Expert ultrasound for how long? What is expert ultrasound during pregnancy? Why do you need a kidney test?

Conducting an expert ultrasound during pregnancy makes sense if there is a need for high-precision diagnostics, which is possible due to the high resolution of the devices and the highly qualified ultrasound specialists.

Modern science does not stand still. The geniuses of our time are doing everything to improve life. A successful start in life begins in the gynecologist’s office. An achievement of the 21st century in the field of prenatal diagnostics is expert ultrasound during pregnancy, what is it?

All modern medical centers have the ability to conduct expert ultrasound - a non-invasive study, the accuracy of information from which can be obtained an order of magnitude higher than that of a conventional ultrasound machine.

The main advantage lies in the new methodology and the latest equipment, which can be used by ultrasound specialists, and not just trained medical staff. The experience and skill of an ultrasound diagnostic doctor is very important, since otherwise the diagnosis can be quite superficial and inaccurate, which is sometimes extremely important.

The value of expert ultrasound during pregnancy is difficult to overestimate. Selecting the type of sensor, its frequency, class, Dopplerography, as well as the ability to display a three-dimensional image - all these capabilities are collected in one device. Using these data, it is possible to diagnose various pathologies of fetal development, including the smallest ones.

What kind of examination is this?

Thanks to its good resolution property at a high level, it is possible to identify developmental anomalies of the heart and great vessels, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, brain and other organs of the fetus. It is worth remembering that with conventional ultrasound diagnostics it is impossible to exclude medical error, but with expert ultrasound it is minimal.

What are the differences between expert and conventional ultrasound?

Expert-class ultrasound machines are devices that allow you to carry out everything possible ultrasound research and are equipped with a full set of sensors, including Doppler attachments with all functions. These digital devices also allow you to work in 3D-4D (HD) real-time mode.

Such devices are very expensive and not every clinic in Russia can purchase them, but nevertheless, the fleet of expert-class ultrasound machines is constantly growing due to their much greater equipment capabilities than conventional ultrasound machines.

For example, in transplantology and various operations, the use of expert-class ultrasound devices is necessary, as is the case when identifying various types of pathologies or the necessary precise studies during pregnancy at any stage.

In routine outpatient settings, expert ultrasound examination is not necessary.

Advantages of the technique

They can be explained by two possibilities:

  • high quality and great capabilities of equipment, qualified doctor;
  • the entire course of the study is recorded on removable media; if controversial issues arise, it is enough to re-view the recording on the disk.

Modern ultrasound machine for expert-class diagnostics

To avoid late pathology It is better to perform fetal ultrasound several times at different stages of pregnancy.

In the first trimester you can:

  • establish the presence of a fetus;
  • make sure the fetus is positioned correctly in the womb;
  • confirm multiple pregnancy;
  • estimate quantity amniotic fluid and location of the umbilical cord;
  • exclude Edwards, Patau and Down syndromes.

At 10 weeks, a detailed assessment of the condition of the organs and systems of the unborn child is carried out to exclude severe pathology.

Additional Methods

Already in the second and third trimester, a color Doppler study is assigned, which is necessary to assess hemodynamics in the main vessels of the brain, heart, flow through the vessels of the umbilical cord and uterus for the purpose of prognosis possible complications. Already from the 3rd month of pregnancy, you can obtain indicators for calculating the weight-height coefficient.

An expert-class ultrasound can dispel doubts if there is a suspicion of possible anomalies in the development of the fetus (if there is information in the birth history). The examination is also carried out at the request of the woman, if the expectant mother is worried about the health of the future offspring and wants to make sure that the pregnancy is proceeding smoothly. Thanks to this opportunity, you can live in peace, since there will be no reason to worry. Future parents are advised to use the following rule: “Qualified help is the key to your child’s health.”

According to the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 572n dated November 12, 2012, screening ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the fetus should be carried out three times from 11 to 14, from 18 to 21 and from 30 to 34 weeks of pregnancy.

If necessary, additional ultrasound examination can be carried out in any quantity and at any stage of pregnancy, taking into account the absolute safety of ultrasound for the fetus.

Ultrasound examination protocols at the European Medical Center are drawn up depending on the timing of the examination itself and based on the recommendations of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG), the Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF) and the Russian Association of Ultrasound Doctors in Perinatology and Gynecology. If necessary, all studies are accompanied by the use of 3D/4D technologies. At the end of the ultrasound, the expert doctor issues a research protocol with an interpretation of the results.

Basic ultrasound examinations of the fetus during pregnancy

1. The first study to confirm the viability of the fetus.

This is an ultrasound examination that is usually performed with a vaginal probe at 6-10 weeks of pregnancy. The purpose of this study is to determine the number of embryos and confirm the normal development of the fetus inside the uterus.

This study is especially indicated for pregnant women with lower abdominal pain and/or bloody discharge from the genital tract, as well as women who have a history of undeveloped pregnancies, spontaneous miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies.

2. Ultrasound examination from 11 to 14 weeks.

It is usually performed transabdominally, but in some cases it can be performed transvaginally if necessary.

The purpose of performing an ultrasound scan at this time is:

    Accurately determine the gestational age. This is especially true for women who do not remember the date of their last menstruation, have irregular menstrual cycle, or who became pregnant during lactation. By measuring the size of the fetus, we can accurately calculate the date of conception and date of birth.

    Diagnosis of multiple pregnancy. Approximately 2% of spontaneous pregnancies and 10% of pregnancies resulting from the use of assisted reproductive technologies are multiple. An ultrasound makes it possible to determine whether both fetuses are developing normally and to assess the condition of the placenta (it can be the same for both babies, or each baby can have its own placenta), which is fundamentally important in multiple pregnancies. In such cases, it is advisable to monitor the pregnancy more closely.

    Diagnosis of the main pathological conditions of the fetus. Some serious anomalies and malformations may be visible at this stage of pregnancy. However, it must be borne in mind that the main detailed ultrasound to exclude developmental defects is carried out at 20 weeks.

    Diagnosis of early miscarriages. Unfortunately, 2% of women who come for a routine ultrasound at 11-14 weeks are diagnosed with a non-developing pregnancy. Couples receive information about possible reasons non-developing pregnancies and additional examinations to plan a subsequent pregnancy.

    Assessing the risk of Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities. Each woman is assessed for her individual risk. This indicator is calculated taking into account the mother's age, measurements of two hormones in the mother's blood and the results of ultrasound measurements of the thickness of the nuchal translucency, as well as measurements of the nasal bones, assessment of blood flow in the fetal heart and ductus venosus, and assessment of fetal malformations. Parents will receive full advice regarding the significance of these risks and the need for more detailed studies - a non-invasive prenatal test or invasive diagnostics - amniocentesis.

3. Ultrasound examination at 20 - 24 weeks.

The doctor examines in detail every part of the fetal body, determines the position of the placenta, assesses the amount of amniotic fluid and the degree of fetal growth. Particular attention is paid to assessing the condition of the brain, face, spine, heart, stomach, intestines, kidneys and limbs.

4. Ultrasound examination to assess fetal development.

This ultrasound is usually performed between 30 and 34 weeks of pregnancy.

The purpose of this ultrasound examination:

    Measurement of the fetal head, abdomen and femur and estimation of fetal weight.

    Study of fetal movements.

    Assessment of the position and condition of the placenta.

    Measuring the amount of amniotic fluid.

    Assessment of blood flow in the placenta, fetal head, uterine arteries using color Doppler mapping.

5. Ultrasound examination of the heart.

During an ultrasound scan at 11-14 weeks, 20-24 weeks and 30-34 weeks, the doctor must evaluate the condition of the fetal heart and major vessels.

Expert detailed examination of the fetal heart is recommended:

    women with a family history of congenital heart abnormalities, patients with diabetes mellitus and those taking antiepileptic drugs;

    in a fetus with a suspected heart defect or in a fetus with an increase in the thickness of the fetal nuchal space, as well as in the case of detection of other developmental defects in the fetus during routine ultrasound examinations.

The test is usually performed between 18 and 23 weeks of pregnancy, but can be done as early as 13 weeks if necessary.

6. Ultrasound examination of the cervix.

This is an ultrasound test to measure the length of the cervix. Recommended for women with a high risk of premature birth or multiple pregnancies; pregnant women with a history of premature birth, previous operations on the uterus for malformations or operations on the cervix.

This examination is usually carried out at 30-34 weeks, but can be performed from 16 weeks onwards if necessary.

You can undergo all studies during pregnancy in our.

Ultrasound of pregnant women of expert class is an advanced diagnostic study of the child. The methodology for this diagnosis was developed by high-class foreign and domestic scientists. Expert ultrasound during pregnancy is carried out by highly qualified specialists to confirm or refute most pathologies of the fetus and the expectant mother.

Features of the technique

The main advantage of expert ultrasound during pregnancy is that during the examination it becomes possible to identify even small pathological changes in the development of the fetus and placenta. At the time of ultrasound scanning, only high-precision stationary ultrasound machines are used. They will allow you to accurately determine the condition of the unborn child. Three-dimensional and four-dimensional ultrasound methods are mandatory.

Main indications

This type of examination is carried out on the initiative of a pregnant woman or as prescribed by a doctor. Experts recommend doing an expert ultrasound in the following situations:

  • If the mother is with the father of the unborn baby - blood relatives.
  • In case of a frozen pregnancy the previous time.
  • If a woman is sick infectious disease in the first trimester of pregnancy or on the eve of conception.
  • Women over 35 years old.
  • If your parents inherited diseases of different etiologies.
  • If the expectant mother took prohibited medications during pregnancy.

What does an expert class ultrasound show at different times?

First trimester

Ultrasound on early stages pregnancy (5–8 weeks) is carried out only to confirm pregnancy. In addition, the uzologist checks the condition ovum and its location in the uterine cavity. The viability of the fetus can be determined by the heartbeat (180 beats per minute) and its motor activity. In the first months of pregnancy, such a scan is a rather important moment, since it is from its results that the doctor can decide whether it is permissible to continue bearing the fetus.

First of all, the doctor pays special attention to the length of the embryo; it is determined by the CTE indicator (coccygeal-parietal size). The doctor also takes into account the circumference and size of the head, the distance and diameter from the back of the head to the forehead. TVP - thickness of the collar space - helps determine the chance of development different syndromes, including Down syndrome.

Expert-class ultrasound allows you to examine the smallest structural elements of the fetal body

In addition to the above indicators, the specialist looks at the following indicators:

  • overall size of the heart muscle;
  • the work of blood flow in venous vessels;
  • dimensions of the maxillary bone;
  • bladder volume;
  • absence or presence of a new septum;
  • heart rate per minute;
  • the presence of so-called umbilical arteries;
  • presence of multiple pregnancy.

In addition, it determines the appropriateness of the locations of vital organs.

Timely expert ultrasound gives every chance to promptly identify the following serious diseases of the fetus:

  • heart defects;
  • Patau syndrome;
  • de Lange syndrome;
  • Down syndrome;
  • Smith-Opitz pathology;
  • omphalocele (umbilical hernia);
  • Edwards syndrome.

Second trimester

In the second trimester, an expert ultrasound is usually scheduled at the twentieth week. At this time, the doctor can more accurately determine the baby’s position, weight, height, and condition of the placenta.

The doctor visually examines every centimeter of the fetal body and also evaluates the following indicators:

  • facial asymmetry;
  • kidney condition;
  • intestines, brain;
  • cardiovascular system;
  • echographic markers of chromosomal abnormalities;
  • spinal column;
  • stomach;
  • child's limbs.

Third trimester

Starting from the sixteenth week of pregnancy, an accurate determination of the baby's fetus is possible. The third scan is done when you are in the third trimester of pregnancy (32–34 weeks). Deviations of any kind appear extremely rarely at this time. If an ultrasound examination in the second trimester did not reveal any abnormalities, then the third ultrasound examination is intended only to confirm the normal parameters of the fetus and mother.

During the third trimester, doctors look at the following: important indicators:

  • the size of the unborn child (must correspond to the term);
  • position of the baby in the uterus;
  • placenta according to structural indicators.

Decryption is carried out by highly qualified specialists

How to prepare properly

Five days before the ultrasound, it is necessary to avoid eating foods that can cause increased gas formation ( bakery products based on yeast, white cabbage, any fruits and dairy products, beans). Be sure to start using food enzymes with meals three times a day three days before the test (but only as prescribed by your doctor).

The day before the proposed examination, do an enema. If possible, ask your doctor to schedule an ultrasound in the morning. This will give you the opportunity to prepare well, and the decoding will be correct. The day before, try not to eat too much food and drink more water.

Expert ultrasound during pregnancy is an extensive diagnostic examination of the fetus. The methodology for such diagnostics has been developed by leading domestic and foreign diagnostic centers. This study is performed by highly qualified doctors to confirm or exclude many diseases of the mother and child.

Let's look at the differences between expert ultrasound during pregnancy, what it is, in what cases it is prescribed and what it shows.

Of course, this type of diagnosis includes ultrasound examination. However, the patient additionally undergoes examination of the following organs:

  • brain;
  • lungs;
  • hearts;
  • digestive organs;
  • vessels;
  • kidney;
  • bones and muscles;
  • faces;
  • Doppler mapping (color), which can be used to determine the degree of functioning of the child’s brain vessels.

The peculiarity of expert ultrasound during pregnancy is that it can detect even minor changes in the structure of the fetus, as well as its pathology. During such an examination, only high-precision stationary ultrasound devices are used, which make it possible to most accurately determine the condition of the fetus. Three-dimensional and four-dimensional ultrasound examination techniques are required (in the latter case, it is carried out in real time).

Many women do not know what an expert ultrasound is and are therefore afraid to do it because of the mistaken belief that it will harm the unborn child. Such fears are completely unfounded and in vain: a stationary ultrasound machine will not cause the slightest harm to the mother and her child, since it does not use X-rays or other radiation.

Differences in this survey

Expert-class devices can do everything necessary research organs of the human body. They are equipped with all possible sensors (including those used in Doppler studies). Expert ultrasound, unlike conventional ultrasound, provides data in digital format and very high quality, in three-dimensional or four-dimensional mode.

These devices have a very high cost, but it means that the research results will be the most accurate of all possible.

Regular clinics do not have ultrasonic devices expert class, and this is not necessary.

Unlike conventional devices, expert ones allow the doctor to record the examination results on a removable disk. The equipment with which this study is carried out has very high capabilities, so this diagnosis is carried out only by a very experienced doctor.

A woman should undergo such an examination in the following cases.

  1. If there is a suspicion of a developmental defect in the baby, at any stage (when other diagnostic tests show this).
  2. When a family has children with genetic abnormalities.
  3. If pregnancy occurs during in vitro fertilization or through the use of modern reproductive technologies (in this case, careful monitoring of the pregnancy process and the health of the mother and child is indicated).
  4. When a woman is diagnosed with multiple pregnancy.
  5. If pregnancy occurs after the age of 35.
  6. If there are any, even the most minor complications in the process of bearing a child.
  7. If a woman wants to see complete information about the result of an ultrasound examination in real time (three-dimensional and four-dimensional ultrasound technologies are used). Moreover, such results will be very understandable to anyone who does not have special education.

When is a Doppler examination performed?

With an expert ultrasound, the doctor may prescribe the woman to undergo a Doppler examination. This happens in such cases:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • renal pathologies;
  • danger of Rh conflict;
  • active development of the child, or, conversely, his lag behind normal indicators;
  • if there is a history of at least one bad pregnancy.

Why do kidney tests need to be done?

During pregnancy, the risk of developing kidney pathologies in a pregnant woman increases sharply. If a woman has abnormalities in her kidney tests, she will definitely be prescribed an ultrasound of this organ.

With the help of such an examination, you can detect the risk of developing pyelonephritis - a dangerous disease that threatens the development of kidney failure. And if a woman has never suffered from urological diseases, this does not mean that she does not need to undergo an expert ultrasound. On the contrary, inattention to one’s own health can have very unfavorable consequences for the baby.

What can you see in such a study?

Extended examination of women is carried out at the same frequency as usual - that is, three times.

During the first trimester of pregnancy (the most responsible), the doctor, with the help of an expert examination, can see how many embryos there are in the uterus, where the chorion is located, in what condition the yolk sac and membranes of the embryo are. In the first trimester of pregnancy, only with the help of an expert ultrasound can one exclude such severe genetic pathologies as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome and others.

Such an examination is done to exclude severe fetal anomalies. The study is carried out only transvaginally. It is mandatory to conduct a detailed examination of the child’s organs in the 10th week of pregnancy. This also helps to detect certain severe pathologies in time.

During the second and third trimester, Doppler mapping is done (the capabilities of the equipment allow it to be done in full color). Using ultrasound, you can see the hemodynamics of the mother and fetus and assess the condition of the umbilical cord. Of course, such an examination can answer the question of whether the size of the fetus corresponds to the established parameters.

In addition, during the third trimester, a detailed ultrasound will give a complete and accurate picture of the condition of the fetus, exclude the presence of developmental pathologies and help determine the most accurate date of birth. An extended ultrasound must be performed each time to ensure the condition of the placenta, umbilical cord, presentation of the baby, etc.

It is not prohibited to do an extended ultrasound examination even before childbirth.. Future mom can see your baby in real time, what he looks like in the last weeks of his stay in the womb. This wonderful moment can be captured on video or on your hard drive. The doctor determines in detail the baby’s weight and height.

Is 3D or 4D examination harmful?

A routine three-dimensional examination shows the future baby in black and white and flat. In contrast, high-quality 3D imaging gives the doctor more ability to see the smallest details of the unborn baby.

The device for carrying out this type of research does not differ in appearance from two-dimensional ones. However, its sensitivity is much higher. The ultrasound frequency is the same as during a conventional ultrasound examination. From this we can conclude that conducting an expert ultrasound using three-dimensional and four-dimensional technologies does not harm either the baby or the woman. Doppler mapping of blood vessels is also absolutely harmless.

The duration of such an examination may be slightly longer than usual. But let this fact not alarm future parents: this does not affect the child’s condition in any way.

So, expert ultrasound is a modern and accurate diagnostic solution that allows you to determine the slightest pathologies of the fetus at the earliest stages of pregnancy. In this case, the doctor has very valuable information regarding the condition of the fetus. Under no circumstances should such examinations be ignored.