Craft family treasures. Family day. From yogurt jars

Family Day of Love and Fidelity in Russia is usually celebrated on the 8th of July. This holiday has roots from the religious world. It is believed that on this day Saints Peter and Fevronia died together. As a rule, on July 8, certain events are held in cities, to which all families are invited and simply loving people. Of course, preparation for this celebration takes a lot of time. Therefore, you should be well prepared for this event. In this article, we decided to tell you about what crafts you can make for Family Day of Love and Fidelity with your own hands.

List of best ideas

Typically, such products are created by children in kindergartens or other educational institutions. At the same time, teachers talk about the history of the holiday and help children remember the most important things. At the same time, the children will find out that the most important thing in life is the love of those closest to them. So, it’s worth listing what you can make yourself for this holiday.

Festive panel.

The purpose of this project is to emphasize that family is considered the most important in the life of every person. Therefore, for this purpose a joint photograph will be required. You will also need: base cardboard and colored paper. All elements will be glued with glue. That’s why it’s worth stocking up on them too.


  1. To begin, cut out 2 doves and flower petals from a white sheet of paper. Then you should cut out the centers for the flowers and leaves. A photo of you together should be cut out in the shape of a heart.
  2. Now all the prepared elements must be glued to the base. The base cardboard should have a calm color. A photograph is glued to the middle.

Master class: Chamomile.

Everyone knows that chamomile is a symbol of the holiday. Therefore, together with the children at a themed activity, you can do something similar. To do this you will need white and yellow paper, which must be corrugated. You also need to make a stem. For this you will need a skewer. Well, further actions should be described below.


Holiday card.

In this article you can see crafts for Family Day of Love and Fidelity. For every holiday, it is customary to give colorful cards. But the most pleasant thing is to receive postcards that you created yourself. To make a postcard you will need a minimum set of things. This is usually: green cardboard, scissors and glue, white and yellow paper.


  1. First, let's start with green cardboard. It is folded in half. The edges are folded towards the middle.
  2. Further. On white paper you need to draw a flower template. It is also worth cutting out the middle from yellow paper.
  3. Then we put the flower together.
  4. Now we coat one part of the flower with glue. After which, it is glued to the postcard.
  5. Then you can write a congratulation inside the card.

Craft for the little ones.

Even the smallest children who love to sculpt can make a gift for their parents. This activity is very exciting. You will need for this purpose: plasticine, colored cardboard and mesh. For convenience, you can use a plasticine modeling board.


For beauty, you can plant a ladybug on your chamomile.

Chamomile from cotton pads.

Family Day of Love and Fidelity is considered the favorite holiday of Russians. And this indicates that all people congratulate each other very willingly. In order to make this product you need: cocktail straws, yellow paint, green cardboard, pencil and cotton pads, PVA glue and corrugated paper.



So, a day dedicated to family love and fidelity will be great and not boring if you make crafts for July 8th. Indeed, this activity is very exciting, and you will get only the best emotions from it.

Hi all. Today I want to do a good thing - give my parents sensible and good advice on the topic crafts for kindergarten. You're "lucky", institution preschool education loaded you with an additional task - to make a craft at home over the weekend and bring it to the kindergarten ik. You are entrusted with a mission not to let down children's faith in super dad and super mom. There is anticipation in the child’s eyes, he has accepted a social assignment and he is worried, because the teacher said it is MANDATORY that EVERYONE SHALL PARTICIPATE. And you are here – on our website. It means you were pushed by a sense of duty and a sense of hope to quickly find a simple and understandable craft. We just have beautiful and very simple solutions. You won't have to suffer for long - and you will succeed the first time. Here are the most interesting and beautiful crafts for kindergarten. AND I WILL LOVE YOU WITH THESE IDEAS. You will do the craft with sparkling eyes and get real excitement from the process and pleasure from the result made with your own hands.

Let's begin…

If suddenly in this article you do not find a craft to your heart, we have articles about others, there are articles about So you will definitely find what you are looking for.

Let's start with waste material- ordinary household consumables - yogurt cups, disposable plates and spoons.

Package of ideas No. 1

Crafts for kindergarten

From yogurt jars

Yogurt cups can be the basis for fun crafts. In this section of our article everything is clear and simple. We glue the parts with hot glue from a gun, or with double-sided tape, or with plasticine, or with instant glue.

The OWL craft from yogurt jars turns out bright and elegant due to well-chosen additions from colored paper. Color decides everything - the right combination of colors gives beautiful craft. Always apply paper - imagine how it will look on a given color of the jar.

If we glue two jars together, we get a new boost of ideas for crafts for the kindergarten. It is better to glue with thermal glue or double-sided tape. Just do it yourself at home.

Here's a lively pig and a cow - you can build a shed out of boxes for such crafts and fence them with a fence. It will turn out to be a small farm. A good craft for kindergarten.

If we INSERT a CARDBOARD between two jars, we will get a small dog. The jars are attached with double-sided tape or glue. It is better to paint the cardboard to match the jars. Please note that on one side the cardboard has side extensions - ears. Using a black marker we draw the details of the dog, legs, spots, nose, eyes. This dog is made very quickly with your own hands - in 1 hour.

Or you can additionally decorate such a dog with other material - fluffy wire, bottle caps and other waste material.

Based on the same CARDBOARD LAYER, this kindergarten craft is created - RED DRAGON.

Here's what it looks like in the process. It is better to use cups of the same color and cardboard too. Or paint all the details in the correct design - red-black, yellow-black, come up with your own color scheme for the dragon.

And if you take EGG CASSETTE and a triangular COOK TRAY– then you’ll get a CROCODILE craft. Your boy will take this craft to kindergarten with pleasure and pride. Green paint will help you. In the first paragraph of this article, I told you how to paint slippery plastic with gouache.

And the most beautiful and large-scale DIY crafts await us in the last paragraph of this article. Read to the end - it will be absolutely cool.

Package of ideas No. 2

Crafts for kindergarten


Craft PEACOCK from plastic plate (pictured below) is done simply and quickly with your own hands. By the way, such a craft can be made WITHOUT A PLATE, JUST FROM CARDBOARD.

  • Step 1. Take a plate and paint it a bright color (blue or turquoise). If the paint is from a can, everything is simple. If the paint is GOUACHE, then you need to drop liquid soap into it so that it lies evenly on the slippery smooth plate. And after drying, spray with hairspray to fix the color. You can entrust the painting to a child - he will like it; you can use a piece of foam sponge rather than a brush.
  • Step 2. Next, cut off the painted plate with scissors lower "hunch". And we cut the remaining circumferential edge with scissors - cuts at a distance of 3-4 cm. This is a blank for the future craft.
  • Step 3. Now let's take knitting or sewing threads green, or purple, or blue or burgundy or another peacock color and lead the thread through the slits - as if weaving a wicker basket, throw the thread through the cut blades - from one edge of the plate to the other and into reverse side. Until there are several rows of thread along the edge of the cutting. Children do the wrapping with pleasure - you go through 2 rows, show what’s what, and then the child continues.
  • Step 3. From cardboard or paper cut out circles– big for the tummy, small for the head. We cut out a panicle for the tuft from paper (or use fluffy wire as in the photo). The peacock's feet can also be made of cardboard or wire. If desired, you can add wings to the craft (ovals on both sides of the abdomen).

Craft OWL from a disposable plate. Here we paint the plate in Brown color gouache with soap added to it.

WHAT TO DO IF THE PAINT DOES NOT APPLY ON THE PLASTIC OF THE PLATE. If the paint, even with the addition of soap, does not adhere well to the gloss of a plastic plate, then can be done in a clever way. Spread the plate with PVA glue and place a thin layer of paper napkin on the glue, again spread PVA glue on top (if desired, you can make more layers of the napkin). After drying, you can easily paint such a papier-mâché-covered plate with gouache. Optional you can use a napkin to make any relief on the belly of an owl(make lumps from a napkin wet with glue and place them on the owl’s tummy, imitating feathers). Fantasize - try any of your ideas in practice and you will succeed even better than here.

And here is the DUCK craft to the kindergarten - here it is made of plates of two sizes - large and small. But you can replace the missing plate with just a round piece of cardboard. You can come up with similar crafts with your own brain and make them with your own hands.

You can use 2 or three plates in the craft, and cut out additional parts from cardboard or paper. The plate can be cut into any shape we need.

Craft AIST made from a plastic plate (or cardboard circle) and a roll sleeve from toilet paper.

  • We cut out two head silhouettes (2 circles) from white paper - because we need to stick a head on both sides of the neck (and insert a nose made of red colored paper between these head silhouettes.
  • Cut a wide strip (for the neck). We fold this strip in half lengthwise - this way it will be stronger, it will have a stiffening rib (bending rib).
  • We paint a toilet paper roll with red gouache or cover it with red paper.

Below under the photo I give step-by-step descriptions of the entire craft.

  • Step 1. We make a cut in the roll with scissors - such a depth that the stork’s body fits firmly into this slot.
  • Step 2. We glue the neck to the side of the stork’s body, like this: open the strip folded lengthwise, coat its inside with glue and put it on the edge of the stork’s body.
  • Step 3. We insert the nose between two circles of white paper (apply glue only to the nose). Next, we coat all the spaces between the head discs with glue and insert the upper edge of the stork’s neck between them. That’s it – the craft is ready – glue or draw a wing on the side.

DIY PEACOCK panel made from plastic spoons. If you have a lot of plastic spoons in your household. Or you know where to buy them inexpensively in bulk, then you can make your kindergarten teacher gasp. You can create a large panel. Truly a work of innovative art.

Cardboard from a large box is suitable for the base.- For example, from a large family pizza. We paint the cardboard in the desired color - dark is better, the colors shine brighter on a black background.

Cover spoons with gouache(I wrote a little higher here about how to make paint not slip on plastic). Cut out of cardboard bird silhouette. The silhouette can be copied from this photo or found on the Internet. Or you can draw the bird in gouache directly on the cardboard background of the box. And if you wish, you can smear the silhouette of the bird with PVA glue, sprinkle it with semolina, dry it and cover it again with gouache (this will make the texture of the bird rough).

We glue the bird onto the center of the box, place the spoons on the sides (we mark their location with a pencil) and then glue them one at a time with hot glue from a hot glue gun.

Here are more variations peacock made from SPOONS AND COTTON SWIPS. This is a very beautiful craft for kindergarten - and you will need spoons and a pack of cotton swabs, salt six sticks whole, cut the rest into halves. Now you will understand how easy it is to do everything yourself. Even a child can do it.

COOKING THE NECK . We cut out the SILHOUETTE OF A peacock's NECK from cardboard and place it in rows on top of this cardboard neck. halves of cotton swabs. We place the round part of a plastic spoon in the area of ​​the bird’s head and attach six long cotton swabs to it (this will be the crest). When the glue dries, cover all rows of sticks with blue gouache.

In order for the gouache to fit well on the plastic parts of the sticks (you can spread the entire neck of cotton swabs with PVA glue, put pieces of paper napkin on top and cover with glue again - dry and you will get a hard, rough paper crust and the gouache will fit perfectly on it.

PREPARE THE TAIL – put glue on a round piece of cardboard (in the center of the photo) (preferably hot glue from a gun) and quickly place spoons on the glue in a circle – in a round dance. Now we swell the glue on top and place the finished blue neck of the bird from cotton swabs.
It's very beautiful and if you look at it simple craft with your own hands, which you can do together with your children.

But very simple and fast crafts for kindergarten – CROCUS FLOWERS also from plastic spoons. We attach the spoons to a lump of plasticine at the bottom of the cup. Fill the cup with chopped and crumpled paper (if there is no ready-made paper filler for postal parcels).

Package of ideas No. 3

Crafts for kindergarten

Made from colored corrugated cardboard.

In the stationery departments of the store, along with regular school flat cardboard, sets are sold corrugated cardboard for children's creativity. We usually don’t buy it - why do we need it? But why...

You can create a voluminous convex craft from corrugated cardboard IN 10 MINUTES.

If we cut such cardboard into strips and roll such a strip into a tube, we will get a pancake piece. Like this snail.

If you press on the pancake with your fingers, pushing through the middle, the flat pancake sticks out like a lens. And we get a three-dimensional form. Like the shell and face of this dinosaur craft.

You can make any characters from these convex pancake rolls. Simply roll up cardboard strips into rolls of different sizes and colors and create new crafts with your own hands

As you can see, everything is quite simple. Even a child can understand it.

So that the craft retains its shape (that is, the middle of the twist did not move out and did not fall out of the pancake) you can fasten the finished parts - coat them with glue between the layers of twists (a little watering from a tube of PVA). This way you won’t be afraid that someone will press on the belly of the mouse and the middle will pop out and it will be difficult to wrap it inside again.

You can make these white lambs with your own hands. Or black and white sheep. Cute craft in kindergarten. If you arrange a pasture for a lamb in a candy lid with green paper grass and flowers, you will get a whole craft-composition for the kindergarten.

If flat twisted pancakes are pressed forward very hard, then we will get ELONGED SPIRAL DETAILS (like a turret) - this is exactly how the paws of the cat in the photo below are made.

Several flat pancakes glued on top of each other will give you a BEHEMOTH craft. Beautiful and simple work. You don't have to puff and sweat. Just cut the cardboard into strips and roll the pancakes with your fingers. We fix them with glue in several places so that the rows of twist do not move apart and that’s it. Collect any crafts for your dear garden. Very beautiful and most importantly made by hand.

This is what a cute FROG you can get. You do one. The second is your child. Then you get carried away and make a whole frog family. And they need a home - a cozy pond with blue water and water lilies.

For girls, a separate idea is to make a princess with your own hands. A beautiful doll - it will turn out to be large. It will be convenient and pleasant to hold it in your hands, play with it - and it’s a shame to leave it at the kindergarten at the exhibition - but very soon you will take it home, you just need to be patient, let other children and parents admire your craft for the kindergarten.

And your girls will love this TASTY craft for kindergarten. Well, how can you not fall in love with the idea itself - and run to the stores for corrugated cardboard. After all, with just one package of 10 sheets, you can make several chic crafts at once for the kindergarten and for your home. Your girl will be very happy - and you will experience the same childish joy and also pride that you were not too lazy and took up this task about a craft for kindergarten. And as a result, we learned so many great ways to have fun and get creative.

For boys there are serious options. Excellent technology, fresh from the assembly line of skilled hands. It's so fun to make large-scale toys with your own hands.

Package of ideas No. 4

Crafts for kindergarten

Large installations.

On a large sheet of cardboard, or a box lid, you can create a WHOLE BIG SMALL WORLD. This could be a city or village or an individual farm. You choose the installation size yourself. Not necessary make a big craft like this for kindergarten.

You can make it smaller - a couple of pens behind the fence and a small house made from a tea box.

For a fence you don’t need to look for or save ice cream sticks - you can cut strips of cardboard (fences) and stick them on a long crossbar (also made of cardboard) and you will get a piece of fence. For stability and strength, this crossbar needs to be folded in half LONGWAY - the fold line along the entire length of the strip will serve as a strength rib (as we straighten money in a wallet, bending it lengthwise).

Small pebbles from a flower bed, cereals (rice, buckwheat, lentils) can become decorations for crafts. We cut off the tops of the cookie boxes (so that they have low sides), pour cereal into them, and place pigs or geese.

Good, durable do-it-yourself houses are made from juice or milk boxes. Read how to paint the slippery surface of a box with gouache in the very first paragraph of this article.

If you don't have animal toys for your small farm, you can make them yourself - like mini crafts from corrugated cardboard. Or sculpt from plasticine, make from yogurt jars.

Or POSSIBLE WITHOUT ANIMALS - you can set up a POULTRY FARM. Chickens are easy and simple to make from chocolate egg containers. Or chickens can be molded from plasticine - just balls. Roll in semolina until fluffy and paint with yellow gouache. Dry and spray with hairspray - this way we will fix both the color and the grain.

Package of ideas No. 5

Crafts for kindergarten

From paper rolls.

Rolls of toilet paper remain. You don’t have to throw them away - but make a craft with your own hands. Make a beautiful, bright one using paints (to paint over the background) and colored paper (to paste in bright elements).

A few rolls will give you the opportunity to create a flowerbed craft for the garden. Your child will be happy to participate in the creation of such a flower garden. If he goes to senior group, he already knows how to cut out the outlines of flowers. He can cover rolls of paper with green paint and cut out green leaves from paper.

But I want to show you A NEW LOOK at crafts made from rolls. I want to ignite the creative spirit in you. Challenge your creativity. Let's create something more - than a flowerbed. Let's take a look at the beautiful and majestic castle from the Middle Ages.

We go to the store and buy a pack of toilet paper and a pack of paper towels. We give the child the task of unwinding the rolls (winding them onto a rolled-up newspaper, for example). You need material to build a castle - let your family help.

YOU can do without rolls. Towers can be SQUARE. The key is the jagged edge of each block. And then the swing takes on its classic Romanesque style. Window arched shape, abrasions and multi-stage buildings.

The lock can be painted with a foam sponge. To imitate a gray stone, WE DO THIS - first we cover the details of the castle with white paint (dilute the gouache with water in a plate, dip a sponge and print on the castle) - dry this white layer. Now in a new plate we mix white gouache with black. We dip a sponge - we make several imprints of the sponge on the draft (so that the excess paint goes away) and we imprint all the details of the castle with a faint black sponge. Then we go through it again with a clean sponge, removing the extra layers of black. So under the black color we will have white-gray visible. And you get the effect of the stone walls of a castle. Think about what natural effect you can still achieve with your own hands.

You can place a LIZARD next to the castle; he came to fight the knight or simply guards the castle from enemies. Here the lizard is fed lambs and everything suits him.

If you are the mother of a girl, then the castle should be MAGICAL and of course pink. In the castle courtyard you can put figurines of cute ponies and princesses from Kinder Surprises.

Or make princesses yourself from thin sheets of paper using the Quilling technique. The principle of operation is exactly the same as in the corrugated cardboard crafts in the third part of this article. We also twist a thin strip of colored paper around a toothpick into a flat pancake - press the pancake with our fingers to get a cone shape - this is a ready-made dress for the princess. All that remains is to make a pancake head, arms and legs. Then a hairstyle made of thin paper curls and you're done. Beautiful doll with your own hands.

There are mothers who know how to make crafts FROM Ribbons. Here is an example of such a ribbon princess. The smallest thin ribbons are used here.

Package of ideas No. 6

Crafts for kindergarten

Using the PAPIER-MACHE technique.

This is the main beauty that I want to make you fall in love with.

Crafts from papier-mâché. This is great. This is a guaranteed victory in the kindergarten craft competition.

And this is the FASTEST craft to work with. And all with your own hands from the simplest materials.

Yes, don't be surprised. You can make a papier-mâché craft very, very quickly. You'll even be surprised. And it will look as if you worked on it for several days.

Now you will see everything for yourself. And believe me.

In the store we buy: Balloon, tape, PVA glue.

IMPORTANT!!! I never buy PVA glue in the school supply department. I buy PVA glue from the home improvement department. There they sell it in liter buckets and it costs 5 times less than school PVA glue. For a liter bucket of glue from a hardware store you will pay 2 dollars, FUNNY THAT for the same money you will only buy 4 tiny jars of school grade PVA. A chemical composition they have the same one.

Buy a bucket of PVA glue and you will have enough time to make a variety of crafts for 2 years.


We make fins from cardboard. It is better that the fins are plump inside. Then we make them from two layers of cardboard between - we glue these two layers of fin together with tape - like a pocket, and we push newspaper into it (to make the pocket plump.

WITH fish tail we do the same.

We glue the tail and fins to the balloon using tape. Pour glue into a bowl and tear the newspaper into pieces. Dip each piece in glue and place it on the ball.

Instead of newspaper you can use paper napkins, toilet paper, paper towel - everything you have in the house. 2 ways of pasting are:

FIRST METHOD . You can take a large brush (for blush) and do the following - quickly smear the side of the ball with glue, put newspaper leaves on the glue, spread it with glue again, put newspaper scraps on the gaps between the first layer of pieces. Apply glue again and put back a layer of newspapers. Apply glue again and again.

SECOND METHOD. Or you can simply dip pieces of newspaper into a wide bowl of glue and place them on the ball. You don’t need a lot of intelligence - it’s just a TYAP-BLAP job. Your child can help you with pleasure - he can glue everything himself. You are on one side, he is on the other.

Now we leave our craft to dry - for several hours - or overnight.

Using this BALLOON AND NEWSPAPER technique you can make a variety of crafts

Each craft is made from papier mache IN THREE STEPS. Just three simple steps.

Here is the BIRD - in the photo below. This is also done in three steps.

  • Step 1 . The wings and tail were cut out of cardboard and attached to the ball with tape. We rolled the paper into a bag and attached it with tape (this is the nose of the bird).
  • Step 2. Next we cover everything with newspaper. Let's dry it.
  • Step 3 . We paint with gouache.

And this NEW bird (with the photo below) is also done in the same THREE STEPS.

The bird's eyes are half a foam ball, or half a plastic ball from a chocolate surprise (attached with tape). We attach the legs from wooden branches to the ball with tape.

Then we cover everything with zageta, including the legs. Dry and paint.

On the basis hot air balloon you can make an OCTOPUS craft. We roll a sheet of newspaper into a tube and wrap it with thread to fix the bend of the tube. We make 8 pieces of newspaper rolls - how many legs does an octopus have?

We stick these newspaper rolls to the bottom of the ball with tape. Cover everything with newspaper and glue. Let's dry it. Let's paint.

If you are a good artist, you can depict a cat’s face on a ball with all the halftones, drawing hairs and stripes.

If you glue a curd canister to the ball with tape, you will get a heel shape like a pig’s.

If you cut off the cells from a cassette with eggs, you will get legs for a pig - we glue them to the bottom of the ball.

We cut out ears from cardboard and glue them on tape. We cover everything with several layers of newspaper, dry it, and paint it with gouache.

SECRET - how not to spend a lot of gouache on such a craft.

The problem is that the newspaper letters show through under the gouache. You have to apply a second and third layer of gouache. And this is no longer economical. LET'S MAKE IT CHEAPER. Buy a small bucket of actil white paint (regular façade wall paint) from a hardware store. A small liter bucket will cost you the equivalent of $1. We cover the newspaper layer with white paint. And then we apply delicate colored gouache over the white paint. So one layer of ink is enough for us - newspaper letters covered acrylic paint They won’t show through and you won’t need a lot of gouache to cover them up.

CRAFTS made from TWO balls.

You can use not one but two balls - connecting them together with tape. We inflate one balloon with more air, and inflate less air into the other. This way we will get a larger body and a smaller head. Such proportions of the head and body can be found in a hare (pictured below), a cat, a dog, or any animal with a short neck.

This dog also consists of two balls. Here the balls are glued SIDE to each other, shifted forward. It is better to find oval (not round) balls for sale. Or make a round ball become oval. You can give the ball an oval shape by inflating it halfway, bandaging it with tape in the middle, and inflating it again. The tape will prevent the ball from inflating to the sides and it will turn out oval in shape.

And if you want to make an animal with a LONG NECK, then between the two balls you need to insert a tube (a roll of toilet paper or paper towels or other tubular material). Adhesion is achieved through adhesive tape.

And you can also make a DINOSAUR - wild but cute. We cut long toothpaste boxes from the bottom into notches - to get a JAW WITH TEETH - we make one upper one and another lower one.

Toilet paper rolls (or coffee cups) are great when you need to make legs for a dog or pony, or make an elongated muzzle.

You can use a BALL and a plastic BOTTLE in one craft. Below is a dog's body made from plastic bottle, and the muzzle is a balloon. The legs are wire wrapped around the bottle. Bottle caps are taped to the ends of the wire legs. The tail is also a wire wound to the bottle.

We assemble this structure and cover it with newspaper. Let's dry it. Let's color it.

And here is a craft for a kindergarten where 2 bottles are combined. One from liquid laundry detergent, the other from conditioner.

If we put a semicircular jar of Danone yogurt on the neck of the bottle, we will get a shape similar to a skittle. This is an excellent preparation for a Bunny craft.

Here's another craft idea for kindergarten. It is without newspaper and glue.

There is a BALLOON and a regular FORMIAM (a fashionable craft material that looks like a flat foamed rubber cloth). .By the way, formiam can be replaced with ordinary FELT.

We inflate the ball slightly so that it is not large and not transparent. We cut out the decoration from formiam (or felt) and glue it on top of the ball. Cut out a basket (cupcake tin) from cardboard and place a ball in it. We decorate along the edge with strips of formiam curled around each other.

These are the ideas for kindergarten crafts that I have prepared for you today. Do you feel what a cool parent you can become?

You can create a very beautiful craft with your own hands. Your child will jump with delight. He will help you - actively and diligently.

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY the child will receive experience of successful activities. He will believe in his strength, he will believe in your strength, in the strength of his family. He will carry this faith throughout his life. He will grow up to be a confident and strong person.

That's why it's so important to make this craft for kindergarten.

Let's get into it right now. This the most worthwhile thing of all for this weekend.

And I will be glad that I gave you this thrill and this desire.

Olga Klishevska, especially for the site
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Family Day, which is celebrated on July 8, is not that old official holiday in Russia. True, the history of its origin has been known for a long time. The married couple of Murom Prince Peter and his wife Fevronia, who lived their lives in peace and harmony, are patrons of family and marriage and are revered by Christians. This couple was canonized, and on Family Day, everyone who celebrates this holiday remembers the wonderful marriage of the family of Peter and Fevronia, the loyalty and love that they carried throughout their lives.

The Family Holiday is very young for Russia, and does not yet have long-standing traditions. However, congratulations to married couples - already established and those just preparing for marriage, congratulations to all its members in the family - is an integral attribute of the holiday. At any holiday there is a place for gifts. Children give gifts to their parents, congratulate grandparents who have lived a long life family life. Gifts can be the simplest - the main thing is the attention and love with which they are made and given.

Paper crafts for Family Day - touching and feasible gifts for a child of any age. Cute postcards using technology that even a preschooler can handle, or complex three-dimensional compositions using technology or for older children - the main thing is the warmth and care with which children remember their parents and relatives and try to please them.

Preschoolers and primary schoolchildren will easily master panels using the appliqué technique. In addition, such work does not require expensive and rare materials for execution: cardboard (colored and regular), paper (velvet, foil, colored and regular), stationery glue or PVA, a brush and sometimes paints, gouache or watercolors - that’s it a simple kit for creating simple products. On the postcard you can depict a bouquet of flowers or a single flower, you can make an applique that will depict the whole family, including pets - this cute picture will take its rightful place among family photographs.

Children aged 9 years and older will be happy to make panels and postcards using the technique - voluminous, multi-layered works of paper. These paper crafts for family day will be especially memorable because... Such works look simply amazing: the thin filigree of transparent paper and scenes cut out from it will remind parents of the fragility of love and the need to protect this feeling.

Even the youngest children can make paper medals from gold foil paper and award them to each family member. Everyone on this day will be winners, because... family is constant work, and only the one who cares and loves his family wins this competition that lasts a long family life.

The whole family can make an album. Thick cardboard for the cover and for sheets, colored paper for decoration, glue, paints - necessary materials to create it. A family album can become a tradition. It can be made annually, and throughout the year it can be filled with the most significant events in the life of the family, photographs and descriptions. This chronicle will eventually become the history of the family, and years later a whole stack of similar albums will be collected, in which a variety of events will be described - sad and funny, kind, funny and those that cannot be forgotten.

This is the kind of album a family can give to themselves.
And even though there are not many traditions associated with this holiday - Family Day, the main thing is to start creating them: giving gifts, congratulating friends and relatives. And over time, this holiday will become as beloved and significant as the traditional ones that are expected in advance.

What kind of craft can be made for kindergarten on the theme “My Family”?

    The most common craft on the theme My Family can be a composition made of plasticine - dad, mom and child (or children). It will be more interesting if they are placed doing some kind of work or enjoying general leisure time. For example, dad sits and reads the newspaper, mom sews, and the child sits next to him on the potty - funny, isn’t it? Or they all play ball together. You can make a volumetric panel from natural material- leaves, pumpkin seeds, watermelon, etc. on the specified topic. Ask the child, children have so much imagination, they can offer so much - and you just choose and help in doing it or do it all together. Another option - salty dough. You can also dream up and make a lot of things out of it. And also - cook something edible - cookies or a cake, in the preparation of which all family members participated.

    A good theme for children's creativity. It is interesting how the child himself sees his family, who and how he wants to portray. You will probably need help from your parents, so first discuss the craft project with your child, and then move on to the practical matter.

    Of course, many people make a family tree (family tree). Do you also want to make a family tree? I suggest you come up with something interesting, and not just draw a tree and stick your photos there.

    For example (I provide the photo for clarity of thought, and not as an exact copy of what I recommend):

    Family of palms. Let each family member (parents, child, and other relatives, if desired) circle their palm and then stick all the palms on a piece of paper. You can also glue a photo to your palm. The child will be interested. His palm will be small, and mom and dad’s will be larger.

    Make a family bouquet of flowers like this.

    Family in the form of a garden with flowers and trees.

    Most simple solution this task, in my opinion, is applique family tree.

    Glue a tree made of colored paper, photos or drawings of your relatives onto a sheet of white paper and sign it. However, one of the adults will have to sign.

    In this form, it also turns out very clearly - here, in addition to portraits, there are also the basic postulates on which the family rests.

    You can make such an applique from ice cream sticks, small pieces of material and threads - you get a cheerful family.

    I'm a creative mom and I offer you this idea: cut out your faces from unnecessary photographs, paste them on an album sheet, cut out clothes from magazines with arms and legs to each body, glue them to your heads, add hair cut out from a magazine or from threads, and in clumsy funny handwriting write my family.

    Hello. You can make a picture with plasticine on a cardboard sheet. Very interesting and original. The child will love doing such exciting modeling.

DIY photo frame for family photography

The master class is designed for older children preschool age, schoolchildren, educators, teachers primary classes, caring parents.

Target: Mastering the cutting technique, using a variety of methods of attaching material to the background to obtain a three-dimensional appliqué.
Tasks: Continue to teach children how to create a simple composition; Arrange images of flowers on the sheet in different ways. Reinforce techniques for creating a composition and techniques for gluing it. Develop aesthetic perception, sense of beauty; develop imagination, fantasy, Creative skills. Cultivate interest in artistic creativity, independence, artistic taste.
Purpose: gift for Family Day, group decoration in kindergarten and at home.

We did this work with the children for Family Day on May 15th.
Necessary materials:
a thick piece of paper for the base (we used watercolor paper)
tinted A4 sheets of different colors
corrugated paper in yellow and hot pink colors
leaflet template
flower templates in three sizes
figured hole punch
curly scissors

Step by step process manufacturing:

Step one: cut out flowers in three sizes from tinted paper using a template.

I printed out the daisies and cut them out.

Step two: carefully bend the edges of each flower down with scissors.

Step three: glue the flowers to each other - glue the middle flower onto the large one, and the small one onto the middle one. Chamomile consists of two leaves.

Step four: glue corrugated paper circles to the center of the flowers.

Step five: cut out leaves using a template from green tinted paper.

Step six: glue the flowers and leaves onto the base sheet according to your wishes.

Step seven: using a shaped hole punch from tinted paper, cut out small flowers (you can use any hole punch).

Step eight: we decorate the frame on the base sheet with these small flowers.

Step nine: you need to choose a place for the photo and create a frame for the photo.
To do this, I made thin tubes of tinted paper to fit the size of the photograph.

I glued it to the chosen place. The side and bottom edges are glued completely to the leaf, and the top edge is glued to the sides using small flowers along the edges. And the tubes stick to each other and the joints are not visible!
We also hide the joints on the bottom.

You can also make a frame using curly scissors. We cut the strips to the size of the photo, bend one edge inward and glue it. At the corners we glue small flowers cut out with a figured hole punch.

These are the photo frames my students made.