Summary of a lesson on patriotic education for Victory Day. Lesson on civic-patriotic education of children Lesson summary: patriotic education

Open lesson By patriotic education

V preparatory group"Travel to Russia"

Target: Develop a feeling of patriotism and love for one’s homeland.

Tasks: Summarize and systematize children about Russia, to form a respectful attitude towards state symbols; fix the names of major Russian cities and rivers; names of folk crafts; cultivate love for the Motherland, civic and patriotic feelings.

Materials: coats of arms and flags, crossword puzzle, visual teaching aids, exhibition of drawings..

Preliminary work: Conversations about Russian symbols; poems, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland; looking at photographs of cities and rivers; conversations, viewing illustrations and performing works based on folk arts and crafts.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: a lot of different countries, but the largest country is ours. What is it called?(Russia.)

That's right, Russia. What is our Russia like? (Big, beloved, beautiful, huge, rich, strong.)

Russia is our Motherland. Guys, explain how you understand what “Motherland” is?(Motherland is the place where we were born; the country in which we live. Each person has one homeland.)

Educator : Guys, read a poem about the Motherland?


Great land
Beloved land
Where we were born and live,
We are the bright homeland,
We are the dear Motherland,
We call it our Motherland

Educator : The Russian people have composed many proverbs and sayings about their Motherland. Remember them.

(To live is to serve the Motherland. The Motherland teaches - the Motherland helps out. He who fights hard for his homeland is a true hero, etc.)

All these proverbs teach us kindness, love for the Motherland, and the ability to defend it from enemies. Now let's come to the map.

No country in the world has such a vast territory as Russia. Look at the map. (The teacher shows the children a map of Russia. ) This is how much space the territory of Russia occupies. When people go to bed at one end of our country, morning begins at the other. It may be snowing at one end of our country, but the sun may be blazing hot at the other. To get from one end to the other by train you need to travel 7 days to a week, and by plane it takes almost a day. And today I offer you a trip around Russia.

Guys, what can you travel with? (By plane, bus, etc.)

Educator: I suggest you travel by train. Let's go. We take our seats in the carriage.

(The music “Steam Locomotive” plays.)


The station is called “Lesnaya”

The map told us that our country is very large, one might say huge. What else can the map tell us?

- What color do you still see on the map? (Green) What do you think is indicated by the color green. (Plants, grass, trees, forest)

Yes, green is the color of the forest.

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:

For us in the rain and in the heat.

A friend will help,
Green and good.
He will extend dozens of hands to us.
And thousands of palms.(Tree.)

Educator: Right! This is a tree. What is a tree made of?(Roots, trunk, branches, leaves.)

What benefits do trees and forests bring to humans?

(The forest is clean air and wood, from which a huge number of different objects are made; and the paper on which books are printed, notebooks, albums, furniture are made, houses are heated and much more.)

Educator : Forest is a natural wealth, it must be treated very carefully.

Which tree is the symbol of Russia?

(The symbol of Russia is the white birch.) Whichever way kind words Russian people do not name this tree: curly, slender, beautiful, white-trunked. No other country has as many birches as we have. Birch is in songs, riddles, and fairy tales.


You are so beautiful, little birch

And at noon it’s hot, and at the hour of dew,

That Russia is unthinkable without you

And I am unthinkable without your beauty.

Also, what color do you see on the map? (brown) What does it mean?

Yes, these are mountains. Mountains also have names, let's read some of them. (The teacher invites one of the children to show the mountains and reads the names - Ural Mountains, Caucasus Mountains, etc.)

What do mountains give a person? (children's assumption). Minerals are mined in the mountains. Icons on the map indicate where and what minerals are mined.

What are minerals? (children's assumption) This is what is in the ground and what a person really needs for life. For example, coal, various ores, which we need to make various metals; gold, diamonds. Minerals also make up the country's wealth.

Physical education minute:

Hands raised and shook.
These are birch trees in the forest,
Arms bent, hands shaken -
The wind blows away the dew.
Let's wave our hands to the sides, smoothly,
These are the birds flying towards us.
We'll also show you how they sit down.
Arms bent back

Educator: The forest is our wealth. Let's take care of nature.

And our journey continues. We take our seats in the carriages. Go.

Educator: The station is called“Geographical”

What are those blue wavy lines on the map that you see, of which there are so many?

- These are rivers. Are there also many rivers in Russia?

Here we need to solve a crossword puzzle. Based on the written word, guess what will be discussed. What word, read it.(The word RIVER.)

Right. The rivers of Russia are powerful and full-flowing. Rivers carry their waters to the seas and oceans. Listen to my first hint.

1. This river flows in a city where there are many museums, ancient parks, beautiful fountains, magnificent palaces, and in this city there are drawbridges and white nights.(NEVA)

2. The name of this river is consonant with the name of the capital of our Motherland. This?(MOSCOW)

3. This river is named after a woman.(LENA)

Educator: Well done! Our crossword puzzle has been solved. What other rivers do you know?(Ob, Oka, Yenisei, Amur, Angara, Irtysh.) What benefits do rivers bring to humans?

Name the capital of Russia.(Moscow.)

Who will tell a poem about Moscow?

Moscow is Red Square,

Moscow is the towers of the Kremlin,

Moscow is the heart of Russia,

who loves you

What is the name of the city we live in?

There are many cities in our country. What cities do you know?(Kazan , Vladivostok, etc.) Right.

Educator: The names of cities and rivers are geographical names. That’s why this station is called “Geographical”

Well, it's time for us to move on. Our train is leaving. Has everyone taken their seats? Go.

We arrived at the station"Folk Crafts" or "Miracle Masters"

Russia was famous for its miracles - masters,
Wood and clay were turned into a fairy tale.
They created beauty with paints and brushes,
The young were taught their art.

Educator : I invite you to recall the products of decorative and applied art of Russian masters. Guess the riddles.

    Multicolored girlfriends
    They love to hide in each other. What is this?(Matryoshka.)

    – Of course, this is a matryoshka doll familiar to all of us. Here she is! (The teacher shows the children a matryoshka doll.)
    - Next riddle.

    This painting is just a miracle,
    All dishes are blue.
    Painting with blue curl
    Beckons with Russian cornflower.(Gzhel.)

    Educator: That's right, guys. Look how beautiful it is.

    Golden grass grew on a spoon,
    A red flower blossomed on a bowl.(Khokhloma.)

    All toys are not simple,
    And magically painted
    Snow-white, like birch trees,
    Circles, squares, stripes.(Dymkovo toy.)

    The good master made a fairy tale,
    Animals in a fairy tale come to life
    Bears, hares, beaters -
    Wooden Toys.(Bogorodskaya toy.)

Educator: Well done guys, you know the products of Russian crafts. The Russian people know how to not only work, but also have fun. And we'll play nowRussian folk game “Rucheek”

We played and continue our journey. The train sets off.

Educator: The station is called“State

Children, we said the capital of our Motherland is Moscow.

The government of our state is located in Moscow.

Name the president of our country? (V.V. Putin)

- What state symbols of our country do you know? (Coat of arms, flag, anthem.)

Educator : State symbols are symbols that unite citizens of one country. Us with you.

Educator : Oh, now, find the coat of arms of our country.(Images are laid out, children choose the coat of arms of Russia from the proposed coats of arms.)

A child reads a poem about the coat of arms:

Russia has a majestic

The coat of arms has a double-headed eagle,

So that to the west, to the east

He could look right away

He is strong, wise and proud.

He is Russia's free spirit

Educator: What is an anthem?(The anthem is the most important song of the country. People listen to the anthem while standing, etc.)

Right! Each country has its own anthem. You and I sang the Russian anthem at the beginning of our journey..

Look at the Russian flag. Our flag consists of horizontal stripes of different colors. What colors are these?

Find our country's flag among others. (Images of flags are laid out, and children choose the Russian flag from those offered.)

Well done! Who will recite a poem about the flag?


Our flag is beautiful -

White blue red!

White - peace and purity,

Blue - loyalty, heaven,

Red - courage, bravery….

These are the colors of our native flag!

And now, guys, I suggest you go toworkshop . Where will you make the Russian flag for pupils of junior groups.

Before work, we need to prepare our fingers for work.

Finger gymnastics :

In the country where you and I live,

The flag flies proudly over the Kremlin.

He is white as the snows of Russia,

Like the skies above us, blue.

And the colors of the morning dawn

There's a stripe at the bottom, look.

While it's hovering over the Kremlin,

We live peacefully with you! (Finger massage)

The teacher explains how to make a flag, the children do the work to the music.

Lesson summary : Children, our journey has come to an end.

Why did we travel around Russia today? (children's answers)

Educator : Homeland begins on the threshold of your home. She is huge and beautiful. And everyone has one, like a mother.

You should be proud of your homeland, love it deeply and tenderly, take care of it.

Group, age of children, duration: school preparatory group,

6-7 years, 35 minutes.

Type of lesson: educational

Form: informational creative mini-project.

Purpose of the lesson: arouse in children interest and an emotionally positive attitude towards the Russian Army through engaging in dialogue and joint creative activity on military topics.

Software tasks:


  • expand children's understanding of the Army and its troops;
  • on available material, in joint activities with the teacher, reveal the following concepts: great power, army, military forces, defenders, border, types of weapons;
  • Show children how to organize teamwork in small groups, following general rules.


  • develop in preschoolers search skills, abilities and skills of working in cooperation, skills of empathy for the results of a common cause;
  • develop children's communication skills by involving them in verbal dialogue;
  • develop logic of thinking and memory when making assumptions.


  • to instill in children feelings of patriotism, pride and respect for the Russian Army;
  • to cultivate a feeling of love for one’s people, one’s Motherland, a desire to cherish and protect it in the future;
  • to form motivation among older preschoolers to serve in the ranks of the Russian Army.

Problem situation: Our country has vast expanses that need to be protected and protected. Do you know who protects our Motherland and how? Are you ready to become her protector when you grow up?

Vocabulary work: great naval power, military forces (land, air, military) navy), cap, helmet, binoculars.

Methods for organizing children in the classroom: frontally, in small groups; conversation, dialogue; creating a problem situation.


  • projector;
  • slides: map of Russia, types of troops, military uniforms, weapons;
  • phonograms: Slavyanka march, songs about the Soviet Army;
  • poem “There’s a parade on the square today...”;
  • models of military figures of 3 types of military forces: land (border guards), air force (pilots), navy (sailors);
  • materials for children’s independent creative work: paper blanks for military uniform elements, glue, napkins;
  • layout - panorama “Glory to the Army!”;
  • costumes for group commanders, flags of the armed forces;
  • colored chips for organizing small groups of children.

Intended product of the mini-project:

open lesson with design of a model - panorama “Glory to the Army!”,

game situation with participation in the “Armed Forces Parade”.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the hall to the sounds of the Slavyanka march.

Slide 1. Greeting card.

Introductory part.

Meeting children (Children stand in a circle).

Hello guys! Today we have an unusual activity. What interesting things have you noticed about me? (military uniform)? Who wears a military uniform (soldiers, military)? When it's needed (during service in the Army, in the war)? Why do you think I wore a military uniform today? (Children's answers: maybe you serve in the Army, dressed for a holiday, etc.) You're right guys. Most recently, on February 23, our entire country celebrated the holiday (Which?). Defender of the Fatherland Day. And I propose to dedicate our meeting with you to our glorious Russian Army. Do you support my proposal? (Yes).

During hostilities, people do not always address each other by name; sometimes military people come up with special names - a password. For what? (For safety) Let's do the same with you. I will now select a token, and from now on you will contact me... (The teacher takes the token, identifies herself, asks several children to repeat her name and password). And now you can choose unusual names for yourself. Take your tokens and identify yourself. What's your name now? And you? ...

We will address each other by these names in class. Now, please take your seats on the chairs.

Main part

Introductory conversation.

Slide 2: map of Russia. Do you know the name of our country? ( Russia). We have already remembered that on February 23 the whole country celebrated a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Who are the Defenders of the Fatherland? What and who are they protecting? (Answers are children's assumptions).

Our country is a great maritime power. Why "great" (won victories in wars, never attacked other countries, only defended itself)? Why "sea" (surrounded by water, has a powerful fleet)?

Our country is powerful, large in area, surrounded by borders. Who wants to show the borders of our Motherland on the map? (choose someone who wants it, no - show it yourself). And in order for all residents of our country to live calmly and peacefully, it must be protected and protected.

Who do you think guards the borders of our Motherland? (Children's answers: tank crews, pilots, sailors, border guards, etc.) Yes guys, the military has many different specialties. And their main task is to ensure the security of our country.

Slide 3. Summary: The Russian armed forces include ground forces ( border guards, tank crews, artillerymen, etc.), air Force (pilots, paratroopers, rocket scientists, etc.) and navy (sailors, amphibious assault).

Slides: 4, 5, 6: sailor, ships.

In the seas and oceans

Far from the shore,

On patrol tirelessly

Native ships.

In front of you is a large landing ship. The newest warships can hunt submarines, launch missiles and serve as an airfield for planes and helicopters. The captain steers the ship. A sailor is standing on the bridge of the ship. He is dressed in a festive uniform. What makes its shape different from others? (The capless cap is called so because it is round in shape and does not have a visor, unlike a cap. The color of the cap is blue-white, which of course is associated with the color of the sea and sky).

Slides 7, 8: pilot, airplanes.

A very difficult specialty is a military pilot. Military planes and helicopters are very fast and powerful. They can fly very high. Why were they called that? They can carry weapons and military equipment. These machines are flown by military pilots.

Look carefully, what is the difference between the pilot's uniform? (There is a helmet on the head. What is it for - protects the head from noise, impact. The color of the uniform is dark green).

Our pilots are heroes

The sky is vigilantly guarded

Our pilots are heroes

Protect peaceful labor.

Slide 9: border guard.

Border guards are not asleep

At the native border,

Our sea, our land,

Our sky is being guarded.

An important and responsible task is protecting the state border. Day and night, in rain and heat, border guards vigilantly carry out difficult duties. And they help them in this faithful friends- service dogs. Look at the border guard's uniform, what is it like? ( Protective green color so that it is invisible in the forest. A cap with a strap - why? Uses binoculars for work - why? In the picture there is a pomegranate - what is it for?).

Summary: You know a lot, well done! There are many military professions, we talked about several. I would like to hear your opinion guys: is it a difficult profession to defend the Motherland? (difficult, dangerous, but very important and responsible). What qualities should a person who has dedicated his life to serving in the Army have? (brave, smart, resourceful). They write about the courage and bravery of our military in poems, songs, and in proverbs and sayings.

I think you know some of them too (invites children to say proverbs if they wish).

Children offer options ( if the children do not name, the teacher speaks himself and explains their meaning): “Alone in the field is not a warrior”, “Standing together for peace - there will be no war”, “Difficult in learning - easy in battle”, “He who is brave and steadfast is worth ten.”

Physical education minute: How are you? Like this!

Are you going? Like this!

Are you running? Like this!

Will you give it? Like this!

Do you take it? Like this!

Are you naughty? Like this!

Are you standing? Like this!

Are you sitting? Like this!

Practical part - making military figures

What if you and I apply our knowledge and make a model panorama about our valiant Russian Army! Want to? And here is the basis for the layout (a panorama opens).

I suggest you make such models yourself.

In order to make the work interesting, to communicate pleasantly, we could help each other by dividing into groups, or detachments, as military people say.

Task 1. Division into groups: tokens of three colors are laid out on the floor: red, yellow, green. Take one token each. What did you notice (different colored tokens)? Divide into teams by color.

Do you think there is a need for a commander in the detachment?( If they say no, the teacher leads to the opinion that he is necessary: ​​to make major decisions, organize work, provide assistance).

Task 2. Selecting a commander. How can I do that?

Options for children's answers: using a counting rhyme, agreeing, using a game, etc. (Listen to all the children's answers, addressing them by name from the token, offer one of the options - better than a counting rhyme. One of the children does the counting, the teacher at this time monitors the work, helps if necessary . Commanders wear uniform elements.

Result: detachments have been formed, commanders have been appointed. We need to take our positions. You have colored flags on your tables, the same color as your tokens. Be careful! Take your seats at the tables, identifying them by the color of your token.

Task 3. Slide 9: sailor, pilot, border guard. Making a military model.

Attention (wait for complete silence)! Look at the screen!

We will make military models with you. On your tables you have blanks of future military models; you have extra parts in your kit. Be careful and select only those that are relevant to your model. Do your work while the music plays.

During practical work, the teacher does not help the children, but motivates them to communicate, calling the children by fictitious names: Chamomile, please help the Sun; Rainbow, please tell Star, etc.

Result: So, guys, he finishes his work. The commanders of each team, tell us what you planned to do and whether everything worked out for you. Everyone listens to the commander’s report carefully: they complement his story and ask questions. ( You can show children a sample question: “Why did you choose a green uniform?”, or ask a trap question: “What a beautiful visor the border guard wears, isn’t it?”). Compare your work with the sample. Evaluate yourself. Well done!

Final part

Task 6. Slide 10. Design of a panorama.

The teacher invites the children to place their military models on the panorama field. Admire it. Evaluate yourself. Well done! We got the job done.

What can decorate this panorama (group room, preschool educational institution museum, exhibition)? The teacher listens to all the children’s answers and agrees. Do you like our collaboration? We leave it as a gift to you, kindergarten.

Free - play activity at the end of the lesson.

Organization of the parade. Music sounds: March of the Slavyanka.

Guys, do you want to play in the parade, be soldiers, march in formation, like the military marches in the squares of the country in holidays? (If a positive answer is received, there is a desire, the children have a corresponding mood, they are invited to play). Commanders, form your troops! (They line up in a column of four. They march. They leave the hall to the music).

Topic: “We are Russians”


    Help students develop confidence and pride in the country in which they live.


    summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about Russia;

    develop a respectful attitude towards state symbols;

    fix the names of major Russian cities and rivers; peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation; names of folk crafts;

    cultivate love for the Motherland, civic-patriotic feelings;

    correction and development thought processes(analysis, synthesis), attention and coherent speech.

Equipment: attributes for conducting a quiz, images of coats of arms and flags, napkins, pens, screen, projector.

Progress of the lesson.

    Introductory part.

    Organizing time.

Hello guys, say hello to our guests. Sit down.


Guys, pay attention to the board, there are words hidden here, decipher them:

Anidor, awksom, acilots, toirtap, anzichto.

What topic are these words chosen for? What do they refer to? (Motherland, Russia)

The topic of our lesson today is “We are Russians.”

    Main part.

Our Motherland is a rich country. Russia is rich in traditions, minerals, natural and architectural monuments, people, multinational cultures, and folk crafts.

I bring to your attention a short video about our great power.

Screening of the video “Russia” for the song by E. Ross

Today we have not an ordinary lesson, but a quiz on the topic “We are Russians.” Two teams participate in the game: the “Cornflowers” ​​team and the “Romashki” team.

The jury will evaluate the game. Teams, welcome the jury. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

Teams, please introduce yourself.

Team "Vasilki":

Cornflower - the flower of Russia,

He's like the sky, blue, blue,

The Russian soul loves

Cornflower blue eyes.

Team "Romashki":

We are a field of daisies

Symbol of Russian expanse.

But not hot at all

Daisies white rays.

- We live in a country that has amazing beautiful name- Russia. There are many wonderful countries on earth, people live everywhere, but Russia is the only, extraordinary country, because it is our Motherland.

What do you think the Motherland is? (Motherland means native side, the place where we were born, where we live. This is the Fatherland, Fatherland. A person has one homeland).

Let's start our quiz with a warm-up. I will say sentences and you will finish them.

To which team my question will be addressed, that team will answer.

Our country is called….. Russia.

Citizens of Russia are called... Russians.

The capital of Russia is the city…. Moscow.

St. Petersburg founded... PeterI.

The most famous river in Russia... Volga.

Who is the head of the Russian state... President.

Well done, let's start our game.

Competition 1. “State symbols”

What state symbols do you know? (coat of arms, flag, anthem)

What is the national anthem? (the main song of the country, you need to listen to it while standing, showing respect)

I invite the teams to choose the Russian flag on pieces of paper among different flags.

Where can you see the Russian flag? (on government buildings, ships, schools, residential buildings on days public holidays)

Now find our Russian coat of arms among the coats of arms of other countries.

What is depicted on our coat of arms? (golden double-headed eagle with a scepter and orb, St. George the Victorious is depicted on the shield, he kills a snake with a spear)

Competition No. 2 “Literary”

And now we have a literary competition. Each team was asked homework, learn a poem about the Motherland. The jury evaluates content and expressive reading.

Song by V. Stepanov

What do we call Motherland?

The house where you and I live,

And the birch trees along which

We walk next to mom.

What do we call Motherland?

A field with a thin spikelet,

Our holidays and songs,

Warm evening outside the window.

What do we call Motherland?

Everything that we cherish in our hearts,

And under the blue-blue sky

Russian flag over the Kremlin.

An immense country. V. Stepanov

If for a long, long, long time

We're going to fly on the plane,

If for a long, long, long time

We should look at Russia.

We'll see then

And forests and cities,

Ocean spaces,

Ribbons of rivers, lakes, mountains...

We will see the distance without edge,

Tundra, where spring rings,

And then we will understand what

Our Motherland is big,

An immense country.

Competition 3. “Cities of Russia”

Russia is the biggest country in the world! There are over a thousand cities in Russia, a lot of villages and hamlets. Name the cities, villages, towns that you know. (teams are named one by one)

And now each team will receive a map of Russia. Assignment: place a dot approximately in the place where our village is located.

Competition 4 “Assemble correctly”

The native land is a paradise for the heart.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

The brotherhood of the people is more valuable than any wealth.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

If the people are united, they are invincible.

Physical exercise.

Competition 5 “Peoples of Russia”

Exercise “Napkin”.

On your tables lie paper napkins. Please take one at a time and fold it in half in any way you like. Tear off a corner from either edge. Fold it in half again and again tear off a piece from any corner. Fold in half a third time and tear off again. Now unfold and demonstrate what you have done.

There is hardly a pair of napkins on which the pattern is repeated. Why do you think we got this result? (because everyone took a piece differently, because we are all different)

Each person is unique, he has only him inherent qualities. But, despite the fact that we are so different, many things unite us.

There are many different peoples living in Russia. Each nation has its own culture, its own language. All nations are equal. Let's remember and name what peoples live in Russia. (children call in turn: Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvash, Mordovians, Jews, Yakuts, Ukrainians, Tajiks, Armenians, etc.)

Competition 6 “Folk Crafts”

And now I invite you to remember the products of decorative and applied art of Russian masters. We listen carefully and...

    Oh, what a whistle,

striped duck,

Unusual, funny,

And a little pot-bellied.

wait a minute

Where are you from, duck?

My duck whistles:

I'm Filimonovskaya!

    Friends of different heights

They don't look alike

They all sit next to each other,

In this young lady

The sisters are hiding.

Every sister

For the smaller one - a dungeon. (matryoshka)

    Snowy white dishes, tell me: where are you from?

Apparently, she came from the north and blossomed with flowers:

Blue, blue, tender, beautiful. (Gzhel.)

    Carved spoons and ladles

Take your time to take a look.

There is grass and flowers there

Unprecedented beauty.

They shine like gold

As if bathed in sunshine.

All the leaves are like leaves,

Everyone here is golden.

Such beauty people

They call it….. Khokhloma.

(children guess, and the teacher shows a picture on the slide)

Competition No. 7. “Russian Artists”

Guys, what Russian artists do you know? (Shishkin, Vasnetsov, etc.)

And now among the presented paintings you need to find paintings by Russian artists.

This concludes our quiz and the jury tallies the points.

IV . Bottom line.

Announcement of the quiz results.

Friendship won!

Our lesson has come to an end. Today we talked about state symbols, about the culture of the Russian people. I think that today’s lesson left in each of you certain feelings for the Motherland.


I invite you to complete the sentences you see on the board:

For me, Russia is:

1. The country in which I live, which I am proud of and must be able to protect in difficult times.

2. The country in which I was born, where I, my family and my friends live.

I really liked how you worked today, well done everyone, thank you all!

"I love you, Russia."

Summary of educational activities on patriotic education in the senior group

MDOBU kindergarten No. 3 “Cheburashka”

Educator: Nagaiskaya A.V.

Target : Introduce children to Russian culture.

Introduce children to the concept of “tradition”, to the traditions of the Russian people.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the name of the country in which they live, its nature, some events, and culture.

Introduce traditional Russian holidays ( New Year, Easter, Maslenitsa, Epiphany, Trinity and others).

Continue to introduce the greatest wealth of Russian folk culture - fairy tales.

Introduce children to oral folk art, folk games, proverbs, sayings

To introduce the variety of Russian folk crafts, to cultivate kind, gentle feelings for Russian folk art.

To cultivate love for the Motherland, for the Russian people, respect for its traditions.

Tasks :

To cultivate a love for the greatest riches of Russian folk culture - folklore: fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, nursery rhymes.

To introduce the variety of Russian folk toys, to know the characteristic features of different crafts, to cultivate good, tender feelings for Russian folk art.

To introduce the traditions and customs of Russians, to instill a love for traditional holidays.

Foster love for Russia, a sense of pride in one’s country, develop interest in Russia’s historical past

Practical purpose of the material: educational activities for children 5 – 6 years old.

The teacher meets children in a Russian sundress, apron, headscarf or kokoshnik, in a group decorated like a Russian hut.

Equipment : geographical map, illustrations depicting the nature of Russia, books “Russian folk tales”, illustrations for fairy tales, albums with illustrations “Russian Traditions”, “Rhymes”, “Folk Crafts”, products of folk applied art, bread products, vegetables.

Progress of the lesson:

Entrance to the music “My Mother is My Russia” (words by S. Ostrovsky, music by S. Kulikov).

Educator: Guys, look how unusually I’m dressed. Who knows what suit I'm wearing? Why is this costume called Russian?

Yes, Russian women wore it. They sewed and lovingly decorated clothes for themselves and their families.

Guys, today I want to talk to you about our country. What is the name of our country?

Children: Russia.

Educator: Who can show the borders of our country on the map?

(The called child runs a pointer along the borders of Russia)

Educator: Look at the illustrations. Write a short story about the nature of Russia.

Sample story: Russia is a very big and beautiful country. In the vast forests of Russia, many berries and mushrooms grow, many different animals and birds live. Many rivers flow through our country. One of the largest is the Volga. There are many mountains in our country. Minerals are mined in the mountains: coal, iron and other metals.

Educator: Yes, our Motherland is very large, beautiful and rich. It is rich not only in forests, minerals, animals, but also in wonderful people. You and I have talked a lot about the talents of the Russian people. What can our people do very well? (Children's answers)

Educator: Russian people have composed many very good, interesting fairy tales that surprise the whole world with their deep wisdom, sensitivity, and kindness of hearts.

What Russian folk tales do you know? (Children's answers). What can fairy tales tell us? (about the life of the Russian people). What is the meaning of fairy tales? (good always triumphs over evil) .

How are fairy tales different from short stories?

Didactic game “Guess the fairy tale” (work with illustrations)

The great Russian people composed many different nursery rhymes, sayings, and proverbs. How do you understand the meaning of proverbs:

It's a long day until the evening if there's nothing to do.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

Skillful hands do not know boredom.

The sun paints the earth, and man's labor.

Business before pleasure.

Game "Who knows more nursery rhymes"

Educator: Our people composed beautiful songs and round dances.

Russian round dance “On the mountain there is a viburnum”

A peddler (a child with a box of goods) enters.

Peddler: Buy goods! I'm standing on the edge, giving everything away for nothing!

(Children take folk arts and crafts)

Educator: Guys, in ancient times, merchants transported goods around the country and people bought what they needed. Tell us about what you bought at the fair.

(Children's stories about objects of folk arts and crafts: Dymkovo toys, Khokhloma products, whistles, lace, nesting dolls.)

Educator: Every nation has its own TRADITIONS. How do you understand this word? What is tradition?

(Children's guesses)

Educator: Tradition is not a Russian word, but a Latin one, and translated it means transmission, i.e. tradition is something that is passed on from one generation of people to another.

Traditions are family. For example, almost all families celebrate the birthdays of family members, congratulate women on March Eighth, etc.

There are national traditions: celebrating the New Year, Victory Day, Maslenitsa with pancakes and roller coaster rides, celebrating Easter, Trinity and many others. At all holidays, people always played Russian folk games.

Russian folk game "Burn, Burn Clear."

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

Look at the sky

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing.

Russian folk game "Golden Gate".

Golden Gate,

Come on in, kids.

I’ll go through there myself and show the guys off.

And I’ll take the last dog for myself.

There are also traditions associated with the preparation of various dishes - traditional national cuisine. It depends on what is grown in the country.

What do they grow in Russia?

Children: vegetables, wheat, rye, fruits.

Educator: In our country, many national dishes are prepared from flour, for example: pancakes, loaf, rasstegai.

(Bring in bread products, examine and name them with the children)

Educator: And Russian people really love cabbage soup. What is cabbage soup made from? (Children's answers). Guys, from ancient times the tradition of pickling cabbage has come down to us, now we will “chop” the cabbage.

Dramatization “We are chopping cabbage”

Educator: The Russian people have this saying: “Shchi and porridge are our food.” So what else do our people love?

Children: Porridge.

Physical education lesson “Porridge-baby”

Kashka-baby, you are so good, (one arm bent at the elbow imitates a saucepan, we stir with the other hand)

If you add a glass of milk. (“Pour milk”)

We add a pinch of sugar and salt (appropriate movements)

We give baby porridge to the children. (Giving hand movement)

If you add a jug of milk. (“We hold the jug with both hands”)

We put sugar and salt with a spoon (appropriate movements)

We give baby porridge to mothers. (Giving hand movement)

Kashka-baby, you are so good

If you add a bucket of milk. (“It’s hard to pour”)

We put in handfuls of sugar and salt (appropriate movements)

We give baby porridge to dads (giving hand movement)

Educator: What can you cook porridge from?

Children: From cereals.

(There are jars of cereals on the table)

Educator: Name the cereals.

Didactic game: “What kind of porridge? »

(From semolina - semolina, from millet - millet.)

Lesson summary:

Educator: Today we talked about our country and its traditions.

The Russian people have a lot of traditions. At home, talk to your parents, find out what Russian traditions they remember and observe.

Guys, now we are going to make a panel “Russian Round Dance”, which we will place in a corner of Russia.

We - Russian people - should bear our worthy name with pride!

Lesson summary - games on the topic: “Russia - My Motherland”
in the senior group

Software tasks:

  • consolidate children's knowledge about our country, about our city;
  • continue to form the idea that our country is Russia, and there are many cities and villages in it;
  • systematize children’s knowledge about the symbols of the state, about the types of troops;
  • learn to answer questions depending on the content, using an accurate, expressive vocabulary;
  • cultivate a love for the works of Russian poets, artists, composers

Vocabulary work:Motherland, Rus', Russia, clan, parents, pedigree, relatives, relatives, people, love, appreciate, respect, symbols, coat of arms, anthem, flag, banner, map, globe.

Previous work:

Learning poems by Russian poets about the Motherland, nature; songs, nursery rhymes, folk games, round dances;

Reading works by Russian writers about the Motherland, people, nature, region;

Examination of illustrations of books, atlases; paintings; postcards; flags, emblems of the country, region, region, village;

Listening to musical works of a patriotic nature;

Visiting a rural museum, village enterprises, military units;

Excursions around the village.

Progress of the game - activities:

(verse of Yu. Antonov’s song “Native Side” sounds)

Educator: - Guys, you listened to an excerpt from Yu. Antonov’s song “Native Side”. Who can tell what this song is about?

Children : (about our native place, about our Motherland,)

Educator: - That's right, this song is about the native corner, about the native side, about the Motherland, about the native place.

Who knows what our country is called?

Children: (Russia)

Educator: Our country is called Russia. This is the largest country in the world. Russia has the largest and most abundant rivers, the deepest lake is Baikal. How diverse is the nature of our Motherland, how many beautiful cities we have, how diverse are the activities of people in different parts of the country. Many poets, writers, composers, and artists have written wonderful works about our great Motherland. And the people composed proverbs and sayings, songs, and invented fairy tales about the Motherland. What is the Motherland for each of you?

Children : (this is my home, my city, my family, my mother and I, my country)

Hello, my Motherland!

1 child In the morning the sun rises.

He invites everyone to the street.

I'm leaving the house -

Hello my street

I sing, and in the heights,

The birds sing along with me.

2 reb. The grass whispers to me on the way,

Hurry up, my friend, to grow up.

I sing along with the herbs,

I sing along to the winds,

I sing along to the sun -

Hello, my Motherland!

Educator: - You are right, guys, all this is our big Motherland, which is made up of small parts(my family, my home, my city, my street). Let's remember the poems of Russian poets about the Motherland that we have studied.

Children: (children read poetry)

Educator: - Our Motherland is so big that if we want to travel from one region to another, this journey will take a whole week on the fastest train, but by plane we will have to fly all day.

How big is my land

How wide are the spaces!

Lakes, rivers and fields,

Forests and steppe and mountains

My country has spread

From north to south.

We live in a joyful land

And we must know it.

Your Russian country.

Your beloved bright land.

And now I invite you to play a game - a competition. And you probably guessed that it will be called: “Rus, Russia, My Motherland!” We need to divide into two teams and come up with names for them.

Children: (divided into teams and come up with names: “Bogatyrs”, “Children of Russia”)

Educator: - Our game will consist of 5 stages. (For each correct answer the team will receive a chip; at the end of the competition we will sum up the results) And the first of them is “Attractions of our village.” You need to name as many attractions as possible that our village is famous and proud of.

Children : (perform the task)

Educator: - Well done! I see that you know your village well. Can you show our country on the globe, on the world map?

Children: (children do tasks)

Educator: - We have real future geographers. Well done! The second stage is “Symbols of our State”. Let's continue the conversation about our Motherland. Our State is called.

Children : (Russia, Russian Federation)

Educator: Absolutely right. How is our state different from others?

Children: (size, language, customs, traditions, coat of arms, anthem, banknotes, national costumes, culture, flag,)

Educator: - Everything is correct. Name the symbols of the country.

Children: (anthem, flag, coat of arms)

Educator: - the anthem of the Russian Federation is the music of the Russian composer M. I. Glinka. Now we will listen to an excerpt of the Russian anthem.

(an excerpt of the Russian anthem plays, everyone stands up)

Children: (everyone stands up)

Educator: - You did the right thing by standing up. Any anthem is listened to while standing. And each team will tell about other symbols of the country.

Children: Coat of arms - We have a beautiful coat of arms, it depicts a double-headed eagle. The eagle is a symbol of the sun and heavenly power, immortality. The double-headed eagle on the coat of arms appeared a very long time ago. Inside the coat of arms, on the chest of the eagle, is the coat of arms of the city of Moscow. St. George the Victorious pierces a dragon with a spear. The dragon is the evil that exists on earth. The coat of arms is the emblem of the state. It is depicted on all seals, banknotes, both paper and metal, passports, and documents.

Flag - Our flag consists of three horizontal stripes. White on top, blue in the middle, red below. These colors symbolize: the unity of the world, earth and sky. It also symbolizes the cooperation of three Slavic peoples: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians. Our flag is also called a banner, tricolor, tricolor panel).

Educator : - You gave complete answers and explanations about the symbols of the state in which you live. Well done! And now I suggest everyone play the Russian folk game “Dawn” in order to have fun and relax after such difficult stages.

Educator : - At this stage you need to explain the meaning of the words:

Children : Homeland is the place where we live.

Educator: Absolutely right, it came from the ancient word “clan,” which denoted a group of people united by blood.

Rod – denotes the most ancient pagan god of the Slavs “Rod”.

To give birth means to give birth to offspring; the woman, the beast, and the earth will give birth.

Kinsman is a relative, a member of a clan, of the same blood.

Relatives are all relatives both by blood and family ties.

Pedigree – a list of generations of one family.

Educator: - I hope everyone understands the explanations. Well done! You remembered and explained everything correctly. And now, after a difficult stage, you can dance.

Children : (perform a dance of leaves or flowers, optional)

Educator: - And now it’s the turn to ask you questions to our guests.

1 The capital of our Motherland?

2 Most main man our country?

3. Name which streets of our village do you know?

4. What is the name of our region?

5. What is depicted on the coat of arms of the Primorsky Territory?

Guests : Yes, you are simply great and coped with this task just perfectly. Well done!

Educator: - That's final stage. You need to remember and sing songs about your homeland, childhood, children and friendship, one verse at a time.

Children : (perform learned songs)

Reb Take care of Russia, there is no other Russia.
Take care of her peace and quiet,
This is the sky and the sun, this bread is on the table
And a native window in a forgotten village.

Take care of Russia so that it is strong,
To save us from trouble in difficult times.
She knows no fears, and her steel is strong.
And she doesn’t feel sorry for the last shirt for her friend.

Educator: Did you guys enjoy playing? What new did you learn today? (children's answers) Well done guys, you were all active today, you all tried. Thank you, our lesson is over.

Summary of educational activities on moral and patriotic education in the senior group “My Family”

Integration of educational areas: Cognition, social and communicative development.

Tasks and goals:

Cultivate an interest in the history of family traditions.

Get children interested in the origin of their own name.

Formation of initial patriotic feelings.

Develop attention, thinking, ability to analyze, generalize, and draw conclusions.

Previous work:

1. Conversations about family traditions in each child’s family.

2. Learning poems about family.

3. Reading literature about family relationships.

4. Examination of illustrations on the topic of GCD.

5. Drawing a family tree.

Vocabulary work: TV studio, traditions, inherited, bring, ancestors, strong, cradle, white and white.

Materials for the lesson:

1. Illustrations depicting a family. (Drawn by the children themselves.)

2. Cradle with a doll.

3. A basin of water and a white towel.

4. Coins, coal, bean seeds.

Progress of the lesson

(On the multimedia installation there is a picture of a family.)

Educator: Guys, let’s imagine that we were all invited to a television studio for the children’s program “Family Traditions.” Do you agree to be participants in this program? Then I invite you - come in. I will be the host of this program. Today you will learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Each of us has a family. And every family has its own traditions. We are not born with them, family traditions are not inherited, they cannot be bought, but can only be introduced and preserved. One family likes to go to the forest with the whole family on weekends, someone shows love and respect for their grandparents and this is their family tradition. And some people have a family tradition of naming children after their ancestors. But today I, the host of the program, want to tell you about ancient Russian family traditions.

(On the m/m there is a picture of a Russian hut.)

A child is heard crying.


Children, what is that sound? Who's crying?

He takes a doll out of the cradle.


Children, look, that’s who’s crying – the baby. This is a baby doll, He was just born today, that's why he's crying. Let's rock it. The child who took out the doll shakes it, the crying subsides.


- Since ancient times, when a child is born, parents come up with a name for him. The parents gave this child an antique Russian name Egor. While the child is small, everyone will affectionately call him Yegorushka. And when he grows up, he will be called Yegor. We are growing and our name is growing. Do you know how your name will grow? What will they call you when you get big? Children's answers. (Olya-Olga, Gena-Gennady, etc.)


- Well done. So we met Yegorushka and told him our names. Do you know what the name Egor means?

- This name means master of the earth. His parents, when they called him by that name, wanted him to have lots and lots of land when he grew up and to be rich and happy. Children, do you know what your names mean? (The teacher tells the children what their names mean.)


Children, look, there are things prepared for Yegorushka here, what are they?

Shows one by one: coal, grains, coins.


Our Egorushka was given these things when he was bathed. Previously, in Rus', a long time ago, in the time of our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, these things were placed in a basin of water when the baby was bathed for the first time. Let us also give them to our Yegorushka.

The teacher puts down the coal.

When they put the coal they said:

Get used to the warmth of home.

The teacher places the grains.

When they put the grain they said:

Always be full.

The teacher puts down the money.

And when they put the coin they said:

Always be rich.

The teacher pours water into the basin.

In the old days, when bathing a child, they said:


We walked on water.

Water for Yegorka -

Full bucket. (Place the doll in the basin.)

Washed, washed, washed, washed

washed white and white.

Children wipe the doll.

Educator: And when they dried the child they said:

The towel is embroidered and white

Dry your baby skillfully

The baby will be clean

We will grow up strong.


Children, now we have washed and dried Yegorushka, let’s put him to bed.


Where do they put the baby to sleep?


To the crib.

(An image of a cradle appears on the m/m.)


In the old days, a crib was called a cradle. So we have a cradle for Yegorushka. He takes out the cradle. Look what kind of cradle our Yegorushka has(shows to children). There is bread and salt in the cradle.

Children, look what I found in the cradle. What is this?

Shows the children a piece of bread and salt and lets them try.


What is this?


Bread and salt.


That's right, bread and salt. You know that in Rus' dear, long-awaited guests were always greeted with bread and salt. They put bread and salt and said: “Finally you were born, Yegorushka! We've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Now I suggest you rock Egorushka to sleep. (A lullaby starts - the girl rocks the baby to sleep.)

Educator: Well, that’s it, our Egorushka fell asleep. And our show ends here.

Result of the work:

What did you like about the lesson? - What new did you learn today? - Today, guys, you worked out well. Now you know what significance was attached to the name of a child in the old days. You were very attentive, helped me well, I am very pleased with you!

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Goals and objectives:

  • Continue to develop children’s interest in their region and expand their understanding of the country in which they live.
  • To consolidate children's knowledge about the state symbols of Russia.
  • Foster love and pride for your homeland with the help of artistic words.
  • Instill a desire to read poetry
  • Continue to develop the ability to correctly express your thoughts and feelings.
  • Enrich children's vocabulary, teach correctly, construct sentences.
  • Create a positive – emotional mood in children.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversations about the country, the region in which children live.
  • City tours.
  • Looking at albums about the city of Kemerovo.
  • Drawing on the theme “Our city”
  • Studying local history material.
  • Reading and learning poetry.
  • Photo exhibition “I’m walking around the city.”
  • Creation of the album “Professions of our region”...

Material for the lesson:

  • The heart is for playing.
  • Map of the Russian Federation and Kemerovo region.
  • Flag of the Russian Federation.
  • Landscape paintings.
  • The ball is for the game.
  • Postcards with a view of Kemerovo.
  • The sun is for playing.

Progress of the lesson:

Children stand in a circle...

Hello, golden sun,
Hello, the sky is blue,
Hello, free breeze,
Hello, little oak tree.

We live in the same region
I greet you all.

Children sit on chairs.

Guys, today we will continue our conversation about the Motherland, the country in which we live. Let's count the wonderful poems that poets have written on this topic.

Quiet, calm music sounds.

Prostrate in the blue haze
Majestic lands,
It's you, my Russia,
My light, my homeland!

The bread that feeds a person, the land on which a person lives, the mother that gives life... Without all this, it is simply impossible for a person to live. Among the most necessary, the most precious, a person has a homeland!

Reb.: Motherland! What does it mean?

These are the flowers that grow in our region,
This is the dawn that burns without being consumed...
Homeland is the eyes of your mother,
Full of tears or sparkles of laughter.
Homeland. I don’t know any more wonderful words
Our fairy tales and glorious ones were in it,
Grandfathers' distant sad songs,
Those that we still haven’t forgotten.
Homeland is the land at the doorstep,
Where did you first learn your name?
Homeland is a big road,
The one you will walk along with others.

In such beautiful and understandable words, one of the poets said what the Motherland is.

Guys, what does this word mean to you?

Children: (answers...)

Of course, the word Motherland means a lot, and everyone understands it in their own way. Homeland is both the land and the country in which we were born. This is both your mother and your father.

The homeland is also called the fatherland, the fatherland, and the home is called the “father’s house.” The language you and I speak is native to us, it was given to us by our Motherland.

The homeland is flowers, air, and even the sky, because even it is not the same everywhere. There is a native sky - this is the one under which you were born and live.

Reb.: poem “Dear Light of the Native Sky” by V. Zhukovsky.

Dear light of the native world,
Familiar streams
Golden games of the first years
And the first years of lessons,
What will replace your beauty?
O Holy Motherland,
What heart does not tremble,
Blessing you?

A game:“Give me your heart and say a word” - choose adjectives for the word Motherland.

Voss: Guys, you said such wonderful words about the Motherland. Do you know what country you live in?
Children: (answers...)

Voss: Yes, our country is called Russia, and you and I live in it.

Reb.: poem “Russia” by Koval-Volkov.

You appeared to people for the first time
In the name of the river - Ros
Then turn into Russia
Forest dew happened.
We carried you close to our hearts
In battles they shielded themselves
You are more than a mother
You are Russia
And we are all immortal by you.
And there is no more beautiful word in the world
It's like the sun in the dark
And in the bright name Russia
All dews burn on Earth.

Voss: Our country, Russia, is very large, one might even say huge.

Showing a map of the Russian Federation.

The end of the edge is not visible. From one end to the other you need to travel by train for about a week.

The nature of our country is diverse: gray tundra, green taiga, brown mountains, white north. It has seas and rivers known to everyone.

- There are 3 symbols in our country, what are these symbols?

Children: (answers...) The anthem is the main song of the country; Our country's flag and coat of arms.

Question: - Guys, which symbol of Russia is in our group?
Children: (answers...)- flag.

Vos: Tell me, what do the colors on the Russian flag mean?

Children: (answers...)

Voss: Yes, that’s right, white is the fatherland; blue – loyalty, faith; red – courage, battle.

Children, today we are talking about the Motherland, about the country in which we live, but there is such a concept “ Small Motherland" How do you understand what “Small Motherland” is?
Children: (answers...)

Vos: Of course, “Small Motherland” is the place where you and I were born and live, where we saw the light of the sun and began to learn the world. This is the region, the city, the district, the street, the house and our kindergarten where you go. This is a small piece of our huge country.

Guys, did your mother tell you where you were born?

Children: (answers...)

Reb.: poem “My Land” by Vekshegonov

My land is poplar -
Either fluff or snow,
My city is Siberian
Steep bank.
There is a gate behind the garden
Grass - ant
The path is like a thread
Barely noticeable
She's through the millet
Winded up to the village
And in the heart without asking
Entered forever.

Vos-l: I will remind you once again that our country is Russia.

But what region do we live in?

What is the name of our region?

Children: (answers...)

Vos: Of course, we live in Siberia, in the Kemerovo region and the main city is Kemerovo.

(The words are accompanied by a display of objects on the map of the Kemerovo region).

Our region is also called Kuzbass. Do you know why?

Yes, because the Kuznetsk coal basin is located in our region. He brought glory to our region, because coal was and is being mined there, giving light and warmth to our people.

The Kemerovo region is also famous for various minerals and building materials from which bright and spacious buildings are erected.

Coal, chemical fertilizers, and cars made in the factories of our region are sent to all corners of our huge country.

Reb.: poem “Our Kuznetsk Land” by O. Zhilin.

Our native Russia is rich,
But I’ll say it straight out without embellishment,
That any edge is more beautiful
Our young mighty Kuzbass.

I love his firm tread,
The breath of factories and mines,
A bright starry scattering of lights
In its young cities.
Rich in steel and coal
My native side
Darling, how beautiful you are
Kuznetsk is our land.

A game:“What are the names of the residents” - The children are offered a place to live and they must name the inhabitants of this place. For example: on the Moon there are lunatics, on Earth there are earthlings, in Russia there are Russians...

If you see in the picture
A river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds,
Or a snowy plain
Or a field and a hut,
Required picture
It's called... ( scenery)

These are the paintings with landscapes that we will now look at, taking a tour of our small art gallery.

But first, I want to remind you that in an art gallery you need to behave calmly, not disturb others, and it is better to view paintings from a distance.

Please come through...

(Children, accompanied by quiet music, approach the paintings and look at them and answer the teacher’s questions).

Question: What seasons are depicted?

What trees did you see in these landscapes?

Which tree is most often found in these paintings?

Why do you think?

Children : (answers...)

Vos: Of course, of all the trees in our forests, the sweetest and most beloved of all is the birch. The birch is a symbol of the Russian forest, and even Russian people who leave our country take birch seedlings with them to plant a tree in a new place.

Guys, where do we meet white-trunked beauties every day?

Physical education minute:

Hands raised and shook
These are birches in the forest.
Arms bent, hands shaken
The wind blows away the dew.
Hands to the sides, wave smoothly
These are the birds flying towards us.
We'll also show you how they sit down.
The arms were bent back.

Reb.: poem “Birch”, V. Rozhdestvensky

The sun warmed the slopes a little
And it became warmer in the forest,
Birch green braids
Hung it from thin branches.
All in White dress dressed.
In earrings, in lace foliage
Welcomes the hot summer
She is at the edge of the forest.
Her light outfit is wonderful.
There is no tree dearer to my heart,
And a lot of thoughtful songs
People sing about her.
He shares her joy and tears
And so her days are good,
What seems - in the noise of a birch
There is something from the Russian soul.

Voss: We heard a poem about a birch tree that “welcomes the hot summer.” But birches are good at all times, they are beautiful in winter too.

Reb.: poem “Light in Russia from birches”, Ekimtsev.

And the sled track and the track of the wheels
And at midnight I would have seen
It's light in Russia from the birches,
Light from the white snow.
And I'm happy that I live here,
And what makes my heart happy,
What snow light
Native birches
It falls on the entire planet.

Voss: Like this beautiful poems poets write about birches.

Our Kuznetsk land is famous for its nature and minerals, but the most important wealth is the people who glorified our region. There are many streets and squares in Kemerovo that are named after these people and entire groups. Let's remember what streets and squares we talked about earlier.

Volkov Square is in honor of Mikhailo Volkov, who discovered coal and iron ore deposits in our region.

Street named after Alexey Leonov - who was born in our region and later became famous by becoming an astronaut.

Shakhtyorov Avenue - in honor of people who mine coal.

Khimikov Avenue - in honor of workers employed in the chemical industry.

Builders Boulevard - dedicated to the builders who built our hometown.

(As the story progresses, show illustrations from the album “Kemerovo”).

These people and many others glorified our region. And I would like to say that children went to our kindergarten, and now they have become adults and we are proud of them, because:

Lugma Artyom - became an athlete - a football player.

Firstov Kolya is a military doctor who helps people in difficult times.

Olesya Prokonich – teaches children at school.

And I think that when you grow up, you will also benefit your land and glorify it with good deeds.

Reb.: poem “Hello to you, my native land”, S. Drozhzhin.

Hello my native land
With your dark forests,
With your great river
And endless fields!
Hello to you, dear people
Tireless hero of labor
In the middle of winter and in the summer heat
Hello to you my native land.

Song"On the streets of Kemerovo."

A game"Sun Ray" – the players apply a “ray” to the circle and say a wish to everyone present, the result is a radiant sun.

Voss: Our lesson is over. Guys, what did you like most about the lesson?