How to wash sneakers to remove the smell. How to remove unpleasant odor from sneakers. Other effective remedies

The smell of shoes always causes some discomfort. Especially often bad smell appears in sneakers, since they usually play sports in these shoes, and the foot sweats more intensely. How to get rid of the smell in sneakers at home - for this you will need to purchase pharmaceutical products or prepare the medicine yourself.

Causes of unpleasant odor

Why do sneakers stink? Shoes themselves cannot smell. An unpleasant odor appears in sneakers from your feet when they sweat a lot. This can happen for various reasons:

  • Wearing closed sports shoes in hot weather;
  • Using socks made from synthetic fabric or vice versa, lack of socks;
  • Not proper care for sports sneakers;
  • Hyperhidrosis of the legs - increased sweating;
  • Fungal diseases of the feet.

Expert opinion!

High humidity and heat create favorable conditions for the growth of fungi and bacteria. It is the products of their vital activity that cause the appearance unpleasant odor, which is literally absorbed into the fabric of the sneakers.

To get rid of the smell in sneakers at home, use specialized products or folk methods.

Special means

If your sneakers smell strongly, you can use special products to eliminate the unpleasant odor:

  • Formidron. This solution is sold in pharmacies and has disinfectant properties. You need to pour the solution directly into the shoes, place them in a tight bag and tie them well. It is better to take the package out onto the balcony. After 24 hours, take out the sneakers and dry them on fresh air. Formidron allows you to eliminate the most pungent odors, as it contains formaldehyde;
  • Antibacterial insoles. They are produced by various companies; there are special insoles for sports sneakers. Allows you to remove excess moisture and eliminate unpleasant odors;
  • The most commonly used method is shoe deodorants. They can be found from a variety of manufacturers - Salton, Salamandra, Silver, Scholl. Sprayed with deodorants inner surface shoes But this masks the odor more than it eliminates it. For the same purpose, pillow inserts with aromatic herbs are used.

You can purchase such products at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. You should give preference to trusted manufacturers and look at the composition, especially if you are prone to allergic reactions.

On a note!

Getting rid of sweat odor is only a temporary measure. It is necessary to find out the cause of foot hyperhidrosis and begin appropriate treatment.

Folk recipes

To remove unpleasant odor from sneakers, you need to disinfect them. This can also be done at home. There are several ways to do this:

  • Freezing. Bacteria die not only from high but also from low temperatures. The sneakers are put into a bag and tied. If it’s winter outside, the bag with sneakers can be taken out to the balcony or simply hung out the window. In summer, shoes are placed in the freezer. You need to freeze your sneakers for at least 8 hours;
  • A good remedy is cleaning with baking soda. To do this, pour regular baking soda in an even layer inside the sneakers. After 12 hours, shake it out, wipe the inside of the shoes with a dry cloth;
  • Activated carbon. This is a good sorbent for excess moisture and odor. You need to take a few charcoal tablets, grind them, and distribute the powder in an even layer inside the sneaker. After 6-8 hours, wipe the inner surface of the shoes;
  • Treating with alcohol will help quickly remove odor from sneakers. Regular medical alcohol, ammonia or salicylic alcohol will do. For a quick treatment, moisten a cotton swab with alcohol and thoroughly wipe the dirty sneakers from the inside. If you have at least 2-3 hours of time, you need to leave several moistened cotton swabs inside the shoes;
  • If you don't have alcohol on hand, you can use table vinegar. They also moisten a piece of cotton wool or gauze with it and thoroughly wipe the inside surface of the contaminated sneakers;
  • Helps remove sweat odor green tea. You need to put either a handful of dry tea leaves or several tea bags in your smelling sneakers;
  • The peels of citrus fruits - oranges, lemons, limes - are a great remedy for bad smells. Fresh zest should be grated and placed inside the sneakers for several hours;
  • An effective way to remove not only aroma, but also moisture, is to use cat litter. The granules are poured into wet sneakers and replaced as needed.

If you have a steamer at home, you can try disinfecting with hot air. You can also use an iron with a steam function for this. Traditional recipes are usually combined with each other to increase their effectiveness.

Shoe care rules

What can you do to prevent your sneakers from stinking? Proper shoe care will help prevent unpleasant odors. It includes the following activities:

  • Thorough drying of sports sneakers after getting them wet, drying the insoles separately, removing them from the shoes;
  • Washing or laundering sneakers as they become dirty;
  • Use of special antiseptic insoles;
  • Maintain personal foot hygiene.

Washing sneakers can be done manually or in washing machine. The choice of washing method depends on the characteristics of the shoes. Not all dirty sneakers can be washed in the machine. To do this, you need to look at the label to see what kind of washing is recommended. If machine washing is possible, this will clean the shoes well, and the machine will also dry them almost completely. Machine wash is carried out on a gentle cycle, with a low drum speed, at medium temperature.


You can use washing powder along with fabric softener - this will give your shoes a pleasant smell.

If machine washing is prohibited, it is not difficult to wash sneakers by hand to remove the smell. First, you need to put your sneakers in a warm soapy solution for 20-30 minutes to soak off all the dirt. The exception is products made from genuine leather or suede. Then the water is changed and the sneakers are thoroughly scrubbed by hand or with a brush. Then you need to wash your shoes under running cool water. The products must not be squeezed or twisted. They may lose their shape. For the same reason, drying on a radiator or other heat sources is not recommended.

There are many methods for removing unpleasant odors from sneakers. Specialized products are considered more effective, but if it is not possible to purchase them, you can combine several folk recipes. And we should not forget about personal foot hygiene.

First, it’s worth finding out - is it really necessary to sin on your shoes or maybe it’s your feet that smell bad? Excessive sweating or fungus can also cause a delicate problem. If it’s all about the shoes, then let’s figure out what to do so that the shoes don’t stink.

Your feet may be causing your shoes to smell bad.

The smell that we all dislike so much is nothing more than the result of bacterial growth. Moreover, this can become a problem even for those people who carefully observe personal hygiene by taking a shower every day. It's simple - the skin of your feet sweats during the day (and sometimes very much), dust and dirt penetrate into your shoes, and now there's an aroma that irritates everyone around you.

Ways to remove odor

As you know, disease is easier to prevent than to treat, and in the case of your boots or sneakers, the situation is exactly the same.

Preventing the problem

To prevent shoes from smelling in the future, the following remedies will help:

    • vinegar, potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide - soak a cotton pad in one of these liquids and wipe the inside of the shoe;
    • steam. Getting it is as easy as shelling pears - heat a kettle and hold your shoes over it for a few minutes so that the steam treats their inner surface until they become soft. For a similar procedure, you can use a steam generator. This method is not suitable for suede shoes.
    • natural adsorbents that can be found in any kitchen (flour, baking soda) - pour inside the shoes overnight, and vacuum them up in the morning;
    • activated carbon - it will easily absorb any incipient odor inside the shoes. The only caveat is that you will have to work on removing the black marks. 5-7 tablets are enough.

Wipe the inside of the shoe with vinegar, potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide Treat the inside of the shoe with steam Eliminate the unpleasant odor of shoes using soda or flour Use activated carbon to remove odor from shoes

If the problem has already appeared, then you need to get rid of it, and this is not as difficult as it seems.

Wrap your shoes in a plastic bag and place them in the freezer overnight

One of simple ways, which is available to everyone - freeze shoes. If you have a car, then leave it in the showroom for a couple of days during the cold season. Or you can do it even simpler and simply place the source of the unpleasant odor, wrapped in a plastic bag, in the freezer. But this does not apply to patent leather shoes - freezing is destructive for them! Naturally, before putting on your shoes, you need to warm up your shoes.

If your sneakers stink, you already know what to do. You can also take a few oranges and put the peels inside. It will absorb the unpleasant aroma.

If you, when studying what to do to prevent shoes from smelling, combine several methods at once, the result will be better.

Orange peel will absorb unpleasant shoe odors

Insoles to help

It’s not just cheap shoes that can give off a “fragrance” - sometimes this is also a problem with expensive leather boots, shoes or shoes. Sometimes replacing the insoles will help solve it. Instead of the usual ones you can use the following:

  • antibacterial;
  • flavored (disposable);
  • absorbing odor;
  • insoles with silver ions (it is best to choose orthopedic ones - Salamander, Orto Ultra).

Antibacterial insoles will help prevent the development of fungus
Disposable scented insoles

Insoles with odor absorption properties
Insole with silver ions – for hygienic freshness

As for regular insoles, the more often you change them, the less you'll be bothered by smelly shoes. As an alternative to insoles, wipes soaked in deodorant can be used - they will absorb the “aroma”.

Regular insoles need to be changed at least once every three months.

Hygiene rules

To prevent your shoes from smelling, take care of your own hygiene. For some this may be trivial advice, but the most common regular washing of feet can already eliminate the problem. However, if this is not enough, then you should follow a few more useful recommendations:

  • buy foot deodorant - apply it to your feet to prevent sweating. It’s worth doing this every morning;
  • take a shower in the mornings and evenings. If this is not possible, you should wash your feet separately, which is especially important in the warm season when open shoes are worn;
  • change your tights or socks daily (it is better to wear cotton ones - they will absorb some of the moisture).

Use foot deodorant Wash your feet daily, morning and evening Wear clean socks and tights every day

Special rules for shoe care will also prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors. The whole secret is to wash and wash it regularly. The latter is especially true if you are looking for an answer to the question of what to do to prevent your sneakers from stinking. Machine washing (if the shoe manufacturer allows it) will not take up your time. Or you can clean it manually by washing your sneakers or sneakers in a basin with soap and making sure to dry them before putting them on again. This recommendation is especially important for those who lead an active lifestyle, playing sports or simply walking or hiking frequently. Neglecting the recommendation to regularly wash sports shoes will sooner or later lead to the fact that it will become very difficult to get rid of the smell.

It is ideal if you have several pairs of shoes for each season so that you can alternate them.

If you have several pairs for one season, then arrange a general shoe cleaning in order of priority.

Then while some are dried or ventilated, others can be worn. Also try to change your shoes at work. So women's legs will only be grateful if you change high-heeled boots to comfortable ballet flats.

You should pay special attention to your shoes in wet weather. You fell into a puddle, walked in the snow - all this is a reason to wash and dry your shoes or boots. And once a week you can do a “general cleaning” - send your shoes to the balcony or to the yard to properly ventilate and dry.

The easiest way to dry shoes that have been damaged by contact with a puddle or snow is to place them on a radiator.

Ultraviolet dryer will help get rid of bacteria

But there is a more high-tech method - the action of ultraviolet rays. To do this, you need to find a special dryer on sale that can get rid of the source of the odor, namely bacteria. This method will allow you not to worry about awkward situations if you don’t wear sneakers or sneakers with socks. Timson makes good ultraviolet dryers. However, it will take 5-8 hours to completely dry, so it is better to leave such a dryer in sneakers, boots or shoes overnight. You can use it as often as you need.

A modern shoe dryer will not only fulfill its task, but also disinfect it. This means that all bacteria that serve as a source of unpleasant odor are effectively destroyed.

It won't hurt your sneakers, shoes or boots if you spray them at night special deodorant. Then the next morning you can put on fresh and pleasant-smelling shoes. Such deodorants are produced by the Russian company Salamander, and foreign companies Patisson, Salton, Saphir also sell their products in Russia. The cheapest products cost less than 100 rubles, the most expensive (such as Sholl) cost about 250 rubles, but the average cost is about 150 rubles.

Shoe deodorant will help get rid of unpleasant odor

Getting rid of cat tricks in shoes

What to do if the shoes that your mustachioed pet “worked on” stink? Then you need to go to the pharmacy, where you can buy a drug called formidron. Wipe the inside of your shoes or boots with it, then wrap it in a plastic bag and put it away for a day. Treatment with formidone should be carried out in the yard or on the balcony; you should work with gloves. Afterwards, do not forget to ventilate your shoes well.

You can replace formidron with a special odor absorber, which is used in such cases - they are sold in pet stores.

Now you know what to do if your shoes smell. Finally, when purchasing, we advise you to try to give preference to more expensive, but at the same time higher quality shoes from well-known manufacturers. It should not be synthetic, but made from natural materials. Your feet will breathe in it, which means that the likelihood of an unpleasant odor will be much lower.

Surely many have encountered the problem of unpleasant odor in shoes. It appears due to the fact that a greenhouse effect is formed inside it, due to which the legs begin to actively sweat. Sweat itself is an ideal environment for the proliferation of bacteria and fungi, and their waste products smell bad. If you wear such shoes all day, then by evening your feet will also smell terrible. Of course, you can remove this aroma, but if the reason for the constant occurrence of this problem is not related to personal hygiene, then it’s time to take care of your shoes. Be sure to dry wet sneakers so that they do not emit a musty or rotten aroma. But if the problem does affect you, then let’s find out how to quickly remove the smell from sneakers at home using special and folk remedies.

The use of Formidron in the fight against unpleasant odor

This disinfectant antibacterial drug is used for increased sweat production. You can buy it inexpensively without any problems at any pharmacy.

You should work according to this scheme, without violating these rules:

  1. Put on gloves and a mask, open the bottle and treat the inside of your shoes with the mixture.
  2. Dry it thoroughly on the balcony or in a well-ventilated area.
  3. If the smell remains, repeat the procedure.

Important! “Formidron” has a rather pungent odor, so don’t even try to smell it. It is better to avoid inhaling its vapors altogether; to do this, carry out the treatment on the street or balcony. The composition can cause severe irritation of the mucous membranes, so it is better not to come into contact with it without protective equipment.

This product contains formaldehyde in a safe concentration for humans, which is why it is freely sold in pharmacies. After treatment, it disappears fairly quickly.

Important! This method of removing unpleasant odors from shoes should not be used by pregnant women or those planning to become pregnant, since its fumes are unsafe for them.

We described this method first because it is considered the most effective. “Formidron” completely removes bad odor from sneakers, even the most fetid and persistent ones. It is also the best in terms of elimination speed.

Replacing insoles to eliminate odor

If you simply smell a musty or musty odor, then the option for eliminating the odor in your sneakers by replacing the insoles is a good option. Fortunately, the modern market offers a huge number of special insoles.

For this type of shoe, antibacterial insoles are ideal, consisting of several layers, impregnated activated carbon. On top they are usually covered with natural cotton fabric that is pleasant to the touch. They perfectly eliminate foreign odors, absorb moisture, and have an antifungal effect.

Important! These insoles are considered universal because they can be adjusted to your size and have markings for convenience.

Anti-odor washing

Are you wondering how to remove odor from sneakers at home? The easiest way to wash them is as follows:

  • First, the shoes are completely washed.
  • Then the insoles are taken out and the laces are unlaced.
  • Fabric softener, previously diluted with warm water, is poured inside.
  • The sneakers are placed in a special washing net and placed on the bottom of the washing machine drum.
  • Detergent is poured in. You don't need to add a lot of powder.

Important! It is better to use a liquid product because it washes out better.

  • Select the appropriate washing mode. Many modern devices have functions for washing shoes, but if your machine does not have one, then select a delicate wash so that the water temperature does not exceed 30 degrees.

Important! Be sure to install an additional rinse and cancel drying.

  • Dry your sneakers. You can fill them with newspapers, replacing them with dry ones from time to time. When the shoes are slightly damp, you can take them out into the sun.

Important! Cheap Chinese sneakers cannot be washed like this, because they can simply become deformed or literally fall apart due to treatment with low-quality glue that washes away in water.

Traditional ways to combat unpleasant odor

Are you saddened to discover that your sneakers stink? How to get rid of odor traditional methods we will find out in this section. There are many proven, effective, safe means, which are widely used to remove odors from shoes.

These include:

  • Soda. This product is only suitable for treating sneakers. white. In the evening, fill them with soda, leave it until the morning, then just shake it out. If you can’t achieve results right away, add a little cornstarch to the soda. These substances just need to be mixed, poured into socks, and put in sneakers overnight.
  • Bleaching. Warm water With bleach it perfectly eliminates stench. The solution should simply be poured into the shoes and wait a couple of minutes.

Important! Do not use this product on delicate or Bad quality materials, shoes in dark colors. After such treatment or appearance You will definitely stop liking your favorite couple, or its strength will completely disappear.

  • Activated carbon. Coal removes the obsessive smell perfectly. You just need to pour it in crushed form into your sneakers overnight and shake it out in the morning.
  • Alcohol. A cotton swab moistened with alcohol does an excellent job of removing any unpleasant odors. They wipe the shoes from the inside and leave them for a while.
  • Green tea. This option will appeal to tea lovers. Used sachets are placed in sneakers, and after a couple of hours the smell is guaranteed to disappear.

Important! You can also try pouring tea into your shoes, wait a couple of minutes, and send them to dry.

  • Orange peels. You can put a couple inside orange peels at night - by morning the smell is guaranteed to disappear if it was not too intense and just appeared.
  • Potassium permanganate. It is necessary to dissolve a couple of crystals of potassium permanganate in water, then thoroughly wipe the entire surface from the inside with a damp cloth. It is better to use this product on shoes of dark shades.
  • Table vinegar. A cotton swab thoroughly soaked in ordinary vinegar will rid your shoes of an unpleasant stench. It is enough to wipe them from the inside, then take them out into the fresh air.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. This is an excellent remedy that has no equal in the fight against unpleasant odor. The peroxide is poured directly inside, then you should wait until it stops bubbling and you can pour it out.
  • Bay leaf. The smell will definitely go away if you put a few leaves of pre-crushed laurel in your sneakers. As a preventive measure, you can wear bay leaves directly under the insole.
  • Cold. Real frost will rid your shoes of an unpleasant odor. It is enough to take your shoes out onto the balcony or outside at night. Alternatively, place it in the freezer.

Important! In addition to washing and regular cleaning by helpers or by professional means, it is necessary to carry out at least once a season

What to do if your sneakers always stink? How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of sneakers? Can't find the answer? Well, then use the tips from our article!

There are many different ways to get rid of sneaker odor. Most of them bring good results. It is true that some methods are more effective than others.

Assess the degree of soiling of your shoes. Some sneakers cannot be removed from the “odor”. If your shoes stink, do your feet a favor and just throw them away. There are most likely a lot of bacteria there. If you wash your feet thoroughly, wear appropriate socks, use a special antiperspirant, and at the same time adore your old moldy sneakers, then bacteria have an amazing opportunity to multiply. This means that all efforts to treat the legs were wasted.

But, if you think your sneakers still have a chance of recovery, you can use proven dearomatization methods.

What to do if your sneakers stink?

Step 1. Disinfect

Step 2. Deodorize

You will have to disinfect them first to get rid of bacteria. After this, you can begin deodorizing.

If you skip the disinfection step, the odor will most likely return to as soon as possible. Unfortunately, if you want to know how to remove odor from sneakers quickly, then we will disappoint you, because there is no such effective method.

Some substances may have properties such as simultaneous disinfection and deodorization.

How to properly disinfect shoes?

Below are popular and time-tested methods that will help you get rid of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms in your sneakers. Let's look at the effectiveness, as well as the pros and cons of all the above methods in relation to modern research.

Freezer Method

Take a pair of smelly sneakers and place them in a plastic bag. Be sure to seal tightly. Place the bag in the freezer overnight and let the sneakers thaw in the sun the next day. Extreme cold, as well as extreme heat, can kill bacteria.

It works? The problem with this method is that freezing is ineffective because such low temperatures do not kill bacteria. Freezing mainly has a paralyzing effect. This is why this method does not work very well. Many have learned from their own experience that the smell returns quite quickly when worn. Freezing can kill some, but not all, bacteria.

Clothes sachets may be useful

Just insert it into your sneakers and enjoy the fresh scent. Because the sachet has a slight antibacterial effect and fragrance, it is popular as a method of freshening shoes.

It works? Again, this is not a solution for smelly shoes, as a more effective method is to soak them in a powerful antimicrobial solution. In addition, linen sachets may contain different kinds hazardous chemicals, the use of which cannot have a positive effect on your health.

Washing machine

Sometimes good wash can rid your sneakers of the stink. Remove the insoles and place the shoes in a pillowcase or laundry bag. Wash your shoes twice in the machine at 40-60 degrees and dry. Also don't forget to wash your insoles.

It works? In one study, scientists concluded that washing at 60°C (140°F) for 10 minutes is enough to decontaminate and significantly reduce bacterial activity. Yes, washing your sneakers in the machine will likely help freshen them up by killing any bacteria. But not all shoes are suitable for washing.

Using steam

If you have a steamer, you can use it to kill bacteria and fungus. You can also use an iron that has this feature.

It works? Steam has a powerful bactericidal effect. His high temperatures can kill odor-causing bacteria and fungi. There are even special antibacterial steam cleaners. Clinically proven to remove 99.99% of bacteria. Remember that you should be careful with suede sneakers.

Medical alcohol

One of the most powerful tools. Pour some alcohol onto a cotton swab and rub it into your shoes. Not only does alcohol dry out quickly enough, but it also evaporates sweat.

It works? Yes. However, there is more effective method than described above.


It is generally accepted that vinegar, also known as acetic acid, is an excellent solution to the problem of how to remove odor from sneakers. Recommendations such as “use half a glass of water, half a glass of vinegar, spritz, let dry and finish with a small amount rubbed in.” baking soda”, are simply omnipresent.

It works? Vinegar removes odors well, but it doesn't the best choice when it comes to fighting bacteria.

Vinegar is commonly recommended in popular media for treating nail fungus, lice, and warts, but scientific support for such strategies is not yet available. Whether this popular food preservative actually helps reduce shoe odor has not yet been proven.

Studies comparing vinegar to synthetic products show that natural products usually less effective than household disinfectants.

How to remove odor from sneakers?

Use rubbing alcohol and antibacterial spray:

  • Soak your sneakers in an alcohol solution. The alcohol will seep into all hard-to-reach places where it will kill bacteria. Once the sneakers have been soaked in the solution, put them away and let them dry in an area with plenty of air circulation, preferably in the sun.
  • Antibacterial should be sprayed evenly outside and inside the shoes. All parts must be processed. It will kill fungus and bacteria. Porous surfaces and the inside of sneakers should be treated especially carefully.

You can also use antiseptic powder.

How to deodorize shoes

  • Cat litter. Unusual, but effective. Oddly enough: cat litter is not such a funny product, since it is produced precisely for the purpose of odor prevention and deodorization. Simply fill an old sock with the mixture, close it and place it in your sneakers overnight. Then put it away at any convenient time and put the socks back after wearing.
  • Charcoal. It is widely used in air filters precisely because of its deodorizing properties. Therefore, charcoal also works wonders in removing odor from shoes. Fill a cloth bag or old socks with charcoal, insert them into your shoes and leave them overnight.
  • Tea tree oil deodorizing spray. This homemade shoe deodorant can be used for both feet and sneakers. He contains essential oils tea tree, mint, eucalyptus and thyme. Tea tree oil, for example, has antibacterial and odor-reducing properties, which research supports. Thyme has a bactericidal effect and is also able to mask unpleasant odors.
  • Deodorizing insoles. Shoe inserts made from cedar wood, bamboo, or containing charcoal can help remove odor from sneakers. However, they will not eradicate the source of the problem.

Why Masking Odors Doesn't Help

According to some people, improvised sneaker odor masking products are effective way to reduce stench.

  • Natural remedies such as fresh orange peel, grapefruit, lemon or lime are often used. They are simply placed inside so that the sneakers don't stink and have a fresh, citrus scent.
  • Others use lavender oil. Apply a couple of drops to the sole of each shoe until a floral aroma appears, which eliminates the unpleasant odor.

But if your sneakers really stink, this method won’t help.

Natural methods, such as diffusing a small amount of lavender oil, are only good if there is only a slight scent. The problem is that these products do not kill the bacteria living in your shoes.

For really smelly shoes, you need to use more serious products. So, what can you do to prevent your sneakers from stinking?


When the unpleasant odor has disappeared, you need to take preventive measures into account. Here's what to do to prevent your sneakers from stinking.

Constantly wet insoles need to be taken care of properly. Remove them from your sneakers and dry them well. Use a heater in winter and sun in summer. This move will prevent bacteria hiding in the most inaccessible places from multiplying. But it is better, at the same time, to buy insoles that do not allow bacteria to grow. These monsters are one of the main causes of bad foot odor! Also, do not wear shoes made of synthetic materials, that is, unsuitable for “breathing” the skin.

Surely many have encountered the problem of unpleasant odor in shoes. It appears due to the fact that a greenhouse effect is formed inside it, due to which the legs begin to actively sweat. Sweat itself is an ideal environment for the proliferation of bacteria and fungi, and their waste products smell bad. If you wear such shoes all day, then by evening your feet will also smell terrible. Of course, you can remove this aroma, but if the reason for the constant occurrence of this problem is not related to personal hygiene, then it’s time to take care of your shoes. Be sure to dry wet sneakers so that they do not emit a musty or rotten aroma. But if the problem does affect you, then let’s find out how to quickly remove the smell from sneakers at home using special and folk remedies.

The use of Formidron in the fight against unpleasant odor

This disinfectant antibacterial drug is used for increased sweat production. You can buy it inexpensively without any problems at any pharmacy.

You should work according to this scheme, without violating these rules:

  1. Put on gloves and a mask, open the bottle and treat the inside of your shoes with the mixture.
  2. Dry it thoroughly on the balcony or in a well-ventilated area.
  3. If the smell remains, repeat the procedure.

Important! “Formidron” has a rather pungent odor, so don’t even try to smell it. It is better to avoid inhaling its vapors altogether; to do this, carry out the treatment on the street or balcony. The composition can cause severe irritation of the mucous membranes, so it is better not to come into contact with it without protective equipment.

This product contains formaldehyde in a safe concentration for humans, which is why it is freely sold in pharmacies. After treatment, it disappears fairly quickly.

Important! This method of removing unpleasant odors from shoes should not be used by pregnant women or those planning to become pregnant, since its fumes are unsafe for them.

We described this method first because it is considered the most effective. “Formidron” completely removes bad odor from sneakers, even the most fetid and persistent ones. It is also the best in terms of elimination speed.

Replacing insoles to eliminate odor

If you simply smell a musty or musty odor, then the option for eliminating the odor in your sneakers by replacing the insoles is a good option. Fortunately, the modern market offers a huge number of special insoles.

Antibacterial insoles, consisting of several layers and impregnated with activated carbon, are ideal for this type of shoe. On top they are usually covered with natural cotton fabric that is pleasant to the touch. They perfectly eliminate foreign odors, absorb moisture, and have an antifungal effect.

Important! These insoles are considered universal because they can be adjusted to your size and have markings for convenience.

Anti-odor washing

Are you wondering how to remove odor from sneakers at home? The easiest way to wash them is as follows:

  • First, the shoes are completely washed.
  • Then the insoles are taken out and the laces are unlaced.
  • Fabric softener, previously diluted with warm water, is poured inside.
  • The sneakers are placed in a special washing net and placed on the bottom of the washing machine drum.
  • Detergent is poured in. You don't need to add a lot of powder.

Important! It is better to use a liquid product because it washes out better.

  • Select the appropriate washing mode. Many modern devices have functions for washing shoes, but if your machine does not have one, then select a delicate wash so that the water temperature does not exceed 30 degrees.

Important! Be sure to install an additional rinse and cancel drying.

  • Dry your sneakers. You can fill them with newspapers, replacing them with dry ones from time to time. When the shoes are slightly damp, you can take them out into the sun.

Important! Cheap Chinese sneakers cannot be washed like this, because they can simply become deformed or literally fall apart due to treatment with low-quality glue that washes away in water.

Traditional ways to combat unpleasant odor

Are you saddened to discover that your sneakers stink? We will learn how to get rid of smell using traditional methods in this section. There are many proven, effective, safe products that are widely used to remove odors from shoes.

These include:

  • Soda. This product is only suitable for treating white sneakers. In the evening, fill them with soda, leave it until the morning, then just shake it out. If you can’t achieve results right away, add a little cornstarch to the soda. These substances just need to be mixed, poured into socks, and put in sneakers overnight.
  • Bleaching. Warm water with bleach is great for eliminating stench. The solution should simply be poured into the shoes and wait a couple of minutes.

Important! Do not use this product on delicate or poor quality materials or dark-colored shoes. After such treatment, you will definitely no longer like the appearance of your favorite pair, or its strength will completely disappear.

  • Activated carbon. Coal removes the obsessive smell perfectly. You just need to pour it in crushed form into your sneakers overnight and shake it out in the morning.
  • Alcohol. A cotton swab moistened with alcohol does an excellent job of removing any unpleasant odors. They wipe the shoes from the inside and leave them for a while.
  • Green tea. This option will appeal to tea lovers. Used sachets are placed in sneakers, and after a couple of hours the smell is guaranteed to disappear.

Important! You can also try pouring tea into your shoes, wait a couple of minutes, and send them to dry.

  • Orange peels. You can put a couple of orange peels inside at night - by the morning the smell is guaranteed to disappear if it was not too intense and just appeared.
  • Potassium permanganate. It is necessary to dissolve a couple of crystals of potassium permanganate in water, then thoroughly wipe the entire surface from the inside with a damp cloth. It is better to use this product on shoes of dark shades.
  • Table vinegar. A cotton swab thoroughly soaked in ordinary vinegar will rid your shoes of an unpleasant stench. It is enough to wipe them from the inside, then take them out into the fresh air.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. This is an excellent remedy that has no equal in the fight against unpleasant odor. The peroxide is poured directly inside, then you should wait until it stops bubbling and you can pour it out.
  • Bay leaf. The smell will definitely go away if you put a few leaves of pre-crushed laurel in your sneakers. As a preventive measure, you can wear bay leaves directly under the insole.
  • Cold. Real frost will rid your shoes of an unpleasant odor. It is enough to take your shoes out onto the balcony or outside at night. Alternatively, place it in the freezer.

Important! In addition to washing and regular cleaning with improvised or professional means, it is necessary to carry out cleaning at least once a season.