Pirate costume. We sew with our own hands. DIY pirate costumes: recommendations for making What does the outfit consist of?

Creating a pirate costume from scratch is not at all difficult. Even if you don't know how to sew, you can easily make this costume! Continue reading this article to learn several ways to create a successful pirate costume using items you likely already have at home, or that can easily be purchased at any thrift store or flea market. Start with Step 1.


Where to begin

Top of the suit: using a T-shirt

Top of the suit: using a shirt

    Find the right shirt. If you prefer to wear shirts, that's no problem either, especially if you want to be the captain of a pirate ship. A large, wavy white shirt is perfect for your suit. Try to find a shirt whose sleeves are wide and loose rather than straight and narrow.

    • Women should choose men's shirt, as it will be larger in size and tend to be wavy due to this. Men should choose shirts that are neither too tight nor too short.
  1. Get rid of the stiff collar. Pirates do not wear stiff business collars. Get rid of the stiff collar by cutting it off and replacing it with a ruffled or similar soft collar. If you don't want to sew on a new collar, you can glue it to the shirt with special fabric glue, but make sure that the cut area will not unravel.

    • If possible, try simply tucking your soft collar into the neckline of your shirt. The volume of the new collar should well hide any changes you make to this shirt yourself.
  2. Decorate your shirt. Since you'll be wearing a good shirt, it's about enhancing it, not turning it into rags. Consider using some of these decorations:

    • Nice buttons on the chest and sleeves.
    • Gold or silver chain at the collar area
    • Folds! Yes, yes, folds can be added to almost any area of ​​the shirt - on the sleeves, on the collar, instead of the hem, etc.

Make pants and vest

  1. Choose dark-colored pants for a conservative or simple look. Let the other details of the costume speak for themselves. In the old days, no pirate wore colorful pants, so don't waste too much time choosing pants.

    • If you want then you can choose long skirt with multiple hems. It is best that it is wavy and loose so that you can move in it without difficulty. Female pirates may prefer this skirt to trousers.
  2. Dress up your regular pants. You can paint stripes on unsightly pants to give them a more pirate look. Use fabric paint to paint vertical stripes. The color of the stripes should match your pants or any other part of your suit. Perhaps you are part of a gang of pirates?

    • You can also wear pants and a cloak, which will be attached at the front, and will have a tail at the back and look like a full skirt. You will have to sew such an addition to the suit yourself or to order, but it can be a very interesting detail that combines pants and dress.
  3. Consider including a front-opening vest in your suit. Keep this vest simple and dark; you can leave it open in the front to show off your t-shirt or shirt if that suits your look. More elegant pirates can button up their vest.

    • In cold weather, wear a long, loose leather coat. It may be old and worn, but it should not be narrow. Look for coats like this at thrift stores, flea markets, and grandma's trunks. Again, it's best to choose a dark-colored coat, but if you're portraying an eccentric pirate, then you can buy a brightly colored or patterned coat.

Make a hat

  1. Measure your head. Use your measurements to construct a pirate hat of the appropriate size. The hat is a key part of a pirate costume. Luckily, it's very easy to do.

    Draw the outline of the hat on paper. Use this outline as a template. If you are not confident in your drawing skills, you can find a suitable template on the Internet.

    • Place the template on top of lightweight cardstock and trace around it. Do this twice as you will need two sides of the pirate hat. Cut both parts along the outline.
  2. Glue the two parts of the hat together. Apply glue or duct tape to the edges of the hat, leaving the bottom portion that will fit on your head. If you used glue, let it dry.

  3. Color the hat black. Apply at least two coats of paint and let it dry. Then paint the skull and crossbones on the hat with white. Again, if you're not very good at drawing, you can print out a template for this logo from the internet.

    • If you are using paint, you may need to apply two coats as the original white paint on a black background will turn into gray paint. Be patient - your hat will be the main part of your costume, give it enough time.
  4. Cut a strip of cardboard so that it fits snugly around your head. Glue the two ends of this strip together to make a hoop. Insert the hoop into the hat and secure it with glue or tape. This will allow your hat to stay on your head well without losing its shape.

    • If it's very windy and you need to be outside, you can attach an elastic band to your hat to keep it on your head. However, this should only be done as a last resort, as the elastic may not fit into your suit and may be uncomfortable.

Add accessories

  1. Tie a bandana around your neck. A bright red bandana will serve as a badge of honor and will fit perfectly into your pirate costume. If you don't have a bandana, make one!

    • Cut a large square from red fabric.
    • Fold the square into a triangle.
    • Tie the fabric around your neck. Tie the ends at the back and make sure the corner of the front of the bandana points down.
  2. Add a pirate belt. A belt worn over a shirt or T-shirt will add even more pirate flair to your outfit. You can wear a very wide belt that you found in your closet or bought, or you can make a belt out of cardboard and fabric.

    • Some pirates wore (and still “wear” in Yandex.Pictures) a belt that looked more like a sling. If you have a black or red scarf, you can easily use it as a belt.
  3. Place the patch over one eye. Eye patches can be purchased at a costume store or online; you can also make this bandage yourself:

    • Draw the outline of the bandage on a piece of lightweight cardboard.
    • Cut the cardboard along the outline.
    • Paint the cardboard with black paint. Let it dry.
    • Poke two small holes at the two ends of the bandage. Thread a thin elastic band through the holes and tie the ends. Make sure the elastic is long enough for your head before cutting it off and tying the final knot.
  4. Wear old shoes or boots. Your shoes may even have holes in them if the weather is nice outside. Attach buckles to old boots to give them a more interesting view, especially if you are portraying the captain of a pirate ship.

    • The more worn your boots are, the better. Find an old pair of matching shoes at your local flea market, you'll never have to wear them again anyway, at least not until next year.

Before you pick up a needle and thread, decide on the look. It doesn't matter whether you are going to make an adult or a children's pirate costume. In any case, you will need a prototype. It is best to find a photo or picture on the Internet that you like and build on it.

A sense of proportion is not for pirates

Typically a pirate costume consists of the following parts:

  • hat or bandana,
  • one eye patch,
  • a white shirt with traces of its former beauty (lace frill, cuffs), but torn and wrinkled,
  • vest,
  • comfortable voluminous pants (most likely striped) or a skirt (asymmetrical, with a torn hem),
  • a sash belt or several leather belts,
  • Wellingtons.

The pirate costume will definitely be decorated with additional accessories: a hook on his hand, a dagger, a pair of pistols in his belt, a telescope, a parrot on his shoulder, a pipe, a lot of gold embroidery or rings on his fingers.

A sense of proportion is not for pirates. If you want everything at once, do everything at once. But in general, a few details are enough to create an image.

Happy pirate with a mermaid and sad - without treasure

Must-have #1: shirt for a pirate costume

If your great-grandmother’s treasure chest doesn’t have your great-grandfather’s lace shirt lying around, sew your own. You will need any shirt that fits you well and a piece of fabric.

Fold the fabric in half, unfold the shirt on it and trace it. The shirt should be quite loose under the arms, the sleeves should also be quite voluminous. If desired, you can make the shirt for the pirate costume longer. When constructing a pattern, make the appropriate adjustments and only then cut.

Don't forget to allow for seam and hem allowances!

Cut a neckline on the shirt and make a slit in the front so that your head can fit through the hole freely. Process the neck as shown in the photo.

All that's left to do is the puffy sleeve cuffs. Hem the edge of the sleeve and sew an elastic band at a short distance from the edge with a zigzag, stretching it slightly.

All that remains is to hem the bottom and sew the side seams - the shirt is ready. If you want the perfect one, sew a lace frill to it or make lacing on the collar.

An even simpler version of a pirate shirt for the little ones is a white T-shirt with a lace frill sewn onto it. This T-shirt must be worn with a camisole or at least a vest.

If you make a costume from what you have on hand, The pirate shirt can be replaced with a vest.

DIY vest for a pirate costume

To make a vest, use the same technology. Fold a comfortable T-shirt along the axis of symmetry to get a “pattern”.

Trace the sleeveless t-shirt - you need a folded back piece and 2 front pieces. Deepen the armholes, draw a triangular cutout on the front parts. Leave allowances and cut out the pieces.

The details of the vest will need to be sewn and finished around the edges. What is the beauty of pirate clothes - there is no one to sew buttons on them. So you can easily get by with an open vest. If you are making a vest for a girl, sew decorative patches on it, to make him really cute.

Striped pants for a pirate costume

You can take the most ordinary pants for a pirate costume - plain tight jeans in combination with high boots will do. But ideally, pants for a pirate costume are made from striped fabric.

You are already familiar with the technology. You will need comfortable pants (preferably not knitted ones). Place the legs together and they will become your pattern.

Fold the fabric in half twice in the direction of the stripes. Lay out the pants on the fabric and trace them. Cut it out. You should end up with 2 identical parts with a fold. Sew them together.

All that remains is to hem the trouser legs and insert the elastic into the waistband. If desired, you can add elastic bands at the bottom. For children, this option is the most convenient.

Skirt for a pirate

The pirate skirt is as simple as possible. Take a fabric (striped or black) sew a simple straight skirt and cut out an asymmetrical hem with unequal triangles. This skirt looks ideal with a corset and a wide sash.

However, a completely acceptable option is not a skirt, but skinny trousers or wide harem pants.

Pirate eye patch

An eye patch is the main element of a pirate's costume. It is more eloquent than a vest and a telescope. And at the same time, this is the easiest part of the costume to make.

For the bandage you need thick fabric such as felt. An eyecup is made from it. An elastic band or a strip of fabric with an elastic insert is attached to the eyecup.

By the way, the eyecup can be decorated with a patch - a cute one, with a bear, or a menacing one, with bones and a skull.

DIY pirate costume hat

Parts and accessories

If you've already taken care of your clothes, be sure to take care of your accessories! The dagger could be painted cardboard, the parrot could be a stuffed animal, the pirate flag could be a painted rag, but these details are the icing on the cake. They will make a real pirate out of you.

Don't forget about makeup and hair: eyeliner, tousled hair and a couple of scars are mandatory attributes of a pirate costume.

Every boy dreams of becoming a real pirate, going on an exciting search for real treasures or sailing the vast expanses of the sea on a ship. But this dream can become a reality, at least for a while, just by throwing a pirate party. And in order for the image of a pirate to be complete, you need to carefully consider the costume.

How to make a pirate costume for a boy with your own hands?

At first glance, this task may seem difficult to complete, but in fact, making your own pirate costume is very easy. You will need a vest or shirt, bandana, pants, shoes and appropriate accessories. All you have to do is follow these easy-to-follow tips.

  • First of all, you need to take care of your pants. Ideal option there will be fairly wide trousers made of a material reminiscent of heavy silk. Pants should be tucked into boots. If you wish and have free time, these trousers can be sewn in just one evening. But you can choose a simpler option - old, worn jeans can be a great bottom for a pirate costume. In this case, you will just need to trim the bottom and not process the edges. Using a basting stitch, you can sew on patches that will become a wonderful decoration.
  • Now you can work on the upper part of the suit. If you chose wide black silk pants, then you should combine them with snow-white shirt. However, a pirate shirt should have wide sleeves, so the created image will be complete and fully consistent with the chosen time. Old jeans can be combined with a simple vest. Both a vest and a white shirt should be complemented with a sash, which requires fabric of a contrasting shade. You should wear a dark vest over your shirt.
  • Well, can a pirate costume be complete without a bandana? Of course not! Here you just need to select a small piece of fabric, the color of which should match any element of clothing. If desired, you can sew an applique in the form of bones or a skull onto the bandana.
  • Another main attribute of a real pirate costume is leggings. You should wear black boots or slippers on your feet. But most the best option there will be high boots.
  • Don’t forget about the accessories that will make the created image of a pirate look completely complete. To do this, you can purchase a saber or musket at a toy store. You can wear an eye patch. It's easy to do it yourself.
  • Makeup is the most important stage in creating the image of a pirate. The beard and mustache can be glued on or drawn with a black pencil. Eyes are lined with black pencil.

The pirate image is completely ready and now you can go to the party.

DIY pirate costume: photo

Pirate cocked hat: how to make it yourself?

You can make a pirate cocked hat yourself or purchase a ready-made one. If the first option was chosen, then you will need the following materials - scissors, black fabric, pins, non-woven fabric.

  • First you need to take a fairly strong and rigid black fabric that will hold its given shape well. If necessary, the wrong side of the material can be glued with non-woven fabric, making it more rigid.
  • Now we need to start creating the pattern. To do this, measure the circumference of the “pirate’s” head. The parts for the cocked hat are cut out of the fabric - the crown, two parts for the brim, two parts for the bottom of the hat. The 2 halves of the hat brim are folded together, facing each other with their front sides facing each other. Next you need to sew the details strictly along the edge of the cut. The brim of the hat is turned inside out and not very large cuts are made on the inside allowances. The parts need to be ironed well. Decorative stitching is now done with outside along the edge of the hat.
  • The bottom of the hat should be egg-shaped. They are folded together, wrong sides together, and pinned together along the edges, leaving a small seam allowance.
  • Using scissors, not very deep cuts are made on the sides of the parts. This technique will make the finished hat look neater. Now you need to pin it with pins, and then sew the parts of the crown together. Next, the bottom of the hat and the crown are connected - first baste, and then sew on a machine and overcast the cut with a zigzag so that the hat does not fall apart when worn.
  • On the wrong side, all seams need to be ironed. Next, the detail of the fields and the lower edge of the crown are combined. If desired, you can trim the seam from the inside with an interesting bias tape. The seam allowances are folded over the inside of the crown and sewn on by hand.
  • Next, the edges of the fields on the sides and front are sewn to the crown. The finished hat is as close as possible to a real pirate cocked hat. If desired, you can decorate the hat with additional decorative elements– for example, lace, feathers, etc.

Create a pirate costume for children's party- it is so simple! You can sew outfit elements such as a shirt and pants, or take old jeans and a vest. The realism of the image is achieved through accessories, so think through them to the smallest detail!

Children really love holidays, where they can wear some interesting and fun costume, play with friends and dream about other exciting and interesting world. The most important thing in children's costume- become a vivid childhood memory for life. For similar themed parties and adults wear bright costumes. Regardless of the reason for the meeting, you need to choose an attractive, funny and beautiful appearance for yourself and your child. One of the most popular characters is the pirate. Let's figure out how to create a pirate costume with your own hands.

However, first you need to choose an example of a sea robber on whom you will rely when creating your image. Below are a few pictures to get you started.

Pirate attributes

Most often, the following elements are used in the image of a pirate:

  • cocked hat or bandana;
  • black eye patch;
  • a white shirt in the old style with cuffs and a frill, always unironed, torn if desired;
  • vest;
  • striped pants or a skirt, but not straight and preferably torn;
  • a sash belt, or several ordinary leather belts;
  • boots, always high.

In the image of a pirate, the following will look impressive: a hook on the hand, muskets in the belt, a spyglass, daggers, a parrot sitting on the shoulder, an abundance of rings on the fingers.

Do not avoid excess, pirates love pretentiousness, so if you want to use all the details in the costume, then use them all. And so for the appearance of a pirate, just a few of the elements will be enough.

Sew a shirt

If suddenly you don’t have an old shirt with lace somewhere in the attic, then sew it yourself.

To work, you need to prepare an ordinary old shirt that will fit you, and a piece of fabric of a different color.

Fold the fabric in half, unfold the shirt on top, and trace it. The shirt must be made quite wide under the arms, with voluminous sleeves. If you want, you can make it longer. While creating the pattern, make the necessary adjustments and only then cut. Be sure to add a few centimeters to the pattern pieces to process the seams and hem the edges, preferably more to be on the safe side in case you made a mistake in the cut.

Cut the neck so that the head fits comfortably into the resulting hole, and process as illustrated below. Now all that remains is to create the sleeve cuffs. Overcast the cut of the fabric and sew the elastic with a zigzag at a slight distance from the edge, while it needs to be stretched a little.

Now you just need to hem the bottom of the shirt and sew the side seams, and the pirate shirt is ready. And to make it perfect, you can make lacing on the collar or sew on a lace frill.

There is a simpler option for children. Take white T-shirt and sew a lace frill to it. However, with this option you need to wear a vest or camisole.

If a pirate costume is created in limited time or it is not possible to sew a shirt, then you can replace it with a vest.

Stylish vest

The vest is very easy to create using the pattern described above. Take a comfortable t-shirt and fold it in half to make a pattern. Then you need to outline it, but without sleeves. The end result should be two front pieces and one back piece. Don't forget to step back a little from the pattern to finish the seams and edges. Then feel free to cut out all the details.

We sew all the parts together and trim along the edges. The vest can be made wide open, without buttons, since sewing on buttons is not good for a pirate. And if it was created for a cute pirate, then the patches sewn on top will become a beautiful decor.

Striped pants

IN ideal image For a pirate look, you should use striped pants, but if you don’t want to, then plain skinny jeans would also be a suitable option.

The sewing technology for this part of the pirate's wardrobe is exactly the same. We take comfortable pants, preferably not made of knitwear. Then we fold them in half, pant leg to pant leg, and you get a pattern. We fold the fabric twice. If using striped fabric, it will need to be folded in the direction of the stripes.

There's just a little bit left to do. We hem the legs and insert an elastic band into the waistband. If you want, you can use the elastic at the bottom, it’s very convenient, especially if the costume is for a child.

We complement the image with a skirt

A technique for creating a skirt for a pirate girl. You need to take fabric; black or striped colors will look best. First you need to sew a regular straight-cut skirt. You can then create an uneven hem by cutting out different triangles along the edge. This skirt will look good with a corset and a sash.

If you don’t want to wear a skirt, then you can opt for skinny trousers or wide pants.

Eye patch

One of the main details that distinguishes a pirate is the black bandage on one eye. It best explains the image, and is very easy to do at home.

To make a bandage, you need to take a thick fabric, such as felt. We make an eyecup from the selected fabric, attach an elastic band or a fabric strip with an elastic insert to it. A patch will look good on the eyecup; for little ones you can make a cute one, with some favorite animal, for example, and for adults and older children you can make a patch with bones crossed under the skull.

This bandage can also be easily made from paper. To do this, you just need to cut out a circle of the required diameter from thick black cardboard, thread a thin elastic band and, if desired, decorate it with a pirate symbol with bones.

Sea Robber's Tricorne

To make a cocked hat you need felt. We make 1 piece with a slot (slot size = ½ head circumference), sew the edges with a buttonhole stitch, threads of a different color. If you don't have a patch on your pirate eyepatch, you can make one on your hat.

The “ears” of the cocked hat must be glued or sewn.

If you don’t have felt, don’t despair, it can also be made from paper.

To do this, take thick cardboard. We cut out the part in the shape of a hat and a strip of cardboard so that it fits on the head.

Now both parts need to be painted in the pirate’s favorite color - black, if there is no cardboard of the required color in stock. And also, if desired, we decorate the hat with crossed bones under the skull.

The hat will look more impressive if you glue a fringe of paper to it.

There is also a simpler and faster option to make a hat like a mask. To do this, you also need to cut out the part in the shape of a hat, if you need to paint it. And after that, glue it with glue or tape so that you can hold the hat and take funny photos at the party in a pirate hat, just by placing it on your head.

If the pirate hat is not to your liking, then it can be completely replaced with a bandana. Below are options on how to tie it like a pirate.

Unusual accessories

If the main part of the costume is ready, then it’s time to think about accessories. You can make a dagger out of thick cardboard, take a stuffed parrot, decorate black fabric and make a pirate flag out of it, because these are the details that will show that your character is a real pirate.

To create a pipe that is so necessary for a pirate to go to sea, you need to take several cardboard rolls, for example, from under toilet paper. It is necessary to make a pipe blank from them.

For children, any holiday is always the sea positive emotions. And if it’s also a carnival, then the joyful feelings are complemented by the desire to transform into someone else, some hero or animal. And if your little boy has decided to become a sea robber, then let’s figure out how to make a pirate costume on your own.


You should start your pirate costume with a regular vest with white and blue stripes. If there is none, then you can adapt a striped sweater or sweatshirt to suit the child’s needs. If you don’t have this stuff at home, you’ll have to sacrifice a plain shirt, onto which stripes should be applied with a marker. But simply drawing lines or using an ordinary vest will not get rid of this issue - you need to bring it into the appropriate form. Firstly, you should make holes in it, as well as imitation dirt. If you wish, you can make lace cuffs and collars.

Sleeveless vest or cape

What kind carnival costume Can a pirate be without a sleeveless vest? For such purposes, you can use an old and unnecessary vest that is lying around in the closet. If there is none, then you can also use an unnecessary jacket, the sleeves of which should be cut off. And it’s not worth trying too hard. On the contrary, it is better to do it as roughly as possible, then it will look more realistic. If you don’t have either one or the other in the house, then you can make a regular cape: take a piece of black fabric and sew on it either a loop and a button or strings with which it will be tied.


The pirate's body is covered. Now we should work on his legs. A pirate costume will look better with breeches. For such purposes, you can use existing pants that you don’t mind. If they are not there, then you will have to do it yourself. For example, you can wear old pants that are too short for your child, or you can take the pants and cut the legs. Moreover, they should be cut unevenly. For example, one pant leg is slightly higher than the other. It would be a good idea to create several holes, preferably ones that look like abrasions. In such breeches, a little pirate will look like a seasoned sea wolf who has just come to earth.


Of course, none new Year costume There can't be a pirate without a hat. In this matter, you can go two ways. The first is to tie a bandana on your head, which should be decorated with pirate symbols. The second option is to make a real hat out of cardboard. The first option is simpler, but the second will look much more impressive. So, if the choice fell on a hat, then let's figure out how to make it. To do this you will need cardboard, glue, paint, and a brush. We cut out the brims for the hat from cardboard and glue them together. Next, we paint it black and draw pirate symbols on it. That's all, the hat is ready.


The pirate costume is almost ready. All that remains is to add a few pirate accessories. Firstly, weapons. A plastic toy saber and toy guns will look great. Secondly, the belt. For example, a red belt looks good and is useful for carrying a pirate’s weapon. Thirdly, you can add pirate accessories in the form of an eye patch and earrings in the ear (mom’s clips will do). If desired, you can also draw a beard and mustache. Now the pirate costume is completely ready.