What is the name of moonstone? Moon rock

Since ancient times, alchemists and sorcerers were sure that the crystal with a bewitching glow was sent to Earth by the goddess Moon, as her traces on the planet. Looking at this special mineral in the palm of your hand, you begin to believe the ancient legends about it.

According to one legend, the goddess saw how a young mother could not put her sick baby to bed. He cried for a long time and could not sleep, and the mother, tired from the day, kept rocking the baby in her arms. The goddess was so moved by what she saw that a tear rolled down her cheek and fell on the child’s pillow. Through a short time the baby calmed down and fell asleep. In the morning he woke up healthy, and near the crib the woman found a mineral of extraordinary radiance. Books about magic say that on a full moon, droplets of tears may appear on the stone. They are considered medicinal.

People even now note that if you have pearlspar, then you will not suffer from insomnia, your sleep will be sound, and your dreams will be bright. The mineral has several names: aglaurite, adularia, pearlspar.

In ancient books you can read a myth that a moonbeam, having reached the surface of the earth, turned to stone - this is how the lunar mineral appeared. Having absorbed the energy of the moon, he is able to work miracles.

Help with treatment

Natural origin determines the healing properties of moonstone. Recognized as feminine, adularia cleanses a person’s aura and frees the head from negative thoughts.

Ailments that crystal helps to cope with:

  • Nervous system disorders. Healing powers The mineral gives emotional balance, calms, and extinguishes uncontrollable outbursts of anger. Gem amulets can pull people out of prolonged depression and relieve excess tension.
  • Insomnia. The mineral has a calming effect on a person and makes it easier to fall asleep. Just put the crystal under your pillow and you will definitely dream of something good.
  • Epilepsy. Healers note the power of the healing effects of adularia in the fight against this serious illness. After treatment, the frequency of epileptic seizures is noticeably reduced.

How else can a stone help:

  • Activates brain activity. The talisman will dispel all anxious thoughts and add energy.
  • Makes childbirth easier. With its ability to balance nervous impulses, the crystal helps a woman tune in to childbirth and endure it less painfully.

Gem magic

The magical properties of the stone are closely related to women and love. Adularia balances the level of Yin energy, is suitable not only for women, but also for men, and removes negative energy from all chakras.

The mineral promotes spiritual development helps a person to see the essence of things and not worry about trifles. Crystals come in different colors, and each one manifests its magical abilities in its own way.

Magical properties of different colors:

  • Grey. Crystals of this color help shamans see the future, connect with parallel worlds, and reveal the knowledge of the New Moon.
  • Blue bring relaxation during meditation, find balance between Yin and Yang.
  • Gem white color brings emotional balance to the lives of men, gives women dreaminess, and protects children from night terrors.
  • Rainbow color The stone will correctly distribute the flow of energy throughout the aura.

It matters how you wear it Moonstone so that he can help. The main purpose of the adularia is to attract love. It will teach a person to love and give love to others; for this purpose, you need to wear the amulet on the left side. Decoration with a crystal, worn on the right hand, will reveal creative potential.

When choosing a mineral for yourself, you need to look at who the moonstone is suitable for (if you find yourself on this list, then feel free to buy it):

  • People of creative professions : artists, writers, performers. The properties of adularia will help them reveal their talent.
  • For people working with the human psyche : psychologists, teachers, doctors. The crystal helps to better understand the interlocutor.

Gives to lovers good mood and the opportunity to receive reciprocity. It can bring confidence to suspicious people in their own uniqueness and attractiveness. Suitable for believers to make it easier to find a common language with others.


Who is suitable for moonstone according to their zodiac sign? Most of all - Pisces, Scorpios, Cancers.

More information about who and to what extent the adularian is suitable according to their zodiac sign:

  • Moonstone for Cancer has special meaning. The compatibility here is almost perfect. He will bring Cancer luck, harmony, and reveal true meaning life.
  • For Leo Adular prepared calmness and self-confidence, the ability to find a middle ground between bad and good deeds.
  • Zodiac sign Virgo She will become even more practical and reasonable, and will be able to realize her ambitions in her career. For a Virgo woman, a crystal necklace will become a kind of Viagra in a love relationship.
  • Sagittarius will help you solve any problem and get out of an unpleasant situation.
  • For Libra the stone will become a kind of key to discovering your purpose, creative inclinations, and will tell you how to implement your plans.
  • For Scorpio the stone will work as an alarm clock, awaken and reveal the talents dormant within. For single Scorpio women, acquiring a gem signifies the beginning of love.
  • The stone is in store for financial stability for Capricorn.
  • Moon rock for Aquarius woman will become a protector from an envious eye, and will give family happiness to unmarried people.
  • Astrologers cannot definitely recommend pearlspar for Aries woman . He absorbs her violent energy, but at the same time softens the obstinacy of Aries. This sign quickly lights up, starts a lot of things and just as quickly gives up everything. For Aries, the moonstone is used to restore order, first of all in his head and then in his home and business.
  • The gem prepared as a gift the ability to enjoy life for Taurus woman . This zodiac sign is famous for its prudence, but when angry it is terrible. Moon rock for Taurus acts as a limiter on anger, it prevents him from acting rashly.
  • The stone will bring wisdom when making important decisions for Gemini.
  • Moonstone seems to have specially appeared on earth for Pisces. Amulets and talismans made of stone will bring Pisces financial well-being, reciprocal love and good health.

To summarize, it should be noted: adularia will fully reward Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios with magical properties. People with the horoscope signs of Aries, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Leo will react differently to the presence of pearlspar. They will appreciate its beauty, but will not receive much benefit.

How to use the crystal's magical powers

In order for the mineral to realize its full potential, it needs to be recharged periodically. To do this, on a full moon, you should put it on the windowsill under the moonlight for the whole night.

How to use:

  • When telling fortunes gem is kept on the table , in a prominent place - it contributes to the discovery of secrets.
  • Any moonstone jewelry is worn like an amulet that restrains your anger and those around you . This is especially true for men.
  • To develop intuition and reveal Creative skills, need to during the new moon, place the adularia on the middle of the forehead .
  • Can place the crystal on the heart area , so it will relieve all mental anguish and calm you down.
  • According to Feng Shui moonstone located in the northwestern part of the house , harmonizes all energy flows.
  • To get a good harvest, good wear gem jewelry when planting seeds .

Pearl spar will fully reveal its magical qualities in a silver frame. Moonstone is perhaps the kindest of all, it tames a violent temper and brings harmony to life, helps in love and teaches one to love others. Most importantly, he is not capable of harming anyone.

To experience the beneficial effects of the mineral, you need to know.

Moonstone is an amazingly beautiful mineral. This is a light stone that has a unique bluish internal glow. Refers to relatively rare semi-precious stones. Its name is closely related to the characteristics of the mineral - it shimmers pleasantly and emits light, reminiscent of the glow of the moon.

History and meaning of moonstone

Moonstone has been mined since ancient times. It got its name for its interesting color and shimmer. This mineral is also called Adularia, Pearl Spar, Water Opal, Ceylon Opal. The mineral became most widespread in the second half of the 11th century, when its full-scale mining began, and has not lost its popularity since then.

Moonstone has found application in jewelry. It is also often used as an ornamental material; amazing souvenirs and objects of art are created with it. Highly prized by collectors. But, unfortunately, real adularia is very rare.

Moonstone is mined in ore and quartz veins. The mined samples are usually a diamond-shaped crystal up to 10 cm long. The largest and most famous deposits are located in Sri Lanka. In addition, the mineral is mined in India, Brazil, Australia, Burma, USA, Tanzania, and Madagascar.

Chemical and physical properties

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Moonstone is light-colored (adularia). Has a pale blue iridescence. Chemical formula K. What are the physical properties of moon rock?

  • The color of the stone can be: blue, colorless, light gray, yellow.
  • The color of the line is white.
  • Glass shine.
  • The mineral is slightly translucent.
  • Hardness on the Mohs scale is 6-6.5.
  • Density 2.56-2.62 g/cm. cube
  • Has perfect cleavage.
  • The fracture is uneven.
  • Monoclinic system.
  • There may be a cat's eye effect.

Despite the hardness of the stone, it is quite easy to damage or split it. It cannot withstand strong pressure; a “correct” blow will lead to cracks or splitting.

Magical properties of moonstone

For many peoples, for example in India, moonstone is considered more expensive than any other and is revered accordingly. It is used not only as decoration, but also as a powerful magical mineral.

  • Moonstone calms a person, allows him to concentrate on what is important, develops intuition and imagination. Therefore, it is recommended for people who are involved in exact sciences or art.
  • The mineral brings good luck, especially if worn on a moonlit night or evening.
  • To make predictions more accurate, soothsayers and clairvoyants place the mineral under the tongue during the session.
  • It is a powerful talisman for speakers and people with a strong aura.
  • The strong properties of moonstone attract love. Talismans with it are often given to young boys and girls so that they find true feeling.


To fully unleash the power of the mineral, it must be used in accordance with the lunar phases. The new moon is the most important day; it is at this time that the moonstone has the greatest power.

Medicinal properties

Moon stones are widely used in folk medicine. They are also often used in lithotherapy.

  • In Tibetan medicine, the stone was used to normalize the nervous system. The healing properties of moonstone can have a beneficial effect on a person’s mood and morale. Wearing the mineral helps relax the nervous system, eliminate apathy, nervous attacks, epilepsy, and panic attacks.
  • In modern lithotherapy, moonstone is used to treat diseases of the biliary tract, liver, and kidneys.
  • Lotions of this stone help against dropsy, pain, and paralysis. It also treats infectious diseases, diseases of the blood and genitourinary tract.
  • Anxious sleep, nightmares, insomnia will go away if you put a moonstone under your pillow.

Which zodiac signs does Moonstone suit?

According to astrologers, this stone is most suitable only for certain signs of the zodiac circle.

  • it will give prudence, wisdom, and help you find yourself and your place in life.
  • under its influence they will become calm and peaceful.
  • such a talisman will help reveal talents and hidden capabilities.
  • will be a good amulet against problems. And those that already exist, the representative of the sign under the influence of the stone will be able to solve very quickly.
  • The moonstone mineral will bring good luck and success at work.

How to distinguish a fake from the original?

Most often, fake moonstones - glass or plastic - are sold in stores and on the market. They are specially painted unevenly to achieve resemblance to the original. But if you want, you can distinguish natural moonstone.

  • If you turn it in your hands, there should be a pleasant reflection of moonstone inside the natural mineral. Even a skillfully made fake will not give such an effect.
  • Under a magnifying glass, the color of the stone will be deep, uneven, but without sharp transitions between shades and without clumps of paint.

There are always defects inside a real moonstone. Ideally clean stones, without defects, are usually sold to private collections.

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The stone was named after Mount Adul, which belongs to the Mons Adular ridge. The mineral was found in this area by travelers who walked along paths through the Alps and discovered layered fragments white with internal shine.

"Adulya p" is also popularly called "moon stone".

Every year, the extraction of the mineral decreases, and its value increases accordingly. There is an opinion that the stone has strong magic. However, on the market jewelry natural stones are increasingly being replaced by synthetic minerals.

Adularia, or moonstone (Adularia, or moonstone) belongs to the feldspar family. After polishing, the stone has a silver color with bluish tints. In nature, there are lilac-colored adularia, as well as snow-white or golden ones. A particularly rare mineral is labradorite, which is related to moonstones, but has a black color.

The glow of moon stones

The value of a stone is determined by its internal star or cat's eye design. The layer-by-layer lamellar structure of the mineral and the presence of natural inclusions provide it with a soft glow reminiscent of moonlight. Jewelers love the stone for this property. The delicate mother of pearl of adularia goes well with silver.

Variety of moon rocks

Adularia is called fisheye, aglaurite, ice spar, jandaracand, labradorite.

Varieties of lunar minerals:

  • adularia - distinguished by bluish iridescence, mainly mined in India, but reserves of the mineral in the earth's crust are being depleted;
  • Labradorite - has dark shimmering shades, the shimmer in the interior of the stone resembles a peacock feather.
  • albite is a mineral with a milky white or grayish tint, which is obtained as a result of processing. The natural mineral has a yellowish color;
  • sanidine - in appearance it looks like a frozen drop of liquid;
  • selenite (from Latin “selenites”) – when light hits the stone, it sparkles with yellow highlights;
  • oligoclase is a rare gem with pink tint, stones often contain golden inclusions.

Physicochemical properties of moonstone

The mineral is potassium aluminum silicate. Refers to a type of potassium feldspar. Family - orthoclases.

Transparent mineral

Chemical formula: K.

In nature, it occurs in the form of fragments of a prismatic or lamellar structure. In X-rays it exhibits a luminescent glow. In terms of density and hardness, it belongs to soft minerals with low wear resistance:

  • hardness about 6 units on the Mohs scale;
  • density about 2.5 g/cm3;
  • colorless, but has yellowish and bluish tints;
  • when the crystalline structure is destroyed by grinding, it turns into a white powder;
  • has an uneven edge at the break;
  • fragile;
  • refractive index 1.525;
  • stone system - monoclinic;
  • The stone has perfect cleavage.

Natural looking moon rock

The special glow of the adularia is called adularescence. The special refraction of light is provided by the lamellar structure, and the internal special pattern is provided by inclusions of volcanic inclusions in the mineral.

Where is adularia mined?

In its natural form, it occurs in the form of large stones with a lamellar structure, up to 10 cm in size. The appearance and color are determined by the place where the mineral is mined.

In Russia, places of production: the Kola Peninsula, the Polar and Southern Urals, in the Irkutsk region and Khabarovsk Territory. Mining is done from quartz veins.

Moonstone mining

Deposits of rare adularia with a bluish glow are found in Myanmar and Sri Lanka. In these deposits they were formed after the layering of volcanic rocks.

Moonstone can be found in Australia and Burma, Brazil, Tanzania.

Popular deposits of adularia:

  • blue gem in Dunbar, Mogok and Madras;
  • rare Labrador on the territory of Ukraine, Russia, Finland and the island of Labrador;
  • albite - in Russia, Norway and the USA.

Mysteries and legends of moonstone

Hindus call it very romantically “moonlight”.

According to legend, adularia is nothing more than the radiance of the Moon, which froze in stone. It is most popular in India and Sri Lanka. Before today Buddhist monks believe that if you hide it from human eyes in the dark, then over time it will release a life-giving drop that has limitless healing properties. The gods Lakshmi and Vishnu received this stone as a gift from the Moon when they sailed across the sky. It was then used by the gods to create a beautiful goddess with twelve arms, called Devi.

God Shiva

The mineral was revered by the Chaldeans of Mesopotamia for its unique magical powers. Ancient Greeks in the VIII-VII centuries BC. e. It was believed that the stone was given to people by Apollo, who descends from heaven every 19 years. God puts His breath into every piece of selenite, which gives it magical properties. Such a stone awakens the powers of providence in a person.

Areas of application of moonstone

Today, jewelry is successfully made from adularia: keychains, amulets, rings, bracelets, pendants. The mineral is very fragile; in order to increase the strength of the stone in jewelry, after polishing it is treated with a cabochon.

Adularia jewelry

Silver is used as a setting for the moonstone. It is believed that delicate shimmers look more advantageous against the background of this metal. Although, depending on the color of the stone, gold can also be used as a setting. In famous brands, minerals are usually inserted into gold jewelry yellowish color or Labradors.

Thanks to its plate-like structure, jewelers use adularia to inlay weapons, jewelry boxes or hair accessories. Its softness allows craftsmen to carve miniature figurines from it. They are often used not for decoration, but for magical rituals.

Magical properties of moonstone

In the East, even today, moonstone is considered a love talisman.

Using its magical properties, you can increase the fertility of all living things.

It is believed that a silver frame significantly enhances the magical properties of the stone. Especially during certain phases of the moon. It is recommended to wear the mineral directly on the body; it is not advisable to put it on top of clothes.

Magicians use moonstone to enhance their own abilities. It is believed that during the growth of the Moon it adds magical power to the owner. Ordinary people use it to protect themselves from evil spells. It has the ability to accumulate and take on all the negative energy directed at its owner.

It is recommended as a powerful love talisman that can attract the attention of the object of love. Often, jewelry with adularia is worn by unmarried girls, hoping to find a couple with its help.

It is believed that the metaphysical properties of the mineral depend on the phases of the Moon. Adularia becomes maximally active during the full moon, but it is better not to wear the stone on a waning moon. It goes into a state of rest and is able to feed on the owner’s energy.

For people with artistic talents, the stone will help attract inspiration and sharpen their perception of the world. But it also serves as a talisman for gamblers and swindlers, bringing good luck to their side.

Adularia is able to change the character of the owner, pacifying his aggression and awakening the most best qualities character.

Therapeutic capabilities of adularia

The famous physician Avicenna described the use of adularia in medical practice for the treatment of many diseases. He dosed the patient with ground stone powder. In ancient times, it was worn around the neck of women in labor, believing that it helped labor.

It is believed that the mineral can heal only through contact with the body. He must stay with the person throughout the entire course of treatment for any disease.

Adularia affects nerve fibers and relieves tension. This normalizes sleep, allows you to get rid of internal fears, and avoid panic attacks. It is used as an amulet in stressful situations in the hope that it will help keep you cool and clear-headed. This feature of the stone is used by students when taking exams.

Adularia enhances the capabilities of all living things for restoration and harmony, strengthens the immune system, therefore it is recommended to be worn by women and men over 35 years of age to normalize hormonal levels.

Ancient doctors believed that the stone was able to purify the blood, which normalized blood circulation and lowered blood pressure.

Use by zodiac sign

Moonstone is considered an ideal amulet for zodiac signs such as Cancer, Libra and Virgo.

For a melancholy Virgo, the moonstone will help arrange her personal life and quickly find a life partner. For Libras who have romantic character traits and a penchant for creativity, he will enhance them. Allows you to reveal your talents. This stone is an antagonist to zodiac signs with fire elements, such as Sagittarius, Aries and Leo.

Stone and name

Stones are a talisman not only for zodiac signs, but also serve as amulets for specific names. For example, the names Boris and Valentin, Veniamin and Ivan are astrally connected with the moonstone. And also rare today male names— Casimir and Leopold.

TO female names, for whom the adularia serves as a talisman, include: Lada, Anastasia, Lika, Olesya, Ulyana and Elvira.

Each name corresponds to several precious or semi-precious stones, which serve as a talisman on the astral level. They ward off the evil eye and maintain health if a person wears jewelry with them every day. There is an opinion that if you often wear stones that are not characteristic of your name, then the aura of the stone can destroy a person’s energy balance.

Combinations with other stones

Stones have different metaphysical essences. Some enhance the positive effects of each other, and there are combinations of jewelry that can even harm the health or luck of the owner.

What minerals is moonstone compatible with:

  • zirconk;
  • diamond;

While obsidian and amber are considered neutral stones and can be used simultaneously with moonstone without harm to the owner.

Ruby and agate, as well as jasper and garnet, are not favorable neighbors for moonstone.

The stones are tied to the four elements. Accordingly, fire stones are not compatible with water stones.

Stones that belong to the element of water have the ability to calm, relieve negative energy, remove anxiety and fear.

How to distinguish a natural mineral from a fake

Natural stones have a special shimmer. If you look at it at right angles, it is impossible to see the pattern in natural stone; this is explained by the natural layered structure of the crystal, which is capable of reflecting light only at an angle of 15 degrees. Synthetic analogues do not have this feature and can sparkle equally from different angles, regardless of the incidence of sunlight.

Moonstone may be confused with chalcedony or man-made synthetic spinel. Albite gems also have a visual sheen like that of a moonstone; they have unusually bright colors and a strong glow under rays of light. Another feature of natural stone is that it is a cold mineral. If you hold it in your palm, a real adularia will not quickly heat up from the heat of the human body.

Moonstone Care

Adularia, like most jewelry, requires careful storage and care.

The soft mineral is easily damaged - scratches and chips. It is recommended to store adularia jewelry in separate boxes with a soft inner lining. If it is necessary to store it together with other jewelry, it is advisable to place the mineral in soft velvet bags.

Household chemicals and sudden temperature changes can destroy the surface of moonstone.

It is prohibited to store products made from adularia next to decorative cosmetics and hair styling products. The slightest contact with them can cause chemical damage to the surface of the mineral.

Moonstone does not like direct sunlight, so the storage location should be dark, dry, and cool.

Moonstone storage method

However, adularia jewelry is subject to cleaning. To do this, you need to lower the product into a container with warm water. The water temperature is about 37-38 degrees. Add a couple of drops of dishwashing detergent or mild baby soap to the water. Leave the stone alone for 20 minutes. Then take it out and wipe it dry with a velvet rag.

In magical rituals, it is advised to rid the moonstone of the negative energy that the gem collects on itself. To do this, it is recommended to hold the product under running tap water and then place it in distilled water for 15 minutes.

Blue adularia

Cleaning activities for products with adularia can be carried out several times a month.

Finally, about the price. The cost of a stone is affected by its color, clarity and quality of cut. Of course, the jewelry level of the product that includes the moonstone also matters.

The mineral, similar in color to the Earth’s satellite shining in the night sky, received the name “moonstone”. This is a special type of feldspar. The characteristic color tints appear due to the special internal structure of the mineral: many compressed thin plates.

Characteristic differences

The mineral moonstone has absolutely nothing to do with rigolith—samples of lunar soil brought to Earth. It, like other feldspars, is of terrestrial origin.

Sometimes various other stones that have a similar shine and characteristic tints of color are called lunar. In the famous work of the writer Wilkie Collins, the stone was called the moonstone because it resembled the radiance of a night star. But the mineral described in the novel was in fact a rare precious diamond with a peculiar yellowish tint.

Moonstone is potassium aluminum trisilicate, a type of orthoclase. It is distinguished by a variety of shades: there is milky white, bluish, gray, and sometimes lilac with a shimmering internal golden tint.

Very rare ones include amazingly beautiful examples with an internal pattern of small stars or having a “cat’s eye” effect.

Sometimes the mineral is called adularia, but adularia is colorless orthoclase, and moonstone is a composition of orthoclase and inclusions of another crystal - albite. It is albite that provides moonstone with its characteristic shimmer—iridescence. The thinner the albite layers grown into the mass of orthoclase, the brighter the iridescence effect. But according to established tradition, these color changes under rays of light are called adularization.

Moonstone is credited with witchcraft properties

The name “Adularia” came to the mineral due to its geographical origin: its crystals were first discovered in the Adula Mountains (Switzerland). Another version relates the name to the Mons Adular mountains - this is how Saint Gotthard was previously called. The local deposit is considered classic.

Color shifts are revealed when the processed mineral takes the form of a cabochon.

This shape is characterized by the absence of a cut: a spherical or oval polished adularia has a flat mirror base. The crystal itself is translucent and has a characteristic glassy luster. Fragile and sensitive to changes in temperature and weather.

The hardness of the mineral is 6.0 - 6.6 on the Mohs scale. It is softer than quartz and topaz, and is susceptible to various mechanical influences - shocks and compression. For detailed properties of the mineral, watch this educational video:

Natural moonstone is easy to distinguish from synthetic one: due to its internal layered structure, when a ray of light falls on it at an angle of 15°, it produces a blue reflection.

Synthetic, no matter what angle you turn it at, gives the same reflection with a complete absence of the characteristic blue highlight.

Over time, the natural mineral loses its shine, which cannot be restored in any other way except by re-sanding and polishing.

Varieties of mineral

The Finnish Labradorite and Madagascar moonstone varieties are famous for their particular beauty.

Opaque feldspars are also classified as moonstones. This is the black moonstone. Despite its opacity, it is very beautiful with its characteristic tints of blue.

This type of mineral received its own name - labradorite.

The Labradorite stone was discovered by German missionaries on the Canadian island of the same name. This supposedly happened in 1776.

The popularity of labradorite is due to its original color

The mineral quickly gained very wide popularity, first as a precious stone, which jewelers inserted into jewelry for high nobility. Later, such a mineral was found in Russia, where it was called tausine - from the Persian name for peacock. The description of the discovery compared the radiance of the mineral with a rainbow peacock's tail.

When rich Ukrainian deposits were discovered, black labradorite depreciated in value until it became a cladding material - it was used to decorate subway walls.

Green moonstone is an amazonite mineral, which is a type of microcline.

Feldspar, which is called sunstone, has a sparkling golden tint. It was discovered in different places on the planet: in America, on the Scandinavian Peninsula, in eastern Russia.

A specifically Russian variety is belomorite, a white translucent mineral with a bluish tint. However, experts disagree about belomorite: some unconditionally classify it as lunar stones, others categorically object to this.

The Russian gem Belomorite is named after the White Sea

True moonstones - adularia and sanidine - are very rare, their main abundant deposits are in India and Sri Lanka.

Mineral cost

Moonstone is popular among jewelers. Its price may vary. We are, of course, not talking about speculative scams or fakes. The cost depends on the color intensity, size and transparency of the mineral.

The highest price is for blue stones, which have a three-dimensional color depth visible when rotated.

The high cost is explained not only by the special beauty, but also by the extreme rarity of such specimens. The lowest price is for multi-color samples from Indian deposits. About the popularity of adularia as a stone for jewelry, watch this video:

The internal structure and color variations are the determining factors of how much a moonstone costs.

Eat jewelry, into which small specimens are inserted that are not of high quality.

The price of stone in such products starts from 1 dollar per 1 carat. Larger ones (3 - 5 carats) with high purity and ideal color are much more expensive. Their price averages about $70 per carat.

Properties of moonstone

Ancient healers knew about the healing effects of natural and solid stones on the human body. They considered the force of influence to be proportional to the age of the mineral: the older it is, the more powerful it is.

An artificially created mineral, even one perfectly similar to the real one, does not have the properties characteristic of the natural original.

Hindus revered moonstone as a symbol of family well-being and love. It was believed that products made from it should be suitable for lonely girls who have not yet met their love and for those who have already been lucky enough to find their beloved ones, who strive to preserve the depth of feelings in a happy marriage.

Moonstone helps lonely people find love

Chaldeans who lived in southern Mesopotamia in the 1st millennium BC. e., it was believed that the mineral reveals untapped reserves of the body. They used it in magical rituals performed at the time of the full moon.

Medicinal use

According to lithotherapists, people whose nervous systems are weakened will certainly benefit from the help of the mineral. Amulet from it:

  • struggles with violent manifestations of anger;
  • banishes hidden fears;
  • neutralizes various negative emotions;
  • reduces the frequency and intensity of epileptic seizures;
  • helps normalize sleep, effectively fights insomnia;
  • helps fight stress and depression.

Traditional healers often use moonstone in their practice, the properties of which make it possible to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular, genitourinary and gastrointestinal systems.

The mineral helps against fever, resists inflammatory processes and various types of infections.

For women in labor, the amulet can bring relief during childbirth. It also has the property of calming hyperactive children.

Moonstone helps restore calm to hyperactive children

Lithotherapists see the main advantage of the mineral in that it can reduce Negative influence Moons per person.

The mineral is energetically connected by sign with the water element, has the unique property of ridding the human body of stones, tumors, and promotes the removal of toxins.

Magic properties

The name itself speaks of a close connection with the Moon. On the adularia you can periodically detect a small white spot, increasing in size as the moon grows and decreasing after the full moon. At the moment of the full moon, when you touch the mineral, it seems very cold. This state of his is most suitable for magical actions.

Adularia is sensitive to lunar cycles

The magical properties of moonstone were used primarily to attract love. To get rid of loneliness, it was recommended to wear the amulet on the left side of the chest - closer to the heart.

Moreover, the mineral is not only capable of attracting love, but also of instilling this feeling in the soul of its owner.

It matters how the amulet is worn:

  • wearing a ring with a moonstone on the left hand helps to avoid conflicts, relieves stress, makes a person more tolerant and warm-hearted;
  • on right hand the ring ensures complete relaxation and provokes a person to creative impulses;
  • the mineral corrects and corrects feelings and emotions, is able to reduce the general level of aggression of the owner;
  • adularia can suggest the right way out in solving a problem if you hold the amulet in your hands and concentrate on the essence of the situation;
  • when a person takes a moonstone for meditation, its magical abilities open the way to the work of the subconscious, helping to find and manifest hidden abilities. For more information about the properties of adularia, watch this video:

It is believed that the mineral has a unique ability to fulfill wishes, and wearing it at the time of any new beginnings promises them successful development and success.

Moonstone and zodiac signs

When choosing jewelry as a gift for a specific person, it is important to know for whom moonstone is suitable and for whom it is contraindicated. What does the horoscope say about this?

The mineral will be an effective assistant to everyone born on the full moon and on the day of the moon - Monday.

Astrologers, answering the question of which zodiac signs are suitable for moonstone, do not recommend it for fire signs.

The mineral can and should be worn by people whose character is hard and even tough. An amulet for them will attract good luck in the business sphere and make them a little softer.

If the mineral is worn by a person prone to suspiciousness and whims, the amulet, instead of being useful, can aggravate the situation, taking these character traits of the owner to the extreme.

Moonstone, zodiac sign under which a person was born - how do they combine? Here is a summary of the possible impact:

  1. It gives Taurus a feeling of self-confidence, heals heart wounds, gives strength and creates the right mood for further successful movement.
  2. For Gemini, the stone is a magical amulet. Helps you cope with mood swings, choose the right life orientation and focus on your main goal.
  3. The mineral is especially suitable for Cancer; for this sign it should come first as an amulet. Helps quickly restore vitality, serves as a kind of “magnet” that attracts success in financial matters.
  4. For Leo, the stone assists in self-realization, sharpens the mind and gives the ability to recognize if some familiar person has a hidden agenda.
  5. Helps Virgo in her search true love and finding family happiness.
  6. The stone helps Libra achieve internal harmony and self-knowledge.
  7. Scorpio can get help from the mineral in growing creative potential and making dreams come true.
  8. It helps Sagittarius in finding life goals and developing creative potential.
  9. For Pisces, the stone brings success in love and business, helps to overcome negative emotions.
  10. Aries and Capricorn become lazy from the influence of moonstone and lose the ability to concentrate. But for Capricorn, born from December 22 to January 2, the mineral can help achieve success in business, relieve melancholy and melancholy, and give impetus to the development of intuition and the gift of foresight. Interesting Facts about the moonstone, see this video:

Astrologers advise not to forget that you need to put on a real moonstone during the waxing Moon, at which time the magic of the stone gains strength and reaches its peak during the full moon. When the Moon wanes, the mineral must be removed and put away so as not to have contact with it, since at this time it feeds on the energy of the owner.

Unique in its beauty, moonstone is an original and unusually beautiful translucent natural mineral.

Characteristic differences

It was precisely for its soft blue tint on a silver-gray main background with shimmering tints that create the impression of reflections of a lunar path that it received such an unusual name. Some call the stone adularia, after the geographical location of the first discovered deposit of these unusual crystals in the Swiss Adula Mountains.

You can often hear other names: pearlspar, aglaurite, “fisheye”. Its attractiveness lies not only in its unusual appearance, but also in its magical powers and healing properties, which change depending on what lunar day a person wears the product with it (it is believed that it is especially strong on a full moon on a waxing moon).

It is actually a type of feldspar, and there is absolutely nothing about the lunar mineral other than the name. Its unusual internal structure, resulting from many thin plates firmly pressed together, led to the presence of characteristic color tints. Sometimes it can be confused with other minerals, but, for example, opal has different structural characteristics.

Descriptions of the esoteric properties of a stone almost always emphasize its relationship with the lunar phases and, depending on which moon, different properties are attributed to it.

Adularia is most often found in quartz veins rocks, which are called pegmatites.

Chemical composition

By chemical composition Moonstone is potassium aluminum trisilicate, which is a type of orthoclase. Its color range is very extensive. The rainbow mineral sometimes resembles opal and can be white, pink, or peach in color with a unique variety of shades. Their number can be difficult to list in stone.

Sometimes you can find very unusual samples with internal inclusions of natural elements in the form of stars or stripes, which create a “cat’s eye” effect when properly processed.

The crystal is characterized by a translucent structure with a high degree of fragility, so it can easily be damaged by mechanical stress. Its hardness is significantly inferior to such minerals as quartz and opal.

It is very sensitive to temperature changes and adverse weather conditions. Due to their negative effects, the natural mineral adularia may lose its shine over time, which can only be restored by re-grinding the surface. No other methods will help in this case.

Black Moonstone

A special place among minerals of this type is occupied by black Finnish labradorite, for its unusually spectacular blue or green tint, as well as Madagascar stone.

Feldspars with an opaque surface, which include the original-looking black moonstone, are very much in demand among jewelry connoisseurs. For all its unusual color, it has very beautiful characteristic tints of blue.

Labradorite was first discovered by German missionaries in the 18th century on a Canadian island, the name of which was later given to the found specimen. Its rare color contributed to its extraordinary popularity among the nobility. Therefore, many jewelers of past centuries made magnificent items that were believed to have great magical powers according to the days of the lunar cycle.

A little later, deposits were discovered in Russia. Due to its unusual color, the moonstone from this deposit was called tausine due to the unique iridescence of shades, similar in color scheme with the iridescent color of a peacock's tail.

When huge deposits of Ukrainian deposits were discovered, such a unique moonstone as black labradorite depreciated in value to the level of a facing material that was used to decorate subway walls.

Other varieties of moonstone

Sunstone is called feldspar, which has a sparkling golden color, reminiscent of the shimmer of bright sunny days.

The green-tinged specimens are amazonite, a type of natural microcline.

Deposits where rainbow moonstone is mined have been discovered in various places on our planet:

  • in America;
  • on the Scandinavian Peninsula;
  • in Ukraine;
  • in India;
  • in eastern Russia.

The most specific color is the type of moonstone, which is mined in Russia and is called belomorite, in honor of the White Sea. Appearance This white, almost transparent mineral with a delicate, bluish tint can sometimes be mistaken for a milky white opal.

However, many experts disagreed about it, whether this specimen can be classified as lunar, and if not, then which one, and which one? characteristic feature not enough for this. It seems that all the characteristic iridescent features are present, according to which it can be attributed to this group of adularians.

It is generally accepted that real adularia stone, like sanidine, is extremely rare in nature. It is mined mainly on the island of Sri Lanka and India. It is in these deposits that the most unique varieties of stone are found.

Evidence from ancient manuscripts

Adularia is a stone that can have a different structure, but such a characteristic silvery glow of delicate light shades gives it a special effect. In ancient times, it was believed that these unique natural minerals with an unusual iridescence were given to people by the Moon Goddess. Therefore, they must be worn on a certain lunar day, best of all - on the full moon and the first days of the new moon.

The description of ancient manuscripts contains information about this amazing gift of nature, which was imagined as nothing more than solidified rays of moonlight. This is not surprising, considering To This is what this stone looks like. When looking at the play of highlights, moving from a delicate peach tone to a cold gray shade, it seems that we are holding a tiny piece of the Moon in our hand.

It is believed that on a certain lunar day these stones can convey secret omens to people that can influence the course of events in human life. According to ancient beliefs, the stone contained the power of this mysterious satellite of the Earth, which increased its influence with the growing Moon.

Mineral cost

The most valuable specimens are of blue color, having a rainbow three-color depth, especially clearly expressed when rotated in good lighting. One such product can cost from several hundred dollars to a thousand.

This high cost is explained not so much by the beauty of the color in the stone, but by the extreme rarity of these specimens in nature. The lowest cost is for multi-color samples mined in Indian deposits.

The popularity of adularia has not decreased over many centuries, and people sincerely believe that this stone has a certain power , increasing with the onset of the full moon. The cost, as well as its value, may vary depending on the intensity of color shades, size and degree of transparency.

The color variations in the stone, as well as its internal structure, are a determining factor in the cost. The price of small specimens can start from $1 per carat and above. The cost of larger ones depends on the purity of the color, but on average can be approximately $70 per carat.