Toasts in the year of the rooster are short. Funny toast for the new year. The history of toast

What kind of holiday, tell me, especially the most long-awaited and beloved New Year, without a beautifully decorated Christmas tree, a rich feast and toasts - long and short, serious and comic, in poetry or prose?! Frankly speaking, just no way! Because toasts for the New Year 2017 are an integral part of a noisy New Year's feast! They, as they say, hit the eye, not the eyebrow: they will wish you what you need and will lift your spirits. Properly pronounced toasts for the New Year 2017 will make you want to drink with pleasure, right?

In recent years, it has become popular to make toasts to the future host or hostess of the year in order to attract their attention and endear themselves to you. The symbol of the coming 2017 - the Red Fire Rooster - loves when praises are sung to it, because it is a proud, bright and self-respecting bird. So we won’t skimp on kind words and toasts for the New Year 2017 addressed to him. And let’s not forget about the warm and sincere wishes addressed to family and friends using the same toasts. Remember the universal boomerang law: the more gratitude you send to others, the more you will receive in return.

And so that you don’t waste your precious time searching beautiful toasts, we offer you our own, composed independently. You certainly won’t find these toasts for the New Year 2017 anywhere. Let them be a small gift from Culinary Eden to all of you.

We make our first toast to the Old Year!
And even though we didn’t grab stars from the sky,
But there was a lot of happiness and joy in him,
The Monkey helped us with this.
The Rooster is already in a hurry to replace her,
At full speed, with all the fighting spirit!
Without waiting for the hour to strike,
Glass to the bottom! For the Old New Year!

Schemer, blackmailer,
The bully and the artist
We say goodbye to you
Our dear guest!
We pour, drink,
Let's see off the monkey
We say thank you to her
For the whole year of continuous adventures!

The owner of the year is thrifty,
Calculating, but not greedy.
So give us, Cockerel,
Increase in salary!
And we'll drink to that
Sparkling wine.
Will you promise bonuses?
So in one gulp and to the bottom!

Although the Master of the Year is Red,
But, believe me, it is not dangerous.
Under “Olivier”, herring
He will drink vodka with us,
Will give you a glorious New Year,
He will take away problems with his wing!

On the path, outside the window,
The month seems to be pouring crumbs,
So that the Eastern Cockerel
He found the way to our house.
To meet him
We comply with all laws,
And the glasses clinked
Friendly call back!

They say in the year of the Rooster
We cannot avoid problems.
Only together we decided
Don't hurt the cockerel.
Let's invite him to the table,
Let's treat you to glory
And we will come, without a doubt,
The rooster likes it!
Let's drink to him
And then we’ll dance,
Let him settle for a year
Happiness is in our home!

Let it be like a rooster's tail
There will be our career growth.
Let it suddenly become colorful and bright
Life will delight you with a gift!
We can’t guess what will happen there,
Let's drink to surprises!

Since our Cockerel is passionate and bright,
This means gifts await us all.
Let it be health and happiness,
Prosperity, luck and bonus from your boss!
So that the Cockerel gives us all this,
Let's drink to his red comb!

Don't get annoyed over trifles
The year two thousand and seventeen is approaching,
And it’s just not worth messing around with,
So that all dreams can come true!

While the clock strikes,
Don't forget to open the champagne!
Then, like wings,
We'll wave our hands,
Crow three times
Let's say it loud
And, having made your wishes,
To the chime of glasses
“Happy New Happiness!” Let's shout.

The monkey was escorted
Petya was invited to visit.
Let one grain at a time all year
He brings wealth to the house,
Singing attracts happiness
Protects from trouble!
And for this you, friends,
I offer you a drink!

I want to make a toast
So that you do not know the difficulties along the way,
May you have Santa Claus in 2017
He brought health, luck and happiness.
And the proud bird is the Red Rooster
Instilled confidence and a strong spirit!

Who doesn't have a day without singing?
Who is so bright and wonderful?
Interesting personality
Known to everyone since childhood!
Look, Fire Bird
There's already a knock on our window!
We are glad to have such a guest,
And you have to drink for it.

For those who prefer to express themselves in prose, a few heartfelt toasts. And it is absolutely not necessary to memorize them, because these are wishes of all the best, and such words should come from the heart!

The time has come to say goodbye to the Monkey, who spent the whole year with us: he played mischief, joked, and gave joy, and sometimes created problems. But that's behind us. She is replaced by the Red Fire Rooster - bright, perky and bold. May the coming year be the same for all of us, may it give us bright moments, add enthusiasm and optimism to our lives, and give us courage in making important decisions! Here's to the new year 2017!

They say that the Rooster dispels the darkness with its crow and awakens the sun. So let the darkness of sorrows and adversity not fall on us for a whole year, and let the bright sun shine on us all, warming us with joy and success!

Let's put all our worries aside for later today and turn from adults burdened with problems into children who endlessly believe in Santa Claus and the New Year's miracle. After all, only when you strongly believe in something will it come true. Here's to our dreams, may they come true in the New Year 2017!

The owner of 2017, the Red Fire Rooster, is a bright, lively bird, distinguished by its health and excellent fighting spirit. This means that in the coming year we will also need to look bright, not give in to difficulties and never quarrel with anyone. Only in this case will the Rooster give us excellent health, colorful happiness, peace, love and prosperity. Let's raise our glasses higher to this and wish that with their chime our life will become the way we wished for ourselves!

They say that the Red Rooster is greedy and calculating. Don't believe the rumors! He has thrift and common sense. May he teach us this in the New Year and may, thanks to this, bring prosperity, prosperity and new hopes to our families. And for this it’s simply a sin not to raise a glass on this magical night! For all the best that awaits us ahead!

We hope that these simple and easy-to-remember toasts for the New Year 2017 will make your holiday bright and unforgettable! After all, the most important thing is to celebrate the New Year in good mood and then everything you say will certainly come true, and joy, happiness and good luck will settle in your home for the whole year!

Happy New Year 2017 - a year of love, luck and prosperity!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Hello, dear readers! I am very glad to see you!

Toasts for the New Year 2017 for a corporate party in the year of the Rooster should be witty, funny, FUN, OPTIMISTIC and, of course,... SHORT. You shouldn’t get smart and bore your colleagues with numbers about the company’s performance and achievements. After all, everyone wants to quickly forget about work and really have fun!

Do you know why Pushkin was actually shot? Because he said toasts that were too long!

I know how much there is to do before the New Year and that at the last moment you remember that you need an original, cheerful toast for corporate holiday and therefore I decided to help you, my readers. Make it easier to prepare a toast for a New Year's corporate party.

Toasts are short, cheerful, cool, funny, humorous for a corporate party for the New Year 2020 in the Year of the Rooster

My dear colleagues, Happy New Year to everyone! We are a real team of professionals. Just as a New Year's garland stops working when just one light bulb burns out, so in our team every employee is important and valuable! Thank you for your brilliant teamwork over the past year.

And as for next year, I want to ask for all of us from a bright, proud and beautiful bird - a rooster's self-confidence, a chicken's homeliness, a chicken's tenderness. And also - the harmony of form and content that the egg has!

The rooster is the symbol of the coming year - this is not a charming, bright, cute bird... This is a serious bird. I think the Fire Rooster will be able to force us to overcome our laziness, get out of our comfort zone in order to thoroughly work on our happiness! In the New Year, may the rooster help us all become stubborn, not give in to difficulties, and finally begin to realize our most cherished dream in the new year 2020!

The Fire Rooster has probably prepared a bright flash of opportunities for everyone in the New Year 2020! I wish us all to be attentive in the coming year and not to pass by the gifts of Fate, not to be afraid to take risks and try something new! After all, until you try, you won’t know!

It's time to let Monkey go. Thanks to her for her fun and carelessness! In the new year, it seems that we have a more serious patron - the Fire Rooster! This is a proud, serious bird. He gets up early and announces the new day to everyone. I wish all of us, may the Cockerel help us get up early every day, not feel sorry for ourselves, stop making empty promises to ourselves! And start a new life in the New Year, start taking action! Find time for your favorite hobby, start running in the park, start working on making your dreams come true!

We are all city dwellers, unaccustomed to village life... But like it or not, we need to make friends with the Rooster this year! I like his fighting qualities and self-confidence. And if difficulties arise, let the Cockerel take them out of our way with his fighting character. And may it help us all to gain self-confidence and look into the future with courage and confidence!

Guys, Happy New Year everyone! I wish everyone to be like the Snow Maiden and Father Frost for a whole year! As many as I know, they never get sick, never grow old, and have a lot of money for gifts for children and adults all over the globe!

Happy New Year, friends! I think you will find a couple of ideas in the article and Toasts for the New Year 2020 for a corporate party will be useful to you!

I wish everyone inspiration, joy, confidence in their abilities, in their ideas and projects in the New Year!

Watch a funny video for a corporate party - congratulations from the stars:

Dear colleagues, Happy New Year! In the new year, I wish you unquenchable “fuse” and enthusiasm in work and deeds. Let everything be given to you easily, with a smile, without nerves and extra effort, and brings not only profit, but also pleasure. Let work not be a burden to you, but a joy!

Colleagues, Happy New Year,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
And I wish each of you,
May everyone's dreams come to life!

So that everyone is always happy,
Wealth to you, kindness, warmth,
For all your wishes to come true,
You and I must drink to the bottom!

In the New Year with new strength, with new ideas, with new goals. But I would like to take at least something from last year, so I suggest taking with you: experience, company traditions, friendly and responsible team, as well as the charge of positive and cheerfulness with which we are now seeing off old year.

We celebrate the New Year
And we walk with colleagues,
I wish everyone miracles
Don't gain excess weight.

Surprises and goodness
And so that there is work,
So that all your dreams come true,
We'll have a drink together!

Let the corporate party be bright,
And next year will be smooth,
May our dreams come true
We will all raise our glasses to this!

I wish us peace, good luck, goodness,
So that profit flows like a river to us,
So that the New Year surprises us all,
And he gave us a lot of success!

Let's drink to our corporate party,
So that it will be easy for us in the morning,
And so that they don’t know regrets,
And so that everything will be fine!

So that we can rock together with you,
To have fun from the heart,
And let miracles come to life,
And we didn’t argue with you!

May the New Year bring happiness,
And it will bring goodness to us all,
And let everything be fine
Easy, successful, good!

They say that with whom you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it. Believe me, dear colleagues, there is nothing better than spending the next year in our friendly team. After all, as another sage said, whoever works is how he rests! Let's drink to our wonderful New Year's cooperative and our colleagues' no less wonderful ability to do great work!

Our corporate party is in full swing,
Congratulations to us on this,
And for the New Year,
I raise my glass!

Let him bring us money,
Let everything be alright
And magic awaits everywhere
And we all can live in abundance!

On the New Year's holiday, all people, regardless of age and position, become children again who believe in miracles. Everyone has their own miracle and their own dreams, but you and I, dear colleagues, have one common desire: that our work be easy and fruitful. So let this wish come true in the coming year! Happy New Year!

My beloved team, I wish us to celebrate today’s corporate event fun and usefully. Let your faces shine with happiness, like New Year's lights on a Christmas tree, and next year life will not show a single needle. Let's raise a glass to success in the coming year.

A pleasant New Year's feast with loved ones, friends or work colleagues is incomplete without toasting. They help maintain a cheerful festive atmosphere, create some excitement and help unsociable people present take part in the general bustle of the celebration. That is why it is worth choosing for a home dinner, a friendly get-together, or a business corporate event. good toast for the New Year 2017. They will help you set the desired rhythm and maintain it until the end of the feast. Toasts should be selected based on the tastes and preferences of the guests and their age. The older generation will love the old toast. Fans of minimalism (and therefore also bosses and colleagues) will enjoy short toasts. But cool and funny toasts are perfect for the festive table for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 at home or with good friends.

Cool toasts for a corporate party for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

Many people believe that gatherings with colleagues at corporate events dedicated to the New Year are always boring. Cool and funny toasts will help fix even the quietest office party. Therefore, the usual corporate party with sour faces should be excluded. It’s worth holding an original and fun get-together in the office in the upcoming New Year of the Rooster 2017. It is necessary to select with special diligence and attention original toasts: They should not be vulgar or rude. Such toasts can be made in the presence of close friends, but under no circumstances should they be pronounced at corporate events.

Each option for toasts under consideration should be assessed not only by the head of the department or a simple messenger, but also by other colleagues. After all cool toasts on New Year's corporate party should sound solemn or perky, maintain general fun, but should not concern any specific people. Such speeches may cause embarrassment for one of those present: such situations should be avoided at corporate events.

I would like that in the new year each of us would acquire not the best, but our own. Because the best cannot always become yours, but yours is always the best. Take care of your loved ones! Happy New Year!

There is an ancient Japanese proverb that says that happiness comes only to a home where there is fun and continuous laughter. I want to raise this glass in honor of the upcoming New Year and wish everyone present that there will always be laughter and happiness in your homes in the New Year!

Dear friends! Today we have gathered to celebrate the upcoming holiday! Let's raise our glasses so that next year our lives will be a perfect puzzle: happiness, health, prosperity and love. Happy New Year!

Original toasts for a family festive dinner for the New Year 2017 Rooster A

The family holiday dinner on December 31 is usually divided into two parts: seeing off the old year with all its problems and welcoming the New Year, which should bring prosperity, happiness and good luck to the family. Therefore, toasts for the two parts of the celebration need to be selected appropriately. As you see off the old year, you can remember both the achievements of each family member and the difficulties that arose along the way. But toasts for the New Year 2017 should be cool and short. They will help you meet the upcoming holiday in a great mood and forget about adversity.

You can choose toasts that will wish everyone present health and love for the New Year 2017. Or you can say generalized texts congratulating the family on a new stage in life. It is desirable that toasts for the New Year of the Rooster be as positive and kind as possible, praising the coming year and its symbol.

Snow is what makes you believe in winter's tale. It would seem like such a small thing, but you can spend a long time at the window watching it fall from the sky. So let's drink to having more fairy tales in our lives. Let's look around, how many beautiful things there are. Let's try to find magic in the little things!

Everything should be different in the new year. And I want the new year to bring and fulfill everything that we missed so much in the previous ones.

I drink to a wonderful New Year, May it bring us joy, May it give us magic, We have been waiting for it for a long time! I drink to happiness, to prosperity, to health and goodness, so that everything is in order, we have enough strength for everything!

Funny toasts for friendly gatherings for the New Year 2017

Celebrating the New Year in the company of friends is one of the most best options spending the pre-holiday time. Not only people who have known each other for a long time can get together, but also entire families with children. This option for celebrating the New Year will certainly arouse the favor of the Fire Rooster and will be well appreciated by him.

You can choose beautiful and even funny toasts for the New Year for the celebration. They will help cheer up both adults and children. If the celebration is held in a very narrow circle of friends, then festive speeches should be selected based on the characteristics of communication between each other. These can be both funny and comic toasts. We will allow the selection of original texts with a “spice”, if all those present have a normal attitude towards such toasts or are accustomed to communicating in such a way. “Spicy” short toasts will not cause misunderstandings and will help maintain excellent festive mood from everyone present.

They say that our life is so short that we should not waste it on grievances. Let's drink so that next New Year we have few reasons to be offended. And may all worries and grievances remain in the old year and never remind you of yourself!

During the magical New Year's festivities, even the most daring requests to the generous Santa Claus can be fulfilled. For example, one young man ordered more “chicks and money” for himself, and to this day he cannot get out of a remote village. Let's drink to the accuracy of the wording in our requests to Santa Claus!

Nowadays, it has become fashionable to replace Santa Claus with Santa Claus. And this year I want to wish gifts from Santa Claus. Santa Claus is a short guy in glasses riding on reindeer, and Father Frost is always with the Snow Maiden and with a suspiciously red nose. So let's drink so that next year we won't have to deal with deer, but with a pleasant and cheerful company!

Simple and short toasts for the business celebration of the New Year 2017

The business celebration of the New Year 2017 can be held in a narrow circle of colleagues. This could be a meeting of partners or exclusively heads of departments and management. Such corporate events are usually held not in the office, but in a restaurant. Therefore, you need to choose short toasts for the New Year 2017 for such an occasion. Speeches should be restrained, kind and unpretentious. Cool toasts can be made to congratulate all guests present, wishing them to reach incredible heights in the New Year and achieve their goals.

An important difference between a business celebration and an ordinary corporate party can be considered a “solid” atmosphere, in which the behavior of guests must be appropriate. Therefore, it is recommended to use short, cool toasts for the New Year, which are simple, understandable, and somewhat strict. From the proposed options, you can find attractive short toasts that will lift the spirits of everyone gathered at the corporate party and happily celebrate the New Year with business partners and colleagues.

“Happy New Year, happy new happiness” - it is customary to congratulate each other. But let happiness not be new, as long as it is stable with us. Let's drink to the kindness of Fate to all of us in this New Year.

Dear friends, let’s drink to the fact that next year there will be more and more moments for the holidays. And there would simply be no place for sadness and sadness in our lives, because happiness and love will always be with us. Happy New Year, friends, with new happiness!

New Year is new life. This is a holy chance to start life with clean slate and no longer repeat old mistakes, but laugh, remembering them in the coming year. So I can safely say that the New Year is like a bird of happiness, carries away on its wings all the most negative things and fills us with the life-giving power of love and warmth, partly changes us in better side and instills humanity. So let's drink to this bird and ask her for happiness. Happy New Year!

Short and funny toasts for dinner with relatives for the New Year 2017

Meeting of relatives festive table before the New Year is an event that many have been waiting for for many years. Both people living in the same city or neighboring regions, as well as those who live very far from their relatives, can gather for a family dinner. For such cases, it is recommended to use old toasts dedicated to the New Year. They will definitely appeal to the older generation and will delight them.

You can use other cool short toasts that indicate the congratulatory person’s love for all guests. Such family gatherings are desirable for the New Year 2017. They will help you chat with your loved ones on abstract topics and celebrate the New Year in an upbeat, positive mood. And selected short toasts, in turn, will help create and support it.

Everyone knows about the tradition of making wishes on New Year's Eve. Some people write it on a piece of paper, burn it and drink the ashes with champagne, others embroider it on the hem of their outfit. Everyone wants to be happy. Let us raise our glasses so that in the New Year we will not have to make wishes, for we will have everything we need to be happy.

New Year is coming soon. I would like to wish that all the problems and adversities remained in the past year, and new emotions, beginnings, and victories were present in everyone’s life in the New Year!

New Year is knocking on the door,

What awaits us in it?

Light, love, warmth, dream,

Happiness, peace and beauty.

And luck and success,

And family, and children's laughter.

We raise a glass

To the new year, because it has come.

And we wish everyone now

Always be happy

So that our courage does not fade away.

Well, New Year is already knocking on the window. Let us meet him with dignity, so that everything in our lives will be calm. And we will see off the old one and will not remember the bad things. Happy New Year, a year of joy, good luck and new things to do!

Short toasts for the New Year 2017 can be both discreet and funny or cool. They will help create the right festive atmosphere and wish everyone present health, happiness and success in the coming New Year 2017. You can use new and old toasts both for a home dinner with relatives and for friendly gatherings or corporate parties or business events. Original short toasts will help you beautifully celebrate the symbol of the New Year 2017 - the Fire Rooster. It is he who will bring positive changes to everyone’s lives in the next 12 months. Therefore, toasts dedicated to the New Year should be beautiful, interesting and simply fun.

Toasts have become an integral part of any friendly or official feast. AND new year holidays 2017 will also not pass without cheerful congratulatory toasts, which are sometimes not so easy to come up with. To learn how to pronounce New Year's toasts correctly, we bring to your attention a brief educational program on history and etiquette New Year's toasts(look cool).

Short toasts for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 in prose

The history of toast

Now it is difficult to establish where the tradition of making various toasts, including cool and funny ones, came from. However, this custom has deep roots that can be discussed for hours. For example, some historians claim that this custom dates back to very ancient times, when people often made sacrifices to their gods. After this action, people often had feasts. A cup of drink facing the sky could be accompanied either by gratitude for some event in life, or by a request for something that was needed at the moment.

Another version of the appearance of toasts says that once upon a time people gathered for a public meeting and chose a speaker who would give a speech. He was presented with a cup containing a small piece of toasted bread, which was dipped into the contents of the cup (usually wine) as a sign of the friendly unity of all those present. There is an analogue to such an event in Russian culture, and here it is expressed in the treat of “bread and salt”.

No matter how this custom appeared, during its life it has acquired a lot of subtleties. The masters of this ritual will tell you that making a toast is not so easy, but requires aerobatics wedding toasts and New Year's (see New Year 2017).

What types of toast are there?

First of all, they can be long, similar to real speeches, but they can be very short, called health resorts - “To health!”, In addition, toasts can be in verse or prose. Which toast you should choose depends entirely on the people around you. If you are in a group of unfamiliar people, then avoid long, and most importantly, personal toasts. When you can choose or invent something for a group of loved ones New Year's toast more relaxed, cheerful and humorous.

Funny and cool New Year's toasts 2017 in verse

How to make toasts for the New Year 2017

1. New Year's toasts are usually made with wine, champagne, beer or whiskey, but with a cocktail new year wishes is considered bad form, even in honor of the New Year (see what to wear on New Year's Eve 2017).

2. The owner of the house should be the first to make the New Year's toast. If a toast is addressed to a specific person, then this person is obliged to thank the speaker in the next toast. warm words in response.

3. For those who do not drink alcohol, etiquette provides for a certain rule that allows you to fill glasses with plain water and clink glasses with it. But as a rule, saying in front of everyone that for some reason you don’t drink and are moving away from the general feast, even in honor of the upcoming New Year 2017, is considered bad form.