How to make face powder at home. Homemade face powder. DIY powder: recipes for homemade body powder

How can you replace face powder at home?

How to make face powder at home?

How to make face powder at home?

In fact, making such powder with your own hands is quite simple and will be beneficial for your skin. I can give you a simple recipe that I also use myself, for this take:

coconut flakes (grind with a coffee grinder or meat grinder to flour)

ground cinnamon

a couple of drops of natural essential oil (if available, for greater viscosity)

zinc oxide powder (antiseptic if you can find it)

Grind all ingredients until finely ground in a special container, pour into a jar for storing powder!

I, as the owner of oily problem skin, decided, unfortunately not so long ago, to use more natural means and less purchased. No matter how the manufacturers of natural cosmetics talk, they still always contain chemicals. So I came to a natural, safe, and ideally also healthy powder.

After scouring the Internet, I chose the best option that combines benefits and ease of preparation. This is oatmeal powder.

To prepare it, I took simple oatmeal. It is recommended to grind them, but I did without it. I poured warm boiled water over the oatmeal, let it sit for 30 minutes and poured the white liquid into a jar. I repeated this 4 more times and filled a liter jar. I let it stand. This took about 4 hours. Then I drained the cleared water and poured the white thick mass onto a flat dish. It dried overnight and I crushed it and crushed it into powder.

They write that you can use this already, but for me it doesn’t tempt me and I decided to add tone and benefits. For benefit, I added half a teaspoon of blue clay, and obtained the required shade by adding cocoa and cinnamon.

The result exceeded expectations. The powder mattifies, mattifies for a long time, evens out the complexion and slightly masks imperfections. The main thing is that I'm not afraid to use it! The powder does not provoke any new inflammation and absorbs sebum.

This is how you can prepare healthy powder within a day, without unnecessary hassle.

If you are interested in details, write in a personal message)

The powder can be prepared at home; for this you will need white refined rice.

Wash the rice and cover with cold water, then place in the refrigerator for 5 days. The water needs to be changed daily, the rice will spoil if you don't change it. The rice will be well saturated with water, and when pressed with your finger, it will easily break.

Next, you need to transfer the rice into a container and grind the grains until a homogeneous mass (not metallic), pour cold water again, stir, let it stand for 5 minutes. White water pour into a separate bowl. Then repeat this procedure several times until the water becomes clear.

Let the white water stand until sediment settles. And after draining the liquid, dry this very sediment on gauze and pour it into a special jar. The powder is ready!

To tone the powder, add ground cinnamon or cocoa powder.

Homemade cosmetics are quite popular among women: homemade masks, creams, lotions and other cosmetics consist exclusively of natural ingredients, the effectiveness and safety of which you can be sure of. But not everyone knows that you can prepare not only skincare, but also decorative cosmetics yourself. AnyDayLife will tell you how to make face powder.

The main objectives of the powder are to improve complexion, provide a mattifying effect by absorbing skin secretions and protect the skin from harmful environmental influences. The main ingredients of the powder that we buy in the store are talc, zinc oxide, titanium dioxide and kaolin (white clay), which have an adsorbing effect, as well as dyes and fragrance.

Homemade face powder is made from other ingredients - rice or oatmeal, starch. They also have excellent adsorbing properties, due to which the powder prepared from them has an excellent matting effect. The homemade powder is transparent, so it evens out the complexion and still suits any skin tone.

Rice powder

To prepare rice powder you will need 3 tbsp. l. quality rice, boiled water and... patience. First, rinse the rice and remove any debris. Take a glass jar and sterilize it (as for canning). When the jar has cooled, put rice in it, fill it with boiled water, cover the jar with a cloth and place it in a cool place. Sterilization and the use of boiled water are important, since if these conditions are not met, the rice in the jar may ferment.

You need to steep the rice for 6-7 days, changing the water to fresh water every 24 hours: take out the rice, rinse the jar, put the rice back and fill it with boiled water. If you notice signs of fermentation in the jar, change the water immediately. After about a week, the rice should swell. When it becomes soft, drain the water, transfer the rice to a mortar and crush it into a paste.

After chopping the rice, pour it clean water, stir and wait until the sediment sinks to the bottom. The water will become cloudy. You need to pour this cloudy water into another jar, making sure that no rice particles get into it along with the water.

Grind the remaining rice in the mortar again and add water, stir, let it settle and pour the water into another jar. Repeat the procedure until it becomes impossible to pound the rice any further. Leftover rice can be used to make homemade scrub.

Gradually, the smallest particles of rice, which made the water in the jar cloudy, will settle to the bottom. This sediment is the future powder. Wait a while until the water in the jar becomes almost clear and pour out most of the water, being careful not to disturb the sediment.

Take a sieve, put a paper handkerchief in it and carefully filter the water with sediment through it. You may have to filter several times, adding water to the jar and using different handkerchiefs. If filtering is poor, divide the handkerchief into layers.

Then take a towel and lay it, for example, near an open window. Place the handkerchiefs with the rice sediment on a towel and leave to dry for about 12 hours. You need to dry the powder in a well-ventilated area and always in the shade.

Pour the dried powder into a mortar, crush it again, and then sift through a nylon cloth. Repeat the procedure several times until the powder becomes fine and homogeneous. Dry the finished powder again, then pour it into a suitable jar. Rice powder should be stored in a dry place in a tightly closed container.

Oatmeal powder

Homemade oatmeal is prepared in almost the same way as rice powder, except faster. You need to take 4 tbsp. l. oatmeal and grind them in a coffee grinder or blender. Pour the ground flakes with boiled or filtered water (about 0.5 l) and using a submersible

101 BEAUTY SECRETS | Homemade face powder

There is a toning product in any cosmetic bag, and most often girls use powder. Even those who are too lazy to put on eye makeup, and those who constantly forget lipstick at the hallway mirror, have such cosmetics. After all, an even complexion is a must-have that is not neglected. Cosmetic giants have long filled store shelves with toning products and convinced everyone that the right powder should be called such and such.

There are many recipes for making powder at home

Substitute the name of any of the popular brands - and you will get that beauty recipe that, as they promise, will make you a beauty in an instant. And all this usually for quite a decent amount and, of course, provided that you do not read the ingredients. And this composition, upon closer examination, will contain a good third of the periodic table!

Powder made from natural ingredients: for or against?

For those who are not thrilled with the idea of ​​applying chemical products to their faces, manufacturers have invented something new. Now a variety of natural ingredients can be added to powder - from clay to rice flour. Marketing asks for more for this than for conventional means. But why pay more if you can just go to buy cosmetics not at a boutique, but... at the grocery store?

You can make natural powder yourself from ingredients found in every kitchen. Homemade remedies are often treated with prejudice and irony. And in vain! In the most expensive products that are positioned as natural, you can find, for example, rice powder. You can easily make exactly the same thing in the kitchen if you have time and patience.

The product, made from the most common oatmeal, will replace the powder base - it has a flesh color and an excellent silky texture. Cosmetics prepared with your own hands from scratch are absolutely safe, since you can be sure that they do not contain harmful chemical impurities, fragrances, dyes of unknown origin, etc. In addition, such powder will cost mere pennies - and this while maintaining full quality.

The main advantage of powder made from natural ingredients is its safety.

However, such means have their drawbacks. Some substances in their composition (like valuable rice powder) will require a little work. In addition, the color palette of homemade powders is very small. You will either have to be content with what you have, or experiment with the ingredients. For example, with components that are used to prepare mineral cosmetics.

Minerals are another option you can use if you want to make powder with my own hands. Products made exclusively from ingredients of natural origin are a separate class of decorative cosmetics. They can be purchased at finished form, or you can “assemble” it yourself by purchasing individual components. Some of them (for example, pigments and components that add shine or treat inflamed skin) can also be mixed into rice or oatmeal powder.

Another huge advantage of such cosmetics is their almost unlimited shelf life, because there is simply nothing in them to spoil. All components are dry, there are no fragrances, liquid components, etc. And, of course, you can experiment with them, choosing the ideal texture, color and properties. As you can see, homemade powder has many more advantages than disadvantages!

If desired, you can give it any shade you like, but in any case the product will remain much safer than any store-bought one, and will also cost several times less. And, importantly, you will never be left without your favorite powder just because the manufacturer has stopped making it: all the ingredients are at hand, and a new batch can be prepared at any time!

Dry skin requires moisturizing before using homemade powder

How to use homemade powder?

  • According to reviews from amateurs natural cosmetics, homemade powders are very similar to mineral powders in use. They can dry out the skin - oily and combination skin will certainly benefit from this property, but dry skin will not be happy. Therefore, before applying the product to your face, such skin should be well moisturized.
  • The best way to apply makeup is to use makeup brushes. mineral base. This is usually done using flat top or kabuki brushes. The peculiarity of such tools is that they are ideally suited for applying cosmetics, ground to very small particles, literally into dust. Flat top and kabuki provide not only uniform and dense coverage, but also economical powder consumption.
  • In addition to a good brush, a jar with a sifter - a lid with several small holes - will also come in handy. The finished powder can, of course, be stored in a regular cream jar, but then it will be used up faster, and you will have to sit down to prepare a new portion more often. The sifter dispenses powder and allows you to use it in small portions and more slowly. If you don’t have such a container on your household, you can buy it at a mineral cosmetics store. The jars are quite inexpensive.
  • You need to apply fine powder not with the usual waving movements, as happens with the usual “loose”, but with soft, circular movements, as if grinding. This way the powder will not fly through the air, but will lie tightly on the skin.

Grocery cosmetics: rice, oatmeal and starch

Rice powder

Perhaps rice powder is the most difficult to prepare. The process will require not so much effort as time - it will take about a week. But if you master these manipulations, preparing powder from other products will no longer scare you. And the result is worth it: rice cosmetics are loved for their ability to mattify, absorb excess fat and even out the complexion. Rice powder should be stored in a tightly closed jar, away from moisture and sources of strong odors. Rice is an excellent sorbent, and water and aromas can easily “migrate” into cosmetics.

Rice powder is best prepared from round varieties of rice.


3 tbsp. rice, boiled water, two glass jars (smaller and larger), clean cloth or gauze, mortar, pestle, paper towels, cloth towel, sieve.

Important! You should take only the best rice - the quality of cosmetics directly depends on this. It is best to use round rice to prepare the powder. In order not to make a mistake, choose the most expensive cereal from the available assortment: it will still cost several times cheaper than even the simplest “crumble” from the nearest cosmetic store.


Sort through the rice - remove unpeeled and spoiled grains, if any, as well as specks, etc. Rinse the rice well cold water. Sterilize the jar over steam or in the oven. Pour the prepared rice into it and fill it with water. It is very important that it is boiled and cold - otherwise the mixture in the jar will ferment, and preventing this from happening is one of the main tasks. preparatory stage.

Cover the jar of rice with a cloth or gauze folded 2-3 times. It should protect the contents from dust particles and small debris. Place the prepared grain in the refrigerator or on the balcony (if it is cold enough there). Leave the preparation for 6-7 days. During this entire time, change the water in the jar at least once a day. To do this, take out the grains, drain the old water, put the rice back and fill it with fresh water.

If possible, look into the container and check for any fermentation smell. If so, change the water immediately! After 6 days, check the rice for softness. If the grains have already absorbed water and can be kneaded with your fingers, they are ready for further processing. Otherwise, change the water and leave the rice for another day. Most likely, this time will be enough for it to reach the desired state. Drain the water, transfer the rice to a mortar and pestle into a paste. It is important to grind the grains as much as possible.

Rice powder perfectly mattifies and evens out the complexion

When the process is complete, pour some clean water into the mortar, mix gently and leave for 1 minute. Pour the water into a larger jar, but make sure that large particles of those that have settled to the bottom of the mortar do not get into the container with it. Pound the large particles remaining in the mortar with a pestle again. Grind the rice as much as you can. Fill with water, let it sit, pour the milky liquid into a jar. The more cloudy water, the better - it is in it that the future powder is concentrated.

Leave the jar of rice “flour” for an hour and a half. The water should become clear and sediment should form at the bottom. Carefully, being careful not to stir, drain the clear water. The sediment should remain in the jar. Place a paper towel (if it is thin, then take several pieces) on a sieve and pour into it everything that remains in the jar - a little liquid and the cloudy sediment that has collected at the bottom. If the rice “flour” settles on the walls, pour a little more water into the container, shake and pour into the filter. Let the liquid drain.

Remove the powder towels from the sieve, place on a dry cloth towel and leave in a warm place at room temperature to dry. The process will take at least 12 hours. Exactly how much depends on the temperature and humidity in the room. It is very important not to dry the powder in direct sun, in the oven or in a draft. When it dries, put the mixture in the mortar and pestle again. Since the particles are very small, it is better to wear a medical mask over your face. Pour the finished powder into a jar.

The powder provides transparent and even coverage. You won’t be able to achieve a dense tone effect with it, so this product is more suitable if you need to mattify your face and even out its color. Rice powder lightens the face, so those with dark or tanned skin should be more careful with the product: 2 or more layers will certainly be noticeable.

The solid particles that remain after the water and rice “flour” have been drained do not need to be thrown away. They make an excellent facial scrub. Rice is the main ingredient of this beauty product. The remaining components are selected depending on the skin type.

Leftover rice is perfect for making a scrub.

To prepare a scrub with rice particles, use the following ingredients:

  • for dry skin: 0.5 tsp. mix rice with 0.5 tsp. cream.
  • for normal and combination skin: 0.5 tsp. mix rice with 0.5 tsp. milk.
  • For oily skin: 0.5 tsp mix rice with 0.5 tsp. kefir

Oatmeal powder

This powder is prepared much faster than rice powder. The whole process will take you a couple of hours. Any oatmeal is suitable for cooking - there is no need to look for the perfect one, as is the case with rice grains.


6 tbsp. oatmeal, 1 liter of boiled water, paper towels, cloth towel, sieve, nylon (for example, tights), 2 glass jars, coffee grinder.


Cereals sort through: remove any remaining husks, stems, specks, etc. Grind the flakes in a coffee grinder as finely as possible. Pour the chopped oatmeal into a glass jar and fill with cold water, leave for 30 minutes. Then stir and wait until large pieces of flakes settle to the bottom. Carefully drain the water into another jar. Pour water into the first jar again and repeat the procedure.

After this, you can pour in the remaining oatmeal as many times as white “flour” remains in the water - in the future, it will become powder. So the more of these particles are washed out, the larger the finished product will be. Once all the oatmeal has been dissolved in the water, let the jar sit for a couple of hours. Wait until the powder settles to the bottom and the water clears. Drain off some of the water, being careful not to stir the liquid or pour out the part that contains a lot of powder.

Oatmeal powder is suitable for those who do not want to change their skin tone with cosmetics

Place a paper towel (if thin, then 2-3 pieces) in a sieve and carefully pour the remaining liquid with sediment into it. Let the water drain. Remove the towels, place them on a cloth and let them dry at room temperature. If the humidity is low, a day will be enough. Remove the powder from the fabric and grind it again in a coffee grinder (if desired, you can do this with a pestle and mortar). Sift the powder through the nylon, and then pour the powder into a jar.

This powder applies perfectly and mattifies the face. Unlike rice, it does not change the skin tone - the product itself has a color close to beige or flesh. It perfectly absorbs skin secretions, due to which the face ceases to shine.

Starch powder

The simplest and fastest manufacturing option. There are 2 ways to make starch powder. The first option is simpler, but you cannot call such powder completely natural - you will give a second life to cosmetics that you no longer use regularly. To make such powder, you will need ready-made shadows, blush or bronzer, the color close to the shade that you want to get in the finished cosmetics. The second method will require more effort and ingredients, but can be considered completely natural and even medicinal.

Starch powder is the easiest and fastest to prepare.

Option one

  • You will need: 1/4 cup potato or corn starch, leftover blush or eye shadow, sieve, mortar and pestle, bowl.
  • Preparation. Sift the starch through a sieve (can be replaced with nylon) and remove any lumps. Pour the starch into a bowl. Grind eye shadow, blush or bronzer (residues) using a pestle in a mortar. Add the resulting colored powder to the starch and mix thoroughly. Remember that you need to introduce the pigment in tiny portions so that the powder does not turn out to be too concentrated. Mix the ingredients until the mixture reaches the desired color. If you overdo it, prepare more starch powder and even out the shade. Pour into a powder container.
  • Effect. The product removes excess sebum, evens out the complexion and mattifies it. To make your skin look healthier, you can add a little golden eyeshadow or a ball or two of meteorites to the powder. Slightly noticeable sparkles will visually smooth out the skin texture and give it a healthy glow. However, you should not expect dense coverage from such powder. It is more suitable for light toning.

Option two

  • You will need: corn starch, green clay powder, cocoa powder, mortar, pestle, 3 bowls, sieve.
  • Preparation. Sift the starch through a sieve (or nylon), remove any lumps and pour it into a bowl. In the same way, sift the green clay powder and cocoa. Combine starch and green clay in a 1:1 ratio, for example 2 tbsp. Mix thoroughly, pour into a mortar and pestle until smooth. Return the mixture to the bowl, add a small amount of cocoa powder and mix thoroughly. Cocoa must be added to the powder in small portions until it receives the desired shade. Grind all the ingredients in a mortar again, then pour ready-made remedy in a jar.
  • Effect. Green clay in such powder gives cosmetics medicinal properties. This component perfectly absorbs excess sebum and makes the skin matte. As with the powder prepared according to the first recipe, you can add a little golden eyeshadow, bronzer with shimmer, or meteorites to this product. Then the skin will look even fresher.

Starch-based powder gives lung effect toning

Mineral powder

The first step to making mineral powder is to gather all the necessary ingredients. Depending on what properties are planned to be imparted to the product, there may be a very different number of them. However, for the basic recipe, four ingredients are enough: myca sericite, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide and pigments.

Main components of mineral powder

  • Sericite Mica. The basic component of any mineral cosmetic product. In ordinary decorative cosmetics, talc plays the same role. Thanks to mica, the components mix well and lie smoothly on the skin - this substance provides adhesion to the surface. In addition, Sericite Mica has a slight shine, due to which the surface of the face is visually evened out and acquires a healthy glow. This component does not clog pores, absorbs oil and makes the skin matte. The more miki, the more transparent the powder. Sericite Mica comes in two varieties – matte or glossy. You can choose any base for the powder, depending on the desired effect. For example, a matte formula will be more suitable for oily skin, but a dry face will appreciate the gloss.
  • Titanium Dioxide. This component is also called titanium white, and half the description lies in this definition. Titanium dioxide is a powder that gives the finished powder whiteness. In addition, Titanium Dioxide is a powerful sunscreen.
  • Zinc Oxide. A substance known for its adsorbent and antiseptic properties. It is found in every mineral cosmetic product. Like titanium dioxide, it is an excellent natural filter and protects the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. Usually both oxides are included in cosmetics. One of them is better at fighting UVA rays, the other at UVB, and the combination of the two creates a powerful solar filter with an SPF of about 15. In addition, the mixture of the two oxides has a bright white color. It interacts with the pigments added to the product and ultimately determines the final color of the prepared cosmetics.
  • Pigments. They are used to give cosmetics the desired color, which is then evened out by oxides. The role of pigments can be played by different substances. For example, oxides of iron, chromium, ultramarine, indigo, carbons, etc.

The components for mineral powder are selected according to skin type

Equipment for preparing mineral powder

To prepare cosmetics, you will need some supplies.

  • First, the ingredients need to be measured with something. To do this, you will have to stock up on special scales or measuring spoons.
  • Secondly, the components need to be mixed and ground very finely.

For high-quality grinding, you can use a pestle and mortar (which is not very convenient), a zip bag (quite effective and always available, but you will have to work hard with your hands - rub for about 40 minutes), but it is best to get a grinder. This small device is a special grinder for tobacco and smoking mixtures. It copes excellently with both grinding and mixing components for mineral cosmetics. With a grinder, the whole process can take up to half an hour.

Mineral powder recipe

There are a great many recipes for mixing mineral powder, and they vary depending on the skin tone, its condition and the tasks that the product is intended to perform. We suggest starting with a simple option - a universal powder with a neutral undertone and without functional loads. This product will create tone, even out skin color, mattify, absorb fat and give the face a well-groomed, radiant appearance.

Start your introduction to mineral powder with something simple. universal recipe

In addition to the four basic components, the product includes silk and pearl powders (the first evens out the tone and helps the skin retain moisture, and the second gives radiance), magnesium stearate (binds components, helps cosmetics stay on the face better) and boron nitride (mattifies the skin, provides excellent coverage , visually makes the skin glow).


3.25 g myca sericite, 0.75 g titanium dioxide, 0.375 g zinc oxide, 0.275 g magnesium stearate, 0.15 g boron nitride, 0.1 g silk powder, 0.1 g pearl powder, pigments as needed.


Mix the pigments. You will need 3 basic colors– yellow, red and blue. To create an average flesh tone, they should be combined in the following proportion: 3 parts yellow, 0.25 parts blue and 0.25 parts red. Finding the ideal ratio will require some experimentation, but in general this is what the rule looks like.

Skin with a pinkish undertone will require a little more red pigment, and with olive skin, like dark-skinned Mediterranean women, blue. To experiment with proportions, it is better to stock up on a toothpick. Add new portions of pigments by dipping its tip into the dyes. Don't let it seem like a negligible amount: the pigments are very concentrated.

Feel free to experiment with the amount of pigments in mineral powder

The pigment mixture can be prepared in advance. It will be stored for a very long time, and you won’t have to do “alchemy” and select proportions anew each time. Next, prepare the base by combining and mixing miku sericite, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. Mix thoroughly and grind them together. Add pigments to the prepared base mixture.

Add carefully in tiny portions, stirring after each addition to control the color of the powder. Add additional ingredients - magnesium stearate, boron nitride and two powders - silk and pearl. All these components do not require thorough grinding; they can be mixed quickly enough. Pour the finished powder into a jar.

It often happens that during the preparation of one or another intricate dish it turns out that the necessary ingredient is not at hand. This can happen with powder, which is often required for preparing various desserts. Today we decided to find out how to make powdered sugar at home and what you need for it.

1 Use a coffee grinder

What is powdered sugar made from? The product is obtained by grinding granulated sugar at high speed. It is best to give preference to a fine crumbly product - grinding it takes less time.

Under no circumstances choose lump refined sugar for grinding - this the right way destroy the device! If you only have this type of sugar at your disposal, and you absolutely need to get the product, first mash the pieces with a hand mortar until you get sand.

The easiest way to make sweet flour at home is to take a coffee grinder, pour a small amount of sugar inside and grind at the highest power. On average, it takes 5 to 10 minutes to achieve results.

If you need a lot of powder, the finished product is placed in a dry and clean container, and the procedure is repeated as many times as the sugar needs to be ground.

The advantages of this method are the minimal costs in both time and effort. However, the coffee grinder also has a significant disadvantage: the strong smell of coffee, which probably remains in the device, can easily overwhelm the very subtle sweet aroma, so you need to be prepared for this.

2 Use a hand mortar or mill

In the absence of a coffee grinder, you can use the same hand mortar that was mentioned at the beginning. Start pouring just 1-2 tablespoons of granulated sugar into the mortar and grind gradually. When you realize that the sugar has turned into sweet pollen, pour it through a fine strainer to avoid large particles getting in.

The main disadvantage of this method is that it takes a lot of time and effort, but sometimes this is the only option to prepare a much-needed ingredient.

Things are a little better in terms of time and labor costs with a manual spice mill. Fill it with sand so that it fits freely, and at least 1 centimeter remains from the edge. Grind it for the first time and evaluate the consistency: if you think that this is not enough, add the material again and repeat the process.

The main disadvantage of the mill is that it often retains the pungent smell of spices, which can overpower the subtle aroma of sugar. Therefore, before using the mill, it should be thoroughly washed, dried and ventilated.

3 How to make powdered sugar in a blender?

You can make sweet sand in this way using either an immersion or a stationary blender. The main thing you should do first is to read the instructions and make sure that there are no contraindications for grinding sugar.

Pour a small amount of sand into the blender bowl. Set the maximum power and turn on the device for half a minute. Then mix the resulting mass or shake the blender and repeat the procedure again.

When the consistency in your opinion has reached the ideal, pour the prepared pollen from the bowl and sift it through a fine sieve. This way you will protect the finished product from large particles and, most likely, will make your cooking easier.

If you plan to make sweet flour for long-term storage, mix it with a small amount of rice flour and rice starch in proportions of 10 to 1.

4 “Grandma’s” method

How to make powdered sugar without a coffee grinder, and indeed without any additional complex devices? You only need a few sheets of thick, clean paper and a rolling pin (if you don’t have a rolling pin, use any heavy bottle, jar or even pan).

Sprinkle a little (1-2 tablespoons) sugar on a piece of paper, put another one on top and roll over it several times. You should hear a crunching sound as the sand is crushed.
When the sand has turned into sweet flour, bend the sheet, making a groove in the middle, and pour the ingredient into a dry, clean container. Repeat the procedure if you need more.

5 How are color variations obtained?

If you need to add color to this sweet product, you can use one of the following methods.

First, during the grinding stage, you can mix traditional white sugar with brown sugar. As a result, you will get the same consistency, but with a delicate beige tint.

Secondly, you can add cinnamon or cocoa powder to the sugar. By mixing them together and grinding them in a blender, you will get a beautiful sand color and can use the finished product for decoration. various dishes.

Thirdly, if you need the material solely for decoration, you can add a small amount of ground saffron to the sweet flour - this way you can get a beautiful pale yellow color.

And finally, you can use store-bought food products. Choose only those products that are sold in the form of a ready-made powder. Contrary to the reasoning of some, liquid dyes are absolutely not suitable - adding them to powder, you will only create a wet and hard lump.

The powder should be added to the main ingredient at the stage of grinding in a blender gradually until the desired shade is obtained.

6 How to make non-melting powdered sugar?

It is this version of sweet flour that is used for sprinkling cakes and other sweets, which must certainly retain their presentation for several hours in a row.

You can also prepare it at home. To do this you will need:

  • 100 grams of regular powdered sugar;
  • 20 grams of quality white chocolate or cocoa butter;
  • 2 teaspoons cornstarch.

Grate chocolate or cocoa butter on a fine grater. Mix all ingredients together and place in a coffee grinder. Grind for a few minutes, including when the grinder is hot.

The method is that it will begin to melt and envelop the powder particles, due to which it will subsequently not be subject to melting.

If you don’t have a coffee grinder, grind the ingredients in a blender, then lower the bowl into warm (about 40 degrees) water for a quarter of an hour. And then they ground the product again. At the end, sift the resulting mixture using a strainer. Ready!

It is important to remember that non-melting powder should be sprinkled only on completely cooled confectionery products.

What is sweet flour used for?

In addition to sprinkling a variety of sweets - donuts, pancakes, cakes and muffins - the scope of application of this product is truly wide.

For example, it is the main ingredient for making mastic - a sweet and soft plastic mass like plasticine, from which you can sculpt all kinds of decorations for decorating cakes and other sweets.

In addition, it is used in all kinds of cake creams. The simplest version of cheese cream is to mix in equal proportions butter, cream cheese like “Philadelphia” and powder.

It is also used to create a favorite one for all children.

Do you have oily skin? Is this good or bad? On the one hand, oily skin is good; it stays young longer. But on the other hand, an oily sheen appears on the face. Natural powder, how to make powder at home, oatmeal powder. How to deal with it? First of all, think about what you are eating. Sweet foods and fatty foods, very salty and spicy foods, and especially canned foods clog the pores and sebaceous glands.
There is another secret: do not wash your face with water very often. If you wash your face, do not use tap water, but exclusively boiled or mineral water (but not hot), finishing with cool water or an ice cube. This will help reduce oily skin.
Many people begin to fight oily shine with foundation or powder. The powder says: anti-greasy or with a mattifying effect. You must clearly understand that it is better to use powder when you need to look especially formal (a date, a trip to the theater, a wedding, a party...) Why? The powder contains a substance such as kaolin (white clay). Kaolin powder is not suitable for oily skin. Kaolin absorbs excess sebaceous glands and expands pores and can injure the skin. Therefore, it is better to use powder when it is important to look good, and when there is an opportunity, you need to give your skin a rest and use some other product to combat oily sheen. For several decades now, women who take care of themselves have been ordering special handmade products and powders. These are powders made from natural materials, without kaolin.
How to make natural powder?
Cucumber rice powder
Cucumber seeds
1. Take a large overripe cucumber, remove the seeds, dry them for about 5 days and grind them in a coffee grinder to a fine powder
2.Take long white rice. Do not wash, grind in a coffee grinder
3. Take 2 tbsp. l cucumber flour and 4 tbsp. l rice flour
5.When applying the powder, the skin will first become a little lighter, and then after a few minutes it will become equal to the skin tone.
6.This powder will not clog our pores and sebaceous glands.
Application and storage:
1.Powder should be applied to the skin with a cotton pad, each time you need to use a new pad, but not a foam sponge
2. Apply the powder to a cotton pad, shake it off a little and apply it to the skin using blotting movements. We start applying from the forehead.
3.Store the powder in an airtight jar
4.If the powder appears in lumps, then it needs to be replaced and a new one made
5.Your skin will be healthy, matte and will delight you every day
Oatmeal powder
This powder is rich in vitamins for the skin. This is also an excellent product that will control shine. This powder applies very easily and adsorbs. It is transparent and hypoallergenic and transparent. Do you prefer natural and organic cosmetics? Then be sure to try making this powder at home! Just a day - and the healthy powder will be ready!
What you will need:
Oatmeal (10 tablespoons)
Unscented paper towels or napkins
How to cook:
1. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder
2.Pour the resulting mixture into a jar and add 1 liter of water
3. Mix well.
4.When large pieces of oatmeal settle a little, the water needs to be drained.
5.The procedure needs to be done about 4 times until maximum starch is washed out.
6.Leave the jar until sediment appears.
7. Strain the sediment through 3 layers of unscented paper napkins or towels.
8.Dry the sediment on a napkin for about a day.
9.After drying, carefully remove the sediment and grind in a mortar
10. Transfer to a clean container. All our powder is ready.
Apply oatmeal powder to face using a powder brush.
Oatmeal powder applies very easily to the face and does not clog pores. And this is very important in winter care for the skin.

Every woman has probably seen powders on the shelves in a cosmetics store. white from different manufacturers - these are the so-called transparent powders. Despite their original color, they do not create a white coating, but are intended to form a finishing effect and fix the already created makeup. The product is sold in loose form, the packaging is usually slightly smaller than that of conventional powders - this is explained by the need to use only a small amount of the product during the process of applying makeup. Transparent powder is simply irreplaceable due to its basic properties:

  • allows you to even out the surface of the skin without giving it any tint, which is very important for many women who find it difficult to find the most suitable coating tone for themselves;
  • it simply perfectly mattifies the surface of the skin and can replace all other products used for this purpose when applying makeup to oily skin;
  • suitable for every woman, regardless of skin tone;
  • gives the cover a well-groomed appearance and a velvety surface;
  • there is no pigment in it, which is especially important for those who have already begun to develop wrinkles - as it settles into folds, it does not highlight them with a more saturated color, like regular powders;
  • With a UV filter, this product also protects against harmful effects on the skin.

Of course, such powder is not capable of masking serious skin defects on its own, but for women with good facial condition, it can completely replace tinting products.

From the name you can guess that transparent powder has no shade or tone. However, this does not mean that she does not create it on her face. In the container, the product looks white, and on the skin it lies completely transparent, giving it a special matte shade depending on the foundation and natural complexion. When purchasing, there is no need to consider the shade of the foundation. This powder is considered universal, ideal for all skin types and colors.

The consistency of the transparent powder is crumbly. Its purpose is to fix the base of makeup, give it a natural look, correct minor facial defects and at the same time keep pores free. The crumbly texture helps to distribute the product evenly over areas of the face and create a thin, weightless layer. Any loose powder contains components that nourish the skin, reduce its oiliness and reflect light rays, which gives the skin radiance. Of course, this statement only applies to natural and luxury cosmetics.
The use of a transparent base does not cause allergic reactions and is well suited for women with sensitive skin. This cosmetic product is indispensable during seasonal inflammation and redness. The powder effectively combats oily shine and visibly refreshes makeup. This is one of the few products that visually masks fine wrinkles. At the same time, particles of fragrant powder used for cosmetic purposes do not accumulate in skin folds, making wrinkles more noticeable.

White face powder - what is it for? Transparent powder: what kind of cosmetics is it?

Transparent or translucent powder is necessary if you want to achieve a glowing effect and set your makeup. This product will give your skin a noble matte finish and make it perfect. The product looks completely unattractive in the packaging. But when used correctly, white powder can work wonders. The main thing is to apply the powder correctly.

Most often, transparent powder is sold in loose format. But there are also compact versions of a transparent product. Their main difference is ease of application. Loose cosmetics are more suitable for home use, since it is necessary to distribute it over the skin with a brush. But it is advisable to apply compact powder to the face with a small round brush. The tool will help make the layer loose.

The new powder lies on the skin like a transparent veil. It does not clog pores, but only helps to avoid the appearance of greasy shine throughout the day. The layer of cosmetics does not need to be renewed periodically. The transparent composition lasts 6-8 hours and does not crumble.

Depending on the type, translucent powder may contain luminous particles. This supplement evens out skin tone and makes wrinkles less noticeable. The delicate glow refreshes the face and creates the so-called Photoshop effect.

Transparent powders are produced today by many cosmetic brands. The product has ceased to be the privilege of celebrity makeup artists. You can easily purchase a budget product and use it to fix your makeup and mattify your facial skin every day.

It is not advisable to use the transparency immediately after a vacation by the sea. On a tanned face, the white powder may be too noticeable. It is better to replace it with regular colored powder with matting properties. Dense textures will also be needed in cases where it is necessary to disguise pronounced imperfections. Transparent cosmetics will not cope with large defects.

Why do you need white face powder? What is white powder used for and what is it eaten with?

White powders are primarily finishes and are not intended to set Foundation. It is correct to apply them on top of the powder as a final touch to polish the makeup to perfection. They contain a lot of reflective particles, which makes it easy to overdo them - with any flash or bright lighting, the powder will most likely appear as white spots. It will feel like you've dived into flour.

There are a lot of photographs of such “flour ladies” and similar punctures with makeup on the Internet and, as a rule, they are all associated with the use of white powder. In real life the powder is not visible, but when flashed it appears as a bright white color. Therefore, when using such powders, the rule always works - the less, the better.

If you apply just a little white powder, it will very delicately highlight the necessary areas and make them visually very smooth. The result is a Photoshop effect without Photoshop. Thanks to its smoothing effect, this product is indispensable on filming. It also has good mattifying properties and fixes makeup. But in general, you can safely do without white powder in daily use.

Clinique Stay-Matte Universal Blotting Powder controls shine while setting makeup (however, the manufacturer claims that it can be used independently). It appears completely white, but when applied to the skin it does not give any tint and blends out perfectly. There is, perhaps, only one downside: the lid of the powder compact from the “criminalist’s dream” series collects fingerprints. De-Slick powder from Urban Decay. The pressed white powder copes well with oily shine and immediately after application absorbs excess sebum. De-Slick contains rice powder, which has absorbent properties, and tea tree oil, which is known for its healing and anti-inflammatory effects - in my opinion, this is a great product for those with problematic skin. In addition to the powder, the beautiful purple case contains a mirror and a thin sponge. Kanebo Sensai Loose Powder Translucent Powder. The powder contains small reflective particles. Apply the product with a soft, voluminous sponge, which is included in the kit. I didn’t notice any “flour” effect on my face - the powder applied very easily and evenly to the skin. Ideally evens out complexion, minor redness, freckles, and has a mattifying effect. Manufacturers advise applying the product to a makeup base before foundation. I don’t use foundation, so even without them I was more than happy with the result. The powder is very economical to use - it will definitely last for a year.

Make Up For Ever HD Pressed Powder. Here's what the manufacturer writes about it: Ultra-fine, smoothing powder of the new generation “Immaculate complexion.” The spherical shape of absorbent light-reflective microparticles provides a “soft focus” effect, ideal for all skin types, 100 percent mineral. The powder is in a case with a large round mirror inside. There is no sponge or brush. Powder can be applied to the face immediately after moisturizer and after foundation.

Prep+Prime Transparent Finishing Powder from M.A.C. The product is applied in a thin layer using a fluffy brush and easily makes the skin matte for the next few hours. If you need to extend and quickly refresh your makeup, this product is ideal.
Powder from NYX-HD Studio Finishing Powder SFP01 A definite plus is that the powder is transparent (although white in appearance), suitable for any skin tone (with or without tan). Using a flat brush, it is convenient to fix the concealer under the eyes with it - then it lasts all day.

Video How translucent powders work. Graftobian Presentation - Part 2

Every woman loves powder, which helps hide imperfections on the face, tone and improve the appearance of the skin. Makeup typically consists of a solid “base,” which includes foundation that shouldn’t be visible on the face. The powder is also matched to the skin color, which should look natural. Usually, powder is applied at the very end and only to certain areas of the face that have an oily sheen. You should not apply too much powder to your face, especially if your skin is dry.

Also, when buying face powder, you need to take into account the type and tone of your skin, so that when applied it looks natural, hides imperfections and emphasizes advantages. Today there are eight types of different powders (powder): loose powder, compact powder, mattifying, transparent, antiseptic, concealing (acne, pimples), shiny, bronze (replaces foundation). Powder is usually matched to the color of the foundation.

Today there is a huge selection of different types of powder for high-quality makeup. However, for your loved one, it is better to choose powder that does not clog pores and allows the skin to breathe (high quality powder). As part of the quality, the powder may contain additives that protect the skin from environmental influences and moisturizing agents. If, when using powder, the skin dries out and flakes, then the product is of poor quality.

Every woman chooses her own cosmetics based on her financial capabilities. Many girls cannot afford to buy an expensive product, but do not despair, because face powder can be made at home from natural products. Homemade face powder is no worse than an expensive brand, and maybe even better.

All store-bought powders contain talc (50–80%), zinc oxide, titanium oxide, inorganic pigments, starch and zinc stearates (10%). Therefore, such chemical composition best avoided. Some manufacturers add to the composition white clay which absorbs excess oil and makes the skin matte; starch - eliminates shine; colored pigments.

However, there are cosmetic companies, for example, Isa Dora, that create 100% mineral powders without odor or chemical additives.

How to make face powder at home?

Homemade powder consists only of natural ingredients, which makes the skin feel more comfortable.

  • corn starch, potato starch or arrowroot (the basis of homemade powder);
  • cocoa powder;
  • cinnamon powder;
  • ground turmeric;
  • ginger (powder).

How to do it?

Take 1 teaspoon each of corn and potato starch, pour into a bowl, then gradually add the remaining ingredients, a small pinch at a time: cocoa powder, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, until you achieve the desired powder color.

Be careful when creating the color, it should match your skin tone. Persons who are allergic to these products should refuse to use the powder or exclude a certain product from the composition.

Loose homemade powder (corrective)

A loose powder that can be created at home can hide skin imperfections. For example, it can be used to even out skin tone and also to hide dark circles under the eyes (read here).

  • 3 tablespoons of white clay;
  • 3 tablespoons white rice powder;
  • natural ocher pigment (to create the desired shade);
  • 3 drops of rosewood essential oil;
  • 5 drops of jojoba oil.

Pour the powders into a sterile container, mix, add pigment to obtain a suitable color. After this, add essential oils and mix with a whisk. Homemade powder is ready!

There are also other recipes for homemade face powder. The basis of which is a natural food product, for example, corn and other starch without GMOs. Next, colored spices are added to it, various food products in powder form (nutmeg, cocoa, cloves, sage) and for flavor essential oil 1 - 5 drops (lavender).

Mix and store the composition in a sterile glass jar. Do not use metal powder if you are making powder from bentonite clay. Mix the mixture with a wooden spatula. Arrowroot starch is considered to be an ideal base.

Characteristics of transparent face powder

This type of powder does not have a pronounced shade. But this does not mean that cosmetics do not add tone to the skin. Yes, in the original packaging the cosmetics look white, but when applied, the skin acquires a matte tint, the intensity of which will depend on what foundation was used. And reflective particles in cosmetics will add shine to the skin. Demon colored powder will be “friendly” with almost all shades of foundation.

The main purposes of transparent powder:

  • fix the base for makeup and extend its durability,
  • “highlight” the desired areas of the face,
  • even out skin tone,
  • visually “disguise” fine wrinkles,
  • eliminate oily shine.

After applying colorless powder, the skin is transformed - you can easily “fix” your makeup! But what it is not suitable for is “correcting” severe defects on the skin (inflammation, acne, deep wrinkles, age spots) - only concealers, foundation and pigmented powder can cope with this task. Please also note that cosmetics are not of this kind at all. suitable for girls with dark or heavily tanned skin - it will give an unpleasant earthy tint to the cover!

Transparent powder can be loose, cream or compact. Loose products are more popular among women - they are easier to apply and look much more “natural” because they create a weightless haze on the skin. High-quality cosmetics often include caring components. Such products will provide reliable protection to the skin from ultraviolet radiation, prevent “clogging” of pores with dirt and will not emphasize flaky areas of the skin. High-quality colorless powder is quite expensive - but the effect will justify all the expenses. Choose cosmetics only from trusted brands so as not to be disappointed with the results!

Transparent face powder is considered a universal decorative cosmetic that is suitable for any skin type. It will be especially useful for those with sensitive skin prone to seasonal inflammation and rashes. And all thanks to the “gentle” composition - as a rule, high-quality products are made from mineral components. It is worth trying colorless powder for those who are often allergic to “synthetic” cosmetics - products from famous brands rarely contain harmful “chemicals” in the form of fragrances and pigments.

Today there are so many cosmetics in the store that it is very difficult not to find something that would help us girls look perfect. And it doesn’t matter what your income is, because on the shelves you can find both cheap cosmetics and products from the most popular brands. However, you cannot be sure of the quality of these cosmetics.

Of course, you can ask people who have used them, but even this does not guarantee that it will not work for you. allergic reaction for any product. Therefore, homemade products are becoming increasingly popular.

Today there are not many such cosmetics, but they still exist. In today's article we will talk about powder, which many girls use daily. So, how to make homemade face powder?

Pros and cons of homemade powder

The only downside to this tool is that you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to create it. But it’s worth it, because the result will surprise even a girl with the highest demands.

The most obvious advantages include the following.

  • Homemade powder does not clog pores.
  • The complexion is significantly evened out.
  • Warns against the occurrence of acne and inflammation.
  • Removes oily shine.
  • Covers dark circles under the eyes.
  • Protects skin from UV radiation.
  • Sets makeup.

How to make starch powder

Cornstarch is used in many branded cosmetics. It makes a good homemade powder.

You will need:

  • 2 tablespoons corn starch;
  • 2 tablespoons green clay powder;
  • a pinch of cocoa powder;
  • strainer;
  • mortar and pestle.

The first thing you need to do is sift the starch, clay powder and cocoa powder through a strainer. Mix starch and clay and grind it until smooth using a pestle and mortar.

Add cocoa powder in small pinches to match your skin tone. Grind the resulting powder thoroughly again and pour it into a jar. The powder is ready.

Herbal powder

Herbal powder is also good because with its help you will not only look beautiful, but also smell delicious.

The ingredients you will need are the following:

  • White clay powder.
  • Arrowroot powder.
  • Beetroot powder.
  • Larkspur powder.
  • Red elm bark powder.
  • Essential oil (preferably lavender or orange).
  • Wooden spoon.

Mix all powders except beetroot. Mix them thoroughly. After this, start adding beetroot powder in small portions. It is needed to give the powder the shade you want, so pour as much as you think is necessary, but do not overdo it, otherwise you will have to start over.

In order to see better what shade you get, add the powder at the same time and stir.

Rice powder

Is it possible to make powder from rice? Of course you can! Rice is a real salvation for the skin of our face. It removes pimples, makes the skin matte and tightens pores.


  • 3 tablespoons round rice;
  • boiled water at low temperature;
  • mortar and pestle;
  • 2 cans.

Before you start making rice, rinse it thoroughly and dry it. Pour the rice into a jar, fill it with water, cover the top of the jar with a piece of cloth and leave for a week. Every day you need to change the water 3 times.

After a week has passed, drain the water and mash the rice until mushy. Pour in clean water and then stir. Carefully pour the cloudy water into the second jar so that the rice grains do not fall out. After an hour, a white precipitate can be observed in the jar.

Drain the water and strain this sediment through a special paper filter. What remains on the filter will be our future powder. Dry it for 12 hours, and then carefully pour it into a prepared jar. This recipe is not the easiest, but you will really be pleased with the result.

Cream powder

Homemade powder makes an excellent cream powder. So how to make cream powder? It's quite simple. Take your regular or homemade powder and mix it with your regular moisturizer in approximately the same amount.

Do not squeeze out too much as this product cannot be stored and you will have to use it immediately after preparation. That's the whole recipe.

How to properly store powder?

As mentioned above, powder must be stored in special containers. It is better to use a glass container with a wide neck. An old cream jar works great.

Now you know how to make natural powder. We hope these tips were really helpful to you. Be beautiful!

Powdered sugar is one of the most necessary ingredients in cooking. The powder is made from sugar, which, in turn, is extracted from cane or beets.

It often happens that, having bought all the ingredients for baking sweets, we forget about decoration confectionery. And we remember that we need powdered sugar already in the midst of the process. Well, should we really drop everything and run to the store now?! No! Powdered sugar can be made without being distracted from household chores. In addition, by making the powder yourself, you will save not only time, but also money.

How to crush sugar in a mortar

This is the simplest device for grinding sugar easily and quickly.

  1. Pour sugar into a metal or ceramic mortar. It is better to grind the sugar gradually, adding no more than two tablespoons of granulated sugar. If you fill the entire mortar with sugar, you will not be able to grind all the grains.
  2. Crush the sugar so that all large pieces are crushed as much as possible. This is usually visible by their whitish state. After all, sugar dust has such small particles that do not refract light. As a result, they lose their transparency and become white.
  3. After this, the resulting powdered sugar must be sifted through a fine strainer. This way you will get a pure product without grains.

How to make powdered sugar without a mortar

We inherited most of the mortars from our grandmothers. Modern food processors have replaced this ancient device for us. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is no mortar in your kitchen. But it doesn't matter. Powdered sugar can be prepared using available materials.

  1. To prepare sugar powder we need thick paper. It is best if it is thick, non-porous cardboard. Plain paper will simply tear due to the sharp edges of the sugar crystals.
  2. Fold the paper in half and sprinkle a tablespoon of granulated sugar on the inner fold. Go over the paper with a rolling pin. You will hear small particles of granulated sugar breaking.
  3. If you don’t have a rolling pin at hand, you can use a bottle, jar or pan of water instead.
  4. As a final step, again, sift the powder. The sifted large pieces can be pounded again.

Is it possible to make powdered sugar in a blender?

Many housewives often ask this question: is it possible to grind sugar in a blender so as to obtain powdered sugar? Well, of course you can! For this task, you can use either a stationary or immersion blender. You should not use a coffee grinder, because it is difficult to clean it later from small grains of remaining sugar. And you shouldn’t use a spice grinder, otherwise you’ll get spicy sugar with the addition of cumin and black pepper. In addition, powdered sugar absorbs aroma perfectly and will certainly take on the aroma of spices. This is no good. Therefore, to grind sugar, we choose a simple blender that is easy to clean and does not leave any foreign odors on the walls of the product.

Before preparing powdered sugar, read the instructions for your blender. Some models are not designed to grind fine particles. If there is no such instruction in the instructions, you can safely proceed with the process. If the blender blades are quite dull, they need to be sharpened first.

You need to pour a little sugar into the blender - the device simply cannot handle large portions. Under no circumstances should you try to put refined sugar into the blender bowl - you can break the blender, without the possibility of restoring it. After all the sugar has been crushed and sifted in small portions, you need to add a little corn flour to it. This will prevent the powdered sugar from becoming soggy and forming a lump. Add corn flour in a ratio of 10:1. By the way, they do the same in the production of powdered sugar. That is why it reaches the consumer in crumbly form. If you are preparing sugar for future use, you need to store it in an airtight container so that it does not get damp.

How to make colored powdered sugar

Powdered sugar is used for many culinary masterpieces. After all, this whitish dust is the simplest and easy way decorate buns, cupcakes and muffins. To decorate the apple charlotte, you can mix powdered sugar with ground cinnamon - you will give the baked goods a subtle aroma and piquant taste. You can add chopped lemon zest, cocoa and other bulk ingredients to the powdered sugar. But the most spectacular decoration is considered to be colored powder. It magically transforms even the simplest shortbread cookies. So, how can you make sugar colored to make your baked goods even more appetizing and attractive?

To prepare colored powder you will need food coloring. It is better if it is in powder form. Liquid food coloring is usually used if powdered sugar is a future ingredient in colored fondant.

Grind the sugar in a blender as described in the previous recipe. Then add a few pinches of food coloring powder to the dust. Swirl the contents of the blender again to thoroughly mix everything. The intensity of the color depends on how much paint you add. If you want to get a blue color, add blue paint to the tip of the knife. If you want to get a bright orange color, put half a teaspoon each of red and yellow into the blender.

Colored powdered sugar is used to make mastic. Today it is impossible to imagine a modern cake for a child without bright figures and colorful paints. But all this is made from mastic, the main ingredient of which is colored powdered sugar.

Experienced housewives know that sugar and powdered sugar are not interchangeable products. For example, protein cream whips much better if powdered sugar is added to it. And if you replace the powder with granulated sugar, you can ruin the whole impression of the cake - the sugar will grind your teeth. Make powdered sugar yourself and delight your loved ones with culinary masterpieces!

Video: how to prepare powdered sugar