Modern male names and their meaning. Rare and beautiful names for boys. modern names for boys. Russian male names starting with the letter B

When a person is called, it is the most pleasant sound for him. For this to happen with your baby, you need to take this task responsibly. Everything in this world is named, the essence itself is formed around the name. Therefore, one cannot deny the great influence of specific several letters on a person’s sense of self and worldview.

Some argue that a name can even change one's destiny. If you do not approach the matter with such fatalist views, the question still remains of how to choose the right name for a boy.

Indeed, in ancient times people were called both in honor of heroes and gods, and also with words with an impartial meaning that could express belonging to one or another family or type of activity.

Now parents are accustomed to relying on sound or fashion. But it is especially important not to make mistakes when using Old Slavonic names. Because true meaning may be very different from what is commonly understood today by this word.

Choosing a name for a boy: approaches

There are several decision-making methods in this matter. Sometimes a whole family council even gathers. To reach a consensus, you need to understand what strategy you will follow. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

A man is the head and successor of the family. But all the foundations are laid in childhood. Even character begins to form with a name. The baby hears it even in the womb, if it is chosen in advance. A person will never forget or confuse this name with any other. Remember when in early age the bullies wanted to offend, they changed the names. Because there is nothing more personal that completely belongs to the future man. Therefore, before going through the options in your head, pay attention to these supporting points:

  • Think about the future. In the future, the boy’s name should become a euphonious middle name for his children.
  • Don't mock children. Funny, self-invented or borrowed names from the series are not The best way express your love. Since the baby will simply be bullied at school or in kindergarten. In this way, you strive to express your individuality, but the child will suffer as a result, who will become uncomfortable in society. This brings particular inconvenience in childhood, when spontaneous children say everything they think, or in youth - the time of first loves and romantic experiences.
  • Don't name him after your father. Continuity of generations is a plus, but not in this case. According to psychologists, due to the coincidence in sound, it is more difficult for a boy to identify himself as a separate person. He begins to feel like his father’s shadow, which leads to depression, neuroses, and loss of the sense of his uniqueness.

Remember that there is no wrong choice, because everything is unique and largely determined by taste. The name can be considered a gift from the parents to the child. It is the very first and most important, so that the little person subsequently appreciates all its value to the fullest, take these rules into account.


Conservative families are very reluctant to change the established way of life. Therefore, they are reluctant to experiment. But if you are in doubt about what is the best name for a baby boy, unusual or familiar. This technique has its advantages, because if a child wants to know the history of his name, he will understand that the choice has deep roots. So baby:

  • perceives the experience of generations;
  • learns to appreciate and respect his past;
  • represents the destinies and lives of his relatives;
  • stores important facts about his family and passes them on to his children.

To make the stories more visual, pick up a family photo album. Such a family book will last through the years if it has a strong case. The Russian House of Genealogy will help with this.

Heraldry specialists will be able to design a family coat of arms and place it on the cover of a family book or album. The life story of relatives, the intricacies of their destinies will come to life before the eyes of the baby.

Leafing through the pages, he will study these facts against the backdrop of developments in the country's past. In this way, a person learns to fit his life into the general context, thanks to which he is brought up as a responsible and honest family man, a patriot of his homeland and a conscientious specialist. People of this type of character are highly valued in society. And the beginning of a brilliant path begins with a name.

According to the church calendar

Previously, the question of what to name a child did not arise, since there was a codified name. This collection showed how to name a boy according to the church calendar. Until now, many believers consider this approach to be the only correct one. By naming a child in honor of an archangel or saint, you can hope for good health And happy life toddler. Some are confused by the archaic sound of these options, others think that the possibilities in this regard are rather limited.

But the list for each month is very large. Moreover, it is not necessary to call it as it was pronounced several centuries ago. John is replaced by Ivan, Alexy by Alexey. But you can be one hundred percent sure that none of the names carry negative meanings.

Many meanings are related to God, so if you believe that a name can become a talisman and protection for a boy, better option you won't find it.

So the beautiful name Jeremiah (transformed into Eremey-Erema-Ermiy) is understood as “exalted by God.” Also, when baptizing a child, no difficulties will arise: the worldly name will not need to be translated into a church name.

Sometimes help comes from an unexpected direction and you may hear a suitable option in a conversation with a friend or colleague. But it is better to choose what name to name a recently born boy in a close family circle. After all, only relatives can take into account such important points, How:

  • Nationality. There are interethnic marriages, then the husband and wife need to use all their diplomatic abilities. But, if you both have eastern roots or, on the contrary, are originally Russian, then it is better not to conflict with national traditions. Otherwise, the child’s name will sharply contrast with his appearance, lifestyle and traditions.
  • Place of residence. IN big city Where there is a high level of agglomeration and people of different views, religions, and origins live in the same territory, unusual names are not so surprising. But if in a small town or settlement you name a young city dweller Alfred or Marcel, this will arouse great interest.
  • Diminutive forms. You should consider the possibility of transforming the name. When you want to express your tenderness and call your child differently, it should not be too difficult to pronounce or hurt the ear.

These rules will help even close people avoid making the wrong choice, and will also influence the avoidance of disputes.

By euphony

IN everyday communication We pay special attention to sound. Therefore, when deciding which name to choose for a boy, say it several times, change it, decline it. Pay attention to how it is perceived by ear in combination with the surname and, most importantly, with the patronymic. There are several rules to help you decide:

  • Uniformity. The name should reflect the naming traditions of one nation. Since not only does Thomas Ivanovich or Bruce Pavlovich sound ridiculous, foreign names themselves do not have the opportunity to become patronymics later. The combinations Evgeny Dzhekovich or Semyon Dzhonovich are incorrect and not acceptable.
  • Length of components. Combinations acquire special beauty if the name is short and the middle name is long, and also if they consist of approximately the same number of letters. For example: Miron Pavlovich, Igor Stepanovich, Lev Nikolaevich, Yuri Alexandrovich.
  • The end is the beginning. Pay attention to the junction of words. The best option is if the first of them ends with a vowel, and the next begins with a consonant: Danila Timofeevich, Nikita Romanovich. The reverse combination is also acceptable: Semyon Alekseevich, Artem Igorevich. Also take into account alliteration: the name should be melodious and melodious. Avoid rough, grinding sounds and similar combinations (gr, th, skr).

This point is very important, because when the young man grows up and becomes a man, subordinates, strangers and officials will address him in this way.

By time of year

If you do not take into account astrology, but take into account the natural cycles of nature, then each season affects the character and psychophysical characteristics in the development of the baby. How to beautifully name an already born boy according to the seasonal calendar?

  • Winter. The little man is guaranteed a strong and decisive character. It is in the first months that hardening occurs for future life. For fearless fighters against frost, names such as Pavel, Alexey, Semyon, Valentin, Stepan, Arseny, Elisha, Luka are suitable. Such melodic options will help soften a stubborn disposition.
  • Spring. Nature itself is conducive to lyricism, and it is no coincidence that future poets, directors, actors and musicians are born at this time. Be able to consider the subtle mental organization of the first-born, but for a happy path, award one of these names: Rodion, Nathan, Timur, Ruslan, Bogdan, Vlas, Valery.
  • Summer. Bright, lively personalities. The energy in them is boiling and calm names will not be to their taste; they will feel like they are wearing someone else’s clothes. Take a closer look at these options: Lev, Gleb, Gordey, Vladislav, Trofim, Rostislav, Makar, Igor, Naum.
  • Autumn. Such people are most prone to analysis and reflection. They make sensitive, talented psychologists. Therefore, the name should reflect all the dignity of this person: Dmitry, David, Mikhail, Oleg, Prokhor, Roman.

Having chosen the right combination, walk around with this thought. Simulate life situations, imagine whether the boy will be comfortable if you call him that.

List of beautiful names

The process of selecting combinations is quite complex, so do not try to solve everything at once. Write down the options that you like the most, take a break, and then come back to them again. This should eliminate more assumptions from you. To decide what to name your child, find a ready-made list of beautiful names for boys. It could be church calendar, alphabetical index or hand-written list.

Please note that the fashion for foreign or fictitious names is becoming a thing of the past. Now more and more people are turning their attention to family and national traditions. In order to have something to rely on, it is necessary to think now about their preservation. The Russian House of Genealogy will make durable and exquisite family books, which will contain significant family talismans - photos, movie tickets from the first trip together with the baby, the first drawings of a young artist.

To make it easy and happy for your child to go through life, pay attention to the forgotten, but beautiful names:

  • Arkady, Adrian, Afanasy;
  • Boris, Boyan;
  • Veniamin, Vladlen, Vsevolod;
  • German, Gordey, Gabriel;
  • Demid, Demyan;
  • Efim, Evstigney;
  • Ignat, Ilya;
  • Konstantin, Kuzma, Cornelius;
  • Lyubomir, Leonid, Lukyan;
  • Martyn, Matvey, Mark.

Once you have decided, look up the value. It will either confirm your choice or make you think again.

As a conclusion

What name you can name a boy is up to you, but you shouldn’t ignore simple rules, which will make this process easier and save you from disappointment later. Remember that the baby must go through all stages with complete comfort and self-love - from the cradle to old age.

A modern male name for a child is a very abstract concept. Old Russian, foreign, “Russianized” names of predominantly ancient Greek and Latin origin, creative ones - in each of these groups there are names that are relevant today.

  • Consonance with full name. The abundance of letters “r” in the surname and patronymic can be balanced by a soft name devoid of this letter. And vice versa.
  • Harmonization with surname and patronymic. An ornate name with a simple surname and patronymic sounds ridiculous. As well as most ordinary, modest names, coupled with unusual or foreign surnames.
  • Some people believe that if there is no letter “r” in the baby’s middle name, then it must be in the name, otherwise the child will grow up to be too soft-tempered. An excess of the letter “r” also does not bode well, so if this letter is present in the patronymic, the name must be chosen without it.
  • It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the interpretation of the name before naming the child. Male names have a wide variety of meanings, and there is an opinion that a “weak” name can negatively affect the baby’s future.
  • Counts bad omen naming the baby in honor of those who died, especially tragic deaths, relatives or great martyrs. There is an opinion that the child can repeat their fate.

Russian male names for children

Young parents, as opposed to pretentious overseas names, are increasingly calling their children names of Old Slavic origin.

According to the method of formation, Slavic names can be divided into categories:

  • Names given by birth order. The first-born could be called Pervush, the next born boy - Second, the third child - Tretyak.
  • Names of the gods: Yarilo.
  • Names derived from the names of representatives of flora and fauna: Hare, Pike, Wolf, Eagle, Nut.
  • Names derived from human qualities: Moguta, Brave, Stoyan.
  • Names formed from participles: Khoten, Nezhdan, Zhdan.
  • Two-basic names formed using two roots, as well as their derivatives: Bogdan - “given by God”, Miroslav - “praising the world”, Burislav - “stormy glory”. Princely family names, for the most part, were two-base.

It is the two-basic Slavic names that are most widespread these days, but in other categories there are very euphonious male names. A list of child-friendly options is provided below.

Orthodox male names for children

Orthodox names for children are recorded in the Saints. The calendar is a church book in which holidays and commemorated saints are listed in calendar order. The tradition of choosing male names for a child by month and birthday began more than 11 centuries ago. At that time, people believed that a saint and a child who was named after him would form a special bond.

Male names for the child were chosen according to the calendar from the list of those saints who are commemorated on the day the baby was born or on the eighth or fortieth day after birth. Sometimes it was allowed to name a child in honor of a saint especially revered by the parents.

Male names for children by zodiac sign

  • Those born under the sign of Aries (March 21 - April 20) are suitable for names such as Arkady, Yuri, Arseny, Oleg, Artem, Adolf, Andrey, Yaroslav, Alexander, August, Alexey, Valery, Georgy, Gabriel, Egor, Nikolay, Savely, Rostislav.
  • Taurus (April 21 - May 21) are better called Akim, Aristarchus, Timur, Fedor, Taras, Makar, David, Vasily, Matvey, Nikita, Mikhail, Borislav, Boris, Anisim, Egor, Anton or Ilya.
  • The nature of Gemini (May 22 - July 21) is emphasized by such names as Alexey, Innocent, Apollo, Gabriel, Arkady, Heinrich, Gennady, Nikita, Konstantin, Gerasim, Georgy, Ignat, Evgeny, Klim, Igor, Innokenty, Makar, Mark, Felix, Sergey, Nikolay.
  • With the sign of Cancer (June 22 - July 22) names such as Julius, Stanislav, Arseny, Andrey, Grigory, Valentin, Anisim, Vyacheslav, Denis, Vitaly, Demyan, Maxim, Ilya, Efim, Lev, Dmitry, Mstislav, Timofey are combined , Semyon.
  • For those born under the sign of Leo (July 23 - August 21), the names August, Robert, Avenir, Alexander, Rodion, Albert, Alexey, German, Aron, Anton, Anatoly, Savely, Ian, Mark, Kirill, Leo, Leonid, Daniil, David are suitable , Ilya, Ivan, Peter, Rostislav, Roman, Nikolai, Ruslan, Arthur.
  • Virgo boys (August 22 - September 23) are best called one of the names listed below: Adrian, Stepan, Gerasim, Agathon, Valentin, Arkhip, Gennady, Vsevolod, Gleb, Heinrich, Marat, Gordey, Demid, Demyan, Grigory, German, Igor, Dmitry, Konstantin, Innokenty, Klim, Nikita, Modest, Matvey, Rostislav, Prokhor, Stanislav, Sergey.
  • For boys born under the sign of Libra (September 24 - October 23) the names Akim, Abram, Yakov, Evgeniy, Alfred, Arkady, Julius, Alexey, Boleslav, Anton, Albert, Vitaly, Innocent, Evdokim, Ilya, Vilen, Demyan, Leonid are suitable , Konstantin, Lev, Miron, Nikita, Modest, Pavel, Oleg, Timur, Prokhor, Plato, Rostislav, Philip.
  • The zodiac sign of Scorpio (October 24 - November 22) combines such male names as Yaroslav, Azary, Yuri, Averyan, Efim, Anisim, Joseph, Zakhar, Prokhor, Mstislav, Rodion, Savely, Rudolf, Fedor, Taras, Yakov, Eduard , Artem, Afanasy, Ruslan, Sergey, Arseny.
  • The optimal male names for Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22) are Alexander, Yaroslav, Arseny, Aristarchus, Jan, Felix, Irakli, Illarion, Stepan, Semyon, Bulat, Vladimir, Vasily, Artem, Vyacheslav, Afanasy, Georgy, Joseph, Zakhar, Peter, Maxim, Roman, Miron, Svyatoslav, Rustam, Savely.
  • For a Capricorn boy (December 23 - January 20), the names David, Abram, Daniel, Bogdan, Arthur, Gleb, Vadim, Dmitry, Grigory, Vladlen, Igor, Ignat, Ephraim, Ivan, Egor, Leonid, Marat, Kirill, Nikolai, Modest, Matvey, Robert, Oleg, Peter, Jan, Rudolf, Rodion.
  • Aquarius babies (January 21 - February 19) are better called Adam, Ernest, Yuri, Svyatoslav, Ruslan, Andrey, Avenir, Valery, Arkady, Albert, Vsevolod, Gleb, Vilen, Gury, Eremey, Pavel, Illarion, Oleg, Leonid or Plato .
  • For a boy born under the sign of Pisces (February 20 - March 20), suitable names are Mikhail, Anton, Alfred, Bogdan, Afanasy, Daniil, Valentin, Valery, Borislav, Vadim, Vasily, Efim, Vladimir, Vyacheslav, Eremey, Vladislav, Maxim, Ivan , Timofey, Rudolph, Roman, Eduard, Philip, Yuri, Fedor.

Popular and rare male names for children and their meanings

The Moscow registry office kindly provided statistics on the choice of names for male babies, based on data from previous years and the first quarter of this year.

  • The rating of the most popular male names for children in 2017 was headed by Alexander. This long-loved name has Greek roots and means “protector of people.”
  • In second position is Mikhail, which translated from Hebrew means “who is like God.”
  • Artem received bronze. Initially, the name was just a colloquial form of the name Artemy, but now it is an independent beautiful male name for a child. Translated from Greek, Artem means “unharmed, in perfect health.”
  • In fourth place were Danilo and Daniil, names of biblical origin with Hebrew roots. Translated as “God is a judge.”
  • The fifth place in the list of male names for children, popular this year, was taken by Maxim - a Roman generic name. Translated from Latin it means “greatest”.
  • In sixth place is the hero of Russian folk tales, Ivan. One of the translations of this name from Hebrew sounds like “the grace of God.”
  • The seventh place was named Dmitry. This popular name has Greek roots and means “dedicated to the goddess Demeter.” Recall that Demeter is the goddess of earth and fertility in ancient Greek mythology.
  • The eighth position was taken by the name Kirill. A strong name with ancient Greek roots, translated as “lord”.
  • The ninth place also went to a name of ancient Greek origin. In this position is the name Timothy, which means “who worships God.”
  • Rounding out the top ten Russian name Egor. Given name appeared as a phonetic variant of the name George, and the latter was derived from the Greek name Georgios, meaning "farmer".

The lion's share of the list of popular names in recent years consists of the same male names for children, while rare, unusual names annually supplement the corresponding lists.

  • In 2014, Sevastopol, Strength, Rassvet and Jazz were born.
  • In 2015, baby Mercury was born, named either in honor of a saint, or in honor of the god of trade, or in honor of the first planet from the Sun.
  • Last year, the list of unusual names was supplemented by the name of Latin origin Laurus, which can mean both the plant of the same name and is translated as “holiday”, the ancient Greek name Eustignaeus, translated as “good sign”. Also on the list of unusual names of the past year were the names of Achilles - the brave and practically invulnerable hero of ancient Greek legends. Caesar is a famous commander and dictator, Bartholomew is an Aramaic name translated as “son of the plowed soil,” which was borne by one of Christ’s disciples.


The range of names for boys these days is simply huge. If future or established parents are interested in current male names for a child in 2018, then it is worth turning to the top of the same name for the current year: practice shows that the “winners” of such charts remain in demand for a long time.

In general, it is not so important what origin the child’s name comes from. The main thing is that parents like it and suit the baby.

"What's in a name?" - the poet asked his unknown interlocutor. Humanity has been struggling with this same question, but in a broader sense, for centuries, but the names are in no hurry to reveal all their secrets. Even notorious materialists and skeptics do not choose the first names they come across for their children, thereby recognizing that the name becomes business card a person in society, a part of himself. Many people are sure that an individual name not only contains information about its owner, but is also capable of participating in the formation of his character and influencing his future life. In this regard, the famous phrase “What you name a yacht, so it will sail” is often recalled. What can we say about man - a living being connected with the universe by thousands of threads!

Personal names are the object of study of anthroponymy, a branch of the science of onomastics. Within its framework, researchers study their origin, evolutionary development, laws and features of functioning. Each name, whether it is originally Slavic or borrowed from other languages, for example, Greek and Hebrew, has its own history and meaning. The original meaning of many names was lost in the thick of centuries, erased, and ceased to be taken literally. In addition, not all people are interested in the meaning of their name, thereby missing out on the opportunity to learn more about themselves and their life prospects. Meanwhile, the research of modern anthroponymists is aimed at compiling a psychological portrait of a typical representative of a particular name, because even earlier it was discovered that people with the same name have much in common in character, fate and even appearance.

Of course, one should not exaggerate the role of the name in the formation of personality, but still it deserves the closest attention. Choosing a name for a child should be conscious, thoughtful, taking into account various factors. In the life of an adult, it is also possible to change a name, so the information presented on our website will be useful not only to those who are looking for a name for a newborn boy or girl. For people who do not intend to change their other “I,” a closer acquaintance with the meaning of names can also bring a lot of benefits - in particular, it can suggest directions for working on themselves, on compatibility with others and fruitful interaction with them.

In this section of our website you can find not only the meanings of names, but also a variety of related information, for example, about name days, lucky days, useful practical advice, excursions into history and much more.

Aaron - Ark of the Covenant (Heb.)

Abai - attentive, prudent (Kyrgyz)

Abdullah - servant of Allah (Arabic)

Abel - see Abel

Abov - love of God (Georgian)

Abram (Abramiy, Avraam, Abrahamy, Abram, Abramy) - father of many nations, exalted father (ancient Hebrew)

Avaz - replacement (Arabic). The Turkmens pronounce this name “Ovez”; among the Azerbaijanis it takes on the sound “Eyvaz”.

Habakkuk - hugger, name of the biblical prophet (Heb.)

Augustus (Ogasus) - majestic, great, sacred (lat.)

Avdei (Obdiah) - servant of the god Yahweh (ancient Hebrew)

Obdievs - servant of Jesus (Heb.)

Avdiy - see Avdiy

Avdon - servant, servant, slave (Heb.)

Abel (Abel) - light breath (ancient Heb.)

Abner - “the father (God) is a light” (ancient Hebrew)

Averky - taking flight (lat.)

Averyan - invincible, putting to flight, colloquial to Averky (lat.)

Aviv - ear of grain (ancient Hebrew)

Avim - multiplying (ancient Greek)

Auxentius - growing (Greek)

Abraham - see Abram

Aurelius (Aurelian) - golden (lat.)

Avtandil - the heart of the homeland (Georgian)

Autonomous - independent, “a law unto itself” (Greek)

Avundium (Avudim) - abundant (lat.)

Agap Agapius Agapit - loving, beloved, beloved (Greek)

Agatius - kind good (Greek)

Agafangel - good news (Greek)

Agathodorus - good gift (Greek)

Agathon (Agaphonius) - good, good (Greek)

Agathonik - good victory (Greek)

Haggai (Agey) - solemn, festive, having fun (ancient Hebrew)

Aglai (Aglaiy) - brilliant, magnificent, beautiful (Greek)

Agn - pure, immaculate (Greek) or lamb, lamb (Latin)

Agyr - valuable, dear (Turkic)

Adam - man, red clay (ancient Hebrew)

Adat - namesake, friend (Turkic)

Adolf - noble wolf (Old German)

Adonis - lord, ruler (ancient Hebrew)

Adrian (Adrian) - resident of the city of Adria (lat.)

Aza - strong, strong (Heb.)

Azad - noble, free (Arabic)

Azam - the greatest (Arabic)

Azamat - powerful, great, “the greatness of the glory of Allah” (Arabic)

Azarius (Azaria) - God's help (ancient Hebrew)

Aziz - powerful (Turkic)

Ayram - amazing (Turkic)

Airat - amazement (Turkic)

Akaki - not doing evil, not evil (Greek)

Akbar - greatest, eldest (Arabic)

Akila - eagle (lat.)

Akim (Ekim) - God raises up (Heb.)

Akimphius - hyacinth (ancient Greek)

Akindin - safe (Greek)

Hakob - warlike, warrior (Greek)

Akram - the most generous (Turkic)

Aksai - lame (Turkic)

Aksentiy (Avksentiy) - growing (Greek)

Acution - spicy (lat.)

Aladin - sublime faith (Arabic)

Alan - the most significant (Arabic)

Albin (Alvin) - white (lat.)

Alexander - protector of people (Greek)

Alexey - defender (Greek)

Ali - exalted (Arabic)

Alil - wise, knowledgeable (Arabic)

Alimpiy - from the names of Mount Olympus (ancient Greek)

Alypius (Alip) - carefree (Greek)

Alma - apple (Kazakh)

Almon, Elmon - name of letters, widower or abandoned (ancient Hebrew)

Almoch - diamond (Tatar)

Alois - brave, resourceful, wise (Art. French)

Alonso - brave, resourceful, wise (Spanish)

Alpheus - change (ancient Hebrew)

Albert - noble splendor (German)

Alvian (Alvian) - rich (Greek)

Alfar - elven warrior (Old English)

Alfonso (Alfonza, Alfonso) - noble, ready for battle (German)

Alfred - free (German)

Amadis - love of God (lat.)

Amandine - worthy of love (lat.)

Hmayak - charm (Armenian)

Ambrose (Ambrosius) - belonging to the immortals, divine (Greek)

Amin - guardian, faithful (Arabic)

Amir - leader, military leader (Arabic)

Ammon - skilled craftsman, artist (Heb.)

Amos - load-bearer (Heb.)

Ampelog - grapevine (Greek)

Amply - significant, important (lat.)

Ananias - God is merciful (Heb.)

Anastasius (Anastas) - resurrected (Greek)

Anatoly - east (Greek)

Anber - the greatest (Arabic)

Anwar - radiant (pers.)

Angel (Angelar) - angel, messenger (Greek)

Angeler - angel (Bulgarian)

Angium - vessel (Greek)

Andrey (Andrzej, Anzhey) - courageous brave (Greek)

Andronikos - winner (Greek)

Anekt - tolerant, tolerable (Greek)

Anikitus - invincible (Greek)

Anisim - fulfillment, completion (Greek)

Antiochus - resisting, riding towards (Greek)

Antipas - opponent (Greek)

Antipater - substitute father (Greek)

Anton (Antony, Antonin) - entering into battle, competing in strength. Roman family name (lat.)

Anthimus - covered with flowers (Greek)

Anfir - blooming (Greek)

Anufriy see Onufriy

Apelius - not recognized (Greek)

Apollo (Appolinarius, Apollonius) - belonging to Apollo - the god of the Sun (Greek)

Apronian - unforeseen (Greek)

Aram - merciful God (Armenian)

Aranis - bold, courageous (Greek)

Ardalion (Ardialion) - fussy person (lat.)

Arrest - pleasant (Greek)

Aretas - virtue (Greek)

Arefa - cultivator, plowman (Arabic)

Arian (Ariy, Arie) - lion (ancient Hebrew)

Arius see Arian

Aristarchus - head of the best (Greek)

Aristobulus - best advisor (Greek)

Aristocles - illustrious (Greek)

Ariston - reward (Greek)

Ariel - God's lion (Heb.)

Arkady - blessed, resident of the country of Arcadia (Greek)

Armen - resident of Armenia (Greek)

Arnold - soaring eagle (German)

Aron - see Aaron

Arseny (Arsen) - courageous (Greek)

Artamon - see Artemy

Artem - see Artemy

Artemy (Artamon, Artyom) - unharmed, healthy (Greek)

Arthur - bear (Celtic)

Harutyun - resurrection, rebirth (Armenian)

Archimedes (Arkimides) - outstanding mind (Greek)

Arkhipp (Arkhip) - chief of cavalry (Greek)

Arie see Arian

Assad - lion (Arabic)

Asinkrit - incomparable, incompatible (Greek)

Aslam - peaceful, unharmed (Arabic)

Aslambek - mighty lord (Turkic)

Aslan - mighty lion (Arabic)

Asterius - starry (Greek)

Astia - living in the city, urban (Greek)

Athanas see Athanasius

Athelstan (Athelstan) - noble (Old English)

Attius (Attik) - living in Attica

Aution - spicy (lat.)

Athanasius (Athanas, Atanas, Athanasius) - immortal (Greek)

Afzal - most excellent (Arabic)

Afinogenes - descendant of Athena (Greek)

Athos - generous, rich (Greek)

Achaic - Achaean, Greek (Greek)

Akhat - one (Tatar)

Ahijah - friend of the Lord (Heb.)

Ahmad, Ahmed - famous (Turkic)

Ahmar - red (Arabic)

Ahmed is Azerbaijani. - Orthodox

Ashot - fire (Turkic)

Aetius - eagle (Greek)

Bazhen (Bezhen) - desired, dear (Old Russian)

Balash - child (Tatar)

Barat - born on a new moon (Georgian)

Bahar - spring (Arabic)

Bachman - good thought (pers.)

Bahram - driving away the evil spirit (pers.)

Bakhtear - happy (pers.)

Bayan - storyteller, storyteller (Old Russian)

Bektugan - relative, dear person (Tatar.)

Beloslav - good glory (glory)

Benedict see Benedict

Blagoslav - good glory (glory)

Bogdan - given by God (glorified)

Boleslav - most glorious (glory)

Bonifatius (Boniface) - good fate (lat.)

Borimir - peace fighter (glory)

Boris - fighter (famous)

Borislav - fighter for glory (glory)

Boruch (Baruch) - blessed (Old Hebrew)

Boyan - see Bayan

Bratislav - fighter for glory (glory)

Britannius - resident of Britain (lat.)

Bronislav - glorious defender (glorious)

Bruno - dark (German)

Bryacheslav - loud glory (glory)

Budimir - awakening world (glory)

Bukon - taciturn, uncommunicative (glory)

Bulat - strong, steel (Turkic)

Babyla - resident of Babylon (lat.)

Vavkhar - gem(Persian.)

Vadim - healthy (lat.)

Vazir - senior manager (Iran.)

Wazih - clear (Turkic)

Valentin (Valens) - strong, strong, healthy (lat.)

Valerian - strong (lat.)

Valery - strong, rich, Roman family name (lat.)

Walter - manager of people (German)

Varadat - gift from a loved one (Iranian)

Varadat - motherwort (Arabic)

Barbarian - foreigner (Greek)

Varlaam (Varlam) - son of God (Heb.)

Barsanatius - tireless (Greek)

Vartan - rose (Armenian)

Varul - English - God's

Baruch see Boruch

Baruch see Boruch

Bartholomew - son of Tolmai (Aramaic)

Vasil see Vasily

Vasily see Vasily

Basilides see Basil

Vasily (Vasil, Vasilei, Basilides) - royal (Greek)

Wahab - giver (Turkic)

Vaclav see Vyacheslav

Velemir - great world (glory)

Benedict - blessed (lat.)

Benjamin - son right hand(other heb.)

Wenceslav (Polish) - see Vyacheslav

Venchak - boat (face)

Vergiz - wolf (face)

Veronicus - victorious (Greek)

Vianor — strong man(Greek)

Vivian - alive (lat.)

Vigit - clear (Arabic)

Vincent - winner, victorious (lat.)

Victor (Victorin, Victoria) - winner, victorious (lat.)

Vilen - abbreviation for "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" (Soviet)

Wilhelm - knight (Old German)

William - desired (German)

Viry - husband, man (lat.)

Vissarion - wooded gorge, valley, forest dweller (Greek)

Vitaly (Vit) - life (lat.)

Vitan - desired (Belarusian)

Witold - forest ruler (Old German)

Bethonios - deep (Greek)

Vladilen (Vladlen) - abbreviated. from "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" (Soviet)

Vladimir - ruler of the world (glory)

Vladislav - owner of glory (glory)

Vladislav (Valdislav) - owner of glory (glory)

Vlas - sluggish, clumsy (Greek)

Vlimat - feast, treat (Arabic)

Voislav - military glory (glory)

Volodar - ruler (glorified)

Waldemar - famous ruler (Old German)

Wolf - wolf (ancient Germanic)

Will - will, freedom (glory)

Bonifatius - see Bonifatius

Vsevolod - owner of everything (glory)

Vseslav - the most glorious (glory)

Vysheslav - the most glorious (glory)

Vyacheslav - the most glorious (glory)

Gaafur (Gafur, Gafar) - forgiving (Arabic)

Gabriel - God’s stronghold, “my power is God” (Heb.)

Ghazi - warrior against infidels (Arabic)

Guy see Gayan

Galaktion - milk (Greek)

Ghalib - victorious, dominant (Arabic)

Galim - wise (Arabic)

Gamaliel - God's intercessor (Heb.)

Hamlet - twin, double (Old German)

Garay - venerable (Tatar)

Gayan (Gai) - born of the earth (Greek)

Gideon - warrior (Heb.)

Hector - Almighty, Guardian (Greek)

Gelasius - laughing (Greek)

Helium - solar (Greek)

Gemel - twin, double (Greek)

Genius - ancestral (Greek)

Gennady - noble (Greek)

Henry - powerful, rich (Old German)

George - farmer (Greek)

Herald - wielder of a spear (German)

Gerard (Gerhard) - strong spear (German)

Gerasim - venerable (Greek)

Herbert (Herbert) - a brilliant warrior (Old German)

German - half-blooded, native (lat.)

Hermogenes - descendant of Hermes (Greek)

Geronitios - elder (Greek)

Gerhard - brave spearman (ancient Germanic)

Gerhard see Gerard

Gilet - educated (Arabic)

Girey - honored, worthy (Turkic)

Giya - assistant (Arabic)

Gleb - favorite of the gods (other Scand.)

Gobron - courageous, brave (Arabic)

Gogi (Gochi) - gallant, brave (Georgian)

Gorazd - a skilled craftsman (glory)

Gordey is the name of the famous Phrygian king (Greek)

Gorislav - blazing glory (glory)

Gradimir - creator, creator (glorified)

Gregor - awake (German)

Gremislav - loud glory (glory)

Gregory - awake (Greek)

Gury - lion cub (Old Hebrew)

Gustav - military adviser (German)

David - beloved (Heb.)

Davlat - happiness (Arabic)

Dalmat - resident of Dalmatia (Greek)

Damir - iron (Arabic)

Dan - judge (ancient Hebrew)

Daniel - “my judge” (Heb.)

Danovan - dark brown (Irish)

Darius - rich man (Greek)

Dastus - fair (lat.)

Daoud - see David

Dementius - tamer (lat.)

Demid - “ruling by the will of Dion” (one of the names of Zeus) (Greek)

Demyan - conquering, humbler (lat.)

Denis - belonging to Dionysus (Greek)

Destan - legend (Arabic)

Javan - generous (Arabic)

Jalal - greatness (Arabic)

Jamal (Jamil) - handsome (Arabic)

Jan - faith (Arabic)

Dynasius - eternal (Greek)

Diodorus - bestowed by God (Greek)

Diodochos - successor, heir (Greek)

Diomede - light of God (Greek)

Dion - belonging to Dionysus (Greek)

Dmitry - dedicated to the fertility goddess Demeter (Greek)

Dobromir - good world (glory)

Dobroslav - good glory (glory)

Dobrynya - daring (glory)

Dominic - belonging to the lord (lat.)

Domnus - lord, ruler (lat.)

Donat - gift (lat.)

Dormidont - chief of the spearmen (Greek)

Dorofey - God's gift (Greek)

Dositheus - given by God (Greek)

Druzhina - friend, comrade (glory)

Gospel - good news (Greek)

Eugene - noble (Greek)

Evgraf - good writer (Greek)

Evdokim - glorious (Greek)

Eucarpius - fertile (Greek)

Evlampius - radiant (Greek)

Evlasiy - supportive, merciful (Greek)

Evod - good path (Greek)

Evpatiy - sensitive, pious (Greek)

Evsey (Eusebius, Evseniy) - pious (Greek)

Eustathius - stable (Greek)

Evstigney - good sign (Greek)

Evstikhian (Eustikhius, Eutykhios) - happy, prosperous (Greek)

Eustratius - good warrior (Greek)

Eustrachium - luxuriantly eared (Greek)

Evfimy - see Efimy

Egor - farmer (Greek)

Elizar - God helped (Heb.)

Elisha - savior (Heb.)

Emelyan - flattering (Greek)

Enoch - educator, teacher (Heb.)

Epiphanes - prominent, noble (Greek)

Erast - loving (Greek)

Eremey - exalted by God (ancient Hebrew)

Ermak - see Ermil

Ermil - forest belonging to Hermes

Ermolai - people of Hermes (Greek)

Erofey - sacred (Greek)

Efim - pious (Greek)

Ephraim see Ephraim

Zhdan - long-awaited, desired (Old glory)

Zabrod - leader, ringleader (Old Slav.)

Zabud - forgetful (Old Slav.)

Zavad - the one who starts (Old Slav.)

Envy - protection from the evil eye (Old Slavic)

Zavyal - lethargic (Old Slav.)

Zahar - God remembers (Heb.)

Zvezdan - star, star (Serbian, Bulgarian)

Zeno - belonging to Zeus (Greek)

Siegfried - favorite of the Gods (German)

Zinovy ​​- life given by Zeus (Greek)

Ziyad - increasing (Arabic)

Zlat - golden (Bulgarian)

Zlatozar - illuminating, golden (glorious)

Zlatomir - golden world (glory)

Zlatosvet - golden light (glory)

Zlatoslav - golden glory (other glory)

Zor - vigilant (Old Slav.)

Zosimus - going on a journey (Greek)

Zosima - see Zosim

Zuy - after the name of the bird (Old Slav.)

Zyk - loud sound, stentorian (Old Slav.)

Jacob see Jacob.

Ivan - “Yahweh had mercy, had mercy” (Heb.)

Ignat - see Ignatius

Ignatius - fiery, red-hot (lat.)

Igor - army, strength (other scand.)

Idris - teach, learn (Arabic)

Ezekiel - God will give strength (Heb.)

Hierax - hawkish (Greek)

Jerome - dedicated (Greek)

Ishmael - God will hear (Heb.)

Izot - life-giving, life-giving (Greek)

Israel - God rules (Heb.)

Izyaslav - who gained glory (glory)

Jesus - God will help (Heb.)

Hilarion - cheerful, joyful (Greek)

Elijah - “Yahweh is my God” (Heb.)

Iman - faith (Arabic)

Ingvar - careful, prudent (other scand.)

Innocent - innocent (lat.)

Job - persecuted (Heb.)

Jonah - dove (ancient Hebrew)

Jordan is the name of a river in Palestine (Old Hebrew)

Jehoshaph - “The Lord is the judge” (Heb.)

Jehoshaphat - “God judged” (Heb.)

Joseph - “God will increase” (Heb.)

Ipat - see Ipaty

Hypatius - highest (Greek)

Hippolytus - unharnesser of horses (Greek)

Heraclius - glory of Hera (Greek)

Irinius - peaceful (Greek)

Isaac - “he will laugh” (Heb.)

Isaiah - salvation sent by Yahweh (Heb.)

Isaf - God's reward (Heb.)

Isidore - gift of Isis (Greek)

Ismail - see Ishmael

Ismat - purity, innocence (Arabic)

Yisroel - see Israel

Judas - “he praises God” (Heb.)

Kadikh - almighty (Arabic)

Kazim - silent, restraining his anger (Arabic)

Casimir - peace-loving, calm (Polish)

Kalistratus - a wonderful warrior (Greek)

Callimachus - a wonderful fighter (Greek)

Callistus - see Callistratus

Kamal - perfect (Arabic)

Camillus - noble, dedicated (lat.)

Kandite - white, shiny (lat.)

Kantor - singer (Old Hebrew)

Kapiton - head (lat.)

Kara - black, big, strong (Turkic)

Karakez - black-eyed (Turkic)

Karamat - hard (Arabic)

Karen - generous, magnanimous (Arabic)

Karim - generous, merciful (Arabic)

Karl - brave (Old German)

Carp - fruit (Greek)

Kasim - distributing, dividing (Turk.)

Castor - beaver (Greek)

Kasyan - empty (lat.)

Kayuhbek - noble (Arabic)

Kim is an acronym for Communist Youth International (Soviet)

Kindey - mobile (Greek)

Cyprian - resident of the island of Cyprus (Greek)

Cyrus - lord, ruler (Greek)

Kirill - lord, ruler (Greek)

Kirom - generous, noble (Taj.)

Claudius - lame, Roman family name (lat.)

Klim - grapevine (Greek)

Clement - merciful (Latin) or vine (Greek)

Codrian - forest (Romanian)

Kondrat - quadrangular (lat.)

Konon - wit (lat.)

Konstantin - persistent, constant (lat.)

Roots - dogwood horn or berry (lat.)

Kosma - see Kuzma

Christian - belonging to Christ (lat.)

Kronid - son of Kronos (Greek)

Xanth - fiery, red (Greek)

Xenophon - stranger, foreigner (Greek)

Kuzma - tamer (Greek)

Kupriyan - see Cyprian

Kurman - quiver for arrows (Tatar)

Laban - white, milky (Old Hebrew)

Laurel - laurel tree, wreath, victory, triumph (lat.)

Lavrentiy - resident of the city of Lavrenta (lat.)

Ladislav - good glory (glory)

Lazarus - “God helped” (Hebrew)

Lazdin - hazelnut (Latvian)

Largius - generous (lat.)

Lahuti - exalted (pers.)

Lachino - falcon (Turkish)

Leo - lion, king of beasts (Greek)

Leib - lion (Aramaic)

Lel - named after the pagan god, son of Lada, patron of marriage and love (glorified)

Leon - lion (lat.)

Leonard - reflection of a lion (German)

Leonidas - like a lion (lat.)

Leonty - lion (lat.)

Leopold - brave as a lion (German)

Logvin (Longinus) - long, Roman family name (lat.)

Longinus see Logvin

Lawrence - see Lawrence

Lot - blanket (Old Hebrew)

Luarsab - daredevil (cargo)

Luigi - Lenin is dead, but the ideas are alive (owl.)

Luka - light (lat.)

Lucian see Lucian

Lukyan (Lukian) - luminous, radiant (lat.)

Luchezar - luminous, radiant (glorious)

Lyubomir - loving world (old glory)

Lyudmil - dear to people (slav.)

Lucius - see Lucian

Mauritius - dark (Greek)

Mavrimati - black-eyed (Moldavian)

Mavrodiy - song of the Moor (Greek)

Magid - preacher (Heb.)

Maiko - born in May (famous)

Makar - blessed, happy (Greek)

Maccabeus - hammer (ancient Hebrew)

Maxim - the greatest (lat.)

Maximilian - see Maxim

Maksud - desired (Arabic)

Malachi (Malachi) - my messenger (Heb.)

Malachi see Malachi

Malik - king, ruler (Arabic)

Malchus - king, angel, messenger (Heb.)

Mansur - protected (Arabic)

Manuel - God is with us (Heb.)

Manfred - a free man (Old German)

Marvin - military victory (Old German)

Marian - sea (lat.)

Mark - hammer (lat.)

Markel (l) - hammer (lat.)

Mars - god of war (Greek)

Martin - dedicated to Mars, warlike (lat.)

Martin see Martin

Maryam - bitter (Heb.)

Masqad - desired (Arabic)

Matthew - man of God, gift of God (Heb.)

Mahmoud - glorious (Arabic)

Medimn - grain measure (Greek)

Meer - glorified by the letter (Heb.)

Melamed - teacher (Old Hebrew)

Melentius - caring (Greek)

Menelaus - strong people (Greek)

Merculus - merchant (lat.)

Methodius - watching, searching (Greek)

Mecheslav - glorious sword (glory)

Mikifor - see Nikifor

Milius - jetel of the city of Miletus (Greek)

Miloneg - sweet and gentle (Old Russian)

Miloslav - good glory (glory)

Mina - monthly, lunar (Greek)

Mirab - distributor of water (Arabic)

Miran - emir (Arabic)

Myron - fragrant (Greek)

Miroslav - peaceful glory (glory)

Misail - asked of God (Heb.)

Mitrofan - found by mother (Greek)

Michael - like God (Heb.)

Micah - equal to God (Heb.)

Michki - pretty (Finnish)

Michura - gloomy (Old Slav.)

Modest - modest (lat.)

Moses - lawgiver (Old Hebrew)

Moky - mocker (Greek)

Mstislav - glorious avenger (Heb.)

Murad (Murat) - desired goal (Arabic)

Muslim - conqueror (Arabic)

Mukharbek - illustrious (Arabic)

Mukhtar - chosen one (Arabic)

Nadya - hope, future, support (Old Russian)

Nazam - arrangement, order (Arabic)

Nazar - dedicated to God (Heb.)

Nazim - intimidator (Arabic)

Narcissus see Narcissus

Narcissus (Narkis) - handsome, the name of a mythical hero turned by the gods into a flower (Greek)

Nathan - “God gave” (Heb.)

Nahum - comforter (Heb.)

Neon - young, new (Greek)

Nestor - returned to his homeland (Greek)

Nikander - winner (Greek)

Nikanor - who saw victory (Greek)

Nikita - winner (Greek)

Nikephoros - victorious (Greek)

Nicodemus - victorious people (Greek)

Nicholas - conqueror of nations (Greek)

Nikon - victorious (Greek)

Nile - from the name of the river in Egypt (lat.)

Nison - from the name of the Jewish month Nisan (ancient Hebrew)

Niphon - reasonable, sober, judicious (Greek)

Noah - rest, peace (ancient Hebrew)

Nomin - educated (Kalmyk)

Nor - granite (Taj.)

Norman - northern man (German)

Nur - light, one of the names of God (Arabic)

Nuri - light, radiant (Arabic)

Ovid - savior (lat.)

Octavian - eighth (lat.)

Oktay - understanding (Mongolian)

Oleg - saint, sacred (other scand.)

Olivier - olive, olive (art. French)

Olympios - Olympic, from the name of the sacred Mount Olympus (Greek)

Olgerd - noble spear (German)

Omar - all-remembering (Arabic)

Onufriy (Anufriy) - free (lat.)

Onesimus - fulfillment, completion (Greek)

Honore - honor (French)

Orestes - mountain (Greek)

Orion - on behalf of the mythical singer (Greek)

Oswald - Divine Forest (German)

Osip - see Joseph

Oscar - Divine Chariot (other scand.)

Otto - possession (German)

Pavel - small (lat.)

Pamphil (Panfil) - beloved by everyone, dear to everyone (Greek)

Pankrat - the strongest, omnipotent (Greek)

Pankratiy - see Pankrat

Panteley - see Panteleimon

Panteleimon - all-merciful (Greek)

Paramon - reliable, faithful (Greek)

Parfem - virgin, pure (Greek)

Patrick - noble (Greek)

Pakhom - broad-shouldered (Greek)

Pelagia - sea (Greek)

Overexposure - very, light, luminous, bright (glory)

Peter - stone, rock (Greek)

Pimen - shepherd, shepherd (Greek)

Pist - faithful (Greek)

Plato - broad-shouldered (Greek)

Polycarp - fruitful (Greek)

Poluekt - long-awaited (Greek)

Pompey - participant in the solemn procession, Roman family name (Greek)

Pontius - sea (Greek)

Porfiry - crimson (Greek)

Potap - possessed (lat.)

Prozor - keen-sighted (glory)

Proclus - “glory precedes him” (Greek)

Prokop - naked sword (Greek)

Protas - standing in front (Greek)

Prokhor - leading in dance (Greek)

Ptolemy - warrior (Greek)

Ravil - see Rafail

Ragnar - strong mind (other Scand.)

Radium - ray, sun (Greek)

Radimir (Radomir) - peace fighter (glory)

Radislav - fighter for glory (glory)

Rais - militant (Arabic)

Rainis - spotted, striped (Latvian)

Ramadan - from the name of the Muslim fast Ramadan (Arabic)

Rami (Ramiz) - shooter (Arabic)

Ramon - intelligently defending (Spanish)

Rasif - durable, strong (Arabic)

Ratibor - warrior (glory)

Ratmir - protecting the world, advocating for peace (glory)

Raul (Raul) - decision of fate (German)

Raphael - healed with the help of God (Heb.)

Rafik - kind (Arabic)

Rahim - merciful, compassionate (Arabic)

Rahman - merciful (Arabic)

Rahmat - grateful (Arabic)

Rashid (Rashit) - walking along the right way(Arab.)

Reginald - wisely ruling (Old English)

Rezo - supportive (Arabic)

Rex - king (lat.)

Rem - rower (lat.)

Renat - 1. reborn (lat); 2. abbreviation for revolution, science, technology (Soviet)

Renold (Reynold) - decision of fate (German)

Rifat - high position (Arabic)

Richard - striking without a miss (Old German)

Roald - shining sword (ancient Germanic)

Robert - unfading glory (Old German)

Rodion - rose hips, rose (Greek)

Roy - red (Old English)

Roland - native land (German)

Roman - Roman, Roman (lat.)

Romil - strong, strong (Greek)

Rostislav - increasing glory (glory)

Ruben - blushing (Latin) or “look - son” (Heb.)

Rudolf - red wolf (ancient Germanic)

Rusin - Russian, Slav (slav.)

Ruslan (Arslan) - lion (Turkic)

Rustam (Rustem) - mighty (Turkic)

Rustic - rustic (lat.)

Rurik - glory of the king (other scand)

Sabir - patient (Arabic)

Sabit - strong, strong (Arabic)

Sabur - patient (Arabic)

Savva - elder (Aramaic)

Savvaty - Saturday (Old Hebrew)

Savely - asked from God (ancient Hebrew)

Savil - beloved (Azerbaijani)

Sadikh (Sadyk) - true, sincere (Arabic)

Said - blessed, happy (Arabic)

Salavat - book of prayers (Arabic)

Salam - peace, prosperity (Arabic)

Salik - walking (Arabic)

Salim - healthy, unharmed (Tatar)

Salmaz - not fading (Azerbaijani)

Salman - friend (Arabic)

Samson - solar (ancient Hebrew)

Samuel - God heard (Heb.)

Sanjar - fortress (Turkic)

Satur - full (lat.)

Safa - pure (Arabic)

Safar - born in the month of Safar (Arabic)

Saphron - prudent (Greek)

Svetozar - illuminated by light (glory)

Svyatogor - holy mountains (glorified)

Svyatolyk - bright-faced, beautiful (glorious)

Svyatopolk - sacred army (glory)

Svyatoslav - holy glory (glory)

Sebastian - highly revered, sacred (Greek)

Severin (Severyan) - strict (lat.)

Severyan see Severin

Seconds - second (lat.)

Seleucus - lunar, wavering (Greek)

Selivan - forest (lat.)

Semyon (Simeon, Simon) - heard, listening (ancient Hebrew)

Serapion - temple of Serapis (Greek)

Seraphim - burning, fiery, fiery angel (ancient Hebrew)

Sergei - clear, highly revered, Roman family name (lat.)

Sidor - see Isidore

Strength - from the name of a forest in Southern Italy (lat.)

Silantium - see Strength

Silvan - see Selivan

Sylvester - forest (lat.)

Sima see Simcha

Simeon - see Semyon

Simon - see Semyon

Simha (Sima) - joy (ancient Hebrew)

Sozon (Sozont) - saving, protecting (Greek)

Socrates - maintainer of power (Greek)

Solomon - peaceful (Old Hebrew)

Sossius - faithful, sound (lat.)

Sophron - sane, prudent (Greek)

Spartacus - resident of Sparta (Greek)

Savior - savior (old glory)

Spiridon - reliable (Greek)

Stanimir - peacemaker (famous)

Stanislav - most glorious (glorious)

Stepan - wreath (Greek)

Stoyan - strong (Bulgarian)

Straton - warrior (Greek)

Stratonicus - victorious army (Greek)

Suleiman - see Solomon

Sultan - power (Arabic)

Suhrab - red water (pers.)

Sysoy - sixth (Heb.)

Talanay - lazy (famous)

Talbak - begged (Taj.)

Talib - walking (Arabic)

Talim - teaching (Azerbaijani)

Talkhir - pure, immaculate (Azerbaijani)

Tamir - see Damir

Taras - troublemaker (Greek)

Tahir - pure (Turkic)

Tverdislav - solid glory (glory)

Tvorimir - peacemaker (glory)

Theodore - gift of God (Greek)

Theophilus - favorite of God, lover of God (Greek)

Terenty - annoying, tiring (lat.)

Tiberius - Roman family name (Latin)

Tigran - tiger (pers.)

Timon - worshiper (Greek)

Timothy - God-worshipper (Greek)

Timur - iron (Turkic)

Titus - honorable (lat.)

Tikhon - lucky, bringing happiness (Greek)

Tod - clear (Kalmyk)

Thomas - see Thomas

Tryphon - living in luxury, gentle (Greek)

Trophim - breadwinner (Greek)

Turgen - fast (Mongolian)

Tursun - “may life last” (Turk.)

Ulan - handsome (Kalmyk)

Ulrich - rich powerful (Old German)

Ulyan see Julian

Umar - life (Tatar)

Urvan - polite (lat.)

Uriah (Uriy) - the light of God (ancient Hebrew)

Ustin - see Justin

Thaddeus - gift of God (ancient Hebrew)

Fazil - worthy, excellent (Arabic)

Faiz - winner (Tatar)

Faik - excellent (Azerbaijani)

Farid - rare (Arabic)

Farhat (Farhad, Farhid) - understanding, understandable (pers.)

Faust - happy (lat.)

Fayaz - generous (Azerbaijani)

Fedor - gift of the Gods (Greek)

Fedosy - see Fedor

Fedot - see Fedor

Felix - happy (lat.)

Theophanes - appearance of God (Greek)

Theophilus - beloved of God (Greek)

Ferapont - student, servant (Greek)

Ferdinand - brave, powerful, strong (German)

Fidel - devotee (lat.)

Phil - friend (Greek)

Philaret - lover of virtue (Greek)

Philat - God's guardian (Greek)

Philemon - loving (Greek)

Philip - lover of horses (Greek)

Philo - dear creature, object of love (Greek)

Finogen - see Afinogen

Phlegon - burning (Greek)

Flor - blooming (lat.)

Phokas - seal (Greek)

Thomas - twin (Heb.)

Fortunatus - happy (lat.)

Photius - light, luminous (Greek)

Fred - free (Old German)

Fuad - heart (Arabic)

Khabib - beloved friend (Arabic)

Chaim - life, living (Heb.)

Hakim - wise (Arabic)

Khalik - creator (Arabic)

Chariton - generous, showering favors (Greek)

Harlampios - joyful light (Greek)

Herbert see Herbert

Chrysanthus - golden-flowered (Greek)

Chrysoi - golden (Greek)

Christian - see Christian

Christopher - bearer of the faith of Christ (Greek)

Khusam - sword (Azerbaijani)

Tsvetan - blooming (Bulgarian)

Caesar - dissecting (lat.)

Cengiz - rich (Turkic)

Sheftel - Heb. - born on Saturday

Shukuhi - splendor, splendor (pers.)

Shelomokh - see Solomon

Egmond (Egmont) - supportive, attractive (Old German)

Edward - see Edward

Edwin - bringing victory with the sword (ancient Germanic)

Edgar - city guard (Old German)

Eden - bliss, paradise (ancient Hebrew)

Edmund - sword-protector (ancient Germanic)

Edward see Edward

Adrian - see Adrian

Edward - caring for wealth, guardian of wealth (Old German)

Eidar - presenter (Arabic)

Eldar - gift of God (Arabic)

Emil is diligent. Roman family name (lat.)

Emmanuel - God is with us (Heb.)

Erasmus - sweet, charming (Greek)

Erast - dear, beloved (lat.)

Ergash - accompanying person (Uzbek)

Erdeli - resident (Hungarian)

Eric - noble leader (other Scand.)

Eristav - head of the people (Georgian)

Ernest - serious, strict (Old German)

Ephraim - prolific (Heb.)

Eshon - saint, mentor (Taj.)

Eugene - see Eugene

Jozef - see Joseph

Julian - belonging to Julius (lat.)

Yuliy is curly and fluffy. Roman family name (lat.)

Yunus - stream (Old Hebrew)

Yuri - farmer (lat.)

Justin (Just) - fair (lat.)

Yusup - increase (Tatar)

Yakim - see Iakim

Jacob - see Jacob

Jan - given by God (glorified)

Janus - January, belonging to the god Janus (lat.)

Yaroslav - strong, glorious (glorious)

Jason - healer (Greek)

Even in Ancient Rus', people believed that the name carried a hidden meaning. Allegedly, it conveys to its owner the qualities that are contained in its meaning. And since it was the boy who was supposed to subsequently become the defender of the Fatherland and his family, they took the choice of a name for him as seriously as possible. Maybe that’s why there were so many great men in our country before. If you want your son to grow up strong, smart and brave, choose one of the strongest male names for him. Their list will be presented below.

Choosing a name by sound

A man must be resistant to failures and problems, strong in spirit, accept any adversity without hysterics or other strong emotions. Parents can help him become one by naming him one of the most powerful male names - Russian or Muslim. For example, Batyr, Alexander or Arthur. You may have already noticed that these names have several hard consonants. According to onomatologists, their presence significantly increases the masculinity of the name and, accordingly, the person himself.

Although soft letters, naturally, also do not make a man feminine. They simply endow him with diplomacy and some self-doubt. To achieve success in any endeavor, including in the financial sphere, a person will have to look for ways that are profitable for himself, and not go ahead.

Choosing a name by popularity

It is believed that the rarest, most powerful male names are capable of rewarding their owner with a craving for creativity and creating beauty. They also say that they allow men to make a special impression on women. Some psychologists especially believe in the veracity of this statement. It is not known whether this is true, but you can try to give your son any of these names: Dorian, Augustine, Vlas, Gleb, Almaz or Oscar. If you don't mind giving it a common name, take a look at the list below. It lists the strongest male names and their meanings and origins.


The name came from the merger of two Greek words: Alexeo, which means “to protect,” and Andres, which means “man.” That is, Sasha is destined to be protectors - strong, courageous, decisive, emotionally stable. They will experience any adversity easier than other people. If desired, they will be able to become a leader among their friends and build a successful career. Or else, like Alexander the Great, lead an entire army behind him.


This is one of the most powerful male names in terms of energy and sound. Translated from Kazakh it means “brave” or “hero”. Previously, the word “batyr” was added to the name of a brave and courageous warrior who managed to become famous for his courage. Today they're putting him in charge different words, if they want to show social status: “bek” is a lord or master, “khan” is a ruler or head. All Batyrs are brave, creatively developed, frank and cheerful.


This is an original Slavic name. It comes from the merger of two roots: “vlad”, which means “power”, and “peace” - this word was previously interpreted as “consent” or “agreement”. Or, according to some scientists, it meant “calmness,” since the Vladimirs are usually excellent diplomats. You can agree with them on everything. They know how to talk, listen and make friends. Always ready to help loved ones. But they do not tolerate difficulties, so they try to avoid them.


The very meaning of this name (translated from Latin as “winner”) indicates the personal qualities of its owner: courage, bravery, a strong desire for success and well-being. Victor tries to be the first in everything: in simple life situations and serious competitions. He can run a business with equal success, leaving his rivals behind, or be an ordinary clerk (if he wants).


This name is of ancient Greek origin. Translated, it means “almighty” or “guardian.” It is believed that this was the name of one of the sons of Priam, the king of Troy. Whether this actually happened is unknown. But in any case, the owners of the name are responsible, serious people who enjoy well-deserved authority. They are always ready to help, but only if the person is very close to them.


According to one version, this name comes from the Scandinavian name Ingvarr, where the first part (ing) represents the God of abundance, and the second (Varr) means “careful” or “to guard.” According to another, it has Celtic roots. Scientists still dispute the most correct option. But one thing is already known for sure: in Rus' the name Igor appeared in pre-Christian times (remember “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”). At that time it was given only to children from noble families, so it was not very common. Maybe because it meant “guarding the name of God.” As for the personal qualities of all Igors, they include emotional stability, peacefulness, determination and peace of mind.


The name is formed from two words and means “possessing glory.” It came to Rus' back in the 13th century from Serbia. According to some scientists, it became popular in the USSR due to close ties with the Baltic peoples (Poles and Czechs). The man Vladislav is always erudite, self-sufficient, emotionally stable and strong in spirit. He often becomes a leader (among friends, at work and at home).


The name has an ancient Jewish pronunciation. According to one version, it means “like God,” according to another, “asked from God.” All Mishas are kind, successful, and popular with women. They grow up very early and quickly adapt to any living conditions, which allows them to realize themselves and achieve what they want a little earlier than others.


Scientists still do not know for certain what word the name came from. According to one version, it is of Greco-Roman origin. There was such a hero in mythology as Sergestus (friend of Aeneas). According to another, Latin. Translated from this language, the name means “noble” or “high.” Although here too onomatologists argue. Some say that the name comes from “severy dei”, which means “servant of God”, others - that from “Severus” (simply a servant). Be that as it may, Sergey is really ready to come to the aid of his loved ones at any moment. He is strong-willed, decisive, capable of making all important decisions on his own.


A fairly common name in Russia. It is of ancient Greek origin. Means "dedicated to the fertility goddess Demeter." Its owner has good developed intuition, respects elders, knows how to work with his hands. Able to achieve success in business and financial spheres. Can become anyone (from a shepherd to a president). Particular success awaits Dima if he learns to do everything before his competitors.


The name is of ancient Greek origin. It was formed from the word “andros”, which means “man” or “man”. In Rus' it also acquired the meaning of “brave”, “brave” or “courageous”. These are exactly the qualities that are inherent in the owners of this name. These also include: great intelligence, restraint in everything, the ability to competently present oneself.

Using a name as a talisman

The most masculine names are listed. But that is not all. If you want them to work as a talisman for your son, try to teach him to avoid nicknames and nicknames. They negatively affect a person’s energy, regardless of their meaning. Although, of course, if you call your child “bunny” or “sunny” at home, this will not cause any harm. And also try to choose a second name for the boy at baptism, preferably associated with fire (for example, Ognedar, Zoriy or Seraphim), and keep it secret. This way you can also protect it from damage, the evil eye and the machinations of evil spirits. Now you know strong male names and their meanings. Choose the best. Good luck!

From time immemorial, people who are able to endure hardships and trials have evoked sincere respect and admiration. Their unshakable spiritual firmness not only served as a role model, but was also directly reflected in the historically established system of personal names. Courageous male names, bearing the energetic imprint of incarnations of different eras, largely determine the fate of their bearers. What are they and what do they mean?

Origin of masculine names

Courageous names initially implied a certain meaning: the ability to show determination and patience, to endure pain and suffering, to have a highly developed sense of duty and self-esteem. They were given to newborns who were destined for the role of protectors of their family or community, or they were assigned to adult men, thanks to their valor, courage and prudent courage.

The name meaning “courageous” sounds different in different languages. Most of the now known names have Greek, Latin, Celtic, Saxon, Norman, Turkic and Arab-Persian roots. Associated with protection and assertiveness, they imply a fighting spirit and a warrior nature.

Literal meanings of masculine names

The most courageous names are complex linguistic signs that symbolize the traits necessary for the manifestation of heroism. Most of them go back to such nouns and adjectives as:

  • defender;
  • warrior;
  • fighter;
  • hero;
  • brave man;
  • strong;
  • mighty;
  • invincible;
  • valiant;
  • decisive and others.

Each name is given a specific sacred meaning. It has powerful energy and carries a certain set of qualities and abilities that are important for many representatives of the stronger half of humanity. The most famous and widespread throughout the world are such male names and their derivatives as Alexander, Andrey and Nikolay. The most famous “bearers” of these names: Alexander the Great, Alexander Nevsky, Andrew the First-Called, Andre Marie Ampère, Andre Malraux, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, Nicolaus Copernicus, etc.

Each personal name has its own history. Some names, which arose many centuries ago, are still unfailingly popular. Others, having existed for a certain period of time, disappeared and remained only in handwritten name books and monuments, and some, forgotten for decades and centuries, again regained their former prevalence. However, both previously and currently occurring masculine names for boys are designed to maximize the karmic potential and abilities of their “carriers.”

The meanings of masculine names of various eras and nationalities

The modern world name book includes several thousand male (and female) names that define a set of qualities characteristic of courageous people. The largest number of onyms of this variety were invented by warlike freedom-loving peoples.

  • During the Viking Age, when almost every man became a warrior, names such as Skuli (protector), Einar (lone warrior), Eirik (Erik) (mighty, strong), Bruni (armor) appeared.
  • The nominal dictionary of Muslim origin also contains a large number of adverbs that personify male strength and masculinity: Azamat (hero), Aliskar (mighty warrior), Iskander (from the Greek Alexander) - conqueror of the courageous.
  • Anthroponyms of English, German, Dutch and French origin include such as Alard (noble strength), Raymond (wise protector), Erhard (noble and brave), Andre (warrior), Guarin (defender), etc.
  • The most famous names with Greek roots: Alexis (Alexander) - protector, Andreas (Andrey) - courageous warrior, Nikias - winner, victory, Aniketos (Anakita) - fearless, invincible, Eugene - noble.
  • Masculine names of Latin origin are also associated with the conquest of new lands and protection from external enemies: Androclave (the glory of the warrior), Victor (victor, conqueror), Marcus (warlike).
  • With the spread of Christianity, many Greek and Latin names were borrowed by other nationalities and began to be given not only to men, but also to women (Alexander - Alexandra, Eugene - Eugenia). At the same time, related peoples also have their own names, characteristic of a particular ethnic group. For example, personal names such as Bratislav (to fight and glorify), Ratmir (defender of peace), Broneslav (protector of glory), Ratislav (courageous, brave), Boris (fighting) are still popular among the Slavs.

Every culture has multiple interpretations of “strong” adverbs. Phonetically transformed or remaining unchanged, they leave an invisible stamp on their bearers. And if the name is chosen correctly, then it will be able to eliminate negative unconscious programs, have a positive impact on the aura and destiny of a person and endow him with a strong will and character.
