What should the ideal girl look like? The ideal girl in the eyes of men

What kind of woman can be called ideal for a man? Which one will make him look for not one entertainment for the night, but a relationship long, perhaps a lifetime? Does she have to have some special appearance, clothes, figure, spiritual qualities, etc.? What do men look for in women?

Even if everyone claims that there are no ideal people, and that each person has his own flaws and virtues, society is still trying to find and understand what an ideal girl should be. Smart and beautiful? Understanding and caring? Which?

If we start to study the opinions of many men on this issue, we will quickly realize that each person is looking for something different. Of course, men love with their eyes, which means they will really like an attractive-looking girl. But is it possible to find the ideal? A wise man once said: that some people like dark ones, others like light ones, and others like redheads in general. But everyone likes these, and others, and thirds. This means one thing: beauty is definitely not a determining factor in a relationship.

You probably understand that for men of different ages, the ideal of a girl will be completely different. Young guys who have not yet reached twenty years old usually do not mind their beloved drinking and smoking. But time goes by, and it is the moral qualities of the girl that come to the fore. After all, now a man considers her not just as a companion for parties and other things, but as the guardian of his family hearth.

perfect girl does it have to be smart? On this issue, the opinions of men are slightly divided. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to admit that he likes the type of blondes that jokes are so fond of telling about: beautiful, but stupid as a cork. Of course, anyone will be more interested in a girl who strives to be educated, well-read and intelligent.

But unfortunately for us, there are a lot of young people who say that it is enough that a girl is a little smarter than a tree. With an educated girl, some guys feel extremely uncomfortable, because you don’t know what to expect from them. If there is such a stereotype that beautiful girls only need money, fame and general adoration, then what smart girls need is far from being easy to understand.

Of course, it is impossible to deduce some kind of algorithm that will definitely make a girl ideal for absolutely any young man. Each has its own ideal. Therefore, girls should understand and support only their man, take care of him and contribute to the growth of not only him, but also herself. It is very important for men that they can never blush for their soul mate. Even if she is a housewife, does not work and does housework, she should in any case remain well-groomed and beautiful woman with whom you can talk about everything.


Young people pay great attention to the fact that their ideal girlfriend should always be faithful to them. They absolutely do not need to check the feelings of their chosen one, but they must understand for sure that she is not capable of treason.

In addition, men really do not like it when women delve into his earnings and wallet, seek to find out how much his friends and relatives earn. This is very annoying for them. After all, when a man does not earn enough, he himself understands this very well and tries with all his might to change this situation. Therefore, you never need to annoy him once again with your reminders and notations.

How long love will live between a man and a woman mainly depends on the two of them, on the understanding and interests of two people. As it turned out, a lot of men want their girlfriend to share their hobbies: watch football, be able to keep up the conversation about all car brands, and always allow them to go fishing or hunting with friends.

Quite often, the main factor that men pay attention to when choosing a wife is the presence of interesting hobbies for both. But what is remarkable: many young people are ready to exchange the same football fan as they are for a master in the culinary arts. Do you think that the phrase "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" is greatly exaggerated? It's not like that at all! Every man who feels like a breadwinner in the family really wants a delicious dinner to be always waiting for him when he comes home.

A rather important factor is the first impression a girl makes. Representatives of the stronger sex believe that she simply must be bright, such that the eyes in the crowd rush to her. Someone said that if a person is drawn to a girl whom he sees for the first time, this, of course, can be called love at first sight, but most likely it is nothing more than a combination of gestures, facial expressions and smells. And already the subconscious interprets them in its own way and gives the brain a signal about whether he likes the girl or not.

Men definitely do not like girls decorated with make-up, but at the same time they will not like the so-called gray mice either. So strive for the ideal - something in between the first and second options.

In general, it does not matter at all what qualities a girl has. After all, each of them is an ideal for a particular man who is looking for her. It doesn't matter if she's blonde or brunette, tall or short, funny or serious. The main thing is that she does not build herself out of what she really is not. When a man loves, the weight and length of the legs of his beloved is not very important to him.

The ideal is a fickle thing that changes with the passage of years and the acquisition of experience. Appearance, intellect and character are just fickle and temporary criteria that are far from being as important as the inner fulfillment and connection between a man and a woman.

In a word, you realized that it is impossible to make a portrait of an ideal girl. But one thing is important for all men, that a woman loves him not for some specific qualities, such as materials, moral or physical, but simply because he exists and lives in this world.

- Appearance of the perfect girl
— The character of the ideal girl
— Feminine perfection through the eyes of a man
- 4 signs of a perfect woman
What qualities should an ideal girl have?
- A girl without flaws through the eyes of a guy: 10 stereotypes
- Conclusion

According to men, the ideal girl cannot but be beautiful, since nature has endowed her with a good figure, sweet face, clear skin and thick luxurious hair, and the ideal representative of the fair sex herself learned to take good care of her body and emphasize the dignity of her appearance. Such a girl, according to men, must go in for sports and eat right in order to maintain a slender body and a young, flowering appearance for a long time.

Since the ideal girl is naturally beautiful, she does not need to put on too bright and defiant makeup, so she either does not use makeup at all, or wears makeup in moderation. Her hair is below shoulder length and natural color, because, according to men, a girl, dyeing hair in blue, red, purple and other "unnatural" colors, too eccentric to be perfect. And of course, there are no tattoos on the body of an ideal girl.

The ideal representative of the beautiful half of humanity dresses feminine and tasteful, but by no means defiant. And to put on beautiful dresses a girl should not only go out to people, but also at home to please her man with a beautiful and well-groomed appearance.
And of course, the ideal girl never forgets about the rules of hygiene: her hair is always clean and shiny, her fingers and toes are neatly manicured and pedicured, and her clothes are neat.

— Feminine perfection through the eyes of a man

No, of course, the ideal is something so dreamy and non-existent. However, there are a number of qualities that a woman must possess in order for her man to call her ideal.

1) This girl does not look like a long-legged model, her face is unlikely to be chosen for the cover of any fashion magazine. But there is something in her appearance that attracts, arouses interest, calms, and often causes senseless happiness to look at her. The ideal girl won't go overboard with makeup, won't go overboard with clothes, and won't let men stare at her charms.

2) Nobody forbids girls to be smarter than men, vice versa. The ideal girl can support the conversation about the philosophical reflections of Hegel and the poems of Spartacus, supplementing with phrases from the Iliad, ending with Shakespeare with an admixture of Freud (how could it be without him). Even many men will not be able to quote their works so freely, and the girl will raise both her reputation and her man. And if God gave the mind, then she simply must get a higher education.

3) We all know that modern girls are capricious and unfaithful. The ideal girl does not want to be like everyone else, so she does not make scandals over trifles. She does not give ultimatums in the style: “If you don’t buy me this watch, I will be offended by you.” She does not take out her anger at her husband because the boss called her a chicken. And he does not cheat on his beloved with another man simply because “I could not resist the scent of his deodorant.”

So, the ideal girl is a kind of manifestation of the weak half of humanity, which does not cause any negative feelings, is pretty, good in bed, smart, unpretentious, stable.

- 4 signs of a perfect woman

1) Beauty.
The first and most important thing that a man pays attention to is the appearance of a woman. Meet by clothes. Therefore, in order to become an ideal woman for a man, you need to take care of your appearance. Start taking care of yourself, cleanliness and a pleasant smell. A well-groomed outwardly woman will attract the attention of more men.

2) Sincere smile.
The ideal woman knows how to smile beautifully and sincerely. The sullenness and fatigue on the face will not attract the attention of a man.

Therefore, train in front of the mirror to smile beautifully, and most importantly, sincerely from the bottom of your heart. Even if you are not naturally very beautiful in appearance, a smile will attract more attention than women without a smile with a beautiful appearance.

3) A woman who does not work.
According to real, developed men, the ideal woman is the one who does not go to work, but gives all her energy and love to her beloved man. Then the man has more strength and motivation to earn 2-3 times more so that his woman does not work and continues to give her love, attention and strength to the man, and not to work. Independent and strong women attract weak men who have no job.

4) Ability to control yourself.
The ideal woman is one who does not scream at all or not as often as many women. Remember that men are psychologically much weaker than women and are highly dependent on their emotions. Try not to express negative emotions to your loved one, but let them go in another direction, send them to work around the house or just take a walk in the forest and shout. A calm woman is the most ideal.

What qualities should an ideal girl have?

1) The ideal girl should inspire her man.
A guy will never date a girl unless he feels sexually attracted to her. A young lady should excite a guy with her figure and feminine energy.

2) The ideal girl should be faithful to one man.
I'm not saying that she should have sex with only one guy in her whole life, and that's it. Or that she must remain a virgin until marriage. That's all, it's not that important. But if she has already chosen a guy for her life, then she must remain faithful to him all the time.

3) The ideal girl should develop and not be led by the guy's money.
She doesn't have to make a lot of money. But a girl should do something, study somewhere, try to provide for herself, and not just sit at home, watch TV and say: “Why should I work? I will find myself a husband who will provide for me.

4) An ideal girl should think about her health, and the health of her future children.
Now a lot of guys don't like girls who smoke and drink. Well, well, her health is not important to her, but the children, but what about them?

5) The ideal girl should understand and support a man.
When a guy wants to do something, sometimes he himself is not even sure that he will succeed, it is very important that in difficult times a loved one believes in him.

- A girl without flaws through the eyes of a guy: 10 stereotypes

1) Always made up.
There is a legend that guys are crazy about girls who wear makeup, even if they need to go to the store for bread. Many guys, on the contrary, complain that girls leave traces. foundation on their shirts and look like dolls. Be natural. True, this does not mean that you do not need to do a make-up at all. Just know the measure.

2) Selects the studs.
Everything is good in moderation and at the right time. Well, what kind of girl will go for a walk in the park in 10-centimeter stilettos? Or dancing to the club in very uncomfortable shoes? It has long been synonymous with affordability.

3) Available when needed.
When we say "when needed", we mean "when he needs it". In the long run, the available girls always retire early. The guy soon ceases to be interested in such a girl, and he goes in search of the only one. So if you want to say no, say no. And if you don't mind going further away on the first date, don't listen to anyone and do what you want. But only to you, not to him!

4) Modest when necessary.
Of course, all guys are different. And someone really likes modest girls. However, everything is good in moderation. That is, you don’t need to build yourself into a touchy person, but at the same time you don’t have to be too cheeky and accessible.

5) Always agrees with the guy.
You need to listen to a man and anyone in general only if he is right. If your boyfriend, at every opportunity, insists on his own, and also says that you should agree with him in everything - run away from him. This one will always overwhelm you. The ideal girl is the one who has her own opinion. Of course, sometimes you can be smarter and keep silent. But not every time!

6) Should be at the stove.
Well, yes, it’s not bad if you cook borscht for him or, if you are fans of American cuisine with him, cook a burger. But from morning to night, standing by the stove, because that's what his mother did, you shouldn't.

7) Must not be too smart.
with smart and beautiful girls Only guys who consider themselves losers are afraid to date. So you do not pay attention to all this, study and build a career.

8) Must only be interested in girly things big city". Be yourself and don't give up on your hobbies.

10) The ideal girl should have big breasts.
This is such a hackneyed and banal stereotype that we don’t even want to say anything. In addition to breasts, you have a lot of other attractive body parts, and if a guy doesn’t like something, that’s his problem. The 5th size has nothing to do with the ideal.

- Conclusion

Absolutely any representative of the fair sex dreams of becoming the perfect girl for her loved one. However, it is not possible to be perfect in everything. In addition, all people are different and each man has his own view of what his ideal woman should be. Sometimes this image is so unrealistic that he has no chance to find a companion that meets all his criteria.

Of course, you should always strive for the ideal, but you should not break yourself for the sake of other people's desires. Relationships are built by two, and not only should you be the limit of his dreams, but he should also try to become the ideal man for you.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

What is she, the perfect girl? What should be the ideal height and weight for a modern girl? Why modern, isn't beauty eternal? It turns out that it is not eternal, and beauty standards change over time. Even at the same time different countries and cultures, beauty standards can vary greatly.

Militta will try to consider the standards of beauty and figure out what she is - an ideal girl living on the territory of modern Russia.

In Soviet times, beauty standards were squeezed into a narrow framework, then it was better for a girl to be a gray mouse and not flaunt her dignity. The ideal girl in the USSR should not strive to look overly seductive and sexy. Soviet society rejected the ideals of bright sexy girls, and such ideal girls could not count on popular love and admiration. The Soviet girl should be modest, dressed like all people, and in general she should not stand out. Often, girls and grandmothers wore clothes of the same style and from the same fabric.

Ideal girls for the USSR

I managed to feel the influence of the Soviet system of values ​​on myself. During the decline of the Soviet system and on the eve of the collapse of the USSR, I happened to study in one of the Soviet schools. And my essence is such that I never wanted to live like everyone else, I did not want everything in my life to be like other people. Already in childhood and adolescence, I had a bright personality, but unfortunately at that age I lacked wisdom and I wanted to stand out with what emo girls and goth girls stand out today - an unusual appearance that should reflect my complex inner world.

Naturally, I didn’t hear anything about emo and goths then, because the subcultures of emo and goths did not exist then. But then there was another subculture - punk!

One sunny day, I came to a Soviet school with an unusual hairstyle, the same as I saw in English punks. Or rather, the hairstyle was much simpler, the comb was quite small, neat and the natural color of my hair, without coloring.

Today, with such a hairstyle, you can go almost anywhere, and you can be sure that there will be no problems, and somewhere they won’t even pay attention, but then in the USSR, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal girl was different and the teachers reacted badly to my transformation. All their statements boiled down to this - here she is a lost girl, and what unfortunate parents she has! It will surely become cheap bedding and end up somewhere under the fence. So the teachers said and my case is not an isolated one, during the USSR, the ideal girl was an inconspicuous gray mouse, which did not stand out in any way and dutifully honored the ideals of the Komsomol and the party.

Fortunately, I managed to be born in the USSR not in 1937, but during the very decline of the Soviet empire, thanks to which I managed to see that old world and enter into new life, to a country of great opportunities and many freedoms - to modern Russia.

When the USSR collapsed, a lot of things quickly became available, and most importantly, the opportunity to travel around the world, and information, news - from all corners of the planet Earth. True, society itself changed gradually, and even now, in the minds of many people, that Soviet way of thinking remains, and, accordingly, the ideas about the beauty of an ideal girl are the same Soviet ones. Surely you have seen evil grandmothers judging and cursing beautiful, brightly dressed girls.

The legacy of the USSR is strong, but practically no one pays attention to these grandmothers, even their own granddaughters and great-granddaughters dress as gloss, TV, the community surrounding them and their idols dictate to them. Thanks to this freedom and diversity, girls have a huge choice of clothes, behavior, and image in general. We can meet a goth girl, an emoticon girl, or a nerd girl with glasses and e-book, or we can run into a glamorous girl, or a girl who considers herself glamorous, and very close to see a creative designer girl who resembles the heroine of a computer game.

Can one of them be called the ideal girl of our time? Certainly! A goth guy wants to see a goth girl next to him, who is beautiful in his eyes and literally glows with darkness. For someone, a designer girl with a camera will be the perfect girl. It turns out that the ideal girl for everyone and everyone does not exist? In fact, there is no ideal for everyone in this world, but it’s quite possible to find the image of an ideal girl for the majority. As in the days of the USSR, in modern Russia there are certain ideals that are professed by the majority.

The ideal girl is her height, weight, lifestyle!

In today's Russian society, the main equivalent of success is not certificates of honor, Lenin's prizes and the Order of the Hero of Socialist Labor, but everything is much simpler - money and its quantity. Money rules modern world, money is a universal all-pervading energy, it is easily transformed into most desires, it opens almost all doors and hearts.

At this point, many will object to me, recalling the saying that you can’t buy love. And I don't mean true love, because in the heart, in which the main ideal is money, there is very little room for it, therefore such hearts open well with money. In such a world, the most demanded and, accordingly, ideal will be the girl who is most fully adapted to live among such ideals. Whether this is good or bad is a spiritual and philosophical question, and we will leave it for the future. Now we will consider this ideal of a modern girl and prove our case by experience.

The modern ideal girl has a slender figure, her body is trained in fitness, and her hair and skin are polished not by Photoshop, but in SPA and beauty salons. The ideal girl is well versed in styles and knows how to combine clothes, accessories, jewelry and makeup. However, she is not afraid to experiment and break some rules. The ideal girl knows what she wants and knows how to achieve it by all means.

The ideal girl, her height, weight is equal to the ideal model figure. The model figure is not an anorexic nymph at all, but simply a tall, slender figure with breasts. Look at Victoria's Secret angels, what kind of figures they have, this is the figure of an ideal girl of our time. It's not just that, such girls are selected for advertising and promotion of lingerie.

If another ideal was written in the subconscious of people, then we would see completely different beauties on the catwalks. Model business- an exclusively commercial field of activity and the main task of models is to make sales, as many sales as possible! Many interested persons and specialists are involved in the process, they all want to make money, and believe me, there is no point in imposing on society the standards of the figure of Victoria's Secret angels. These ideals are written in the minds of society not for a year or two, but gradually and when they are registered in our brain, they will stay there for a long time.Remember the angry grandmothers on the bench, condemning glamorous girls.Grandmothers live by the ideals of the USSR, despite the fact that the Soviet Union collapsed more than 20 years ago, and modern media mixed its legacy with dirt.

Grandmothers, with rare exceptions, do not recognize new ideals, so the current generation has its own ideals, which they also do not want to quickly part with.

Conclusions - the ideal girl of our time looks at us from the catwalks, she has a model figure, model height and weight.

But what about the words of men who say that they like plump ones? There are such men, but in fact there are few men who sincerely like plump and even more plump girls. In most cases, saying such words to chubby girls, men are cunning, having one simple reason for that. What? Guess in three attempts.

Modern beauties are the ideal girls of the fashion world

One of my girlfriends is a big lover of experimenting in psychology, she did a lot of research, and she was included in the image of a plump girl and a girl with a model appearance. How did she do it?

We live in the 21st century, where information rules the world, and the Internet and social media become an extension of reality. So she used the possibilities of the Internet to feel the desires and thinking of modern men, how they actually relate to the appearance of girls.

Our researcher started 12 questionnaires, in each of which she wrote a little about herself, spoke about her personal qualities, and along with this indicated height, weight, and of course put a photo. All the girls were different, but in essence, they had differences visible at first glance, half of them were girls of model appearance, model weight, model height - ideal girls. The second half of the girl is plump, of different sizes, from 70 to 100 kilograms.

An important note - all selected girls have a good, well-groomed appearance. Our psychologist borrowed all the photos from one friendly modeling agency, where, in addition to simple models, there is a database of plus-size models.

Perfect girls photo

For several evenings she talked with men and girls (girls also write to girls). And after a couple of weeks I came to the conclusion - they write about the same, in terms of quantity, but if you look at the meaning and intentions, the difference is immediately noticeable. Acquaintance with plump girls is initially considered as an acquaintance for a very close relationship, without any obligations. Men seem to be sure that if a girl weighs 70-80 kg or more, then she has problems in relationships, and she will agree to 1-2 times.

Remembering your experience of dating and communication, the experience of your acquaintances and test subjects, who can be called plump women, our psychologist noticed that in reality plump girls receive fewer offers of dating and communication than ideal girls. Much less! Why is that?

In fact, everything is simple, men treat plump girls like boys treat a moped. Everyone wants to ride, but the main thing is that friends and acquaintances do not see it.

For girls with a model appearance, the approach is completely different.

Here you can philosophize a lot and come to the conclusion that all our men are bad, and what can not be said about these men, but men are part of society and modern civilization, they think as our world requires.

Ideal girls - portrait photos

The Perfect Girl - Conclusion

In the USSR, any girl who stood out from the gray mass deserved public condemnation, which could completely break her life. Today, you can look whatever you like - within reason, but at the same time, society also has certain ideals, deviation from which can bring disappointment in life. To be or not to be an ideal girl, to strive for the ideals of height and weight, is a personal matter. You can inspire yourself with the idea that let the world love me for who I am and live in happiness. True, this is possible in one case - if you do not depend on the opinions of others at all. And you can make a little effort, spend time and get closer to this ideal, because the absolute ideal is unattainable in any case.

Perhaps there is no such man who has never dreamed of an ideal woman. And for each image of a dream woman. For one, this is a romantic and modest lady, and the other is delighted with a spectacular, wayward bitch. Many men are attracted to the image of a glamorous, "white and fluffy" blonde. But still, according to male psychology, with all the variety of images of an ideal woman, one can single out the characteristic common features that she should have.

Appearance of the ideal woman

The appearance of a woman for men plays a decisive role. Male psychology is arranged in such a way that already in the first minutes he subconsciously evaluates whether she is worth his attention. What should the ideal woman look like?


Many men prefer women who are neatly touched up, rather than those who put too much "plaster" on the face. Who likes a girl who looks like an Indian on the warpath?

Men are attracted to naturalness in women. But this does not mean that you do not need to use cosmetics. Use it, but within reason. Avoid dark shades in makeup.

First of all, men pay attention to the eyes, the beauty of which can be advantageously emphasized with eyeliner in accordance with the color of the eyes and matching eye shadow. Lips are the second thing men look at. They like plump lips that are slightly moisturized.


Hair, the main decoration of women, attracting men since ancient times. They should be healthy, clean and silky. According to the results of special surveys, the vast majority of men like girls with long and flowing hair. In their opinion, a long-haired girl is the personification of femininity.

Therefore, before you go to the hairdresser for intricate styling, think carefully. Be mindful of hair color. Here, too, the main rule is naturalness. Shade is preferable to choose natural.


Taste preferences for female figure men differ. Someone likes plump girls, and someone likes skinny slim girls. But still, most men imagine the ideal woman as a taut, long-legged owner of a magnificent bust and elastic buttocks, with a flat stomach and a chiseled waist.

Therefore, if you are thinking about how to conquer the man you like or just want to catch the enthusiastic glances of the opposite sex, take care of your body: Gym, swimming, running - this is just what you need!

Fashion style

Men like girls who know how to look elegant, sexy, while not a single gram of vulgarity. Clothing should favorably emphasize lovely forms, hiding possible flaws. A provocative outfit looks depraved and will not please a man with serious intentions. Despite the fact that men look at girls in miniskirts, at the same time, they are unlikely to let their beloved out of the house in a revealing outfit.

Of course, the above image is assembled from the wishes of most men, but not all. Because, after all, in the imagination of every man there is his own image of an ideal woman. But what you can’t argue with is the fact that the ideal woman through the eyes of a man is well-groomed, stylish, neat.

Qualities an ideal woman should have


An ideal woman through the eyes of a man is a good lover. Men like it when a woman takes the initiative in bed and likes to experiment. Don't act like a fool. And remember, in intimate relationships there is no place for constraint. Make him want to come back to you again and again, so that he understands that he has found an incomparable woman.


A woman is the keeper of the hearth and must keep the house clean and tidy. In addition, the ideal woman through the eyes of men simply must be able to cook deliciously. Men often compare women to their mother. They want to come to a cozy house, where it will be comfortable and smell delicious.

The ability to love

Sincerely loving woman, who knows how not only to take, but also to give her love and warmth - the dream of any man. You don't have to hide your feelings. After all, you will not lose, but on the contrary, it will turn into reciprocity from the side loving man. Tell a man how much you love him more often, do not skimp on hugs. Become an ocean of love and tenderness for him.

Ability to trust

One of the main qualities that an ideal woman should have. Men are annoyed by obsessive calls a hundred times a day and jealousy. When a woman is perfect in everything, she is, first of all, a self-confident and self-sufficient person. Can such a woman have rivals?


In the view of men, the ideal woman must be faithful and devoted to her partner. They perceive betrayal as a betrayal. Therefore, in order to become an ideal for him, do not start a new relationship without putting an end to the previous ones. The third is always superfluous in a relationship.


Any man wants a woman to be able to accept him for who he is. In addition, it is important for a woman to learn to listen and hear a man. The support of his beloved is extremely important to him. When the whole world is against him, he needs to feel that there is a person who loves him, understands him and will never betray him.

So let's sum it up.

The ideal woman through the eyes of men should be:

  • Feminine, loving, gentle, affectionate;
  • caring and devoted;
  • Balanced, compliant, respecting male opinion;
  • Moderately sociable, at the same time able to support the topic in conversation;
  • Smart, while not trying to show yourself smarter than a man;
  • Understanding, sincere and benevolent;
  • Brought up, and do not use swear words in speech;
  • self-confident;
  • Unobtrusive and positive.

Considered in the present characteristic features of an ideal woman in the eyes of a man will help not only to attract him, but also to build a long and happy relationship with him.