Dark amethyst. Amethyst stone - magical properties and who it is suitable for. Scope and scope

Amethyst is valued primarily for its beauty and unusual, almost never found in nature, purple color with red and pink reflections. This circumstance could not be ignored in ancient times, therefore many legends are associated with it; it is used in magic and lithotherapy. Even among the Sumerians, thousands of years ago, it was considered sacred.

Among the Greeks and Romans, the stories about the origin of the stone are similar and are associated with the god of winemaking, who attacked a defenseless nymph who rejected the claims of a drunken and disliked deity, although the details of these stories differ.

Greek myth

The beautiful Amethys was in love with one shepherdess, Sprikos, and therefore did not notice the signs of attention from others, including immortal men. Dionysus also fell victim to her beauty. Fortified by wine, which gave him courage and made the nymph even more beautiful, he began to pursue her as she walked to the temple of Artemis.

Ametis did not appreciate the courtship and cruelly ridiculed Dionysus, insulting the immortal with her words and coldness. Stung, he decided to gain favor at any cost. Dionysus rushed after the nymph, wanting to dishonor her.

The plan failed as Artemis turned the nymph into a stone column. This did not stop Dionysus; he decided to revive her with wine, but it only colored the stone. Zeus, seeing all this, destroyed the column, scattering the fragments throughout the world.

Roman myth

Bacchus was very unhappy that people did not worship him much, so he decided to attract attention by unleashing angry tigers on people. Not only people, but also a nymph named Amethys were horrified. She turned into a terror, which put the tigers to flight.

Bacchus repented of what he had done and tried to revive it by sprinkling wine on the statue, but the crystal only became colored and the wine turned into water.

Jews and Christians

Fleeing from Egypt, the Jews, along with other cultural heritage, took amethysts, revered by the Egyptian nobility, which adorned the crowns of the kings. The stone is mentioned under the name akhlamog in the Torah. Among other gems, it adorned the breastplate of the Jewish high priest.

From the Torah the stone passed into the Bible. The word was distorted and began to sound amethyst. It became a revered biblical stone.

physical and chemical indicators

At its core, amethyst is quartz with liquid, gaseous and mineral impurities of magnetite, rutile, which was formed in geodes and veins and was subjected to prolonged exposure to the earth’s electromagnetic field and radiation. Due to this, deviations arose in the ideal crystal lattice, and iron ions of different valences replaced the voids, which is why the mineral has such a color.

When exposed to sunlight, it loses color, becoming cloudy white. The color is returned to it by radiation. When heated to 300 degrees, it discolors in the same way as from sunlight, becoming green. This mineral received its own name -.

Amethyst crystals have a diamond-shaped cross-section, which is characteristic only of this mineral. The remaining types form crystals with a hexagonal cross-section. In the natural environment, you can come across both simple stones collected in a brush and scepter-shaped ones. This is an accumulation of later amethyst formations on earlier ones. The form of education resembles. The apex is colored more intensely, and the base is often simply discolored.

The properties of amethyst are described in the table:

It is inferior in hardness and is less common, therefore it is not used in industry. The unusualness of the purple color and the beauty of the stone in faceted form and in the form of brushes were appreciated by jewelers and designers.

Products and prices

Now amethysts are mined all over the world: in the Urals, on the Kola Peninsula, on the island of Ceylon, in America, Brazil, Germany, Armenia. But stones from different deposits have different prices.

Brazilian and Ural gems are especially valued for their rich, bright purple color. The first jewelry found in Russia dates back to the 11th century. The most remarkable Russian museum treasures with amethysts are kept in the Armory Chamber. This is the binding of the Morozov Gospel and the Pantocrator icon.

Amethyst is used to create rings, bracelets, pendants, earrings, brooches, beads, tiaras, necklaces, set in silver, yellow, red and White gold. It is often used together with other stones: citrines, topaz,. Amethyst lends itself well to cutting; small boxes, bottles, cameos are cut from it.

In their raw form, amethyst brushes and geodes are also beautiful. Designers use them as part of the interior.

Ordinary jewelry is relatively inexpensive, since the market a large number of artificial amethysts. Only natural stones of bright colors are of great value.

Since the mineral belongs to the Bible, it is revered by the clergy. It decorates church utensils and icon frames. Priests wear it on crosses, robes and in rings.

Among the laity, amethyst is the stone of homosexuals thanks to the autobiographical writings of Oscar Wilde. As a distinctive sign, knowledgeable people still wear it today.

Medicinal properties

Since ancient times, amethyst has been credited with the power to relieve intoxication. It helps not only to stay sober for a long time during libations, but also clears the mind of an already intoxicated person, and eases the hangover the next morning.

The wide healing properties of amethyst and its use in alternative medicine are getting rid of addictions: and drug addiction. Wearing a stone amulet cannot replace drug treatment and self-improvement, but it will speed up and facilitate the process.

  1. Strengthens vision.
  2. Treats kidney diseases.
  3. Relieves nightmares.
  4. This talisman, placed on the stomach, cures headaches as well as melancholy.
  5. Helps fight hunger during a diet, which improves weight loss results and makes dieting easier.
  6. Relieves psychological stress.
  7. Helps relieve tension and stress during any mental stress.
  8. Slows down the process of weakening vision.
  9. Treats infertility, helps to bear a healthy child.
  10. During epidemics, the talisman protects against infections due to the antiseptic effect of the mineral. This feature was used in ancient China. Amethyst was used to make boxes and bottles for storing potions so that they would not spoil or absorb bad energy.
  11. Treats sexual disorders.
  12. Saves memory.

Amethyst water can be used as a medicine to relieve colds. To do this, place an amethyst stone in a carafe of water and let it sit overnight. For additional energy, you need to place the water so that the full moon is reflected in it. You can wash your face with this water to remove acne.

To get rid of sadness or depression, ancient practice recommends taking a lilac crystal, holding it in your hands and looking at it for a long time to establish a spiritual connection. Then imagine the sea at sunset. Mentally place the sun in a crystal and admire its rays. This calms thoughts, puts them in order, and clears them of anger and negativity. After the session is completed, the amulet is thanked for its help.

Magic properties

In ancient Rome, amethyst was revered as a “blessed stone.” It was believed that it has magical properties that bring good luck, peace and tranquility. Modern mystics claim that precious stones contain two levels of energy: the first is contained within the stone, the energy is in constant motion, capable of accumulating in it and remaining for a long time. The second level is external energy, the mineral receives it from the environment and, if necessary, gives back its own. The stones are so valued by esotericists, this is also due to magical properties. A person successfully integrates into this energy exchange.

It is customary to highlight the following magical properties of the stone:

  1. Frees its owner from hypochondria and bad thoughts.
  2. Reveals intuition and extrasensory abilities.
  3. Helps resolve conflict situations without loss.
  4. Brings happiness.
  5. Protects from witchcraft.
  6. Removes melancholy, heals mental wounds.
  7. Protects from bad dishonest actions.
  8. Helps its owner in love, protects against betrayal.
  9. An amethyst amulet will protect the family union from discord and quarrels.

Amethyst, February Aquarius, Capricorn and Aries. they receive subtle intuition from amethyst, and the zodiac sign Aquarius receives peace and financial success. Amethyst will help people of the zodiac sign in difficult periods of life, when everything falls apart and does not go as planned. and Libra can wear amethyst to relieve depression.

Previously, amethyst was worn by sailors to predict the weather. If it got dark, then it would be stormy; if it got lighter, then the weather would be clear.

Druses and geodes have greater magical properties than individual stones. They combine several small crystals, which increases the effect of the amulet. These types are suitable for meditation, so get peace of mind, cool your thoughts and feelings. To do this, just stare at the amethyst for a few minutes, clearing your head of thoughts.


There are different colors: light, with a barely noticeable purple tint, bluish, purple, black. Unevenly colored crystals are often found. The division is made according to color and inclusions of other minerals. The properties of the stone depend on the type of crystal.

  1. Brandberg is a mixture of amethyst and smoky quartz, and insects are often found in it. It is mined in Africa. He is valued for his healing abilities.
  2. Chevron is fused layers of bright purple amethyst and white quartz to create complex patterns. It is found in Mexico.
  3. - a combination of amethyst and, which gives a lilac hue with an admixture of gold. This is a stone of inspiration that pushes its owner to new achievements.
  4. Rutile amethyst is a rare stone containing rutile quartz and goethite. A very rare specimen with its own properties - to normalize the nervous state, as well as.

How to spot a fake

Unscrupulous sellers may pass off glass, cheaper colored stones, or plastic as an amethyst stone. Rules for identifying a fake:

  1. It is harder than steel; if you scratch it with a knife, it will not damage the mineral.
  2. The amethyst will leave marks on the glass, but will remain unharmed.
  3. Bright crystals are rare in nature, because if jewelry It is inexpensive, but the stone is rich in color, making you doubt its naturalness.
  4. The mineral does not conduct heat well, so when touched it remains cold for some time. Glass or plastic immediately heats up.

In addition to natural amethyst, artificially grown crystals are used in jewelry. It is difficult to distinguish them from natural ones. Some rules:

  1. Artificial stones have purer and more intense colors. Natural ones are paler, with uneven coloring.
  2. If you look closely, the natural mineral will not be perfectly transparent. It will contain microcracks and inclusions of liquid and gas bubbles.
  3. In water, a real stone becomes discolored at the edges of the edges; this does not happen with an artificial one.
  4. In ultraviolet rays, a real amethyst stone is completely discolored, and an artificial one becomes stained.
  5. Depending on the lighting, the natural amethyst stone changes color.

When evaluating, you can focus on price. A good amethyst cannot be cheap, but scammers know this rule, so you can find an expensive fake. The best way Protect yourself from counterfeiting by buying jewelry from trusted stores that value their reputation.

Rules of care

The main property of amethyst is the ability to discolor from prolonged exposure to the sun. In order for the stone to last longer while maintaining its original color, you must follow some rules:

  1. Store in a dark place, away from other jewelry.
  2. Don't wear it all the time. Exposure to light, water, detergents will make the mineral colorless and cloudy.
  3. Figurines and geodes should be placed in a dark place in the apartment, away from sunlight.
  4. The stone is not heated, which causes it to change color.
  5. Jewelry must be cleaned with a special solution, which is sold in jewelry store. Popular home remedies such as vinegar or toothpaste will ruin the stone and setting.
  6. Tarnished stones can be restored by contacting a jeweler.

Amethyst is famous for its properties and beauty. It will heal from sadness, melancholy, fatigue, help develop intuition and open the “third eye”, giving the gift of foresight. This is the stone of kings, covered in legends, which everyone can afford.

Amethyst is a transparent stone that has a purple hue, but pink and green amethyst are also available. It is very attractive in appearance, so it is often used in the creation of jewelry. Even from a photo you can appreciate the beauty of the stone.

However, this is not its main advantage. The main thing is that amethyst has magical properties, so it can be used as an amulet. Amethyst got its name from the Greek nymph Amethys.

If we translate the name literally, it means “not drunk.” The magical properties of the amethyst stone are so strong that they help it resist the forces of evil, as well as protect its owner from them. However, not everyone can wear it. It suits some zodiac signs perfectly, while for others its wearing is contraindicated. Today we will tell you who amethyst is suitable for and what its meaning is.

The main meaning of the amethyst stone is that it protects against intoxication and poisoning. Therefore, it was one of the most popular minerals in past times. Amethyst was used to decorate the dishes of the nobility so that people high birth did not suffer from the effects of poisons, which at that time were often added to drinks or food. Nowadays, stone is often used for the same purpose. In addition, it helps to get rid of alcohol and drug addiction.

In addition, the amethyst stone has the following properties: it attracts happiness and love. Thanks to him you can find your soulmate.

If the feelings are mutual, then you can give your chosen one jewelry with this stone. Then it will seal the union and help preserve the feeling of lovers for many years. The mineral also helps create strong family.

However, you cannot give it as a gift if the object of your desire is already in another relationship. It does not help break up families and separate lovers. In this case, the stone will only strengthen their union and destroy the vicious relationship.

Another meaning of the amethyst stone is that it helps you get on the right path and does not allow you to deviate from it. In addition, it gives peace of mind and relieves the burden of past actions.

Amethyst has protective properties, and its meaning lies in the fact that it protects the owner from evil forces and evil witchcraft (evil eye, damage and love spells). In addition, the mineral helps to establish relationships with others and protects against gossip, intrigue, etc.

Amethyst has another meaning - it relieves insomnia and protects the owner from nightmares. Thanks to him, a person wakes up rested and full of strength.

Amethyst has magical properties that slow down external aging processes. It helps preserve your beauty and youth for many years. In addition, the mineral helps to recognize lies. With its help, you can “bring out” a deceitful person with bad intentions.

The magic stone, whose name is amethyst, reveals to a person the secrets of the universe, opens a short path to knowledge and relieves him of false truths. In addition, the mineral develops hidden talents and gives inspiration to creative people.

Amethyst has healing properties. There is an opinion that it helps to cope with some pathologies of the liver and kidneys, has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and eases the course of colds. In addition, it relieves headaches, improves blood circulation, gastrointestinal function and eliminates problems with the epidermis.

Amethyst has the ability to accumulate negative energy. Therefore, it cannot be worn constantly. In order to rid the stone of it, you need to hold it in running water for a while. After this it can be used again.

As already mentioned, this stone is not suitable for everyone. Next, we will find out who this mineral is suitable for and who it is not.

Who is suitable for amethyst by zodiac sign?

If you rely on the horoscope, you need to know which zodiac sign this mineral is suitable for and which it is contraindicated for. Such data will be shown in the table below.

Amethyst compatibility with zodiac sign. Table 1.

If amethyst is suitable for your zodiac sign, then it is also important to know what properties it has in a particular case. So, the mineral is ideal for Aries. Amethyst calms him down and helps him find harmony both with himself and with the world around him. The stone “cools down” the hot ardor of Aries. It helps you make thoughtful decisions with a “cool head” and not in a fit of anger. In addition, the mineral softens the too harsh character of Aries.

Another zodiac sign for which this stone is ideal is Aquarius. In this case, he bestows wisdom and vitality that will help you cope with even the most difficult life situation. In addition, the mineral helps to get rid of negative character traits and grants protection from evil forces and evil witchcraft.

For Pisces, Cancers and Sagittarius, although this stone is not the main mineral, it will help them find happiness and love. With its help, these zodiac signs can build a strong family. In addition, in this case the mineral attracts good luck and bestows financial well-being.

Green amethyst

Green amethyst is a special variety of this mineral. It also has another name - . The green stone, unlike other amethysts, can be worn by all zodiac signs without exception.

It is ideal for Scorpio, Aquarius, Aries and Pisces. In this case, it gives peace and tranquility. It helps to get rid of bad thoughts, cope with depression and calm your anger. In addition, the mineral grants protection from evil forces and evil witchcraft. It also helps to create a strong family and protects it from quarrels and scandals.

The green amethyst stone gives Gemini peace of mind and relieves insomnia. In addition, it protects against nightmares. Thanks to him, Cancers find harmony with themselves and with the world around them. For Taurus, green amethyst helps cope with depression and gives optimism.

How to choose and wear

For an amethyst to bestow protection, prosperity and love, you need to be able to choose and wear it correctly. This mineral, regardless of color, must be framed in gold or silver. In the first case, the metal will enhance the calming properties of amethyst.

Therefore, a stone set in gold helps better cope with emotional distress and depression. As for silver, it helps to improve relationships with others. In addition, amethyst encased in this metal improves the functioning of a woman’s reproductive system and even helps her get rid of infertility.

It is recommended to wear the stone in the form of a ring. Men should wear it on their ring finger right hand, and for women - on the ring finger of the left hand. In addition, the stone can be worn as a pendant or necklace.

Knowing what properties amethyst has and who this stone is suitable for, you can acquire a strong amulet for yourself and your loved ones.

Many people wonder: is amethyst a precious or semi-precious stone? The ancestors called it blessed or apostolic and believed that the stone brought good luck. Amethysts are stones that attract with their beauty and mystery. Translated from the ancient Greek language, “amethystos” means “non-intoxicating”. The ancient Greeks believed that the stone protected against intoxication and clouding of mind.

Amethyst is a semi-precious stone, but this does not affect the circle of fans of this stone.

Beautiful legend

Even in ancient times, there was a legend that is still retold today. One of the winemaking gods fell madly in love with beautiful girl, whose name was Amethystos, but this feeling was unrequited. To preserve her innocence, the girl turned to the gods.

The goddess Artemis heard the plea and turned the girl into a beautiful light stone. Dionysus was very upset, this was a real blow for him, but he just had to come to terms with it. But in order to leave a piece of himself in the stone, Dionysus sprinkled it with drops of a grape wine drink, which is why the semi-precious stone acquired an unusual bluish-violet hue.

What do mineralogy specialists think?

From a mineralogy point of view, amethysts are the most precious varieties of quartz. Stones are used to make jewelry and talismans. The first jewelry made from semi-precious ornamental amethyst was made by the ancient Greeks. The color range of stones may be different, and this depends on iron impurities. Stones can have the following shades:

  • pale purple;
  • purple;
  • dark purple;
  • black.

Among jewelers, specimens with rich crystalline shades are prized. The stone looks much more effective in the sun. It shines and shimmers. It looks a little dull indoors. America, Mexico, Italy, South Korea, Russia are the places where amethyst deposits have the highest rates. In the Russian Federation, the most valuable is the Ural species, which has a crimson hue. One of the largest deposits of amethyst stones is located in Zambia, where about 1 thousand tons are exported annually. The stones are mined in individual crystals or groups.

Healing and magical properties of the mineral

Semi-precious ornamental amethyst has healing properties. Since ancient times, people have tried to wear amulets, talismans or jewelry to protect themselves from the evil eye. Modern astrologers report that the stone not only restores metabolic processes in the body, but also tames an obstinate temperament, helps calm the nervous system and cope with emotions.

Astrologers say that amethyst jewelry should be worn by people whose profession involves constant communication with people (doctors, teachers, businessmen). The rhythm of life of people who have such professions is quite intense, the human body gets tired very quickly. In addition, very often there are energy vampires who simply absorb other people's life energy. Amethyst is able to protect people from evil eyes and slander, and restore a person’s energy field. A gift of amethyst or jewelry made from it is guaranteed to bring certain protection, happiness, and good luck. According to legend, it is able to prevent poisoning, which is why in ancient times people tried to drink drinks only from amethyst cups, especially if the feast took place in the houses of enemies.

Modern healers very often use it to treat alcoholism.

The energy of the stone helps a person who drinks alcohol to clear his mind, bring his mental and psychological state back to normal, and look at life with different eyes.

It is very important to know and be able to choose the right amethyst jewelry to match your clothing style. Since the color scheme of stones and types of jewelry are quite diverse, we can confidently say that you can choose a piece of jewelry to suit any style. The main thing is balance, that is, you don’t need to wear all the amethyst jewelry at once. It is enough to use a ring and a chain with a pendant for casual style. For a social event, you can wear small amethyst earrings and add a necklace.

It is also important to know how to properly store the stone. It must be kept separate from other jewelry, preferably in a dark place. Astrologers recommend placing amethyst in a visible place for 2-3 days to “clean” the living space from negativity.

Semi-precious amethyst and zodiac signs

Amethysts are unusual stones. They require special, careful treatment. Astrologers do not recommend wearing jewelry every day, but putting it on only when support is needed.

For Aries, amethyst is very important. It helps make people more cautious, reasonable and restrained. Thanks to the creative energy of amethyst, Aries can make even the most unrealizable dreams come true. Aries women, especially those who have problems with childbearing, should definitely buy jewelry with amethyst, preferably a ring with a large stone.

Taurus are born to wear amethyst jewelry. The stone will help get rid of attacks of melancholy and activate mental activity. Amethyst brings good luck to Taurus businessmen. It is better for Taurus men to wear a ring with a semi-precious amethyst, for women - a pendant and earrings.

Geminis should wear amethyst jewelry to get rid of insomnia and nervousness. Since amethyst is a stone of purity and sincerity, Geminis must keep it at home in order to restore spiritual harmony and maintain a favorable environment at home. An excellent jewelry option for Gemini is a necklace or ring.

People born under the constellation Cancer can be proud of themselves, because for them amethyst is a real savior. The stone helps prevent many diseases, normalizes digestion, and improves the immune system.

Cancer women can have no doubt that after purchasing an amethyst talisman, their life and family happiness will improve. Cancers can wear any amethyst jewelry: they will all protect them equally.

Leos are hot-tempered and aggressive. For them, amethyst is an opportunity to balance their internal state and find peace of mind. Very often, the reason for failures in life is precisely the tough character of Leo. The stone will help you make the right decision and not commit rash actions. Leos prefer to have a large pendant or just a stone at home.

Despite the fact that Libra and Virgo are reasonable, calm people, astrologers still recommend that they wear amethyst jewelry. The gentle nature of Libra and Virgo very often becomes the cause of the evil eye, gossip and slander. The stone will help protect Libra and Virgo from various otherworldly forces. Recommended amethyst jewelry for Libra and Virgo are earrings with a large stone.

For Scorpios, a semi-precious stone is not only their talisman, but also their strongest amulet. To become successful and prosperous, Scorpios need to wear an amethyst ring, preferably on their right hand.

Sagittarians are sincere, peace-loving and talented. Sometimes these talents are revealed only under the influence of the energy of the amethyst stone. It is better for Sagittarius to wear stones in a silver frame. Astrologers recommend wearing an amethyst bracelet.

Capricorns very often fall under Negative influence from the outside, causing the energy field to become polluted, illnesses and problems to appear in the family and at work. It is enough to put on an amethyst ring and pendant, and a person will immediately feel relief and calm. His energy will direct Capricorns’ thoughts in the right direction.

Astrologers advise Aquarius and Pisces to wear earrings and rings made of amethyst, and its color should be lilac-violet. In this case, a person is filled with chastity, his intuition develops.

is a unique variety of purple quartz. The unearthly beauty of this natural wonder has earned it centuries-long popularity. The name itself is also noteworthy, because from Greek “amethystos” means “not drunk”. This suggests that this semi-precious stone sobers the mind and protects against harmful influences from the outside. In ancient times, noble people preferred to drink wine from goblets made of beautiful stone, since it was believed that in this case alcohol would not cloud the mind or loosen the tongue of the drinker.

But this is not the only name for amethyst. Previously in Rus' it was called the bishop's stone to show luxury and magical power, Christian teaching spoke of it as the stone of the Apostle Matthew, and in Europe it was called the stone of Bacchus. Amethyst had every chance of becoming the most expensive jewel, if not for its wide distribution in nature. In addition, today synthetic violet crystals are supplied by industry.

In history, this wonderful gem is known as the first stone that began to be processed to create jewelry, which speaks of its unearthly beauty. Ancient manuscripts of Ancient Egypt contain a mention of amethyst as a beautiful gem.

The purple gift of nature was held in special esteem by church ministers, so it was used to decorate the most expensive icons, altars, and utensils, and when Christians were ordained to the highest spiritual ranks, they always put a ring with a purple stone on their finger.

The variability of color was used for prediction; it was believed that amethyst dimmed or darkened before the onset of destructive natural disasters. Among ancient civilizations, amethyst was considered a symbol of peace, sincerity and virtue.

The fact that amethyst belongs to the family of ordinary quartz does not in the least diminish its attractive beauty. Bright Gems difficult to confuse with other stones, since the unusual lilac or purple color is their distinctive feature. Collectors are attracted by the beautiful shades, unusual shape of crystals and unique optical properties - the ability to change their color depending on the angle of refraction of light. But, nevertheless, in artificial lighting the stone does not look as attractive as in sunlight.

Like everything beautiful in the world, amethyst has given rise to many legends and beliefs. At all times, it was considered an emblem of endless love and passion. The beautiful goddess Amethys conquered the ardent heart of the god of wine Dionysus, but did not seek to reciprocate his feelings, since she was in love with another. Passion overshadowed the courageous admirer's mind, so he decided to use force. When the beautiful nymph found herself in the hands of the intoxicated Dionysus, the judicious Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, came to her aid. Her touch was enough for the beauty to turn into a luxurious stone white. Dionysus, in turn, out of frustration, poured a glass of wine on the sparkling creature, from which it acquired a slight lilac tint. That is why the beautiful gem is called amethyst. At all times, he was considered the personification of spiritual and physical restraint.

Properties of natural amethyst

Quartz– a fairly dense mineral. Amethyst's hardness on the Mohs scale is 7, and its density reaches 2.6. This hardness value exceeds that of glass and even steel, so this property is used to distinguish a gemstone from ordinary violet glass. Real natural stone cannot be scratched with a knife or glass shard. The color of a natural stone is never perfectly even, unlike a synthetic product, this is also a criterion for recognizing a fake.

Beautiful amethyst stones have a glassy luster and beautifully reflect the glare of the sun; this becomes possible due to the fact that the crystal lattice has a pyramidal shape. When heated for a long time, amethyst acquires a yellow-green tint and turns into citrine.

The thermal conductivity of amethyst is very low, so it remains cold for a long time when held in your hands. Unlike cultured stones, natural amethysts become slightly discolored around the edges when immersed in water. This property is often used by specialists when determining the origin of amethyst.

What color can an amethyst be?

Purple variety of the quartz family can have shades of varying intensity: from delicate lilac to rich violet. And the reason for such an exquisite coloring of the mineral is simply inclusions of iron or manganese ions, which enter the crystal structure and disrupt its ideality. Amethysts can lose their brightness when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, as well as during short-term heating to a temperature of 250 degrees Celsius. But upon cooling, the color is partially restored.

Sometimes there are unique varieties of soft pink, dark purple, and deep red colors. But purple stones are considered the most beautiful; it is not for nothing that poets called them “stone violets.”

It’s just amazing, but there is also in nature green amethysts. These stones are also called prasolites. This gemstone is very rare and is only mined in Brazil. Jewelers love prasolites, and the cut of these amazing green amethysts is sometimes simply amazing.

Despite its rarity, green amethyst is not that expensive. Green amethyst sometimes contains needle-like inclusions, which only adds piquancy to the gemstone. Shades of green amethyst can be very diverse.

Even rarer amethysts - black. They are formed in the bowels of the earth over millions of years, and are found only in the Uruguay deposit. Of course, a stone so rare cannot cost little, it is expensive. In addition, black amethyst has the amazing property of removing radiation and stress. It is believed that black amethyst helps in the development and opening of the third eye. Please note that the black growths on black amethyst are only on the top.

Amethyst deposits in the world

In nature, amethyst occurs in the form of crystals, druses and brushes. Deposits of the mineral are found in South America, Russia, Europe, Asia and Africa. But the quality of the stones differs depending on the location. In Africa, high-quality nuggets are mined, but their quantity is insignificant; in Brazil, the situation is exactly the opposite. Samples suitable for creating jewelry are not mined in all deposits. The most expensive jewelry stones are considered to be Ural gems, which have a persistent purple hue. The commercial name of this variety is “Deep Siberian”.

Unique nuggets are also mined on the Kola Peninsula and in Mexico; beautiful prismatic crystals of a rich dark purple color are mined here. One of the oldest developed amethyst deposits is located on the island of Sri Lanka.

How much does an amethyst cost or What does the price of an amethyst depend on?

Until about 100-150 years ago, amethyst was mined only in Russia, so the unique gemstone was equated in price to emeralds and rubies. But after the discovery of a large deposit in Brazil, the situation changed dramatically, and the gem became more accessible. However, its dark varieties are more valuable, such as dark violet and purple, the color of which is uniform and deep. An obvious characteristic of cost is also defectiveness. Richly colored minerals are derived from volcanic rocks and are more resistant to fading than pale purple sedimentary rocks.

What is the cut of amethyst?

This beautiful gemstone has the right hardness to be processed and is highly polished. Cutting stones allows you to enhance their natural beauty; they acquire ideal proportions and precise symmetry. The standard shape of a stone can be considered an oval. Stones in the shape of a triangle, square, pear or heart are also found in rings, earrings and pendants. The most expensive amethysts are processed using the step or mixed brilliant cut method; the cabochon method is used for inexpensive varieties.

The most expensive amethysts in the world

The size of crystals created by nature usually does not exceed 100 mm, so not many large exhibits were found. One of them is a cut Brazilian amethyst, weighing more than 1300 carats, it is included in the US National Collection. In the entire history of mineral mining, the largest nugget was found in Northern Finland; it weighed 65 kg. In Malaysia, purple quartz was found that weighed 6.6 kg. Large stones usually lose their value because they contain all kinds of mineral, liquid and gas-liquid inclusions.

In Ancient Greece and Egypt Gems were carved on beautiful deep purple stones; such emblems adorned the faces of mythical characters, influential people, and rulers. Today, many similar specimens have been found, which join the ranks of museum exhibits and are considered priceless.

The oldest antique amethyst gems are kept in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. One of the works dates back to the 2nd century AD; despite its small size, the emblem fascinates with its mystery. Historians suggest that it depicts the traitor Marcus Junius Brutus Caepio, who played a central role in the plot against Julius Caesar. The famous gem of ancient times on amethyst with a portrait of the Roman emperor Lucius Verus is also kept here. The Head of Arsinoe is another outstanding amethyst piece; it was made in Ancient Greece long before the beginning of our era.

Amethyst druses

is the type of quartz that forms unique aggregates called druses. Graceful crystals of rhombohedral shape grow together with edges or faces on a common base. They are pressed so tightly together that only their surface peaks are visible. Amethyst growths can become the owner's friends, since this decorative item in the home carries positive energy and harmonizes the space. Beautiful splices should never be stored in a desk drawer, closet or box; they need an open space that they will be happy to clear of negativity.

Amethyst druses can be placed in front of a computer monitor to protect yourself from the harmful effects of radiation. In addition, it is the conglomerates of this mineral that can be used to purify the energy of other precious stones and metals. It is enough to simply leave the jewelry on your friend all night and his unhealthy aura will be completely cured.

Amethyst as a magic stone

The semi-precious stone amethyst is the best option for proper meditation, it helps control negative emotions and extinguishes mental anguish. But its energy is changeable, like a chameleon, amethyst is a stone of Air. It was customary to give jewelry with an amethyst to free girls, since it was believed that it could awaken love in their souls for the giver. For the same reason married women Such gifts were categorically refused.

At all times, amethyst was considered a talisman that awakened the gift of clairvoyance in its owner. In addition, he helped correct the path of life and ward off trouble from the owner and his loved ones. A precious stone is a purifier of the spiritual nature of a person and all objects that surround him. Most likely, the reason for the worship of the stone at all times was its unique color, because the violet hue is the final link in the visible spectrum and borders on the invisible ultraviolet. Philosophers and poets treated it as a gateway to an otherworldly world beyond the control of human perception.

Amethyst is a quartz mineral with a deep purple-pink color. It belongs to the semi-precious crystals, but due to its beauty it can be compared in popularity with any precious stone. This is the most expensive quartz mineral existing in the world.

Characteristics and location of production

What does untreated amethyst look like? These are crystals of different sizes, having an elongated shape with six sides. The most common mineral is purple, the shade of which can be completely different. The stones can be slightly blue, or they can sparkle with a deep dark, almost black color. Whatever the color of amethyst, it is distinguished by a special brilliance that appears in sunlight; in this regard, a quartz crystal can compete even with a diamond.

Scientists before today They argue about where the mineral gets its unique color. Some believe that this is the result of the presence of elements such as iron, cobalt and manganese. Others argue that the color is due to the presence of organic pigments.

Quartz minerals change color depending on environmental conditions. Doesn't like amethyst crystal high temperatures. At temperatures above 200°C it changes color to a lighter color. The stone can turn yellow, green, or even white (colorless). It is worth noting that after cooling, the jewel, although not fully, still restores its original shade.

The mineral also burns out when exposed to the sun for a long time. So, over the course of a century it can fade by as much as 80%. It is worth remembering that the lavender pebble should be stored in a box protected from light, this is the key to the durability of the jewelry.

The amethyst gemstone is mined from rocks. The most extensive deposits of the mineral are located in South America, Asia, Russia and the African continent.

The depth of the mineral is always different. The deeper the deposit is located, the higher the quality of the gem. The most expensive and most amazingly beautiful specimens are mined in the Urals. They were called “Siberian amethyst”. There are high quality gems in Asia, but samples from Brazil are of the least quality, and, as a result, have a low price compared to other types.

Varieties of mineral

The variety of colors and purity of the stone (without foreign inclusions) is the reason for such a high popularity of the mineral among jewelers. Semi-precious stones of such high quality are rarely found in nature.

Despite the fact that purple is the most common color, there are gems of other colors in nature, for example, green amethyst. These jewelry are very rare and are used mainly for making collectibles. When making jewelry, the cut of the stone is important; the correct choice of material makes the finished product truly fabulous; as a rule, white and yellow gold are used. Green amethyst has a delicate, but at the same time deep color, thanks to which the stone was called proselyte.

Gold ring with amethyst and cubic zirconia (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

An equally rare shade is pink amethyst color. It may or may not be transparent. Pink stone is rarely monochromatic, but admixtures of other shades do not make it less valuable. On the contrary, they give the finished product a special charm. The pink gem is collected only with the most precious metals (gold and platinum).

It takes several million years for a new deposit of black stone to form. This is the rarest of all gem varieties. For its uniqueness, black amethyst was nicknamed royal. Expensive jewelry is made from it, including many items cut in silver. As a rule, these are amulets and talismans, since it is silver that fully reveals the healing and magical properties of amethyst.

Gold earrings with amethyst and cubic zirconia (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

Stone of the Gods

The mineral appeared on earth a long time ago; an interesting legend was written about it back in ancient Greece. She talked about how the god of wine Dionysus fell in love with a nymph named Amethyst. But the girl already had a lover, so the goddess Artemis gave her a stone of an unusual purple color, which was supposed to protect the nymph from intoxication with wine.

In those days, wine cups were decorated with amethyst, and jewelry with stones was worn at festivals. People believed that this way they could protect themselves from excessive alcohol consumption and the consequences of feasting. It’s not for nothing that the name of the gem means “not drunk” when translated from ancient Greek.

This mineral was revered not only in Greece, but also in other ancient states. In China, it was used to make containers for aromatic oils; in Rome, it was used to decorate things belonging to the nobility; in Egypt, amethyst was considered one of the strongest amulets.

In Rus', archbishops and princes owned the stone; it could often be seen on the crowns of queens. The special shine and unique color, reminiscent of lilac, could not leave a single person indifferent.

Magic crystal

Of course, many different powers were attributed to the gem, which was considered a gift from the gods. The main property of the stone is protection against the effects of alcohol. Amethyst not only reduces cravings for alcohol, but also alleviates hangover symptoms.

However, the magical properties of the stone are much broader. It helps you achieve success in business, sports and love.

Gold ring with amethyst (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

Amethyst imparts energy to its owner. Churchmen revere the mineral for its ability to purify thoughts, bestow prudence and direct thoughts in the right direction. The talisman promotes spiritual development and self-knowledge.

A talisman that can engender love is a pink pebble. If you present such a decoration to your loved one, then soon he (she) will reciprocate the love. The impact of the mineral is so strong that it can break previous attachments. However, when destroying someone else's love with the help of an amethyst talisman, the giver must be prepared for the fact that he will never be completely happy again. The object of desire, although he will love and be near, will forever remain a stranger.

Gold pendant with black diamonds, amethyst and diamonds (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

Sometimes they say that amethyst is a stone of loneliness. The fact is that, having generated true love, the talisman will nourish it forever. Therefore, even after the death of one of the lovers, the feelings will not disappear, the person will not be able to give his heart to someone else and will remain lonely for the rest of his life. It’s not for nothing that the stone is called a keeper eternal love.

You can give amethyst not only to your loved one. A talisman can reconcile people, putting an end to even a very long feud. If you need to improve relations with a business partner, it is recommended to give him a stone in the shade of blooming lavender.

Gold jewelry SL with amethyst and diamonds (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

Black, purple or green amethyst can protect its owner from the anger and anger of others. Of all the jewelry, it is best to choose rings with this gem. Such rings are worn exclusively on the ring finger: women's rings are on the left hand, and men's rings are on the right.

After the stone has been processed, it is set with metal. Amulets with gold bring success in business. But amethyst in silver helps family happiness. It has long been believed that such a talisman helps a woman become pregnant. Magicians and healers believe that magical and healing properties stones are so large that it cures female infertility.

Use in alternative medicine

Medicinal properties amethyst are extensive. According to lithotherapists, the stone promotes the production of hormones and normalizes the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems. In addition, the mineral saturates the blood with oxygen.

It is simply impossible to overestimate the importance of amethyst. It helps treat disorders such as:

  • stress;
  • depression;
  • headache;
  • skin diseases;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • insomnia.

Green amethyst is a stone that strengthens the immune system. In addition, it relieves chronic fatigue. It is used for facial massage, it helps get rid of wrinkles and restore the natural shade of the skin.

Treatment with the mineral is also suitable for those who want to cleanse the liver, kidneys and vascular system. To do this, just put the stone in a carafe with water overnight.

Amethyst talisman will help overcome tissue swelling and remove bruises. Jewelry with the mineral is recommended to be worn if you have joint disease.

The importance of the amethyst stone is confirmed by the fact that its ability to relieve nervous tension is used in the treatment of psychological disorders.

Amethyst in astrology

Of course, the mesmerizing amethyst color attracts the eye, but it is worth remembering that beauty is not the main thing. The zodiac sign should not conflict with the amulet. Otherwise, all his positive qualities will be useless. And perhaps they will even cause harm.

This stone suits almost all zodiac signs. The exceptions are Leo, Pisces and Capricorn. If for Leo and Pisces the talisman does not pose a threat and will only beautiful decoration, then for Capricorn he is dangerous. People born under this sign are prone to self-destruction; wearing amethyst enhances this character trait.

Other zodiac signs receive only positive effects when wearing amethyst. For example, an amulet pacifies the impulsiveness of Aries, which often interferes with completing a planned task.

The stone will support Taurus in difficult situations, and will also contribute to the development of his personality. Cancer will be able to achieve success in love; the amulet has a particularly strong effect on girls of this sign. Such talismans will become suitable companions for those born under the sign of Virgo. It enhances analytical abilities and helps to make friends with people around you.

Any negative impact directed at Scorpio will be neutralized by a talisman made of blue or purple amethyst. Sagittarius will be able to establish family relationships.

MASKOM gold earrings with amethyst and cubic zirconia (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

Among all the signs, the stone highlights several favorites who can receive support and protection in any area of ​​life. The mineral favors the signs of the air element: Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. The stone helps the owner focus on specific goals, fills him with energy, and clears thoughts and emotions from doubt and chaos. In addition, the stone, which by its nature brings people together, will help air signs to weed out unnecessary acquaintances, leaving surrounded only by those people who are able to help, support or teach.

Artificial gem

With the development of science, people have learned to create various materials. Stones were no exception. Artificial amethyst is grown in special laboratories; the stone has the same physical properties, and the color of the mineral is determined in advance. Interesting fact: artificially created amethysts are not inferior in price to real ones.

The differences between natural and grown specimens are size, shape and color. The fact is that the amethyst color of natural crystals cannot be uniform. Some parts of the stone are always lighter or darker than the main mass. In the case of an artificial mineral, the color is always bright, rich and uniform.

Despite the fact that synthetic crystals were not created by nature, they do not belong to ornamental stones. In addition to similar chemical and physical properties, artificial amethyst has the same healing capabilities as a real stone.