How to smooth a mink coat. How to smooth out and straighten the caked fur of a fur coat How to straighten the faux fur on the hood

Surely every woman faces such a problem as the appearance of wrinkles on the fur, but you shouldn’t be upset, because You can fix the situation at home yourself.

The best ways to fluff natural and faux fur

After summer

After summer storage, the natural fur of a fur coat, vest, collar (including detachable collar) or jacket hood needs to be straightened and fluffed. At home, this is done using a pet fur brush. You can and should comb the fur of animals such as mink, arctic fox, fox, and rabbit.

Another way to fluff up the natural fur of a rabbit, mink, silver fox or arctic fox is to hold it over steam. You can also use a steamer. To fluff the fur, you need to hold the device at a distance of 50-60 cm from the surface of the fur.

After the fur gets wet

If the fur is stuck together after being exposed to rain or sleet, dry the coat dry. Just do this not over a radiator or fireplace, but at room temperature, hanging the fur coat on a hanger. Before doing this, you need to shake it well.

High temperatures are contraindicated for drying natural fur. Under the influence of hot air, it becomes deformed and loses its shine, and the flesh becomes dry and can shrink.

If the fur is wet through and through, it is better not to experiment and not try to dry it at home. It’s better to take your fur coat to a specialized studio, where specialists in their field know how to fluff it and what needs to be done for this.

After washing

Surely you have encountered the problem that after washing, the hood fur on your jacket bunches up into lumps. To make it easy to fluff up faux or natural fur after washing, you need add a little shampoo to the washing water I am for animals or hair shampoo.

Another proven way to straighten and fluff fur and give it a natural shine and softness is to add a little table vinegar to the rinse water.

Read more about how to properly wash faux fur.

We clean the fur from lumps and traces of dirt and tangles

If it’s slushy outside and when you come home you see that wet dirt has gotten on your fur, don't rush to delete it b. It’s better to wait until it dries and only then carefully comb out any lumps of dirt from the fur.

What can you do to keep your fur always fluffy?

Do not apply hairspray to the surface of the fur fabric of outerwear, eau de toilette and perfume.

Perfume that gets on the surface of the pile contributes to the formation of tangles on the fur, which are quite difficult to get rid of at home.

If you notice that the fur has gathered in lumps, remove them with alcohol. To do this, soak a piece of cotton wool in alcohol and wipe the pile of your fur coat or collar with it. Move the cotton in the direction of fur growth.

So that in the future you do not have to waste time and energy on getting the fur in order, follow some simple rules.

We wear fur clothes correctly:

  1. Fur experts advise taking your fur coat to a specialized studio every year. There it will be put in order after the winter and cleaned of dirt. Small stains can be removed yourself. How to do it at home.
  2. Try not to carry a bag over your shoulder if you are wearing a fur coat. The bag's strap will rub off the fur, and over time a bald spot will form in its place, which can only be removed by restoring the product.
  3. Items made from natural fur should be stored in a spacious closet. The fur must “breathe”; for this you need good air ventilation.
  4. When you are wearing a fur coat, try to sit as little as possible. In places where permanent folds form, creases appear. This threatens that the fur in these places will cake and each time it will be more and more difficult to fluff it up.
  5. To make it easy to fluff up your fur coat after summer storage at home, periodically ventilate it. fresh air, but not in direct sunlight. Read here

A fur coat made from otter or beaver will last you the longest: up to 20 seasons. Mink is slightly less durable: 10 seasons. Most short term Service life for squirrels and rabbits: 2–4 years. But when proper care Fur items can retain their shine much longer.

How to tell if your fur is dirty

Spots and yellowness are immediately visible. A test with a hairdryer will help determine the degree of general dirtiness of the item and find the most greasy areas.

Hang your fur coat on hangers and direct cold air from a hairdryer onto it. Do the fibers fly freely and then easily fall back into place? The fur is clean. If not, you need to clean it.

But first, remember that under no circumstances should you do this with fur products.

Taboo when cleaning fur

  1. Fur cannot be washed! If the fur (the skin that holds the fur) gets wet, it can become rough and cracked. In this case, the product becomes deformed and becomes bald.
  2. Fur should not be dried with a hairdryer, on a radiator, or in direct sunlight! Only possible outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
  3. Fur is not allowed! Even from the inside out.
  4. Fur cannot be cleaned with household chemicals to remove rust, washing powders with enzymes, or bleaches.

Before using any other product, test it on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the product. For example, under the arms.

How to get rid of dust

Even in a well-closed case, a fur coat or vest can become dusty. Therefore, before storing a fur item for storage, and also before wearing it, freshen it.

Spread a damp white cotton sheet on the floor. Place the fur coat on top and beat it thoroughly, first on one side and then on the other. After that, hang it on a hanger and comb it.

If the fur is tangled and matted, spray the item warm water from a spray bottle and let dry. Then comb. The pile will fall into place. For the same purpose, you can carefully walk over the fur with a steamer.

How to restore shine to fur

To make your fur coat or collar sparkle again in the sun, treat it with a solution of lemon juice or table vinegar (not essence!).

Divorce lemon juice or table vinegar in water in a ratio of 1: 1. Using a sponge or soft natural cloth, treat the fur. It is important that the sponge or rag is wrung out well. The pile should not be wetted, but rather wiped.

When the product dries, comb it. The effectiveness of this product is especially noticeable on mink.

Another way to restore shine to fur is to use walnuts. Grind the kernels, wrap them in gauze and rub the fur. The released nut oil will refresh the appearance of the product.

In most cases, the measures described - knocking it out and returning the shine - are enough to make a fur coat, hat or vest look like new. But more serious problems can arise with natural fur. It may turn yellow, become greasy, or become stained.

How to get rid of yellowness

Over time, light fur, as well as fur with white hair at the tips (silver fox, chinchilla and others) acquires a yellow tint. The product immediately loses its presentability.

There are several ways to clean fur from yellowness.

  1. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of table salt and ½ tablespoon of ammonia in a glass of warm water. Apply the solution using a well-wrung out soft cloth. Dry and comb.
  2. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of warm water. Apply the solution to the product, let dry, and comb.
  3. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of pet shampoo in a glass of warm water. Beat the foam and apply it to the pile using a sponge. After 5 minutes, remove the foam with a sponge or cloth soaked in clean water. Dry and comb.

Products with short pile can be wiped both with and against the wool. On long fur, cleaning agents are applied according to its growth, after which the pile can be ruffled.

When removing greasy deposits and stains, the color of natural fur is also important.

How to clean white fur


Starch, talc and semolina help fight grease and greasy stains on white fur. They absorb dirt and unpleasant odors.

Take starch (semolina or talcum powder) and pour it onto the contaminated area. Using a soft brush, distribute the substance between the fibers or gently rub the fur with your hands, as if you were washing. Shake the product well to remove any residue.

The dirtier the fur, the darker the starch, talc or semolina will be. The procedure must be repeated several times until the substance stops getting dirty.

It’s even more effective if you heat starch, talc or cereal before cleaning. This can be done in a dry frying pan or in the microwave.

It is important to remove all remnants of the product, otherwise it will become food for moths. Therefore, the product can not only be shaken well, but also vacuumed with a low-power vacuum cleaner. For example, the kind that is used to clean the keyboard.

How to clean dark fur

To combat stains on dark fur, the same method is used, but with different absorbents.

  1. Rye bran. Suitable for coarse fur (nutria, goat, wolf).
  2. Sawdust. Ideal for muskrat and otter fur. But under no circumstances should you use softwood sawdust: they contain resins.
  3. Sand. Copes well with dirt on the fur of moles and beavers.

How to remove stains from fur

Stains on fur clothing can have different natures and origins. For example, natural suede bags readily give off the color of fur when worn on the shoulder. You can get dirty with sauce when you eat on the run, or make a blot with a stationery pen.

You can remove stains from dark fur using gasoline (white fur will turn yellow). Refined gasoline with a high octane number. Sometimes it is applied in its pure form, but more often it is mixed with starch or washing powder without enzymes to the consistency of sour cream. A couple of minutes after application, the mixture should be removed with a sponge soaked in clean water, and the product should be dried and combed.

Stains from light fur can be removed using acetone or alcohol, also by mixing liquids with starch or baking soda.

The stronger the dye and the older the stain, the more difficult it is to deal with it at home. If the above methods do not work, do not experiment: take the fur coat to.

How to care for the flesh

If you notice that the leather base of the fur product has become rough, perform the following procedure.

Dissolve a little glycerin or Vaseline with egg yolk in a liter of warm water. Wipe the product from the inside out with the resulting mixture. Gently remember and stretch the flesh. Then remove the remaining mixture and lay the item to dry inside out.

How to clean faux fur

With faux fur products, everything is simpler and more complicated at the same time.

Easier because they are washable. Preferably by hand, but it can also be done in a machine using delicate mode (up to 40 degrees, up to 600 rpm) using gentle powders and without spinning.

It’s more difficult because it’s difficult to guess with a mechanical cleaning product.

Vinegar and acetone should not be used to clean faux fur.

Otherwise, you can use all the same methods as for natural fur.

Do you know other life hacks for caring for natural and faux fur? Share them in the comments.

When faced with the problem of creases and wrinkles in the fur of your collar, do not rush to contact a dry cleaner or atelier. Try tidying up the edge of the hood yourself. All you need is a slicker comb and an iron with a vertical steam function.

Down coats with a fur collar: care details

Let's talk about myths about faux fur for down jackets: they say that it warms even when wet, almost as warm as natural fur, and is much lighter and more durable than the notorious fox, arctic fox and mink edges. Only the last statement is true - faux fur is much more durable. But even natural, with proper care, it will last for decades.

The main goal of caring for a fur collar is to maximize the wear time of the product, preventing it from becoming wrinkled and dirty.

Instructions for wearing down jackets with a removable fur collar:

  • Mink, arctic fox and silver fox react well to frosty air, but suffer from salt and reagents that are sprinkled on sidewalks. After you have entered the house from the street, do not rush to put the down jacket in the closet. Shake it several times and, if the fur gets wet, dry it on a suitable size hanger away from heating devices.
  • If the collar is crushed by wet dirt, let it dry and carefully comb the stained area with a fur comb.
  • Perfume and hairspray, when they come into contact with the fur, glue its fibers together and dry out the inner layer. You should put on your down jacket after cosmetic procedures, not before.
  • Creases, abrasions and bald spots on the collar often arise from the contact of fur with the bag belt. In order not to spoil the beautiful collar, choose alternative options for your down jacket: clutches, bags with short handles. Do you like to carry your bag on your shoulder? Wear the strap under the fur without pressing or tugging on it.

Good fur, soft and shiny, quickly returns to its original shape. But sometimes, when worn for a long time (collars and cuffs made from long-haired furs “suffer” most often), the furs roll into lumps. An alcohol solution will help restore “problem areas”. Gently wet the jammed area with it and remove it with your hands. Then, without waiting for it to dry completely, comb the fur in the direction of its natural slope.

But what if, after delivering a down jacket with fur from an online store (outerwear is transported folded), the fur looks a little wrinkled. I want to fluff it up. There is no reason to panic - in an upright position fur collar It will clear up on its own within a few hours. But if you don’t have the time or patience to wait, you can try refreshing the fur at home.

  • If the collar comes loose, remove it and clean it separately. If not, hang the down jacket on soft, wide hangers so that it hangs freely and nothing presses down the fur.
  • To straighten the curled fibers, try combing them with a thick brush for fur products in the direction of the pile. Don't have one on hand? Use a pet slicker comb. Its small, iron teeth will evenly fluff up matted or matted fur.
  • Fur still doesn't look fresh? It's time to try a radical method - smooth out the fur with steam. To remove wrinkles, use a handheld garment steamer, a steam iron, or a hot tub. hot water. There is no need to wet natural fur, just “steam” it for an hour in a damp room.
  • The steamed fur should be shaken thoroughly, combed with a wide-toothed comb, dried in the room and gently combed again with a thick brush.

It is always easier to deal not with the consequences of fur jamming, but with the cause. A wrinkled collar will not have to be straightened in the future if it is not brought to this state. Proper storage in the off-season contributes to increasing the service life of a down coat with fur.

Instructions for storing down jackets with natural fur trim:

  • Find a cozy place to store your down jacket with fur. Make sure that in the wardrobe it will not be directly exposed to sunlight, it will be cool, not too humid and not dry.
  • In summer, a down jacket with a fur collar should be kept in an upright position. A special cover that will not come into close contact with other items of clothing will help the fur breathe freely in the dressing room without being crushed.
  • Before placing the down jacket in off-season storage, it is advisable to ventilate the removable collar by carefully combing and straightening it.
  • In order to prevent deformation of the upper part of the product and the edge, it is important to choose the size of the down jacket hanger.
  • You can protect your collar from creases by fastening your coat with all the buttons and hooks.
  • Fur loves air. Do not put it in a crumpled box or suitcase.

Don't want to put up with the whims of things, but are afraid to experiment? Leave your down jacket in the hands of professionals - use dry cleaning services.

Today, faux fur is in quite high demand and even successfully competes with natural fur. Faux fur is inexpensive, yet it boasts good wear resistance, strength and durability. The favorite items of clothing of many women - fur coats - are made from faux fur, and hats are also made from it. Stuffed Toys, bedspreads, etc.

It is quite easy to care for, however, like any fabric of our clothing, it also requires compliance with certain rules of operation and maintenance of cleanliness. This material is not afraid of moths, it is resistant to frost and, do not forget, that you do not have to kill animals to produce it.

If you are the owner of a faux fur item, you should understand the care features so that your item retains its qualities for as long as possible and pleases you with its excellent appearance. We will talk about the nuances of cleaning and caring for a faux fur coat. Of course, you can also apply all our tips to other products made from this material.

Can I wash it on faux fur?

Before applying any cleaning method to your faux fur coat, you must read the manufacturer's recommendations, which are indicated on the product label. Very often, a fur coat needs to be dry-cleaned, for example, in cases where there is a printed pattern. However, many such fur coats can be given as gifts and at home.

So, there are two main ways to wash faux fur: by hand and by machine. The first option is suitable when the contamination is local in nature, or when you need to wash the entire item. Pre-soak the product in warm water with soft detergent or soap solution. Wait half an hour and then clean the fur coat with a soft brush. All movements of the brush should be exclusively in the direction of the pile. Then rinse the fur first with warm and then with cold water. You can add a few tablespoons of vinegar to cold water to add shine to your fur coat.

Also, some faux fur items are machine washable. It is important here that the water temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. Use the delicate wash cycle.

Remember, you can wash your fur coat no more than once a season.

How to dry a faux fur coat after washing?

After washing, the fur should be smoothed with a towel in the direction of the pile and then dried. Some precautions need to be taken:

  1. do not twist your fur coat, just wring it out lightly, wrapping it in a towel;
  2. dry your faux fur coat exclusively naturally– on the laundry rack;
  3. do not place it on a radiator or on any other heating device - the fur may become deformed;
  4. during drying, the product should lie flat;
  5. the fur should be carefully combed in the right direction;

After complete drying, go over the fur with a brush with metal teeth - this will add shine and help fluff up the pile.

Removing greasy stains

You can get rid of greasy stains on faux fur using gasoline. It copes well with this kind of pollution.

  • Take a cloth and soak its edge in purified gasoline, squeeze it out so that the gasoline does not drip, and then treat the stain. Remember, so that the stains do not rub and their area does not increase, you need to move from the edges of the stain to the center, and not vice versa. The procedure can be repeated several times until the stain disappears. Afterwards, wipe the stained area with a damp cloth and dry the product. It is advisable to do this in the shade on the balcony so that the smell of gasoline disappears faster.
  • There is another practical method for cleaning faux fur from greasy stains. You need to mix refined gasoline and potato flour to form a thick paste. Then the resulting mass is applied to the stain and left until the gasoline evaporates completely. After this, you need to shake the fur and clean it from any remaining flour. To do this, apply heated starch to the stain and rub thoroughly. The flour will be easily removed from the fur along with the starch.

What to do if white faux fur turns yellow?

A common problem for owners of white faux fur coats is the appearance of yellow spots. Fortunately, there are methods that will allow you to return the product to its whiteness even at home.

You will need water and hydrogen peroxide. Dissolve peroxide in water - 1 tablespoon of peroxide per 1 liter of water. Wash the product in this solution. It is better not to wet the base of the fur coat, but to treat only the fur with a brush. You can also add liquid to a spray bottle and spray onto the lint. After cleaning, dry the item following the drying rules for faux fur described above.

Potato starch will also help get rid of yellow spots. This simple and convenient method will allow you to quickly put your favorite thing in order. Thoroughly rub the starch into the pile, then shake the coat and remove the residue with a dry clothes brush. You can do this procedure for prevention. This way your white fur coat will please you with its excellent appearance longer.

IMPORTANT! Before using any cleaning products, especially chemical ones such as gasoline, be sure to test how the fur reacts to it. Apply the substance to a small, inconspicuous area. Remember, under the influence of gasoline, a thing can lose its colors and become discolored. Also keep in mind that gasoline is not suitable for cleaning products made from artificial astrakhan fur. Do not use acetone or vinegar to clean faux fur items, this will only harm them.

If you are not sure whether this or that product can be used, or if you are afraid of ruining your favorite item, it is better to take the item to the dry cleaner. So you are guaranteed to receive good result, and the fur coat will remain clean, and the fur will retain all its characteristics.

What to do if chewing gum is stuck to the pile of a fur coat?

There is no need to try to scrape out the chewing gum, you will only pull out the villi, after which a bald spot will form on the fur coat, and the product will be completely ruined. Take ice from the refrigerator and put it in a plastic bag, then apply the ice to the gum for a while. Wait for it to harden when exposed to cold. solid chewing gum you can easily remove the pieces little by little without much difficulty. Remove any residue using a fine-toothed plastic comb.

Rules for caring for faux fur

In addition to proper cleaning, to maintain a good appearance, faux fur items must be stored in accordance with certain rules.

  1. Remember, in order for the fur to remain beautiful and fluffy, things need to be provided with enough free space. Do not try to hide your fur coat in a chest of drawers, a chest or a suitcase for the summer - the fur coat will wrinkle, and traces of folds will be visible on the fur.
  2. Hang the fur coat on hangers that clearly fit it in size, and place it in the closet. Do not wrap the product in plastic film; you can use a cover made of natural fabrics (which allows air to pass through well) or paper.
  3. The closet or dressing room where you store faux fur should be dry and clean. Make sure there are no unpleasant things musty smell. If necessary, you can use natural flavors.
  4. When taking an item out of the closet before the start of the season, knock it out with a bamboo cane. Lay the fur item on a sheet and walk over it with a bamboo stick. This will knock out the dust that has accumulated on your fur coat.
  5. Fur must be kept extremely dry and clean.

A few more important points...

  • Do you want faux fur to look beautiful, be fluffy and not fall off? Just comb it regularly with a comb that has sharp, preferably metal, teeth. This procedure should be carried out very carefully, while trying to touch the ends of the fibers without catching the base. There is no need to push the comb too deep into the fur.
  • If you often carry a bag over your shoulder or on your elbow, then where the strap rubs, the fur can get crushed and rubbed out. When putting on a fur coat, give preference to bags that need to be carried in your hands.
  • Remember, you should not attach various pins, brooches and other decorations to a faux fur coat.
  • Don't forget that faux fur really doesn't like exposure to high temperatures. Do not store or dry products in the sun, near a heater or radiator. Also, do not use a hair dryer for this purpose.
  • Ironing the fur or lining of a fur coat is prohibited.

With the onset of the warm period of the year, every housewife cleans her outerwear and puts it in the closet for storage. But after 5-6 months, when it’s time to wear warm clothes again and it’s time to take jackets and fur coats out of the closets, many discover that the fur on the collars is caked. There are methods to restore fur trim to its former attractiveness. Professionals will tell you about all the secrets and methods of fluffing fur.

Bringing back the attractiveness of fur

So, if, after being removed from the closet or due to exposure to rain or snow, the fur on the jacket has lost its original appearance, it is necessary to dry the product. There is no need to use open heat for drying. Perfect option– hang a fur coat made of arctic fox, mink or rabbit on a hanger away from heating appliances. After drying, the fur should be combed without much effort.

To fluff up the fur on the hood, you can use steaming. However, it is important not to over-moisten the dressing. It’s great if you have a special steamer or an iron with a steaming function at home. To restore and fluff up rabbit fur, the steam flow should be kept at a distance of 50-60 cm from the fur surface.

To preserve the beauty of natural arctic fox, mink or rabbit fur, it is important to remember that this material is sensitive to high temperatures. This means that a fur coat made from natural fibers is dried at room temperature. Under no circumstances should the product be placed on a heating radiator.

Cleaning away dirt

If you come home from the street and find that there are drops of dirt on the collar of your jacket, there is no need to rush to clean the fur. It is better to let the product dry naturally at room temperature, and then carefully comb the patch, trying to clean the surface of dirt.

  • hairspray,
  • perfume,
  • toilet water.

Any perfume that comes into contact with fur contributes to the formation of tangles, which are very difficult to fluff up at home.

If lumps of dirt still form on the fur. If the villi have become tangled, it is recommended to use alcohol to clean them. Taking cotton wool, you need to moisten it in alcohol and gently wipe the fur collar. You need to act very carefully, moving the cotton in the direction of the growth of the villi.

After washing

Housewives know that if you wash a jacket with a fur hood, then after drying the fur will look like needles large hedgehog. To prevent this and fluff up the faux or natural fur, it is recommended to wash the fur trim with animal shampoo. If you don't have one on hand, you can use regular shampoo.

At home, you can fluff up the fur of the Arctic fox by rinsing it in a vinegar solution. A weak solution of vinegar will return the fur trim to its former attractiveness and make the trim fluffy and soft.

We store it correctly

In order not to think about how to fluff up the fur trim on a jacket when the cold weather sets in, it is important to follow the rules for storing outerwear. Jackets and fur coats cannot be stored folded. These clothes are hung on hangers and stored in the closet.

Under no circumstances do we use a polyethylene cover. The best thing to buy for a fur coat is:

  • paper or
  • fabric cover.

It is important to prevent direct sunlight from hitting the fur trim. Under the influence of the sun, artificial and natural fur can fade, lose its shine and attractiveness.

In conclusion

If the fur trim of the collar is on any outerwear lost its attractiveness, any housewife can restore its former beauty. At home, it is recommended to moisten the edge of the jacket using a steamer, dry it and comb it.

If there is dirt and tangles on the fur, the material should be wiped with cotton wool soaked in alcohol. If it is necessary to wash the fur, it is recommended to use animal shampoo and a vinegar rinse solution.