Technique for first breastfeeding. How to properly place your baby to your breast while breastfeeding. “Lying” poses for proper attachment of the baby during breastfeeding

The first application of a baby to the breast is the logical conclusion of childbirth and a powerful incentive for the rapid establishment of lactation and its long-term preservation. Let's figure out why it is so important for a baby to spend these first few minutes after birth at the mother's breast?

First breastfeeding

Ideally, the baby's first breastfeeding should occur immediately after birth (or no later than the first 30 minutes). When the baby is born and makes its first cry, the doctor cuts the umbilical cord and places the newborn on the mother's chest, helping him find and latch on to the nipple. This is how the first application occurs, which lasts only 1-2 minutes. Why so few? Do not forget that the baby has just been born and is lying on his mother completely naked. If kept at the breast for a longer period of time, a newborn with thermoregulation processes that have not yet been established may simply freeze. And the point of the first attachment is not at all to feed him. First of all, the newborn receives valuable drops of colostrum, and with it the body’s immune defense. This is explained by the fact that colostrum contains many antibodies that protect the baby from various infections, and their highest concentrations are observed immediately after the child is born. Therefore, early attachment is a kind of vaccination of a newborn baby against many diseases.

In addition, early attachment helps populate the baby’s intestines with normal microflora. This is due to the fact that colostrum is rich in components that stimulate the development and growth of bifidobacteria. In addition, there is evidence that lactic acid microflora accumulates on the surface of a nursing woman’s nipples, and when the baby is attached to the breast, he receives the necessary beneficial bacteria along with drops of colostrum.

From a psychological point of view, the first application is also no less important. Having been born, the baby finds himself in an unfamiliar environment and experiences severe stress. In order for the baby to feel safe, it is important for him to have his mother nearby. Only when the baby feels the warmth of his mother’s skin, the beating of her heart, the smell and voice, does he calm down. Mother's touch immediately after the baby is born, skin-to-skin contact and early breastfeeding help alleviate postpartum stress and facilitate the process of adaptation of the newborn to a new world.

Psychologists say that when a newborn is next to his mother after birth, she becomes an object of affection for him for life. This phenomenon is called imprinting. It is in the first minutes of life, when a newborn baby and mother come into contact, that a deep emotional connection is formed between them.

When should the first feeding be postponed?

Unfortunately, not all newborn babies can be put to the breast immediately. It depends on the condition of the child and mother after childbirth.

There are medical contraindications to early breastfeeding of a newborn.

From the baby's side:

  • the baby’s condition on the Apgar scale is below 7 points;
  • severe degree of suffocation and respiratory distress syndrome;
  • birth injury;
  • extreme prematurity (birth weight less than 1500 g);
  • congenital developmental defects that prevent active latching and sucking of the breast (severe malformations of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, maxillofacial apparatus).

From mom's side:

  • moderate to severe kidney damage;
  • severe bleeding during childbirth and in the early postpartum period;
  • if the woman is unconscious;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • HIV infection;
  • malignant neoplasms.

In these cases, the baby can be put to the breast when his condition or the mother’s condition returns to normal.

First feeding

About a couple of hours after birth, when mother and baby have rested a little, the baby’s first full feeding should take place.

How to choose the right position for feeding? In order for breastfeeding to be pleasant and evoke only positive emotions in the mother, first of all you should sit comfortably. This will also promote proper breast latching. In the first days, a nursing woman can experiment with positions and find several positions in which she feels comfortable feeding her baby. This can be done sitting, lying down and even standing. During the day, the position can be changed: for example, during the day you can feed the baby while sitting, and at night - lying down.

After caesarean section or an episiotomy, it is not always easy for a woman to find a comfortable position for feeding her baby. It is important not to put stress on the area of ​​the sutures. In these situations, as a rule, the “side lying”, “jack” or “underarm feeding” poses are used. But no matter what feeding position the mother chooses, in order for the baby to suckle correctly and effectively, the following rules must be observed:

  • the baby’s torso should be turned towards the mother, he should be as close to her chest as possible;
  • The baby should be at the same level as the chest. To do this, you can use additional devices - bolsters, pillows, rolled blankets, etc.;
  • the baby should be positioned relative to the breast so that the mother's nipple is at the level of his nose, and his head may be slightly tilted back.

Once mother and baby are comfortable, feeding can begin.

How to properly attach a baby to the breast? Most young mothers believe that the baby himself should be able to suckle properly. But that's not true! If the mother does not have experience in breastfeeding, the medical staff of the maternity hospital should explain and show how to apply the baby to the breast.

If a baby takes the breast incorrectly from the first days and no one corrects him, the baby gets used to this type of sucking and then it is more difficult to retrain him. Improper latch is the main cause of sore and cracked nipples. It becomes painful for the mother to feed the baby, and often she tries to do it less often, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in the amount of milk or disrupts its outflow, causing lactostasis (milk stagnation). In addition, by latching onto the breast incorrectly, the baby cannot suck out enough milk and remains hungry.

In order for the attachment to be correct, the newborn’s mouth should be wide open, and his chin should touch the mother’s chest. If the baby does not open his mouth wide, then you should beckon him by running the nipple over his lips. With proper latching, the newborn's lower and upper lips should be turned outward (rather than tucked inward); he grasps not only the nipple, but the entire areola. Only in this case will his sucking movements be effective. If your baby suckles correctly, his cheeks will puff out rather than retract. The baby's nose lightly touches the chest and he breathes freely.

The main thing that a mother should remember is that feeding should not be accompanied by painful sensations. If a woman feels pain, it means that the baby is taking the breast incorrectly.

If the baby and mother are separated

Ideally, after giving birth, mother and baby should always be together so that at the first request the woman can put the baby to her breast. It is feeding on demand that is the main factor in stimulating lactation: the more often the feedings, the more milk the mother produces.

But there are situations when, due to the health of the mother or baby, they cannot constantly be together in the first days after birth. In such cases, the baby is usually brought to the mother for feeding 6-7 times a day. But this is not enough to establish lactation and produce enough milk for the baby. Therefore, after each feeding, it is recommended that a woman pump each breast for 5-10 minutes, and add two additional pumping sessions in the morning (at about 8 a.m.) and in the evening (at about 10 p.m.).

If the baby is not brought in for feeding after birth due to health reasons, it is advisable for the mother to begin pumping within the first 6 hours after birth, which in this situation will imitate the baby’s sucking. In addition, if colostrum is not removed before milk comes in, it can lead to breast engorgement, a condition in which the temperature rises, the mammary glands swell, and milk flow is impaired.

First difficulties

Along with the first feeding, when mother and baby are just beginning to adapt to each other, the first difficulties may arise.

The child does not want to take the breast. Often, new mothers notice that when trying to feed, the baby turns his head and does not latch on to the breast. Indeed, at first the baby may shake his head, grab the breast several times, and then release it. This is not breast refusal - this is how the baby manifests a search reflex.

In this case, you can “interest” the baby in feeding: run the nipple over his cheeks and lips. You can express a few drops of colostrum into his mouth and apply it to his nipple and areola. Then, carefully holding the baby's head so that he does not spin, you should attach him to your chest.

The baby is not breastfeeding well. Sometimes it happens that a newborn does not show anxiety from hunger, and when attached to the breast, sucks very sluggishly and quickly falls asleep.

This is most likely due to the fact that newborn babies experience postpartum stress differently. Some children often scream, demanding their mother’s breast to calm them down, others, usually weaker ones, prefer to “sleep off.” This behavior can be explained by the general weakening of the newborn’s body: due to prematurity, difficult childbirth, oxygen starvation, severe jaundice, etc. The baby begins to suckle, but quickly gets tired and falls asleep. Mom must definitely stir him up and wake him up for feeding, since these babies eat very little and therefore need frequent latching on their mother’s breast. In the first days, you need to wake up the baby for feeding at least every 1.5-2 hours during the day and every 3-4 hours at night. Skin-to-skin contact can help such babies get stronger. During feeding, it is advisable to undress the baby, place it between the mammary glands, cover it with a blanket or blanket and stroke the baby’s back, legs, and arms. And when he starts to wake up, gently help him latch onto the chest correctly. If it was not possible to wake up the baby or he was unable to latch onto the breast correctly, the mother must express each breast for 5-10 minutes.

Another reason why a newborn may not suck well at his mother’s breast is short hyoid frenulum. In this case, it is difficult for the baby to grasp the breast correctly and it is difficult to suck on it. During sucking, a characteristic “clicking” of the tongue is heard. This problem is dealt with by a dentist who, if necessary, will make an incision in the frenulum.

Mom's tight breasts. A mother's tight breasts often make it difficult for the baby to breastfeed. In this situation, milk production occurs normally, but it is difficult to separate, and it may be difficult for the baby to suck out the right amount. In such cases, it is recommended to frequently put the baby to the breast, and to make it easier for him to take it, the mother is advised to take a warm shower, do a light breast massage and express a little milk before feeding.

Irregularly shaped nipples. Women with inverted or flat nipples may have difficulty feeding their baby. Very often, at the first unsuccessful attempts to feed a child, women refuse breastfeeding. In fact, it is not the shape of the nipples that is important, but the ability of the areola, which enters the baby’s mouth, to stretch. After all, when a baby is correctly applied to the breast, he should grasp with his mouth not only the nipple, but also the areola. For ease of feeding, the mother needs to choose a position that will allow the baby not to “lose” the breast (for example, the hanging position, when the baby lies on his back and the mother is on top of him) and teach the baby to latch onto the breast correctly. You can also use special nipple formers and silicone nipple covers for the first time.

Early latching helps the mother recover faster after childbirth. It leads to the production of the hormone oxytocin in the woman’s body, which “forces” the uterus to contract and quickly return to its original pre-pregnancy state. In addition, oxytocin promotes rapid separation of the placenta and reduces the risk of postpartum hemorrhage.

If anesthesia was used during childbirth

Note that when using epidural anesthesia during childbirth, the baby can be applied to the breast immediately after birth. But if a caesarean section was performed during childbirth, then the possibility of early application will depend on the type of anesthesia and the well-being of the mother and child. If the operation was performed under general anesthesia and the woman is not conscious, then early application is postponed until she is transferred to the recovery room. If local anesthesia is used (), the baby can be put to the breast directly in the operating room even before the end of the operation.

Hello! Today the promised topic is about correct breastfeeding. Let's try to understand the main points.

The baby spends a lot of time at his mother’s breast, because for him this is the most beloved and reliable place in the world, where he finds not only nutrition, but also reassurance, protection, comfort and warmth. The baby vitally needs the confidence that his mother is nearby and will help him right away, because he receives confirmation of this through close contact with his mother. Breastfeeding helps him cope with any discomfort: hunger, fear, digestive difficulties. How to properly attach a baby?

Some mother-baby couples have correct attachment when breastfeeding It happens naturally, but some people need more time for such training. Don't worry if everything doesn't work out right away. After a while, it will become easier to apply, you will be able to adapt to each other, the baby’s nervous system will mature, and his mouth will grow. You can ask help from moms you know with successful experience establishing breastfeeding.

Everyone already knows for sure that it is important to apply deeper to the breast. But how can this be done practically? And what to do if it doesn’t work out easily and simply?

  1. Initially, the baby is pressed to the chest, the nipple is directed towards the nose, and not directly into the mouth. If you point it directly into the mouth, the baby’s jaws can quickly close on the nipple, causing significant pain to the mother.
  2. If you imagine that you need to bite an apple hanging at eye level, then you need to slightly raise your head. At the same time, it is possible to open the mouth very wide. It is important to provide the baby with a similar position so that he can straighten his neck and open his mouth wide. It is also necessary to provide support for the back and neck without putting pressure on the back of the head.
  3. The direction of movement of the baby should be according to the rule - not breast to baby, but baby to breast. It turns out that by simply holding the baby tightly to herself, the mother helps to take the breast, and does not push it into her mouth.
  4. When the baby's breast is deep in the mouth, the nipple inside is located at the border of the hard and soft palate.
  5. If the baby has a shallow latch on the breast, and the mother feels pain, then it is better to gently release the breast, opening the baby’s gums with the little finger, and try to attach it again.

2. Signs of proper attachment

By these signs you can determine whether you are latching your baby correctly:

  • It doesn’t hurt mom when she latches on.
  • Both lips of the crumb are turned outward, like a duck's.
  • The mouth is wide open, and most of the areola is deep inside.
  • The chin is pressed to the chest, the baby breathes calmly through the small slits between the wings of the nose and the chest.
  • You can often see a tongue located on the lower lip.
  • The baby's cheeks are not drawn in, but puffed out.
  • The ears move due to fairly strong sucking movements.
  • There are no smacking sounds, only swallowing sounds.
  • After application, the nipple is elongated and of the correct cylindrical shape, not beveled like lipstick or flattened.

3. Possible consequences of improper breast latch

If applied incorrectly, the following may occur: unpleasant consequences:

  • Injuries or cracks in the nipples if the baby slides onto the nipple.
  • Incomplete release of the breast can lead to lactostasis, milk stagnation or mastitis.
  • Insufficient weight gain due to ineffective milk extraction.
  • Decreased milk supply due to insufficient stimulation of lactation.

4. Basic feeding positions

A comfortable position helps the mother to rest, relieves back stiffness and arm fatigue, and also promotes the baby’s effective sucking of milk. If mom is relaxed, milk flows easier.

If the baby is comfortable, then he better grasps and holds the breast more correctly during the entire feeding, accordingly, he effectively sucks out milk and efficiently stimulates lactation.

The photo shows three basic provisions that every mother would do well to learn:

4.1. Cradle position

This classic pose is one of the most used. To do this, you should sit comfortably in a chair with armrests or on a sofa, surrounded by pillows. The mother places the baby's head in the crook of her arm. And with the other hand he supports the chest from below, while thumb arms and palm are positioned in the letter C. Then he brings the hand with the baby to the chest. In this case, the child's head is slightly thrown back, and the chin is pressed to the chest, not the nose. This gives the baby the opportunity to latch onto the breast deeply and efficiently.

It is important to be able to lie down on pillows or armrests, otherwise your arms will get tired very quickly. You can also rest your feet on an ottoman or chair. While feeding, you should not lean forward, otherwise your neck will quickly become stiff and your back will get tired. For convenience, you can place the baby on your lap or place a pillow under him.

4.2. Side lying position

When using the “lying on your side” position, you get a good rest. You will get a better night's sleep if your baby sleeps with his mother.

In this position, the baby's body is located on the mother's hand, and the mouth is just at the level of the nipple.

It is important that the ear, shoulder and thigh are on the same line, and the tummy is pressed to the mother’s belly, the mouth is opposite the chest. With her free hand, the mother can give the breast to the baby. It is best to place the pillow on your shoulder, this will make your head more comfortable.

It is more comfortable for the baby to lie on his side, otherwise, lying on his back with his head turned to the chest, it will be uncomfortable for him to suck out milk and swallow. You can place a flat pillow under your baby to raise him to chest level if necessary. It is better for the mother not to lean on her elbow or hang over the child, because this is very uncomfortable and quickly tires.

4.3. “Under-arm” position

Another position in which the baby is best latched correctly is the “under-arm” position.

In it, the baby is located on the side of the mother: the head is next to the armpit, and the whole body is located behind the back.

It is quite convenient for the mother to guide the baby’s head, achieving a very deep and high-quality latch on the breast.

At the same time, the baby in this position effectively empties those lobes of the breast located closer to the armpit.

Therefore, this position is useful for preventing milk stagnation in this sector of the breast. The underarm position is often used by mothers after a cesarean section because the baby does not put pressure on the post-operative mother's abdomen.

Of course, it is better to feed a calm baby. After all, it is important for even the smallest person to concentrate well and work efficiently if he is in a good and calm mood.

If the baby is unable to open his mouth wide and tuck his lower lip outward, you can use the “lip flick” technique. At the very moment of grabbing the chest, you need to put a little pressure on your chin with your finger. This helps to rotate the lower lip forward for effective sucking.

The baby sucks out breast milk using wave-like movements of the tongue. It is very important that more areola gets into the child’s mouth from below than from above. Because it is the tongue and the lower jaw that actively work from below.

The baby's body is not curved - the baby's nose, tummy and knees are located on the same line.

Every mother and baby develops their own favorite feeding positions over time. Some are comfortable in any position, others choose only one or two. It is important that the baby most actively sucks those lobes of the breast where the tongue and chin are directed.

If you place the baby in different positions, this will prevent lactostasis or milk stagnation, because all lobules of the mammary gland are emptied evenly.

First, you will have to pay more attention to the correct attachment and learn the basic positions when feeding. After a while, everything will happen by itself, the mother will not even think about applying or the correct position. Usually, the awkward movements of mother and baby from the very beginning gradually turn into a well-coordinated mechanism of experienced people who feel each other well.

You can watch a video about how to properly attach a baby to the breast here:

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From the beginning of pregnancy, most women study a large number of information. They are interested in knowing everything about baby care, care and development. However, one of the main issues that interest expectant mothers is breastfeeding. Mother's milk - best source nutrition for children in the first twelve months of life. Therefore, women strive to establish lactation and breastfeed their baby for as long as possible. But the GW process does not always go without problems. In most cases, nursing mothers face unpleasant symptoms: the appearance of cracks in the nipple area, soreness of the mammary glands. This may be the consequences of incorrectly attaching the baby to the breast. To avoid this, it is recommended from the very beginning of breastfeeding to pay attention to whether the child grasps the nipple correctly.

Proper attachment during breastfeeding: why is it important?

Modern medicine promotes breastfeeding, because it not only allows the newborn to receive all the necessary vitamins and nutrients, but also helps strengthen the strong bond between the baby and the mother. Obstetricians and gynecologists recommend putting the baby to the breast immediately after birth or in the first two hours of the little person’s life. It is at this time that the baby will first try valuable colostrum - a nutritious liquid that is rich in immunoglobulins for the formation of the baby’s defenses.

Today, most antenatal clinics organize lectures for expectant mothers. In addition to information about the development of the child during pregnancy, doctors touch on issues of childbirth and breastfeeding. Doctors insist that successful feeding of a child largely depends on the organization of breastfeeding: the establishment of lactation and the correct attachment of the child to the breast.

In the first hours after birth, doctors recommend putting the baby to the breast.

Doctors in the maternity hospital help the young mother master the technique and learn how to properly attach her son or daughter to the breast. It is very important that during the first feeding the baby latch onto the nipple as needed. After all, if the baby gets used to doing it incorrectly, then problems for the health of both mother and child cannot be avoided. Obstetricians-gynecologists and pediatricians identify several important points which show why it is important to put your baby to the breast correctly:

  • The baby will not injure the delicate skin of the mammary glands while sucking. Therefore, nursing mothers are less likely to experience the formation of wounds and cracks on the nipples;
  • The baby’s body receives a sufficient amount of valuable fluid for its age during feeding. The fact is that getting milk from the breast is quite difficult. Therefore, children often fall asleep during the process; they get tired of sucking. If the baby grasps the nipple correctly, then during feeding he receives the amount of milk that he needs;
  • Excellent prevention of milk stagnation in the breast. As a result of proper attachment to the nipple, the baby empties all lobes of the mammary gland, so the nutritional fluid does not stagnate and the mother does not experience problems with the breast;
  • The baby is less bothered by tummy problems. The occurrence of colic and painful sensations in the baby's stomach is often provoked by swallowing air during sucking. If the baby latches onto the breast correctly, the risk of air entering the gastrointestinal tract is significantly reduced.

Technique for attaching a baby to the breast

Doctors say: proper attachment of a child to the breast is the key to successful feeding of the child with mother's milk. Mistakes lead to negative consequences for both the nursing mother and the baby. The baby may refuse to breastfeed after a while, so he will need to be fed with a special baby formula.

Often women complete lactation themselves, because... The process of breastfeeding a baby gives them great problems, the main of which are severe pain. On a subconscious level, a mother is afraid to put her baby to the nipple, because she associates this with unbearable pain. Although breastfeeding should bring joy and satisfaction to small child and mother. Not all mothers realize that the problem lies precisely in the incorrect attachment of the baby to the breast. Once you learn to do it the way you need to, the unpleasant consequences will go away.

For a comfortable feeding process, breastfeeding consultants advise adhering to the basic rules:

  • Before you start feeding your son or daughter, you need to decide on a position in which mother and baby will be comfortable and comfortable. A woman can put her baby to her breast in a lying or sitting position. To prevent the nursing mother's muscles from getting too tired, you can use special pillows or bolsters for feeding. The baby should be in close contact with the mother;
  • It is necessary to monitor the position of the child’s body. The muscles of the baby’s body are not yet sufficiently strengthened, so the mother must pay attention to ensure that the head, shoulders and hips are located on the same line;

    You also need to take care of the baby’s neck. The baby should not throw back his head. While sucking, the baby's neck remains straight: in this position, the baby will be able to swallow milk freely.

  • It is strictly forbidden to pull the baby to the nipple by pressing on the head. The mother’s task is to bring the baby to the breast, and he himself must grab the nipple;
  • Experts advise ensuring close contact during feeding, which is possible with a minimum amount of clothing between mother and baby. Many breastfeeding consultants recommend that the baby wear only panties or a diaper during feeding.

Close contact will ensure a comfortable breastfeeding process

Comfortable baby feeding positions

Each woman chooses a feeding position that makes her and the baby comfortable. Some mothers prefer to feed their children only while lying down, while others prefer to sit and hold the child in their arms. Therefore, there are several positions in which you can apply the baby to the breast:

  • in a sitting position (cradle). The woman sits on a sofa or chair so that there is support for her back (you can place a pillow under her back). The baby must be picked up so that his tummy is turned towards the mother's belly. With one hand, the mother supports the baby under the shoulders and back, and with the other she guides her breast so that the baby grasps the nipple. Please note: in this feeding position, the baby's head should be at nipple level;
  • in an underhand position. The baby is positioned next to the mother on a special feeding pillow. With one hand, the woman supports the baby under his back, turning his tummy slightly towards her;
  • in a supine position. The young mother lies on her back, and the baby is located on her stomach. The woman supports the baby so that he does not fall during feeding. This position is an excellent option for resting the back and lower back muscles of a nursing mother;

    One should take into account the fact that it is in this feeding position that it is most difficult for the baby to obtain milk. Therefore, if the baby is premature, weak and has a poorly developed sucking reflex, it is better to give preference to a different position.

  • in a lying position. This position is very popular during night feedings: the mother does not have to sit and wait for the baby to eat. She turns over on her side, the baby is next to her in the same position: the baby’s belly is directed towards the mother’s belly. You need to make sure that the baby’s body is straight, so it will be more convenient for him to suck the nutrient liquid. Breastfeeding consultants warn: if a woman lies on her right side, then the baby is placed on the right breast, and vice versa. It is strictly forbidden for the baby to reach for the nipple of the breast that is much further away.
    This position is ideal for women who have not yet recovered from childbirth, for example, they have external and internal stitches and are not allowed to sit. You can feed your baby while lying down at any time of the day.

Each mother chooses a comfortable position in which to comfortably feed the baby

Today, baby slings are very popular. This device is a long piece of fabric that is wrapped around the mother's body, and the baby is as if in a cradle. Many mothers prefer a sling to a stroller, because with it a woman is much more mobile: she can constantly feel the baby next to her and do various things, not only at home, but also go to the clinic, bank and shopping. You can feed babies with this product: just offer the nipple to the baby, and the baby will get food. Mom can sit, stand or walk at this time.

Depending on the age of the child, in a sling the baby is in a lying or sitting position. In both, you can feed the baby without any problems.

If a woman uses a sling, she can feed the baby while the baby is lying or sitting

If a family has twins, the woman will have to adapt to feeding both babies at the same time. For convenience, it is better to purchase a special feeding pillow to accommodate two babies at once:

  • in the under-arm position, a mother can feed two children according to the same principle as one. Only babies are located on both sides of the woman, and the mother always supports each of them under the back;
  • in a sitting position, a nursing mother needs to sit comfortably on a sofa or chair and place a feeding pillow on her knees. Then take one baby in one hand and the other in the other. This way, children will eat from both mammary glands at the same time;
  • in a criss-cross position. The woman sits, supporting each child with her hands under the back. The first baby is pressed closely to the mother’s belly, and the second baby’s tummy is pressed against the body of the second baby.

Feeding two children at the same time is much more difficult than one, but it is also possible

How to position your baby correctly at the breast

The process of breastfeeding is not difficult if done correctly. Choosing a position that is comfortable for mother and baby is not enough; you also need to ensure that the baby grasps the nipple as needed. Lactation consultants explain step by step instructions, which will help young mothers learn how to properly attach their baby to the breast.

  1. The position of the baby should be as comfortable as possible. To do this, you need to know that in any feeding position the baby is turned with his tummy towards the mother’s body. It is impossible to feed a baby when he is completely lying on his back.
  2. The baby should latch onto the breast with his mouth wide open. To do this, you don’t need to force him, just bring the baby to your chest. He will smell the mother's milk and begin to look for the nipple himself.
  3. The baby's nose is at the level of the nipple. This will ensure the correct position of the baby's head and neck: he will not reach for the nipple or throw his head back.
  4. The baby should latch onto not only the nipple, but also the areola. This is the correct grip. In this case, the baby’s chin is pressed tightly to the mother’s breast.
  5. Mom always helps the baby latch on to the breast. To do this, you need to support the mammary gland with one hand and direct the nipple into the baby’s oral cavity. First, you need to attach the lower part of the areola to the baby’s lower lip, and then push the nipple into the mouth.

During feeding, the baby should grasp not only the nipple, but also the areola

Video: doctor about the rules of breastfeeding

Right or wrong: how to understand that the baby has latched onto the nipple as needed

Young mothers very often ask specialists: how to understand that the baby has latched on the breast correctly. Doctors highlight several main points that indicate the correct attachment of the baby to the breast:

  • in the baby’s oral cavity there is both a nipple and most of the areola, only its upper part can be visible above the baby’s upper lip;
  • the baby's lips are turned outward;
  • the chin and nose are in close contact with the mammary gland;

    It is worth paying attention that the child must be able to breathe freely, so the spout does not fit tightly to the mother’s skin.

  • during the sucking process, the woman hears only the sounds of the baby swallowing;
  • the mother does not experience unpleasant, painful sensations while feeding the baby.

If the baby latches onto the nipple correctly, the mother will not experience pain while feeding the baby.

Consequences of improper latch on mother and baby

Not all nursing mothers pay attention to how the baby latch onto the nipple. Some do not attach much importance to this, thinking that the child already receives enough nutritional fluid. However, pediatricians and breastfeeding consultants draw the attention of women: ignoring this problem not only leads to negative consequences for the health of the mother, but also negatively affects the child:

  • The baby does not empty the lobes of the mammary glands completely. As a result, milk stagnates and lactostasis develops. If treatment is not started on time, an inflammatory process begins in the tissues of the organ - mastitis;
  • cracks and wounds appear on the nipples. The young mother cannot breastfeed because... the process is painful;

    Doctors warn: cracks are a gateway to infection, which enters breast milk and harms the health of the baby.

Even before the baby is born, young mothers prepare for breastfeeding. They:

  • read articles;
  • watch videos;
  • attend special courses at clinics.

Importance breast milk it is impossible to evaluate, because proper latching of the baby to the breast is the key to success and pleasure for mother and baby. Let's look at this process in more detail.

Preparing to put your baby to the breast

Due to the structural features female breast some young mothers have a small nipple or one that sinks into the chest. In these cases, stimulation will help you:

  • gently squeezing the nipple with two fingers;
  • slightly pulling it out.

In addition, be sure to choose a comfortable position for feeding your baby. The process of eating by the baby can drag on and smoothly transition into sleep, so it is important for the mother to remain relaxed and peaceful.

For example, lie down with your baby on the bed/sofa or sit in a rocking chair.

Correct grip of the areola when attaching the baby to the breast

Perhaps this is the most common problem and cause of cracked nipples in young mothers. Due to insufficient latching of the area around the nipple or improper attachment, both baby and mother suffer.

  • Place your baby's face and tummy towards you so that the tip of your nipple looks into his nose.
  • If the baby does not open his mouth enough or opens it sluggishly, run a halo over his lower lip.
  • Pay attention to the position of the baby's head - it should look slightly upward and have freedom to move from side to side.
  • When the mouth is open wide and the baby's tongue lies on the lower jaw, pull the baby closer to you so that the nipple is under the upper palate.
  • Its jaws will quickly close and the process of extracting milk from the baby from your breast will begin.
  • If you need to interrupt feeding, for example, to adjust the latch, then gently insert your little finger into the corner between your baby's lips and push out the nipple.

Important rules for attaching a baby to the breast

  • Asymmetry, when the baby sucks on the areola and not on the mother's nipple.
  • Wide open mouth for grasping.
  • The tongue lies on the lower gum.
  • The baby's chin is pressed tightly to the mother's chest.
  • The cheeks are rounded, not retracted.
  • The nose sinks a little into my mother's chest.
  • The baby's lips are turned out and hug her mother's chest.
  • During sucking no extraneous sounds, for example, slurping, loud swallowing.
  • After the nipple leaves the baby's mouth, it has a rounded, symmetrical shape.
  • The speed of movement of the lower jaw is initially high, and from the moment the milk flows in it slows down.
  • The child's head moves freely, there is no compression or restrictions for this.

Proper attachment of the baby to the breast is the key to successful feeding. Improper attachment leads to discomfort in the breast, cracks in the nipples, stagnation of milk, and even the development of mastitis. In addition, if breastfeeding is improper, the baby may not receive the required volume of milk, which will lead to inhibition of the development and growth of the baby.

  • Start breastfeeding within the first hours after birth. This enhances milk production and normalizes lactation;
    Wash your hands with soap and water before each feeding;
  • It is enough to wash your breasts twice a day warm water. When washing, use only neutral liquid soap. Regular soap irritates the skin. Do not wipe your breasts with a towel, use napkins;
  • Use special breast pads. The pads absorb excess milk, ensure hygiene and protect against infections. Such liners need to be changed when they get wet;
  • If you are concerned about cracks and abrasions on your nipples, lubricate them with special products after feeding. This could be sea buckthorn and chamomile oil, ointments containing purified vitamin A. However, remember that many products must be washed off before feeding. Carefully study and follow the instructions;
  • Watch your diet. Products consumed by a nursing mother enter the baby's body through milk. How to eat properly can be read in the article;
  • The baby's grasp of the nipple affects the correct attachment to the breast. Make sure that the baby grasps the nipple and areola (the part near the nipple);
  • Correct grip largely depends on the position of the baby and the nursing mother during feeding. The nose and cheeks should fit snugly to the chest;
  • Make sure that the baby sucks one breast completely and only then transfer him to the second. It is best to alternate breasts after 3 hours, since liquid milk comes first, and only then fatty milk;
  • Do not force-feed your baby and do not rush to breastfeed. Wait until he starts looking for her himself. It is also better to feed on demand rather than on a schedule;
  • Make sure your baby eats. When the baby is full, he releases the breast on his own or falls asleep. Proper feeding will ensure normal weight gain and harmonious development of the newborn.

Application technique

To organize proper attachment, the baby's nose should be at the level of the nipple. The nipple should be used to tickle the newborn's upper lip. This will wake up the baby's sucking reflex and open his mouth wide. When feeding, it is important that the baby's mouth is wide open!

When your baby opens his mouth, insert the breast as deeply as possible. Make sure that there is a grip on both the nipple and the area around it. This area is called the areola. The baby's body should be as close as possible to the mother's body, and the head should be able to move freely. To do this, just hold the head lightly.

Pay attention to how the capture occurs and how the feeding process itself goes:

  • The baby captures the nipple and area of ​​the areola with a radius of 2-2.5 cm;
  • The baby's lips, especially the lower ones, are turned outward. The angle between the lips is approximately 130 degrees;
  • The cheeks are not drawn in and, together with the nose, are tightly adjacent to the chest. At the same time, the nose should not sink into the chest;
  • When breastfeeding, the baby is turned with his tummy towards the mother, with his face towards the nipple;
  • The child freely adjusts the position of the nipple in the mouth;
  • The baby must take the nipple himself. Forcibly inserting the nipple into the mouth will result in an incorrect latch. If the baby has captured only the tip of the nose. The baby's mouth is wide open;
  • The baby sucks with deep, small, rhythmic movements. At the same time, you can hear the swallowing of milk;
  • If your breasts are too tight and engorged, you can express a little milk.

It is important that when feeding, the mother does not experience discomfort. This sometimes causes breast pain, cracks and abrasions on the nipples, which subsequently leads to mastitis.

If the baby does not latch onto the breast correctly, stop latching. It is easy to pick up the nipple by placing your little finger into the breast. However, you can adjust the grip without removing the breast. To do this, turn out the lips after the baby has taken the nipple. It is easy to reach the breast through the corner of the baby's mouth.

The more tightly you apply the baby, the better the feeding will be. If you experience pain while breastfeeding, move your baby lower.

It often happens that the initial capture occurs correctly. However, then the baby begins to slide and only grabs the nipple. If this happens, lower the baby's chin with your finger and slightly pull the lower lip. It is important that the baby's head remains slightly tilted back.

Breastfeeding positions

To ensure correct latch, it is necessary to choose a comfortable position for attaching the newborn. A suitable position is “relaxed feeding”. A woman reclines or half sits, leaning on pillows.

When breastfeeding, skin-to-skin contact plays an important role, so the baby must be placed on the bare chest. Choose a position so that the baby's body is closer to the mother's body, and the baby's head is slightly thrown back.

Pose Peculiarities Description
Cradle (classical) The baby lies in your arms as if in a cradle. The universal pose is suitable for both a newborn and a one-year-old child. This pose is used in a semi-sitting, semi-lying, and even standing position. The head is placed in the crook of the elbow of one arm; the other hand clasps the baby and supports the back. The baby and mother lie stomach to stomach. The baby's mouth is opposite the nipple.
Cross cradle It also helps to correct the grip. This makes it easy to move your head closer to the nipple. Support the head with both hands. With one palm on the side of the nursing breast, and the other with which you hold the baby’s body.
From under the arm (from under the mouse) Used in a reclining position for a nursing mother. In this case, the breast is given to the baby as if from above. This position prevents stagnation of milk. Therefore, use it at least once a day. The woman reclines on her side, leaning on her forearm and thigh. The baby is placed on a pillow perpendicular to the mother's body. Hold the head with your palm.
Lying on your hand Relaxes the back and gives rest to the nursing mother. It is comfortable for sleeping together. Mom and baby lie facing each other on their sides. To make the baby taller and easily reach the nipple, place the baby on a pillow. The woman hugs the baby with her lower hand so that the head rests on this hand.
Lying from the upper chest This position is used if it is necessary to change the breast, however, shifting the baby or turning it to the other side is accompanied by difficulties. However, the position puts a strong load on the supporting arm, so it is difficult to feed in this way for a long time. Mother and newborn lie opposite each other on their sides. The woman lifts herself up with her lower arm and gives the newborn her upper breast. For comfort, the baby is also placed on a pillow.
Baby on mom It is used in the first months after childbirth, when lactation is established. This position stimulates the baby’s intestines, which relieves colic and increased gas formation. The newborn lies on his mother, stomach to stomach. The head is slightly turned to the side.
Overhang Prevents milk stagnation. It is suitable for children who find it difficult to suck on their own. It also helps if the baby does not want to take the breast. When feeding, the baby is placed on a changing table or bed. mother bends over the child. The newborn's head is slightly turned to one side.

Each breastfeeding position can be changed using a pillow. Placing a pillow under the arm will serve as support for the nursing mother and soften the load. In addition, such feeding will ensure proper attachment and feeding of the baby.