Attention and memory tests online. Test for the development of attention for adults. Testing short-term visual memory for images

Dear friends! We offer you a free, reliable tool with which you can independently, in a fun way, not only train your mental abilities (primarily memory and attention), but also check their condition, analyze test results and diagnose the degree of their development. The proposed test, simulator - call it what you want - develops intelligence, perseverance, the ability to quickly switch and concentrate, and strategic thinking. Its initial levels are not difficult, but on the next levels you should definitely focus, “turn on” your brain and patience.

This fascinating test will interest anyone, regardless of age, gender and beliefs. There are many memory training tests out there, but this one is very fun, effective, and easy to use. It is accessible to everyone: both children and adults.

Experienced people know that twenty minutes of training a day with this simulator test gives amazing results after a month. And you will understand this as soon as you start training.
And you will fall in love with our test after just a few minutes of communication with it. If you don't believe me, check it out.

To run the test, click on the picture. Do not pay attention to words written in an unfamiliar language. As soon as the circle appears, remember its position and left-click on it. Then the next one will appear. Don’t confuse it with the first one, click on it and remember the position of the two circles. And so on. Try to concentrate and don't get distracted by anything. Very soon you will enjoy it. You will want to play with the mugs again and again.
Most likely, you will not be able to get any significant results the first time. Don't be discouraged: with each new attempt your achievements will get better and better. Even those people who consider their memory perfect will be pleasantly surprised by the new results.
And for those who think that after many attempts their performance is still unimportant, let us reveal one secret that allows them to be improved: the location of the circles is much better remembered if you mentally draw the shapes that they make up. Their location on the screen can be associated with a number, some kind of geometric figure, an airplane, a person, etc.

Almost everyone easily remembers up to 5-8 circles. More than 15 are remembered by people with good memory. If your result is 25-30 circles, you have a wonderful, trained memory. According to our data, more than 50 circles are remembered by people who can easily be called geniuses. Thus, if your achievements do not exceed 10 memorized circles, you should definitely train your memory using this simulator test. But, even if you can easily memorize 20 circles, you still have room for improvement. A person is capable of a lot. Your brain is an unknown country. Give him a gift using our simulator, and he will thank you.

So, forward to perfection! Good luck to you in this noble cause.


Instructions: Within a certain time, numbers will be shown to you - remember them. Next you need to complete the tasks of each level. If you cannot complete all the steps, enter as many as you remember.

This exercise helps train RAM, which improves memorization and retention of the amount of material to perform any mental/intellectual actions on it. With training, you improve your ability to handle huge amounts of information, while remembering a large number of intermediate results.
This technique means that you will be less likely to have to use pen and paper when making complex calculations, since you can easily retain all intermediate values ​​in memory.



Instructions: You will be shown a sample picture. By clicking the mouse the required number of times on the white field, you need to fold the picture so that it turns out the same as in the sample. The ornament options that make up the sample picture are presented below the field for completing the task.

The technique promotes the development of nonverbal intelligence and constructive thinking. Provides an opportunity for a person to get the most complete picture peace, different ways. Provides the opportunity, in addition to your own point of view, to have many alternative ones. You improve your ability to transform any problem that arises along the way into a unique problem that needs to be solved. You practice objectivity in assessing the situation.

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Instructions: You will be shown words, remember them so that you can enter these words later. You can enter words in any order.

Using this technique, a person trains his visual semantic memory. He sees how much material can be retained in his memory at the same time (according to research, the average number is 7+-2 words).
Training this type of memory helps improve attention and memorization of words that are related in meaning, as well as words that are not connected by a logical chain.

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Instructions: You will be presented with a puzzle of different pieces. Taking logical steps with the mouse, complete the puzzle in as few steps as possible.

This exercise helps train perception as well as intelligence. You improve your ability to see a subject holistically, rather than in separate fragments, and think through the steps of a solution forward.

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Instructions: Task: deliver the orange rectangle to the target marked with an orange stripe at the top of the working field. Use the mouse to make logical steps - you can move vertical blocks only vertically, horizontal blocks - horizontally.

The exercise helps train logic and thinking. Improves the ability to correctly assess a situation and find right decisions. You train the ability to identify the main factors determining the development of a situation.

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Instructions: You will be shown a series of numbers - remember them. After entering all the numbers that you remember separated by a space, press Enter or Result. The order of entry is not important, enter the numbers that you remember.

This technique trains rote memorization and attention to detail. You improve your ability to remember material that can remain in your memory at the same time. The development of this type of memory makes it possible to talk about suitability for such areas as exact sciences, accounting, economics, and statistics.

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Instructions: Carefully look through the table, marking the necessary letters by pressing the spacebar. Navigate through the table by pressing the letter "D" or the right arrow.

Using this technique, you train the intensity and stability of your attention. You improve the ability to perceive and reveal new aspects and connections in a certain subject to which attention is directed above.

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Instructions: You will be shown one by one 5 tables of 25 cells, in each of which numbers will be placed in random order in gradual steps. You need to carefully, by clicking the mouse button, mark the numbers in the right order. Try to do this as quickly as possible and without errors.

This technique helps improve the ability to keep several unrelated objects in memory and in the center of attention. You will be able to multitask quite easily.
Training this skill makes it possible to negotiate and prepare a package of documents for tomorrow's meeting at the same time, talk on the phone and prepare breakfast. This skill is very useful for managers, project developers, dispatchers, drivers, pilots, etc.

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Instructions: You will be shown random numbers from 0 to 9 one by one. Concentrate! When an even number appears, press the right arrow (or D); when an odd number, press the left arrow (or A).

This exercise helps improve stability of attention. By training stability of attention, you increase the duration of concentration on one group of objects. The ability to concentrate your attention on performing the same task for a long time improves.

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Instructions: You will be shown a short story. Some words and numbers in the text are highlighted - they are in a logical connection with each other. Memorization of the story is given different time. When the text disappears from the screen, you need to enter all the text that you remember from the story without losing the meaning of the story.

The technique helps train logical thinking and memory. Helps increase the amount of material that is retained in the head after logical processing. Training this memory makes it possible to remember and handle large amounts of information.

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Instructions: You will be shown one by one pairs of words that have semantic connections with each other. Remember them. You need to enter the missing word. After typing each word, you need to press the enter key or click the "reply" button.

The technique helps to improve associative memory, helps to increase the amount of retained material, related to each other in meaning, in memory. You train your ability to connect words and key concepts through the associations you make. This will help you increase the speed and strength of memorization.

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Instructions: You will be shown 4 pictures, you need to look carefully, find the relationship between these pictures and, by pressing the mouse button, indicate which of the presented pictures is the odd one. You need to make your choice as quickly as possible.

This technique trains the ability to generalize and one of the main operations of thinking – abstraction. You improve your ability to mentally identify essential features, extracting from all the information the essence that you need.

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Instructions: A certain number of words will be shown and spoken to you. Remember them! Enter the words you remember, the order of entry is not important. After typing each word, you need to press the enter key or click the "reply" button.

This exercise helps improve the memorization of words, listening comprehension of texts that are interconnected by a logical chain, as well as those not connected to each other by anything in common. Improves the ability to better perceive information by ear (for example, at a lecture, meeting, conference, etc.).

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Instructions: You will be shown a dial with arrows. Your task is to determine the hours and minutes that the hands show and mark the correct numbers on the hour and minute scale. You are given varying amounts of time to complete the exercise.

This method of training perception helps to improve orientation in space. You train the skill of mentally imagining an object; you will be able to mentally rotate or move an object around its axis. By applying attentiveness, you can easily analyze the drawings.

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Instructions: Think and do the following: push the red box into the blue one by controlling the orange square, taking as few steps as possible. Controlling arrows or buttons on the keyboard W, A, S, D.

The technique improves your lateral thinking. Trains the ability to find new approaches and unusual solutions in any situation. Gives you the opportunity to carefully solve the task you need with several different approaches.

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Instructions: Pictures will be shown to you for a while. You need to remember the pictures themselves and their location. You need to open paired pictures while taking as few steps as possible.

Using this technique, you improve the skill of remembering information and read text. Helps improve concentration, memorization and learning of material (poems, scientific texts, etc.).

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Instructions: The screen will show two-digit numbers in turn. Remember them! After the beep, enter the numbers you remember, separated by a space, the order does not matter.

The exercise trains rote memorization. A lot of numbers help improve retention in memory - these could be the numbers of houses and apartments of relatives and friends, their birthdays. These can also be numbers from statistics, charts and various phone numbers that are important to you.

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Instructions: The pictures will be shown to you one by one - remember them. After the presented pictures disappear, a table of several figures will appear. You need to use the mouse to indicate the pictures that you remember.

The technique develops logic and thinking. Promotes the creation of spatial images and operating with them in the process of solving practical and theoretical problems.

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Instructions: Attention After the sound signal, you will be shown the working field on which the objects are located. You should remember their location, and then, using the mouse, indicate the location of the objects that you remember.

This exercise promotes training in maintaining attention on an object, but also in distracting from all other influences. Improving this skill increases the amount of material you can absorb and maintain a high level of attention. With training, you will be able to simultaneously analyze several sources in the process, for example, of writing an essay or scientific work. You will not have to look at the same textbook several times - you will be able to retain all the necessary thoughts in your memory thanks to your attention.

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Instructions: You will be shown faces - Remember them. Your task is to recognize the missing face from those suggested below by pointing to the desired one with the mouse.

When practicing this technique, you improve your memory in the area of ​​recognizing a person’s face, a face that you have seen once or twice. You improve the process of identifying general and specific features involuntarily by perceiving them in the environment.

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Instructions: Think logically about your steps and connect squares of the same color with lines of the same color using the mouse so that the lines do not intersect each other. You have a certain amount of time to complete the task.

The technique helps train logical thinking. Improves the ability to quickly perceive a situation and make decisions by collecting and thinking through all the details of the issue.

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Instructions: You are given three rods, on one of which rings are strung, and the rings differ in size and lie smaller on the larger one. The task is to use the mouse to move the pyramid of rings in the least number of moves to the third rod. Only one ring is allowed to be carried at a time, and a larger ring cannot be placed on a smaller one.

This technique is aimed at developing planning and the ability to identify a solution to a given situation. The technique covers all aspects of the development of human cognitive skills - spatial, associative and analytical thinking; develops ingenuity, attention, trains memory and speed of perception.

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Instructions: You will be shown a drawing with figures that are connected to each other by a certain logical chain. One figure is missing, and at the bottom of the picture, the required element is given among other figures. Your task is to establish a pattern that connects the figures in the picture and click on the correct figure from the proposed options.

This technique involves visual-figurative thinking. You improve your ability to use different images and visual representations when solving problems. Promotes the most complete reconstruction of various actual characteristics of an object. You train the skill of simultaneously seeing an object from several points of view.

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Instructions: Using the keyboard, control the hero of the task and correctly place all the boxes at the final positions - marked in blue, taking as few steps as possible. Do not forget that all boxes can only be moved forward. Think and calculate your steps.

This exercise develops logic and imagination. Improves the ability to assess and perceive the degree of influence of conditions on the development of a situation. You train the skill of assessing a situation as a whole, not in parts.

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Instructions: It is necessary to fill in the empty cells with the required numbers so that in each row, in each column and in each small rectangle each number appears only once.

This exercise develops memory, logical thinking, helps with concentration, useful at any age for developing mental abilities and maintaining them in excellent condition. The exercise develops the ability to see not just one thing, but the entire object, and to create a logical chain between details.

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Instructions: The sky and several scattered star dots will appear for a few moments. Select the number corresponding to the number of stars shown.

The exercise helps train the ability to retain, perceive and reproduce current information necessary to perform a particular action.

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Instructions: Think over your steps and use the mouse to arrange the lines so that none of them intersect with each other, taking as few steps as possible.

With this exercise, you improve your ability to perceive and evaluate a situation, as well as make the right decision. Promotes analysis of the situation and selection of the most optimal course of action in the current circumstances.

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Instructions: You need to recognize identical letters. When you select a square with the mouse, a letter appears and is spoken in it, then you select another square, another letter appears and is spoken in it. Complete the task in fewer steps. If the letters match, the squares will disappear.

Exercise promotes the development of auditory memory and auditory perception of information. You improve your ability to quickly and accurately remember the meaning of events, capture the sounds of the surrounding world, the logic of reasoning or any evidence, meaning readable text and so on.

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Instructions: You are offered a part of a number series; in this series the numbers have a certain sequence. Analyze the sequences and continue this series with the desired values, separating each element with a space. The time allocated to complete the task varies.

This technique helps train analytical perception and also has a positive effect on intelligence. The ability to distinguish and analyze, first of all, details improves, in order to then move on to the integrity of the image, object, information, etc. Promotes analysis ratio training individual parts with conclusions.

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Instructions: You will be shown 3 tasks in a row with moving numbers. Your task is to add these numbers in the minimum amount of time, enter the result and press “Continue” or Enter.

This technique contributes to the development of a set of skills. By activating the development of intelligence, it affects other areas responsible for concentration, perception of the environment and memorization of basic information.

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Instructions: There is a figure in front of you, think about how and divide it into equal parts.

This technique uses a person’s intellectual abilities; promotes the development of combinatorial skills, such as: placement, rearrangement, combination, composition, division of elements and information. Improves and accelerates the process of intelligence. Helps develop the concept of symmetry.

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Instructions: Your task is to use the mouse to rotate blocks consisting of multi-colored large triangles, adding figures with an area of ​​at least the sum of the areas of four small triangles (one large triangle is counted as two small ones). You are given a certain amount of time to complete the task. The task ends when there is not a single rotating block left on the playing field. If there are no options for collecting pieces, you can replay the level or finish the task. Control with the mouse.

This technique helps train the perception and determination of color. Improves the perception of the shape of an object, influencing the further compilation of areas of various sizes from the provided objects. The exercise also involves logical thinking, which helps improve work efficiency and predict the further outcome of the situation.

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Instructions: In front of you is a picture, below which there are objects containing fragments of this picture. Find suitable places for objects on the main image and move them there with the mouse. Be careful, because the fragment must match the picture quite accurately.

With this exercise, train and improve your concentration. You improve your ability to hold your attention for as long as possible when learning and perceiving something new.

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Instructions: Find a certain number of words in the table, with each level this number of words will increase. Your task is to find these words as quickly as possible and enter them. Words can be arranged vertically, horizontally and diagonally and are read from left to right, top to bottom. Order of entering words: type the found word and press Enter. To end the test, click on the “finish” button.

This exercise helps train attention and improve the ability to quickly perceive and accurately identify from the environment exactly the object that you need. With regular training, you will not have the feeling of “interference” that prevents you from completing the task. Such attention is necessary in such professions as analyst, investigator, operator of various technical devices, etc.

Instructions: For a certain time, a “person’s face” is shown to you. You need to quickly and accurately draw up his portrait by using the mouse to select the appropriate facial features from the options offered to you.

With this exercise, you train the memorization of visual images, paying attention to the smallest details and subsequently accurately reconstructing these images and reproducing them. Helps develop the skill of logical processing - highlighting the main idea, key concepts of specific material. This process will allow you to compress the material you are learning, which leaves room for additional information.

Here you can test your short-term visual memory for numbers. After clicking on the link “Test your memory for numbers”, you will see a table with three rows of numbers, four numbers in each row. You will be given 20 seconds to memorize the numbers, after which you will be redirected to a page with a form for entering the memorized numbers. You can initiate the transition to the page for entering memorized numbers yourself (if you think that enough time has passed for memorization) by clicking the “Done” button. It is not necessary to memorize the numbers in order, however, the order is taken into account when checking the result, and the result with the correct sequence (the numbers are in their places) is rated higher.

Testing short-term visual memory for images:

There are many ways to measure short-term memory, one of them is to test short-term memory for images. By clicking on the link to test your short-term memory for images, you will be taken to a page with 16 pictures, which you should remember in 20 seconds, just like you did with numbers. After the time has expired, you will be taken to the result entry page, where you will see 32 pictures, from which you should select those that you had to remember. IN currently The simplest option for testing short-term memory for images is available, in which you can remember remembered images simply by seeing them among the presented pictures on the result entry page. There is no need to follow the sequence of images. Yuri Okunev School

Good afternoon friends! Yuri Okunev is with you again.

Do you want to know who you are in life? Sherlock Holmes or the Absent-Minded Man from Basseynaya Street? I suggest you take a short test of attention and memory.

This series of tests is intended for adults and older children (teenagers).
1. Munsterberg method, concentration test. Before you are several lines consisting of letters. There are 23 words hidden among these letters. Find and underline them, note how much time you spent:

If you did not find all the words, then add 5 seconds to your time for each missed word. Compare the results obtained with the grid:

2. Gorbov test(“Red-black”) to determine the degree of switching of attention. Here is the first table. We need to find all the black numbers in ascending order (up to 24) as quickly as possible. Opposite each number there are letters - they need to be written down on a piece of paper in a row. Done. Now we are looking for red numbers in descending order from 25 to 1. We also write down the letters, in the second row. We record the time how much we spent on the exercise.

Now take the following table. Also, for the time being, we are looking for numbers in this order: red 25, black 1, red 24, black 2, that is, black in ascending order, red in descending order. Don’t forget to write the letters on the piece of paper: red in the top row, black in the bottom. We record the time.

To evaluate the results, you need to subtract the first from the second time indicator. The smaller this difference is, the higher the switchability rate.

3. "Ten words." Testing your attention span. Let someone read 10 words to you, and you remember. Then we take a piece of paper and write down all the words from memory. We repeat the action 4 times, with different sets of words. Example:

Count how many words in each group you managed to write down correctly. If 8 or more, then you have good volume. If 5 or less, you need to work on yourself.

Option for children

Designed for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.

1. "Confusion." Determine the degree of concentration. There are 10 tangled lines in the picture. The start number of each line and the end point do not match. Task: find and write down both numbers for all ten lines.

A 7-year-old schoolchild must flawlessly complete this task within 1.5-2 minutes.

2. "Rings". We measure the stability of attention. We put the table in front of the child and ask him to cross out all the rings, for example, those with a gap at the bottom.

Children 7 years old with excellent indicators of sustained attention manage to process up to 11 rows in the table in 5 minutes. At 9-10 years old, children have time to complete the entire card.

3. “Ancient hieroglyphs.” Determine the switching speed. It is required to complete the figures with 1-2 sticks in accordance with the sample. We evaluate the execution speed.

Service Vikium

The service is suitable for testing the attention characteristics of you and your child Vikium. All statistics and results are clearly displayed on the screen. This site is also convenient because any parameter of attention or memory can be “tightened up” short time to normal and train. Developmental exercises are selected individually for each client and do not take much time. You can read about my impressions of the service.
This is where I end. Take the test, do it with your whole family, and be sure to write about your impressions in the comments. Tell all your friends and acquaintances.
I wish you success! Yours, Yuri Okunev.

Evaluation of results.

10 points

8 points

4 points

2 points

0 points

Conclusions on levels of development.

10 points

8 points

4 points

2 points

0 points

Diagnostic goal: b


Instructions (child version)

First explanation:

Second explanation:

a) and

Experimental protocol

Table 9

Number of repetitions














3.Memory for numbers technique

Diagnostic goal:

Testing procedure.


Stimulus material

Processing and analysis of results.

3 .Methodology “Memory for Images”

Diagnostic purpose.

Testing procedure.The essence of the closing method Yu


Processing and analysis of results.

Processing the results.

7th grade:

2. Shevelev Yuri – 1 unit.

3. Kalmykov Maxim – 1 unit.

4. Ratnikov Vladimir – 4 units.

5. Vorozhun Ekaterina -1 unit.

7. Orlova Tatyana – 4 units.

8. Postovalova Olga – 2 units.

9. Kovalev Sergey - 5 units.

6th grade:

10. Khomich Misha – 8 units.

11. Sokolov Roma – 3 units.

13. Olya Bystrova – 3 units.

14. Obolensky Misha – 3 units.

5th grade:

17. Mazurin Sasha – 1 unit.

18. Olya Ostapenkova – 6 units.

7th grade:

2. Shevelev Yuri – 0 points

7. Orlova Tatyana – 4 points

6th grade:

10. Khomich Misha – 10 points

11. Sokolov Roma – 2 points

13. Olya Bystrova – 2 points

5th grade:

17. Mazurin Sasha – 0 points

"Learning 10 words"

1. Mazurin Sasha - 5th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

Total produced - 2 words.

2. Komisarova Olesya - 5th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 5 words were produced.

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 3 words were produced.

4. Astapenkova Olya -5th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 7 words were produced.

5. Egorova Anna - 7th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 9 words were produced.

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 8 words were produced.

7. Khomich Misha – 6th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 10 words were produced.

8. Sokolov Roma-6th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 3 words were produced.

9. Olya Bystrova - 6th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 5 words were produced.

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 7 words were produced.

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 5 words were produced.

12. Shevelev Yura - 7th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 5 words were produced.

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 3 words were produced.

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 8 words were produced.

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 3 words were produced.

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 5 words were produced.

17. Kovalev Sergey - 7th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

Total produced – 4 words

18. Orlova Tatyana -7th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 6 words were produced.

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 3 words were produced.

7th grade:

2. Yuri Shevelev – 3rd

3. Kalmykov Maxim – 2nd

7. Orlova Tatyana – 3 days

9. Kovalev Sergey -3 days

6th grade:

10. Khomich Misha – 5 numbers

11. Sokolov Roma – 3rd

13. Olya Bystrova – 3rd day

5th grade:

17. Mazurin Sasha – 1st

7th grade:

2. Shevelev Yuri – 3 drawings

6th grade:

10. Khomich Misha – 6 drawings

5th grade:


According to the method "Memorizing 10 numbers"

word count

number of words at



Diagnosis of adolescent memory

A teenager is already able to control his voluntary memorization. The ability to memorize (memorize) constantly but slowly increases until the age of 13. From 13 to 15-16 years of age, memory growth is more rapid. In adolescence, memory is rebuilt, moving from the dominance of mechanical memorization to semantic, while the semantic memory itself is rebuilt - it acquires an indirect, logical character, and thinking is necessarily included. Along with the form, the content of what is memorized also changes - memorizing abstract material becomes more accessible. Memory works indirectly, relying on learned sign systems, first of all - speech.

The relevance of complex psychodiagnostic work is due to several reasons. Firstly, the features of all levels of integral individuality are studied: individual, personal, socio-psychological. Secondly, the study of a set of multi-level features makes it possible to draw up a systematic psychological portrait of the individual and obtain a reliable psychological diagnosis. Thirdly, carrying out multi-level diagnostics of individual psychological properties of a person reduces the likelihood of the phenomenon of social undesirability distorting the results of the study. [psychodiagnostics collection...2005]

With the help of experimental research it is possible to obtain only a partial characterization of personality. Diagnostics helps to obtain clearer data about personal characteristics, for example, memory.

I conducted a diagnostic study of the memory of students in grades 5-7.I have selected several methods to determine the level different types memory. I have developed a program for memory development, it will help children develop memory, which will allow them to better learn school material in the flow of great information and increase your level of knowledge.

1.Method “assessment of operational visual memory”

This type of memory is characterized by how long a student can store and use in the process of solving a problem the information that is necessary to find the correct solution. The retention time of information in RAM serves as its main indicator. As an additional characteristic of RAM, you can use the number of errors made by students while solving a problem (meaning errors that are associated with the information necessary for solving the problem not being stored in memory).

Visual operational memory and its indicators can be determined using the procedure. The student is given sequentially 15 seconds each task cards, presented in the form of six differently visual triangles. After viewing the next card, it is removed and instead a matrix is ​​offered, including 24 different triangles, among which there are 6 of the triangles that the subject just saw, on a separate card. The task is to find and correctly indicate all 6 triangles in the matrix.

An indicator of the development of visual operative memory is the division of time per minute for solving a problem by the number of errors made during the solution process, plus one.

Errors are considered to be triangles incorrectly indicated in the matrix or those that the child could not find for any reason.

In practice, to obtain the indicator proceed as follows. Using all four cards, the number of triangles correctly found on the matrix is ​​determined and their total sum is divided by 4. This is the number of correctly indicated triangles. This number is subtracted from 6. The result obtained is the average number of errors. Next, the average work time is determined by dividing the total time the child worked on all 4 cards by 4.

The end of the subject’s time working on counting triangles in the general matrix is ​​determined using the question: “Have you already found everything you saw?” After an affirmative answer, you can stop searching for triangles in the matrix. Dividing the average time spent searching on a matrix of 6 triangles and the number of errors made allows us to obtain the desired indicator.

Evaluation of results.

10 points - received by a subject who has a short-term memory capacity of 8 or more units.

A similar number of points - 10 - is received by children from 6 to 9 years old if their memory capacity is 7-8 units.

8 points - the volume of short-term memory of a child aged 6 to 9 years is estimated if it is actually equal to 5 or 6 units.

The same number of points is received by a child aged 12 or older who has a short-term memory capacity of 6-7 units.

4 points - the test subject has a short-term memory capacity of 4-5 units.

2 points - placed if the volume of short-term memory is 1-3 units.

0 points - the volume of short-term memory is 0-1 units.

Conclusions on levels of development.

10 points - well developed in volume short term memory.

8 points - moderately developed short-term memory.

4 points - the level of short-term memory is not quite sufficient in volume.

2 points - low level of short-term memory.

0 points - very low short-term memory capacity.

2. Method “Learning 10 words”

Diagnostic goal:One of the most frequently used methods was proposed by A. R. Luria. Used b is used to assess the state of memory, fatigue, and alertness.

Material. No special equipment is required. However, to a greater extent than when using other methods, silence is necessary: ​​if there is any conversation in the room, it is not advisable to conduct the experiment. Before starting the experiment, the experimenter must write down a number of short (one- and two-syllable) words on one line. The words need to be chosen simple, varied and not having any connection with each other. Typically, each experimenter uses one series of words.

However, it is necessary to use several sets so that children cannot hear them from each other. In this experiment, high precision is very important. O wear and immutability of instructions.

Instructions (child version)

First explanation:“Now I will read 10 words. You need to listen carefully. When you finish reading, immediately repeat as much as you remember. You can repeat in any order, the order does not matter. It's clear?"

The experimenter reads the words slowly and clearly. Co. G Yes, the subject repeats the words, the experimenter puts crosses under these words in his protocol. Then the experimenter continues the instructions (second stage).

Second explanation:“Now I will read the same words again, and you must repeat them again - both those that you have already named and those that you missed the first time - all together, in any order.” .

The experimenter again puts crosses under the words A mi, which were reproduced by the subject.

Instructions (adult version):

A) “Now I will read a few words. Listen to ext. And mately. When I finish reading, immediately repeat as many words as you remember. You can repeat the words in any order";

b) “Now I will read you the same words again, and you must repeat them again - both those that you have already named and those that you missed the first time. The order of the words is not important."

Then the experiment is repeated again 2, 4 and 5 times, but without any instructions. The experimenter simply says, “One more time.”

If the subject names any extra words, the experimenter must write them down next to the crosses, and if these words are repeated, he places crosses under them as well.

If the subject tries to insert any remarks during the experiment, the experimenter stops him. No talking is allowed during this experience.

After repeating the words five times, the experimenter moves on to other experiments, and at the end of the study, i.e. after about 50-60 minutes, again asks to reproduce these words (without a reminder).

To avoid mistakes, it is better to mark these repetitions not with crosses, but with circles.

Experimental protocol

Table 9

Number of repetitions














Processing and analysis of results.According to the protocol, a “memorization curve” can be drawn up. To do this, repetition numbers are plotted along the horizontal axis, and the number of correctly reproduced words is plotted along the vertical axis.

Rice. 6. Dynamics of learning using the “Learning 10 words” method

Based on the shape of the curve, we can draw some conclusions regarding the characteristics of memorization. It has been established that in healthy children school age the “memorization curve” is approximately as follows: 5, 7, 9 or 6, 8, 9 or 5, 7, 10, etc., i.e., by the third repetition the subject reproduces 9 or 10 words; with subsequent repetitions (at least five times in total), the number of words reproduced is 9-10. The above protocol suggests that mentally retarded children reproduce a relatively smaller number of words. In addition, this protocol noted that the subject reproduced one extra word - fire; later, when repeating it, he became “stuck” on this error. Such repeated “extra” words, according to the observations of individual psychologists, are found in the study of sick children suffering from ongoing organic diseases. And yami of the brain. Children in a state of disinhibition produce especially many such “extra” words.

The “memorization curve” may indicate both a weakening of active attention and severe fatigue. So, for example, sometimes a child reproduces 8 or 9 words the second time, and on subsequent trials he recalls fewer and fewer words. In life, such a student usually suffers from forgetfulness and absent-mindedness. The basis of such forgetfulness is transient asthenia, exhaustion of attention. In such cases, the curve does not necessarily fall sharply down; sometimes it takes on a zigzag character, indicating instability of attention and its fluctuations.

In some, relatively rare cases, children reproduce the same number of the same words over and over again, i.e. the curve has a “plateau” shape. Such stabilization indicates emotional lethargy and lack of interest in remembering more. A low-lying “plateau” type curve is observed in dementia with apathy (paralytic syndromes).

The number of words retained and reproduced by the subject an hour later, after repetition, is more indicative of memory in the narrow sense of the word.

Using different but equal in difficulty sets of words, you can conduct this experiment repeatedly in order to take into account the effectiveness of therapy, assess the dynamics of the disease, etc.

3.Memory for numbers technique

Diagnostic goal:The technique is designed to assess short-term visual memory, its volume and accuracy.

Testing procedure.The task is that the subject is shown for 20 seconds a table with 12 two-digit numbers, which must be remembered and, after the table is removed, written down on a form.

Instructions: “You will be presented with a table with numbers. Your task is to remember as many numbers as possible in 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, the table will be removed, and you will have to write down all the numbers that you remember.”

Stimulus material

Processing and analysis of results.Short-term visual memory was assessed by the number of correctly reproduced numbers. The norm for an adult is 7 and above. The technique is convenient for group testing, since the procedure does not take much time.

3 .Methodology “Memory for Images”

Diagnostic purpose.The technique is designed to study figurative memory. The technique is used in professional selection.

Testing procedure.The essence of the closing method Yu This means that the subject is exposed to a table with 16 images for 20 seconds. The images must be memorized and reproduced on the form within 1 minute. Appendix No. 1

Instructions: “You will be presented with a table with images (give an example). Your task is to remember as many images as possible in 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, the table will be removed, and you must draw or write down (express verbally) the images that you remember.”

Processing and analysis of results.Test results are assessed by the number of correctly reproduced images. The norm is 6 correct answers or more. The technique is used in groups and individually.

Processing the results.

1.1. Data processing using the “Random Memory” method

7th grade:

1. Egorova Alexandra - 6 units.

2. Shevelev Yuri – 1 unit.

3. Kalmykov Maxim – 1 unit.

4. Ratnikov Vladimir – 4 units.

5. Vorozhun Ekaterina -1 unit.

7. Orlova Tatyana – 4 units.

8. Postovalova Olga – 2 units.

9. Kovalev Sergey - 5 units.

6th grade:

10. Khomich Misha – 8 units.

11. Sokolov Roma – 3 units.

12. Shaikhutdinova Katya – 6 units.

13. Olya Bystrova – 3 units.

14. Obolensky Misha – 3 units.

5th grade:

15. Shaikhutdinova Angela – 5 units.

16. Seydometov Server – 1 unit.

17. Mazurin Sasha – 1 unit.

18. Olya Ostapenkova – 6 units.

19. Komisarova Olesya – 2 units.

7th grade:

1. Egorova Alexandra - 8 points

2. Shevelev Yuri – 0 points

3. Kalmykov Maxim – 0 points

4. Ratnikov Vladimir – 4 points

5. Vorozhun Ekaterina – 0 points

7. Orlova Tatyana – 4 points

8. Postovalova Olga – 2 points

9. Kovalev Sergey - 8 points

6th grade:

10. Khomich Misha – 10 points

11. Sokolov Roma – 2 points

12. Katya Shaikhutdinova – 8 points

13. Olya Bystrova – 2 points

14. Misha Obolensky – 2 points

5th grade:

15. Shaikhutdinova Angela – 4 points

16. Seydometov Server – 0 points

17. Mazurin Sasha – 0 points

18. Olya Ostapenkova – 8 points

19. Komisarova Olesya – 2 points

2. Data processing according to the “"Learning 10 words"

1. Mazurin Sasha - 5th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

Total produced - 2 words.

2. Komisarova Olesya - 5th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 5 words were produced.

3. Seydometov Server – 5th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 3 words were produced.

4. Astapenkova Olya -5th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 7 words were produced.

5. Egorova Anna - 7th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 9 words were produced.

6. Shaikhutdinova Angela – 5th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 8 words were produced.

7. Khomich Misha – 6th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 10 words were produced.

8. Sokolov Roma-6th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 3 words were produced.

9. Olya Bystrova - 6th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 5 words were produced.

10. Katya Shaikhutdinova - 6th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 7 words were produced.

11. Misha Obolensky – 6th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 5 words were produced.

12. Shevelev Yura - 7th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 5 words were produced.

13. Kalmykov Maxim – 7th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 3 words were produced.

14. Ratnikov Vladimir-7th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 8 words were produced.

15. Vorozhun Ekaterina -7th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 3 words were produced.

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 5 words were produced.

17. Kovalev Sergey - 7th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

Total produced – 4 words

18. Orlova Tatyana -7th grade

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 6 words were produced.

19. Olya Postovalova - 7th grade.

Data after 50 minutes:

A total of 3 words were produced.

Data processing using the “Memory for Numbers” method

7th grade:

1. Egorova Alexandra - 4th day

2. Yuri Shevelev – 3rd

3. Kalmykov Maxim – 2nd

4. Ratnikov Vladimir – 4th

5. Vorozhun Ekaterina -2nd

7. Orlova Tatyana – 3 days

8. Olga Postovalova – 3rd

9. Kovalev Sergey -3 days

6th grade:

10. Khomich Misha – 5 numbers

11. Sokolov Roma – 3rd

12. Katya Shaikhutdinova – 4th

13. Olya Bystrova – 3rd day

14. Obolensky Misha – 3rd

5th grade:

15. Shaikhutdinova Angela – 5 numbers

16. Seydometov Server – 2nd

17. Mazurin Sasha – 1st

18. Olya Ostapenkova – 4 numbers

19. Komisarova Olesya – 2nd

These methods are presented in the form of a diagram:

Data processing using the “Image Memory” technique

7th grade:

1. Egorova Alexandra – 5 drawings

2. Shevelev Yuri – 3 drawings

3. Kalmykov Maxim – 2 drawings

4. Ratnikov Vladimir – 5 drawings

5. Vorozhun Ekaterina -2 drawings

7. Orlova Tatyana – 4 drawings

8. Olga Postovalova – 3 drawings

9. Kovalev Sergey -4 drawings

6th grade:

10. Khomich Misha – 6 drawings

11. Sokolov Roma – 4 drawings

12. Shaikhutdinova Katya – 5 drawings

13. Olya Bystrova – 4 drawings

14. Obolensky Misha – 3 drawings

5th grade:

15. Shaikhutdinova Angela – 6 drawings

16. Seydometov Server – 2 pictures

17. Mazurin Sasha – 2 drawings

18. Olya Ostapenkova – 6 drawings

19. Komisarova Olesya – 3 drawings

Conclusion : Data processing shows that the memory of schoolchildren is fundamentally different, these differences are the very individual characteristics, which were mentioned above. This study of the visual and auditory working memory of subjects shows that some people are better at remembering material based on visual images, while others are dominated by auditory perception and acoustic images; it is better for them to hear once than to see several times.

More specifically, with regard to the study in this group onvisual operative memory, then we can say that Khomich M. has a good short-term memory developed in terms of volume, Ostapenkova O., Shaikhutdinova A., Egorova A., Kovalev S. has a short-term memory that is moderately developed in terms of volume. The rest of the guys have a low memory and a very low level of short-term memory.

According to the method "Memorizing 10 numbers"the indications are as follows: they have a good memory - Khomich M., Ratnikov V, Ostapenkova O., Shaikhutdinova A., Egorova A., Orlova T.; less developed memory – in Shevelev Yu., Martemyanova E., Kovalev S., Obolensky M., Komisarova A., Bystrova O., Kovalev S.; poor memory – Mazurin A., Vorozhun E., Postovalova O., Sokolov R., Seydometov S.

Using the “Memory for Numbers” methodabout short-term visual memorythe following results: short-term visual memory is well developed in Khomich M. and Shaikhutdinova A.; in Egorova A., Shaikhutdinova K., Ostapenkova O., Ratnikova V. - memory is slightly less developed, and in other children the memory is not developed enough.

According to figurative memory the following indicators:

Figurative memory is well developed in Khomich M., Shaikhutdinova A., Ostapenkova O., Egorova A., Martemyanova K., Ratnikova V., Shaikhutdinova K.. In other students, figurative memory is not well developed.

Diagnostic data show that children whose memory is well developed have better academic results than those students whose memory is less developed or not developed at all.

To make it easier for children to learn, all students need to work on their memory. To do this, I suggest that all students take a course on memory development.

word count

number of words at
