Does laxative help you lose weight reviews. Natural and synthetic laxatives for weight loss: pros and cons, which one to choose? Correct use of laxatives

In search of a fast-acting way to lose weight, many consider one of the most natural options for losing extra pounds - taking laxative medications.

Special medications that speed up metabolism give quick results. But is this extreme measure good for your health? What is the essence of losing weight with laxatives and which ones are better, we will consider further.

Is it possible to lose weight using laxatives?

Poor diet and other aspects that lead to constipation make life difficult for every person. Taking laxatives has a detrimental effect on the body, but there are cases of difficult bowel movements when special medications cannot be avoided.

The principle of action of the laxative is to stimulate metabolism and speed up. This drug is not beneficial for weight loss, since by using a laxative, a person does not lose fat mass, but only deposits accumulated in the intestines, which would have left the body in any case.

Controversial issue Is it possible to lose weight if you drink a laxative every day? On the one hand, the body easily parts with extra pounds by accelerating metabolism. On the other hand, for a long-term effect of losing weight, in addition to taking such medications, it is necessary to review your diet and add it to your daily routine physical activity.

It should be noted that uncontrolled use of laxative diet pills is addictive, due to which the drug will not only stop working, but will also worsen your health over time. In addition, after taking this kind of medication, useful substances are lost along with the feces.

Taking laxatives for the purpose of losing weight is strictly prohibited:

  • with inflammation in the intestines;
  • with poorly developed intestinal flora;
  • for disorders of the digestive system;
  • for kidney and heart diseases.

Which one is better?

For those who have decided on this method of getting rid of kilograms, let’s consider which laxative is best for losing weight.

Let's consider 10 the best means having a laxative effect:

  • "Fitolax"- delicious chewable tablets containing apricot, senna extract, dill and plantain. It is recommended to take two tablets in the evening, with meals;
  • "Normaze" And "Duphalac" soften stool and promote the production of normal intestinal microflora. These medications are recommended for use 3 times a day, 15 ml;
  • Suppositories with glycerin contribute to a comfortable bowel movement. As for use, use one suppository per day rectally;
  • Microclysters "Microlax" sold in every pharmacy, without a prescription. Apply 5 ml rectally;
  • Magnesium sulfate- a strong remedy in powder form. You need to drink one powder per day;
  • Tablets "Senade" and "Senadexin". For the most comfortable bowel movement in the morning, you should take one tablet of one of these remedies at night;
  • Bisacodyl preparations You should take one tablet or one suppository per day;
  • Sodium picosulfate preparations - “Slabilen”, “Guttalax”, “Regulax”, “Laxigal” should be taken 10-20 drops at night.

Choosing the best laxative for weight loss depends on desired result. If the goal is a one-time dose, during which you want to get the maximum weight, then it is preferable to use medications with an irritating effect on the intestines. Taking this remedy at night will help you feel lighter in the morning.

If you plan to use this method of losing weight constantly, take care of your intestinal microflora with probiotics and proper nutrition. Will help achieve a softer effect folk remedies:

  • herbs;
  • vegetable fiber.

The following foods contain fiber:

  • apples;
  • banana;
  • blueberry;
  • dates;
  • grapefruit;
  • oranges;
  • peaches;
  • raspberry;
  • strawberry;
  • pears;
  • beet;
  • avocado;
  • carrot;
  • tomatoes;
  • zucchini;
  • bran;
  • oatmeal.

15 minutes before consuming the above products, it is recommended to drink a glass warm water With lemon juice, because:

  • water contains many useful substances, including vitamins A, B and C;
  • a mixture of water and lemon improves the functioning of the intestines, liver and digestive system;
  • this mixture fights heart problems;
  • cleanses the blood;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • helps with colds;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves skin condition;
  • freshens breath;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • keeps the body in good shape;
  • improves mood.

Effective tablets

Laxative diet pills do not produce the same effect as diet or exercise. Because the next time you eat, the excess weight will come back to you. Whatever the pills, you will not be able to maintain an ideal figure for a long time with their help.

Besides, Abuse of laxatives for weight loss contributes to the development of the following problems:

  • the body's protective properties decrease;
  • the production of sex hormones decreases;
  • hair falls out;
  • acne appears;
  • nails break;
  • cramps in the abdominal area;
  • nausea;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • drug dependence.

Laxative probiotics that are gentler on the body and not only stimulate fast weight loss, but also restore the normal balance of the intestinal microflora. The effect of a good laxative for weight loss should be mild and not cause discomfort. The optimal dose is 360 mg per day.

Let's consider list of the most effective tablets:

  • "Bixacodyl";
  • "Laxacodil";
  • "Laxatin";
  • "Dulcolax";
  • "Bisad";
  • "Laxbene";
  • "Pirilax";
  • "Stadalax".

What can pregnant women drink?

A laxative for pregnant women at home promotes an easy bowel movement. While pregnant, expectant mothers often face constipation problems. In that case, recommended use natural remedies weight loss:

  • kefir;
  • prunes;
  • vegetable salads with sunflower oil.

Also The following laxatives are allowed for pregnant women:

  • enemas, microenemas - “Mikrolaks”, “Normacol”, “Norgalax”;
  • candles - “Ferollax”, “Calciolax”, Eva Q”, “Glycelax”, “Viferon”;
  • syrups - “Duphalak”, “Portalak”, “Normaze”, “Lisalak”, “Lactulose Poly”, “Lactulose Stada”, “Romphalak”;
  • drops - “Guttalax”, “Laxigal”, “Regulax Picosulfate”, “Slabicap”, “Slabilen”;
  • tablets - “Bisacodyl”, “Glaxenna”, “Guttalax”, “Dulcolax”, “Laxatin”, “Pursennid”, “Laxbene”, “Regulax”, “Senalex”, “Senna”;
  • prebiotics - “Lactusan”, “Preluxan”.

Prebiotics help for constipation 2-3 days after their use. Action of microenemas comes within 10-15 minutes.

To avoid side effects, it is recommended that pregnant women replace medications for weight loss with products that have a laxative effect:

  • apples, pears;
  • prunes, dried apricots, raisins;
  • cucumbers;
  • kefir and yogurt;
  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • zucchini;
  • broccoli, lettuce;
  • plum, strawberry;
  • apricots, peaches;
  • buckwheat, millet and pearl barley;
  • oatmeal;
  • soups.

Folk remedies

An alternative to purchased weight loss medications can be a homemade mixture. Thus, the process of defecation is gentle, and the procedure can be repeated much more often than when using medications.

Make a laxative at home for weight loss can be made from ordinary water and salt:

  • dissolve salt in warm liquid, at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter of water;
  • You should drink 1-3 liters on an empty stomach within an hour.

The following types of oils are excellent as a harmless home remedy:

  • castor;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • olive

Recipes delicious ways to cleanse the intestines:

Salad “Brush”

Salad "Brush"

To use it you will need to mix:

  • half cabbage;
  • two carrots;
  • one apple;
  • celery root;
  • one beet;
  • 150 grams of prunes;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil.

Aloe with honey

Aloe with honey

Ingredients: 150 grams of aloe leaves, 300 grams of honey.

  • chop aloe leaves;
  • heat honey;
  • mix the ingredients;
  • insist for 24 hours;
  • Take a tablespoon one hour before meals.

Walnuts with milk

Walnuts with milk

Ingredients: 150 g walnuts, liter of milk.

  • crush the nuts;
  • boil milk;
  • pour milk over nuts;
  • cook for 5-10 minutes;
  • strain the prepared broth;
  • take half a glass, 2-3 times a day.

Laxative tea

Laxative tea for weight loss is sold both in pharmacies and in regular grocery stores. Manufacturers promise not only frequent urge to the toilet, but also cleanses the body of toxins, speeds up metabolism and improves well-being.

Special tea with a laxative effect consists of the same ingredients as medications:

  • senna, also known as Alexandrian leaf;
  • toadflax;
  • buckthorn root;
  • rhubarb;
  • Sudanese rose.

The effectiveness of tea for weight loss is reflected in the improvement of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but you should not get carried away with it, since long-term use can lead to the leaching of beneficial substances from the intestinal microflora, which will be replaced by pathogenic bacteria.

Introducing laxative tea recipes:


Mix buckthorn bark, nettle leaves, and yarrow grass in equal proportions. Pour 250 ml of boiled water over the plants. Leave for 20 minutes. Take half a glass at night.


Mix 400 g of buckthorn bark, 100 g of coriander and the same amount of marshmallow root. Pour in 200 ml of water and bring to a boil. Then cook for 5-7 minutes, strain and drink hot.


mix 100 g of buckthorn bark, anise, fennel and 200 g of licorice root. Pour boiling water over and leave for half an hour. Express. Drink a glass at night and in the morning.


Laxative herbs for weight loss are one of the oldest remedies that people use to cleanse the body, including stimulating the intestines. Usually, to obtain the effect, they combine preparations from various plants and roots.

The most accessible and safest recipes are:

  • A decoction of chamomile, marshmallow and licorice root. All ingredients must be in equal quantities. It should be taken at night, and the effect occurs in the morning;
  • A collection of dill seeds, flax and buckthorn bark, in a ratio of 1:1:4. Pour boiling water over the herbs and leave to simmer for an hour. You should take half a glass, half an hour after meals.

Also, can be brewed separately:

  • buckthorn,
  • senna;
  • fennel;
  • cilantro;


Let's look at the most common recipes:

Mix 100 g of yarrow herb, 200 g of stinging nettle. Pour 300 ml of boiling water and leave for 45 minutes. Strain and take half a cup at night.


Boil water and add 200 g of finely chopped dandelion roots into it. Cook for 25 minutes on low heat. Strain and take 50 ml before meals.


Mix equal amounts of healthy strawberries, mint, nettle, chamomile flowers, tansy, anise, sorrel root, valerian and buckthorn bark. Pour boiling water over and cook for 20 minutes. Leave for one hour. Strain. Take in the mornings and evenings after meals.


Food products can be either fast-acting or have a cumulative effect.
Fermented milk products and plant-based foods rich in fiber work best on the digestive system.

The most common and easy method fight against overweight Recently there is a mechanical effect on the body, such as a laxative for weight loss.

Types of laxatives for weight loss

All drugs that give a laxative effect can be divided into several groups:

  • fiber-based laxative for weight loss. This can be powdered bran, a laxative of plant origin, for example, phytomucil. The action of these drugs is based on an increase in the volume of feces and their natural evacuation under the influence of gravity. Bran is able to absorb water, the amount of the target product increases, and, as a result, you run to the toilet. This is the only safe method of cleansing the intestines while fighting extra pounds, which also helps suppress appetite by filling the gastrointestinal tract with non-calorie fiber;
  • mineral laxatives for weight loss - Glauber's salt, magnesium. These substances squeeze feces out of a person due to the fact that they are lighter than water. One step is enough to guarantee a whole day of interesting leisure time in the toilet. These drugs, which have a laxative effect, wash out the intestinal flora, provoke severe indigestion, and require restoration with prebiotics;
  • oil laxative for weight loss – all types vegetable oils and paraffin oil. This plant-based laxative is not absorbed and passes in its original form through the gastrointestinal tract, while “pulling out” everything that is there with it. The use of oils may be advisable during a protein diet, but for a healthy person it will only bring diarrhea;
  • amplifiers of peristalsis with a laxative effect. These are maltitol, sorbitol, bisacodyl and herbal laxatives. They provoke intestinal spasms, which cause the laxative effect. But the intestines degrade from external stimulation. A person gradually gets used to the fact that he can only go to the toilet with a pill, and if he refuses it, he becomes constipated.

The effectiveness of laxatives for weight loss

Can I take a laxative? Before answering this question, let's understand something else. Is it even worth taking it specifically for the purpose of fighting extra pounds?

To burn fat, it is necessary to increase energy expenditure and also reduce the intake of calories into the body. This is an ironclad rule. And laxatives for weight loss are taken for two reasons:

  • quick plumb in the morning after taking the product;
  • reduction of edema, which is mistakenly taken for a reduction in the fat layer.

Typically, a laxative provokes a contraction of the intestinal muscles, which leads to the evacuation of feces. The body cannot slow down in time and throws out beneficial intestinal microflora, vitamins, fluid necessary for metabolism, minerals and food that is not fully digested.

This all reduces the number on the scale, bulging bellies, helps button up the dress, but the fats remain in place. A laxative for weight loss does not increase energy expenditure and does not block the absorption of fats and carbohydrates.

When you take a laxative, fiber, minerals and vitamins are removed from your body, so you do not get rid of the calories you eat.

Safety of laxatives for weight loss

Can I take a laxative? It is possible, but only for its intended purpose. It aims to ensure the evacuation of feces from the intestines in patients with chronic constipation and obstruction.

Laxatives are contraindicated:

  • with a tendency to inflammation in the intestines;
  • with underdeveloped intestinal flora;
  • with tendencies to eating disorders;
  • for kidney and heart diseases.

Taking laxatives removes intestinal flora from the body, which leads to serious digestive problems. In addition, laxatives interfere with the absorption of minerals and fat-soluble vitamins, leading to a slowdown in metabolism, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the rectum, irritable bowel syndrome, and systematic constipation.

There are cases where a person lost the ability to go to the toilet without pills. That is, he became dependent on laxatives.

Laxative diet

The laxative diet is based on the consumption large quantity fiber. It is indicated for people suffering from constipation. Foods with fiber are a natural laxative.

It’s easy to increase your fiber intake: eat more raw vegetables and fruits, cereal bran, dried fruits, and whole grain bread. This laxative diet prevents constipation and saturates the body with minerals and vitamins.

To further stimulate intestinal activity on a laxative diet, you can drink a glass of warm water with the juice of one lemon in the morning 15 minutes before meals. The drink can be sweetened with a spoon of honey.


Do not take laxatives without a doctor's prescription!

If you have been taking such medications for a long time, consult a specialist about measures that will help restore your intestinal microflora.

Try to eat more fiber, eat right, drink a lot of water so that your intestines work like clockwork. In addition, lead an active life and include physical activity in your daily schedule. Don't forget about abdominal exercises to activate natural bowel function.

Love your own body and organism, then they will reciprocate you!

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There are so many who want to lose weight at any cost, just to quickly. People are looking for new ways to get rid of extra pounds in just a few days, preferably without making almost any effort. This is why dubious methods such as pills, teas and laxatives for weight loss are becoming more common. Moreover, almost no one pays attention to doctors’ warnings about the harm these drugs can cause to the body if taken incorrectly or uncontrolled.

In fact, laxatives have been used for weight loss for a very long time. Back in the 17th and 18th centuries, before the ballroom seasons, noble beauties used similar tricks to make their figure plump over the summer slimmer. True, the choice of means was small at that time - castor oil for weight loss was actually the only available drug, which pharmacists were happy to sell at exorbitant prices.

But in those days, no one thought about what really causes rapid weight loss if you drink a laxative. To modern man Even without fundamental knowledge of anatomy, it is quite easy to answer this question. Laxatives cause diarrhea, which causes fluid and feces to leave the body.

Important! Even the best laxative has absolutely nothing to do with burning fat deposits!

Truth or myth?

To understand whether it is possible to lose weight with the help of a laxative, let's look at the most popular arguments in favor of this remedy, which are given by its adherents, and try to understand what is true and what is a myth. They sincerely believe that laxatives are ideal for weight loss because they:

Types of laxative

There are different types of laxatives for weight loss. And the mechanisms of their influence on humans are quite different. You definitely need to know about this if you decide to get rid of excess weight with the help of these drugs. Please note that each group has its own contraindications and, if used incorrectly, can cause harm to the body.

Fiber based

The most safe means, which stimulate the natural passage of feces. Coarse plant fibers, entering the intestines, absorb water (and substances dissolved in it - useful and harmful) and significantly increase in volume. Due to this, they seem to push out the contents of the large intestine, while at the same time actually helping to cleanse themselves of toxins.

But when using such drugs, you need to drink a lot - at least 2 liters per day. Otherwise, fiber will simply begin to draw water from the body, dehydrating it. And first of all - from the intestines, causing severe constipation.


The most common drugs in this group that are used for weight loss are magnesia (Epsom salt) and mirabilite (Glauber's salt). You can buy them without a prescription at any pharmacy; the price is low, which makes these laxatives very popular. The compounds of these salts attract water, under the pressure of which feces are expelled.

It's easy to overdo the dosage. Even a slight excess of it can provoke severe diarrhea, and therefore dehydration.

Such “washing” of the intestines, performed once, will not cause much damage to the body. But with regular repetition it breaks down water-salt metabolism and dysbiosis develops.


As the name implies, these are all natural vegetable or mineral oils that are taken orally: paraffin oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil, rapeseed oil, castor oil. If drunk in sufficiently large quantities on an empty stomach, they will very quickly lead to the urge to go to the toilet. In their pure form, they are not absorbed by the intestine, but lubricate its walls and “fly” out along with all its contents.

But some of the fat you drink naturally remains in the body and requires additional effort to utilize it.

This method of cleansing the intestines is strictly contraindicated for diabetics, people with diseases of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. It won't cause much harm to others, but it won't do any good either.

Peristalsis enhancers

These are mainly pharmaceutical preparations, some of which are created on a natural basis (maltitol, sorbitol, senna extract, etc.) or traditional medicines (Bisacodyl, etc.). They irritate the intestines and thus stimulate peristalsis. It actually cleans faster and better than naturally. But if there is little stool, and the remedy continues to act, then quite severe abdominal pain may occur.

The biggest disadvantage of drugs in this group is that the body quickly gets used to them. After just a few doses, the intestines stop “active” on their own and wait for a new dose of the stimulant.

This type of laxative is contraindicated for people with hemorrhoids, intestinal colic, or ulcers.

Herbal teas

Today you can buy tea for weight loss everywhere. The composition and cost of teas vary greatly. Therefore, you need to buy such drugs very carefully, having first carefully studied what exactly is in the package. Perhaps you are allergic to one of the components, or there are contraindications to it.

When taking laxative tea for weight loss, you must strictly follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer, and not drink it instead of water. But clean water During this period, you need to drink more to prevent dehydration.

You can use not collections, but decoctions of individual plants. For example, buckthorn bark for weight loss gets very good reviews. It acts quite gently and has minimal contraindications.

Possible problems

Before you seriously think about which laxative is best for losing weight, let's learn about the risks due to which doctors are categorically against this method:

  • Addiction. Moreover, dependence on laxatives can be not only physiological, when a person can no longer defecate on his own, but also psychological. Why restrict yourself in food if you can take a pill and get rid of everything unnecessary?!
  • Dehydration. Many people, while taking a laxative, continue to drink the standard 1.5-2 liters of water per day, most of which is lost along with feces. On the day you take the drug, you need to drink much more than 2.5-3 liters per day!
  • Violation of water-salt balance. May lead to problems with the cardiovascular and nervous systems. To restore it, you need to drink freshly squeezed juices, mineral water or "Regidron" and similar drugs.
  • Excess carbohydrates. If you always take a laxative after eating, then fats and proteins are really poorly absorbed by the body - simply because the normal digestion process is disrupted. But carbohydrates manage to get into the blood before the drug begins to act. You continue to eat a lot, believing that all excess is eliminated from the body. As a result, weight gain is practically guaranteed!
  • Dysbacteriosis. With the flow of water, not only “harmful” substances are washed out of the body, but also beneficial microflora, which provide protection against pathogenic microorganisms. The result is a sharp decrease in immunity, an increased risk of contracting an intestinal infection and other troubles.
  • Slowing metabolism. Because of such a harsh effect on the body, it becomes confused. Nutrients from food cease to be supplied normally, which means that austerity mode is activated - metabolic processes slow down. Therefore, even if you eat less while taking a laxative, you will not be able to lose weight.

It is for these reasons that doctors categorically do not recommend using laxatives unless absolutely necessary.


Laxatives are not intended for weight loss at all! They are designed to help those people who, for some reason, cannot empty their intestines on their own, and prolonged or too frequent use of them is unacceptable.

But there are also categorical contraindications when laxatives are not prescribed even by doctors:

  • inflammation, ulcers or bleeding in the intestines;
  • intestinal infections and colic;
  • hemorrhoids in the acute stage or recently operated on;
  • bulimia, anorexia and other mental disorders;
  • liver, kidney or heart failure.

Important! With great caution, only for medical reasons, only some laxatives can be used during pregnancy!

Probably, a laxative for weight loss at home is the most harmful strategy for quickly losing excess weight. Surely, you have heard a certain lady say: “Oh, yesterday I overate at the banquet, I’ll drink senna on the weekend and everything will go away.” Well, specialized forums are full of recipes for using bisacodyl, and even Fortrans with Lavacol for weight loss. By the way, the last words are the only thing that is true in this whole story with “slimming laxatives.” The weight will actually decrease. In the intestines of a healthy person, after all, there is up to 3 kg of feces. You just have to take them out, achieve a little dehydration after them, and, voila, “a quick plumb”!

Types of laxatives for weight loss

Conventionally, all laxative splendor can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Natural laxatives for weight loss and cleansing based on fiber. These are the well-known natural laxatives “phytomucil”, various types bran powder, and even home recipe" ". The action is based on increasing the volume of feces and their natural evacuation under the pressure of gravity. The bran absorbs water, the target product becomes larger, and you run to the toilet easily and joyfully. By and large, these are the only safe means for cleansing the intestines when losing weight, which, by the way, helps reduce appetite by filling the gastrointestinal tract with almost calorie-free fiber. Drink more water, and gradually switch from pharmaceutical fiber to natural fiber, from vegetables and fruits.
  2. Mineral natural laxatives - magnesia, Glauber's salt. These substances are lighter than water, due to which they simply “squeeze” feces out of a person. The most "fun" part of the laxative world. Usually, a single dose of this remedy is enough to provide yourself with interesting leisure time in the toilet for the whole day. In the old days, until metal salts were called fortrans and sold for 600+ rubles, it was magnesia that was given to patients before abdominal operations. They cause severe digestive upset, wash out the intestinal flora, and require restorative therapy with prebiotics.
  3. Natural oil preparations - vaseline (paraffin) oil, and, in folk medicine, all types of vegetable oils. By the way, he advises his patients to season their salads with paraffin oil. The laxatives themselves are not absorbed and pass through the gastrointestinal tract “as is,” at the same time, “pulling out” everything that is there. Perhaps the use of such oils is justified on a protein diet, but for a healthy person with a diet rich in fiber, it will not bring any benefits other than diarrhea.
  4. Peristalsis enhancers - senna, bisacodyl, sorbitol and maltitol in large doses. This class causes real intestinal spasms, due to which the laxative effect occurs. True, unlike our muscles, the intestines do not develop from external stimulation, but degrade. Gradually, a person gets used to “walking only with a pill,” and gets sick at any attempt to refuse it.

The laxative Lavacol stands apart - it is a more humane analogue of Fortrans. It contains substances that block dehydration, but it also acts like a hurricane, taking away all the beneficial flora with it.

Why laxatives are harmful for weight loss

First of all, losing weight with laxatives causes an unhealthy psychological dependence. The person behaves like an irresponsible child - I ate, took a pill, it went away, I won’t get better. Meanwhile, most of the carbohydrates had time to be “absorbed into the blood” even before you thought about a laxative, and the fats in the intestines also had time, not to mention the proteins. Only food residues that do not contain calories are eliminated from the body.

Yes, it gives weight loss the next morning. And an increase 3 days after massive overeating. And psychological dependence creates the illusion that you can overeat and lose weight at the same time. As a result, no permanent weight loss, just alternating between losing and gaining 5 kg and a lifelong passion for losing weight.

In addition, laxative tablets, for example, Senade, “accustom” the intestines to help, in other words, they cause physical dependence. Refusal from pills is “rewarded” with massive constipation. The same thing is caused by tea with senna “for weight loss,” which is loved by people who are losing weight.

Laxatives also lead to dehydration. Which, by the way, slows it down. But saving every calorie is not what we strive for when losing weight, is it?

It’s somehow inconvenient to even write about the consequences in the form of brittle nails and hair loss. Everyone knows about this - impaired absorption of vitamins and nutrients has never made anyone beautiful and healthy.

And finally, no nutritionist recommends using laxatives for weight loss. If you adhere to it, add fresh kefir and bran to it, but not the tablet, and the desired effect will be achieved. In general, it is better to try to avoid diets that cause constipation, at least as a main diet for many months.

Perhaps the easiest and most common way to lose weight among those losing weight is a mechanical effect on the body, such as vomiting or an enema, and, as an alternative, laxatives to speed up bowel movements.

Since vomiting is too unpleasant and even painful, many people prefer to empty their bowels. The most popular method today is the use of specialized medicines. According to the results of the research, experts have found an increase in sales of laxatives over the past 10 years by 30% and this figure is growing every year. Of course, the environment and nutrition have an adverse effect on our body and intestinal function, but as the results of the study showed, the majority of consumers of laxative drugs are overweight or obese people.

There was a time, and I, like these people, hoped that I could lose weight with the help of laxatives. I drank special cleansing tea. But not only did I not lose weight, I gained it safely.

Therefore, I decided to look into this issue and understand what was stopping me from losing weight using laxatives. How deeply I was mistaken in my beliefs, I think, just like you. Therefore, I hasten to dispel the myths about the benefits of laxatives for weight loss. So let's get started.

Myth No. 1. Laxatives do not allow the intestines to absorb fats and carbohydrates from food.

Utter nonsense! Carbohydrates enter the bloodstream almost immediately after they enter the stomach. These are the fastest elements that enter our body with food. And after carbohydrates are processed into the energy we need, excess sugar is converted into fats, which are safely deposited in our body.

Myth #2: Laxatives will help your bowels work regularly.

Regularly? Maybe, but not right. By the way, your bowel movements will be regular as long as you use these laxatives. And the longer you do this, the less you allow your bowels to work on your own, and at one point, when you stop using laxatives, you simply will not be able to empty your bowels on your own. All organs in our body have the ability to adapt to the conditions in which you place them. If you stop using the natural function of your intestines, it means you don’t need it and over time it will simply stop working (this is also called “lazy bowel syndrome”). Try to lie on the couch for several months - your legs will give out, your muscles will simply atrophy.

Myth No. 3. Regular bowel movements will help you lose weight.

You are definitely right! Regular bowel movements will help you lose weight, provided you eat right, exercise healthy image life and support physical activity. Regular bowel movements only show that your body is working correctly. And if you have problems with excess weight, then the intestines are absolutely not to blame.

But all this concerns the natural functioning of the intestines, and not its artificial emptying. By washing away from the intestines everything that is most valuable for the body (magnesium, calcium, other minerals, thereby disturbing the body’s water balance), you only aggravate your condition. Without these vital microelements, you will never be able to lose weight, because you disrupt the entire metabolic mechanism of the body. And metabolic disorders are the first path to obesity.

Myth No. 4. Colon cleansing removes toxins from the body.

In truth, in medicine and science there is no such thing as waste. There is a concept of toxins that are dangerous to our body. But they are not concentrated in the intestines, but deep in the tissues of the entire body, and their removal requires a lot of time and special equipment.

Perhaps, when talking about waste, many people mean the so-called fecal stones, which accumulate in the human intestines as a result of serious illnesses. And their removal is carried out surgically.


So, first of all, do not use a laxative without a doctor's prescription.

Secondly, if you have been using laxatives for a long time, consult your doctor about how best to restore your intestinal microflora.

Third, eat right, eat more fiber and drink more water to keep your bowels moving like clockwork.

And lastly, lead an active lifestyle, include physical activity in your daily schedule, and be sure to do abdominal exercises to activate the natural function of your intestines.

Love your body, and it will definitely reciprocate. Good luck!

Watch the “Health” program, which talks about the dangers of laxatives.