Enemies of the figure. Products that prevent you from losing weight or the main enemies of a slim figure Instant porridge and muesli

6 secret enemies of the figure

1. Cup of coffee
Coffee lovers are known to be divided into “caffeine addicts” and “caffeine lovers.” With “amateurs” everything is simple: for them coffee is not so much a stimulant as a pleasure. Such people prefer to treat themselves to coffee drinks instead of espresso. This is where the catch lies: coffee drinks contain a large number of sugar, flavorings, syrup, milk and whipped cream, which are quietly added to us overweight.
For comparison: a standard slice of pizza will cost 610 kcal, and a “harmless” cup of Frappuccino from Starbucks will cost 500 kcal. Extra calories will add extra centimeters to the waist, and the feeling of hunger will not go away. “Caffeine addicts” prefer double espresso to coffee drinks. And this is the most the right way– raise stress levels to sky-high levels. This speeds up the metabolic process, creating a huge appetite, and all because of one cup of coffee.
2. Cost savings
In an attempt to save money, we often buy food in large quantities in advance. For example, you bought a box of cookies for a couple of months, but once you open it, you can’t stop. As a result, you not only did not save money, but also ended up with a thicker waist.
3. Air conditioning and climate control
The constant comfortable temperature of the atmosphere created by air conditioning promotes weight gain. Proof? Easily! To maintain a certain body temperature during temperature changes in the atmosphere, the body needs to burn energy, that is, calories. If you set a constant comfortable temperature in the room - 24 degrees Celsius - the process of burning calories simply will not start.
4. Friends
Recent studies have shown that social gatherings around the dinner table contribute to weight gain, with each person present common table adds about 20% to the total amount eaten during a friendly dinner.
According to one of them, in a pleasant atmosphere of friendly company, a person is so carried away by table conversation that he pays little attention directly to the food and misses the moment of satiety, continuing to eat “by inertia.” The result is overeating and a couple of extra pounds. The second explanation: the “herd” feeling and the tendency to imitate. If a friend orders cheesecake for dessert, which you proudly refused a minute ago, remembering your diet in time, it is very difficult to resist ordering yourself a cake “for company.”
5. Mom
Who doesn’t remember how, as a child, my mother taught me to finish everything on my plate? The stomach sends a signal to the brain about satiety 20 minutes after it actually occurs. The only chance to objectively assess whether it’s time to stop is to look at the plate. The brain is able to more or less adequately assess whether we are full of the contents of the plate.
When the plate is empty, we subconsciously perceive this as a signal to end the meal. Scientists have proven this by conducting an experiment using a “bottomless plate” in one of the restaurants in America. Some customers who ordered tomato soup were given a standard portion, while others were given a bowl on the table, which was replenished from a boiler in the kitchen using a system of pipes, unnoticed by the customers. It turned out that visitors who received a standard portion of soup ate almost all of it and stopped as soon as they saw the bottom of the plate. Clients who were constantly “supplied” with tomato puree managed to eat twice as much.

Literally 10-20 years ago, obesity was something out of the ordinary; there were very few obese people, and most often they excess weight was associated with the presence of a specific disease. Today everything has changed and overweight Almost every third person “can boast”, and this problem can equally affect everyone, and it’s all due to the worsening environment every day, sedentary work and the consumption of fast food. But taking care of yourself and keeping your weight normal is not so difficult; the main thing is to know what foods to exclude in order to lose weight.


Yes, sagging sides and belly can spoil the mood of many women, and on the eve of the beach season this problem becomes most acute. But having the figure of your dreams is much easier than it seems; we are what we eat. And our entire diet is picturesquely represented on our body. Therefore, in order to lose weight, you need to say a hard “No” to some products on our table.

List of products that have no place on our table

Perhaps the main enemy of an ideal figure is bread and bakery products. Products in this category contribute to intestinal sluggishness, and in general, do not bring any benefit to the body. And although bread is a relatively low-calorie product, only 220-250 kcal per 100 g, the ingredients included in its composition, namely butter, eggs and sugar, contribute to the accumulation of extra pounds. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that flour products have a high glycemic index. This means that after eating one sandwich with white bread, you will soon want to eat something else.

It is better to use grain bread instead of white bread, with high content bran, because they consist of fiber, complex carbohydrates, B vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system. Together, all these components help keep body weight under control.

In second place are sweet and carbonated drinks. Many people recall with nostalgia the taste of Soviet Buratino and Citro, complaining that they don’t do this anymore. Yes, we can agree with this, there is so much sugar, chemicals and dyes in our pops, sprites and colas that in addition to the “pretty” fat on your figure, you can also get a couple of diseases in addition. Therefore, passing by the shelves with these beautiful bottles, you can only do your body a favor. Besides, these are “empty” calories.

And citric acid, which is added in huge quantities to soda, disrupts the acid-base balance in the digestive tract. In addition, such drinks can also damage tooth enamel.

Let's put a taboo on confectionery

Confectionery products, namely: shortbread cookies, cakes, cream cakes, chocolate and ice cream also have no place on our table. The lion's share of these products is occupied by so-called trans fats, which, when digested, form carbohydrates. Various flavoring additives act on our receptors as bait, the body requires more and more sweets, which does not contribute to weight loss at all, so you can save your figure only if you completely give up confectionery products.

Many sweet tooths in this place will think that a belly and saggy sides are better than such a life, but we hasten to reassure lovers of sweets, there is a way to keep in shape and not deny yourself the pleasure: you just need to replace these “harmful” sweets with honey, marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade. You can also eat dried fruits, but in moderation.

Forget about pasta and mayonnaise

What you absolutely cannot eat, even in small quantities, is pasta, especially with a good piece of meat, generously sprinkled with cream-based sauce. Not only are fats and carbohydrates the main enemies of a beautiful figure, but in this combination they make this dish harmful to the body.

But this ban does not apply to pasta made from durum wheat grains; they can and even should be eaten, it is very healthy, especially in combination with vegetables, lean meat and seafood. It is not forbidden to add a little vegetable oil, but you can do without it.

You will not find mayonnaise in any diet; you need to give it up completely, as well as ketchup and all kinds of seasonings, because these are 100% calories, dyes, flavor enhancers and other chemical additives. An excellent alternative to such products would be ketchup and mayonnaise. homemade, and even better, use low-fat kefir, yogurt and olive oil.

Let's say no to sausage, chips and fast food

Only the deaf have not heard about the true content of all kinds of sausages and sausages; it has been proven that such food is harmful to the body. Well, if you really want to, from time to time you can indulge in a couple of slices of good low-fat bacon or ham.

Today, no one is surprised by overweight children. And some parents deliberately “fatten” their baby, planting a “time bomb”, and you just want to shout: Parents, stop! Tell your child once and for all that chips are poison. Any! After all, these are fats and carbohydrates in their pure form.

And if you imagine how many dyes and flavor enhancers were added to them, you involuntarily begin to lose weight, but from nerves. The same applies to various fast foods, hot dogs, etc., they pose a danger not only to your figure, but also to your health. There is nothing useful in them - no vitamins, no minerals, there is nothing good in them at all.

You can also put breakfast cereals in the same row. We are talking about corn flakes or balls, quick soups, custard mashed potatoes, a variety of cereals and ready-made noodles. It is this category of products that should definitely and unconditionally be sent to the trash container.

What do these products consist of? Made entirely of starch, dyes, fats and flavor enhancers. Due to low nutritional value And highest calorie content such a product is “designed” to increase body weight. The “magical” aroma of food chemicals does not allow the “victim” to stop, resulting in overeating and extra centimeters on the waist.

This list, of course, is far from complete. Foods that interfere with weight loss are foods rich in fats and carbohydrates, but which are almost completely devoid of fiber and protein. It is better not to abuse these products. Concerning vegetable oils, cereals and nuts, although these are high-calorie foods, you cannot completely refuse to eat them; they contain a large amount of useful substances.

For a long time, sugar was considered a relatively harmless pleasure: it seemed that the worst punishment for those with a sweet tooth was tooth decay. Moreover, in the mass consciousness, sugar even has some healing properties: allegedly filming headache, gives energy...

However, in recent years, scientists are increasingly talking about the dangers of excess sugar consumption. Why exactly is he dangerous?

(To prevent confusion, let us stipulate that sugar in this article means sucrose and sweeteners similar to it chemical composition, specifically high fructose corn syrup).

Debates about the effect of sugar on health have been going on since the 19th century - it was then that sugar consumption in Europe and America began to grow. At the same time, doctors began to associate sugar with the emergence of new diseases - in particular, diabetes, which was practically unheard of until the mid-19th century.

The amount of sugar consumed per capita continued to increase throughout the 20th century - not only due to candy, cakes and ice cream, but also due to the invention of sweet carbonated drinks, fruit juices, and breakfast cereals. In the 70s, High Fructose Corn Syrup was invented, a cheap sweetener that became widely used in the food industry not only in desserts and drinks, but also to improve the taste and extend the shelf life of a wide range of products. from sauces like ketchup to yoghurts and breads.

Yudkin's study

In the 60s XX century British scientist John Yudkin drew attention to the connection between sugar consumption and the development of cardiovascular diseases. Further experiments by Yudkin showed that consuming sugar leads to a whole range of disturbances in the functioning of the body. In 1972, Yudkin published Pure, White and Deadly, in which he linked sugar not only to tooth decay and cardiovascular disease, but also to obesity, diabetes, liver disease and some types of cancer.

However, in nutrition (not without the support of representatives of the sugar industry), another point of view has won: that the cause of all these diseases is saturated fat. And in 1980, the US government issued the first Dietary Guidelines, according to which it was necessary to sharply limit the consumption of fats, especially of animal origin. Americans - and after them residents of all developed countries - switched to skim milk and replaced butter margarine.

However, over the past 30-plus years, the epidemic of obesity and related diseases has continued to spread - despite the popularity of low-fat foods, diets and fitness. A huge problem is the rapid increase in childhood obesity and diabetes - a problem that simply did not exist several decades ago. According to WHO, mortality from non-communicable diseases is twice as high as mortality from infections. Diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer are the main threats to human health in the 21st century. And increasingly, scientists are saying that the cause of the epidemic of these diseases may not be fat at all - but sugar.

Lustig's research

Among the most famous proponents of this theory is the American professor, pediatric neuroendocrinologist Robert Lustig. According to Lustig, it is sugar - or more precisely, the fructose molecule, which makes up half of the sucrose molecule - that is the cause of the so-called metabolic syndrome: a complex of disorders in the body that leads to the development of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, certain types of cancer, gout and, in all likelihood, Alzheimer's syndrome.

One of the most likely causes of metabolic syndrome is the accumulation of fat in the liver, which in turn leads to the development of insulin resistance: the liver's sensitivity to insulin decreases. In this case, the role that the liver plays in the body’s carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted. The pancreas tries to force the liver to work by increasing insulin production. High insulin levels stimulate fat accumulation (after all, storing energy is the main task of insulin). Excess fat leads to increased levels of triglycerides in the blood, which in turn can become a factor in the development of cardiovascular diseases. Over time, the cells' sensitivity to insulin decreases more and more, and the pancreas has to produce more and more insulin. If the beta cells of the pancreas can no longer cope with the load, this leads to the development of type 2 diabetes.

According to Dr. Lustig, it is excess sugar consumption that triggers the process of fatty liver and the development of insulin resistance. The reason for this is the peculiarities of the metabolism of fructose (one of the components of sugar): unlike glucose, which can be processed by all cells of the body, fructose is metabolized only by the liver. And while excess glucose is stored in the liver as glycogen, excess fructose is stored as fat. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is another diagnosis that was virtually unheard of 50 years ago and is widespread today.

In small amounts, fructose is not a problem (meaning moderate consumption of fruit is not harmful). The question is the dose - it is the excess of sugar, and especially sugar from processed foods, which enters the blood much faster than sugar from fruits, that leads to fatty liver and the development of metabolic syndrome.

Lustig insists that sugar is not "empty calories" as is often believed. Sugar is a toxin that poisons human body.

To confirm their theory, Lustig and his team tried to establish a link between sugar consumption and the incidence of diabetes. To do this, they analyzed food consumption statistics in 154 countries from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and diabetes statistics from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) for the period from 2000 to 2010. The researchers sought answers to two questions: Is there a link between rising per capita calorie consumption and the prevalence of diabetes? And if so, are there any dietary features that explain this connection?

During this period, the incidence of diabetes in the world increased from 5% to 7%. Oddly enough, an increase in the total calorie intake per capita did not affect the increase in diabetes incidence. But the link between diabetes and calories from sugar was striking. Every 100 “sugar” calories increased the incidence of diabetes by 0.9%. Scientists have calculated that an extra 150 calories per person per day has virtually no effect on the risk of diabetes. But if the source of these calories is, for example, a can of soda, the risk increases 7 times.

Sugar and youthful skin

In addition, fructose accelerates skin aging. This process is called glycation: fructose molecules (and glucose too) are fixed to protein molecules. As a result of this reaction, advanced glycosylation endproducts (AGEs) appear, which are one of the main causes of skin aging. The most susceptible to glycation are the proteins that are responsible for the elasticity and freshness of the skin - elastin and collagen. To be fair, it should be noted that glycation is an inevitable process, that is, it cannot be prevented. The skin will still age. But excess fructose speeds up this process by almost 10 times.

Despite numerous experiments demonstrating the connection between sugar consumption and cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, there are no scientific experiments that would clearly prove the harm of sugar to date.

This is due to several reasons: firstly, the theory about the dangers of sugar has only recently become the object of attention of a wide range of researchers, and scientists have yet to understand exactly how sugar affects the human body. Secondly, the harm of sugar (if sugar really is the cause of metabolic syndrome) does not appear immediately, but over several years, and this also complicates the task (not to mention the fact that not eating sugar in conditions where most of the sold products contain it). in grocery stores, not so easy). To prove that sugar is harmful, it would be necessary to conduct an experiment involving several thousand people, half of whom would be on a high-sugar diet and the rest on a low-sugar diet. Participants must be followed for several years (perhaps decades) to compare which group has higher morbidity and mortality. Conducting such experiments is very expensive and difficult, and they are unlikely to be organized in the near future. In the meantime, the question of whether or not to eat sweets, to give or not to give sweets to children, remains the personal responsibility of each of us.


Dr. Robert Lustig, “Fat Chance: the Hidden Truth about Sugar, Obesity and Disease”

Some studies on the dangers of sugar:

Fructose, obesity and insulin resistance (,).

The connection between fructose and visceral (internal) obesity: (,).

The effect of fructose on the aging process (glycation): (,).

When republishing materials from the Matrony.ru website, a direct active link to the source text of the material is required.

All our lives we have been told that in order to have a beautiful figure we must exclude certain foods from our diet. Of course, if you overeat on chocolate bars all day, wash them down with soda and eat half a kilo of ice cream at night, then your figure will not be pleasing to the eye, but by wisely consuming what we consider our food enemies, you can not only maintain your figure, but also improve it.


Bread got the most. The favorite product of our ancestors, which lasted for many generations, today is undeservedly ignored by absolutely all representatives of the fair sex who dream of getting rid of extra centimeters at the waist. In fact, this is not necessary at all.

Bread comes in different varieties. Of course, it is wisest to refuse white loaves and bread, the composition of which is questionable. But bread made from whole grain flour in moderation can and should be in the diet of a healthy person. Whole grain flour contains many valuable substances, including dietary fiber, essential amino acids, vitamins B, E, PP.

Bread made from whole grain flour calms the nervous system and charges the body with the necessary vigor and energy for a long time.

Red meat

Red meat is a food that causes a lot of controversy. Here the situation is almost the same as with bread. If you are confident in the quality of the product, then in moderate quantities it will not only not harm you, but will also make your diet even healthier.

To eat red meat safely, we advise you to buy it from trusted suppliers, avoid excessively fatty cuts (ideally choose lean beef) and cook it properly (that is, boil or bake). You should not fry such meat if you do not want to have problems with the heart, blood vessels and cholesterol.

The daily rate of meat consumption can be determined by looking at the back of the hand. Your piece should not be larger.


Do you allow yourself pasta only on holidays? And in vain! If you know all the rules, you can treat yourself to your favorite dish much more often. So, first you should know that pasta prepared at home is a priori healthier, because you use only proven and fresh products. If you are a fan of the popular dish, we recommend purchasing a pasta cutter at home and enjoying life. Another important point: Prepare pasta from durum wheat flour.

But you really have to give up high-calorie sauces. By all accounts, you should really only eat this classic pasta on special occasions. And this should not upset you, because vegetable and chicken pasta options are no less tasty and appetizing.


Nuts have a hard time. They seem to be incredibly healthy, but you shouldn’t eat a lot of them often. Some people don’t want to understand all the intricacies and intricacies, so they simply exclude nuts from their diet. This is a big mistake.

Nuts are a valuable source of all kinds of vitamins and minerals, and they also contain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is only important to use them wisely, that is, not to exceed the norm of 5 nuts per day, and then no extra pounds will threaten you. By the way, the fatty acids contained in nuts are healthy and are consumed along with energy, and are not deposited on the hips.


Of course, if you eat milk chocolate or chocolate bars for breakfast, lunch or dinner, you will very soon see the consequences of such “chocolate intoxication.” And dark chocolate lovers (provided they consume in moderation) should not be afraid.

Dark chocolate is chocolate that has a cocoa content greater than 75%. This is the most useful product that has a beneficial effect on the immune system, dental health, nervous system, brain function and metabolism. Even those who are losing weight should not refuse a slice of dark chocolate at breakfast.


Popcorn is rich in fiber, which improves the functioning of the digestive system and lowers blood sugar levels. The presence of polyphenols in corn makes popcorn one of the healthiest snacks. Polyphenols have an antioxidant effect and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, prolonging its youth, and also protect the body from numerous diseases. The calorie content of popcorn will please those losing weight - a standard serving of popcorn without butter contains only 70 kilocalories. At the same time, puffed corn quickly brings a feeling of fullness. However, you should understand that only popcorn that has been prepared without the use of oil or additives is healthy. Just a little salt.


We are, of course, not talking about store-bought mayonnaise, but about homemade mayonnaise. The first, undisputed favorite in the top of harmful and useless products, so we are not going to justify it. But the sauce, prepared independently, is a very healthy dressing.

Homemade mayonnaise contains vitamins A, D, E, K, PP, C and a complex of vitamins B, which enhance immunity and normalize metabolism. All this is thanks to the butter and eggs contained in homemade mayonnaise. Also, thanks to the egg white, the homemade sauce is rich in various important amino acids, and olive oil improves digestion.


The oil is rich in vitamins D, A, E, C, B, calcium, phospholipids and many amino acids. If you eat it “live” and in small quantities, for example, spreading it on a piece of bread, then you can not only not be afraid of cholesterol, but even receive benefits in the form of the already mentioned vitamins and various antioxidants.

Ice cream

The calorie enemy of all those losing weight is actually not so terrible. British scientists have proven that made from natural milk or cream, ice cream acts as an antidepressant, relieving nervous tension and calming the nerves.

In order for the treat to be truly healthy, carefully monitor the composition. It must contain whole milk, and it must also be free from vegetable fats, dyes, preservatives and artificial additives. Keep an eye on the fat content level; usually, the lower it is, the more sugar there is in the ice cream, and this instantly kills everything good in the delicacy.


It’s not for nothing that potatoes are called the second bread, however, like baked goods, nutritionists have excluded them from the list of healthy foods. He's very much a starchist. This does not take into account the fact that carbohydrates obtained by our body from potato starch have a beneficial effect on the digestion process. In addition, potatoes are rich in ascorbic acid, B vitamins, PP, fiber, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, folic acid and so on.

And the centuries-old history of growing this crop has proven that you can only get fat from potatoes if you consume them without moderation.