Patriotic education of preschool children. Presentation. From the experience of working as a teacher. Presentation on the topic “patriotic education in pre-school” Presentation of the message morally patriotic education of older preschoolers

From the experience of a preschool teacher “Patriotic education of children” preschool age»

Description of work: This material will be useful for children of middle, older and preparatory age.
This material is constantly used in the educational process to instill in children love for their Motherland.
Patriotism- this is both devotion to one’s Fatherland and the desire to do everything possible to preserve the cultural identity of each people.
The purpose of our preschool institution is is the improvement of patriotic education, the development of the child’s personal culture as the basis of his love for the Motherland.
The urgency of the problem lies in the fact that modern children know little about their hometown, country, features folk traditions, are often indifferent to close people, including group mates, and rarely sympathize with the grief of others.
Working with parents on the issue of moral and patriotic education in the family is clearly insufficient.
Tasks for patriotic education:
nurturing in a child love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city;
formation of a caring attitude towards nature and all living things;
instilling respect for work;
developing interest in traditions and crafts;
formation of basic knowledge about human rights;
expanding ideas about Donbass;
introducing children to the symbols of the Republic (coat of arms, flag, anthem);

Developing a sense of responsibility and pride for the achievements of the Republic;
the formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples and their traditions.
Forms and methods of patriotic education of preschool children:
Children's drawings, reflecting a strong and pure feeling of love for their hometown and native nature, allow them to create expressive images based on their own observations, and also make them think about their relationship to the world around them.
Conversations with children about the Republic, hometown.
Introducing children to the symbols of the Republic (flag, coat of arms, anthem).
Observations are one of the manifestations of patriotism - love of nature.
Reading fairy tales, listening to music, looking at illustrations.
Patriotic education is possible through all types of folk tales. A fairy tale is a fertile and irreplaceable source of instilling love for the Motherland. A fairy tale is the spiritual wealth of a culture, by learning which a child comes to know his native people in his heart.

Labor education
Promotion labor activity children, which is based on the desire to do something for others. The work of a preschooler is small and simple, but it is necessary for the formation of his personality.
Play plays a big role in patriotic education, as it is the main activity of a preschooler. Children play out everyday, work, and social scenes.
A special place in patriotic education is given to holidays. The holiday is the most ancient element of the culture of human society and an unconditional part of its life.
Love for the Motherland begins small - with love for your mother, with respect for the people around you, with your home, the street, with the ability to find around you what is worthy of admiration.
Our preschool organizes holidays, dedicated to the Day Victory.
The children's knowledge about their hometown, the Republic, has significantly expanded.
We got acquainted with the symbolism.
There was a desire to maintain order in the group and on the site kindergarten.
We got acquainted with oral folk art, nursery rhymes, holidays, fairy tale heroes and their exploits.
Children's knowledge about professions has expanded.
A caring attitude towards nature has developed.
Children correctly evaluate their own actions and the actions of other people.
Significantly expanded lexicon.
The level of self-control and self-esteem has increased due to
acquired knowledge.
The activity of parents in preparing and holding joint events has increased.
Conclusion: The education of patriotic feelings is a set of universal human values: the concepts of love, friendship, goodness, truth merge with cognitive activity, ideas about modern reality, and an active and practical attitude towards the world.
Every person needs to know their native nature, history and culture of the people to which they belong, their place in the world around them.
We must be sure that our children and grandchildren will have a good time in the future, we must respect ourselves and teach others to do the same. If the integrity of this process is disrupted, the connection between generations will be destroyed. Nurturing patriotic feelings is and will be one of the main components of raising a young citizen.
In the future, we plan to continue working on this topic, because we believe that patriotism is the main feature of the people, it helps to cultivate a feeling of love for their native land and the world around them.
And it depends on us adults what our children will be like, what they will take away from childhood.

Presentation on the topic: Patriotic education of preschool children


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Morally- patriotic education preschool children

Love for your native land, native culture, native speech begins small - love for your family, for your home, for your kindergarten. Gradually expanding, this love turns into love for the native country, for its history, past and present, for all humanity. D.S. Likhachev

Introduction In modern conditions, when profound changes are taking place in the life of society, patriotic education has become one of the central areas of work with the younger generation. Now, in a period of instability in society, there is a need to return to the best traditions of our people, to its age-old roots, to such eternal concepts as clan, kinship, and Motherland. The feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in its content: it is love for one’s native places, pride in one’s people, a feeling of inseparability with others, and a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one’s country. To be a patriot means to feel like an integral part of the Fatherland. This complex feeling arises even in preschool childhood, when the foundations of a value-based attitude towards the world around us are laid, and is formed in the child gradually, in the course of nurturing love for his neighbors, for kindergarten, for his native places, his native country. Preschool age, as a period of personality formation, has its own potential for the formation of higher moral feelings, which include the feeling of patriotism.

The objectives are to educate the child in love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city; formation of a caring attitude towards nature and all living things; instilling respect for work; developing interest in Russian traditions and crafts; formation of basic knowledge about human rights; expanding ideas about Russia, its capital; introducing children to the symbols of the state: coat of arms, flag, anthem; developing a sense of responsibility and pride for the achievements of the Motherland; the formation of tolerance, a sense of respect and sympathy for other people, nations, and their traditions.

The principles of constructing work are “positive centrism” (selection of knowledge that is most relevant for a child of a given age); Continuity and continuity of the pedagogical process; Differentiated approach to each child, maximum consideration of him psychological characteristics, opportunities and interests; Rational combination different types activities that are age-appropriate, balance intellectual, emotional and motor stress; Activity approach; Developmental nature of learning based on children's activity.

To implement the moral and patriotic education of preschool children, it is necessary: ​​Creation of favorable material, technical and social conditions; Updating the content of education, selecting the most interesting and accessible material based on the experience and feelings of children; Consistent orientation towards cultural conformity of education, designed to ensure the formation of a person’s spiritual world; Close contact on this issue with the family, relying on its traditions and experience.

The system and sequence of work on the moral and patriotic education of children. Patriotic education Hello, it's Me! My family My garden Traditions My country My city

Thematic blocks of work with preschoolers on instilling a sense of patriotism

Block “Hello, it’s me!” Formation in children of ideas about themselves as individuals who have the right to individual differences from others. Show variety of names. help the child realize his own individuality, increase self-esteem; understand their own significance in the hearts of their parents (this is especially important for those children whose parents are not prone to displays of excessive tenderness and whose upbringing is strict);

Organized activities Middle group: Round dance games: “Hurry up, Tanya, hide …”, “Recognize by voice” Leisure “Name Day” “Name Celebration” Senior group: “Our names” Project “My Name” Preparatory group: Didactic exercises: “Me and the Universe”, “Make your own coat of arms” “Album “It’s me!” "Who will I be?"

Block “My Family” Instill in children a sense of pride in their family; cultivate love for home; teach to be more attentive to events in your family, to be interested in the affairs and traditions of your home.

Organized activities Middle group: Getting to know the composition of the family. Family album design Didactic exercise“Build a family” Creating a corner of privacy with family photos Celebrating the kindergarten’s birthday Senior group: Projects: “My family”, “Family traditions: leisure, collections” Photo album “One day in our family” Exchange of information between parents Preparatory group: Album “ Friendly family” Projects: “Coat of Arms”, “Family Traditions” Visiting city exhibitions and museums

Block “My Garden” Create a desire to visit preschool, meet friends; cultivate a respectful attitude towards kindergarten employees; instill a caring attitude towards the work of adults, a desire to provide all possible assistance; learn to remember the way to kindergarten, its address; introduce preschoolers to visits to kindergarten, cultivate a desire to maintain order in their group, on their playground.

Organized activities Middle group Photo album “Me and my friends Our birthdays! Senior group Exhibition of children's works "My favorite kindergarten" Album "Route from home to kindergarten" Preparatory group Album with stories "My most best friend» Kindergarten birthday.

The “My City” block introduces children to the history of Peterhof. to instill in preschoolers respect for people of various professions working in the city; give an idea of ​​the city’s transport and its nature; instill interest in the historical and cultural heritage of their people; to form a respectful attitude towards WWII veterans of your home city.

Organized activity Middle group Corner “My City” D/i “Collect a picture” “Lay out a silhouette” Senior group Corner “My Peterhof” “Labyrinths” D/i “Find whose shadow” Preparatory group Corner “I live in Petrodvorets” Album “My beloved Peterhof" Model of the microdistrict Albums for viewing in all age groups

Block “My Country” Introduce the state symbols of Russia. Give knowledge about the country in which we live (city, nationality, wealth of our country, folk art) Introduce the map, globe. Introduce holidays.

Organized activities Middle group Album for viewing Senior group Album “Cities of Russia” Preparatory group Album “Wide is my native country” Exhibition of drawings “My Motherland - Russia”

Block “My Traditions” To develop children’s artistic taste and creative abilities; to cultivate a sense of pride and admiration for one’s small Motherland with the help of the traditions of the Russian people and through museum pedagogy; instill interest in the cultural values ​​of one’s own and other peoples.

Organized activities Maslenitsa holiday Easter holiday Day of Nahum the Grammar Albums of folk applied art Exhibitions of children's works. Master class on making dolls Introduction to oral folk art

Forms of work with children and their parents: Excursions; Walks; Joint educational activities Holidays and entertainment; Meeting evenings; Hiking trips. Parent meetings Meetings round tables Gatherings Subbotniks Consultations Visual propaganda Questionnaires Exhibitions Photo exhibitions Quizzes Creation of albums

Memo for parents Draw your child’s attention to the beauty of your hometown. While walking, tell us what is on your street, talk about the meaning of each object. Give an idea of ​​the work of public institutions: post office, store, library, etc. Observe the work of the employees of these institutions, note the value of their work. Together with your child, take part in the work of improving and landscaping your yard. Expand your own horizons Teach your child to correctly evaluate their actions and the actions of other people. Read books to him about his homeland, its heroes, traditions, and culture of his people. Encourage your child for his desire to maintain order and exemplary behavior in public places.

Conclusion: Patriotism is the constant work of the mind and soul, love and respect for elders, daily efforts in order for our common homeland - Russia - to become more powerful and more beautiful, so that citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of their nationality, live better and believe in the future of their children and grandchildren. This is respect for the historical past of the homeland and the traditions inherited from it; attachment to place of residence.

Patriotic education of preschool children through acquaintance with their small Motherland

Tonkonog Lyudmila Nikolaevna, senior teacher of the Municipal Budgetary Preschool educational institution"Kindergarten "Swallow" p. New Garden» Simferopol region of the Republic of Crimea
Description of material: I offer an article from the experience of our kindergarten in the patriotic education of preschoolers, which describes forms of work that are accessible and interesting for children and teachers. This material can be used as a consultation for teachers and a presentation at a parent meeting.
A presentation is provided to accompany the article.
Target: formation of the foundations of patriotism among preschool children through familiarization with their small Motherland
- to cultivate love for our native land, emphasizing that the place where each of us lives is part of a big country
-to form a reverent attitude and pride for one’s small Motherland
-develop children’s interest in studying the history, nature, and culture of their native land

SLIDE 1. Title.
SLIDE 2.The feeling of patriotism does not arise on its own; it must be laid down from the very beginning early childhood, its formation is a complex, purposeful, long-term process.
SLIDE 3. Love for the Motherland begins with love for what surrounds a child from childhood - the place where he was born, his family, his village - with love for his small Motherland. A big Motherland always starts with a small one.
And the small Motherland is part of the big one. And only after learning to love your small Motherland can you talk about love for your people and patriotism.
SLIDE 4. Due to their still limited life experience, it is difficult for preschool children to imagine our country as a whole, so we begin our acquaintance with it with what surrounds them.
We need to teach children to love what is familiar and understandable to them, close and dear - our kindergarten, the village in which it is located, the people who work here.
To teach to feel the beauty of the native land, the beauty of the person living on this land, to cultivate love for native places, for everything that surrounds a child from childhood is one of our main tasks.
We are trying to convey to them that every corner of our country has unique features of culture and nature and every person loves his native land, and the place where our kindergarten is located is also unique.
SLIDE 5. And to love your small Motherland, you need to know it.
To familiarize children with their native village, preschool teachers have developed a lesson summary “My New Garden”, during which children will learn the history of the village, its name, about the people, thanks to whose work we grow trees and shrubs from different countries, new varieties of fruit trees and ornamental shrubs are being developed.
The selected material makes it possible to form in children an idea of ​​what makes their native land famous and unique and evokes a sense of pride in it.
SLIDE 6. Their active work is of great importance in the patriotic education of children, since being a patriot means not only knowing and loving your country, but also actively acting for its benefit.
In kindergarten we held an environmental campaign “Plant a Tree”.
By planting trees and shrubs, the children themselves came closer to creating the unique beauty of their village and kindergarten. And now they take pride and pleasure in caring for the plants they planted themselves.
SLIDE 7. One of the components is patriotism, nurturing love for native nature on walks and excursions.
Our children have the opportunity to see the beauty of their native land during excursions to the arboretum, a unique place where various types rare plants, including those listed in the Red Book.
SLIDE 8. When introducing a child to his native land, the most important task is to select from large quantity impressions received by a preschooler are those that are most accessible to him, evoke positive emotions, a response in his soul.
New types of tulips are being developed in our village. In the spring, when they bloom, we go on an excursion to admire this unique beauty. After the walks we organize photo exhibitions. The vivid emotions that children receive after excursions to such places stay with them for a long time.
Gradually, children form an idea of ​​their native village, nature becomes closer and clearer, children try to do something for it, feel a sense of responsibility towards it and a sense of pride in their small Motherland.
SLIDE 9. Without bringing children closer to the history and life of their homeland, it is impossible to solve problems moral development preschoolers. Raising patriotism is possible when they have knowledge about the history of their country and the place where they live.
SLIDE 10. Children learn the heroic history of the village from its monuments and learn about the exploits of their fellow countrymen through virtual excursions.
The use of such material to highlight historical issues allows the teacher to more convincingly and clearly influence the formation of a citizen. Children develop a feeling of involvement in the events that took place in our country, our village, because the participants in these events were our fellow countrymen, and sometimes acquaintances and relatives.
SLIDE 11. Patriotic education based on the examples of courage and heroism of the Soviet people during the years of terrible great trials gives a positive result and equips children with knowledge about our history.
And when children become direct participants in the preparation and celebration of such dates as Victory Day, Liberation Day, they visit places of military glory, which they already know from virtual excursions. It is the inclusion of children in such socially significant activities that allows them to feel like a part of the Great People, they develop a love for their native land, the Motherland.
SLIDE 12. I. G. Ehrenburg wrote: “In order for patriotism to be strong and unshakable, it must come from love for one’s small homeland - one’s hometown, one’s native nature, the village, the region.”
Patriotic feelings are formed during the life of a person within a specific social and cultural environment. From the moment of birth, a child naturally gets used to his environment, nature and culture.
The world enters the lives of children gradually. Our task is to show this world to the child in such a way that he will love it, to help the child see the beauty and uniqueness of the place where he was born and takes his first steps.
First, the child learns what surrounds him at home. Over time, his life experience is enriched, and he gets to know the kindergarten, the street on which he lives, the village, his entire huge country, his knowledge expands and improves, developing into a single image and ideas about the Motherland.
SLIDE 13. Raising patriotic feelings in children is a complex and lengthy process, and we think that we were able to generate the first shoots of patriotism, which in the future will turn into great love for one’s country, one’s people, one’s Motherland.

Presentation on the topic: Patriotic education of preschool children through acquaintance with their small Motherland

All-Russian competition of pedagogical excellence “Methodological piggy bank of a kindergarten teacher”

I organize my work with children on the basis thematic planning. This allows you to see different aspects of phenomena:

  • social,
  • moral and ethical,
  • artistic and aesthetic.

The entire complex of educational tasks is aimed at achieving the main goal - the formation of a new harmoniously developed person. Although he himself is small, he has a high soul, which means his real height is higher than the most distant stars. And so began the writing of our book.

I think it is important to introduce children to the history and meaning of names, since a name is the treasure of every person.

When working with children I use a variety of forms of work, such as:

  1. A card index of the meanings of the names of children and parents has been compiled.
  2. The children's understanding of the Motherland is closely connected with specific ideas about what is close and dear to them. It begins in a child with his relationship to his family, to the closest people - mother, father, grandmother, grandfather.
  3. On the second page of our book, the guys and I get acquainted with the history of each family and traditions.
  4. They draw up a family tree and family coat of arms, prepare presentations, stories about their family, family photo albums with children's stories.
  5. In the group we organize “Family Assemblies” (Leisure or in modern “family assembly”: - development of a culture of mutual understanding).
  6. It has become traditional to celebrate the “Day of caring parent" Thus, in an informal setting, parents have the opportunity to share information about ways of interacting with a child in the family and get acquainted with the experience of raising other families.

I try to make the kindergarten become a second home for children, so that the life of the children there is interesting, rich, and memorable. So that every child loves their kindergarten and group. Therefore, the name of the group was chosen together with the children and parents. business card and the group's motto.

Starting from 1 junior group, we create a portfolio of children.

My work would be unproductive without the help of my parents. The most important thing is to involve parents in a single educational space. Only a common goal and common tasks will give a positive result. Parents are active participants in entertainment, holidays, promotions,

“Day of Good Deeds” - what a joy it is to see the happy eyes of children when they work, play, create, together with their parents.

And on the “Weekend Pages” they share their impressions of the weekend.

I try to develop in children a sense of attachment to home, family, kindergarten, loved ones and close people, so that the kindergarten truly becomes a second home.

We are growing up, we live in our hometown.

Muravlenko is our city. By instilling in children a love for their city and district, I bring them to the understanding that our city is a part of the Motherland, since all places, large and small, have much in common:

  • people of different nationalities live everywhere,
  • they work everywhere
  • respect traditions
  • protect and preserve nature,
  • celebrate holidays.

My country, what's your name? In answering this question, I try to convey to children not just information, but truths that should touch their feelings.

The group hosts reading competitions, meetings with interesting people, labor veterans, WWII, parents and their children bring from different parts of our country, a piece of their small Motherland- souvenirs or symbols, and we spend joint evenings in the group with stories about our homeland.

I carry out all the work in this area through the implementation of projects; this is one of the promising methods that is aimed at developing creativity, formation in preschoolers of interest and need for active activity. Based on a person-centered approach to teaching and education, it develops cognitive interest to various areas of knowledge, develops cooperation skills.

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Childhood is an everyday discovery of the world and therefore we must make sure that it becomes, first of all, the knowledge of man and the Fatherland, their beauty and greatness. V. A. Sukhomlinsky You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen. N. A. Nekrasov A future citizen is growing in your family and under your leadership. Everything that happens in the country should come to children through your soul and your thoughts. A. S. Makarenko

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What do we call Motherland? The house where you and I grow up And the birches along the road along which we walk What do we call Motherland? The sun is in the blue sky. And fragrant, golden Bread for festive table What do we call Motherland? The land where you and I live. V. Stepanov Native land

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Family is part of the Motherland In the family circle, you and I are growing up. The foundation is the parental home. All your roots are in the family circle, And you enter life from the family. In the family circle we create life, the basis of the foundation is the parental home. What could be more valuable than family? The father's house welcomes me with warmth. They always wait for you here with love and see you off on your journey with kindness!

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Scheme of cooperation between preschool educational institutions and parents on the moral and patriotic education of preschool children Excursions Parent meetings Replenishment of exhibitions on this topic Joint holidays Folklore holidays Events of memorable calendar dates (Republic Day, etc.) Defender of the Fatherland Day International Women's Day Victory Day Joint productive activities with children

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Kindergarten is a second home “We all love kindergarten. It’s full of children. One, two, three, four, five... It’s a pity that we can’t count them all. Maybe there are a hundred of them, maybe two hundred, It’s good when we’re together.” “The children live in the kindergarten, They play and sing here, They make friends here, They go for walks together. The kindergarten is our second home. How warm and cozy it is! You love it, children, the kindest home in the world!”

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On April 14, 2015, at preschool educational institution No. 5 “The Little Humpbacked Horse” in Shakhtersk, a teachers’ meeting was held on the topic: “The use of theatrical, musical, productive activities in the moral and patriotic education of preschool children.” The objectives of the teachers’ council were: systematization of teachers’ knowledge about the directions of the organization educational activities with preschool children on issues of patriotic education; expanding the knowledge of educators about modern requirements for the formation in children of patriotic attitudes and feelings towards their family, city, nature, culture based on the historical and natural features of their native land, nurturing self-esteem as a representative of their people, respect for the past, present and future of their native land, tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities.

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During the teachers' meeting, the relevance, forms, and system of work on patriotic education were discussed, both with children and parents. A variety of methodological techniques selected by methodologist Ya.S. Dmitry, helped teachers improve their methodological and professional skills. Musical director M. S. Chernegil and teacher S. V. Mikhaleva spoke about the inalienability of the use of music, theatrical performance, productive activity and shared their experience of working on this topic. The reading competition “My beloved Shakhtersk, my homeland Donbass” surprised me with the talent and variety of the selected material. The creative group of the kindergarten presented the project “In the Family Circle”, which is aimed at correcting child-parent relationships within the framework of a component of the system of work on patriotic education. The training games “I won’t tell, but I’ll show,” “Back to the Past,” and “My Homeland” revealed everyone’s creative potential. The teachers' council was full of presentations from the work experience of each age group. Psychological pauses, proposed by psychologist Ya. N. Korzh, set teachers up for positive and productive work. The exhibition on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory - collages, crafts, drawings, joint works of children with their parents once again focused on the importance of instilling patriotism and citizenship in children, respect for the past and pride in it.

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May 1st holiday in kindergarten The clouds cleared, the spring rain stopped dripping, and the sun smiled in the first days of May, when preschool institution No. 5 “The Little Humpbacked Horse” celebrated the May 1st holiday. WITH good mood The children sang, danced and recited poems with joyful emotions. Girls of the younger group in the form of colorful nesting dolls gave holiday wishes to children, guests and just passers-by, a lyrical dance with arcs performed by girls senior group. A flash mob performed in a group by children of senior preschool age made their hearts beat faster to the beat of a perky melody. The children took an active part in games and relay races - where only friendship and a sense of camaraderie won.

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So may we always have a peaceful sky above our heads, a bright and radiant sun, and may the reverent words: peace, work, friendship forever warm our hearts...

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February 23 – “Defender of the Fatherland Day” On February 20, an event dedicated to the celebration of February 23 – “Defender of the Fatherland Day” was held at preschool educational institution No. 5 “Humpbacked Horse”. Fathers, grandfathers, older brothers of our students and special guests - militia fighters - were invited to our holiday. Children and adults prepared carefully and with trepidation for this event: they learned songs and dances, made postcards, drew congratulations, and festively decorated the hall. The children of the eldest and speech therapy groups. The audience warmly greeted the participants with applause. The opening of the holiday was a touching song about peace, blue skies and happy childhood performed by children and adults.

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Boys and girls not only recited poems with expression about what they want to become in the future, but also surprised with their dancing abilities in the “Apple” dance. Together with the guest cadets, the guys learned to march, change formations, and solve riddles. The holiday was full of relay races, competitions, and games for both children and guests. No one was left without attention or participation. With great passion, the dads and boys were sharp shooters, the girls were nimble assistants. On this day, even dreams came true: everyone could instantly become a general by taking part in the “Carry the Epaulets” relay race, an experienced mine detector by becoming a participant in the “Pass the Minefield” game, and a cipher coder in the “Do as I do” competition. The girls amused the guests with comic ditties, beautiful proverbs and sayings about family, friendship, hometown and region. The relaxed and friendly atmosphere of the holiday evoked a joyful mood in children and adults, a lot of positive emotions and a sense of pride in brave, courageous boys and men. And in gratitude for the wonderful holiday, the militia fighters gave the children of the garden delicious treats. Everyone was very pleased!

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“Without a master, the earth is an orphan” On April 22, 2015, teachers of preschool educational institution No. 5 “The Little Humpbacked Horse” held a bright, memorable event dedicated to the celebration World Day Earth. The purpose of the event: to deepen children's environmental knowledge, develop a humane attitude towards nature, and a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth. Children from the senior and speech therapy groups took part in environmental competitions, played games of appropriate content, recited poems about caring for nature, guessed riddles and, of course, danced. Throughout the holiday, the children “saved” the planet from pollution and “increased” its natural resources.

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Public relations In April 2015 Preschool educational institution No. 5 “Konek-Gorbunok” in Shakhtersk, in order to actively socialize children of senior preschool age and carry out activities in accordance with the thematic plan of preparation for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, actively cooperates with the public. In order to develop the social and communicative competence of children, on April 23, 2015, children with teachers N.A. Voitenkova, O.L. Lebedeva and psychologist Ya.N. Korzh visited the Miners’ Film College. The guys watched cartoons, demonstrated their intellectual abilities in games, recited poems on military topics, and then shared their impressions. On April 24, 2015, children from the senior and speech therapy groups went on an excursion to the Palace of Culture named after. Lenin. They visited 3 museums: Historical, Military Glory and History of Shakhtersk. The children not only listened to the guide’s interesting story, but also practically participated: they “churned” butter, spun, tried on military uniforms, looked at instruments for measuring radioactivity, a mini-projection of coal mining, held a jackhammer in their hands and much more interesting things.

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On April 29, 2015, under the leadership of methodologist Ya. S. Dmitrik, with the active participation of educators, the children visited their senior comrades at school No. 18 as part of the city action “ George Ribbon"and instilling patriotic feelings, respect for the memory of the defenders of our Motherland and everyone who survived these difficult years. Classroom teacher E. Yu. Tsyba and class 1A warmly welcomed the kids and together opened the exhibition “Victory Day through the eyes of children.” The children and kindergarten teachers recited poems, showed drawings on this topic, and all together looked at the joint work of children with their parents - military equipment. The first-graders thanked us for the visit and the interesting exhibits.

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Happy world of childhood “A caring gardener strengthens the root, on the power of which the life of the plant depends for decades. Likewise, a teacher should take care of instilling in his children a feeling of boundless love for the Motherland” V. Sukhomlinsky “The magical power of love for a child plus notes of creativity plus the joy of communication plus excellent knowledge of preschool pedagogy and child psychology” is the formula for success of teachers of preschool educational institution No. 5 “Konek” “The little hunchback.” It was these qualities, despite all the events of last summer, that in the fall opened the doors to the world of childhood, joy, warmth and comfort for all the children. We try to make every day bright and memorable for the child. Every morning in kindergarten is a morning of joyful meetings, new discoveries, hobbies, which distracts from the negativity of what is happening around, from the difficult everyday life of the Native Land. - When I grow up, I will be a wizard! - said a child one day while walking. Well, such a dream is not uncommon. After all, then everything becomes fun and interesting, difficulties become surmountable, and the sky becomes bright and peaceful. Kindergarten teachers help the child awaken the wizard in himself and joyfully live through his childhood. The priority areas of our institution’s work are more relevant than ever: developing the child’s creative potential and creativity, strengthening physical and emotional health, nurturing active children civic position and feelings of patriotism. Preschool childhood is the most important period in the formation of a person’s personality, when the foundations of civic qualities are laid, a love for native nature, the ability to feel its beauty, and attachment to family, home, and small Motherland are instilled. These tasks are solved by teachers not only in the main activities - classes, walks, games, work, but also in interaction with parents and the public. After all, family and preschool are the two main institutions for the socialization of children. Exciting trips to the “Country of Health”, sports entertainment “Defenders of the Motherland”, “Friendly Family”, music festivals “For Beloved Mothers”, “Musical Drops”, as well as events with the participation of clowns, fairy-tale heroes, performed by our teachers, immerse children in the world of fabulous events and accomplishments. Parents and the public are active participants in most events. On the eve of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory Day in the Second World War, mothers and fathers, together with their children, prepared an exhibition of crafts, collages, photos on this topic, and participate in the design and preparation of the holiday. After all, the spirit that reigns in kindergarten and family has a great influence in shaping the child’s inner world. I would like to express my gratitude to the kindergarten staff, parents, secondary school No. 18, Palace of Culture named after. “Lenin”, Miner’s Film Technical School for active participation in the activities of the kindergarten and creating a peaceful childhood for our kids. The teachers of our kindergarten believe that the world of childhood exists and will exist, no matter what. And the confirmation is the happy smiles of our children!