. If a child eats a lot of fatty or sweet foods, it is inevitable that after a while he will easily gain extra pounds. Obesity in children and adolescents requires a very different approach than in adults.


Considering the structural features of a child’s body and the functioning of all body systems, adult diets cannot be used. The child's psyche is very labile and significantly depends on age. Methods that will work for kids preschool age, are completely unacceptable for schoolchildren, and even more so for teenagers

The only age during a lifetime when a person cannot become obese is the period from birth to the first feeding. At this time, the baby receives nutrition only through mother's milk. Breast milk is an excellent source of all nutrients, vitamins and microelements in ideal proportions for growth and development. It is 99.9% absorbed by the child's body.

After the introduction of complementary foods, the number of overweight children increases markedly. Mothers try to feed their baby as much as possible. Many explain this by saying that they want to finish breastfeeding faster, because the baby is already receiving complementary foods. This is a fundamentally wrong belief.

All pediatricians are unanimous in their opinion on the issue breastfeeding. The longer you breastfeed your baby, the less sick he will be and the less likely he will be to become obese. Complementary foods up to 8 months are only auxiliary sources of nutrients, giving leadership breast milk. Only closer to the child’s first year can you reduce the number of breastfeedings and switch to eating regular foods.

All children's diets that are designed to reduce body weight are based on the same principles:

  • Balanced diet. The correct ratio of nutrients with the predominant inclusion of protein products (up to 50% of the total diet).
  • Fractionality of nutrition. It is set depending on the age of the child. Children under one year old should eat every 2-2.5 hours. From one to two years - 5-6 times a day. From 2-3 years - 5 times a day. After three years - 4 times a day.
  • Daily calorie content. It is also calculated using special tables (according to the baby’s age).
  • The right combination of dishes eliminating foods that contribute to weight gain.

We take age into account

When creating a diet, be sure to pay attention to the age of your baby.

Children under the age of five are strictly prohibited from all types of weight loss. At this time, all body systems are still improving and changing.

Abruptly eliminating some foods from such a baby’s diet can lead to an imbalance of nutrients, which can negatively affect metabolism as a whole. In the future, the child will have big problems: it is difficult to normalize weight if the metabolism has been disrupted.

If you notice that your child begins to gain weight at the age of 5-6 years, pay attention to what you give him to eat. At this age you should completely exclude unhealthy sweets and carbonated drinks. Huge amounts of sugar provoke sharp spikes in insulin, which can lead to obesity and even diabetes. All cakes, sweets and chocolates are strictly prohibited for overweight children! Only natural fruits and berries. Teach your child to eat them instead of dessert.

Children aged 7-8 years should do more physical exercise. This time is the beginning of school. A previously more active child sits more at his desk and at home, doing homework. This leads to childhood physical inactivity and promotes weight gain.

Be sure to send your child to sports section. This will help increase physical activity baby. After physical aerobic exercise, metabolism is activated, and extra pounds begin to literally burn off! Choose sections strictly according to your child’s wishes. Under no circumstances force your child to attend classes against his will. It’s better to choose a new sport that he will like and will bring joy.

Children aged 9, 10 and teenagers usually spend a lot of time on the computer playing computer games.

The second important reason for weight gain may be an excessive love of fast food and fatty foods. Children of this age really like a variety of snacks and chips with bright salty flavors.

The abundance of flavorings greatly whets the appetite, and they can eat a huge pack in just a couple of minutes. Such nutrition, combined with physical inactivity, contributes to the deposition of extra centimeters on the hips and abdomen.


When planning to choose any diet for weight loss, be sure to consult your doctor. A child may have various diseases in which losing weight would simply be dangerous to health.

Among the common contraindications for losing weight:

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract(chronic gastritis, colitis, enteritis, pancreatitis and many others).
  • Cardiovascular diseases(arrhythmia and other heart rhythm disturbances). In such cases, a diet is prescribed by a cardiologist.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 1. For this disease, endocrinologists prescribe insulin injections. It has a lipotropic effect, that is, it breaks down adipose tissue. Children with diabetes are strictly prohibited from using any type of diet. They use a special system for counting carbohydrates and bread units.
  • Malignant and benign tumors. In such cases, a sufficient supply of nutrients is very important to strengthen the immune system. The use of regular diets is prohibited, only special ones therapeutic nutrition as prescribed by the oncologist.

Is extreme weight loss harmful?

Losing weight quickly, especially rapidly, is strictly prohibited for a child’s body! It is impossible to lose weight quickly without harm to the body under any circumstances. Fat breakdown occurs slowly.

Only 1-2 kg of fat can be burned per month using diet and exercise. Everything else is water or muscle. Regaining lost muscle tissue is much more difficult than losing it.

It is important to remember that you need to lose weight at home slowly but correctly. Be patient and support your baby through all stages of weight loss.

Kinds and types of diets

All diets can be divided into several types:

  • Low calorie. They imply a reduction in daily caloric intake. The body perceives a calorie deficit as a stress reaction and begins to activate all its forces to maintain the desired level of energy. Fat depots become an excellent source of energy. When caloric intake is reduced, the child loses weight.
  • Monotonous low-calorie. These diets include eating the same foods for a long time (for example, only buckwheat porridge or cottage cheese). Such diets are strictly prohibited for use in childhood. Allowed fasting days, but only for teenagers over 13 years old. This can only be done once a week. At this time, the child can be offered 800 g of cottage cheese and a liter of kefir for the whole day. Before prescribing a mono-diet, be sure to consult a pediatrician or endocrinologist.
  • Correct healthy eating . Includes fractional meals every 3-3.5 hours (only with approved products). All fast food, sweet sodas, fatty and fried foods, chocolate bars and chips are strictly prohibited. Such a diet should include many healthy protein products, cereals, fresh fruits and berries in season, and an abundance of vegetables.

Sample menu for the week


Breakfast: Homemade granola made from multigrain flakes with milk.

Lunch: Banana.

Dinner: Vegetable soup with chicken. Tomato and cabbage salad dressed with yogurt.

Afternoon snack: A glass of low-fat yogurt.

Dinner: Chinese cabbage salad with herbs and turkey meatballs.


Breakfast: Cottage cheese with dried fruits.

Lunch: A handful of walnuts.

Dinner: Soup with mushrooms and vegetables.

Afternoon snack: Rice pudding with pear.

Dinner: Hake meatballs with cucumber and tomato salad, side dish - buckwheat.


Breakfast: Fruit salad with whole wheat crackers.

Lunch: Apple.

Dinner: Vegetable and turkey soup.

Afternoon snack: Grated carrots with raisins and yogurt.

Dinner: Baked chicken with fresh vegetable salad.


Breakfast: Cottage cheese with dried apricots.

Lunch: Dried fruits and green tea.

Dinner: White fish quenelles with boiled rice.

Afternoon snack: Low-fat kefir.

Dinner: Chicken with coleslaw.


Breakfast: Oatmeal cupcakes with kiwi.

Lunch: Pear.

Dinner: Chicken balls with tomato salad.

Afternoon snack: Low-fat cottage cheese with yogurt and strawberries.

Dinner: Stewed cabbage and chicken cutlet.


Breakfast: Buckwheat flakes with boiled quail eggs.

Lunch: A handful of almonds.

Dinner: Tomato salad with veal meatballs.

Afternoon snack: Grated carrots with green apple.

Dinner: Poached white fish with boiled rice.


Breakfast: Homemade granola with berries

Lunch: Low-fat kefir.

Dinner: Mushroom noodles with cucumber salad.

Afternoon snack: Kiwi.

Dinner: Cabbage and turkey salad.

Is it worth taking vitamin complexes?

Any vitamin preparations should be prescribed only by a pediatrician. A child’s body does not need to constantly take vitamins. Even during weight loss, with proper nutrition, you receive a sufficient amount of all necessary vitamins and microelements.

Vitamin complexes should only be taken during colds. This will help strengthen your immune system and prevent infection.

How to stimulate a child?

Forcing a child to follow a diet is an absolutely stupid and completely pointless activity. The psyche of children under 5 years old is structured in such a way that they copy the behavior of adults and peers. They do not yet realize why and how this happens, but their behavior is guided by what they saw.

If it is customary in the family to eat the wrong and unhealthy foods, or to indulge in fried and fatty foods, then the child perceives this food as tasty. Explaining to children what is healthy is an extremely impossible task! It's not worth doing this. Just show by example that healthy eating can be delicious. If you have a salad and a piece of lean poultry on your plate, rather than a pork cutlet fried in oil, your child will eat the same. It is better to inculcate eating habits from early childhood.

Often parents do not know how to put their child on a diet. There is no need to jail anyone! Just review your baby's diet by adding the right and healthy foods. Throw out all prepared processed foods and meat sausages from the refrigerator. Cook for your baby yourself, do not add a lot of oil when cooking. Bake or cook in the oven. Instill in your child good eating habits (starting from the very beginning) early age). In this case, the problem of obesity will be irrelevant for him.

How to help psychologically?

Support your baby through all stages of weight loss. He's a great guy for achieving such results. Reinforce your positive attitude with small gifts. Focus on your child's interests. If your child loves to draw, give him beautiful coloring books or a set of paints for the lost pounds. In short, everything he likes!

For children, it is better to choose all exercises from the practice of physical therapy. They are safe, were developed specifically for babies and will definitely not harm the little body.

Some simple exercises that allow you to remove your belly:

  1. Have your baby lie down on the floor. First, place a special mat under your back. It should be soft enough, but at the same time elastic, so that the baby does not hurt his back. Legs bent at the knees, hands behind the head. As you exhale, lift your body to your knees. The head, back and neck form one straight line. As you inhale, return to the starting position. You need to do 2 approaches at least 15 times.
  2. Starting position standing. Hands on the belt. The back is straight. As you inhale, the baby should pull in his stomach and hold his breath. Count to 5, then exhale sharply. This should be repeated 10-15 times in two approaches.
  3. Exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles. Starting position - lying on the mat. Legs bent at the knees, hands behind the head. As you exhale, the baby raises his body and bends towards his right leg. On inhalation, it returns to its original position. Then the bend to the left leg is repeated in the same way. Do 15 times in each direction.


As the ancients said, diet is a way of life. This is true. Any proper nutrition can also be called a diet, only a therapeutic one. The use of such proper nutrition throughout life will help preserve not only normal weight, but also health (this way a person will avoid accumulating many chronic diseases).

  • Necessarily control your diet baby. Make a menu in advance, preferably separately for each week. Follow all the principles of proper nutrition. Don't forget to separate your meals by time. To lose weight, your baby should eat at least 4-5 times a day.
  • Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet. They have a low calorie content, but are perfectly filling. In combination with protein foods, they provide the body with energy for a long time and without a feeling of heaviness.
  • Keep track of how much fluid your child drinks. Often, when water consumption decreases, metabolism slows down noticeably. Products are poorly excreted from the body, which contributes to more pronounced weight gain.
  • Instill love for physical activity your baby has had since childhood. For a child, activities should become a habit - like brushing your teeth in the morning or washing your hands before eating.
  • Form good eating habits. Show by your own example that useful and healthly food- it's incredibly tasty. Don't keep high-calorie chips and sugary soda at home. Your refrigerator should only contain healthy foods.
  • Become your child's friend. This will help you motivate him more easily while losing weight and achieve good results. Replace the habit of eating unhealthy foods with others - for example, going outdoors with the whole family or visiting a pool or water park.

The diet for children should be selected strictly individually, taking into account the existing characteristics of the body and chronic diseases. Gradually losing weight over several months will help you shed accumulated pounds and improve your baby's health. The main thing in any weight loss process is a positive attitude and patience.

Typically, dietary meals for children are understood very differently. In a utilitarian medical sense, this is food for little allergy sufferers who suffer from chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart, or other disorders that do not allow them to eat with everyone else. Diet in case of illness is a necessary condition for correcting well-being, and it is prescribed by a specialist. Typically, such dishes are prepared as part of dietary tables, and their recipes must be approved by the child's doctor. But in practice, this category of recipes often includes everything that we would simply call “healthy” and “not leading to excess weight gain.” In addition, this also includes low-calorie dishes adapted for overweight children.

General rules for preparing dietary meals for children

These rules will be useful for both adults and anyone who wants to stay healthy. The following are not used in preparing dietary dishes for children:

  • ready-made sauces - mayonnaise, ketchup and soy; they may contain too much salt, preservatives and substances that irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive organs;
  • Your child should not cook from canned food or semi-finished products; chicken breasts, fish fillets and other prepared foods that have not been treated with chemicals are allowed. It is best if the dishes are prepared from meat and fish that have not yet been frozen;
  • Margarine and frying fat substitutes must be completely excluded from the diet. You shouldn't get carried away with sugar either. Fructose and honey are recommended for baby food (if there are no allergies). Questions about the use of stevia and erythrol should be discussed with your pediatrician. In any case, some of the sugar can be replaced with natural products such as dates and bananas.
  • Dietary dishes of the common table for children 1-3 years old are prepared from natural products, calorie intake is not deliberately limited. The recipes that will be given below are taken from the methodological guide to organizing children's meals at tables number 15 and 16 (this is shared tables for healthy children).

    Dietary meals for children from 1 year to 3 years

    Chicken bouillon

    50 g chicken, 250 ml water, half a carrot and an onion, 20 g dried rye bread.

    Pour over the chicken cold water and cook with vegetables. Add salt to taste and rye bread cut into cubes.

    Fish with vegetable bed

    Cod fillet - 200 g, young potatoes - 120 g, carrots - 1 piece, tomato - 1 medium-sized, a quarter of an ordinary onion, vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon, water, salt to taste.

    Grind the fish, cut the potatoes and carrots into cubes, finely chop the onion. Heat the oil, quickly fry the vegetables in it, add the fish, add water and simmer until done. You can do without frying in oil, then all components are simply simmered in water until tender and vegetable or olive oil cold pressed directly into the dish. Sometimes butter is completely replaced with sour cream or yogurt. If necessary, the finished dish can be pureed.

    Beet salad with apple

    1 apple, 1 beet, baking bag, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, herbs to taste and salt.

    Cut the apple and beets into small pieces, place in a bag and bake at 180 degrees for about half an hour. Cool, grind in a blender, and season with sour cream. You can replace sour cream with yogurt, or even soft baby cottage cheese, if necessary.

    Carrot and apple salad

    Apples and carrots, 1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil, tea spoon lemon juice(if there are no allergies), salt to taste, any available greens.

    Peel the apples and carrots completely and place in a colander. Pour boiling water over the recipe ingredients (quickly, so that the top layer does not cook, this is necessary in order to prevent harmful microorganisms from getting into the food), and grate on a coarse grater. Season with oil, lemon juice and herbs.

    Hercules porridge

    80 g of Hercules cereal or long-cooked oatmeal, 200 ml of low-fat milk (you can take goat or cow milk, or, if you are not allergic to nuts, almond milk).

    Boil milk in a saucepan, add oatmeal, cook, stirring, for about 20 minutes. The finished porridge can be sweetened with banana or dried dates (they can be soaked a little in water and pureed from the fruits).

    Dietary meals for children aged three years and older

    Curd jelly with fruits

    Fruits in season - plums, apples, bananas, any berries that are not available allergic reaction, 200 g of cottage cheese, half a serving of gelatin, fructose for sweetening.

    Heat the water and dissolve the gelatin; you can heat the gelatin mixture a little more in the microwave or in a water bath. Cut the fruit into small pieces and reserve. Beat gelatin with fructose and cottage cheese until a uniform gel-like consistency, spread into molds, leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours to harden.

    Carrot stew

    1 zucchini, 1 large carrot, 100 ml milk, rye crackers (optional), a quarter of an onion, salt to taste.

    Chop the vegetables fairly large and simmer in water until half cooked. Add milk and simmer until excess moisture evaporates. If desired, add croutons; the dish can also be pureed.

    Meat casserole

    200 g beef, 1 zucchini, 1 carrot, 1 tablespoon flaxseed flour, 1 egg, 1 tomato and a little basil for sauce.

    Pass the zucchini, carrots and beef through a meat grinder, mix with flaxseed flour and egg. Place in a baking dish in the oven and cook at 180 degrees for 45 minutes. To make the dish softer and more tender, you can “put” a baking sleeve on top, pricking it with a fork in several places so that some of the steam escapes. Pour boiling water over the tomato, remove the skin, and grind in a blender along with the basil.

    Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova