Words related to fashion and style. How to choose an original name for a clothing store? What to name a men's clothing store

The name of the store is a complex but important component of the business. It will become the main identifier among competitors and important point for recognition among buyers. Success will depend on the name and the chosen development strategy. There are magnet names that attract customers. You can choose this name yourself or use the services of specialists.

It is recommended to come up with several names, and then consult with others. If you have already come up with a store logo, you can attach the name to it. It will influence the formation of a positive reputation and the process of attracting customers.

The name for an online store is chosen in the same way as for a regular one. But it is worth remembering that it must match the domain name, that is, be free.

Professional work

Some people don’t even suspect that there is a whole direction called naming (English: “name”). Names know well the psychology of buyers and the basics of marketing, which allows them to come up with a name to attract buyers the most. You can find them in advertising agencies or on freelance exchanges.

To pay for services you will need from 2000 rubles. A more exact price depends on the company and the experience of the selected employee. If he has experience working with well-known brands, then the fee reaches 20 thousand. Naming services on the fl.ru website, popular for freelancers, are estimated at around 15 thousand.

You can create a competition on youdo.com. In most cases, the fee for a name does not exceed 3 thousand. A survey competition on social networks would be an economical option. Additionally, it will attract new clients. However, for a beautiful name you will have to “splurge” on a prize for the winner.

Not only a professional, but also a beginner can get an excellent store name. But it is worth remembering that naming is a labor-intensive and tedious process that requires possession of certain knowledge.

Independent naming

Choosing a name is a creative activity in which you can try your own hands. Entrepreneurs who decide to save money on a store name need to take into account the principles of its creation.

Let us warn you right away that the ideal result will not be achieved in 10 minutes of thought. You shouldn't make rash decisions. A high probability of obtaining an attractive name appears when combining several naming tools.

Brainstorming is a powerful tool

The most effective method is brainstorming. It consists of searching for a name by a group of people, which allows you to consider the issue from different angles. Not all people are able to see and admit their mistakes, especially when they are confident that the invented option is ideal.

On the other hand, others will support an idea that may seem mediocre. The main condition is a serious atmosphere and the desire of those present to help in choosing the best name.

Foreign words

Good names come from foreign words. An example is the sweets “Bonjour”, which is translated from French as “good afternoon”, and the online store “bon prix” as “good price”. There are many similar examples. Beautiful names from foreign words look stylish and intriguing.

After choosing a name, it is better to consult with a person fluent in language, from which the concept was borrowed. Sometimes words are used incorrectly or they have multiple meanings. It is also important to take into account the correct sound and the presence of articles.

Merging multiple words

Merging words will help reflect the scope of work. You need to play with words to get an exclusive name. For example, a pet store can be called “Paws” (paw + whiskers). It is clear that the store sells products for those with paws and whiskers.

The names of the tea and coffee shops “Chaikoff” and “Chaikofsky” will be interesting, but no longer original. The last name can also be attributed to the next method.

Use of first and last names

Stores are often called by simple names: “Mashenka”, “Misha’s”, “Victoria”, etc. The owner decides to glorify his own name or his relative. Such names can be rated a three, since it is unattractive. This mediocre option does not allow you to stand out among hundreds of other stores.

You can use your last name or foreign names. The best option would be a surname that reflects the direction in trade - “Medoff”, “Tsvetkoff”. For the basis, they use the leading product and come up with a name based on it. Write down all the options and choose the best one.

If it’s difficult to come up with a beautiful name, then you can immerse yourself in a pleasant environment: turn on pleasant music and think about what your store will give people. The associations that appear are written down on a piece of paper and then selected.


The names of geographical and natural objects - rivers, countries, areas, etc. sound well. For example, the store of draft beer "Bavaria", children's clothing "Stork", summer clothing "Malibu", hunting goods "Brown Bear".

You can use the characteristics of a country or locality. Almost everywhere there are unofficial names for districts, and some places are legendary. In Donetsk there is a beer store “Dobry Shubin” named after a character from mining folklore. A striking example is local brands in Scotland associated with the Loch Ness monster.

Fairy-tale and literary characters

Fairytale heroes can be an excellent name for specialty stores:

  • "Freken Bock"- hardware store;
  • "Elena the Wise"- bookish;
  • "Mowgli"- children's toys;
  • "Winnie the Pooh"- sweets.

The buyer remembers the good old fairy tales that his mother read before bed. Such names will set you in a good-natured mood.

Popular quotes from films or books, puns and popular expressions based on them have the same effect.

Basic requirements for a store name

You can name the store with any word you like. However, it must meet some requirements:

  • Euphony. Each combination of sounds and words is emotionally charged with meaning. You don't have to be an expert to identify a melodic and pleasant combination. Professionals have more gradations. They know how to express openness, tenderness, masculinity, and accessibility with sound.
  • Memorability. The name should stand out from competitors, and sometimes be provocative.
  • Semantic correspondence. Having remembered the names without an assortment, the buyer will not go to the store a second time.
  • Legality. The name must be available for registration.
  • Visual clarity. Having chosen a name, you need to present it on the billboard. The letters should not be confused - “l” and “m”, “ts” and “sch”.
  • Advertising Perspective. The logo and slogan should be easily matched to the name.

Brevity is called the sister of talent. A sophisticated name that is original but difficult to pronounce will not be the best option for a store name.

To check exclusivity, you can enter a name into the search bar and make sure that competitors are not using it. You should not use the popular prefixes “top” and “vip” - the name will be lost among analogues. It is important that the name evokes desirable and attractive images among buyers. They will not only look into the store, but also recommend it to their friends. Word of mouth will start working.

Poor visual perception of a word that consists of letters that do not extend beyond the line: o, a, s, k, p, t, l, zh. The name must contain letters containing elements falling outside the line: f, d, c, b, r. Marketers believe that the presence of the letter “i” in a word evokes feelings of insignificance or second-classness. Having more than 5 characters makes it difficult to remember.

Clothing store for men and women

When a person is asked about the number of famous brands, he will name 10-15, but will quickly remember only 2-3. The same goes for the stores he visits in his area. It is important that the name is easy and memorable. Of course, a store gains fame not only because of its name, but also because of its promotion methods, brand recognition and the availability of good products.

  • foreign word - “Top Fashion”, “Brand Fashion”, “New Look”, “Fashion house”, “Dresscode”;
  • descriptive names - “Your Style”, “Fashion City”, “Pretty Woman”, “Lady”, “Wardrobe”;
  • geographical name - “Avenue”, “Valencia”;
  • play on words - “JemSvit” (jumper), “Freshion” (fresh - fresh, fashion - fashion);
  • neologisms - “Getwear” (to wear).

For an online store, a laconic name with a positive meaning is used - “4 Seasons”, “Charm”, “Fashionable Thing”, “Carino”, “Lady Mart”.

It must correspond to the price level, space occupied, assortment, age and social status of the target audience.

A successful marketing strategy allows a business with an unfortunate name to achieve success - Harm’s (H&F) from English. "evil", but adding a suffix and an apostrophe changed the situation. Oh, My is a light and beautiful name.

Women's clothing store

For the store women's clothing The following approaches can be used:

  1. The combination of syllables of the names of the founders is “MarKo”.
  2. Add the prefix off - “Creatiff”, “Bryukoff”.
  3. Shorten the words or use an abbreviation - “TIK” (You And Beauty), “BTB” (Be The Best), “Tata” (Tatiana).
  4. Descriptive name with a positive emphasis - “Elegant”, “Style”, “Fashionista”.
  5. Connect to geography - “Little Paris”.
  6. Play with words - “MaRUSiya” (emphasis on “rus” - Russian production).
  7. Neologisms - “Rassana”, “Friendly”.

To make the name attractive, some errors should be eliminated:

  • Use hackneyed personal names - “Elena”, “Karina”.
  • Use words with difficult pronunciation or unclear meaning - “Minerva” (goddess of wisdom), “Miscellaneous” (mixed from English).
  • Change well-known brands - “Abibas”.
  • Words with double meaning or negative perception - “Teremok” (something childish, not adult), “Debut” (incompetence), “Tsatsa”, “Corrupt soul”.
  • Names that do not correspond to the profile - “Royal” (irrelevant for a store in the basement), “Passage” (this is an indoor gallery between two streets, and not a cramped space in a shopping center).
  • Use banal foreign words - “Violette”.

In addition to an attractive name, you should come up with a creative slogan that will attract customers and motivate them to buy things.

Lingerie store

Lingerie stores often carry female names(“Margarita”, “Anna”, “Maria”), names of flowers (“Orchid”, “Lily”) or simply beautiful words (“Silhouette”, “Caprice”). The listed options do not carry any semantic load - this is what you might call perfume shops, flower shops, and beauty salons. If you still want to use such names, then it is better to supplement them and make them more original - “Night Violet”, “Lily of the Valleys”, “Lady’s Caprice”.

The name must correspond to the style of the interior - “Boudoir” (retro), “ Women's secret"(classic style in soft colors).

You can play on the name of the material or components of lingerie (“Openwork”, “Lace”, “Pajamas”, “Silk and Velvet”).

Carefully use erotic overtones - “Emmanuelle”, “Empire of Passion”, “Kitty’s Salon”. The titles will attract a male audience, but may scare women away. If the assortment consists of classic items, then the name should not have sexual associations. Women like the names “Vorozheya”, “Cutie”, but “Subtle Matter” or “Transparent Hint” are unlikely to make them regular customers.

The name should be soft and feminine. There is no need to use growling sounds (z, h, s), which make the sign tougher.

Men's clothing store

Name for the store men's clothing should be aimed at the target audience and inspire confidence. To check the selected option, you can poll potential clients. The name should be in harmony with the concept, range, style and price category. A small store called “World of Style” will not be successful. Bad associations are caused by the words “Dude”, “Alphonse”, “Macho”, “Egoist”, “Provocateur”. It is not recommended to use banal names - “Fashion for Men”, “Don Juan”, “Cavalier”, “Appearance”. Successful options include “Hipster”, “El Bravo”, “Casanova”, “Oscar”. Having a franchise greatly simplifies the choice of name: VD one, TOM TAILOR.

Children's clothing store

The name should be aimed at two audience groups: children and their parents. You need to develop a name in several stages:

  • identification of potential buyers;
  • study of competitors;
  • development of several titles;
  • testing the name on buyers;
  • choosing the optimal option.

There should be a capacious and beautiful name that evokes only positive emotions.

Children quickly remember easy and laconic names. If the product is designed for children of all ages, then “Baby” and “Krokha” are irrelevant. The name should be universal - “Superman”. You should not use abbreviations - the public should understand who this store is for.

Research has shown that the processes of choosing clothes or shoes for children different ages different:

  1. From 0 to 3 years old, parents make the choice;
  2. from 3 to 7 the child shows a little initiative, he pays attention to the choices of those around him;
  3. from 7 to 12, the child takes an active position and independently chooses the product;
  4. from the age of 12 - a teenager, a developing personality that requires self-expression.

The name of the store for the first category should be designed for parents, to induce in them a feeling of tenderness and love, which requires them to buy the best for their child.

The name for the third group should be child-oriented, emphasizing that he is not small.

The last group is teenagers who know fashion and the cost of many things. They are not attracted to boring names; they strive to express themselves with the help of things. Good name there will be “Seven Pockets” (unusual, since trousers have 2-3 pockets).

Perfume shop

A bright and juicy name should attract others and encourage them to visit it. Main the target audience consists of female representatives, so the name should emphasize the resulting effect - lightness, freshness, attractiveness. Good options I will be “Sweetie”, “Chic”, “Coquette”, “Charm”.

When choosing, it is better not to use banal options, but to come up with an exclusive name. You shouldn’t stop at the examples listed, you need to come up with your own.

You can use compound words:

  • noun with adjective - “Good Fairy”;
  • two adjectives - “The most beautiful”;
  • adjective with verb - “To be beautiful.”

To increase options, they resort to tricks. Write two columns of words on a piece of paper and alternately sort out words from one column with words from the other (“Eliteparfum”, “Aromamarket”).

You can use dictionaries of foreign words, having previously clarified all the meanings of the selected words.

Produse store

The name for a grocery store is less important than for a fashion boutique. Visitors will be attracted by the seller’s reputation and product range.

The sign should be memorable and catchy so that the buyer quickly remembers the name. Creative names evoke a smile and positive emotions:

  • store positioning - “Around the corner”, “Ground floor”, “Near”;
  • adjectives that evoke pleasant associations - “Homemade”, “Delicious”, “Favorite”, “Own”;
  • message about the operating mode - “24 hours a day”, “Always with you”;
  • goods sold - “Fruits and vegetables”, “Butcher shop”, “For tea”;
  • pricing policy - “Economy”, “Budget”, “Social”.

Keep in mind that a name that is too creative can have a negative impact. A store in a residential area should evoke associations of being close and accessible. Larger retail outlets are named based on the quality of the products they sell.

Jewelry shop

The Soviet names “Agate” and “Sapphire” are no longer relevant today. They are interesting to people for whom novelty and originality are not important. Signs indicating specialization - “Gold”, “Salon” look banal jewelry" The buyer transfers the boring name to the product. The name of the store should be original and arouse interest among passers-by.

Main consumer jewelry store- girls over 18 years old. Even if the buyer is a man, he is buying a product for a woman. Regardless of age and status, ladies want to have sophisticated and unusual things.

The name should evoke an image of beautiful and exquisite jewelry, but easy to remember. Salon names with wedding rings and exclusive diamonds must be excellent. Experts suggest using positioning words - “Ounce”, “Gold”, “Carat”.

You can attract customers with the semantic meaning of the name - “Treasure Island”, “Special Day”.

The chosen name should be tested on friends or potential clients. They must describe their associations when pronouncing the future name of the store.

Handmade gifts

The title should emphasize not only the availability of products for different occasions, but also their origin (“Gifts from Simply Maria”). Arises visual image the heroine of the telenovela of the same name, who does heavy manual labor.

You can use foreign words: Handmade + present = “Handmade Present” (gift self made). You can use individual product categories in the name - “Magic Wallet”.

Flower shop

The sign should encourage passersby to look inside. It should evoke a number of pleasant associations: a stylish composition, a luxurious bouquet, elegant packaging. The name should not be associated with perfume or jewelry.

Interesting names can be found in a color directory or specialized encyclopedia. The name of a rare flower will give the store an aura of unusualness and mystery.

Naming experts do not recommend using the words “floral” or “flowers.” The name should not be "butter oil".

Online store name

The name of an online store requires a more careful approach, since the consumer must remember not only the name of the store, but also its address.

Basic rules for an online store:

  1. The name must be one word. Users find it difficult to enter several words and do not know what to use as a separator: a hyphen, an underscore, or write together. It is better to eliminate the error at the initial stage.
  2. The word must have a simple transliteration. Buyers speak different languages. You should not use the letters “ш” and “ж” - they do not have an unambiguous analogue in the Latin alphabet.
  3. Transliteration should be perceived unambiguously. “n” and “h”, “u” and “y”, “s” and “c” are often confused. Not everyone is able to distinguish two “vs” from a “w” or a capital “I” from a slender “l”.
  4. You should not take words with the same spelling, but different meanings when the phonetic sound changes. Errors occur when trying to write words in Latin letters.
  5. It is recommended to use foreign words that are familiar to Russian consumers - sale, market.
  6. Make sure you have a free domain with the appropriate name.

Developing a store name turns from leisure into hard work, requiring knowledge of the basics of marketing and consumer psychology.

Don't rush into choosing a name for your store. The deferred option will turn out to be unprofitable or “golden” after some time. A leisurely and balanced approach will help you choose beautiful name without the involvement of marketers.

Fashion (French mode, from Latin modus - measure, image, method, rule, prescription) - A set of habits, values ​​and tastes accepted in a certain environment at a certain time. Establishing an ideology or style in any area of ​​life or culture. Fashion can determine the type or form of clothing, a set of ideas, principles of behavior and etiquette. Sometimes the concept of fashion is extended to ideas about lifestyle, art, literature, architecture, cooking, the entertainment industry, its influence on the type of human body, etc. is considered. The concept of fashion, as a rule, implies a fragile and quickly passing establishment. The desire to strictly follow conventions fashion rules often attracted the attention of cartoonists.

All meanings of the word "fashion"

Sentences containing "fashion":

    By fashion In recent years, she wore dresses made of light translucent fabrics, tied with a ribbon under the breasts, which made her even more seductive and desirable.

    I sat and looked at the magazine Maud- I came across a very tricky drawing.

    The exceptions were foreigners dressed in new clothes. fashion in rough bags and Roman sandals.

Every year, a lot of new terms appear in the fashion industry, which even the most avid fashionistas cannot remember right away. Since fashion is a cyclical phenomenon, from time to time clothes from the past return to the fashion industry, but often with new names. We have collected 20 of the most common fashion terms that every fashionista should know.


Bomber- short light jacket. This model was originally created for the US Air Force and was worn by bomber pilots. The jacket was equipped with elastic cuffs on the sleeves, as well as a knitted stand-up collar. Later, at the insistence of the rescue service, a bright orange lining appeared - this made it easier for the pilots evacuating from the plane to be seen from above.

Mac− raincoat made of waterproof rubberized fabric. Such clothing should only be worn in summer, as it only protects from wind and rain, but not from cold.

Parka− this is a windbreaker (most often elongated) or a raincoat casual style. They come in autumn and winter, with lining or insulation. Classic khaki parka.


Culottes− these are short wide trousers that reach the middle of the calf. They are perfect for both the office and everyday life. Pairs best with classic pumps or any other high-heeled shoes.

Palazzo− hip-free, light, flowing trousers. In our country they are often called “skirt-pants”. Today, such clothes are again in fashion, but with a high waist.

Chinos− these are loose soft pants made of durable lightweight cotton or linen. As a rule, these are medium-width trousers that form a small cone from the knee. They are great for casual or office wear.


Crop top− cropped top, waist or higher. In the 90s, such clothes were popularly called “topics”. Looks great paired with trousers and a pencil skirt.

Longsleeve- This is a lightweight long-sleeve T-shirt. It suits any style of clothing. In addition, long sleeves can be worn under T-shirts or dresses.

Polo− T-shirt with short sleeve with two, three or four buttons, and a collar. It used to be worn by athletes as a uniform while playing golf or tennis. Today, the polo T-shirt is firmly established in daily life many fashionistas.

Sweatshirt- This is a light loose-fitting sweater with a round neckline. The main feature of the sweatshirt is the absence of any fasteners.


Brogues– shoes with perforations. They can be either with open lacing or closed. A characteristic feature of such shoes is the cut-off toe of various configurations. Typically, brogues have a tapered toe, lace-up closure and a low heel.

Deserts- boots with suede uppers and rubber soles with two pairs of holes for laces. They were created by the famous Nathan Clark, a master at Clark's.

D'Orsay or Dorsay− these are pumps that, unlike the classic model, effectively reveal the curve of the foot. Dorsays can be worn with or without stiletto heels. Initially, such shoes were worn by men whose feet were too wide. Gradually from men's wardrobe the model switched to female.

Espadrilles– summer shoes, fabric slippers with rope soles made of natural materials. Worn on bare feet. They came into fashion in the 80s of the twentieth century.

Loafers- boots that resemble moccasins, with fairly thick soles and low heels. Classic loafers have decorative leather tassels.

Mules– women's high-heeled shoes with an open heel. It can be either with a closed or an open nose. Such shoes visually lengthen the leg and make it more graceful.

New unfamiliar words that fashion specialists use at shows and in fashion boutiques frighten and force us to plunge into fashionable anabiosis from an overabundance of emotions and a complete lack of knowledge on the subject of discussion. To avoid getting into an awkward situation: you wanted a hoodie, but they slipped you a sweatshirt (in fact, these are different names for the usual sweater), I offer a brief overview of the names of popular clothing items.

Sweatshirt- this is a subtype of sweater, which is made of thick knitwear with cuffs, a hem and a collar in the form of an elastic band; another distinctive element is raglan sleeves. Sweatshirts with logos or funny pictures. Actually, all knitted sweaters are called sweatshirts.

The next sweatshirt format is this, which got its name from English word hood - hood. The hoodie also has patch pockets on the front; people call the hoodie a “kangaroo,” but now we will call this clothing by its correct name.

Pullover And jumper- also members of the sweater family. These are knitted warm sweaters, which are distinguished by the shape of the collar: the pullover has a v-neck,

And a jumper has a round or square collar; additional decoration in the form of buttons or a zipper is acceptable. In addition, the first sweater is tight-fitting and thin, but its brother is thicker and more voluminous.

A thin long-sleeved T-shirt has a name, it is sewn from soft elastic fabric,

But a short, wide T-shirt that reveals the belly is crop top. Can be with straps, long sleeves, high collar or low neckline.

There are crop-top dresses, consisting of a top and a skirt that are not connected to each other.

Now let's talk about outerwear. The most stylish and cool jacket - leather jacket, it is mainly sewn from leather. It is short, tapered at the bottom, and the zipper is located diagonally, hence the name. Rockers and motorcyclists loved it, because it is not windy, comfortable and looks impressive. The fashion for such jackets continues, and this fall they are back in trend.

Ultra-fashionable, or bomber jacket - light short outerwear with cuffs, hem and collar in the form of an elastic band, in the original classic version it has an orange lining.

Extended warm jacket with a fur hood and a lot of pockets is called, or Alaska. But the second name is more suitable for jackets with orange lining, which have been in fashion for a long time.

The modern parka has changed a little: it has become warmer and shorter to mid-thigh, and the bright lining has disappeared. Now such jackets are made from neutral fabrics: gray, black, brown and khaki.

Blazer– a jacket with patch pockets and a mandatory badge of distinction - an emblem or patch.

There is also the concept of a “sports jacket”, its difference from other jacket-like jackets is its informal style, sewn from soft wool fabric, does not hold its shape, it is usually worn with sweatpants or jeans.

A single-breasted straight coat with a hood, with original elongated buttons and large patch pockets with flaps is characteristic features duffle coat.

Mac– classic straight waterproof raincoat with pockets and belt,

But if you add shoulder straps, a large set-back collar, cuffs and a slit at the back, you get trench coat.

Let's move on to the pants, it's not so simple here either.
Leggings are a popular type of elastic, tight-fitting trousers; they are comfortable for both sports and everyday wear. Over time, other options for leggings appeared: treggings And jeggings. Treggings are more reminiscent of classic trousers with false pockets, arrows and fasteners, while classic leggings are devoid of additional decor.

But jeggings are a symbiosis of jeans and leggings; they are made of stretch denim, so they stretch well, and also have a wide waistband.

Loose knit trousers sporty style with tapered trousers are called joggers, they are designed specifically for jogging or jogging (hence the name).

Chinos also tapered at the bottom, but they look like dress pants, are made of cotton or linen, and have a loose fit.

Palazzo pants, or skirt-pants are described in detail in this article. This is a summer version of clothing: palazzos resemble a light skirt with flounces, flared from the waist.

Fashionable this season are also wide trousers with a high waist and short legs,

Their difference from Bermuda the fact that the latter are more like classic office trousers, cut to the knee.

Now you know that by wearing a long sleeve with culottes and throwing a duffle coat over your shoulders, you can competently carry on a conversation about the future fashion trends in a language that everyone understands, freely using already familiar fashion terms.

Photo: AdMe.ru, bowandtie.ru, wiki.wildberries.ru, oxxxyshop.com, etk-energia.spb.ru, lady.mail.ru, udobnonosim.com.ua, wlooks.ru, milanova.com.ua, blog-moda.ru, brandshop.ru, namewoman.ru, yandex.kz, .joinus.pro, vplate.ru

The phrase “pret-a-porter” makes your eye twitch, but do you call “haute couture” the clothes of all designers? Well, it seems that the fashion world for you is limited to Sky Mall boutiques and Lisa magazines. However, the roots of any fashion that you see in mass markets grow from the world’s catwalks, which dictate the rules to absolutely all other designers.

Just as any normal barista distinguishes between espresso and eExpresso, a person interested in fashion at a basic level should at least roughly know what a capsule and cruise collection is. And no, the latter is not created for trips to the sea.

If you are already completely confused, let's unravel together.

Haute couture, she's the same « high-fashion» (Haute couture)- the highest expression of fashion. These are clothes that are created by hand, only from the most expensive materials and only in a single copy! Fashion houses, which are concentrated in Paris, Milan, London and New York, are allowed to sew such things. For example, the same Chanel, Prada, Valentino, etc. They are the ones who dictate fashion and set the trends of the season for everyone else. Using them, designers judge future fashion trends and new materials, which they use to create their collections. That is why, if you rush to condemn our designers, first scold Lagerfeld. I won’t go into depth separately, but prices for such things exceed 100 thousand dollars. As a result, high fashion is more like art than fashionable items to wear.

Pret-a-porter- literally “ready-made dress”. These are clothes from famous designers, which are sewn in large quantities and sold in boutiques under the brand name of a fashion designer or a fashion house. Do not confuse with mass markets such as Zara, H&M, etc. This includes Just Cavalli, Emporio Armani and the like. In other words, these are the second lines of famous designers and fashion houses.

Total look- an image copied exactly from the catwalk, that is, a set made up of clothes, shoes and accessories of the same brand. In the fashion world it is considered wild redneck.

Show-room- a showroom at a boutique or salon, where new collections are shown and new sample products are provided for wholesale buyers and clients. That is, at the showroom, the designer shows his partners what clothes he plans to make for the next season, and these same partners tell him their “yes” or “no.” What did you think?

Bayer is a person who reviews, selects and purchases assortment for stores. For example, buyers are very welcome at fashion shows, which are partly organized for them.

Capsule collection is a separate line created within the brand together with a guest designer or celebrity. For example, Emma Watson released three eco-collections with People Tree, and David Beckham created a line of underwear together with H&M Bodywear.

Cruise collection- collections created by designers during the off-season. They are shown during breaks between fashion weeks. And here designers can take a break from the overabundance of velvet and sequins, and release something lighter and certainly “wearable”.

Limited edition- "limited version". These are, as a rule, either socially problematic projects or incredibly luxurious things that are incredibly expensive to produce. True, our designers very often cover items from a defective batch or those that are not particularly popular with the “limited edition” label in order to increase the percentage of their sales.

Must-have- “It must be.” This is a thing that can be called “cult”, “iconic”, “correct” and “relevant” at a given moment in time. That is, this is a real hit, which your wardrobe cannot do without this season.

Lookbook is a catalog of photographs with images created from designer clothing and accessories from one or more brands. This is a ready-made solution for your appearance for every day, a separate event or a special occasion. Simply put, through a lookbook, the designer shows how and with what it is better to combine his things.

Dress code– the dress code required when visiting certain events, organizations, and establishments. In other words, the dress code determines what you should wear to a particular event.

Perhaps, knowing these basic fashion terms, you will be more confident in yourself when they throw you a couple of extra invitations to Ukrainian Fashion Week or a private show of a young designer. In any case, smile and nod at every word you don’t understand. I always do this.

P.S. But how to correctly pronounce the names of famous brands, read