Toasts from the witness on the wedding day. Wedding toasts from a witness Congratulations and wedding toasts from witnesses

Witnesses at a wedding are the second most important people after the bride and groom. The general mood of the audience depends on their enthusiasm, degree of emancipation and sparkling sense of humor. That is why it is so important that the toasts of the witnesses at the wedding are complete kind words and funny jokes. Then listening to a long story or poem will be fascinating for everyone.

Wedding toasts from friends, including the best man and witness, can be constructed in various forms. Original options executions can become:

– theatrical sketch

For example, a toast from a bridesmaid at a wedding may represent a reenactment of an incident from life. To do this, you need to find a wise parable, rework and adapt its text for a mini-script, and then play it perfectly for the young and everyone present. The moral of the parable, uttered at the end of the scene, will become a bright and enchanting toast that will be quoted by friends and relatives for a long time.

- song

If the witness has a good ear for music and voice, then he can safely please the bride and groom with his unforgettable melodic composition. Wedding toasts from a witness, performed in the form of a rhyming song, will be a bright and original event against the background of the monotonous speeches of most guests.

– clip on the projector, prepared and edited in advance

The video series may consist of photographs collected over the entire period of friendship with a young family. Interspersed with signatures and wishes, the photos follow each other in a familiar tone musical composition. The clip will not only be an elegant expression of feelings, but also a memorable gift for many years to come.

If you don’t have the opportunity or don’t have enough time to prepare, then you can always use wedding toasts for witnesses already compiled by other authors.

Toast No. 1

Let everyone not break this oath,
What do two wedding rings remember?
Let your souls become united
And hearts in love sound in unison!
May all your days be blessed,
So that you can build your own happiness and not steal someone else’s,
And your thoughts are pure, your confessions are frank:
We got together - forever, and love to your heart's content!
It’s impossible to find more meaningful and shorter words now,
What to generously wish: advice and love to you!

Toast No. 2

They say that metals will rust if they are not taken care of properly. But some alloys are eternal. And to get them, combine the inexhaustible cup of iron patience of the spouse with the ingot of golden character of the wife. So let's drink to the precious newlyweds and their future well-being!

Toast No. 3

Wonderful miracle, wonderful miracle,
Their feeling is strong and mutual.
Guests, parents, girlfriends, friends -
Everyone gathered here to drink to:
Endless love, carefree happiness,
The eyes are sparkling, clear and beautiful for the children!
To the young and their happiness for many years to come!

Toast No. 4

We must live cheerfully and amicably,
You can argue if necessary
And even if things are very difficult -
Remember: you cannot live without each other!
You can't be sad at all
So we all shout: “Bitter!”

Toast No. 5

Once upon a time there lived a wise old man who knew everything in the world about the Universe. He was omniscient and knew how much water was in the ocean, how many stars were in the sky. And one day a young couple of lovers decided to trick the sage, proving to him that it is impossible to know everything about everything.

They caught a fluttering snow-white butterfly. And they hid it in their palms. They decided to ask the sage what exactly they were hiding in their hands. And, of course, knowing the answer, he will say: “Butterfly.” Then they will ask him: is she alive or dead? The moment the elder answers - alive, they quickly clasp their hands and the butterfly dies. And if he says she’s dead, then the young people will carefully release her.

So they came to the sage and asked him a question: “What do we have in our hands?” The old man says: “Butterfly.” - “Is she dead or alive?” - To which, after thinking, the wise old man said: “And this is already in your hands.”

I want to wish our newlyweds that they do not forget that their happiness is in their hands. Take care of your love and be happy!

The role of a witness at a wedding is one of the most honorable. falls on his shoulders a large number of responsibilities. First of all, it is helping the bride and groom in any situation. Witnesses adjust their dress, hairstyle and makeup. Witnesses keep wedding rings and participate in the bride price.

Among other things, the witnesses also need to make a congratulatory speech. Their words are among the first to be heard. Friends don't just talk beautiful words, they support the married couple and try to wish as many positive things as possible.

Congratulations to the newlyweds from a witness

The role of witness is often played by one of the closest people on the groom’s side. This could be a relative or friend. If you are chosen as a witness, it means you are trusted and respected.

Original wishes

If you want to distinguish yourself at a celebration, you need to think over a speech that will not be repeated.

Will surprise guests at the event.

  1. The state of falling in love is a happy time, it is replaced by love and mutual respect.
    Love is an interesting thing, it should always be supported. This is a fire that, if not properly cared for, can simply go out. The task of the young is to find common interests, start a common business, a child, a family, so that love always burns with a bright fire.
  2. Cupid is a symbol of love, born from a mixture of passion, tenderness and chaos.
    I would like to wish the spouses to find their Cupid and keep him as long as possible.
  3. Let's raise our glasses to the man who became the main hero of this day.
    Of course, this is our groom. I would like to tell him one important piece of wisdom. Every evening and morning you need to kiss your wife. Thanks to this, men live longer by as much as 15 years.

Cool toasts

The most popular and widespread version of the congratulatory speech are. They are the easiest to compose.

In addition, thanks to them you can best express your wishes.

  1. Man began to ask nature to make warm nights all year round.
    Then he will not have to light a fire and burn candles. But nature refused. The man got angry and stopped lighting the fire. In the end he became cold and mad. I would like to wish the young married couple not to forget that they are the masters of their lives. And let them remember to light the fire of their love every evening and night.
  2. The flower and the wind once fell in love with each other.
    The wind blew on a beautiful rose, and she gave him a fragrant scent for it. The wind blew stronger and stronger each time. One day he blew so hard that the rose broke. The wind decided that the flower simply did not like him. Newlyweds, love each other tenderly and reverently. Only such an attitude can be reciprocated with sincerity and respect.
  3. Doctors say that love heals many diseases.
    I would like to wish the young couple that warm feelings will be with them throughout their lives, then they will be able to get rid of all ailments.

Touching wishes from a boyfriend or girlfriend

At the wedding not only funny words sound, but also often those that can sink straight into the soul.

In most cases they are all present.

  1. Today, on this significant day, a large number of relatives, friends and loved ones have gathered around the table.
    Let us remember the words of the philosopher who claims that the more friends you have, the further you are from each of them. Wait, but that’s how many friends are at the table today. Let's try to continue to gather as often as possible and for no reason.
  2. Guys, I'm sorry to report this news, but as a witness, I have to.
    Our friend was kidnapped and it was done by an angel. Now look, this angel is sitting next to the groom. And we, the groom's friends, can only be happy for our loved one. Let him be kidnapped, in love and mad with love for as long as possible.
  3. Life is a zebra.
    Along its length there are different stripes. Sometimes they are white and light, sometimes black and dark. I would like to wish you to always stand firmly holding hands during difficulties. Instead, overcome problems and enjoy the bright spots in life. Save your love and increase it.

Useful video

The best wedding congratulations.

Song of the witness at the wedding.

Toast of the witness.


The witness and witness can speak in gala event two different toasts, but they can come up with one together interesting option. Guests often expect the greatest creativity and flight of fancy from them. Therefore, you should think carefully before writing original toasts for a wedding.

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the collapse of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and the article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - preparing alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On the administrative liability of legal entities (organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 28 , art. 3476).

Extract from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

“The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) producing products containing ethyl alcohol for purposes other than sale.”

Moonshining in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to Article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of sale, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the production and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage of devices* for its production without the purpose of sale.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. “Production or acquisition of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of apparatus for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Clause No. 1 states: “The production by individuals of strong alcoholic drinks (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), as well as the storage of devices* used for their production, will entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of the specified drinks, semi-finished products and devices."

*Purchase moonshine stills for home use it is still possible, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

Lived alone in the world wise old man , who could answer any question about everything that happened in the world (for example, how many birds are in the sky, how much water is in the seas, etc.). And then one day a young couple wanted to outwit this sage, proving to him and those around him that he does not know everything and is far from omnipotent.
They caught a beautiful butterfly. And we came up with the following: we will hold this butterfly between our palms and ask the sage - what is in our hands? He will undoubtedly answer correctly - a butterfly. Then we will ask another question - is she dead or alive? If he decides that the butterfly is alive, we will quietly clasp our hands and it will die, and if he thinks that it is dead, we will release it.
They went to the elder and asked their question - what is in our hands. The sage answered - a butterfly. Is she dead or alive? Everything is in your hands - answered the sage!
Therefore, I want to wish you newlyweds that your tender feelings, love, patience, prosperity, etc. were only in your hands. Love and take care of each other! Bitterly!

Today, thinking about what to wish your best friend and his wonderful wife On this joyful day, I remembered one instructive story:
On the eve of the wedding, the bride managed to “bargain” one interesting condition from the groom: every year at the same time for three days, she would leave home, and the husband should not ask any questions. They lived the first year of their marriage happily and prosperously, but soon the young husband began to notice that his wife was somewhat tense. Of course, he asked about the reasons for her such a state, to which she only reminded him of their agreement and disappeared for three days. After her return, everything became good and wonderful again, they continued to live cheerfully and happily.
For three years this story repeated itself at the same time.
Husband He began to lose patience - he was burned by jealousy and tormented by curiosity. The next time his wife left, he decided to quietly follow her. And this is what he saw - his beloved wife, having entered the dense forest and turned into a viper, hung on a branch upside down for exactly three days, while poison dripped from her tongue. And after all the poison came out, she regained the appearance of a woman and headed home.
Therefore, I raise my glass to ensure that poison never accumulates in your relationships, in your family! And if this suddenly happens, then try to leave it in the dense forest!

Today is very significant and solemn day . I think everyone agrees that from this moment on, life will change dramatically for two lovers who have tied the knot of marriage. Like many others, they will face disappointments, mistakes and grievances. They just need to survive all this. And so I propose to drink so that after going through all these tests, their love will become even stronger, even stronger, so that it will be filled with new colors and emotions! Bitterly!

I want to make a toast to our bride and groom , which with today became husband and wife. Marriage is a daily and very responsible work that involves strengthening relationships, learning from each other, the ability to not pay attention to offensive little things, the ability to give in, understand and listen. This is happiness and joy, sincerity and love. In conclusion, I want to remind you of the words of one very smart person: “In a good family, spouses during the day try not to think about the fact that they are lovers, but at night they don’t even remember that they are husband and wife.” I wish you happiness and many years to come life together! Bitterly!

The life of every person can be arranged in the form of a book archive. Bright picture books will describe childhood, adolescence will be filled with glossy magazines. But the most intimate and touching moments of life can fit into a small collection of poetry, which will describe tenderness and love between faithful spouses. The rest of your life can be safely entered either into a barn book or into new poetic volumes, with the help of which you, our dear newlyweds, can tell the whole world about the brightest and happiest moments of your life together. Wish you love and inspiration! Bitterly!

To make the celebration unforgettable, to preserve the funniest moments on video and in the photo album, and for the guests to have only positive memories, it is worth including in the program for witnesses at the wedding.

Witnesses are important participants in the wedding celebration. The toastmaster selects tests for them of a diverse nature:

  • Song competition. Love songs are sung one by one. The winner is chosen by the listeners. Toy instruments, knight's armor, straw hats are used as props - wardrobe items are chosen in accordance with the theme of the song;
  • Dance. The rules are the same, only here the contestants have to dance;
  • Pantomime. Participants need to take turns, using gestures and facial expressions, to tell the guests about an adventurous episode from the life of the newlyweds. The opponent must understand what event we are talking about;
  • Verbal. The witness is asked to name the qualities of the groom, and the witness - the bride. This is done one by one. The winner has the final say;
  • Theatrical. Witnesses will have to become actors and demonstrate their talent for improvisation. So, they can become the bride and groom, and whoever does the better parody will be decided by lot;
  • Photo competition. The witness is given a dozen photographs of little girls, among whom he must recognize the bride as a child. And the witness is trying to find the groom among the photographs of the boys;
  • Identikit. The witness makes a portrait of the bride from a photograph cut into several parts. At this time, the witness is trying to restore the groom’s face. You should not use too small fragments, otherwise the competition will drag on and the guests will get bored.

There are many other challenges for the groomsmen and groomsmen - the imagination of wedding planners knows no bounds.

Buying the bride's shoe

One of the most popular challenges is stealing the bride's shoe. The thief is usually one of the guests. Witnesses will have to not only find the loss, but also pay a ransom for it.

If the competition does not cause problems for anyone, you can offer to pay the ransom with kisses. The best man is invited to show with a stuffed animal how much he enjoys kissing. The presenter voices the places where the lips touch young man, and then asks him to repeat it exactly. Only the witness will have to kiss instead of the toy.

Sometimes witnesses are forced to search for a shoe using the “hot and cold” method. Guests applaud and suggest in which direction to move.

Cool music and dance

The host of the celebration makes sure that the guests do not get bored, and that the witnesses do not sit too long. For example, he invites them with every cry of “Bitter!” stand up and act as a cheerleader, waving pom-poms. You can suggest that the witness repeat the movements of his partner once, and then she changes with him.

Important! In order not to tire witnesses too quickly, active entertainment alternates with calmer ones.

Or best friends newlyweds can be arranged. Having gathered teams of five people, the girls tie bright ribbons around their necks, the guys put on stylish ties. Each group presents its own dance.

Dance with clothespins

The essence of this cool competition for witnesses is that, blindfolded, they must find on each other five clothespins or office clips that the presenter has attached. All this happens to the accompaniment of cheerful rhythmic music. When it breaks, the counting of discovered trophies begins. Whoever has more is declared a triumphant.


A rope is placed on the floor, over which two chairs are placed with their backs facing each other, but not close together: there should be a gap of about half a meter. Windbreakers with the sleeves turned out are placed on the backs. The opponents run around their chair in a circle, put their sleeves in order, put on a windbreaker, button it up, sit on the chair and pull the rope. The participant who completes the task faster wins. To make it more fun, participants run to the tune of a catchy melody.

Guess the melody

Participants in the game are shown a collage of pictures. Based on associations with them, it is necessary to determine the song. For example: a glass, a bottle of vodka, a table. It is unlikely that anyone will not guess the song by Grigory Leps “A Glass of Vodka on the Table”. When the answer is heard, an excerpt from the encrypted composition is played. For the competition, it is better to choose hits from different years.

Newspaper disco

A newspaper is completely spread out on the floor, on which the couple must dance while a piece of music plays. Then the newspaper is folded in half and another song is played. Each time the composition becomes more and more catchy, and the paper “dance floor” becomes less and less. Whoever stands up for the newspaper first loses.

Cash for boyfriend and boyfriend

No wedding is complete without a cash competition. So, you can collect bills in blue and pink sliders or paper bags. If the amount collected in blue things is greater, it means that the first-born in a young family will be a boy. A girl will be born if more money thrown into rompers in girlish colors. They are usually chosen by the female half of the guests.

The competition can be diversified: children's caps are put on the witnesses' heads, and a bottle with a nipple is handed into their hands, into which milk or fruit juice is first poured. Test results depend on speed: the bridesmaid drank everything first - the newlyweds will have a daughter; The best man completed the task faster - he will have to choose a name for his son.

In the final, competitors can take an unforgettable selfie and receive.

Funny with food and alcohol

Essential attributes: food and alcohol. You can have a speed competition: who can eat the most hot dogs or who can finish a portion of spaghetti faster using Chinese chopsticks instead of a fork. Guests can be invited to place comic bets in the form of candies.

Hungry children

For this fun you will need:

  • 8 volunteers;
  • 8 baby caps;
  • 10 tablespoons;
  • 8 kinder surprises.

Two containers with chocolate eggs are placed on chairs near one wall of the hall. On the opposite side, volunteers are squatting: “babies” in baby caps and with spoons in their mouths.

Witnesses, at the signal from the toastmaster, must take an egg with a spoon clamped in their teeth and take it to the “child”. The well-fed “kids” get up and move aside. The winner is determined by the number of successfully transferred eggs. Agility and speed are important in this competition.

Difficult feast

Required details:

  • 4 small tables;
  • 2 bottles of beer;
  • 2 glasses;
  • 2 plates with salad.

Tables are placed in pairs at opposite ends of the room. Like beer and snacks. At the signal from the toastmaster, witnesses rush to the bottles, pour beer and very quickly say the phrase: “Eat, drink, sing songs until the morning.” Having emptied their glasses, they run to the food, throw a round of cucumber or radish into their mouths and return to the beer. Whoever drinks it all down the fastest wins.

For the dexterity and accuracy of the bridesmaids and groomsmen

Thanks to the wedding, the witnesses can feel like participants in a kind of Olympics. On this day, all life experience, all skills and talents will be useful. In some competitions, you cannot do without excellent coordination of movements and the ability to hit the target accurately.


Required equipment:

  • large sheet of plywood;
  • tape or cloves;
  • 20 balloons;
  • note paper.

In this competition, witnesses determine the fate of the young: They write ten notes with permission. Samples: “Permission not to wash dishes (not take out the trash) on Fridays”; “Permission to buy ten handbags at once”; “Permission to give flowers (a bottle of beer) to your significant other every day,” etc.

Notes are placed inside balloons, and they inflate and attach to plywood with tape or hang on pre-driven nails. Now the witness, having burst the balloon with a dart, chooses the bride's license. Then it's the best man's turn.


Required details:

  • 2 ice trays;
  • 2 cocktail straws;
  • 2 women's scarves;
  • juice (mineral water).

The toastmaster ties the wrists of the “victims” behind their backs with scarves and places molds filled with liquid in front of them. At a signal, young people begin to drink using straws stuck in their mouths. The goal is to drain all the holes faster than your opponent.

Finding or collecting items

Often witnesses are asked to collect or find something. For failure, the toastmaster may assign a penalty task. The reluctance to end up in the penalty box will serve as an additional incentive for competitors to win.


Several small items are placed in the clothes of those gathered. The groom's friend and bridesmaid are presented with a list of items that need to be found. If something is not discovered, then the witnesses will have to pull forfeits from the hat with the wishes of the heroes of the occasion: for example, dancing on the table, walking on their hands, funny toast, feeding each other cake blindly.


Witnesses wear large pants, which they use to collect small balloons from the floor. There should be very little air in them. It is prohibited to use your hands during this process.

Active competitions require physical effort, but the toastmaster tests the newlyweds’ friends not only on endurance, speed, and agility. Ingenuity, attentiveness, and the ability to read faces are also tested.

Useful video

Witnesses at a wedding become not only the main assistants of the newlyweds in organizing the celebration and competitions for guests, but also participants in comic competitions. One of these song competitions in the video:


When compiling a list of wedding competitions, you should clarify in advance whether the witnesses are romantically involved with someone or are single. Otherwise, you can easily provoke complications in the relationship. It also wouldn’t hurt to find out how well your young friends have a sense of humor and whether there will be children or elderly people among the guests.