How to make a 3D snowflake from strips of paper. Volumetric snowflake made from strips of paper. ​Large fan version

Volumetric snowflakes made of paper strips will decorate any room for the New Year holidays. The craft is quick and easy, so I recommend involving children in the creative process - they will have fun :)

The master class is presented in step by step photos and video format.

To work you will need:

  • 5 strips of paper 21 x 1 cm;
  • 10 strips of paper 17 x 1 cm;
  • 10 strips of paper 14.5 x 1 cm;
  • glue stick;
  • sequins to decorate the center.

How to make voluminous snowflakes from paper strips:

  1. Cut strips to the required length. This craft looks good on plain paper, but I wanted a riot of colors :)
  2. Fold the long strip in half without smoothing the fold!!! (We want a voluminous snowflake 🙂) And glue the ends together. Take a strip middle length, glue one end at a slight angle on top of the ends of the first strip, and the second on the bottom. We glue the second strip on the other side of the big one. Similarly, glue two small strips, alternating sides.
  3. We prepare 5 such rays.
  4. We glue them together. To ensure that the rays are evenly spaced, it is convenient to use a template. You can print a picture from the Internet or, using your knowledge of mathematics, draw 5 rays with equal angles from each other.
  5. The layer of paper is quite large, so when gluing the rays I applied more liberally.

  6. The middle turned out to be not very neat, so the sequins came in very handy.

Shared master class

Anastasia Kononenko

Snowflake is one of the traditional New Year's crafts. Easy to make and very effective.

How to make a 3D paper snowflake

To make such a wonderful three-dimensional paper snowflake you will need very little:

— 12 strips of paper 1.5 cm wide and 30 cm long
- glue
- scissors
- paper clips to hold the strips together while the glue dries

Work plan:

1. Take two strips and connect them with a cross (perpendicular to each other) in the center. The horizontal stripe should be above the vertical one. Glue the strips where they intersect.

2. Take two more strips and stick them above the horizontal strip at a distance of approximately 3 mm on each side of the central vertical strip. See photo below.

3. Place two more strips of paper horizontally as shown in the photo below. Glue them with glue too.

4. Glue adjacent corner sections of horizontal and vertical strips as shown in the photo. You can fasten the strips with paper clips at the gluing points until the glue dries.

5. Do the same steps with the remaining six strips. As a result, you should end up with two identical halves of the future three-dimensional snowflake.

6. Place the halves together as shown in the photo below, with the “petals” inward. Opposite the “petal” of one half there should be a strip from the other half.

7. Thread each strip inside the “petal”. Glue the strips to the “petals” with glue.

8. Carefully cut off the protruding ends of the strips on the “petals”. This is the kind of voluminous paper snowflake you should get as a result.

The easiest way to make a snowflake is to fold a piece of paper into a triangle and cut out the design. Then you unroll the sheet, and an openwork protrusion comes out. A voluminous snowflake made from strips of paper is even more interesting and dexterous; we will now tell you how to make one. You can make many, many snowflakes, connect them together and decorate the room with the resulting garland.

What you need to make snowflakes:

- paper strips for quilling (blue and dark blue);
- scissors;
- PVA glue.

Paper strips must be cut into pieces of different sizes: the longest blue one is 10 cm; two blue – 7 cm each; two short blue ones - 5 cm each. According to these dimensions, the snowflake will be 11 cm in diameter.

Take a long strip and glue the edges together. There should be a loop.

And on the right is the second same stripe.

Now it's time for short blue stripes. Glue one on the right and left.

It turns out like this petal from strips of paper for a voluminous snowflake.

Make several of these crafts.

They will look great among other decorations.

We suggest remembering your virginity and making a couple of beautiful paper snowflakes, or even better, not three, but about a dozen or two, and decorating your room and Christmas tree with them, as well as giving them as a gift. DIY voluminous snowflakes made from paper, step-by-step instruction and the photo in front of you will become a good New Year's souvenir for acquaintances and friends.
In the article you will find large selection master classes of different snowflakes, as well as templates for cutting.

To cut out a snowflake, there is one important thing to do correctly: you must have a good stencil at hand. These are the templates that can be downloaded from this link.

  • White volumetric snowflake
  • Volumetric snowflake flower
  • With 3D effect

Simple and beautiful volumetric snowflakes

New Year's preparations are no less magical time than the New Year. What pleasure do pre-holiday trips to the store bring, the shimmering street window decorations against the backdrop of falling snow, making a list of gifts and creating New Year's decor. If adults are so careful about preparation, then children are simply delighted with any opportunity to participate in such events. Let's please our kids and make openwork volumetric snowflakes with them, which can be used in decorating a Christmas tree, creating garlands, decorating windows or gift packaging.

For work, prepare the following materials:

- sheets of white paper (it is better to use paper that is not too thick);
- a simple pencil or marker;
- glue or double-sided tape;
- scissors;
- office stapler.

How to make voluminous openwork snowflakes from plain paper

Take the paper and necessary tools. When the necessary materials are at hand - work in progress harmoniously.

Divide the A4 sheet into two halves.

Fold the strip from one edge to a small width (0.8-1.2 cm).

Fold the edge again, this time in the other direction. Fold the edge over and over again, changing position from the wrong side to the right side. A very important condition - the more assemblies, the better the snowflake will turn out. But you shouldn’t make too narrow stripes - it will be inconvenient to cut out the pattern. If everything is done correctly, you will get paper assembled into an accordion.

Do this with all the prepared papers. Divide part of the accordions in half with scissors.

Bend each “accordion” in half in one direction and the other.

Using a stapler, punch a hole in the middle of each accordion.

Draw a pattern on each piece.

Fold the accordion in half and cut out the pattern according to the intended design.

The edges of the snowflakes can be joined using glue, but much faster and more durable - using tape. Cut strips of double-sided tape and stick on both sides.

Remove the protective layer and connect the accordion on one side, pressing the edges.

Connect the other side. Spread it over the entire surface and you will get voluminous snowflakes.

The snowflakes will be openwork, of different sizes.

Beauty! Working with your hands and scissors with regular paper you get extraordinary white snowflakes!

Snowflakes will be a wonderful addition to New Year's decor. Also use children's creativity to decorate gifts, cards and invitations. Volumetric snowflakes can be used to decorate garlands, mobiles or hanging decorative decorations. And if you apply a little glue on top and sprinkle with glitter or shimmering dust, they will sparkle and sparkle with all the colors!

White volumetric snowflake

To create a voluminous paper snowflake you need to take:

- 6 paper squares measuring 10x10 cm;
- scissors;
- glue;
- ruler;
- pencil.

How to make a voluminous paper snowflake with your own hands

1. Following our instructions, fold the paper square in half to form a triangle.

5. Glue the inner petals of the three-dimensional snowflake together, as shown in the photo.

8. We proceed similarly to the steps described with the remaining paper squares.

We assemble a three-dimensional snowflake from paper:

11. Glue all the blanks together in a similar way. A voluminous beautiful snowflake made by yourself is ready!

Watch also the video on how to make a 3D paper snowflake:

Volumetric snowflake flower

You will need:

- A4 paper in two colors,
- scissors,
- pencil,
- glue.

How to make a three-dimensional paper snowflake step by step:

1. We fold the sheets of paper so that we get a triangle, and then a square.

3. Fold the resulting triangles again.

4. Draw lines on the triangles, as shown in the photo.

5. We make cuts along the lines, cutting out a triangle in the middle and not cutting the middle lines to the end.

6. Unfold the future snowflake.

7. Apply glue to the corner of the middle strip.

8. Glue snowflakes to the middle.

9. We repeat the same thing with a parallel strip.

10. And with two other strips, thereby connecting everything in the middle.

11. Glue a yellow snowflake to the snowflake white.

12. Now we glue the middle white stripes under the already glued yellow ones.

13. Repeat on the other side.

14. And with the others. The snowflake is ready.

A beautiful three-dimensional snowflake is ready, we thread a thread through it and decorate our house. I hung it on the wall, where the snowflake blended harmoniously into the overall interior. I wish the same for you. By the way, snowflakes can be created not only from paper, but also made.

Do-it-yourself volumetric snowflake made from stripes

The most common materials and tools will be required:

- double-sided colored paper,
- ruler,
- scissors,
- glue.

And if you want more holiday, then add sparkles, sequins and something similar for decoration.

In this example, I took A4 printable sheets: one blue, one white and one purple. Since we need 20 strips in total, we draw centimeter wide strips along the long side of each sheet. 8 blue, 8 white and 4 purple.

This voluminous paper snowflake consists of two identical parts. For one part, take 4 blue stripes, 4 white and 2 purple, weave them together as in the photo (plain weave). To prevent this structure from falling apart, secure it in several places with office glue.

We glue the strips (blue) at the corners in pairs to form a right angle at the tip. If the glue does not set immediately, then temporarily, until the glue dries, use paper clips.

Then we glue the white stripes on the back. This is one part of the future snowflake.

We weave and glue the second, exactly the same part.

We connect the two parts. The rays of the first should be between the rays of the second. We pull the remaining free strips (purple) into rays and glue them to the tip. The body of the snowflake is ready, now it is solid and can be hung. We cut off the excess sticking out on the rays so that the ends are pointed, and if there is a desire to complement the figure with something, then we complement it. I tried using pearlescent sequins.

As a result, we get a rather large voluminous paper snowflake, about 25 cm in diameter. If you need a smaller one, then cut the A4 sheet crosswise, along the narrow side, and take the width of the strip to 0.5 cm.

At any size, you get an original, airy home decoration, made by yourself. If the process still seems complicated to children, then they can participate in cutting strips of paper, and then watch the adults work and decorate upon completion by gluing shiny elements.

Volumetric snowflake made of three colors of paper

To create snowflakes you will need:

- paper of three colors (one is possible),
- scissors,
- glue stick or PVA.

How to make a voluminous paper snowflake with your own hands:

In our work we will use the extra stripes that we cut off when making the previous snowflakes - white, blue and purple. First, cut out squares of the same size. Then we begin to fold each square in half, forming a triangle.

Then fold it a second time.

Next, you can use a pencil, or you can simply use scissors to make even cuts along the longest edge of the triangles. You need to start cutting not from the side of the last fold, but from the side of the connection of the sides of the triangle, as shown in the photo.

We unfold each resulting cut square and begin gluing all the corners. First the middle.

Then through one strip, two strips.

Then we glue the remaining strips in the other direction. Thus forming the petal of a future snowflake.

We do this with all other snowflake blanks.

We begin to glue them together in three jokes. Selecting a certain combination of colors, we glue the bottom edge of the snowflake and touching strips together.

Next, we glue the two blanks together in the middle and again with touching strips.
The snowflake is ready, you can hang it on the wall or even on the Christmas tree. Moreover, you remember about the tradition for each New Year's Eve you need to hang it on the Christmas tree new toy. So let this be a paper snowflake you created.

Paper snowflakes: templates for cutting, volumetric ones are shown step by step in this section of the material. These products with such a strange name are appearance more voluminous, and the cutting process is more complex. It is extremely important to fold the workpiece correctly at the very beginning, otherwise, when the cutting is completed, the product may simply fall apart into several parts.

To make a snowflake using this technique, you need thick paper. It can be white or any other color, everything depends on the specific creative idea of ​​the person. You will also need to have sharp scissors and a stationery knife on hand (used for cutting out small parts, be sure to put something under the product so as not to cut through the table).

Before you start making such a snowflake, you must fold the workpiece correctly. To do this, fold a regular sheet of paper in half and draw a line on it along the bottom edge. Next, draw a perpendicular to it. On our sheet we will get two 90 degree angles. After this, you need to draw a line from the point where the lines intersect to create an angle of 60 degrees. Then you will need to draw two more lines reaching the edges of the sheet. If you are confused while reading all this, just look at the photo and it will become clear exactly how and what to do.

Now take a square sheet, fold it diagonally, it will turn out to be a triangle. Attach a stencil to it, checking that all corners match. The base of the triangle should coincide with the line that runs along the edge of the sheet (which was drawn first at the very beginning of the work, see the previous paragraph). The acute corners of this triangle are bent to opposite lines that go to angles of 60 degrees.

The result is a rather beautifully shaped figure, reminiscent of a flower bud. That's it, the workpiece is ready. Yes, it will be difficult to make and, perhaps, it won’t work out the first time, but the voluminous snowflake turns out delicious and very original.

Next is how to make snowflakes out of paper: templates for cutting, voluminous, you need to check the photo. If everything is done correctly, apply a drawing to the template, then, when the cutting work is completed, you should erase all the lines that could remain on the surface of the festive snowflake.

Advice! To make cutting a snowflake easier, you can fold the blank in half. But then you need to understand that the template pattern is applied in such a situation only to one half of the workpiece.

When the snowflake is cut out, you will need to bend the small parts, after this step the product will have a cute and attractive volume. Additionally, such a snowflake can be painted, decorated with sparkles and beads.

You can also watch a video of how to make a voluminous snowflake out of paper with your own hands for the New Year:

Next pretty interesting option, how snowflakes are made from paper using templates for cutting, volumetric versions of it. To make this snowflake you need to have three regular paper snowflakes, you will also need glue, thread and a needle. Other options, how to do it.

First, you should choose any snowflake template that you like and print it. Next, simply circle this stencil and cut it out on three sheets of paper. It is most convenient to cut such a template not with scissors, but with a stationery knife, only you need to place a cutting board under the product to avoid damaging the table.

Next, you will need to bend the product along the dotted line, it is also marked on the template. Now all that remains is to glue or sew the snowflakes together along the fold line. Of course, such an elegant three-dimensional snowflake must hang somewhere, and this cannot be done without organizing an additional loop. To make it, it will be enough to pass a thread or thin satin ribbon through the upper rays and tie in a knot.

I would like to consider another option for creating a three-dimensional snowflake from paper Snowflakes from paper without using a cutting template. This snowflake will be made from two blanks, each with four corners. To make a snowflake, you need to have two sheets of paper on hand and cut them into squares of equal size.

Then fold each square to form a triangle. This triangle will need to be folded again. This stage of work is simple, it is used for almost all snowflakes. Next you need to arm yourself with a simple pencil and draw the lines along which the snowflake will be cut out. You must first remove the excess part of the triangle: you will get a figure similar in shape to a mermaid’s tail (see photo).

Draw two lines from each edge, making a small indent between them. Leave the top corner as it is. The lines should not reach the top corner and end somewhere a centimeter before it. All that remains is to make the cuts and unfold the parts. You will get two beautiful snowflakes with four corners, resembling color in appearance.

Now we need to make a snowflake out of flowers: we are talking about New Year's decor. It is better to bend the middle strips on each to the center and fasten them together. Place one workpiece on top of another, the rays should not coincide. The end result is a snowflake with 8 corners that looks great from any angle. The parts remain to be glued, and the snowflake at will can be decorated with beads, sparkles or whatever you like creative soul wishes.

With 3D effect

It seems to many, judging by the photo, that such a voluminous snowflake made of paper with your own hands for the New Year is easier to make than the previous option that was considered. In fact, it depends on who. It seems that the second option for making a snowflake is actually simpler and easier, but, on the other hand, if you make it together with the kids, you will still need to spend both time and effort.

The advantage of this option for making a snowflake is that you can use a variety of ornaments for it. This means that people who constantly complain that master classes do not allow them to express their imagination to the fullest, will finally be able to give free rein to their imagination.

What you need for work:
One sheet of paper of any color;
Pencil and scissors;
A stapler with staples for fastening parts of a snowflake.

Paper is needed in the form of squares with a side of 10 cm. To make a large enough snowflake according to this master class, you will need ten such paper squares. First of all, you need to cut out a snowflake using any method from one square of paper. To do this, bend the square in half to create a diagonal. Now bend everything again and draw the pattern according to which the snowflake will be cut.

Important! The patterns can be very different, but it is important to repeat it several more times. Therefore, you can simply print from the feature article on our website ready-made template(or transfer it onto paper through the screen), which can be used to ultimately make a three-dimensional snowflake.

You will need to cut the triangle along the outlined lines; in other words, in the usual way, using sharp nail scissors, cut out the snowflake and lay it out. Make the same blanks from those nine square leaves that were prepared for work, but have not yet been used. Let us remind you once again that the pattern of all snowflakes should be the same.

Now the time comes to make a large figure out of ordinary flat snowflakes. First you need to take five flat snowflakes and use a stapler to fasten them together.

Next, again take five blanks and follow exactly the same principle as the first five,
fasten together. This remains the most difficult part of the process, which requires the most precision. The two halves of one large snowflake also need to be fastened together. The large voluminous snowflake is ready and to hang it, you just need to tie a ribbon or thread to it in any area.