I get distracted while reading - what should I do? How to concentrate if you are distracted by extraneous sounds How to learn to ignore noise

Oh, those noisy neighbors knocking on the wall on a Sunday morning. And the loud music, and the screams... Well, don’t drink valerian every day because of this! How to stop being nervous about noisy neighbors? Gives precise advice on how not to freak out System-vector psychology Yuri Burlan.

It's all due to low stress resistance

The main reason for worrying about noisy neighbors and generally for the slightest reason is low stress tolerance. Online healers and psychologists offer to stop worrying and increase it with the help of a variety of practices, meditations and drugs to strengthen the nervous system. All this only affects the consequences of the problem.

The psyche, constantly loaded with containing internal pain and dissatisfaction, loses stability. The safety margin is not enough to cope with even a little stress. All it takes is a little pressure—a sudden noise—and the calm disappears. Life seems unbearable even because of noisy neighbors.

Are you tormented by fears? Having trouble calming down before an exam? At work, do you have a hard time keeping from shouting? And you can’t relax at home because of noisy neighbors? This is a signal from the psyche about internal problems. About the fact that natural talents are not fully used, and desires are not realized.

How to stop being nervous about noisy neighbors and feel the joy of life

Man is born for happiness. He wants to enjoy life every minute and stop worrying about noisy neighbors. To achieve pleasure, man is given desires. As well as the properties of the psyche and body necessary for the successful implementation of these desires. The more often a person experiences pleasure, the more stable the psyche and the higher the resistance to stress.

There are simple pleasures (for example, food), but the pleasure from them is fleeting. But finished work, mental or physical, brings deeper and lasting satisfaction and helps you become calm.

As Yuria Burlan explains at the “System-Vector Psychology” training, those with different vectors will be helped various ways distract yourself and stop worrying about noisy neighbors. This will not increase stress resistance for a long time, but it will be the first step, giving a temporary respite to collect your thoughts.

Step One: Stop Being Nervous and Worrying

For an organized and flexible person with a skin vector, a jog or a dance class would be an excellent stress reliever. Exercising will fill your brain with endorphins and help you spend time with health benefits.

Fishing or a family trip to the country will help thorough and serious owners of the anal vector to find balance and no longer be nervous about noisy neighbors. Suitable for any craft or care indoor plants. In general, everything that requires attention and concentration. This is a great chance to pass on your knowledge and experience to children.

Sensitive and thoughtful owners of the sound vector are more likely than others to suffer from noisy neighbors due to the special sensitivity of hearing. Yes, sensitive hearing and concentration on meaning form the basis of the life of a sound artist. Concert classical music- this is relaxation for his ears and sensual pleasure for the boundless universe of his inner world. And at night, earplugs may come in handy.

Step two: increase stress resistance

Any irritation with the world arises due to an incorrect assessment of the situation. We suffer due to misunderstanding of ourselves and ignorance own desires. But even more suffering comes from a total misunderstanding of others and ineffective interaction with them.

Can you feel joy for the noisy neighbors upstairs who are celebrating their wedding for the third day? Can! Even if you have to go to work by 7:00. You can also admire the wild play and squeals of children on the playground, remembering yourself at that age. To do this, you need very little - to understand yourself. Understand the difference between yourself and others.

Life gives a person thousands of opportunities to become happy. Don't waste it worrying and worrying about noisy neighbors. Awareness of innate properties and desires, the embodiment of which fills life with joy, involuntarily arises during the training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan. The stable result of the training is the acquisition of stress resistance in any situation, even in real military operations. This is confirmed by the results of people from Donetsk and Lugansk who completed the training:

“...From the results, first of all, I can say that I have become a much more balanced person: if earlier in some situations I could behave ugly and incorrectly, for example, throw a violent unbridled hysteria or be offended at someone for a long time and sullenly, then Now I respond adequately to all external stimuli. As a result, my relationships with family and friends have improved. I know how to avoid quarrels with them, and in cases where a quarrel does occur, I know how to behave in such a way as not to aggravate the situation, as it usually was, but, on the contrary, to even it out... In general, I can say that I have stopped get on your nerves. In addition, I began to feel much more confident in communicating with people...”
Anastasia M., linguist St. Petersburg

“... Relations with others improved... I began to understand people... And even justify them... My nerves returned to normal... I stopped getting angry for no reason... My relationship with my beloved opened up from a completely different perspective... There are many, many more things that I don’t even remember now...”
Kirill U., Kazan

“... From a hot-tempered person I turned into a calm one, it became more difficult to get me angry, my former irritability disappeared...”
Andrey G., Arkhangelsk

It's easiest not to be nervous in silence

It is a fact! But the world around you is full of movement and is ready to open up before you, bringing joy and satisfaction from the very process of Life. You just have to listen and focus on what is happening around you. And the free online training by Yuri Burlan “System-vector psychology” will tell you what to pay attention to.

The article was written using materials from Yuri Burlan’s online training “System-vector psychology”

Yana, good afternoon!

My letter is based on this letter, which was from a girl with strong sensitivity to sounds, light and smells.

Noise has always bothered me quite a lot - it is very difficult for me to concentrate when there is noise nearby, especially “meaningful” noise interferes - conversations or when someone is talking on the phone, chatter on a talk show on TV, songs in Russian. I also can’t sleep when it’s noisy, and I wake up if there are any loud noises. I don't like "background" noise, I don't have a TV, I only turn on the radio or music when I want to listen to the radio or music, otherwise I prefer to spend time in silence (I live alone). This is the preface.

Several years ago, after I graduated from college, my parents bought me an apartment in a newly built building. We did some renovations and I moved there. And quite quickly it became clear that the house was built from shit and cardboard - you could literally hear EVERYTHING that was going on with the neighbors (later I talked with construction specialists who knew how this house was built, and they told me that the internal ceilings in the house were made using very cheap and, as a result, very poor technology.) From time to time the noise from the neighbors was disturbing, but it was tolerable. Until a few months ago when new neighbors moved into the apartment above me, and then my life simply turned into hell.

No, it wasn’t some drug addicts and alcoholics with nightly brawls, or music lovers with loud music who settled there. An ordinary family with a child - the child is not a baby, just small. But they make noise continuously. They talk loudly - so that you can almost make out the words, the child rushes around the apartment with a loud stomp and deafening screams, and throws toys on the floor, they always have something falling, furniture moves, they quite often gather in groups with friends and children, and then the children run around and shout in a crowd. All this continues until late in the evening. It is impossible to spend a quiet evening at home after work. After this situation happened several times - I go to bed, fall asleep, something falls with a crash at the neighbors’ place, I wake up, somehow fall asleep again, a child rushes from above with screams and stomping, I wake up again, and after that I can’t fall asleep half the night - I just stopped sleeping normally. I’ve already failed an important exam twice because I didn’t get enough sleep the night before because of the noise and I could barely think straight, and I can barely work because I don’t get enough sleep all the time. I just hate these creatures already.

That is, my cuckoo has not yet completely moved, and I understand that people are not making noise on purpose to ruin my life, they just live like this - loudly, and it is such an unfortunate coincidence that the house is so poorly built. But that doesn't help with the fact that my quality of life has deteriorated greatly because of it.

I talked to my neighbors about the noise and received responses: “Achotakova?” and “we have the right until 11 pm.” Well, yes, they really do. When they were making noise at three o’clock in the morning, I wrote a statement to the local police officer, it seems that he talked to them, although I don’t know for sure - but I don’t even know if they were even given a fine. At some point, I freaked out, took out a loan, and soundproofed the ceiling in the room. But this didn’t really help, it muffled the conversations a little, but did nothing about the stomping and rumble, plus in the rest of the apartment the noise was not muffled by anything, and it also came into the room.

I can't concentrate on anything when I'm at home, I can't read or study anything, because I sit all tense, waiting for the noise to start (even when it's quiet), and when the noise comes, I'm filled with hatred , and I think: “May you die, you creatures!” Going to bed is now a difficult problem - plug your ears with earplugs (and earplugs are uncomfortable, and some even hurt to sleep with, I’ve already tried a lot of them), turn on “white noise” to somehow muffle the sounds from the neighbors, and then I’ll spend another hour or two I’ll just lie there, unable to sleep.

I myself understand that this is a bad situation. I was even thinking about selling this apartment and buying another one. In general, if the situation is absolutely extreme, then why not. But there are many problems here. Buying an apartment in a newly built house means getting a “bare” concrete box without everything, and another million or at least half a million will need to be invested in repairs, and for the next five years all the neighbors will be doing repairs in such a house, with all the hammers and drills due, and you can also forget about silence. If you buy a second-hand house, you will still have to renovate it; you don’t want to live in someone else’s house. Buy a house with no neighbors at all, neither above, nor below, nor on the side - but it is very expensive, the money from the sale of the apartment will not be enough to buy a house. And with all this, it’s a pity to sell your apartment, you look back at all this lovingly selected tiles, the lamps that I have been looking for for so long, at all sorts of dear little things - and it’s a pity to throw it all away to the point of tears. In addition, there is another moment. I believe that in a situation like mine, when you are not thinking well due to stress and emotions, it is better not to take on such serious things and transactions - it is easy to fall for scammers, not to pay attention to some important point, doing something stupid is dangerous, in general.

On the other hand, I also understand that this noise from the neighbors, which for me is such big problem, someone else could simply not pay any attention, live calmly and sleep peacefully. I read your posts with envy, Yana, when you write that your cats jump at night, and you hear everything, but at the same time it does not interfere with your sleep. Well, let’s say, if my cat got mad at night, it would bother me, but when he runs around like a heffalump during the day, it doesn’t cause me any irritation, because it’s “my” noise - and not the noise from strangers that I have to listen to forced because there is nowhere to go.

In your response to the letter I mentioned at the beginning, you write that you can “teach” the brain “not to hear” certain noises. That you can learn this if you consciously do it. I think that this would be generally useful for me - it’s not always quiet at work, and sometimes you have to sleep on planes, trains or hostels, where the silence is far from ideal; in general, there are many situations where such a skill could be useful . But I live in the province. We have never even heard of any neurofeedback schools here, there are no good psychotherapists, and I don’t even have money for classes with a psychotherapist on Skype. I still can’t even imagine how to approach solving this problem on my own.

I would really like you to tell me your view on this situation, and maybe suggest something, because you, Yana, always have a very sensible view of things. Sorry that the letter turned out to be so long.

Best regards, N.

Yes, I am, of course, in favor of learning to live next to noise and not suffer from it. Especially considering the noise that surrounds you, this is a fact, but it is quite harmless. Those. yes, small children can really gallop like elephants. But Small child, as you yourself said, this is not a crowd of drug addicts. And they will meet you everywhere. It is very difficult to live if every sound bothers you. Somewhere there will be children, and somewhere there will be a tram under the window, a city, a road, an old house with sounds. You can't save enough earplugs and nerves.

Accordingly, yes, we need to somehow wean ourselves from hearing this.

The most important thing is that I know for sure that this is possible!!!
I'm not a neurologist, I don't know how to do this consciously. But I know that the body has such a mechanism, and in many situations it turns on very well.

For example, among others, tram rails run parallel to our house, and a tram passes in both directions every 10 minutes. I don’t really hear it, but my mom has these rails right under her window. She hasn’t heard any of this for a long time, even in the summer, when she sleeps with the door to the balcony open.

I also know people who live very close to the airport, and have long stopped hearing planes flying past their windows. And the people living near the station cannot hear the trains. Do you remember how many times I wrote tragic articles about how people “sniff” something? And they don’t feel, for example, that their house smells of cats, or mice, or some kind of rotten stuff. Or that they themselves smell. And you have to leave home for a very long time so that your sense of smell is renewed,” and you begin to feel that smell again.
I once read an explanation for this phenomenon. Allegedly, we are accustomed to reacting to what is wired into us by nature as “danger”. For example, it smells rotten, this is an important signal, because rotten things can cause poisoning. And when the brain registers that there is a constant smell of this particular rotten meat, but no one is being poisoned, it turns off the reaction to this “dangerous signal” so as not to get nervous again.

It seems to me that the solution to your problem is somewhere in this. You yourself wrote that if your cats were running, it would be “your” noise, and you would react to it differently. Accordingly, here’s a task for you: try to teach your brain that neighbors are also “their” noise.

In fact, I don’t react to the usual stomping of cats, because I’m used to the fact that nothing bad follows it. They run approximately the same routes, and after a certain number of laps they calm down. And I know that this happens every time, after which everyone falls asleep. So nothing in me pays attention to it.

What I mean is that if my cats suddenly make some unusual sound, I really wake up!!! Moreover, I wake up and jump up, even if the sound is quite quiet, sometimes it’s just a rustle or something like that. But this is unfamiliar - it is not clear what is falling there, and on whom, and where. Therefore, anxiety turns on. But I don’t notice the usual. Those. The secret here is to somehow persuade your brain not to pay attention to sounds that you already know everything about.

In general, I read all sorts of books about the work of the brain, and they often say that the brain (oh, miracle!) fully understands human language! This means that some things can literally be said to him! And he will understand! In exactly the same words as we speak, he will understand. There are only some minor nuances. For example, that the brain supposedly does not perceive the word “not”. Therefore, the brain does not need to say “just not to get sick”; this can be understood exactly the opposite. And you have to tell him “I’m afraid of getting sick” or “I really want to be healthy”, something like that. And in general, appeals to the brain need to be formulated briefly, simply and unambiguously. Taking into account the fact that he is a very lazy bastard, and is stupid at every occasion, out of laziness.

However, you can try to talk to him! Reassure him (and yourself). Tell him, “These are not dangerous sounds. This is all falling in someone else’s apartment. This is all happening outside my house. This is all safe for me. I am safe in my apartment, I feel comfortable and good here!”
You can even convince yourself that your favorite apartment is your fortress, and in general is the best remedy because of fear. You yourself wrote how much you love her, how you lovingly selected everything for her. So remind yourself how good it is for you here. Tell yourself something about your apartment - that the walls help at home. That at home you are brave and calm. (Only without the “not”, do you remember?) :-))

Honestly, I would literally try to convince myself with words at home that you feel good there, there is no danger, and there is nothing to be nervous about.

Moreover, try to say something positive about the noises you hear. There's only a child up there! It’s really a joy to not be a drunk, not a crazy person, or a bunch of drug addicts. And the child, so alive, is cheerful. That means healthy. Soon he will grow up and will jump less. By the way, if you forget about everything, you won’t even notice how 10 years will pass in this apartment. And if you and your neighbors live amicably, maybe they will live happily above you for another hundred years. And they will not be replaced by something much more terrible. And there are not thieves, not bandits, but just some young parents. In short, tell your head all the best about what you hear. And - that it does not pose any danger.

Because we pay attention to something precisely because of this. Because our body sees some kind of danger in this and worries.

You can also try to work with your anxiety globally. Psychotherapists say that if you dig out the cause of some kind of injury, it is often cured by a large percentage! And they write about this hypersensitivity to sounds that most often the reason is generally banal - once in childhood they were scared by very loud sounds. Something suddenly thundered nearby, they slammed a firecracker, and they screamed in my ear. The man got scared and was injured. Or maybe someone angry was yelling and making noise. when did you threaten to punish? Or did some sounds, maybe not even very loud ones, precede some kind of traumatic event? For example, this is how the neighbors are jumping behind the wall - something thundered dully behind your wall, and then you found out that someone had fallen, gotten hurt, or maybe even died? Or maybe someone once scared (or intimidated) you with some kind of horror that creeps up, and at first you can only hear it?

Or vice versa - maybe, for example, they bullied you at school, sneaked up behind you, and did something bad to you. Could you not have heard about the approaching danger in advance, because there was noise all around? And now you listen personally to every rustle?

Try to delve into your memory - maybe you will find some such events in the past? If it works, then the rest is easy. Do you have logical thinking. (And fears are very well treated with logic.) You can talk to yourself about the fact that now no one is sneaking up on you anymore. And no one offends you, and no one yells at you, and makes noise, and does not go from knocking on the table to throwing furniture and people. Or whatever scared you - it is no longer dangerous to you, or it is no longer in your life at all. Maybe this will help?

And it’s also good when you’re not sitting in complete silence. And there is no need to drown out something with “white noise”. Include something interesting. There is a trick - there are many activities that can be combined with listening to audiobooks or watching TV series. At the same time, you often don’t have to watch TV series, because you quickly figure out who is who, and then it’s enough to listen to the dialogues. But you need to find something that you like and is interested in. For example, where you like the dialogues. And turning on this series or book is not very loud. Don't try to out-shout your neighbors. And make it so that it was audible, but you had to listen with some effort to what was happening there. Then “all your ears will go there,” i.e. there won't be enough attention for the rest.

In the evening, when everything gets quieter, you need to turn everything you have on down. (Most people instinctively do this anyway, because the general background is reduced, and the person himself does not want to disturb anyone, and loud sounds seem even louder to him.) So, by nightfall, maybe this something will be playing very quietly. . And many sleep experts have been writing lately that there is no shame in falling asleep to this at all. If you feel better with such a “bump” under your ear.

Sometimes, by the way, sounds can be “drowned out” not only by sounds. For example, some people hear better in the dark. (Because there are no other irritants.) Try leaving some dim lamp on that doesn’t particularly disturb your sleep. Maybe thanks to it, audibility will decrease (because there are other experiences that occupy brain reserves). Or maybe (again) you find that everything is somehow very scary for you in complete darkness. So sleep in partial darkness until the nervous system calms down and learns to sleep soundly and soundly.

I don’t yet have any more ideas on how to calm my agitated brain and distract it from what it hears too closely. It would be very cool if these thoughts of mine somehow helped you. And it would be even better if readers had more tips!
And if you somehow cope with this problem, would you share it with us? Because I think that you are not alone, and there are many who would like to stop hearing the world around them so much.

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. During the creation of this article, 25 people, including anonymously, worked to edit and improve it.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Your neighbor loves heavy metal, and you have an exam tomorrow. We've all experienced being in a noisy environment and having difficulty concentrating. There is a direct correlation between background noise and stress. In this guide, you'll find different ways to combat noise and restore your calm and concentration.


Coping with noisy environments

    Use earplugs or noise-canceling headphones. Plugs are good for suppressing external noise, and they are cheap. Noise-cancelling headphones are much more expensive, but they are used as substitutes or as an addition to earplugs.

    • If you're sitting in an office while chatting or studying, you'll be tempted to talk about why you use earplugs or headphones. Reassure people that they can still talk to you and encourage them to pat you on the shoulder, move closer to you, or ignore you. Of course, make sure your boss is aware of your actions.
    • Exist different kinds headphones, earplugs and noise-canceling devices. Experiment with those that make you feel comfortable; Each of us has our own preferences.
  1. Organize your work differently. Determine the time when the noise is loudest and leave light tasks for this time. If you're at work, you may be able to move to a library, other room, or a conference room if you need increased concentration.

    • It is not always possible to get up from your desk. If you can't do anything about the noise, The best decision– this is the recognition of noise and adaptation to it.
  2. Listen to music. If you are able to think, concentrate and learn while listening to music, this technique will be the best way to eliminate background noise. Instrumental music such as classical, trance or ambient are the styles that often work best to help you concentrate.

    Take a break from the noise and relax. Background noise can be extremely stressful and detrimental to your health. Good way Renewing your concentration means taking a short break and going for a walk or going to the toilet. You can also try different techniques to calm yourself. :

    Changing your environment

    1. Identify the problem. If you cannot avoid noise, such as the sound of a radio at work, try to politely discuss the problem with those present. It is important to keep in mind that everyone in the workplace or school feels comfortable. You will find out that you are not the only one who has experienced this!

      • If your co-workers refuse to reduce noise levels, talk to HR about it.
      • If you have noisy neighbors, always remain calm and polite. Conversations between neighbors can immediately become unpleasant.
    2. Designate a separate room and block it from noise. This is a short-term strategy for isolating the room in which you are working. Check that the room's windows and doors are closed. Sounds usually come through cracks and peep holes in doors. The following ideas can help reduce background noise:

      Call a professional. If you work from home or rent workplace, you can call a specialist to soundproof your room. This decision may cost a pretty penny, but it will give you more freedom and long-term satisfaction.

      • There are several ways to soundproof your home. You can install sound-reducing panels on the wall and rubber mats on the floor.
      • Always ask for a quote and call several professionals to compare. Do not immediately choose the first specialist and try to bargain.
    3. Move. Moving out of a rented house or apartment may seem like a drastic solution, but if you're overwhelmed by background noise and work from home, it's the easiest and most long-term option. You need to take care of your health and stress levels.

      • Plan your move correctly. IN best case scenario, you need to look at different locations and observe the noise level. You don't want to move to another noisy place! If you find a place you like, visit it several times to be sure of the noise level.
      • Identify potential problems. Don't move to areas next to a football stadium or nightclub. Avoid bars and places with large crowds of students.

    Charge your body with concentration

    1. Check that you are not hungry or thirsty. Thirst or hunger reduces your ability to concentrate and makes you more vulnerable to external stimuli such as noise.

      Avoid stimulants such as coffee, energetic drinks, sugar and tea. While caffeine gives you an energy boost immediately after drinking it, its benefits don't last long. Caffeine consumption causes autism effects including headache and difficulty concentrating.

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Staying calm and focused is not easy. Crowds of people, cars, noisy streets, crowded shops, loud conversations, obsessive thoughts, problems, anxieties... This not only interferes with maintaining mental and emotional balance, but also causes negative emotions. What can we do to keep negative experiences out of our minds and stay focused on what is important to us? The best way is to abstract ourselves from everything that disturbs our peace and irritates us.

But what does it mean to abstract? How to abstract yourself? What benefits can this bring? What could be wrong with not being able to do this? We will try to answer these questions in the article.

Abstraction: what is it and what is it for?

The term "abstraction" comes from the Latin word "abstractio" and means "distraction". Distraction most often means not a change in activity, as one might think, but a change in thinking. The point is that by abstracting oneself, a person begins to look at things from a new perspective.

The human brain is accustomed to perceiving everything (phenomena, events, people, situations, etc.), generalizing its ideas about what it perceives, without dividing them into individual elements. And if we answer the question “What does it mean to abstract?” precisely in a psychological context, this means mentally moving away from what is happening in order to allow your nervous system to rest and come to its senses in order to get rid of negative influence irritating factors, analyze the situation and look at it impartially.

You can abstract from sounds (noise), from negative experiences, from emotions and even from the outside world. And this can be learned, and for this you do not need to make any Herculean efforts.

The ability to abstraction helps in many life situations, in particular when it is necessary to get certain thoughts out of your head, move away from surging emotions, discard unnecessary things, and understand the essence of a problem or situation. We may be stressed by the behavior of another person or - a classic of the genre - the noise of a neighbor's drill on a sweet Saturday morning; we may be indignant about events at work or somewhere on the street. Giving in to our feelings, we easily forget about the main thing, lose sight of something important, and lose motivation. And the ability to mentally discard all the husks helps us remain in ourselves and ourselves.

With the help of the skill of abstraction, everyone can better determine their desires and goals and find ways to achieve them, understand what they need at the current moment in time and in life in general, effectively get rid of distractions and negativity, improve intellectual activity and even speed it up.

We think that it would not be superfluous to talk about what the inability to abstract can lead to. First of all, it is depression, associated with a constant feeling of anxiety and fear caused by problems and stress. It's also stress itself. It tends to accumulate, and if a person does not know how to give his psyche a rest, the load on it seriously increases. This depletes energy reserves on both the physical and mental levels.

As you yourself have already understood perfectly well, the ability to abstract is a powerful defense mechanism. But, of course, it is also effective remedy in the fight against distraction, procrastination, lack of time, low life and professional results. And here's another little explanation of what abstraction is, from Khan Academy.

Now let's move on to practice. And we will start with how to abstract from the manifestations of the surrounding reality in general.

How to abstract yourself from the outside world

Anyone can learn to abstract themselves. You yourself have already done this more than once, albeit unconsciously. Remember if there were similar situations in your life:

  • Your friend is telling you something, and meanwhile you are thinking about the girl you met in the minibus this morning
  • There is an important meeting at work, and you have your head in the clouds, looking forward to your upcoming vacation.
  • At home, someone expresses dissatisfaction with you, and you, not paying any attention to it, read interesting book or watch an exciting movie

Surely you have encountered something like this. And this just means that you already know how to abstract yourself. But if before you did this automatically, now you can begin to distract yourself from the world around you on purpose, and at the moment when you need it.

The first thing you will have to master in order to learn to abstract yourself from the negative manifestations of the outside world will be controlling your thoughts. There is a simple algorithm for this:

  • Exhale
  • Start counting slowly to ten
  • For each count, take one slow inhale and one slow exhale.
  • While concentrating on your breathing, pay attention to your thoughts and breathe them out.

To enhance the effect of the technique, you can look at something. For example, you are standing in line at a store, and two other customers are arguing next to you. Do the above steps and look at what is happening outside the window, take a look at the interior of the store, and concentrate on what actions the cashier performs while serving the customer. If you can play your favorite music, do it. This breathing technique can be used in any situation.

Always remember that, abstracting from the outside world, you need to try without succumbing to emerging negative emotions. This means that any circumstances, situations, events and people should be looked at from a different perspective. Here are just a few possible points of view:

  • You may be exaggerating and giving too much importance to circumstances.
  • Perhaps there is some personal benefit specifically for you in the current situation, and you just need to see it
  • Perhaps if things had gone the way you wanted, you would have faced more serious problems
  • You may fall into the habit of reacting negatively when something goes against your expectations.

By looking at what is happening from a similar position, you can easily abstract yourself from the outside world and focus on positive thoughts and/or solving specific issues. In addition, you will have more energy and strength, and life will seem better and easier.

In addition to the proposed technique of abstracting from the outside world, you can use meditation. It improves concentration and is wonderfully relaxing. It is best to meditate at home when you want to be alone with yourself, forget about everything and everyone, and organize your thoughts. But in general, you can meditate on the street, on public transport, and even at work. We talked about meditation in detail in our article “”.

Also, activities such as walking, watching movies, meeting with friends, shopping, concentrating on specific activities, contemplating works of art, nature, etc. will help you to abstract yourself from the outside world. Also, so that no one “gets” you, we recommend turning off all your gadgets from time to time.

But manifestations of the external world are often expressed specifically in annoying noises and sounds - this is one of the most common phenomena that interfere with concentration and cause negative emotions. Next we will tell you how to abstract yourself from them.

How to abstract yourself from noise and sounds

It has been scientifically proven that every second human brain 1 billion pulses are received. The brain, of course, can filter out a lot of unnecessary data, but about a hundred signals will still be recorded by it. And most of the information comes to us in audio form, and it is not surprising that noises and sounds are constantly distracting and make us “twitch.”

The following recommendations will help you learn to ignore noise and sounds:

And another good way to learn to abstract yourself from sounds is to master the skill of not paying attention to background noise. If you begin to deliberately get used to any sounds, over time it will be easy not to pay attention to them. Play a video while working or reading and try to focus on what you are doing. If you're getting ready for a session and your neighbor keeps hammering nails into the wall, don't run away from it - instead, focus on the sound for a while and then continue learning the material.

Note that this skill will be useful to you always and everywhere, because you don’t know when and where the noise will catch you again. On top of that, absolute silence can have a depressing effect on the psyche. If you hear nothing at all, you will become distracted by the absence of sounds.

Now let's move on to the most important issue– negativity, negative emotions and obsessive thoughts. If it is quite easy to abstract yourself from the outside world and noise, then it is much more difficult to distract yourself from what is happening inside.

How to abstract yourself from emotions

The most important thing when distracting from emotions is to learn to abstract from the negative. Considering that negative emotions often have greater impulse and power than positive ones, first of all you need to be able to work with them (by the way, here). For this there is different ways, but the most effective include the following:

  • Ignoring bad and negative thoughts
  • Ignoring irritation
  • Remembering good events
  • Switching attention
  • Self-soothing
  • Thoughts about gaining experience that will be useful in the future
  • Adequate perception of what is happening

We think that these methods do not require any special explanation. It is better to pay more attention to the following tips.

Embrace life

Try to perceive everything as it is. People, situations, events - all this can be different. Life cannot be called flawless and ideal (sometimes fair), but everything that is given to us is for the good. It is impossible to control everything, you need to understand this. The sooner you do this, the calmer and easier you will become. Be philosophical about failures and negativity.

The philosophical perception of life is that, firstly, you accept the fact that white and black stripes will always alternate, and secondly, you analyze everything that happens, draw certain conclusions and simply let go of what you don’t care about. like. This is to abstract yourself from negativity and emotions. Any experience is useful and necessary, and if you look at situations from different angles, analyzing them into their components, you will be able to quickly understand the essence of things and...

Be imperfect

There is no one perfect, there is not a single absolutely flawless and ideal person. And this applies not only to those around you, but also to yourself. If you take this for granted, life will become much easier, events will be perceived more easily, and negativity will no longer cause worries. Adequately evaluate yourself and others, give up anger - there is nothing so important that it would be worth your suffering.

Enjoy life

You can abstract yourself from the negative only through the positive. Strive to see in everything positive sides, live every moment as if it were your last, take every day with joy and a smile. You can get pleasure from any thing. Even while sitting at home and doing nothing, thank life for what you can see, hear, breathe, and communicate with loved ones. Thank life for the fact that you live at all, and remember that someday you too will be gone. Are your current problems important in the face of death?

Put things off

If you feel like you’re about to lose your temper, that you can’t bear to work or do something, abstract yourself from your emotions and simply put aside work. Move things forward for half an hour, for two hours, for tomorrow. Instead, do something you love, take a walk, sleep. Distraction helps you cool down and shift your attention to positive thoughts. If something doesn't work out for you, by stepping away from it, you can find new way solving the problem. In addition, more does not always mean better - you can miss details, make mistakes, get overtired and generally get sick. Distribute the load optimally and there will be more achievements in your life.

Drive away bad thoughts

Even when nothing bad happens, you may think bad thoughts. and fears are easily overcome when you begin to rethink them and understand their reasons. Once you realize that your anxiety has no explainable cause, disengaging from it won't be such a big problem. If there really is a reason, think about how to resolve the situation. Any fears disappear as soon as a person begins to look them in the eyes.

Take it simpler

Many people complicate everything, thereby worsening their mental and emotional condition. But everything, absolutely everything, can be looked at more simply. Consciousness is simply accustomed to reacting negatively to certain things, but if you think about them, they may not be worth a damn. Is the boss shouting? Let him scream to himself - let him try to boil water with his scream. Bad grade in class? And God bless her - with this mark - tomorrow there will be an A. Quarreled with your spouse? And so what - the dear ones scold - they’re just amusing themselves. Not enough money? And when were they enough? And happiness is not in money, and not even in its quantity. Any situation can be simplified and even turned into a pun. And this is a great way to abstract yourself from negativity.

Become kinder

Have you noticed that good people do well? They may have troubles, they may have problems, they may have hardships - but they are doing well. Being kind is very useful, but kindness should not only be shown towards babies or kittens. You need to be kind to events, situations, and other people, including those who are “negative” towards you. Try to perceive everything as if you are truly a holy person. Ask yourself, how would St. Nicholas the Wonderworker perceive this? You'll see - the brain itself will tell you how to behave, and abstraction will become much easier. And by being kinder, you will begin to attract good people, good events, and good news into your life.

Learn to concentrate

The ability to abstract from the bad is the skill of concentrating on the good. Everything here is extremely simple: do not pay attention to what hurts your feelings, what makes your blood boil, what makes you angry. Instead, remember the faces of your loved ones, focus on funny things that happened during the day, and mentally draw pictures from jokes. Do anything that can be associated with joy, hope, good sadness, happiness, love and other positive emotions. You can read about how to improve your ability to concentrate in our article “”.

Control the Positive

It may sound strange, but you still need to be able to abstract yourself from both negative and positive emotions. If you always have your head in the clouds and look at the world through rose-colored glasses, at one point you might end up hitting the ground. Rejoice, laugh, sing songs, be happy, but understand that these states are destined to end, because you will waste your energy, and they will lose their intensity. As with everything, there must be moderation here too. A The best way rejoicing also means switching attention to business and worries. Such is the human psyche - soaring on the wings of happiness, it is easy to lose vigilance, forget yourself, and not have time to do something important. Keep this in mind and maintain balance and harmony within yourself.

And in conclusion, I would just like to note that abstracting from the outside world, noises and sounds, negative emotions and experiences always helps to develop useful skills and qualities for life, such as awareness, inner peace, concentration, gratitude.

Be sure to make plans, motivate yourself, strive for new goals and achievements, read interesting and educational books, meditate and relax, develop. Having filled your life with these things, you can abstract from anything easily and naturally.

And to bring a little more positivity inside yourself, watch this wonderful video from the famous TV presenter and resident Comedy Club Pavel Volya. We wish you happiness and the ability to remain yourself always and everywhere.

Noisy neighbors are the bane of families, especially in city apartments. A misfortune equivalent to the notorious “roads and fools.” Let us note that the quality of roads in the country is improving, reducing the statistics of road accidents, but the question of how to stop being nervous about noisy neighbors is growing.

And what can we tell each other about here? About the obviously sad Friday evening, when you fall asleep anxiously, as if before an exam. Or about Saturday mornings, on which we may be awakened by the gentle singing of a neighbor's drill. Another dream of getting a good night's sleep has collapsed! Tell me about the night when whitewash is falling from the ceiling, heavy metal is rumbling in your head and you can only fall asleep at dawn. The parents of cute, two-meter-tall teenagers went to the country. It's better to drill in the morning...

One can recall noisy neighbors who make trouble at various times and days of the week, announcing the time and place of the next adultery and betrayal. You can listen to it once. But the drunken voices screaming behind the wall for years... are unbearable!

"Noisy neighbors? Don't worry or be nervous"

Friends and relatives tell you. “What are you really saying?!” Well, go ahead and say what you think! Scare them with police or fines! Get together as a team, write a letter... You just need to stop being nervous! Yes, grab this boy and twist his ears! At work, it happens that experience after experience happens, and you want to at least calm down at home! Where else if not at home to strengthen the nervous system?!”

The neighbors are noisy...

You may be able to stop worrying if you turn on the drill at half past twelve in the morning to hang a shelf. Or should I turn on Alfred Schnittke or the late Paganini loudly at night and go for a walk for an hour in a snowstorm?! Noooo. For some reason, advice from a friend or psychologist doesn’t help either. Do you know any other ways? Have you tried it? And as a result? That's it - noisy neighbors!... probably this can't be cured?

How to stop being nervous about noisy neighbors?! Saw, Shura, cut!!!

It is possible to stop being nervous about noisy neighbors. System-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan will help you learn this. According to it, people are born with certain groups of mental properties - vectors.

As Yuri Burlan’s Systemic Vector Psychology says, understanding what lies behind the desires and properties of a particular person, one can quite easily say a lot about him. For example, to determine his type of thinking, purpose and meaning of life, and even sexuality. By reading a person like an open book, you can interact with him in such a way that it is comfortable, first of all, for ourselves.

For example, you see in front of you a person with an anal vector. This is essentially the owner of the family: he has golden hands, he does everything in the house himself. Yes, it’s slow, the repairs take years, but they’re done with high quality and forever. Perfectionist. Meticulous and reasonable. Family, home are sacred. The meanings of life are also the value of the past, helping comrades, respect and honor. Mom is the most main man in life. By the way, he is most likely an avid fisherman. And as a child, he probably collected stamps, badges or postcards.

It is precisely in these keys that it is worth negotiating with him. Shake hands as a sign of respect. Say that your MOM (or children) are sick now and need silence. He will understand and stop drilling. If, when you meet, you start talking about fishing, raise the topic of returning old textbooks to children’s schools, or the importance of quality work and experience, then you will become friends. For a person with an anal vector to fulfill any request of a friend, good neighbor(for example, agreeing on what hours to make noise) is not a question!

Noisy neighbors will drive me crazy

There are people for whom silence is vital. Loud sounds increase hostility towards the world around us. The activity of the subcortex, already exhausted by endless thoughts, is aroused, concentration is disrupted, and the person is ready to even jump into a noose or jump off the roof, if only the hubbub of noisy neighbors would stop. These are people with a sound vector. They suffer the most and at the same time remain silent, experiencing semantic storms inside.

For the visual vector, which is emotionally excitable, sometimes at the slightest provocation, noisy neighbors can cause panic attacks. The fear of death is their root fear, from which numerous phobias grow. For them, going crazy, swinging emotionally, is like breathing. If one of the children in your family is endowed with these characteristics, do not be surprised that they experience everyday problems that seem to be common for others much more acutely. Help them stop worrying, it is truly vital for them.

How to negotiate with noisy neighbors

Let's remember our standard “crusade” to negotiate.

Firstly, we are no longer just on edge, but practically boiling. We persuade ourselves not to be nervous, but we ourselves are ready to scream and yell from the accumulated anger of many hours or even many days.

Secondly, trying to restrain overflowing emotions, we obviously find ourselves in pretensions and grievances, stumble over our words and get confused in the meaning of our own speech. By this we introduce the interlocutor into retaliatory aggression. It will not be possible to negotiate with a positive result.

Therefore, the first rule is that you don’t have to wait and be patient. Give yourself the task of becoming calm before such a conversation. Second, try to find out who exactly lives above you (to the side) and why they regularly violate public order. Third, we need to determine systematically - who exactly is in front of us, what vector? Who will you negotiate with? For example, if this is a leather worker, it is necessary to talk in the sense of benefit and law and order.