Magic in everyday life. Household, home magic. Home magic in the kitchen

Our ancestors knew how to bring prosperity into their home and avoid trouble. Every housewife, keeper of the hearth, resorted to simple, proven means that attracted good luck to the family nest.

You can attract good luck to your home with your own mood, so exclude any manifestations of negativity. Use amulets and good luck talismans that will complement your interior. Hang bells in front of the entrance. With their ringing, they will show the way to luck at your doors and will become an excellent protection from evil and evil spirits.

When cooking, transfer your energy to the food so that it is filled with your love and care. Salt food clockwise, saying:

“I lure luck into a hearty, salted lunch. I treat you to food that is not foreign, not delicacies. I serve homemade food, prepared with my own efforts, created with love, imbued with care.”

Fill any action you perform in the house with positive energy. Do not undertake your duties in a bad mood, so as not to frighten off capricious luck. Do not forget that she will only be in a house that is filled with smiles and laughter, in which there is no place for disorder and dirt. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, and don’t forget to press the buttons and

16.08.2017 02:03

So that the house is full, good luck and good mood did not leave its walls, not enough...

For a house to be full, good luck and good mood to never leave its walls, simple cleaning is not enough.

Household magic aimed at eliminating negativity and clearing your home of negativity, evil eye and damage.It will help maintain peace in the family and return harmony, comfort and well-being to your home.

Things in the house will last longer, and comfort and wealth will not forget the way to your doors if you follow some simple tips.

The house is able to interact with the owner on an energetic level.
By using magical spells and positive emotions you can attract good luck, love and mutual understanding.

Protect yourself and your loved ones from negative influence those around you, and folk signs will help you get rid of things that bring poverty and misfortune.

1. Wooden items on the waning moon enhance positive vibrations. In order to remove negative energy from your home, change the layout of your furniture. It is enough to move the bedside table a little or rearrange the chairs. Talk to wooden furniture, stroke it, share your experiences and emotions. The setting sun will help cleanse you of negativity, and the waning moon will return harmony to your home.

2. While doing household chores (cooking, cleaning, washing), do not hesitate to sing. A positive attitude and vibrations of the voice will resonate in the energy of the house. He will feel loved and important, energy flows will be cleared. When you’re done, open the window and blow out the negativity from your home.

3. Don't forget about repairs. At home they love to be looked after. When starting minor repairs, talk to the item, tell it how important it is to you. Refurbished with my own hands A faucet or doorknob will usually last for many years.

4. When going to a party, theater or important event, do not forget to thank your outfits. Pet them, tell them how beautiful you look in them, twirl in your clothes in front of the mirror. This little trick will help you be irresistible. It works best on Saturday and Sunday.

5. Since ancient times, it has been known that dust and cobwebs collect negative energy, which blocks channels for the flow of positive and creative energy. When ridding the house of dust and cobwebs, say: “What came into the house, went on a broom.” The broom should be rinsed with running water and left to dry with the rods facing up.

6. A transaction from the sale of things will be successful if you talk the item into a profitable exchange: “For each product there is a merchant. Go, goods, to new house, come back with the clink of coins.” Thank the item for serving you, and then in the new place it will also delight the owners with positive energy.

7. Treatment and strengthening of the body within the walls of the house will improve your health. When taking medications, whisper: “I have good health, I am improving my immunity. The walls of the house will help. The disease is carried out beyond the threshold.” You can also use a spell against illness.

8. The kitchen is a sacred place in any home. When cooking, hum and speak to the food; whispers will help get rid of negativity. Thank the refrigerator for the abundance of food, say the brewed tea to love: “the tea is strong, so let our love be strong.” Go through the jars of cereals, saying: “As much grain as there is, so much money in the house.” When cutting vegetables and fruits, whisper: “the juice, sweet and plentiful, will fill our home with happiness and peace.”

9. Don't forget to get rid of old things. They litter your home, energy stagnates, attracting failures and illnesses.
Everything that can be burned, burn it with the words: “the old goes away, is devoured by fire, the new comes, and is purified in the flame.”
Place the rest of your items in a tight bag, tie it and take it out of the house at dawn, leaving the door open.
Create a draft in the house - the wind will blow out negative energy.

We wish you happiness, harmony, prosperity and prosperity!

How to create a favorable atmosphere in your home that would help attract good luck and money? Magic at home will help. Some simple tips and rituals will help you quickly lure the wind of luck and prosperity into your home.

Big z on In home magic, importance is given to objects and things that surround a person. Everyone around on Things have their own soul and energy. Household items can help on m in business, attract money and good luck, or maybe on turnover, become a magnet for attracting troubles.

Dinner table. This is not just a piece of furniture, but a symbol of stability, prosperity and on reliability. It's good if the table is round or oval, bad if it's square or rectangular. Angles are sources of negative vibrations. It’s not for nothing that many people are afraid to sit on corner - “there will be no happiness.”

The dining table must be level and strong. If he wobbles, then that's a prize.onto unstable fionnew situation in the family. Fix the legs, and the situation will soon change for the better.

Mirror in the house- this is an indicator of the purity of your thoughts, words andonbuildings. Keep the mirror clean, thenoneverything will be fine in formation. If the mirror not only gathers dust, but becomes covered with stainsonor it’s getting dark, you urgently need to cleanse the house of negativity. This is the prizeonto what has accumulated in the house a large number of negative energy.

OK on in the house, personify your worldview. Clean okon- pure thoughts, vision of possibilities and prospects. Dirty okon indicate onyour inability to get out of difficult situations,onlack of purpose, dreams and meaning in life. Cleaning okon, you open up to changes and new events.

How to attract good luck to the house.

    • After guests leave, be sure to shake off the tablecloth. on the dining table with the words: “Good riddance, but I have a little luck.”
    • Place a coin under the threshold of the front door - oh on will attract money to the house.
    • Close the trash can and on why all the money will leave you.
    • Don't stand or sit in the corner on you will lose a lot of energy and strength. If you suffer from insomnia or anxious thoughts, then on In turn, it is recommended to stand in a corner for several minutes - this will help you calm down, since corners in home magic can take energy.
    • Hang on window, a piece of red woolen thread is a strong talisman against damage and evil.
    • Wipe frequently approx. on- this will help you see many perspectives in life and make your life brighter and more interesting. Wipe your mirror more often - this will help you maintain health and beauty.
    • Try to put the keys on the same place, then everything in the house will be in perfect order - nothing will get lost, disappear or break.
    • Do not talk to the person who comes to your home, through the threshold - and on why quarrel?
    • Every evening before closing the curtains in your bedroom, this will preserve your peace of mind. And first thing in the morning, open the window - this will give you cheerfulness and good health. on structure on all day. If these actions become your mandatory daily ritual, then your luck will not escape you.
    • While cooking, never be sad or think about bad things. Remember that your thoughts and feelings can be transmitted through foods.

Home magic in the kitchen.

The kitchen is perhaps the most important place in every home, soon chi onYou need to use magic in it.

    • Always keep your trash can closed to save your money. Open bucket to fi on new losses.
    • Always cook your food well on structure. This will charge the food with positive energy and you will be able to on feeding your family is not easy delicious food, but also energetically useful.
    • Never leave dirty dishes behind on night is a sign of illness and failure. When leaving the kitchen, leave it clean and tidy, then the brownie will support you.
    • Place a coin under the tablecloth - it will attract good luck. in money.

Home magic in the living room.

If you want your home to always maintain an atmosphere of kindness and comfort, follow a few rules:

    • Pin a small pin to the curtain - this way you will protect your home from the negative energy of guests.
    • Keep it in this room on those more com on rich plants, they will help you restore the energy supply at home.
    • Keep the living room doors always open - this is how you show your hospitality by inviting good things into the house, good luck and happiness.

Home magic of the hallway.

From the hallway on chi onthere is a house. This place especially needs magic tricks.

    • Hang on there is a bell at the front door. When someone enters the house, the ringing of the bell will cleanse the guest of evil thoughts and unkind thoughts.
    • Place a rug near the front door. Every time you knock him out, say: “I’m driving everything bad out of the house, away!” Along with dust, you will get rid of negative energy in the house.
    • Hammer a nail into the door frame on good luck. When scoring, say: “I’m scoring.” on good luck, on happiness, on health and wellness. Let it be so". This is a strong protective amulet against damage and the evil eye.

All household chores can be turned into on A worthwhile magical ritual to attract prosperity to your home. Not everyone likes tidying up. Of course, who enjoys washing dishes, doing laundry, ironing, etc.? But if you make each action special, give it a magical meaning, you can not only quickly clean the entire apartment, but also attract good luck.

Home magic in practice.

Before you start the magical cleaning,onbuild yourself correctly. Now you will not remove garbage and dust, but cleanse your inner space.

So, on We're chomping at the bit.

When washing windowsthink about what you wipe okonto the World so that all your desires come true without distortion.

Do you grate carrots when cooking?Yes, this is a routine activity! Now you are not just grating carrots, but grinding out old grievances. Think about your grievances and disappointments in the process andonwatch how they are destroyed with a grater. It's a nice sight!

When you throw away old things, say: “The old goes away, the new comes!”

Are you washing clothes?No! By doing home magic, you erase all problems and charge your clothes with positive energy.

Are you ironing clothes?You smooth out your wrinkles, become younger and more attractive! Think about this as you go and smooth out everything carefully.

Are you preparing dinner?There is generally wide scope for magical rituals and conspiracies. Please note that each dish you prepare is a special potion that programsongood luck, fi onnew growth, health, beauty and love. Each ingredient has its own spell, which must be pronounced as it is added to the dish.

    • For example, when you throw an onion, say: “I throw an onion into the soup, so that illness will not strike me!”
    • Carrots: “I throw carrots into the soup, there will be strong love!”
    • Potato: “I’ll put potatoes in the soup, I’ll charge you with positivity!”
    • Dill: “I throw greens into the soup, I’ll have money!”
    • Salt: “I will salt all adversities, happiness to me on long years!"
    • Cabbage: “I’ll add cabbage as soon as possible so that my wallet isn’t empty!”

You can come up with your own conspiraciesongood luck, the main thing is that they reflect your desires and are pronounced positively.

Using the tricks of home magic, you can attractgood luckand prosperity for your home. Love your home and try to improve it as best as possible. Then he will be for youona worthwhile protection from damage, the evil eye, envy and troubles.

Rituals for good luck at the table.

    • If you want to recharge yourself with positive energy, then there is nothing better than doing it through products or on drinks that you consume every day.
    • When you drink tea, pay attention on on presence of bubbles on surfaces. If there are any, then immediately collect them with a spoon and eat them, saying the spell: “As the bubbles burst, so will my money appear!”
    • If you eat something small, like seeds or nuts, on example, then don’t forget to charge them with good luck. Be sure to say: “How many small parts, so many happy days for me!”
    • If you want to attract luck to yourself, then eat more honey. After all, on honey, as you know, all bees flock together, so why not lucky circumstances? Before eating a spoonful of honey and putting it in a dish( on drink), say: “Luck sticks to me like bees to honey.”

Rituals to attract good luck on the street.

    • If you are walking along an intersection, be sure to say the words of the conspiracy on good luck: “There are two roads, and only I follow the one that brings good luck
    • If you see a green light at a traffic light, then say to yourself: “I always have a green light everywhere, wherever I don’t go, everyone is happy for me; if I don’t want to, everything will come true!”
    • if you on were rude in a public place, then be sure to say after the offender: “Your negativity was with you and will remain with you, it’s not a stranger to me.” on before." This will disarm the rude on, and you will not become infected with negative emotions.

All onOur life is a ritual. And only you can decide which rituals you want to live by - good ones that bring happiness and give joy, or those that cause suffering, pain and leave resentment.

Black and white magic, spells black magic, love spells and black magic spells, practical black magic

Ordinary people also often possessed some magical knowledge, but not to the same extent as professionals. This did not surprise anyone; on the contrary, it was believed that in everyday life some information of a magical nature was necessary: ​​for example, for the treatment of minor illnesses, divination, enhancing beauty and attractiveness, and liking others. All this information was disseminated quite widely, but its transmission was far from simple matter: here we must take precautions so as not to lose the power of speech. Knowledge was passed on to younger people in their family or loved ones. Mainly when the elders, due to their physical condition, could no longer practice magic. For example, if a person's teeth fell out, it was believed that he had lost the power to cast a spell. Information that was useful to everyone was most easily disseminated. Almost everyone was well versed in what to do if their back ached during the harvest or if their hands had developed joints, how to get rid of toothache, “barley,” how to calm the cattle or ensure that the cow returns home every day. Information about treatment was actively disseminated among women children. In this case, we can talk about a kind of oral encyclopedia. Without turning to a specialist, it was possible to drive out moths and cricuses that attacked a child, gnaw at a child’s hernia, save a child from the “black disease” (epilepsy), speak out of fear, and protect from evil spirits. Most of the magical actions were performed by the mother herself, sometimes her own grandmother could replace her. But it was believed that it was the mother, directly connected by blood ties with the baby, who, through herself, could save him from all misfortunes. Sometimes it was framed as a kind of rebirth. When curing a child of a birthmark and other diseases, the mother had to sit down with her bare bottom and say: “The way your mother gave birth to you was.” A person was forced to turn to otherworldly forces in difficult life situations. There were spells against possible misfortunes: “from unjust judges”, “against those in power”, “in the eyes of the king”, “from the lord’s anger”. When leaving to become soldiers, men stocked up on prayers and spells to preserve weapons, for accuracy in shooting, “from a stray bullet.” Such magical techniques and acts of incantation combined words, actions and the use of special objects. A person possessing such amulets did not in any way consider himself to be knowledgeable. On the contrary, it was believed that, having lost, for example, an incantatory prayer written on a piece of paper, he would no longer be able to do anything, even if he remembered the text by heart. Of course, many people strove for magical knowledge, but not all. Most people believed that excessive knowledge, requiring communication with otherworldly forces, sometimes far from righteous, firstly, would be burdensome, and secondly, could be harmful to worldly and future life. This, of course, also affected the attitude of the church to this kind of activity. Among the uninitiated, there were mainly ideas about the possibility of a one-time appeal to the powers of black or white magic with the help of some auxiliary element - a word, an object, a special action. Some exceptions were made for mothers who had children under one year of age. Year is the date of transition from infancy to childhood. The transition expressed, as it were, the final break of mother and child with the other world from which the newborn came. Interestingly, within the first annual cycle, several more significant dates stand out for mother and child: 3 days, 40 stumps. The last date is especially important. After her, the woman is led into the temple. Before this, she is considered unclean. Later, the nursing mother’s connection with the other world weakens, but is still preserved for up to a year. The time frame for the separation of the soul of the deceased from the world of the living is similar: the soul can still return to the body for 3 days, stays in the house for 9 days, stays on earth for 40 days, in year the soul finally leaves for another world. To modern man It is difficult for a materialistic person to accept these provisions, but there was evidence of this, they are documented, and serious science is studying them. It is curious that the transition of the sorcerer’s soul to the world of ancestors is especially noted. His departure from the world of the living is a rather complicated thing, requiring a special ritual involving opening a chimney or making holes in the ceiling. At the moment of the soul's departure, a storm or hurricane usually begins. Often, after his real death, the sorcerer continues to appear to people, but in the form of a ghoul, a ghoul, sucking human blood at night, a walking dead man. In this case, magical intervention is required: the sorcerer’s grave is sprinkled with blessed poppy seeds, an aspen stake is driven in, and sometimes it pierces the ghoul himself. When the coffin is opened, it is usually found in an unnatural position for the deceased (face down, without traces of decay). In addition to ordinary people who have random contacts with witchcraft forces, and sorcerers themselves, who differ in the degree of involvement in the world of the devil, there is also a group of people like would have passed from the human hypostasis to the other world. These are those cursed most often with such curses as “Damn you!”, “Devil take you!”, “And may you perish to that Vodyanoy!” etc. If they were uttered at an unkind hour, the person becomes the prey of the one to whom he was sent. Sometimes the damned managed to escape from those who took them, Leshy, Vodyanoy, Domovoi, the devil. Then they asked the people they met to give them a cross or at least sign them with the sign of the cross, giving them, as it were, a new baptism. But in no case was it possible to give away your pectoral cross, otherwise the evil one would take with him a new worker to replace the one who had escaped, since this person remained unprotected without a cross. Those who came from an unreal existence in the Christian world usually do not live long: among people they begin to yearn and die. As a rule, they talk about their life with the unclean in quite detail, depicting a world similar to ours, but invisible to the common man. Only those who have special knowledge and strength. By the way, seers can report on the whereabouts of disappeared people. The damned resemble those who died an early death, who often strive to return to the living if their life was interrupted unexpectedly and unnaturally. But their real return is incredible. The ideas of the Eastern Slavs about the transition of the human soul from one world to another echo the more or less scientific theories that are popular today, such as theosophy or the “living ethics” of E. I. Roerich. Slavic myths and folklore bring to us numerous information about the penetration of the soul of a living person into another world. And these are not only wanderings during the so-called “fading” - lethargic sleep, but also purposefully carried out transitions of strong connoisseurs of magical art.

Usually under the words household magic understand the application of a little magic when faced with the most minor inconveniences. Such magic is unlikely to arouse the interest of an experienced sorcerer, but its undoubted advantage is that it can be used by anyone far from esotericism and witchcraft. Distinctive feature household magic is that its practices do not require compliance with various rituals, since they are all completely built on visualization, as well as correct use certain objects that we often come into contact with (keys, comb, broom, pieces of furniture, etc.).

Magic in everyday life: simple examples

Many housewives themselves carry out the simplest techniques to help cleanse their home and bring prosperity to the house. The only thing they lack is visualization of their actions, as well as positive thinking aimed at eliminating various troubles and anxieties.
Most suitable magic for everyday life– general cleaning, which allows you to solve many problems at once. When sweeping an apartment with a broom, you can imagine how you sweep out everything bad from your home - quarrels and possible troubles, failures, illnesses.
Any dirt attracts negative energy, so never leave dirty dishes for tomorrow and do not keep old, broken or spoiled things at home: torn clothes that were darned with difficulty attract poverty, a crack on a plate attracts negative energy, cracked mirrors attract misfortune to the house and destroy happiness.

Children and household magic

Small children feel the energy of things much better than adults, so this is the easiest way to arrange your home. the best way- is to watch them. If in a dream a child constantly changes the position of his body so that his feet are on the pillow, it means that he instinctively takes the position necessary for energy balance. If this happens regularly, turn the bed over and position it in a way that is comfortable for your baby.

Magic in everyday life: practice and examples

When most often we need magic in everyday life? When faced with various difficulties, the most common of which are forced delays or inappropriate weather. To get where you want to go, imagine how the clock hand slows down, how its movements become more and more slow. Now you won't be late.
To keep warm during the cold, visualize a warm ball of fire around you, warming you with its warmth. Particular attention should be paid to your hair, and this rule applies to both women and men. Buy a comb yourself, without giving it to anyone, otherwise it may negatively affect the energy contained in the hair. Women should keep their comb in a secret place, along with other jewelry and jewelry.
Another important magical item is the key to the front door. It also should not be trusted or given into anyone’s hands. This is connected not only with the practical side of the issue - protection from robbery, but also with the mystical - an attacker or an envious person can bring illness and failure into the house.